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    Stephen Miller

    • 100 Tough Questions About God And The Bible (Reprinted)


      Serious questions deserve thoughtful responses, especially when the typical answers are unconvincing or when opinions of Bible experts clash. 100 Tough Questions About God and the Bible offers a fast-paced review of how Bible scholars answer the tough questions–drawing from a wide range of evangelical thinkers. It does so with a touch of humor and reports the most popular viewpoints, allowing readers to draw their own conclusions.
      Questions include
      * Did Adam really live for 930 years?
      * If God knows everything, why did he test Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son?
      * How can there be just one God, yet Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God too?
      * Why does the Bible enable slave owners?
      * If God’s so wonderful, why does he let us suffer?
      * and many more

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    • How To Get Into The Bible


      Journey through the greatest story of all time. How to Get Into the Bible is a fast-paced, action-packed look at the main characters, events, and meanings of the Old and New Testament. This is the perfect handbook of the Bible for people who love movies, comic books, television, and the Internet. Written with Bible texts from the reader-friendly Contemporary English Version, this book makes it even easier for adults who are unfamiliar with the Bible to get into the Scripture. Features include:
      Coverage of the entire Bible story
      Fresh look for easy reading

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    • Grandes Necios De La Biblia – (Spanish)


      Te has sentido alguna vez como un verdadero tonto? Pues, animo estimado amigo! Hay otros que han hecho cosas peores:

      Adan y Eva trajeron el pecado al mundo.
      Esau vendio su primogenitura por un tazon de sopa.
      Jonas huyo de Dios y termino en la panza de un gran pez.
      El primer libro de las 20 historias mas sobresalientes de la Biblia, Grandes necios de la Biblia da un vistazo a 20 personas en la Biblia que tomaron decisiones necias y sufrieron las consecuencias. Escrito con una retorica aguda y concisa y sin un lexico cristiano o terminos teologicos dificiles, Grandes necios de la Biblia apelara a una audiencia general por medio de su lectura divertida e informativa.

      Repleto de referencias historicas de los tiempos biblicos y tratando de mantener la exactitud biblica, Grandes necios de la Biblia se convertira en un gran material de apoyo para los estudios biblicos de lideres, miembros o de pastores en sus sermones.

      Ever feel like a real dummy? Well, take heart, dear friend! There are others who have done much worse:

      Adam and Eve brought sin into the world.
      Esau sold his part of the family fortune for a bowl of soup.
      Jonah ran from God and ended up in the belly of a big fish.
      Pharaoh stubbornly withstood ten plagues before he let the Israelites leave.
      The first book in the Top 20 Bible Series, Grandes necios de la Biblia takes a look at twenty people in the Bible who made really dumb decisions and suffered the consequences. Written in a sharp, concise rhetoric and without any Christian jargon or tough theological terms, Grandes necios de la Biblia will appeal to a general audience through a fun, informative read.

      Filled with historical references to biblical times and intent on biblical accuracy, Grandes necios de la Biblia will also provide great supplemental material for Bible study leaders and members, and also for pastors’ use in their sermons.

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    • Big Dummies Of The Bible


      Have you ever done something so dumb you wince at the thought of it? Well, you’re not alone. The Bible is full of characters who made some shockingly dumb moves. Here are a few examples:

      A guy who sold his right to his family’s estate for a bowl of soup.
      The couple who had the pleasure of having no rules, no boundaries–except one . . . a rule they decided to break anyway.
      The guy who fell in love with a woman who clearly was doing her best to have him killed.
      In Big Dummies of the Bible, bestselling author Stephen Miller shows readers some shockingly dumb moves by men and women of the Bible. Yet thousands of years later, we’re still making the same mistakes, and the results often turn out to be as grievous now as they were for these biblical characters. Miller teaches us how to avoid these mistakes and the inevitable accompanying pain and heartache.

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    • Como Explorar La Biblia – (Spanish)


      Descripcion (Description):

      En una cultura controlada por los medios de comunicacion, Como presentar la Biblia a aquellos que estan acostumbrados a las peliculas, las revistas y a los periodicos? Muy sencillo, les damos Como explorar la Biblia, una mirada dinamica y llena de accion a los personajes principales, los eventos y significados del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento.

      Grandes escenas: los eventos principales en palabras e ilustraciones detalladas.
      Papeles protagonicos: Una mirada a los personajes principales.
      La trama: El relato en una capsula:
      Alerta: Los consejos cruciales que no se deben pasar por alto.
      Frases celebres: Las frases que conocemos pero que no sabiamos que fueron extraidas de la Biblia.
      Cronologias: Sucesos en el mundo biblico y otros lugares de la Tierra. Todo eso y mucho mas.

      In today’s media-driven culture, how do you introduce the Bible to people who are used to movies, comic books, and USA Today? You give them Como explorar la Biblia, a fast-paced, action-packed look at the main characters, events, and meanings of the Old and New Testament.

      Using with the reader-friendly Contemporary English Version, this book makes it even easier for adults who are unfamiliar with the Bible to get into the Scriptures.

      Big Scenes–the main events in words and detailed illustrations
      Starring Roles–a look at the leading characters
      Plot–the story in a nutshell What to Look For–the crucial insights you don’t want to miss
      Famous Lines–phrases you may already know, but didn’t know they came from the
      Bible Timelines–happenings in the Bible world and the rest of the world And lots more!

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    • How To Get The Bible Into My Life Super Saver


      Put the Word to work for you! Focusing on how Scripture can be applied to everyday living, Miller covers each book of the Bible—from Genesis to Revelation—giving you a handle on influential people, key ideas you need to know, “red flag” issues, and more! Fully illustrated with outlines, cartoons, and sidebars.

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