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Social Issues

Showing 201–250 of 895 results

  • Getting To The Promised Land


    SKU (ISBN): 9780664265458ISBN10: 0664265456Kevin CosbyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2021Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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  • King Rules : Ten Truths For You, Your Family, And Our Nation To Prosper


    In King Rules, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. shares that message in a deeply personal collection of hard-learned lessons, timeless truths, and foundational principles.

    Dr. Alveda King’s words are lovingly crafted yet refreshingly blunt at a time when bluntness is needed to counter the forces of moral drift and empty relativism.

    Beginning with a vulnerable admission of her own wounds and wanderings, Alveda unfolds eleven core values that have guided her family through generations of triumph and tragedy–and have played a pivotal role in fostering revolutionary change in society.

    Out of a heart of compassion, she dispenses wise meditations on bedrock subjects including faith and family, peace and justice, education and civic life. With thoughtful conviction she also boldly tackles topics considered divisive in our postmodern world, from abortion and sexuality to gun control and marriage laws.

    The King Rules is a page-turning narrative that blends eyewitness history with grandmotherly wisdom. And as J. C. Watts writes in the Foreword, the book is “more than Alveda’s story, it’s an account of the beliefs that redirected the course of a nation, that left us a legacy, and that hopefully will guide us again.”

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  • Almost : Who God Is, What God Does, And How God Redeemed The Life Of An Ave


    The incarnation of Christ proved to humanity once and for all that God is on our side, even when everything seems hopeless. In Almost, Dr. Gustavo Crocker examines a number of social issues that humanity has always faced but that pose unique challenges for the church today: abortion, child illness and disability, immigration, poverty, war, the misuse of religion, and more. Crocker masterfully weaves snippets of his own humble yet remarkable life story together with robust biblical evidence to demonstrate the unfathomable depth of God’s love for God’s creation. Almost affirms that, with God’s help, anybody’s underdog story can turn into one of victory in the Lord.

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  • Unexpected Choice : An Abortion Doctor’s Journey To Pro-Life


    How does a pro-choice doctor who once performed abortions for Planned Parenthood wind up on the opposite side of this embattled issue? Dr. Patricia Giebink was overpowered by God’s perspective at a healing conference, becoming a pro-life advocate who repented before millions for doing abortions.

    As the author tells her emotional story, you will come away with a new understanding of the complexity of life, the risks of abortion, the power of prayer, and the greatness of God’s love and forgiveness-which is big enough to cover the pain of all affected by this controversial procedure.

    Unexpected Choice is told from the perspective of a doctor who actually performed abortions through Planned Parenthood. The book chronicles her journey from being a pro-choice physician to someone speaking on behalf of the pro-life movement.

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  • Whom Shall I Fear


    Churches are not immune to violence, as we have seen from shootings at houses of worship across the nation. The challenge for faith communities is how to respond to potential violence.

    Whom Shall I Fear? asks congregational leaders to examine whether their operational and security policies are consistent with gospel values. It raises common themes in approaches to church security and looks at them in the light of scripture.

    Whom Shall I Fear? provides thought-provoking reflections on topics such as locked doors, living faithfully in an unfaithful world, the question of armed security in a church setting, and the duty of Christians to extend hospitality to their neighbor. It includes stories from survivors of gun violence and wisdom on how churches can work to transform an anxious and fear-driven world. Whom Shall I Fear? helps the church thoughtfully wrestle with what it means to be a church of grace, welcome, and love when confronted with acts of cruelty, division, and hate.

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  • Color : God’s Intention For Diversity


    When we talk about color in the church, we are talking about so much more than race and ethnicity-yet at the same time we cannot leave race and ethnicity out of the conversation altogether.As a white woman and a black man, Carla Sunberg and Dany Gomis have coauthored a harmoniously blended collection of reflections comparing a bride adorned in luxurious colors for her groom to the bride of Christ. Explore what it would look like for the bride of Christ to discover and use a full array of hues, both biblically and culturally. More than a book about skin tone, Color challenges the church to rise above a monochromatic perspective to see the fresh beauty of interweaving threads to complete the church bride’s adornment for her bridegroom. With a friendly, collaborative style and questions for reflection at the end of each chapter, Sunberg and Gomis encourage us to celebrate the vibrancy and intensity of the Christian life the way God designed us to live it as filled with Color.

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  • Cradling Abundance : One African Christian’s Story Of Empowering Women And


    Growing up in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna persevered through many challenges: political turmoil and violence, misogyny and patriarchy, lack of community resources and personal loss.

    As she carved out a life for herself, her family, and her community, she kept seeing the same story played out for women vulnerable and trapped in poverty. Every system was stacked against them. So “Maman” Monique committed to take action in every sphere she could: through education, the local and national church, and international cooperation. In 1999 she joined with other Christian women to start the nonprofit Femme, Berceau de l’Abondance–Woman, Cradle of Abundance. The very personal story of Maman Monique opens a unique window on the lives of women in Congo, across Africa, and throughout the Majority World. In Cradling Abundance she recounts her remarkable experiences as a gifted student and teacher, successful businesswoman, local and denominational church leader, visionary social activist, and matriarch for her extended family. With stories of other African women woven in, this narrative presents a panoramic view of Christian women at work at every level of the church and community. We see the resistance they face even within their own congregations and families, as well as how their faith leads them to oppose injustice, discrimination, and suffering. Professor Elsie McKee introduces the autobiography of her friend Maman Monique (translating it from conversations in French and Tshiluba), then provides helpful historical background and textual notes throughout, along with a study guide to additional cultural information. For anyone interested in how lay women lead in Christian ministries, what it takes to start a pioneering nonprofit, or how empowering women is critical to the health of communities, Cradling Abundance is a unique and gripping resource.

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  • Land Is Not Empty


    White settlers saw land for the taking. They failed to consider the perspective of the people already here.

    In The Land Is Not Empty, author Sarah Augustine unpacks the harm of the Doctrine of Discovery–a set of laws rooted in the fifteenth century that gave Christian governments the moral and legal right to seize lands they “discovered” despite those lands already being populated by indigenous peoples. Legitimized by the church and justified by a misreading of Scripture, the Doctrine of Discovery says a land can be considered “empty” and therefore free for the taking if inhabited by “heathens, pagans, and infidels.”

    In this prophetic book, Augustine, a Pueblo woman, reframes the colonization of North America as she investigates ways that the Doctrine of Discovery continues to devastate indigenous cultures, and even the planet itself, as it justifies exploitation of both natural resources and people. This is a powerful call to reckon with the root causes of a legacy that continues to have devastating effects on indigenous peoples around the globe and a call to recognize how all of our lives and our choices are interwoven.

    What was done in the name of Christ must be undone in the name of Christ, the author claims. The good news of Jesus means there is still hope for the righting of wrongs. Right relationship with God, others, and the earth requires no less.

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  • Where Goodness Still Grows


    Where Goodness Still Grows challenges evangelical culture and rediscovers a faith deeply rooted in a return to Jesus Christ’s life and ministry. The evangelical church in America has reached a crossroads. Social media and recent political events have exposed the fault lines that exist within our country and our spiritual communities. Millennials are leaving the church, citing hypocrisy, partisanship, and unkindness as reasons they can’t stay.

    In this book, Amy Peterson laments the corruption and blind spots of the evangelical church and the departure of so many from the faith.

    But she refuses to give up hope.Where Goodness Still Grows dissects the moral code of American evangelicalism and puts it back together in a new way. Amy writes as someone intimately familiar with, fond of, and also deeply critical of the world of conservative evangelicalism. She writes as a woman and a mother, as someone invested in the future of humanity, and as someone who just needs to know how to teach her kids what it means to be good. She reimagines virtue as a tool, not a weapon; as wild, not tame; as embodied, not written. Reimagining specific virtues, such as kindness, purity, modesty, hospitality, and hope, Amy finds that if we listen harder and farther, we will find the places where goodness still grows.

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  • Liberty For All


    Christians are often thought of as defending only their own religious interests in the public square. They are viewed as worrying exclusively about the erosion of their freedom to assemble and to follow their convictions, while not seeming as concerned about publicly defending the rights of Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and atheists to do the same.

    Andrew T. Walker, an emerging Southern Baptist public theologian, argues for a robust Christian ethic of religious liberty that helps the church defend religious freedom for everyone in a pluralistic society. Whether explicitly religious or not, says Walker, every person is striving to make sense of his or her life. The Christian foundations of religious freedom provide a framework for how Christians can navigate deep religious difference in a secular age. As we practice religious liberty for our neighbors, we can find civility and commonality amid disagreement, further the church’s engagement in the public square, and become the strongest defenders of religious liberty for all. Foreword by noted Princeton scholar Robert P. George.

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  • Reading The Times


    Whenever we reach for our phones or scan a newspaper to get “caught up,” we are being not merely informed but also formed. News consumption can shape our sense of belonging, how we judge the value of our lives, and even how our brains function. Christians mustn’t let the news replace prayer as Hegel envisioned, but neither should we simply discard the daily feed. We need a better understanding of what the news is for and how to read it well. Jeffrey Bilbro invites readers to take a step back and gain some theological and historical perspective on the nature and very purpose of news. In Reading the Times he reflects on how we pay attention, how we discern the nature of time and history, and how we form communities through what we read and discuss. Drawing on writers from Thoreau and Dante to Merton and Berry, along with activist-journalists such as Frederick Douglass and Dorothy Day, Bilbro offers an alternative vision of the rhythms of life, one in which we understand our times in light of what is timeless. Throughout, he suggests practices to counteract common maladies tied to media consumption in order cultivate healthier ways of reading and being. When the news sets itself up as the light of the world, it usurps the role of the living Word. But when it helps us attend together to the work of Christ–down through history and within our daily contexts–it can play a vital part in enabling us to love our neighbors. Reading the Times is a refreshing and humane call to put the news in its place.

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  • Hope Always : How To Be A Force For Life In A Culture Of Suicide


    Every single day, someone you know is thinking about committing suicide. It isn’t just one or two-ten million Americans will consider killing themselves in the upcoming year. Dr. Matthew Sleeth believes Christians-and our churches-should be the first to offer hope. Are we prepared to do so?

    As a physician and minister, Dr. Sleeth shares his personal and professional experiences with depression and suicide, challenging Christians to become part of the solution. With sound medical principles finding their rightful place beside timeless biblical wisdom, Hope Always offers the practical and spiritual tools that individuals, families, and churches need to help loved ones who are stressed and struggling.

    In Hope Always, you will find:
    *research-based and scientifically grounded information about the suicide epidemic,

    *biblically based information to start a conversation about the spiritual and emotional battles that so many of us face, and

    *a practical toolkit to consult when a loved one is dealing with suicidal ideation.

    After reading Hope Always, you will have the resources at your fingertips to build communities of hope that help save lives!

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  • My Body Is MY Body


    My Body is MY Body is a simple rhyming book for children that creates a safe space for families and communities to begin the conversation about body safety and boundaries. Children learn that they have the power to use their voices to help prevent and stop unwanted touching and sexual abuse. With resources information included, My Body is MY Body is a helpful tool for everyone.

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  • Magna Carta Of Humanity


    In these stormy times, loud voices from all fronts call for revolution and change.

    But what kind of revolution brings true freedom to both society and the human soul? Cultural observer Os Guinness explores the nature of revolutionary faith, contrasting between secular revolutions such as the French Revolution and the faith-led revolution of ancient Israel. He argues that the story of Exodus is the highest, richest, and deepest vision for freedom in human history. It serves as the master story of human freedom and provides the greatest sustained critique of the abuse of power. His contrast between “Paris” and “Sinai” offers a framework for discerning between two kinds of revolution and their different views of human nature, equality, and liberty. Drawing on the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, Guinness develops Exodus as the Magna Carta of humanity, with a constructive vision of a morally responsible society of independent free people who are covenanted to each other and to justice, peace, stability, and the common good of the community. This is the model from the past that charts our path to the future. “There are two revolutionary faiths bidding to take the world forward,” Guinness writes. “There is no choice facing America and the West that is more urgent and consequential than the choice between Sinai and Paris. Will the coming generation return to faith in God and to humility, or continue to trust in the all sufficiency of Enlightenment reason, punditry, and technocracy? Will its politics be led by principles or by power?” While Guinness cannot predict our ultimate fate, he warns that we must recognize the crisis of our time and debate the issues openly. As individuals and as a people, we must choose between the revolutions, between faith in God and faith in Reason alone, between freedom and despotism, and between life and death.

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  • Prey Tell : Why We Silence Women Who Tell The Truth And How Everyone Can Sp


    Tiffany Bluhm wishes this wasn’t her story to tell. Yet like many women today who are taking action against sexual harassment and sexual assault, it is. Bluhm explores the complex dynamics of power and abuse in systems we all find ourselves in. With honesty and strength, she tells stories of how women have overcome silence to expose the truth about their ministry and professional leaders–and the backlash they so often face. In so doing, she empowers others to speak up against abuses of power.

    Addressing men and women in all work settings–within the church and beyond–popular author and podcast host Tiffany Bluhm sets out to understand the cultural and spiritual narratives that silence women and to illuminate the devastating emotional, financial, and social impact of silence in the face of injustice.

    As readers journey with Bluhm, they will be moved to find their own way, their own voice, and their own conviction for standing with women. They’ll emerge more ready than ever to advocate for justice, healing, and resurrection.

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  • Hope For This Present Crisis


    Our culture has lost its mind. Now, we are waging a bigger fight-a war for our soul.

    Is it possible our world has gone mad? We are under siege and the war is not from without; it is from within. The collapse of the Roman Empire occurred in a single generation and was not so much the result of invasions by their enemies but the result of moral decay and internal corruption. Similar patterns are emerging in America. We neglected or abandoned our traditional institutions long ago, but now it’s time to take them back.

    Today, forces are at work to strip the principles and precepts of faith from public venues or minimize their significance. Many progressive leaders are convinced that when Christianity disintegrates it will create peace on earth. But the loss of our heritage will merely create a spiritual vacuum that will be filled with folly, crammed with chaos, or invaded by Islam. The reality is: Western civilization will become so decadent and reckless that America will collapse like a house of cards.

    In Hope for This Present Crisis, Dr. Youssef provides a diagnosis of the insanity of the current culture and a seven-step prescription for restoring sanity to a world gone mad.  Here’s the seven-step path to restoring a world gone mad:

    *Remember the Truth – Stand firm on the truth of the gospel.

    *Restore the Soul – Seek God’s approval not the approval of other people.

    *Revitalize the Family – Guard your children from the horrors of the Internet.

    *Reestablish the Classroom – Support conscientious, caring public school teachers.

    *Respect our Freedoms – Know your rights.Reform our Society – Morally and spiritually purify yourself.

    *Revive the Church – Demonstrate the forgiving love of Jesus at all times.

    This book will teach you how to stand up to attacks on your faith, and defend Christianity as a meaningful contribution to society.

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  • Journey Out : How I Followed Jesus Away From Gay


    You’ve been looking for Jesus.

    At one time or another you have likely felt conflicted by two opposing desires: the longing to be truly seen and known, versus the drive to hide from real intimacy. This universal human experience points to one simple truth – we want to be loved, but are ashamed of our unworthiness.

    Only one Person could ever meet you in this dilemma, seeing your darkest secrets without flinching, offering the power to change, and loving you without an agenda. This Person is Jesus.

    Before meeting Jesus, Ken Williams describes himself as a homosexual who was tormented by shame and on the brink of committing suicide. But in the person of Jesus, Ken discovered the affirmation, love, and wholeness he had been seeking.

    Since then, Ken has worked tirelessly to help others experience the same hope he found. Today, his life’s work is to cultivate a productive and compassionate environment for those bound by sexual shame, insecurity, and fear, so that they can thrive in righteousness, peace and joy!

    In Changed, Ken Williams will…
    *Reveal that change and freedom from same sex attraction are possible
    *Demystify homosexuality and gender identity issues
    *Help you to make a deep, authentic connection with Jesus
    *Offer wisdom for supporters: parents, family, friends, or pastors

    If you are longing to be deeply known and unconditionally loved, your heart is crying out for Jesus. You will meet Him in the pages of Changed, and discover a new life filled with true hope and enduring joy!

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  • We Carry The Fire


    We Carry the Fire describes a social and political spirituality defined by actions that save families, civilization, and the planet.

    These actions, based on values articulated in religious congregations, result in tangible outcomes in the real world: people live instead of die, democracy is strengthened, nature is restored, and the human spirit flourishes.

    The author shows how an action-spirituality is different from me- and escapist-spiritualities. Spiritual meaning is found by working in solidarity with people around the world to love our neighbors, as well as those who aren’t our neighbors, as ourselves.

    As congregations are struggling to adjust to contemporary realities, Hoehn brings the passion and knowledge of a pastor, academic, author, activist, and grassroots organizer down to earth in real time.

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  • Affirming : A Memoir Of Faith, Sexuality, And Staying In The Church


    What is it like to discover that something you’ve believed all your life might be wrong?

    Sally Gary knew since her early adulthood that she was attracted to women. But as a devoted Christian, she felt there was no way to fully embrace this aspect of her identity while remaining faithful. Now, as she prepares to marry the love of her life, she’s ready to speak out about why-and how-her perspective changed.

    In this deeply personal memoir, Sally traces the experiences, conversations, and scriptural reading that culminated in her seeing her sexuality as something that made sense within the context of her faith-not outside of it or in opposition to it. Along the way, she addresses specific aspects of her journey that will resonate with many other gay Christians: the loneliness and isolation of her previously celibate life, the futile attempts she made to resist or even “change” her sexual orientation, and the fear of intimacy that followed a lifetime of believing same-sex relationships were sinful.

    Sally’s story-one of heritage, learning, courage, and love-is written especially for the generations of LGBTQ Christians after her who are questioning whether they can stay part of the church they call home. It’s a resounding reminder that, just like Sally’s own heart, things can change, and sometimes, when we earnestly search for the truth, we find it in the most unexpected places.

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  • Refuge Reimagined : Biblical Kinship In Global Politics


    Mark R. Glanville and Luke Glanville offer a new approach to compassion for displaced people: a biblical ethic of kinship. Challenging the fear-based ethic that often motivates Christian approaches, they demonstrate how this ethic is consistently conveyed throughout the Bible and can be practically embodied today.

    The global crisis of forced displacement is growing every year. At the same time, Western Christians’ sympathy toward refugees is increasingly overshadowed by concerns about personal and national security, economics, and culture. We urgently need a perspective that understands both Scripture and current political realities and that can be applied at the levels of the church, the nation, and the globe. In Refuge Reimagined, Mark R. Glanville and Luke Glanville offer a new approach to compassion for displaced people: a biblical ethic of kinship. God’s people, they argue, are consistently called to extend kinship-a mutual responsibility and solidarity-to those who are marginalized and without a home. Drawing on their respective expertise in Old Testament studies and international relations, the two brothers engage a range of disciplines to demonstrate how this ethic is consistently conveyed throughout the Bible and can be practically embodied today. Glanville and Glanville apply the kinship ethic to issues such as the current mission of the church, national identity and sovereignty, and possibilities for a cooperative global response to the refugee crisis. Challenging the fear-based ethic that often motivates Christian approaches, they envision a more generous, creative, and hopeful way forward. Refuge Reimagined will equip students, activists, and anyone interested in refugee issues to understand the biblical model for communities and how it can transform our world.

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  • Christian Antisemitism : Confrontng The Lies In Today’s Church


    Hate isn’t a thing from history.

    The Jewish people and Israel have been described as “a dominant and moving force behind the present and coming evils of our day”; “a monstrous system of evil…[that] will destroy us and our children” if not resisted; and a group that seeks “the annihilation of almost every Gentile man, woman, and child and the establishment of a satanic Jewish-led global dictatorship.” What’s worse is that these comments were all made by professing Christians.

    In Christian Antisemitism, respected Messianic Bible scholar Michael L. Brown, PhD, documents shocking examples of modern “Christian” antisemitism and exposes the lies that support them. Carefully researched, this book shows that church-based antisemitism is no longer a thing of the past. Rather, a dangerous, shocking tide of “Christian” antisemitism has begun to rise. In Christian Antisemitism, Dr. Brown shows you how to stem this tide now and overcome the evil of “Christian” antisemitism with the powerful love of the cross!

    This book will show you how to confront everyday antisemitism in all areas of your life and become a champion for the people of Israel.

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  • Infected : How To Stop The Global Spread Of Rage, Deception And Insanity


    A spiritual virus more devastating than COVID-19 has infected the global population. It has triggered rage, offense, and murdeous attacks that have exploded in our nation and around the world. If left unchecked, this virus leads to insanity, affecting the mind and body. We see the results all around us and people have no idea it is ruling their lives.

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  • Lamenting Racism Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    We need to talk about race. The Bible’s prayers of lament show us the way.

    Stories of racial injustice fill our news feeds. Yet for too long many of us in the church have been hesitant to speak up. We fear offending others, of using the wrong words, of not knowing what to say.

    In Lamenting Racism, a team of leading pastors and theologians come together to lay the groundwork for important conversations about racism in your congregation. In six, thought-provoking video sessions, they name that God’s people of every race are called to confront racism in every way possible. Together this team invites each of us to consider and give voice to how we have been shaped and formed by race.

    Calling on us to reclaim the lost art of biblical lament, they offer a powerful way to pour out the fear, shame, grief, and rage of racism in prayer. In the process, we will be transformed, reclaiming hope for a world shaped by God’s inclusive vision of love and blessing.

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  • Gen SeXYZ : Love, Sexuality And Youth


    “Corrupt the young. Get them away from religion. Encourage their interest in sex….”-Vladimir Lenin, 1921, How to Destroy the West

    Going through each of the prophetic statements made by Lenin in 1921 shows why America is where it is today. Only 4 percent of Gen Z think about life through a biblical lens. To them, sexuality is more important than friends, family, or their faith.

    Jeff Grenell’s goal in Gen SeXYZ: Love, Sexuality & Youth is to reach youth, youth leaders, and the church with a message that kicks the devil to the curb and restores sexuality to its God-given origins.

    When the church failed to respond to the sexual revolution of the 1960s and the present one of the 21st century, its role in society crumbled. The media stopped censoring, the government redefined marriage, schools taught progressive sex education, and the list of genders grew. We’ve experienced generational loss because we’ve gotten further away from the source of our original knowledge of sexuality: the Bible.

    Jeff points out that our understanding of sexuality must be anchored to the fact that God is love and the devil stole sex. He provides direct quotations from teenagers and leaders, practical knowledge, and tools to launch a spiritual revolution of love and truth that will grow the church to reach younger generations and combat the loveless, godless sexuality ethic in our culture that’s misleading them.

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  • Drowning In Screen Time



    Between Zoom meetings, online classes, social media, gaming, and binge-watching TV series, humans now spend most of their free time submerged in screen life–and that’s taking a toll on real life.

    The good news: there is a way back. Bestselling author David Murrow’s new book is a rescue plan for parents, adults, teachers, and ministers who want to help others (or themselves) achieve screen-life/real-life balance.

    Built around five simple parables, Drowning in Screen Time shows you:
    – What screens are doing to your family and relationships
    – Why screen content is so addictive
    – How to find freedom and confidence in real life

    Drowning in Screen Time is full of positive, practical ideas that can help you keep your digital head above water.

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  • Chasing Love : Sex, Love, And Relationships In A Confused Culture


    The music we listen to, the movies we watch-they’re all telling us to keep chasing love, and that we’ll finally be happy when we find it.

    But is love really all we need?

    The love that the world tells us to pursue is all about self, about following your heart’s desires. But what is the Christian worldview on love? When we follow Jesus, we realize that he invites us to reorient the focus of our lives, so instead of chasing love primarily for our own happiness, we are first and foremost to give love-to God and to others.

    In Chasing Love, Sean McDowell will invite readers into Jesus’ radical, upside-down approach to love, and in doing so, he’ll answer some of the toughest questions we’re asking about love today:

    *How does Jesus speak to singleness?
    *What does the gospel say about LGBTQ issues?
    *Can sexual sin truly be forgiven?
    *What if I’m not happy in my marriage?

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  • Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth


    God does not suggest, he commands that we do justice.

    Social justice is not optional for the Christian. All injustice affects others, so talking about justice that isn’t social is like talking about water that isn’t wet or a square with no right angles. But the Bible’s call to seek justice is not a call to superficial, kneejerk activism. We are not merely commanded to execute justice, but to “truly execute justice.” The God who commands us to seek justice is the same God who commands us to “test everything” and “hold fast to what is good.”

    Drawing from a diverse range of theologians, sociologists, artists, and activists, Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth, by Thaddeus Williams, makes the case that we must be discerning if we are to “truly execute justice” as Scripture commands. Not everything called “social justice” today is compatible with a biblical vision of a better world. The Bible offers hopeful and distinctive answers to deep questions of worship, community, salvation, and knowledge that ought to mark a uniquely Christian pursuit of justice. Topics addressed include:
    Culture War
    Critical Theory
    Identity Politics

    Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth also brings in unique voices to talk about their experiences with these various social justice issues, including:
    Michelle-Lee Barnwall
    Suresh Budhaprithi
    Eddie Byun
    Freddie Cardoza
    Becket Cook
    Bella Danusiar
    Monique Duson
    Ojo Okeye
    Edwin Ramirez
    Samuel Sey
    Neil Shenvi
    Walt Sobchak

    In Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth, Thaddeus Williams transcends our religious and political tribalism and challenges readers to discover what the Bible and the example of Jesus have to teach us about justice. He presents a compelling vision of justice for all God’s image-bearers that offers hopeful answers to life’s biggest questions.

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  • Institutional Intelligence : How To Build An Effective Organization


    Institutions matter. But we often view them somewhat cynically, perhaps as a necessary evil.

    In truth, institutions remain essential to human flourishing. They are the very means by which communities thrive, individual vocations are fulfilled, and society is changed for the good. We all must learn the wisdom of working effectively within institutions-what Gordon Smith calls institutional intelligence.

    In this book Smith unlocks the essential elements of how institutions function in a productive, healthy manner. Focusing on the nonprofit sector, he shows how team leaders, directors, executives, board members, key stakeholders, and employees can avoid what is often their greatest source of stress on the job-working with the institutional character of their organizations.

    Church staff, educators, and those in service agencies can all thrive by understanding these dynamics instead of fighting against them. By developing institutional intelligence, we and those around us can not only flourish personally but also fulfill a larger mission.

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  • Welded : Forming Racial Bonds That Last


    Welded: Forming Racial Bonds That Last is the story of two pastors and two churches coming together amidst the nation’s greatest racial tensions and painting a picture of true biblical community. This book recounts the two-year journey leading up to the merging of an African American church with a white mega church, highlighting the backstory that began years earlier and bringing the reader to a place of self-reflection.

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  • Redeeming Warriors : Veteran Suicide, Grieving And The Fight For Faith


    Twenty-two veterans take their own lives every day. The word “tragic’ only begins to describe the brokenness of this painful reality. Josh Holler, Marine Corps veteran and pastor, argues that veteran suicide is not primarily a problem born out of exposure to combat and PTSD, but out of a broken relationship between people and God. He tells some of the stories of men he has known and addresses the reality of the reason veteran suicide is such a problem.

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  • She Found His Grace


    When Serena Dyksen heard the news that over 2,200 babies’ remains were found on the property of abortion doctor Ulrich “George” Klopfer, her whole body went numb from shock. She began to sob tears of grief. “Is my baby one of those remains?” she questioned. Dr. Klopfer performed her abortion when she was just thirteen years old.

    Just months before, Serena had decided to share her abortion story. After watching one of the last scenes in the pro-life movie Unplanned, she felt it was time to share the hope and healing God had done in her life. Serena’s story reads like a traumatic tale: a childhood of dysfunction, rape, abortion at thirteen years old, a pregnant teenager at the age of sixteen, health issues, and a devastating event that led her to alcohol and drug abuse.

    But in her book, She Found His Grace: A True Story of Hope, Love and Forgiveness After Abortion, Serena reveals the transforming power of God’s healing in her life that set her completely free. She now finds comfort from Genesis 50:20 (ESV): “As for me, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”

    Serena wants everyone who reads her book to know that she walks in freedom because of the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Everyone needs to walk through the healing process of their past abortion, no matter what the circumstances,” she testifies. “If you don’t, you will be walking through deception, pain, and all the bondage that goes with that. But the same God who sent people to show His love for me is the same God who will redeem your life too!”

    Headlines of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer’s evil highlights the horrors of the abortion industry, but Serena’s testimony overshadows that darkness with the truth of God’s word. There is forgiveness, hope, and healing for your past abortion. “God shines through my life; he can shine through yours too!”

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  • Redeeming Power : Understanding Authority And Abuse In The Church


    Power has a God-given role in human relationships and institutions, but it can lead to abuse when used in unhealthy ways. Speaking into current #metoo and #churchtoo conversations, this book shows that the body of Christ desperately needs to understand the forms power takes, how it is abused, and how to respond to abuses of power.

    Although many Christians want to prevent abuse in their churches and organizations, they lack a deep and clear-eyed understanding of how power actually works. Internationally recognized psychologist Diane Langberg offers a clinical and theological framework for understanding how power operates, the effects of the abuse of power, and how power can be redeemed and restored to its proper God-given place in relationships and institutions. This book not only helps Christian leaders identify and resist abusive systems but also shows how they can use power to protect the vulnerable in their midst.

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  • Impossible Marriage : What Our Mixed-Orientation Marriage Has Taught Us Abo


    “People say our marriage is impossible.” Laurie and Matt Krieg are in a mixed-orientation marriage: a marriage in which at least one partner’s primary attraction isn’t toward the gender of their spouse. In the Kriegs’ case, Laurie is primarily attracted to women-and so is Matt. Some find the idea of mixed-orientation marriage bewildering or even offensive. But as the Kriegs have learned, nothing is impossible with God-and that’s as true of their marriage as anyone else’s. In An Impossible Marriage, the Kriegs tell their story: how they met and got married, the challenges and breakthroughs of their journey, and what they’ve learned about marriage along the way. Christianity teaches us that marriage is a picture of Jesus’ love for the church-and that’s just as true in a mixed-orientation marriage as in a straight one. With vulnerability and wisdom, this book lays out an engaging picture of marriage in all its pain and beauty. It’s a picture that points us, over and over again, to the love and grace of Jesus-as marriage was always meant to do.

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  • Liberation Is Here


    As a freelance filmmaker, Nikole Lim’s career allowed her to step in and out of the lives of marginalized people around the world. But when confronted with the prevalence of sexual violence in Kenyan and Zambian communities, she committed to advocating alongside the courageous survivors whose lives have intersected with her own. These women’s powerful stories inspired her to embark on a new vocation. Partnering with her Kenyan and Zambian sisters, Lim launched Freely in Hope, an organization focused on equipping survivors to end the cycle of sexual violence throughout Africa through faith, education, and self-empowerment. As Lim sought to provide liberation for her African sisters, her perspective was altered. Exhausted and deathly ill, she witnessed her friends becoming her healers-the once oppressed become her liberators. Illustrated with dramatic full-color photography from Lim’s own camera, Liberation Is Here transports readers to forgotten corners of the world. From the slums of Nairobi, hospitals of Lusaka, killing fields of Kigali, and back alleys of Barcelona, Lim weaves together stories in a narrative of God’s grace and healing amid fear and trauma. Her journey proves that liberation is not just near, but it is here-in the eyes of the broken, the hearts of the oppressed, and the untold stories of our global community.

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  • Who Will Be A Witness


    Churches have begun awakening to social and political injustices, often carried out in the name of Christianity. But once awakened, how will we respond?

    Who Will Be a Witness offers a vision for communities of faith to organize for deliverance and justice in their neighborhoods, states, and nation as an essential part of living out the call of Jesus.

    Author Drew G. I. Hart provides incisive insights into Scripture and history, along with illuminating personal stories, to help us identify how the witness of the church has become mangled by Christendom, white supremacy, and religious nationalism. Hart provides a wide range of options for congregations seeking to give witness to Jesus’ ethic of love for and solidarity with the vulnerable.

    At a time when many feel disillusioned and distressed, Hart calls the church to action, offering a way forward that is deeply rooted in the life and witness of Jesus. Dr. Hart’s testimony is powerful, personal, and profound, serving as a compass that points the church to the future and offers us a path toward meaningful social change and a more faithful witness to the way of Jesus.

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  • Future Of Christian Marriage


    Marriage has come a long way since biblical times. Women are no longer property, and practices like polygamy have long been rejected. The world is wealthier, healthier, and more able to find and form relationships than ever. So why are Christian congregations doing more burying than marrying today? Explanations for the recession in marriage range from the mathematical–more women in church than men–to the economic, and from the availability of sex to progressive politics. But perhaps marriage hasn’t really changed at all. Instead, there is simply less interest in marriage in an era marked by technology, gender equality, and secularization.

    Mark Regnerus explores how today’s Christians find a mate within a faith that esteems marriage but in a world that increasingly yawns at it. This book draws on in-depth interviews with nearly two hundred young-adult Christians from the United States, Mexico, Spain, Poland, Russia, Lebanon, and Nigeria, in order to understand the state of matrimony in global Christian circles today. Regnerus finds that marriage has become less of a foundation for a couple to build upon and more of a capstone. Meeting increasingly high expectations of marriage is difficult, though, in a free market whose logic reaches deep into the home today. The result is endemic uncertainty, slowing relationship maturation, and stalling marriage. But plenty of Christians innovate, resist, and wed, and this book argues that the future of marriage will be a religious one.

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  • Discernimiento Para Las Genera – (Spanish)


    How often the evangelical church of our time has been willing to re-evaluate what she has long believed, because of social consciousness, the moral outrage, of a world that has already demonstrated that it has no conscience, and has no respect for what is truly moral according to Scripture! The church is often found speaking the same language, using the same jargon, and spouting the same perspectives, as a world in darkness.

    Proverbs 2:1-15 is a timeless guide to discernment for all time.

    To enjoy the fruits of discernment, we must first desire discernment – as a treasure far more valuable than anything the world has to offer. We must seek the Giver of discernment and meet the requirements of discernment. The life that flows from such discernment is truly blessed.

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  • Discernment For The Ages


    How often the evangelical church of our time has been willing to re-evaluate what she has long believed, because of social consciousness, the moral outrage, of a world that has already demonstrated that it has no conscience, and has no respect for what is truly moral according to Scripture! The church is often found speaking the same language, using the same jargon, and spouting the same perspectives, as a world in darkness.

    Proverbs 2:1-15 is a timeless guide to discernment for all time.

    To enjoy the fruits of discernment, we must first desire discernment – as a treasure far more valuable than anything the world has to offer. We must seek the Giver of discernment and meet the requirements of discernment. The life that flows from such discernment is truly blessed.

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  • Might From The Margins


    God has empowered marginalized Christians to transform the church.

    The power of the gospel is often most visible among those who have been the least respected, including racial or ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, women, and people who have been displaced from their homeland. Yet in many faith communities, these are the same people whose leadership gifts are least likely to be recognized. But the power of the gospel comes from God, not from other humans. This book is a passionate affirmation of the power already present among marginalized Christians and a call to recognize and embrace this power for the sake of helping the church become more like Christ.

    Marginalized Christians are already changing the face of the church. Will we embrace their power to change the church’s heart?

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  • Reading While Black


    Growing up in the American South, Esau McCaulley knew firsthand the ongoing struggle between despair and hope that marks the lives of some in the African American context. A key element in the fight for hope, he discovered, has long been the practice of Bible reading and interpretation that comes out of traditional Black churches. This ecclesial tradition is often disregarded or viewed with suspicion by much of the wider church and academy, but it has something vital to say. Reading While Black is a personal and scholarly testament to the power and hope of Black biblical interpretation. At a time in which some within the African American community are questioning the place of the Christian faith in the struggle for justice, New Testament scholar McCaulley argues that reading Scripture from the perspective of Black church tradition is invaluable for connecting with a rich faith history and addressing the urgent issues of our times. He advocates for a model of interpretation that involves an ongoing conversation between the collective Black experience and the Bible, in which the particular questions coming out of Black communities are given pride of place and the Bible is given space to respond by affirming, challenging, and, at times, reshaping Black concerns. McCaulley demonstrates this model with studies on how Scripture speaks to topics often overlooked by white interpreters, such as ethnicity, political protest, policing, and slavery. Ultimately McCaulley calls the church to a dynamic theological engagement with Scripture, in which Christians of diverse backgrounds dialogue with their own social location as well as the cultures of others. Reading While Black moves the conversation forward.

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  • When The Righteous Rule


    It is time for every Christian to stand up, be counted, and be educated on the issues that concern the moral fiber of our country and the future of our families. In When the Righteous Rule: Bible Positions on Political Issues, Pastor Hagee gives insight and educates you on the Bible’s position of various political issues you will face in the voting booth.

    It is time to do more than stand on a soap box and complain. Take a stand for righteousness. Register to vote. Vote our Christian beliefs. We must help take our nation back to the God of our fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We will not be acknowledged for the problems we recognize, but for the problems we help solve.

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  • Messy Truth : How To Foster Community Without Sacrificing Conviction


    From the author of Messy Grace, a former pastor raised by gay parents, comes a compassionate playbook to help Christians, church staff, and ministry leaders create a culture of belonging without sacrificing theological convictions.

    What should we do? This is a question many Christians are asking as they face shifting societal norms, conflicting opinions, and often inaccurate scriptural interpretations regarding those who identify as LGBTQ+.

    Caleb Kaltenbach believes there’s a more helpful question: What am I willing to do to keep and build influence with ______________?

    Caleb knows our love for others is best measured by the lengths we’ll go to help them. He also recognizes that people find and follow Jesus better in community than in isolation. As a child raised by three activist gay parents, Caleb experienced firsthand the outrage of some Christians. That’s why he is committed to creating a sense of belonging for all people.

    True community can happen only when Christians are intentional in infusing their attitudes, systems, and values with grace and truth. This hopeful, practical book offers tools for encouraging church involvement, strengthening personal relationships, increasing empathy, and engaging in pivotal conversations about grace and truth with our whole community.

    Fostering a culture of belonging is a messy process, but it holds a massive possibility for everyone involved: a growing relationship with Jesus.

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  • Liturgy Of Politics


    A generation of young Christians are weary of the political legacy they’ve inherited and are hungry for a better approach. They’re tired of seeing their faith tied to political battles they didn’t start, and they’re frustrated with leaders they thought they could trust. Kaitlyn Schiess grew up in this landscape, and understands it from the inside. In The Liturgy of Politics, Schiess shows that the church’s politics are shaped by its habits and practices, even when it’s unaware of them. Spiritual formation, and particularly a focus on formative practices, are experiencing a renaissance in Christian thinking-but these ideas are not often applied to the political sphere. Schiess insists that the way out of our political morass is first to recognize the formative power of the political forces all around us, and then to recover historic Christian practices that shape us according to the truth of the gospel.

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  • Reconstructing The Gospel


    Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove grew up in the Bible Belt in the American South as a faithful church-going Christian. But he gradually came to realize that the gospel his Christianity proclaimed was not good news for everybody. The same Christianity that sang, “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound” also perpetuated racial injustice and white supremacy in the name of Jesus. His Christianity, he discovered, was the religion of the slaveholder. Just as Reconstruction after the Civil War worked to repair a desperately broken society, our compromised Christianity requires a spiritual reconstruction that undoes the injustices of the past. Wilson-Hartgrove traces his journey from the religion of the slaveholder to the Christianity of Christ. Reconstructing the gospel requires facing the pain of the past and present, from racial blindness to systemic abuses of power. Grappling seriously with troubling history and theology, Wilson-Hartgrove recovers the subversiveness of the gospel that sustained the church through centuries of slavery and oppression, from the civil rights era to the Black Lives Matter movement and beyond. When the gospel is reconstructed, freedom rings for both individuals and society as a whole. Discover how Jesus continues to save us from ourselves and each other, to repair the breach and heal our land.

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  • World Is Changing


    An Agustin Agencty Title

    On December 26, 1991, an event of extraordinary importance in universal history took place.

    It involved the dissolution of the Soviet Union, an event of enormous repercussions that almost no one had anticipated. In fact, only the historian Andrei Amalrík1 and Nobel laureate and writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn,2 two Russian dissidents, had enough courage and vision to forecast that such a seismic event would take place.

    Although it is indisputable that the Cold War had come to an end, there are more than a few who intend to continue analyzing the current global situation from the perspective of a historical period that ended four decades ago. Claiming to understand the present with the paradigms of the Cold War-even to a large extent with those espoused by the Left and Right-is a very serious mistake with consequences that are extremely harmful. History has continued to move forward, and just as it would have been foolish to claim to understand Europe of the end of the nineteenth century on the basis of what life was like for Napoleon, who was finally dethroned in 1815; it is absurd, and even ridiculous, to try to understand our world on the basis of what the Cold War entailed.

    In the first part of the present work, we will take into account the analysis of democracy as a recent and often failed regime, as well as consider the dangers that now threaten its very survival. The second part is devoted to the globalist agenda, which constitutes a real threat that seeks to destroy national sovereignty, the power of the Sates, and the democratic system itself. Finally, the third paints a global picture of how reactions are already perceived in light of this globalist agenda, although not all of them lead to a future of freedom, and, certainly, the human race runs a true and real risk of being subjected to totalitarian systems of various kinds. We invite you on this journey with The World is Changing.

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  • Mundo Que Cambia – (Spanish)


    An Agustin Agency Title

    El 26 de diciembre 1991, tuvo lugar un hecho de extraordinaria importancia en la Historia universal. Se trato de la disolucion de la Union Sovietica, un acontecimiento de enormes repercusiones que pocos habian previsto. A decir verdad, solo el historiador Andrei Amalrik y el premio Nobel Alexander Solzhenitsyn , disidentes rusos, habian tenido el valor y la vision para anunciar que semejante seismo tendria lugar. Aunque es indiscutible que la Guerra fria concluyo, no son pocos los que pretenden seguir analizando la situacion actual del globo desde la perspectiva de un periodo historico que termino hace cuatro decadas. Pretender comprender el presente con paradigmas de la Guerra fria – incluso con los de izquierdas y derechas – constituye una equivocacion de consecuencias perjudiciales. La Historia ha seguido avanzando y al igual que habria constituido una necedad pretender comprender la Europa de finales del siglo XIX sobre lo que fue la vida de Napoleon, destronado definitivamente en 1815, es absurdo, e incluso ridiculo, entender nuestro mundo sobre la base de la Guerra fria. Nuestro mundo ha seguido cambiando desde 1991 y lo que resulta aun mas relevante es que ese conjunto de cambios es constante e implica desafios colosales con los que nunca antes ha tenido que enfrentarse el genero humano. Lejos de ser la democracia y la libertad realidades que se imponen de manera casi natural, lo cierto es que se encuentran mas amenazadas que nunca y que esa amenaza no solo es externa sino, en buena medida, tambien interna. Un mundo que cambia es un intento de explicar que es verdaderamente la democracia y su fragilidad, y que es la agenda globalista, la cual amenaza a el patriotismo y la continuidad de la misma democracia.

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  • God And The Pandemic


    Discover a different way of seeing and responding to the Coronavirus pandemic, an approach drawing on Scripture, Christian history, and the way of living, thinking, and praying revealed to us by Jesus.

    What are we supposed to think about the Coronavirus crisis?

    Some people think they know: “This is a sign of the End,” they say. “It’s all predicted in the book of Revelation.”

    Others disagree but are equally clear: “This is a call to repent. God is judging the world and through this disease he’s telling us to change.”

    Some join in the chorus of blame and condemnation: “It’s the fault of the Chinese, the government, the World Health Organization…”

    N. T. Wright examines these reactions to the virus and finds them wanting. Instead, he shows that a careful reading of the Bible and Christian history offers simple though profound answers to our many questions, including:
    *What should be the Christian response?
    *How should we think about God?
    *How do we live in the present?
    *Why should we lament?
    *What should we learn about ourselves?
    *How do we recover?

    Written by one of the world’s foremost New Testament scholars, God and the Pandemic will serve as your guide to read the events of today through the light of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

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  • Is Christianity The White Mans Religion


    Among many young people of color, there is a growing wariness about organized religion and Christianity in particular.

    If Christianity is for everyone, why does the Bible seem to endorse slavery? Why do most popular images of Jesus feature a man with white skin and blue eyes? Is evangelical Christianity “good news” or a tool of white supremacy? As our society increases in ethnic and religious diversity, millennials and the next generation of emerging adults harbor suspicions about traditional Christianity. They’re looking for a faith that makes sense for the world they see around them. They want to know how Christianity relates to race, ethnicity, and societal injustices. Many young adults have rejected the Christian faith based on what they’ve seen in churches, the media, and politics. For them, Christianity looks a lot like a “white man’s religion.” Antipas L. Harris, a theologian and community activist, believes that biblical Christianity is more affirmative of cultural diversity than many realize. In this sweeping social, theological, and historical examination of Christianity, Harris responds to a list of hot topics from young Americans who struggle with the perception that Christianity is detached from matters of justice, identity, and culture. He also looks at the ways in which American evangelicalism may have incubated the race problem. Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion? affirms that ethnic diversity has played a powerful role in the formation of the Old and New Testaments and that the Bible is a book of justice, promoting equality for all people. Contrary to popular Eurocentric conceptions, biblical Christianity is not just for white Westerners. It’s good news for all of us.

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  • Other Side Of The Wall


    Christians have lived in Palestine since the earliest days of the Jesus movement. The Palestinian church predates Islam. Yet Palestinian Christians find themselves marginalized and ostracized. In the heated tensions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the voices of Palestinian Christians are often unheard and ignored. This book provides an opportunity to hear the realities of life on the ground from a leading Palestinian pastor and theologian. Munther Isaac gives the perspective of Palestinian Christians on the other side of the separation wall surrounding most Palestinian West Bank cities today. Isaac laments the injustices suffered by the Palestinian people but holds out hope for a just peace and ways to befriend and love his Jewish and Muslim neighbors. In contrast to the dominant religious and nationalistic ideologies and agendas for the region, he offers a theology of the land and a vision for a shared land that belongs to God, where there are no second-class citizens of any kind. “This book is my invitation to you,” Isaac writes, “to step into the other side of the wall and listen to our stories and perspective. It is my humble request to you to allow me to share how Palestinians experience God, read the Bible, and have been touched and liberated by Jesus-a fellow Bethlehemite who has challenged us to see others as neighbors and love them as ourselves. . . . This book paints a picture of our story of faith, lament, and hope. And I invite you to join and listen, on our side of the wall.”

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  • For Such A Time As This


    A nation that once embraced “one nation under God” as a government creed is rapidly choosing to forget its spiritual foundations.

    Sadly, many in our churches today appear unaware of what the progressive agenda of the left means for American citizens who stand on principles of biblical faith.

    Daniel J. Pacheco, a retired Navy commander, challenges that agenda in this political commentary, highlighting what we can expect if we allow progressive leaders to continue trampling upon principles of faith. He answers questions such as:
    – How are landmarks of Christian faith being removed from the record at an alarming pace?

    – Why are progressives laying siege to our right to free speech and our right to bear arms?

    – How have moral wrongs somehow become protected rights?

    – What does real leadership look like?

    Dan doesn’t just regurgitate the good and bad of today’s leadership – he takes a step back to analyze the moorings of our leadership in the light of Scripture. In doing so, he provides a blueprint to applying biblical truth to navigate times such as this.

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