


    Social Issues

    • Social Ministry (Revised)


      This work challenges pastors, seminarians, and active members of the laity to rethink the social character of their ministry. Dieter Hessel calls on parish communities to “meet human need with good Samaritan love while acting for justice with prophetic boldness.” In this updated edition, Hessel assesses major new developments that have occurred in both church and society since the first publication of Social Ministry. He gives special attention to the uncertainty that churches face today in regard to their public role.

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    • Good News To The Poor


      This provocative volume illuminates a dimension of John Wesley’s theology that has received insufficient attention: his deep and abiding commitment to the poor. By focusing on the radical nature of Wesley’s “evangelical economics,” Theodore W. Jennings, Jr., provides an important corrective to the view that Wesley was concerned with the salvation of souls only, and not also with the social conditions of human beings.

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    • Church With Aids


      This book looks at the experiences of people with AIDS as a means of examining the way Christianity views the problem and deals with it on both personal and community levels. This book begins by sharing the experience and ministry of those living with AIDS. Also presented is a series of theological reflections on what living with AIDS means for the renewal of the church. Russell also asks how the traditional church might be seen differently by those struggling with AIDS. The final section, is designed as a tool for study and discussion groups.

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    • Addictive Organization


      Schaef and Fassel show how managers, workers, and organization members exhibit the classic symptoms of addiction: denying and avoiding problems, assuming that there is no other way of acting, and manipulating events to maintain the status quo.

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    • Social Ethics : An Examination Of American Moral Traditions


      Rodger Betsworth introduces ethics by focusing on the cultural narratives that shape American images of self and world: the biblical story American gospel of success, the idea of well-being, and the global mission of America.

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    • US Lifestyles And Mainline Churches


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664250997ISBN10: 0664250998Tex SampleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1990Publisher: Geneva Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Keep It Simple


      These daily meditations are for people in recovery who are either beginning a Twelve Step program or looking for renewal in the basic principles of recovery. Keep It Simple shows how prayer, meditation, and action can bring sobriety and peace to one’s life. Suggested daily activities help readers integrate these concepts into their daily lives. Keep It Simple presents the basics of recovery in terms that allow any reader the chance to enjoy the gifts of sobriety and serenity.

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    • Sermons On Suicide


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664250713ISBN10: 0664250718Hardy ClemonsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 1989Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Building A Christian Worldview 1


      Clearly sets forth the key elements of a biblical view of the world and life, and contrasts them with prominent notions of God, man, and truth throughout history.

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    • Christian Attitude Toward War


      Brings biblical and historical data to bear upon issues of war and peace, pacifism, military force, civil disobedience, and nuclear weapons.

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    • Saying Yes And Saying No


      The dilemma that occurs when government policies clash with ideas of God’s kingdom of peace and justice is the focus of Brown’s penetrating analysis. Discussion questions are included.

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    • Theology For A Nuclear Age


      The possibility of a nuclear holocaust has brought humankind into a radically new, unprecedented, and unanticipated religious situation. Gordon D. Kaufman offers a cogent and original analysis of this predicament, outlining specific proposals for reconceiving the central concerns and symbols of Christian faith. He begins with an account of a visit to Peace Park in the rebuilt city of Hiroshima. Reflecting upon this experience, Kaufman foresees that further use of nuclear weapons will result not in rebuilding but in annihilation of the human enterprise.

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    • Best Things In Life


      Peter Kreeft’s Socrates probes the contemporary values of success, power and pleasure.

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    • Toward A Christian Political Ethics


      The author builds into his Christian political ethic the cross of Jesus Christ, the centrality of effective Christian community life, the need to free the oppressors, the reality of suffering and death, and the dynamic of Christian love…. One is impressed throughout the book by the author’s own patience and love in the face of continued oppression, frustration, and the killing of friends.

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    • Making Peace In The Global Village


      Well-known author Robert McAfee Brown’s compelling, hard-hitting book activates the Christian conscience in support of peacemaking. An excellent group study resource, Making Peace in the Global Village is for everyone serious about peacemaking in the world today.

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    • After Suicide


      This constructive guide offers much-needed information and clinically tested advice for those struggling to cope in the aftermath of a suicide. Written in clear, everyday language, it presents the facts and demonstrates how to deal with feelings of guilt, anger, bewilderment, and shame. It shows how to live as survivors of a suicide, how to explain the event to children, and how to reconcile the death with religious beliefs. Also included is an Anniversary Memorial Service that enables family members to recommit themselves to life. After Suicide presents positive steps that can help family and friends find strength together as they readjust and return to healthy, productive living.

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