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    Luis Palau

    • Cuando La Soledad Duele – (Spanish)


      La soledad que duele es un enemigo silencioso, y destructor. Se oculta y ataca desde las sombras en el momento mas impensado. Es melancolia, es tristeza en el alma que sale por los poros, deforma la cara, y entristece los ojos. La soledad que duele, una vez que se afinco en una persona no se ahuyenta rodeandose intencionalmente de gente, o sumergiendose en una voragine de actividades, y mucho menos con el alcohol, las drogas, o compaias eventuales. La soledad que duele puede ser fisica, emocional, espiritual y hasta virtual. Hay soledad en la vejez, pero la hay tambien en la juventud. Duele en la falta de pareja, en el abandono, en la viudez y en la solteria. Duele por las noches, y los domingos por la tarde. Duele, aunque se oculte detras de exitos eventuales. Duele y dolera hasta encontrar la conexion por donde fluye la compaia perfecta, la “pieza faltante” en la vida que cambia el entorno, pero lo hace desde el individuo. La pieza faltante que completa el alma, cubre el dolor y lo deshace.

      En este libro revelaremos cada area de la soledad que duele, y la aislaremos tratandola desde la perspectiva biblica con el auxilio del Espiritu Santo, hasta que desaparezca.

      The loneliness that hurts is a silent and destructive enemy. It hides and attacks from the shadows at the most unexpected moment. It is melancholy, it is sadness in the soul that comes out through the pores, deforms the face, and saddens the eyes. The loneliness that hurts, once it has settled in a person, cannot be warded off by intentionally surrounding yourself with people, or immersing yourself in a maelstrom of activities, much less with alcohol, drugs, or occasional company. Loneliness that hurts can be physical, emotional, spiritual and even virtual. There is loneliness in old age, but there is also loneliness in youth. It hurts in the lack of a partner, in abandonment, in widowhood and in singleness. It hurts at night, and on Sunday afternoons. It hurts even if it hides behind eventual successes. It hurts and will hurt until you find the connection through which the perfect company flows, the “missing piece” in life that changes the environment but does so from the individual. The missing piece that completes the soul, covers the pain and undoes it.In this book we will reveal each area of loneliness that hurts, and we will isolate it, treating it from the biblical perspective with the help of the Holy Spirit, until it disappears.

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    • Fuego De Dios – (Spanish)


      El Dr. Luis Palau, con mas de seis decadas de exitoso ministerio, y una vida familiar y de liderazgo intachable, explica, en este libro, que existen dos tipos de “fuego interno” que moviliza la vida al servicio de Dios. Uno de ellos si proviene de Dios mismo, y arde en la vida como lo hacia en la zarza, desde donde le hablo a Moises. Arde sin consumir la zarza, arde sin dolor.

      Otro es el fuego que produce la iniciativa humana y la sangre que late por lograr las metas. Uno es fuego de Dios y otro es fuego del hombre mismo.

      Palau explica detalladamente en estas paginas que el fuego que no proviene de Dios consume. Explica que, por eso, muchos obreros cristianos terminan consumidos y desgastados, abandonando la lucha y desperdiciando dones y talentos. Otros caminan lastimandose a si mismos, y a sus familias a cada paso.

      Este libro contiene una guia con principios biblicos que conducen a una renovacion espiritual radical, y esta enfocado en todo lider y cristiano comprometido con la obra del Seor, que necesita abandonar conductas perjudiciales que lo estan incinerando, y encender en su vida el verdadero Fuego de Dios, que lleva a una vida exitosa.

      Dr. Luis Palau, with more than six decades of successful ministry, and an impeccable family and leadership life, explains in this book that there are two types of “internal fire” that mobilize life in the service of God. One of them does come from God himself and burns in life as he did in the bush, from where he spoke to Moses. It burns without consuming the bush, it burns without pain.

      Another is the fire that human initiative produces and the blood that beats to achieve the goals. One is the fire of God and the other is the fire of man himself.

      Palau explains in detail in these pages that the fire that does not come from God consumes him. He explains that because of this, many Christian workers end up consumed and worn out, abandoning the fight, and wasting gifts and talents. Others walk around hurting themselves, and their families at every turn.

      This book contains a guide with biblical principles that lead to a radical spiritual renewal and is focused on every leader and Christian committed to the work of the Lord, who needs to abandon harmful behaviors that are incinerating him and ignite in his life the true Fire of God, it leads to a successful life.

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    • Donde Esta Dios Cuando Sucede – (Spanish)


      Suffering: its stubborn inevitability prompts our deepest doubts about life_-as well as a profound search for meaning. Why do we suffer? Why must we lose the ones we love? Why must each of us face sickness and death? If God exists, where is God when these things happen? International evangelist Luis Palau has seen desperate suffering in the lives of millions of people all over the world and has experienced it in his own life, especially with the early death of his father and with his wife’s painful fight against breast cancer. In this book Palau helps those in pain come to grips with the crushing adversities of life by pointing them to the limitless resources found in God. Helpful to readers already committed in their faith, this book is an empathetic exploration of divine action in the midst of terrible pain.

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    • No Te Dejare Hasta Que Seas Pe – (Spanish)


      Un estudio de la vida del discipulo mas controversial de Jesus: Pedro.

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    • Dios Es Relevante – (Spanish)


      Many individuals today want to go it alone, without God. Either they feel no need for God, or they don’t want God in their lives_perhaps because of a bad experience with organized religion. Others may have doubts because God seems to be outdated or contrary to current thought. In this book, readers will tackle the difficult but timely question: is God relevant? If not, what are our options? If God is relevant, how? Luis Palau shows how God is a relevant, powerful, personal force that can transform our troubled times and guide us into the coming millennium.

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    • Calling America And The Nations To Christ


      Calling America and the Nations To Christ, is the autobiography of Luis Palau. Luis Palau is a world renowned evangelist, having proclaimed the Gospel to millions of people around the world. Luis Palau’s ministry began in Latin America, then moved to Britain. Since then, Palau has proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ to hundreds of millions of people via radio and television in ninety-five nations, face-to-face to more than 11 million people on six continents. In addition to his dynamic speaking ministry, Luis Palau is a prolific author. His three dozen books and booklets include the powerful What Is a Real Christian? evangelistic booklet which has been published in thirty-one languages worldwide. Luis also has contributed articles to more than a dozen and a half books and scores of periodicals. Calling America and the Nations To Christ is Luis Palau’s story as it’s told best, in his own words.

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