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Social Issues

Showing 501–550 of 899 results

  • Room At My Table


    Miss Evelyn, as she is known in her neighborhood, offers 52 winsome devotions that witness to Christian love as the foundation of gracious hospitality. Reflecting on gatherings at her table that have brought together friends, family, and strangers, Miss Evelyn inspires readers to reach out to others in their own setting to love their neighbor. A little helpful hosting advice and recipes along the way provide even more encouragement and delight. These devotional gems and recipes will appeal to a wide range of Christian women from practiced hostesses to those who desire to open their homes and hearts with grace and love. This book can be an appropriate gift for a hostess as well.

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  • Forward Together : A Moral Message For The Nation


    14 Chapters

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    In 2013, after seven years of grassroots organizing, “Moral Mondays” grabbed the nation’s attention as thousands protested North Carolina’s General Assembly in Raleigh in support of the poor, voting rights, health care, immigrant rights, and other issues. Over 13 consecutive weeks, the protests against legislative extremism resulted in the arrests of nearly 1,000 people, making it one of the largest acts of civil disobedience in U.S. history. As thousands more gathered in support each Monday, Barber, president of the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP, became widely recognized as the leader of a new civil rights movement in the South. More than 100 “Forward Together-Moral Monday” connected events have since taken place, and the spirit of the movement has spread to Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri, Wisconsin, and New York.

    This reflection on the movement’s beginnings introduces Barber, the sources of his courage from both a biblical imagination for justice and a deep connection to “fusion” civil rights history, and the inspiring story of the Southern freedom movement’s revival. Barber invites readers into a big-tent, faith-based movement for justice that has room for black, white, and brown, gay and straight, rich and poor, old and young, Republicans and Democrats, people from all walks of life. Offering his unique analysis of what he has called the “Third Reconstruction,” Barber locates North Carolina’s struggle in the spiritual and political landscape of 21st-century America. With civil rights and social justice battles with a deep moral narrative, particularly in southern statehouses that then move to federal courts on appeal, what happens in North Carolina can shift the center of gravity in political discourse, debate, and decision-and thereby change the nation.

    “Messages of moral dissent are designed not to just be spoken and heard but to shape the prophetic consciousness of a movement and of society,” says Barber. “The prophetic voice rises when government systems and sometimes even religious systems have abdicated their responsibility to the least of these. When the forces of extremism have become so overwhelming and have depressed the hope of the people, the prophetic voice and mission is to connect words and actions in ways that build restorative hope so that there can be a movement for restorative justice. So this book is an attempt to capture the practice of ‘preaching’ in the public square, which is where pr

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  • To Everyone An Answer


    In a society fascinated by spirituality but committed to religious pluralism, the Christian worldview faces sophisticated and aggressive opposition. A prior commitment to diversity, with its requisite openness and relativistic outlook, has meant for skeptics, critics and even many Christians that whatever Christianity is, it cannot be exclusively true or salvific. What is needed in this syncretistic era is an authoritative, comprehensive Christian response. Point by point, argument by argument, the Christian faith must be effectively presented and defended. To Everyone an Answer: A Case for the Christian Worldview offers such a response. Editors Francis J. Beckwith, William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland have gathered together in this book essays covering all major aspects of apologetics, including:

    faith and reason
    arguments for God’s existence
    the case for Jesus
    the problem of evil
    religious pluralism and Christian exclusivism

    Preeminent in their respective fields, the contributors to this volume offer a solid case for the Christian worldview and a coherent defense of the Christian faith.

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  • Compassion Without Compromise (Reprinted)


    Loving, Biblical Answers on Homosexuality

    How is the Bible’s teaching on homosexuality “Good News” to a world that increasingly finds that message intolerable? In their role as pastors, Adam Barr and Ron Citlau have seen how this issue can tear apart families, friendships, and even churches. In Compassion Without Compromise, they combine biblical answers about homosexuality with practical, real-world advice on how to think about and discuss this issue with those you care about. They also tell the story of Ron’s personal journey from sexual brokenness to healing.

    The authors bring sensitivity, humor, and pastoral winsomeness to the most controversial topic of our day. This book will offer an honest but inviting message to readers: those who embrace the Gospel can experience true freedom.

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  • Que Hacer Cuando Los Jovenes L – (Spanish)


    Cuando ayudar a los adolescentes en la multitud de problemas a los que se enfrentan durante la epoca de la vida por la cual estan pasando, no hay ningun manual que lo resuelva todo. Tanto si trabajas con adolescentes, como si estas tratando de educarlos en tu hogar, lo mas probable es que ya te hayas tropezado con unas cuantas cosas para las cuales te sentias carente de preparacion por completo, o mal equipado para enfrentarte a ellas. !Pero no estas solo! En la impactante Serie de libros Que hacer cuando…? te estamos ofreciendo respuestas a los dificiles interrogantes a los que te tienes que enfrentar cuando surgen esos desafios. Sabiendo que el noventa y cinco por ciento de las personas a las que se les ha diagnosticado un desorden en la alimentacion son jovencitas adolescentes, es probable que te encuentres con este problema si interactuas con adolescentes. En Que hacer cuando los adolescentes luchan con desordenes alimentacios, el doctor Steven Gerali te ayudara en los siguientes aspectos: * La comprension de los desordenes en la alimentacion, junto con los temas subyacentes que suelen contribuir a la aparicion de esos desordenes. * El reconocimiento de las seales de alerta que pueden significar que un adolescente esta desarrollando un desorden en la alimentacion. * La comprension del papel y la responsabilidad que le corresponden a la iglesia en cuanto a movilizar ayuda para los adolescentes con desordenes en la alimentacion. * La creacion de una intervencion cuando los adolescentes o sus padres niegan la existencia del problema. * El desarrollo de una estrategia de referencia a un especialista para los adolescentes que necesiten ayuda para enfrentarse a sus desordenes en la alimentacion. En este practico libro, descubriras las maneras de identificar y ayudar a un adolescente que este luchando con un desorden en la alimentacion, y encontraras una gran abundancia de recursos para conseguirles ayuda mas alla de la que tu seas capaz de darles.

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  • Gospel In The Marketplace Of Ideas (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Welcome To Athens
    2. Was Paul’s Speech At Athens A Mistake?
    3. Paul’s Athens
    4. Our Athens
    5. Paul’s Speech In Acts
    6. Paul’s Audience
    7. Paul’s Gospel For The Educated
    8. The Art Of Persuasion
    9. Acting On The Truth
    10. Going To Our Own Mars Hill
    Resources For Further Reading
    Study Questions For Group Discussion
    Subject Index

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    Our world is multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-philosophical. It ranges from fundamental monotheism to do-it-yourself spirituality to strident atheism. How can we authentically and effectively present the message of Jesus the Messiah in such a pluralistic and often relativistic context? When Paul visited Athens, as told in the book of Acts, he found an equally multi-cultural and multi-religious setting. From Jews to Gentiles, elite to poor, slaves to slave owners, from olive-skinned Gentiles to dark-skinned Ethiopians–the Greco-Roman world was a dynamic mixture. Religions practices were also wide and varied, with the Imperial cult of Emperor worship being the most prominent. Many also frequented the temples for the traditional Greek pantheon, and participated in the secret rituals of the Mystery Religions. Philosopher Paul Copan and New Testament scholar Kenneth Litwak team up to show how Paul’s example found in Acts 17 provide a practical model that still fits today. They uncover the cultural and religious background of this key episode in the Apostle’s career. With equal facility they show what it means for us who live in an age of competing beliefs and value systems.

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  • Way We Work


    When you’re dragging yourself to work, do you ever get mad at Adam and Eve for making us have to toil for a living? If you’re on the clock, is it ok to mentally clock out – even for a little while?Are these things that really matter when it comes to working ‘as unto the Lord’? While many questions face us as we work each day, perhaps the most important is, ‘What difference does it make in my job if I’m a Christian?’ In The Way We Work, Boone offers much more help than simply saying ‘You need to do yourwork well because you are a Christian.’ The WayWe Work provides a thorough biblical examinationof all our labors exploring:. When work is a pain. Laziness on the job. The blessing of work. Work that will last. And much more.

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  • Let Creation Rejoice


    Chapter 1. Apocalypse Now? Living In The Last Days
    Chapter 2. Life On Earth Today
    Chapter 3. Global Climate Change
    Chapter 4. Why Hope? The Gospel And The Future
    Chapter 5. Bringing New Testament Hope Down To Earth
    Chapter 6. Cosmic Catastrophe?
    Chapter 7. Jesus, A Thief In The Night And The Kingdom Of God
    Chapter 8. Revelation And The Renewal Of All Things
    Chapter 9. Finding Joy In An Active And Living Hope
    Afterword. Practical Resources

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    Let all creation rejoice before the LORD, for he comes. Psalm 96:13 The Bible is bathed with images of God caring for his creation in all its complexity. Yet in the face of climate change and other environmental trends, philosophers, filmmakers, environmentalists, politicians and senior scientists increasingly resort to apocalyptic rhetoric to warn us that a so-called perfect storm of factors threatens the future of life on earth. Jonathan Moo and Robert White ask, “Do these dire predictions amount to nothing more than ideological scaremongering, perhaps hyped-up for political or personal ends? Or are there good reasons for thinking that we may indeed be facing a crisis unprecedented in its scale and in the severity of its effects?” The authors encourage us to assess the evidence for ourselves. Their own conclusion is that there is in fact plenty of cause for concern. Climate change, they suggest, is potentially the most far-reaching threat that our planet faces in the coming decades, and also the most publicized. But there is a wide range of much more obvious, interrelated and damaging effects that a growing number of people, consuming more and more, are having on the planet upon which we all depend. Yet if the Christian gospel fundamentally reorients us in our relationship to God and his world, then there ought to be something radically distinctive about our attitude and approach to such threats. In short, there ought to be a place for hope. And there ought to be a place for Christians to participate in that hope. Moo and White therefore reflect on the difference the Bible’s vision of the future of all of creation makes. Why should creation rejoice? Because God loves and cares the world he made.

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  • Elephants In The Church


    Where Are the Truth-Tellers?

    Our world is facing serious problems that pose genuine threats to our safety, our economy, our health, and our very survival. Sadly, partisanship and allegiances to special interests are preventing our nation from taking the needed action on such matters.

    And where is the church at this perilous time in history? Instead of proclaiming God’s wisdom on the issues of our day, many of us are either too blinded by political affiliations or too afraid to let our voices be heard.

    While resisting the predictable labels of Democrat and Republican, Bishop George Bloomer holds both sides accountable by boldly examining some of the most polarizing yet important issues of our time:

    Poverty and income inequality
    Gay marriage
    Racial relations
    War and the military-industrial complex
    Gun control

    Christians will never succeed in impacting the culture if they remain emasculated by political correctness and afraid to speak the truth. Change is possible only when brave and audacious men and women are willing to confront evil and injustice through their words and their actions.

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  • Political Vanity : Adam Ferguson On The Moral Tensions Of Early Capitalism


    1. Ferguson’s Political Theology
    2. The Meaning Of History
    3. Action And Human Nature
    4. The Peril Of Commercial Society
    5. Trappings Of Liberal Democratic Capitalism

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    Political Vanity aims to illuminate the central debates over the historical, moral, and political legitimacy of market capitalism by engaging central theorists of the Scottish Enlightenment, in particular the philosopher and sociologist Adam Ferguson. Ferguson was a contemporary of philosophers and economists David Hume and Adam Smith, and actively questioned many of the pillars of early capitalism on theological grounds. Namely:

    * conjectural histories used to justify economic liberalization

    * reduction of human action to production and consumption

    * the inevitable tendency of capitalist power to undermine political institutions

    Ferguson argued that far from equalizing and liberating, the unfettered market left to its own devices takes the form of despot, enslaving civil society in bonds of its own making. His ideas continue to have theological, philosophical, and ethical relevance today.

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  • Moon Over Maalaea Bay


    In an instant the honeymoon of Lee’s dreams morphs to a nightmare when Jennifer disappears on their wedding night in Maui. An international trafficking ring Jennifer crippled weeks earlier seeks revenge by selling her into slavery. But a more sinister organization wants to buy Jennifer for other purposes.

    With the clock ticking toward Jennifer’s impending sale, Lee, accompanied by foster daughter, Katie, and Jennifer’s grandfather, begins his own search. As the search by Lee, the Maui Police, and the federal government intensifies, beautiful Katie ends up in the crosshairs of the traffickers.

    Can Lee save both his bride and his future daughter? What if he has to make a choice?
    If Jennifer is sold, could she kill herself to avoid a life filled with degradation and unspeakable horror? If she did, would God forgive her?

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  • Anorexia And Bulimia


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596369313ISBN10: 1596369310June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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  • Bullying : Bully No More


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596369269ISBN10: 1596369264June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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  • Cross And Gendercide


    List Of Abbreviations
    1 A Point Of Departure: The Cross And Global Violence Against Women And Girls
    2 The Numbers And The Stories: The Extent Of The Violence
    3 A Short History: The Social, Religious And Political Roots Of Violence Against Women And Girls
    4 The Cross And The Promise: God For Us
    5 Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Confession And Resistance: A Model For A Church Response To Gendercide
    6 Creative Theological Reflection And Activism: Working To End Gendercide

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    Violence against women and girls is a human rights epidemic that affects millions of lives around the world. While many Christians are addressing this crisis through education, advocacy and philanthropic support, there has been a reluctance to name gendercide as a theological and confessional issue, a matter that strikes at the very essence of the Christian faith. In The Cross and Gendercide, Elizabeth Gerhardt draws on Luther’s “theology of the cross” to provide a theological basis for naming and responding to the grave sin of global gendercide. She lifts up the work and witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer as an especially powerful resource for mobilizing the church today toward political action and social engagement. From the perspective of Christ’s cross, the church must raise a prophetic voice against systemic violence and speak up for the myriad women and girls who are invisible and voiceless in the world today.

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  • Loose My Flesh And Let Me Grow


    Daniel McRae is a successful Christian businessman, father, and husband. Daniel decided after losing his first wife to death, and dating his current wife that he was tired of not experiencing all that God had for him. God has had a call on Daniel’s life since a very young age. After running for many years he finally gave in and decided that running was much harder then submitting. God has given him a passion for men “in the battle” of sexual sins-not to judge them but to lend a helping hand to help them get out. This book is his lifeline to men in the struggle of sexual sins. Or to any man that feels he is on the verge of losing the battle of lust. Please grab a hold and let Gods spirit rescue you before you decide to give up in the fight. He is on assignment to pull men back to God, and help them reclaim what the devil has stolen from them.

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  • Corruption Of America


    The America we know and love is in danger as never before in its history. The Land of George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and the uniquely great American Constitution is under deadly attack. It has already been distorted and heavily damaged. America is being assaulted from within and without by forces of atheism, legalized immorality, socialism, communism, and Islam. Some of these forces go by the deceptive names of “progressives,” “social democrats,” “leftists,” as well as socialism, communism, and atheism, but they have their basis in vile hatred of America, and they work assiduously to malign and defame our country, and overthrow it. Their method is constant lying and deception in every form imaginable. We witness preposterous lies every day from these individuals and groups in their quest to defame America, conservatism, Republicans, and any individual or group that opposes them. They have as their goal the revolutionary overthrow of America, and its replacement by socialism, communism, or Islam and Sharia law. All of these forces have a long historical record of inhuman cruelty, genocide, and democide.

    The destructive revolutionary activities of the 1960s opened up these avenues of attack, and they have increasingly evolved and been institutionalized since the 1970s and 80s. They run throughout our educational institutions, the courts, the media, entertainment, and have even infiltrated our government. Our universities have been corrupted and politicized by them. Many professors who teach our young people today are avowed Marxists, socialists, and communists. Many of these professors are also radical feminists who are atheists, Marxists, communists, and lesbians. They also express great hatred for America, and seek to radically change it to some form of Marxism, socialism, or communism. The ACLU, an atheist and communist organization from its start in 1920, is now a highly financed organization that actually seeks to legally overthrow Constitutional American liberties, and promote a totally different world of anarchic, atheistic freedom, divorced from God and moral law, and which will be intolerant of anything else. America began as a Christian democratic nation, with Presidents who stood staunchly for liberty under God, Christianity, the Bible, and freedom of worship. They warned us against the results of immorality-tyranny, despotism, corruption, and decline. Constitutional liberties have already been largely swept away by a Suprem

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  • Generous Spaciousness : Responding To Gay Christians In The Church


    Committed Christians may respond differently to gay and lesbian Christians. How can we engage those with whom we might disagree and navigate our journey together in a way that nurtures unity, hospitality, humility, and justice?

    Through her extensive experience in ministering to gay and lesbian Christians, Wendy VanderWal-Gritter has come to believe we need a new paradigm for how the church engages those in the sexual minority. She encourages generous spaciousness, a hope-filled, relational way forward for those in turmoil regarding a response to gay and lesbian Christians. This book offers a framework for discussing diversity in a gracious way, showing that the church can be a place that welcomes a variety of perspectives on the complex matter of human sexuality. It also offers practical advice for implementing generous spaciousness in churches and organizations.

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  • Grand Central Question


    Foreword By Josh McDowell
    Prologue: What Truth Costs – What Truth Is Worth
    Chapter One: Grand Central Questions

    Part I – Secular Humanism Or The Gospel — Which Provides Us With Intrinsic Value And Objective Purpose?
    Chapter Two: Secular Humanism – The Secular Search
    Chapter Three: Saying Nothing As Loud As We Can
    Chapter Four: Will The Real Humanism Please Stand Up?

    Part II – Eastern & Western Spirituality Or The Gospel — Which Gives Real Answers To Suffering?
    Chapter Five: Pantheism And Pain
    Chapter Six: Escaping The Escapism

    Part III – Islam Or The Gospel — Which Tells Us About God’s Greatness?
    Chapter Seven: From Whence Comes God’s Greatness?
    Chapter Eight: God’s Greatness And The Preservation Of The Gospel
    Chapter Nine: God’s Triune Greatness
    Chapter Ten: Greatness Incarnate

    Epilogue: A Worldview That Views The Whole World

    Read More: Http://

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    All religions and worldviews seek to answer the fundamental questions of human existence: Why am I here? What does it mean to be human? Why is there evil in the world and how do we deal with it? But not every worldview places equal emphasis on each issue. The main worldviews each tend to stress a different central question. Secular humanism focuses on: What is the inherent value of human beings? Pantheism emphasizes: How do we escape suffering? Islam’s main concern is: How is God great? Abdu Murray digs deeply into these three representatives of major worldviews of our day: atheism, pantheism and theism. This lawyer and former Muslim brings compassion, understanding and clarity to his analysis, comparing the answers of each view to the central message of Christianity.

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  • For Life : Defending The Defenseless


    “We are one nation under God, and a nation that is under God must defend life at all stages-young and old alike.”

    John Bornschein was an almost-aborted child. Abortion isn’t an abstract political argument-it’s about life and death for individuals. In For Life Bornschein shares his story and calls the church to defend the defenseless. Exploring Scripture and history, he equips you with the baseline and background knowledge you need to stand boldly on our culture’s front lines to protect life at all stages. A special section from the Family Research Council provides you with essential information for engaging others about the issues of abortion and defending your position.

    About the Author

    John Bornschein is vice-chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, an executive member of the National Prayer Committee, and author of The Front Line: A Prayer Warrior’s Guide to Spiritual Battle. During his 18 years in ministry, Bornschein held roles as a missionary and senior pastor, and served with Mission of Mercy, Heritage Builders, and Focus on the Family.

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  • Incarnate : The Body Of Christ In An Age Of Disengagement


    14 Chapters

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    The story of Christianity is a story of incarnation–God taking on flesh and dwelling among the people he created. God appointing and sending people as his body, his hands and feet. Disciples of Jesus bearing the good news even as they bear the marks of his passion. Whatever Christianity is, it is at least a matter of flesh and blood and the ends of the earth. And yet so much of contemporary Christian culture is rooted not in incarnation but in escape–escape from the earth to heaven, escape from the suffering of this world, escape even from one another. Christianity is increasingly understood as something personal, conceptual, interior, private, neighborless. If Jesus was God incarnate, the church is in danger of being excarnate. Michael Frost expertly and prophetically exposes the gap between the faith we profess and the faith we practice. And he offers new hope for how the church can fulfill its vocation: the hands and feet of Christ to one another and to our neighbors, to the ends of the earth and to the end of the age.

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  • Its In His Hands


    How do I even begin to express the awesomeness of God’s miracles He has bestowed upon me and my family. Every fourteenth year God has proven to the medical doctors that He is the true healer and life giver. His wisdom and knowledge brings to our attention, we need to put our trust in Him. He is our creator and loving Father. This nation as a whole is sick and like sheep has wandered far from the fold of God. We must repent and be cleansed by the washing of Jesus Christ’s shed blood. If only we would obey His voice. He would heal our land and bless us more abundantly by pouring out His Holy Spirit.

    You shall know them by their fruits.

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  • Witness : True Events From A Society Living Working And Dying In Trash


    Are God’s actions visible in the world today?

    Does He still do the type of works we see in the Bible-provide supernatural guidance, unexplained timely provision and protection, miraculous answers to simple prayer, and physical healing when the doctors have given up hope?

    If yes, then where is He at work?

    Standing in the middle of a landfill just over five years ago, Brett Durbin was confronted with a reality that has been described by many as being the closest thing to hell on earth that exists in our post-modern culture. Children and families that have nothing scrounge in the trash dump for a few scraps of metal to pay for their next bowl of rice. But what could be done to help such a forgotten society?

    Witness is the compelling true story of Brett’s experience as he obeyed the call to reach out to the least, the lost, and the forgotten through the formation of Trash Mountain Project, the organization he founded. It is the story of an amazing God, whose actions are very much visible in the lives of the organization and the people they co-labor with and serve around the world.

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  • Awakening : Why America Will Turn From Liberal Destruction Back To Gods Ble


    Ralph Reed is a perennial commentator on CNN, NBC, CBS, and Fox News, who has a support database of 18 million voters. He has advised presidential candidates for the last six election cycles. Highly respected by conservatives and liberals alike, Reed outlines why and how our country will awaken from its current destructive path and return to a new age of blessing.

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  • Visions Of Vocation


    Introduction. On Learning To Be Implicated
    Chapter 1. The Most Difficult Task
    Chapter 2. If You Have Eyes, Then See
    Chapter 3. The Landscape Of Our Lives
    Chapter 4. Knowing Is Doing
    Chapter 5. Come And See
    Chapter 6. Vocation As Implication
    Chapter 7. The Great Temptations
    Chapter 8. Learning To Live Proximately
    Epilogue. But Are You Happy?

    Read More: Http://

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    Can my life matter? How can I thrive? The answer to both questions is vocation. Vocation is more than our job. It is our relationships and responsibilities woven into the work of God. For decades Steve Garber has traveled the world, coming alongside a wide range of people as they seek to make sense of their world and their lives. We meet, with Garber, leaders from the Tiananmen Square protest in China and a group of musicians who called themselves Jars of Clay. And we meet ordinary people too, like: Jonathan who learned he would rather build houses than study historyTodd and Maria who adopted creative schedules so they could parent better and practice medicineD.J. who helped Congress move into the Internet AgeSusan who built a home business of hand-printing stationary using a letterpressSantiago who works with majority-world nations in need of capitalClaudius and Deirdre whose openhearted home has always been a place for people Vocation is when we come to know the world in all its joy and pain, and still love it. Vocation is following our calling to seek the welfare of the world we live in. And in helping it to flourish, we find that we flourish too. Garber offers here a book for parents, for those in the arts, in the academy, in public service, in the trades and in commerce–for all who want to discover the virtue of vocation.

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  • Christian Higher Education


    This book offers a fresh report and interpretation of what is happening at the intersection of two great contemporary movements: the rapid growth of higher education worldwide and the rise of world Christianity. It features on-site, evaluative studies by scholars from Africa, Asia, North America, and South America.Christian Higher Education: A Global Reconnaissance visits some of the hotspots of Christian university development, such as South Korea, Kenya, and Nigeria, and compares what is happening there to places in Canada, the United States, and Europe, where Christian higher education has a longer history. Very little research until now has examined the scope and direction of Christian higher education throughout the world, so this volume fills a real gap.

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  • Cristiano Ante El Fenomeno De – (Spanish)


    “Los misterios de Ia Internet… revelados”
    “Ideal para fortalecer el Programa de Evangelismo de las iglesias”
    “Todo lo que deseaba saber sobre Evangelismo por Internet…
    y no se atrevia a preguntar”

    “Samuel De Jesus es un comunicador y productor con un paradigma de excelencia quien ha desarrollado un tema muy necesario en nuestro continente. Las nuevas oportunidades digitales para la iglesia en proclamar el evangelio son numerosas. Sin embargo, son relativamente pocos los autores que de una forma tan sencilla y simple proveen herramientas practicas para hacerlo como lo hace Samuel a traves de este libro. En estas paginas encontrara una orientacion practica y oportuna de como ser efectivos y eficientes en compartir la buena noticia a traves del medio de la internet.”
    Arnold J. Enns, Presidente COICOM

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  • Extremist For Love


    In an era where people are often sorted into the categories of ‘thinker’ and ‘doer’, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stands out – a rare mix of the deeply profound thinker and intellect who put the fruit of that reflection into the service of direct social action.
    In this helpful telling of King’s life, Dr. Rufus Burrow knits together the story of King’s family, his intellectual journey, and his experience of the pervasive racism of America in that era in a way that highlights the onnections between King’s thought and his actions.

    The result is a renewed understanding of the roots of King’s actions and a fresh appreciation for how intellectual activity can impact our world in surprisingly direct ways.

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  • Faith Rooted Organizing


    The bible of social action, Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, mobilizes people around self-interests and common enemies. This strategy is troubling to people of faith. So here historian Peter Heltzel and community organizer Alexia Salvatierra offer a vision for social action that values loving God and loving our neighbor as ourself.

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  • Gods Divine Instructions To End Time Saints


    (Revelation.1:1-3) 1. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 2. Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. 3. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

    In God’s Divine Instructions to End Time Saints you will learn of:

    * God’s salvation plan for mankind from Eternity Past to Eternity Future
    * What the weather and environment will be doing in the last days
    * What mankind will be doing in the last days
    * What nations will be doing in the last days
    * What religions will be doing in the last day
    * Events of the last days chronologically revealed from today into Eternity Future
    * The Tribulation Period, rise of the antichrist (the beast), last day kingdoms, and Armageddon
    * Daniel’s prophecies of world ruling kingdoms
    * A concluding word from the prophet Fred Simmons Jr.
    * And much, much, more

    As you study “God’s Divine Instructions to End Times Saints; Discerning the Signs of the Times” and look at our world today, you should be able to easily discern that the prophetic end time events God said would happen in the last days are transpiring now. However, what has happened in the past few years are nothing compared to what is about to happen.

    (Matthew.16:3B) 3. ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?

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  • Raw Christianity The Way Jesus Christ Expects All To Know It


    27 Chapters

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    Raw Christianity – The Way Jesus Christ Expects All to Know It!

    Look around you. Doesn’t the world seem to be getting more chaotic? Scary? The more I talked to people, the more I realized that many of them, even some who call themselves Christians, aren’t getting what Christianity really is. The real scary part is that many people are sitting in churches every Sunday and they probably won’t be going to heaven. Is that you? It doesn’t have to be. Come see what Jesus wants all of us to know:

    * Information that will empower and comfort ones faith in Christ
    * How the love of God can change our thinking
    * How to overcome the many obstacles to true faith in Christ
    * The three types of faith
    * The Master Teachings of God

    This book will teach you how to read that Bible that’s been gathering dust on your shelf or how to go buy one (really, you can do it!). God’s Word is beautiful and amazing and well…we all need to know it the way Jesus Christ wanted us to know it. Join me on this journey! I promise you, you’ll never be disappointed in what Jesus wants you to know!

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  • Raw Christianity The Way Jesus Christ Expects All To Know It


    27 Chapters

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    Raw Christianity – The Way Jesus Christ Expects All to Know It!

    Look around you. Doesn’t the world seem to be getting more chaotic? Scary? The more I talked to people, the more I realized that many of them, even some who call themselves Christians, aren’t getting what Christianity really is. The real scary part is that many people are sitting in churches every Sunday and they probably won’t be going to heaven. Is that you? It doesn’t have to be. Come see what Jesus wants all of us to know:

    * Information that will empower and comfort ones faith in Christ
    * How the love of God can change our thinking
    * How to overcome the many obstacles to true faith in Christ
    * The three types of faith
    * The Master Teachings of God

    This book will teach you how to read that Bible that’s been gathering dust on your shelf or how to go buy one (really, you can do it!). God’s Word is beautiful and amazing and well…we all need to know it the way Jesus Christ wanted us to know it. Join me on this journey! I promise you, you’ll never be disappointed in what Jesus wants you to know!

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  • Inhabiting Eden : Christians The Bible And The Ecological Crisis


    In this thoughtful study, respected Old Testament scholar Patricia K. Tull explores the Scriptures for guidance on today’s ecological crisis. Tull looks to the Bible for what it can tell us about our relationships, not just to the earth itself, but also to plant and animal life, to each other, to descendants who will inherit the planet from us, and to our Creator. She offers candid discussions on many current ecological problems that humans contribute to, such as the overuse of energy resources like gas and electricity, consumerism, food production systems-including land use and factory farming-and toxic waste. Each chapter concludes with discussion questions and a practical exercise, making it ideal for both group and individual study. This important book provides a biblical basis for thinking about our world differently and prompts us to consider changing our own actions.

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  • Birmingham Revolution : Martin Luther King Jrs Epic Challenge To The Church


    From time to time prophetic Christian voices rise to challenge our nations “original sin.” In the twentieth century, compelled by the Spirit of God and a yearning for freedom, the African American church took the lead in heralding the effort. Like almost no other movement before or since, Christian people gave force to a social mission. And, remarkably, they did it largely through nonviolent actions. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s words and historic efforts as the Moses of this civil rights movement stand out as perhaps the most significant instance of a modern Christian leader acting in a prophetic role to instigate political change. In many ways “The Letter from Birmingham Jail” stands at the center of that movement. In this book African American journalist Edward Gilbreath explores the place of that letter in the life and work of Dr. King. Birmingham Revolution is not simply a work of historical reflection. Gilbreath encourages us to reflect on the relevance of King’s work for the church and culture of our day. Whether its in debates about immigration, economic redistribution or presidential birth certificates, race continues to play a role in shaping society. What part will the church play in the ongoing struggle?

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  • Wall In Jerusalem


    Mark Braverman reveals the true nature and shocking consequences of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, explaining why Zionism is not a true Christian response to the conflict and offering clear-cut solutions for peace at home and abroad.

    The conflict between Israel and Palestine is at the center of a firestorm of political controversy, religious zeal, and bloodshed in the Middle East. Many American Christians feel that they have a biblical obligation to “stand with Israel”–but do we really understand the conflict? And is Zionism really the path to peace?

    An American Jew, Mark Braverman was transformed by witnessing firsthand the occupation of Palestine and the devastating consequences of the struggle of Israelis and Palestinians to bring justice to their land. In THE WALL IN JERUSALEM, Braverman:

    *Clearly outlines the origins and major tenets of the conflict and of Zionism
    *Demonstrates how Christian Zionism conflicts with Christian values of justice and compassion
    *Gives Christians biblical and historical basis for supporting both the state of Israel and Palestine
    *Offers a clear course of action both at home and abroad to bring peace
    Illuminating and provocative, this book will challenge what Christians think they know about Israel and Palestine, and inspire them to help bring God’s peace to the Holy Land.

    Illuminating and provocative, this book will challenge what Christians think they know about Israel and Palestine, and inspire them to help bring God’s peace to the Holy Land.

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  • Making Neighborhoods Whole


    11 Chapters

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    Already with decades of experience speaking prophetically into the charged racial climate of the American south, John Perkins began to see a need for organized thinking and collaborative imagination about how the church engages urban ministry. And so the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) was born, with Wayne Gordon an immediate and enthusiastic participant. Nearly thirty years later CCDAs eight key components of community development still set the bar for how churches, parachurches and nonprofits engage cities with the whole gospel. RelocationReconciliationRedistributionLeadership DevelopmentListening to the CommunityChurch-Based DevelopmentA Wholistic Approach to MinistryEmpowerment In Making Neighborhoods Whole Perkins and Gordon revisit these eight commitments and how they’ve played out in real communities, even as they scan the horizon of urban ministry to set a new tone. With profiles of longstanding and emerging community development ministries, they guide a new conversation and empower disciples of Jesus to seek the welfare of their cities to the glory of God.

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  • Its Hard Not To Stare


    Provides a dialogue for helping children understand disabilities with a discussion guide for parents, teachers and caregivers.

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  • Global Public Square


    1. The Golden Key
    2. For All The World
    3. A War Of Spirits
    4. First Freedom First
    5. Death By A Thousand Cults
    6. Dueling Visions
    7. Looking In The Wrong Place
    8. A Civil And Cosmopolitan Public Square
    9. Last Chance?
    The Global Charter Of Conscience

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    What kind of thing must freedom be to be guaranteed to every human being? In this conflicted world of competing ideologies and religious differences, the threats to human dignity are terrifyingly real. Offenses and misunderstandings can spark riots and wars. Governments and religions battle over the right to exist. People are crushed by contemporary dictatorships of mind and heart, whether secularist totalitarianism, religious authoritarianism or Western illiberalism. Is there any hope for living together peacefully? Os Guinness argues that the best way to ensure freedom and justice for all is to champion the freedom of the soul-the inviolable freedom of thought, conscience and religion that promotes and protects human dignity and fosters stable societies. English Puritan Roger Williams wrote of “soul liberty,” a freedom of belief that acts as a bulwark against abuses of power and the oppression of humanity. In contrast to religionist voices that impose their beliefs on others and secularist visions that exclude all religious perspectives, Guinness offers a vision for advancing liberty and civility in the global public square. This constructive vision charts a course for the future of the world. If we are to make the world safe for diversity, we must learn to negotiate deep differences in public life. For a world desperate for hope at a critical juncture of human history, here is a way forward, for the good of all.

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  • We Can Do Better Part 2


    “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known…” Ephesians 3:10

    Churches have been uniquely called to impact our society for good. In this timely book, Dr. Tony Evans offers “the plan” we have all been looking for to not only bring about racial unity in our country but to also restore our communities. He unveils a local model for the church that will impact your community and effect change in the lives of many. This step-by-step plan is sure to transform communities, and our nation.

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  • We Can Do Better Part 1


    “That they may be one even as we are one” – Jesus the Messiah

    In a response to today’s racially charged climate, Dr. Tony Evans speaks from a spiritual perspective and discusses the need for racial healing in our nation and in our churches. He proposes that at the core of racial disunity lies the failure to understand and execute righteousness and justice from God’s perspective. In this timely book, which concludes with a personal challenge to all believers, Dr. Evans calls readers to be intentional about embracing God’s desire for oneness.

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  • Finally Free : Fighting For Purity With The Power Of Grace


    If you have struggled personally against the powerful draw of pornography, or if you have ever tried to help someone fighting this battle, you know how hard it is to break free. But real freedom isn’t found by trying harder to change. Nor is it found in a particular method or program. Only Jesus Christ has the power to free people from the enslaving power of pornography.

    In Finally Free, Dr. Heath Lambert, a leader in the biblical counseling movement, lays out eight gospel-centered strategies for overcoming the deceitful lure of pornography. Each chapter clearly demonstrates how the gospel applies to this particular battle and how Jesus can move readers from a life of struggle to a life of purity.

    If you or someone you care about is fighting this battle, there is good news: No matter how intense or long-standing the struggle, Jesus Christ can, will, and does set people free from the power of pornography.

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  • Good News To The Poor


    Help them or tell them? Be like Jesus or talk about Jesus? Social action or gospel proclamation? It seems the two are often pitted against each other, as if they are mutually exclusive. But the New Testament paints a different picture where both aspects are valued. In this plea for a renewed understanding of the Christian calling, Chester argues that faithfulness to the gospel necessitates a commitment to evangelism and social involvement. To that end, he structures the book around three basic theses: 1.) evangelism and social action are distinct activities, 2.) proclamation is central, and 3.) evangelism and social action are inseparable. Responding to Christians in both camps, Chester helps people to talk the talk and walk the walk.

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  • Popcultured : Thinking Christianity About Style Media And Entertainment


    1. Leisure Pursuits: Why We Should Care
    2. Popular Culture: Defining The Term
    3. Working It Out: Some Biblical Parameters
    4. Cinematic Art: The Story Of Stories
    5. Journalism: Reading Between The Lines
    6. Celebrity Culture: The Game Of The Fame
    7. Fashion: The Language Of Clothes
    8. Ever-Greater Thrills: The Search For Sensation
    9. Comedy: Laughs, Lies And Truth
    10. Romanticism: Arts Shaping Power
    11. Advertising: The Hidden Persuader
    12. Computers: Rewiring Our World
    13: Photography: The Opening Of The Eye
    14: TV And Movies: The Image Of The Faith

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    There’s no avoiding popular culture-we’ve been enculturated into it. What does it mean to be faithful Christians in a pop culture world? How do we think Christianly about celebrity and leisure? Some Christians try to abstain from “worldly” pursuits, while others consume culture indiscriminately, assuming it has little effect on them. But if Christ is Lord of all of life, then there ought to be Christian ways to engage with and appreciate popular culture. Steve Turner has spent his career chronicling and interviewing people from the worlds of music, film, television, fashion, art and literature. Now he provides an insider’s guide to a wide range of entertainment pursuits, with biblical frameworks for understanding pop culture genres and artifacts. Turner explores how movies use redemptive narratives and parablesways journalistic headlines convey worldview assumptionsdifferences between famous people in the past and celebrities todaywhat ideas are communicated through clothing and fashion designhow technology changes our sense of what is realand much more God entrusts culture to us and gives us the ability to critique it, enjoy it and create it. This book will help you become a better cultural critic, consumer and creator.

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  • Dealing With Anger


    Is Anger Controlling You? Or, Are You Controlling It? Who’s in the driver’s seat? If you are allowing anger to be behind the wheel, you are headed for a crash! Every experienced driver and passenger of a vehicle knows that the person driving has full control of the vehicle. If you are a reckless driver, the probability of an accident is great! If you are perfectly poised, agile, and alert while driving, not only will your probability of maintaining control be better, but also you will be in a better position to avoid the dangers of nearby reckless drivers. Anger the reckless driver… Anger can be as dangerous as a reckless driver behind the wheel if you allow it to control you. Just like bad driving can lead to awful tragedies that might harm the driver, the passenger, or an innocent bystander, uncontrolled anger can lead to a major collision in your life as well as in others. Being in full control helps you to be alert to your own combustible emotions as well as those of others. In doing so, we avoid crashes, clashes, and serious collisions brought on by anger. Anger the passenger… That is why anger should never be in the driver’s seat. It should only be a passenger. A passenger is driven to a certain destination and then dropped off by the driver, who is in full control of the vehicle. Even when anger is necessary, it should ride only as a passenger going to an appropriate destination and then…let out! Always put yourself in the driver’s seat with full control, while being poised and sober. Carry anger only for a limited amount of time. Then, let it go! This book will give you insight and a unique strategy of recognizing legitimate, illegitimate, and optional anger, as well as understanding their emotion’s vulnerabilities so that you can remain in the driver’s seat with full control.

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  • Mensaje Para Mi Hijo – (Spanish)


    ‘Message for my Child’ is Patrick Atkinson’s international classic that has been enjoyed by millions. Rich with powerful and straight-forward advice for people of all ages, and particularly teens and young adults, this book guides the reader to take control of their life, responsibility for their decisions, and create victory and success. Simple and beautifully-illustrated by the author’s son, Ernesto, ‘Message for my Child’ is the perfect birthday, graduation, holiday, and just-because-I-love-you gift. This easy-to-read book has the power to change lives forever.

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  • Message For My Child


    ‘Message for my Child’ is Patrick Atkinson’s international classic that has been enjoyed by millions. Rich with powerful and straight-forward advice for people of all ages, and particularly teens and young adults, this book guides the reader to take control of their life, responsibility for their decisions, and create victory and success. Simple and beautifully-illustrated by the author’s son, Ernesto, ‘Message for my Child’ is the perfect birthday, graduation, holiday, and just-because-I-love-you gift. This easy-to-read book has the power to change lives forever.

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  • Earth And Altar


    Earth and Altar details, for the first time, the connection betweeen the awakening of the Church of England’s social and political conscience, through the influence of the Christian Socialists, and the renewal of its worship.

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  • Troubled Minds : Mental Illness And The Churchs Mission


    1. My Family’s Story
    2. Mental Illness Is Mainstream
    3. Suffering People
    4. Coping
    5. Church Life
    6. Ministry Life
    7. Persistent Stigma
    8. What Churches Can Do
    9. What God Does
    Resources For Ministry To The Mentally Ill

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    Mental illness is the sort of thing we dont like to talk about. It doesnt reduce nicely to simple solutions and happy outcomes. So instead, too often we reduce people who are mentally ill to caricatures and ghosts, and simply pretend they dont exist. They do exist, howeverstatistics suggest that one in four people suffer from some kind of mental illness. And then theres their friends and family members, who bear their own scars and anxious thoughts, and who see no safe place to talk about the impact of mental illness on their lives and their loved ones. Many of these people are sitting in churches week after week, suffering in stigmatized silence. In Troubled Minds Amy Simpson, whose family knows the trauma and bewilderment of mental abuse, reminds us that people with mental illness are our neighbors and our brothers and sisters in Christ, and she shows us the path to loving them well and becoming a church that loves God with whole hearts and whole souls, with the strength we have and with minds that are whole as well as minds that are troubled.

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  • Sexo Mis Deseos Y Mi Dios – (Spanish)


    “Every time a man knocks on a brothel door, he is really searching for God.” — G.K. Chesterton

    Could the growing struggles with pornography and fantasy really be reminding us of our heart’s deepest desire, something greater and more fulfilling than sexual gratification?

    According to counselor and ministry leader Michael John Cusick, the answer is a resounding “yes.” Through personal examples, lively illustrations from Scripture, and twenty years of counseling experience, Michael helps readers to understand how porn struggles begin, what to do to prevent them, and most importantly, how to overcome them once compulsive behavior presents itself.

    Freedom is not an easy, how-to process:

    25% of search engine requests are for pornography – 68 million per day
    70% of the hits on Internet sex sites occur between 9-5 on business computers
    Over 50 percent of evangelical pastors report they viewed pornography last year
    Over 70% of Christian men report viewing pornography in the last year

    El sexo, mis deseos y mi Dios leads readers down a clear path toward understanding how porn struggles develop, how to distinguish between sexual gratification and intimacy, and how to break free from the shackles of this pleasurable prison.

    ?Podria ser que nuestra creciente lucha interna con la pornografia y las fantasias, en realidad nos esta recordando el profundo deseo de nuestro corazon, algo superior y mas satisfactorio que el placer sexual?

    De acuerdo con el consejero y lider pastoral Michael John Cusick, la respuesta es un rotundo si. Mediante ejemplos personales, ilustraciones vividas de las Sagradas Escrituras, y con 20 anos de experiencia como consejero, Michael ayuda a los lectores a entender como empiezan las luchas internas con la pornografia, como evitarlas y, lo mas importante, como superarlas al presentarse ese comportamiento compulsivo.

    La liberacion no es un proceso facil con pasos definidos:

    La pornografia representa el 25% de las busquedas en la Internet.
    El 70% de las visitas a sitios Web con contenido sexual ocurre entre las 9 a. m. y las 5 p. m., desde computadoras ubicadas en las oficinas.
    Mas del 50% de los pastores evangelicos reconocen haber visto pornografia durante el ultimo ano.
    Mas del 70% de los cristianos varones reconocen haber visto pornografia durante el ultimo ano.

    El sexo, mis deseos y mi Dios guia a los lectores por un camino claro que les permitira entender como surgen las luchas internas con la porno

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  • New Shape Of World Christianity


    2010 Christianity Today Book Award winner! With characteristic rigor and insight, in this book Mark Noll revisits the history of the American church in the context of world events. He makes the compelling case that how Americans have come to practice the Christian faith is just as globally important as what the American church has done in the world. He backs up this substantial claim with the scholarly attentiveness we’ve come to expect from him, lucidly explaining the relationship between the development of Christianity in North America and the development of Christianity in the rest of the world, with attention to recent transfigurations in world Christianity.

    Here is a book that will challenge your assumptions about the nature of the relationship between the American church and the global church in the past and predict what world Christianity may look like.

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  • Your Story The Wounding Embrace (DVD)


    So, you cut, or maybe you starve yourself, or struggle with substance abuse. Maybe you even have suicidal thoughts. I bet you feel alone. But how is this possible when nearly 1 in 4 North American teens struggle with self-injury? How can all these people be alone? Today, thousands of young people, anxious, under confident and often scared, are seeking release from these personal struggles in ways many adults choose to ignore. You probably have friends who are depressed, friends who are bulimic and friends all too familiar with this growing culture of self-abuse. It’s time to stop ignoring the problem. It’s time for a serious conversation about issues that make us uncomfortable. Let’s Talk.

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