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    Ted Dekker

    • Girl Behind The Red Rope


      Ten years ago, Grace saw something that would forever change the course of history. When evil in its purest form is unleashed on the world, she and others from their religious community are already hidden deep in the hills of Tennessee, abiding by every rule that will keep them safe, pure–and alive. As long as they stay there, behind the red perimeter.

      Her older brother’s questions and the arrival of the first outsiders she’s seen in a decade set in motion events that will question everything Grace has built her life on. Enemies rise on all sides–but who is the real enemy? And what will it cost her to uncover the truth?

      For the first time, bestselling authors Ted Dekker and Rachelle Dekker team up and deliver an intense, tightly focused ride through the most treacherous world of all.

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    • Llamas – (Spanish)


      Aunque el pasado de Janeal se habia quemado, ahora se levantaba de las cenizas.

      Aos atras, el Gypsy Kumpania donde Janeal Mikkado vivia fue atacada por desconocidos. Al estar su mejor amigo a punto de ser consumido por el fuego, Janeal tuvo dos opciones: Intentar salvar a su amigo , a riesgo de perder su propia vida, o desaparecer con el millon de dolares que ella acaba de descubrir.

      Pero el pasado rapidamente regresa a rondarla. Tanto el mejor amigo como el novio que ella estaba segura que habian muerto, reaparecen en su vida, como quienes saben del dinero. Hay una deuda que pagar por el dinero que ella encontro, pero hay una deuda aun mayor que ella debe afrontar, y si la paja desmenuzada no es quemada de su corazon, esta la consumira.

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    • Negro – (Spanish)


      Nada es como parece cuando se estrellan los sueos y la realidad.

      Huyendo de sus agresores por callejones abandonados, Thomas Hunter apenas se escapa yendose al techo de un edificio. Luego una bala silenciosa de la noche roza su cabeza… y su mundo se vuelve negro. De la negrura surge la asombrosa realidad de otro mundo, un mundo donde domina el mal. Un mundo en el que Thomas Hunter se enamora de una mujer hermosa. Pero luego se acuerda del sueo en el que lo perseguian por un callejon mientras extiende su mano para tocar la sangre en su cabeza. Donde termina el sueo y comienza la realidad? Cada vez que se queda dormido en un mundo, se despierta en otro. Pero en ambos, le aguarda un desastre catastrofico… quizas incluso sea causado por el.

      Algunos dicen que el mundo depende fragilmente de cada decision que tomamos. Ahora el destino de dos mundos depende fragilmente de las decisiones de un hombre.

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    • Blanco – (Spanish)


      Nunca rompa el circulo.

      En esta tercera parte de la innovadora Serie del circulo, Thomas Hunter solo tiene dias para sobrevivir en dos mundos diferentes, llenos de peligro, engao y destruccion. El destino de ambos mundos depende de su singular habilidad de cambiar realidades por medio de sus sueos. Ahora, guiando un pequeo grupo multiforme conocido como El Circulo, Thomas se encuentra enfrentando nuevos enemigos, desafios interminables y el amor prohibido de una mujer de lo mas insolita.

      Entre a la Gran Busqueda, donde Thomas y una pequea banda de seguidores deben decidir rapidamente en quien pueden confiar, tanto con sus propias vidas como con el destino de millones de personas.

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    • Adan – (Spanish)


      El autor de gran exito de ventas segun el New York Times, Ted Dekker, revela su novela mas fascinante hasta el momento… un escurridizo asesino en serie cuyas victimas mueren por causas desconocidas y un psicologo obsesionado con atraparlo.

      El psicologo de conducta del FBI, Daniel Clark, se ha hecho famoso por sus argumentos de que la religion es uno de los antagonistas mas grandes de la sociedad. Lo que Daniel no sabe es que su persecucion obsesiva de un asesino en serie conocido solo como “Eva” terminara en su propia muerte en manos de Eva. Despues de veinte minutos Daniel es resucitado, solo para luego sentirse perseguido por esos veinte minutos perdidos de vida.

      De pronto se hace dolorosamente evidente que la unica manera de detener a Eva es recobrando esos minutos perdidos al morirse… otra vez. Lo que no es tan claro es cuantas veces tendra que morir para descubrir la verdad, no solo acerca de Eva, sino de si mismo. Daniel tendra que enfrentar realidades que lo persiguen en cuanto a posesiones demoniacas en el mundo moderno, y volver a evaluar su propio prejuicio en contra de la religion, para detener al asesino.

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    • Rojo – (Spanish)


      Entre a la epopeya rociada de adrenalina donde se estrellan los sueos y la realidad. Nada es como parece, cuando Negro se convierte en Rojo.

      Hace menos de un mes, Thomas Hunter era un escritor fracasado vendiendo cafe en Java Hut en Denver. Ahora se encuentra en una busqueda desesperada para evitar que dos mundos se desmoronen. En un mundo, el es un general devastado por la guerra al mando de un ejercito de guerreros primitivos. En el otro, esta apresurado para derrotar el intento de terroristas sadicos de crear un caos global mediante un virus imparable.

      Dos mundos al borde de la destruccion. Una solucion inimaginable.

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    • 49th Mystic


      Some say the great mystery of how one can live in two worlds at once died with Thomas Hunter many years ago. Still others that the gateway to that greater reality was and is only the stuff of dreams.

      They are wrong. In the small town of Eden, Utah, a blind girl named Rachelle Matthews is about to find out just how wrong.

      When a procedure meant to restore Rachelle’s sight goes awry, she begins to dream of another world so real that she wonders if Earth might only be a dream experienced when she falls asleep in that reality. Who is a simple blind girl to have such strange and fantastic dreams?

      She’s the prophesied one who must find and recover five ancient seals–in both worlds–before powerful enemies destroy her. If Rachelle succeeds in her quest, peace will reign. If she fails, both worlds will forever be locked in darkness.

      So begins a two-volume saga of high stakes and a mind-bending quest to find an ancient path that will save humanity. The clock is ticking; the end rushes forward.
      Ready? Set?

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    • Rise Of The Mystics


      Some say the great mystery of how one can live in two worlds at once died with Thomas Hunter many years ago. Still others that the gateway to that greater reality was and is only the stuff of dreams. They are all wrong.

      Rachelle Matthews, who grew up in the small town of Eden, Utah, discovered just how wrong when she dreamed and awoke in another world. There she learned that she was the 49th Mystic, the prophesied one, tasked with finding five ancient seals before powerful enemies destroy her. If Rachelle succeeds in her quest, peace will reign. If she fails, the world will forever be locked in darkness.

      In The 49th Mystic, Rachelle found the first three of those five seals through great peril and mind-altering adventure. But two seals remain hidden and the fate of both worlds hangs in their balance.

      As Rachelle Matthews sits deep in a dungeon, Vlad Smith is just getting started. Thomas Hunter’s world is about to be turned inside out. The mystics say that there is no defense against the Fifth Seal–but finding it will cost Rachelle everything.

      So begins the final volume of high stakes in one girl’s quest to find an ancient path that will save humanity. The clock is ticking; the end rushes forward.

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    • A D 33


      New York Times bestselling author Ted Dekker delivers the gripping story of Maviah, a slave who becomes a queen in Arabia, A.D. 33. They call her the Queen of the Outcasts. Maviah, a woman whose fate was sealed on her birth by this world-unwanted, illegitimate, female, a slave-subject to the whims of all. But then she met a man named Yeshua who opened her eyes. She found strength in his words, peace from the brutal word around her. Because of what he taught her, she has gathered her own traveling kingdom of outcasts deep in the desert, wielding an authority few have seen. But when her growing power threatens the rulers around her, they set out to crush all she loves, leaving her reeling as a slave once more. She must find Yeshua to save her people, but when she does, she will be horrified to discover that he faces his own death. Enter a story full of intrigue, heart-wrenching defeat, uncompromising love and staggering victory-one that re-examines everything you thought you knew about the heart of Jesus’s stunning message and the power that follows for those who follow his easily forgotten way.

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    • A D 30


      A sweeping epic set in the harsh deserts of Arabia and ancient Palestine.A war that rages between kingdoms on the earth and in the heart.

      The harrowing journey of the woman at the center of it all.

      Step back in time to the year of our Lord…A.D. 30.

      The outcast daughter of one of the most powerful Bedouin sheikhs in Arabia, Maviah is called on to protect the very people who rejected her. When their enemies launch a sudden attack with devastating consequences, Maviah escapes with the help of two of her father’s warriors–Saba who speaks more with is sword than his voice and Judah, a Jew who comes from a tribe that can read the stars. Their journey will be fraught with terrible danger. If they can survive the vast forbidding sands of a desert that is deadly to most, they will reach a brutal world subjugated by kings and emperors. There Maviah must secure an unlikely alliance with King Herod of the Jews. But Maviah’s path leads her unexpectedly to another man. An enigmatic teacher who speaks of a way in this life which offers greater power than any kingdom. His name is Yeshua, and his words turn everything known on its head. Though following him may present even greater danger, his may be the only way for Maviah to save her people–and herself.

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    • Sovereign


      Nine years after Rom Sebastian was thrust into the most unlikely of circumstances as hero and bearer of an unimaginable secret, the alliance of his followers is in disarray. An epic battle with The Order has left them scattered and deeply divided both in strategy and resolve in their struggle to become truly alive and free.

      Only 49 truly alive followers remain loyal to Rom. This meager band must fight for survival as The Order is focused on their total annihilation. Misunderstood and dispised, their journey will be one of desperation against a new, more intensely evil Order. As the hand of this evil is raised to strike and destroy them they must rely on their faith in the abiding power of love to overcome all and lead them to sovereigncy.

      SOVEREIGN wonderfuly continues the new testament allegory that was introduced in FORBIDDEN and continued in MORTAL.

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    • Man Called Blessed


      One man holds the key to finding the Ark of the Covenant.

      In this explosive sequel to Blessed Child, Rebecca Soloman leads a team deep into the Ethiopian desert to hunt the one man who may know the final resting place of the Ark of the Covenant. But Islamic extremists fear that the Ark’s discovery will compel Israel to rebuild Solomon’s temple on the very site of their own holy mosque in Jerusalem.

      They immediately dispatch Ismael, their most accomplished assassin, to pursue the same man. But the one in their sights is no ordinary man. His name is Caleb, and he is also on a quest-to find again the love he embraced as a child.

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    • Blessed Child


      “Whoever said that a straightened hand was more dramatic than a healed heart anyway?”

      A young orphaned boy was abandoned in the midst of an invasion and raised in an Ethiopian monastery. He has never seen outside its walls-at least, not the way most people see. Now he must flee those walls or die.

      But the world beyond is hardly ready for a boy like Caleb.

      When relief worker Jason Marker agrees to take Caleb from the monastery, he unwittingly opens humanity’s doors to an incredible journey filled with political intrigue and peril. Jason and Leiah-the French-Canadian nurse who escapes the monastery with him-quickly realize Caleb’s supernatural power to heal. But so do the boy’s enemies, who will stop at nothing to destroy him. Jason and Leiah fight for Caleb’s survival while the world erupts in debate over the source of his power.

      In the end nothing can prepare them for what they discover.

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    • Mortal


      Centuries have passed since civilization’s brush with apocalypse. The world’s greatest threats have all been silenced. There is no anger, no hatred, no war. There is only perfect peace…and fear. A terrible secret was closely guarded for centuries: every single soul walking the earth, though in appearance totally normal, is actually dead, long ago genetically stripped of true humanity.

      Nine years have gone by since an unlikely hero named Rom Sebastian first discovered a secret and consumed an ancient potion of blood to bring himself back to life in Forbidden. Surviving against impossible odds, Rom has gathered a secret faction of followers who have also taken the blood-the first Mortals in a world that is dead.

      But The Order has raised an elite army to hunt and crush the living. Division and betrayal threaten to destroy the Mortals from within. The final surviving hope for humanity teeters on the brink of annihilation and no one knows the path to survival.

      On the heels of Forbidden comes MORTAL, the second novel in The Books of Mortals saga penned by Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee. Set in a terrifying, medieval future, where grim pageantry masks death, this tale of dark desires and staggering stakes peels back the layers of the heart for all who dare take the journey.

      The Books of Mortals are three novels, each of which stands on its own, yet all are seamlessly woven into one epic thriller.

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    • Forbidden


      Fleeing pursuit, with only moments to live, a young man named Rom stumbles into possession of a vial of blood and a piece of cryptic writing. When consumed, the blood will bring him back to life. When decoded, the message will lead him on a perilous journey that will require him to abandon everything he has ever known and awaken humanity to the transforming power of true life and love. But the blood will also resurrect hatred, ambition, and greed at terrible risk.

      The first book in a thrilling series set in a desolate future, FORBIDDEN begins a journey that continues with Mortal and will conclude with Soverign. From the combined pens of master storytellers Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee, this tale of passionate love and dark desires peels back the layers of the heart for all who dare to take the journey.

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    • En Un Instante – (Spanish)


      From the mind of New York Times best-selling author Ted Dekker comes the question, “If you knew the outcome of your choices, would it determine what you do?”

      Seth Borders has one of the world’s highest IQs. Now he’s suddenly struck by an incredible power, the ability to see multiple potential futures, and he stumbles upon Miriam, a beautiful Saudi Arabian princess who has fled to escape a forced marriage. Cultures collide as Seth and Miriam are thrown together and forced to run from forces determined to kidnap or kill Miriam. An intoxicating tale set amidst the shifting sands of the Middle East and the back roads of America, En un instante engages issues as ancient as the earth itself and as current as today’s headlines.

      De la mente de Ted Dekker, autor de gran exito de ventas segun el New York Times, viene la pregunta: “Si usted supiera el resultado de sus decisiones, ?determinaria eso lo que hiciera?”Seth Borders tiene uno de los coeficientes intelectuales mas altos del mundo. Ahora de pronto es atacado por un poder increible, la habilidad de ver multiples futuros posibles, y se encuentra con Miriam, una hermosa princesa de Arabia Saudita que se ha escapado de un matrimonio forzado. Las culturas colisionan cuando Seth y Miriam son lanzados juntos y obligados a huir de fuerzas decididas a secuestrar o matar a Miriam. Una historia intoxicante desarrollada en medio de las arenas movedizas del Medio Oriente y los caminos escondidos de Estados Unidos, En un instante toca temas tan antiguos como la tierra misma… y tan actuales como los titulares de primera plana de hoy en dia.

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    • Tr3s – (Spanish)


      From the mind of Ted Dekker: Tr3s, now in trade paper.
      Imagine answering your cell phone to a mysterious voice that gives you three minutes to confess your sin. If you don’t, he’ll blow the car you’re driving to bits and pieces. So begins a nightmare that grows with progressively higher stakes. A powerful novel of good, bad, and all that lies in between, Tr3s is a psychological thriller that starts full-tilt and keeps the reader off balance until the very last suspense-filled page.

      De la mente de Ted Dekker: Tr3s, ahora en tapa rustica.Imagina que al contestar tu celular, escuchas una voz misteriosa que te da tres minutos para confesar tus pecados. Si no lo haces, va a hacer volar en pedazos el automovil que estas manejando. Asi empieza una pesadilla que se va desarrollando con consecuencias cada vez mas graves. Una novela imponente que trata de lo bueno, lo malo y todo lo que hay entre ambos, Tr3s es una historia de suspenso psicologico que arranca a plena velocidad y tiene al lector desbalanceado con curiosidad hasta la ultima pagina.

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    • Immanuels Veins


      This story is for everyone–but not everyone is for this story. It is a dangerous tale of times past. A love story full of deep seduction. A story of terrible longing and bold sacrifice. Then as now, evil begins its courtship cloaked in light. And the heart embraces what it should flee. Forgetting it once had a truer lover. With a kiss, evil will ravage body, soul, and mind. Yet there remains hope, because the heart knows no bounds. Love will prove greater than lust. Sacrifice will overcome seduction. And blood will flow. Because the battle for the heart is always violently opposed. For those desperate to drink deep from this fountain of life, enter. But remember, not everyone is for this story.

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    • Priests Graveyard


      The last thing Renee Gilmore remembers is being rescued by a pair of unknown arms after her drug-dealer boyfriend attempts to murder her. She wakes up in a beautiful glass house surrounded by doctors and the man that saved her life, Lamont Myers. Lamont offers her protection, if she abides by his rules. Among these; she must not leave the house, making her the bird in his gilded cage.

      Danny Hansen is a Bosnian immigrant who came to America to escape the bloodshed of his country and the memories of his own involvement. Danny is a priest who lives by a strict moral code, one which values the loving of others above all else. It is those that pretend to abide by religious and legal law but intentionally harm others that insence Danny. And he believes it is duty to show them the error of their ways. Those few that admit and renounce their behavior are forgiven and set free, but never without a severe reminder of their wrongdoings. Those that refuse to admit to their behavior are killed.

      A year after Renee is rescued by Lamont he is murdered and she vows to seek revenge. At the same time, Danny has continued to carve a swath of judgement and punishment.

      In their individual pursuits, Danny and Renee’s paths become entangled and before long it is clear that neither of them may make it out of this hunt alive.

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    • Priests Graveyard (Large Type)


      Two abandoned souls are on the hunt for one powerful man. Soon, their paths will cross and lead to one twisted fate.

      Danny Hansen is a Bosnian immigrant who came to America with hopes of escaping haunted memories of a tragic war that took his mother’s life. Now he’s a priest who lives by a law of love and compassion. It is powerful men and hypocrites who abide by legal law but eschew the law of love that most incense Danny. As an avenging angel, he believes it is his duty to show them the error of their ways, at any cost.

      Renee Gilmore is the frail and helpless victim of one such powerful man. Having escaped his clutches, she now lives only to satisfy justice by destroying him, regardless of whom she must become in that pursuit.

      But when Danny and Renee’s paths become inexorably entangled things go very, very badly and neither of them may make it out of this hunt alive.

      Judge not, or you too will be judged.

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    • Casa – (Spanish)


      Frank Peretti y Ted Dekker, dos de los escritores mas reconocidos en novelas de ficcion, han unido sus fuerzas por primera vez para crear una historia como ninguna otra que hayas leido. Entra en La casa, donde te encontraras en medio del juego mortal de un asesino en el cual la unica manera de ganar es perdiendo y la unica manera de salir es entrando. Un juego, siete jugadores, y tres reglas.

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    • Green


      The New York Times bestseller that brings the epic series full circle.The story of how Thomas Hunter first entered the Black Forest and forever changed our history began at a time when armies were gathered for a final battle in the valley of Migdon. Green is a story of love, betrayal, and sweeping reversals set within the apocalypse. It is the beginning: the truth behind a saga that has captured the imagination ofmore thana million readers with the Books of History Chronicles. But even more, Green brings full meaning to the Circle Series as a whole, reading as both prequel to Black and sequel to White, completing a full circle. This is Book Zero, the Circle Reborn, both the beginning and the end.The preferred starting point for new readers. . . and the perfect conclusion for the countless fans who’ve experienced Black, Red, and White.

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    • En Un Instante – (Spanish)


      Seth Borders has one of the world’s highest IQs. Now he’s suddenly struck by an incredible power–the ability to see multiple potential futures–and he stumbles upon Miriam, a beautiful Saudi Arabian princess who has fled to escape a forced marriage. Cultures collide as Seth and Miriam are thrown together and forced to run from forces determined to kidnap or kill Miriam. An intoxicating tale set amidst the shifting sands of the Middle East and the back roads of America, Blink engages issues as ancient as the earth itself . . . and as current as today’s headlines.

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    • Chosen


      Think with your heart and prepare to die for you have been Chosen. The land of the Forest Dwellers has been decimated by the Horde under the watchful eye of the vilest of all creatures, Teeleh. Thomas Hunter, supreme commander of the Forest Guard, is forced to lower the recruitment age of his army from 18 to 16. From among thousands, four new recruits are chosen to lead–and perhaps die–for the greater good. The chosen four are sent on a quest to prove their character, but their mission takes a dramatic turn when they are intercepted, sworn to secrecy, and redirected to a different endgame. Now they must find the seven lost Books of History. Books that have power over the past, present, and future. Books whose words are alive. Books sought by the Dark One that control not only the destiny of their world . . . but that of ours as well.

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    • Tr3s – (Spanish)


      Imagine answering your cell phone to a mysterious voice that gives you three minutes to confess your sin. If you don’t, he’ll blow the car you’re driving to bits and pieces. So begins a nightmare that grows with progressively higher stakes. A powerful novel of good, bad, and all that lies in between, Tr3s is a psychological thriller that starts full-tilt and keeps the reader off balance until the very last suspense-filled page.

      De la mente de Ted Dekker: Tr3s, ahora en tapa rustica.Imagina que al contestar tu celular, escuchas una voz misteriosa que te da tres minutos para confesar tus pecados. Si no lo haces, va a hacer volar en pedazos el automovil que estas manejando. Asi empieza una pesadilla que se va desarrollando con consecuencias cada vez mas graves. Una novela imponente que trata de lo bueno, lo malo y todo lo que hay entre ambos, Tr3s es una historia de suspenso psicologico que arranca a plena velocidad y tiene al lector desbalanceado con curiosidad hasta la ultima pagina.

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    • Kiss


      Master of evangelical Christian suspense, Dekker (Thr3e; Blink; Skin) joins first-time author Healy in this thriller, no less fast-moving than the Christy Award-winning author’s solo prose, but also more gripping as it plunges into the life of a woman with frayed and painful family relationships. When a tragic auto accident leaves Shauna McAllister’s brother brain-damaged and erases her recent memories, she discovers she has a paranormal ability to steal memories from others, a capability that will either get her killed or unveil hidden sides of the very people she thought she could trust. Against this background, she attempts to uncover the ugly truth about her father’s dark secrets and to upend his run for president of the United States. True to Dekker’s penchant for twists that keep you guessing till the very last page, Kiss also attempts to return to snappier dialogue and more logical plotting than Skin. A psychological suspense thriller that shines light into black-market child trafficking, Dekker’s latest will satisfy Christian fiction lovers who want complex characters and who believe in the stark realities of true good and heinous evil.

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    • Red : The Heroic Rescue (Anniversary)


      5th Anniversary Edition of Award Winning Series

      “We have stepped off the cliff and are falling into madness.” Thomas Hunter is caught between two shocking realities, each facing a meltdown of epic proportions. When he dreams in one world, he awakens in the other. In one reality, Thomas is a respected military leader urgently trying to deliver the vastly outnumbered Forest People from an agonizing calamity that will end life as they know it. In the other, he’s trying desperately to work with the world’s top leaders to stop the release of the deadliest airborne virus ever created. The earth’s population is facing the worst global crisis in history. This virus has a three-week latency period, and only ten days remain before its deadly power is unleashed. Thomas must find a way to change history–or face the destruction of two worlds.

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    • White : The Great Pursuit (Anniversary)


      5th Anniversary Edition of Award Winning Series

      “Never break the circle.” For two realities, time is running out. In one world, a lethal virus threatens to destroy all life as scientists and governments scramble to find an antidote. In the other, a forbidden love could forever destroy the ragtag resistance known as The Circle. Thomas can bridge both worlds, but he is quickly realizing that he may not be able to save either. In the mind-bending conclusion to the Circle trilogy, Thomas must find a way to rewrite history as he navigates a whirlwind of emotions and events surrounding a pending apocalypse. The fate of two worlds comes down to one man’s choice–and it is a most unlikely choice indeed. Life. Death. Love. Nothing is as it seems. Yet all will forever be transformed by the decisions of one man in the final hours of the Great Pursuit.

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    • Black : The Birth Of Evil (Anniversary)


      5th Anniversary Edition of Award Winning Series

      Enter an adrenaline-laced epic where dreams and reality collide Fleeing his assailants through deserted alleyways, Thomas Hunter narrowly escapes to the roof of a building. Then a silent bullet from the night clips his head . . . and his world goes black. From the blackness comes an amazing reality of another world–a world where evil is contained. A world where Thomas Hunter is in love with a beautiful woman. But then he remembers the dream of being chased through an alleyway as he reaches to touch the blood on his head. Where does the dream end and reality begin? Every time he falls asleep in one world, he awakes in the other. Yet in both, catastrophic disaster awaits him . . . may even be caused by him. Some say the world hangs in the balance of every choice we make. Now the fate of two worlds hangs in the balance of one man’s choices.

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    • Sinner : A Paradise Novel


      It has been predicted that Christians will one day be hated even in the land of the free. Now that day has arrived with the help of Marsuvees Black. When a string of racially motivated lynchings threatens to tear the country apart, two stunningly gifted orators, Darcy Lange and Billy Rediger, sweep into Washington and demand that the constitution be modified to allow for a law that will end the widespread violence.Racial and religious speech that undermines others’ beliefs must be classified as hate speech and must be severely punished. But out of the desert comes one man, Johnny Drake, who refuses to deny his faith in Christ through silence. Now the whole world watches as Christianity faces a showdown not seen since the times of the early church.

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    • When Heaven Weeps – (Spanish)


      Un amor lo suficientemente fuerte como para estremecer sus huesos. Un sacrificio lo suficientemente poderoso como para hacer llorar al cielo.
      Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un soldado traumatizado por la guerra, Jan Jovic, se vio forzado a infligir un juego de vida o muerte en una comunidad pacifica de Bosnia. En unas cuantas horas, este joven se enfrento con mas amor y odio que lo que la mayoria de la gente experimenta en toda una vida.

      Anos despues, Jan se convirtio en un mundialmente reconocido escritor con amplia influencia en Estados Unidos. Su pasado esta enterrado en las profundidades de su memoria hasta que sale a la superficie en los momentos mas inoportunos. El juego presenciado por Jan lo persigue… y sin darse cuenta lo lleva a una hermosa pero quebrantada mujer atrapada en el bajo mundo del crimen.

      El ahora debe vencer un mal rara vez visto. Pero hay un costo, uno que hasta este soldado traumatizado por la guerra no se puede imaginar.

      A love strong enough to bring a tremor to your bones. A sacrifice powerful enough to make heaven weep.
      At the close of World War II, a shell-shocked solider, Jan Jovic, was forced to inflict a game of life and death on a peaceful Bosnian community. In a few short hours, this young man was confronted by more love and hate than most experience in a lifetime.

      Years later, Jan has become a world-renown writer with widespread influence in the United States, his past buried deep in his memory until at the most inopportune times. The game witnessed by Jan haunts him… and unwittingly leads him to a beautiful but broken woman caught in an underworld of crime.

      He now must defeat an evil rarely seen. But there is a price, one that even this war-scarred solider can’t imagine.

      Un amor lo suficientemente fuerte como para estremecer sus huesos. Un sacrificio lo suficientemente poderoso como para hacer llorar al cielo. Al finalizar la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un soldado traumatizado por la guerra, Jan Jovic, se vio forzado a infligir un juego de vida o muerte en una comunidad pacifica de Bosnia. En unas cuantas horas, este joven se enfrento con mas amor y odio que lo que la mayoria de la gente experimenta en toda una vida. Anos despues, Jan se convirtio en un mundialmente reconocido escritor con amplia influencia en Estados Unidos. Su pasado esta enterrado en las profundidades de su memoria hasta que sale a la superficie en los momentos mas inoportunos. El juego presenciado por Jan lo

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    • Apuesta Del Cielo – (Spanish)


      El ha dejado su pasado bien lejos… o eso es lo que cree. Kent Anthony es un brillante ingeniero de software que esta ganando mucho dinero con su carrera fenomenal. Por fin esta viviendo la vida idilica, alejado de ideas de robos, asesinatos y otras clases de conductas criminales horribles. Esta historia lo traera frente a frente con un mundo escondido mas real que lo que la mayoria de la gente piensa, un mundo en el que lo invisible es mas poderoso que cualquier cosa visible.

      A brilliant young software designer on the brink of becoming a millionare…Two sleek, well-fed bank executives who know an opportunity when they see it… A Nike-clad grandmother who literally puts feet to her prayers…A beautiful young widow who uncovers a dangerous secret… On one level it’s a psychological thriller–a fascinating account of the (almost) perfect crime. On another level it’s a romance–the tale of bittersweet love that is (almost) enough to save a soul. But most of all it’s an imaginative window into a world more real and vital than most people ever discover here on earth, the unseen world where the real dramas of the universe–and of our daily lives–continually unfold. Heaven’s Wager is one of those rare novels that is both a page turner and a thought provoker. You’ll devour it in one sitting–then find yourself pondering it for months to come.

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    • Trueno Desde El Cielo – (Spanish)


      What happens when the evil of terrorism collides with the love of God?
      The world’s worst fears have dawned. Nothing stands in the way of total destruction. . . except the love of one woman.

      Deep in the Amazon jungle a young American woman and the son of plantation owners fall madly in love. For Tanya and Shannon, life is a paradise most only dream about. But today paradise ends. The jungle has hatched more than idyllic love. It has also spawned insidious evil. An evil shrouded in a plot so diabolically brilliant that all of America will be brought to her knees at the hands of a few terrorists. The plan is executed to perfection. There is no way out…save an ancient woman whose dark past has lead her to a life of prayer in preparation for the unspeakable terror about to be unleashed.

      ?Que sucede cuando la perversidad del terrorismo choca con el amor de Dios? Los peores temores del mundo han llegado. Nada impide la destruccion total, excepto el amor de una mujer. En la profundidad de la selva amazonica una joven estadounidense y el hijo de los duenos de una plantacion se enamoran locamente. Para Tanya y Shannon, la vida es un paraiso con el que la mayoria solo suena. Pero el dia de hoy el paraiso termina. La selva ha dado a luz mas que un amor idilico. Tambien ha producido perversidad insidiosa. Perversidad envuelta en una trama tan diabolicamente brillante que Estados Unidos caera completamente de rodillas a manos de unos cuantos terroristas. El plan se ejecuta a la perfeccion. No hay salida, excepto una anciana cuyo oscuro pasado la ha llevado a una vida de oracion en preparacion para el terror inefable que esta a punto de desatarse.

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    • Adam : He Died Once To Stop The Killer Now He Is Dying Again To Save His Wi


      ackling near-death experiences and demon possession, NY Times best-selling author Ted Dekker delivers a riveting thriller of sin and salvation.FBI behavioral psychologist Daniel Clark has been made famous by his arguments that religion is one of society’s greatest antagonists. What Daniel doesn’t know is that his obsessive pursuit of a serial killer known only as “Eve” will end in his own death at Eve’s hand. Twenty minutes later Daniel is resuscitated, only to be haunted by those twenty missing minutes of life. It soon becomes painfully clear that the only way to stop Eve is to recover those missing minutes by dying . . . again. What isn’t nearly as clear is just how many times he will have to die to discover the truth, not only about Eve, but about himself. Daniel will have to face haunting realities about demon possession in the modern world–and reevaluate his own prejudice against religion–to stop the killer.

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    • Saint : A Paradise Novel


      “We call you Saint.”The name ignited a light in Carl’s mind. Saint. He’d been covertly recruited for Black Ops and given his life to the most brutal kind of training any man or woman could endure. He was here because he belonged here. To the X Group.An assasin. The most effective killer in the world. And yet . . . Carl Strople struggles to retain fleeting memories that betray an even more ominous reality. He’s been told part of the truth–but what’s the rest?Invasive techniques have stripped him of his identity and made him someone new–for this he is grateful. But there are some things they can’t take from him. The love of a woman, unbroken loyalties to his past, the need for survival.From the deep woods of Hungary to the streets of New York, Saint takes you on a journey of betrayal in a world of government cover-ups, political intrigue, and one man’s search for the truth. In the end, that truth will be his undoing.

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    • Showdown : A Paradise Novel


      When a stranger named Marsuvees Black appears in Paradise, he brings with him a message of hope and love. Or is it death and hate? Perhaps neither – perhaps both. He seems to know too much about the town’s many unspoken secrets, and he himself holds the greatest secret of them all. As black clouds and sandstorms envelop the town, it becomes almost impossible to get in or out. It quicky becomes apparent that Paradise is being isolated for a reason. But why? Ted Dekker’s latest adrenaline-laced thriller has been proclaimed as his most original, daring tale to date. A novel that will take you further than anything he’s ever written. A novel that will leave you wanting more.

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    • Blink Of An Eye


      Seth Borders has one of the world’s highest IQs. Now he’s suddenly struck by an incredible power–the ability to see multiple potential futures–and he stumbles upon Miriam, a beautiful Saudi Arabian princess who has fled to escape a forced marriage. Cultures collide as Seth and Miriam are thrown together and forced to run from forces determined to kidnap or kill Miriam. An intoxicating tale set amidst the shifting sands of the Middle East and the back roads of America, Blink engages issues as ancient as the earth itself . . . and as current as today’s headlines.

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    • Skin


      A freak storm has spawned three tornadoes that are bearing down on the town of Summerville. Yet under the cover of the storm looms a much more ominous threat: A vindictive killer known as Red who’s left a string of victims in his wake and is now bent on exacting his final revenge on the unsuspecting town. But there is an enigma surrounding Red that the FBI is unwilling to admit-closely guarded secrets of something gone terribly wrong beneath the skin of Summerville. Secrets that will destroy far more than one small town. Wendy Davidson is caught in the middle. She’s a recovering cult survivor who takes refuge in Summerville on her way to visit her estranged mother. And with her, four strangers, any of whom could be the next victim . . . or the killer.

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    • Martyrs Song : A Novel


      What would you die for?

      That’s the question suddenly thrust upon a small band of women and children in Bosnia at the close of World War II. When a group of bitter soldiers stumble upon their peaceful village, they suddenly face an insidious evil…and the ultimate test.

      It is then, in the midst of chaos and pain that the Martyr’s Song is first heard. It is then that the window into heaven first opens. It is then that love and beauty are shown in breathtaking reality.

      You have in your hands the story and the song that changed…everything.

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    • Obsessed


      It’s Los Angeles in the early seventies, and Stephen Friedman is living the groovy southern California life of a real estate wheeler-dealer. He’s making money hand-over-fist and has long ago given up hope of find the family he’d lost in war-torn Poland. But when a strange, deceased woman’s paper reveal that she possessed a priceless religious relic–and that she may have been his mother–Stephen becomes hungry for answers. His hunger just might kill him. As Stephen frantically pursues his family’s lost legacy, someone pursues him–someone equally obsessed with the prize. Looks like the man most obsessed will gain everything. And the loser will lose it all. In true Ted Dekker style, this book will leave you positively breathless.

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    • When Heaven Weeps (Reprinted)


      In the compelling tradition of his debut novel Heavens Wager, Ted Dekker brings a romance of epic proportions. In what he describes as “the Hosea story meets Song of Solomon,” readers will be captivated by the unbelievable story of a young girl and how her remarkable trials and errors drastically alter the events of her life and everyone she meets – ultimately helping her find the secret of how to find true love.

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    • Thunder Of Heaven (Reprinted)


      Deep in the Amazon jungle a young American woman and the son of plantation owners fall madly in love. For Tanya and Shannon, life is a paradise most only dream about. But today paradise ends. The jungle has hatched more than idyllic love. It has also spawned insidious evil. An evil shrouded in a plot so diabolically brilliant that all of America will be brought to her knees at the hands of a few terrorists. The plan is executed to perfection; America’s worst fears have dawned. Nothing stands in the way of terrible destruction.

      Except for the love of one woman.

      Step into the pages of a story taken from tomorrow’s headlines. A story about the true power found in the face of all our fears. The power of love.

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    • Heavens Wager : A Novel (Reprinted)


      Think Satan doesn’t care whose side you’re on? Don’t count on it! Kent Anthony has everything—wealth, success, a beautiful family. Why on earth would he need God? That’s Lucifer’s challenge to the Almighty—and he dares him to win Kent’s heart away from the wonderful life. All heaven waits as the wager begins.

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    • 3


      Imagine answering your cell phone one day, to a male voice that gives you three minutes to confess your sin. If you don’t, he’ll blow the car you’re driving smithereens. You barely manage to exit heavy traffic and ditch the car when, precisely three minutes later, your car blows sky high. The media and the police descend on the scene; your world has just changed forever. So begins a nightmare that grows with progressively higher stakes. There’s another phone call; another riddle; another three minutes to confess your sin. The cycle will not stop until the world discovers the secret of your sin. You have one huge problem: you don’t have a clue what that sin is. If not for Jennifer, the brilliant FBI agent working to corner Slater, you would indeed go mad. Three is a psychological thriller that starts full-tilt and keeps the reader off-balance until the very last suspense-filled page. W Publishing Group is launching this powerful novel in two distinct hardcover editions – a black cover version and a white cover version. This will be the novel of Summer 2003. Prepare now for Three.

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