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    Sila Lee

    • Curso Para Novios Guia Del Lid (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


      La Guia del Lider del Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial contiene lo que se necesita para llevar a cabo el Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial.

      El Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial fue desarrollado por Nicky y Sila Lee, quienes lideran los ministerios de familia en la Iglesia HTB en Londres, y ha sido rediseado para ayudar a las parejas comprometidas o que estan explorando el matrimonio a construir una base solida para una relacion duradera. Aunque el curso se basa en principios cristianos, esta diseado para parejas con o sin antecedentes religiosos.

      El curso cubre:

      *La Comunicacion
      *El Conflicto
      *El Compromiso
      *La Conexion
      *Iniciando La Aventura

      Esta diseado para ser usado con la serie de videos del Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial. Esta solamente disponible en espaol en linea en:

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    • Curso Para Parejas Guia Del Li – (Spanish)


      Hoy nos enfrentamos a una crisis mundial en lo que respecta a las familias. Existe una necesidad que van en aumento de invertir en el matrimonio y en la vida familiar, porque las sociedades fuertes se construyen sobre familias solidas, y las familias solidas se basan en matrimonios fuertes. La Guia del Lider del Curso Para Parejas contiene lo que se necesita para llevar a cabo el Curso Para Parejas.

      El Curso Para Parejas fue desarrollado por Nicky y Sila Lee, quienes lideran los ministerios para familias en la Iglesia HTB en Londres, y ha sido revisado y actualizado para proporcionar herramientas practicas para ayudar a las parejas en cada etapa de su relacion. Esta actualizacion incluye charlas de expertos como el Dr. Gray Chapman, el Dr. Henry Cloud y la Dra. Sue Johnson sobre temas como dinero, sexo, lenguajes del amor, limites saludables y fomentar conexiones. El curso tambien cubre como las parejas pueden:

      *Entender mejor las necesidades de los demas.
      *Comunicarse de una manera mas eficaz.
      *Acercarse el uno al otro aprendiendo metodos para resolver conflictos.
      *Recuperarse despues de haberse lastimado.
      *Reconocer como la crianza ha afectado su relacion.
      *Mejorar las relaciones con los padres y los suegros.

      El Curso Para Parejas se basa en una comprension cristiana del amor y sirve para fortalecer los matrimonios y relaciones dentro de la iglesia, siendo accesible para todas las parejas de cualquier origen cultural, con o sin antecedentes en la fe cristiana. Esta guia para lideres esta incluida con la serie de videos del Curso Para Parejas (9780310116714), la cual se vende por separado.

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    • Diario De Curso Para Parejas – (Spanish)


      El Curso para Matrimonios fue desarrollado por Nicky y Sila Lee, quienes supervisan los ministerios dirigidos a la familia en la Iglesia HTB en Londres. El curso ofrece a una pareja casada las herramientas para construir una relacion solida y saludable que dure toda la vida. Durante cada reunion o sesion, las parejas hablan sobre temas importantes que suelen ser ignorados en el quehacer de la vida diaria. Si bien el curso se basa en principios cristianos, esta diseado para parejas con o sin trasfondo eclesiastico religioso.
      Este estudio en forma de diario (o guia de estudio) es para que los invitados lo utilicen junto con el Curso para Matrimonios. La serie de siete sesiones esta diseada para apoyar a las parejas que buscan un apoyo practico para fortalecer su relacion.

      Las sesiones cubren:
      Fortalecimiento de la conexionEl arte de la comunicacionResolucion de conflictoEl poder del perdonLa influencia de la familiaSexo saludableAmor en accion

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    • Marriage Course Study Journal


      Today we are facing a global crisis when it comes to families. Marriages are under more pressure than ever. Many children are growing up without experiencing the security of their parents’ love and commitment to each other-and consequently are finding it harder to receive God’s unconditional love. There is an urgent need to invest in marriage and family life, for strong societies are built on strong families, and strong families are built on strong marriages.

      The Marriage Course, developed by Nicky and Sila Lee of Alpha, has been revised and updated to provide practical tools to help couples at every stage of their relationship. This update includes talks from experts including Dr. Gray Chapman, Dr. Henry Cloud, and Dr. Sue Johnson on topics such as money, sex, love languages, healthy boundaries, and building connections. The course will also cover how couples can:

      *Better understand each other’s needs
      *Communicate more effectively
      *Grow closer by learning methods to resolve conflicts
      *Recover from the way they may have hurt each other
      *Recognize how their upbringing has affected their relationship
      *Improve relationships with parents and in-laws

      The Marriage Course is based on a Christian understanding of love and serves to strengthen marriages within the church while being accessible for all couples from any cultural background, with or without a background in the Christian faith.

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    • Parenting Teenagers Course Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      The Parenting Teenagers Course consists of five sessions (or ten shorter ones), designed to equip those parenting or caring for 11 to 18-year-olds with the tools to build healthy relationship with their teenagers while guiding them into adulthood. Drawing on their own experience of bringing up four children and having talked to thousands of parents over the years on their parenting courses, Nicky and Sila Lee bring fresh insights and time-tested values to the task of parenting. The DVDs include film clips of parenting experts and of parents and teenagers sharing their own experiences of parenting or being parented, and they include breaks for practical exercises and discussions. This Leaders” Guide offers a concise yet thorough overview of the Parenting Teenagers” Course, session by session. It includes timetables for each session, suggested reading, details on how to set up and run the course, and practical tips for making your Parenting Teenagers” Course successful. The course is designed to be flexible and provides full instructions on how to use the material over five longer sessions or ten shorter sessions, depending on what suits your group. This Guide is also included in the DVD Set (SKU 100905).

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    • Parenting Children Course Leaders Guide


      The Parenting Children Course consists of five sessions (or ten shorter ones), designed to equip those parenting or caring for 0 to 10-year-olds, as well as parents-to-be, with long-term strategies to build a healthy family life. Drawing on their own experience of bringing up four children and having talked to thousands of parents over the years on their parenting courses, Nicky and Sila Lee bring fresh insights and time-tested values to the task of parenting. The DVDs include film clips of parenting experts and of parents and children sharing their own experiences of parenting or being parented, and they include breaks for practical exercises and discussions. This Leaders” Guide offers a concise yet thorough overview of the Parenting Children Course, session by session. It includes timetables for each session, suggested reading, details on how to set up and run the course, and practical tips for making your Parenting Children Course successful. The course is designed to be flexible and provides full instructions on how to use the material over five longer sessions or ten shorter sessions, depending on what suits your group. This Guide is also included in the DVD Set (SKU 100902).

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    • Parenting Book (Revised)


      “How are we supposed to raise a kid when it wasn”t that long ago that we were kids?” Many parents have thought this as they start their families and oftentimes they hope to just figure it out as they go. But parenting isn”t easy and eventually questions will arise: How can we meet our children”s needs? How and where do we set the boundaries? How can we pass on our values to our children? While parenting carries a big cost, it also can bring the highest of rewards: the depth of love a parent feels and the privilege of knowing that we have helped shape a life. Drawing on their own experience of bringing up four children and having talked to thousands of parents over the years on their parenting courses, Nicky and Sila Lee bring fresh insights and time-tested values to the task of parenting. Full of valuable advice and practical tips, The Parenting Book is a resource for parents to come back again and again. This book is a companion to the Parenting Children Course and the Parenting Teenagers Course which are five or ten week courses including DVDs, guest manuals, and leaders” guides. About the Speakers: Nicky and Sila Lee have been married for over thirty years and have four grown children. They are on staff at Holy Trinity Brompton in London and have spoken internationally to thousands on the subjects of parenting and marriage. 550 pages Volume pricing is available

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    • Curso Para Novios Diario Perso – (Spanish)


      Este Diario Personal esta diseado para ser usado con la serie de videos del Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial. Este curso fue desarrollado por Nicky y Sila Lee, quienes lideran los ministerios de familia en la Iglesia HTB en Londres. El Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial esta diseado para ayudar a las parejas comprometidas o que estan explorando el matrimonio a construir los cimientos para una relacion duradera. Aunque el curso se basa en principios cristianos, esta diseado para parejas con o sin antecedentes religiosos.

      Este Diario Personal para invitados esta diseado para ser utilizado junto con la serie de videos del Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial. La serie de cinco sesiones esta diseada para ayudar a las parejas que estan comprometidas o estan pensando prepararse para un futuro.

      Las sesiones cubren:

      *La Comunicacion
      *El Conflicto
      *El Compromiso
      *La Conexion
      *Iniciando la Aventura

      Esta guia para lideres esta incluida con la serie de videos del Curso Para Novios/Prematrimonial (9780310122470), la cual se vende por separado.

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