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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Exclusion And Embrace Revised And Updated (Revised)


      Life in the twenty-first century presents a disturbing reality. Otherness, the simple fact of being different in some way, has come to be defined as in and of itself evil. Miroslav Volf contends that if the healing word of the gospel is to be heard today, Christian theology must find ways of speaking that address the hatred of the other. Is there any hope of embracing our enemies? Of opening the door to reconciliation? Reaching back to the New Testament metaphor of salvation as reconciliation, Volf proposes the idea of embrace as a theological response to the problem of exclusion.

      Increasingly we see that exclusion has become the primary sin, skewing our perceptions of reality and causing us to react out of fear and anger to all those who are not within our (ever-narrowing) circle. In light of this, Christians must learn that salvation comes, not only as we are reconciled to God, and not only as we “learn to live with one another,” but as we take the dangerous and costly step of opening ourselves to the other, of enfolding him or her in the same embrace with which we have been enfolded by God.

      Volf won the 2002 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion for the first edition of his book, Exclusion & Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation (Abingdon, 1996). In that first edition, professor Volf, a Croatian by birth, analyzed the civil war and “ethnic cleansing” in the former Yugoslavia, and he readily found other examples of cultural, ethnic, and racial conflict to illustrate his points. Since September 11, 2001, and the subsequent epidemic of terror and massive refugee suffering throughout the world, Volf revised Exclusion and Embrace to account for the evolving dynamics of inter-ethnic and international strife.

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    • Mosaic Of Atonement


      The Mosaic of Atonement offers a fresh and integrated approach to historic models of atonement.While modern treatments of the doctrine have tended toward either a defensive hierarchy, in which one model is singled out as most important, or a disconnected plurality, in which multiple images are affirmed but with no order of arrangement, this book argues for a reintegration of four famous “pieces” of atonement doctrine through the governing image of Christ-shaped mosaic.Unlike a photograph in which tiny pixels present a seamless blending of color and shape, a mosaic allows each piece to retain its recognizable particularity, while also integrating them in the service of a single larger image. If one stands close, one can identify individual squares of glass or tile that compose the greater picture. And if one steps back, there is the larger picture to be admired. Yet in the great mosaics of age-old Christian churches, the goal is not for viewers to construct the image, as in a puzzle, but to appreciate it.So too with this mosaic of atonement doctrine. While no one model is set above or against the others, the book notes particular ways in which the “pieces”–the feet, heart, head, and hands–mutually support one another to form a more holistic vision of Christ’s work. “This is my body,” Jesus said to his followers, and by reintegrating these oft-dismembered aspects of atonement, we will note fresh ways in which it was given for us.

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    • Divine Impassibility : Four Views Of Gods Emotions And Suffering


      Does God suffer? Does God experience emotions? Does God change?

      How should we interpret passages of Scripture that seem to support one view or the other? And where does the incarnation and Christ’s suffering on the cross fit into this? This Spectrum Multiview volume brings together four theologians with decidedly different answers to these questions. The contributors make a case for their own view–ranging from a traditional affirmation of divine impassibility (the idea that God does not suffer) to the position that God is necessarily and intimately affected by creation–and then each contributor responds to the others’ views. The lively but irenic discussion that takes place in this conversation demonstrates not only the diversity of opinion among Christians on this theological conundrum but also its ongoing relevance for today.

      Views and Contributors:
      *Strong Impassibility (James E. Dolezal, assistant professor in the School of Divinity at Cairn University)
      *Qualified Impassibility (Daniel Castelo, professor of dogmatic and constructive theology at Seattle Pacific University)
      *Qualified Passibility (John C. Peckham, associate professor of theology and Christian philosophy at the Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University)
      *Strong Passibility (Thomas Jay Oord, professor of theology and philosophy at Northwest Nazarene University

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    • We Are All Philosophers


      Everyone is a philosopher, and how we live reveals what we most deeply believe.

      If you and God were asked the same question, would you both respond in the same way?
      Are Christians right to believe what we do?

      In We Are All Philosophers, John M. Frame takes seven major questions of philosophy and compares the Bible’s answers with common philosophical ones:
      *What is everything made of?
      *Do I have free will?
      *Can I know the world?
      *Does God exist?
      *How shall I live?
      *What are my rights?
      *How can I be saved?

      We Are All Philosophers carries all the marks of John Frame’s books: he appeals to Scripture frequently and carefully. He writes elegantly and simply, a byproduct of having mastered the complicated philosophical topics he surveys.

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    • Worldviews And The Problem Of Evil


      How does the Christian response to the problem of evil contrast with that of other worldviews?

      Most attempts at answering the problem of evil either present a straightforward account of the truth claims of Christianity or defend a minimalist concept of God. This book is different. Inside, you’ll examine four worldviews’ responses to the problem of evil. Then, you’ll hear the author’s argument that Christian theism makes better sense of the phenomenon of evil in the worlda “equipping you to reach an informed conclusion.

      This book’s unique approacha “integrating worldviews with apologetics with theologya “will give you a better understanding of the debate surrounding the problem of evil, in both philosophy and theology.

      Learn to think cogently and theologically about the problem of evil and Christianity’s ability to answer its challenges with Worldviews and the Problem of Evil as your guide.

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    • Loving God And Neighbor With Samuel Pearce


      The love of God and neighbor is the heart of the Christian faith. Forgotten saint Samuel Pearce teaches us how to live a life faithful to the greatest commandment.

      Pearce was a Baptist pastor known in eighteenth-century England for his moving preaching and strong, pious character. In his short life, he supported believers in his own parish as well as in the many cities where he preached and helped send missionaries. Yet his personal faith, founded on the “holy love” of God, formed his most compelling witness to the world. By getting to know Pearce’s story, readers will learn from his example what it looks like to love God and neighbor – in good times as well as challenging and seemingly mundane ones.

      The Lived Theology series explores aspects of Christian doctrine through the eyes of the men and women who practiced it. Interweaving the contributions of notable individuals alongside their overshadowed contemporaries, we gain a much deeper understanding and appreciation of their work and the broad tapestry of Christian history. These books illuminate the vital contributions made by these figures throughout the history of the church.

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    • Engaging The World With Abraham Kuyper


      Christ declares “Mine!” over every square inch of creation.

      In his well–known quote, Abraham Kuyper expressed the defining characteristic of his public theology: Jesus’ sovereignty extends over all things. He believed Christians should engage the whole world in all of its various spheres. But what does that comprehensive calling practically look like for us today?

      In Engaging the World with Abraham Kuyper, Michael Wagenman explores the practical application of Kuyper’s public theology. Using Kuyper’s own life as an example, he shows us how the gospel can permeate all aspects of society: our identity, public discourse, education, the church, politics. Ultimately, this means engaging the world with perceptive truth that’s mindful of the dynamics at work in our time and place.

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    • Essential Forde : Distinguishing Law And Gospel


      No twentieth-century American understood Luther’s law-gospel distinction better than Gerhard O. Forde, who was professor of theology at Luther Theological Seminary in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Because Forde kept this Lutheran distinction razor sharp, his theological writings are an essential inheritance for us today. This volume, The Essential Forde, aims to provide the essence of Forde’s writing centered upon Luther’s and Scripture’s essential distinction, that is, the distinction between law and gospel.

      The editors of this volume have chosen some of the most definitive writings of the renowned Gerhad Forde, whose influence continues to grow. The list of works trace the contours of Forde’s theological argument. Organized around “Law and Gospel,” the selections start off with some historical background on that doctrinal locus, but for the most part express Forde’s own views of the law and the gospel, including death and resurrection, the bondage of the will, good works, preaching, and the sacraments. Besides these essential writings, the book will provide a definitive introduction by the editors, which includes a brief biography of Forde, an essay regarding his doctrinal interpretation, and a sketch of the Forde legacy. Also contained in the volume will be a comprehensive bibliography of all of Forde’s published works plus work published about him.

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    • Doing Theology With The Reformers


      The Reformation was a time of tremendous upheaval, renewal, and vitality in the life of the church. The challenge to maintain and develop faithful Christian belief and practice in the midst of great disruption was reflected in the theology of the sixteenth century. In this volume, which serves as a companion to IVP Academic’s Reformation Commentary on Scripture, theologian and church historian Gerald L. Bray immerses readers in the world of Reformation theology. He introduces the range of theological debates as Catholics and Protestants from a diversity of traditions–Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, and Anabaptist–disputed the essentials of the faith, from the authority of Scripture and the nature of salvation to the definition of the church, the efficacy of the sacraments, and the place of good works in the Christian life. Readers will find that understanding how the Reformers engaged in the theological discipline can aid us in doing theology today.

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    • Richard Dawkins C S Lewis And The Meaning Of Life


      A former atheist, Alister McGrath has established a reputation as one of the leading apologists for Christianity, as well as one of the world’s most respected Christian theologians. His many books include a new highly acclaimed biography of C. S. Lewis, a series of market-leading textbooks in Christian theology, and some best-selling books engaging with the ‘New Atheism’. Alister McGrath has written to great acclaim on both Richard Dawkins and C. S. Lewis. Here he brings these two intriguing and well-known writers into a conversation. They could hardly have more different perspectives! Engaging with their views is a brilliant way of sharpening up our own thinking on the meaning of life.

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    • Introducing Evangelical Theology


      This textbook offers students a biblically rich, creedally structured, ecumenically evangelical, and ethically engaged introduction to Christian theology. Daniel Treier, coeditor of the popular Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, discusses key Scripture passages, explains Christian theology within the structure of the Nicene Creed, explores the range of evangelical viewpoints on contested doctrines, acquaints evangelicals with other views such as Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and integrates theological ethics with chapters on the Ten Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer. The result is a meaty but manageable introduction to the convictions and arguments shaping contemporary evangelical theology.

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    • Truth And The Church In A Secular Age


      Perhaps more than ever before, the concept of ‘truth’ is hard to pin down.

      Exploring the place of Christianity, the Church and their claims to uphold the truth in an age of `post-truth’, Truth and the Church in a Secular Age takes an approach both historical in its depth and contemporary in its concerns.

      Beginning with a consideration of truth within the biblical tradition, contributors also approach the topic from historical, theological and philosophical starting points, setting out the groundwork for discussions of Christian truth and science, prayer, ethics and the liturgy.

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    • Spirit Outside The Gate


      Throughout the history of the Christian church, two narratives have constantly clashed: the imperial logic of Babel that builds towers and borders to seize control, versus the logic of Pentecost that empowers “glocal” missionaries of the kingdom life.

      To what extent are Westernized Christians today ready for the church of the Pentecost narrative? Are they equipped to do ministry in different cultural modes and to handle disruption and perplexity? What are Christians to make of the Holy Spirit’s occasional encounters with cultures and religions of the Americas before the European conquest? Oscar Garcia-Johnson explores a new grammar for the study of theology and mission in global Christianity, especially in Latin America and the Latinx “third spaces” in North America. With an interdisciplinary, “transoccidental,” and narrative approach, Spirit Outside the Gate offers a constructive theology of mission for the church in global contexts. Building on the familiar missiological metaphor of “outside the gate” established by Orlando Costas, Garcia-Johnson moves to recover important elements in ancestral traditions of the Americas, with an eye to discerning pneumatological continuity between the pre-Columbian and post-Columbian communities. He calls for a “rerouting of theology”–a realization that theology cannot make its home in Christendom but is a global creation that must come home to a church without borders. In this volume Garcia-Johnson:
      *considers pneumatological insights into de/postcolonial studies
      traces independent epistemic contributions of the American Global South
      *shows how American indigenous, Afro-Latinx, and immigrant communities provide resources for a decolonial pneumatology
      *describes four transformations the American church must undergo to break free from colonial, modernist, and monocultural structures

      Spirit Outside the Gate opens a path for a pneumatological missiology that can help the church act as a witness to the gospel message in a postmodern, postcolonial, and post-Christendom world.

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    • 5 Views On The Extent Of The Atonement


      For whom did Christ die? Who may be saved? are questions of perennial interest and importance for the Christian faith. In a familiar Counterpoints format, this book explores the question of the extent of Christ’s atonement, going beyond simple Reformed vs. non-Reformed understandings. This volume elevates the conversation to a broader plane, including contributors who represent the breadth of Christian tradition:
      Eastern Orthodox: Andrew Louth
      Roman Catholic: Matthew Levering
      Traditional Reformed: Michael Horton
      Wesleyan: Fred Sanders
      Barthian Universalism: Tom Greggs

      This book serves not only as a single-volume resource for engaging the views on the extent of the atonement but also as a catalyst for understanding and advancing a balanced approach to this core Christian doctrine. The Counterpoints series provides a forum for comparison and critique of different views on issues important to Christians. Counterpoints books address two categories: Church Life and Bible and Theology. Complete your library with other books in the Counterpoints series.

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    • Pro Rege Volume 3


      Abraham Kuyper believed that Jesus is King of all creation, making it absurd to distinguish between Christian life inside and outside the church. In previous volumes of Pro Rege, Kuyper examined Christ’s universal kingship and its implications for the life of the church and the family; in this third volume, he extends his analysis of Christ’s kingship and rule to areas of society not encompassed by the family and the church – specifically, culture and the arts, civil society, and government.Created in partnership with the Abraham Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion & Liberty, the Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology marks a historic moment in Kuyper studiesone that will deepen and enrich the church’s public theology.

      Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the Acton Institute is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to the study of free-market economics informed by religious faith and moral absolutes.

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    • Christianity And Pluralism


      Are the world’s great religions ultimately all the same?

      Christianity and Pluralism is a collection of concise yet thoughtful essays by J. I. Packer and Ron Dart, interacting with and responding to the four traditional models used to answer the existence of multiple faiths (exclusive, inclusive, pluralist, and syncretist), but focusing particularly that form of syncretism which claims that all faiths find commonality through their mystical traditions. Written in response to key events in the history of the Anglican church, Packer and Dart’s analysis gives us a perennially relevant model for how the church ought to respond to our own pluralistic culture with integrity and kindness – and how to uphold the distinctiveness of the gospel. Christians directly or indirectly engaging our pluralist world will find their ideas enriched by this short yet powerful book.

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    • Introducing Cultural Anthropology


      What is the role of culture in human experience? This concise yet solid introduction to cultural anthropology helps readers explore and understand this crucial issue from a Christian perspective. Now revised and updated throughout, this new edition of a successful textbook covers standard cultural anthropology topics with special attention given to cultural relativism, evolution, and missions. It also includes a new chapter on medical anthropology. Plentiful figures, photos, and sidebars are sprinkled throughout the text, and updated ancillary support materials and teaching aids are available through Baker Academic’s Textbook eSources.

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    • Libro De La Senales – (Spanish)


      Los tiempos finales, El Apocalipsis, El dia del juicio. Terminos como estos son fascinantes y aterradores a la vez para cualquier estudiante de la Palabra de Dios. Se refieren a preguntas clave con las que las personas han luchado durante siglos, entre ellas:
      * Que nos dice la Biblia acerca del futuro?
      * Que tanto podemos entender acerca de la profecia biblica y su aplicacion en nuestras vidas?
      * Que seales precederan al final del mundo como lo conocemos?
      * Cuales de esas seales ya han ocurrido, cuales estamos experimentando ahora y cuales estan por venir?

      En esta coleccion historica, el autor de superventas, el Dr. David Jeremiah, ofrece respuestas a estas preguntas y muchas otras. Basado en decadas de experiencia como uno de los maestros de la Biblia mas respetados del mundo, el Dr. Jeremiah ha actualizado el contenido de trabajos publicados anteriormente, ademas de escribir material nuevo sobre una amplia variedad de temas.

      El resultado es una guia verdaderamente epica y autorizada de la profecia biblica, un recurso imprescindible para los cristianos que buscan navegar las incertidumbres del presente y abrazar las promesas de Dios para el futuro.

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    • Campus Life Expanded Edition


      In 1990, under the direction of educator Ernest Boyer, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching published a classic report on the loss of a meaningful, stable basis for true community on college campuses-and in the nation. Now this expanded edition of Campus Life: In Search of Community reintroduces educational leaders to the Boyer report’s proposals while offering up-to-date analysis and recommendations for Christian campuses today. Editors Drew Moser and Todd C. Ream have assembled pairs of academic and student-development leaders from top Christian colleges to offer a hopeful update on the possible contributions of Christian higher education toward the practice of community. This volume includes new chapters on practical responses to pressing questions, the long out-of-print Boyer report in its entirety, and a discussion guide to facilitate conversation. Contributors include:
      *Mark L. Sargent and Edee Schulze of Westmont College
      *Randall Basinger and Kris Hansen-Kieffer of Messiah College
      *Brad Lau and Linda Samek of George Fox University
      *Stephen T. Beers and Edward Ericson III of John Brown University
      *Paul O. Chelsen and Margaret Diddams of Wheaton College
      *Doretha O’Quinn and Tim Young of Vanguard University

      Christian higher education now stands at a critical point, yet the contributors to this expanded edition of Campus Life see current challenges as an opportunity to revive Boyer’s commitment to understanding the formative power of Christian higher education.

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    • Last Things


      There is no shortage of books on eschatology–the study of the last things and the end-times. Many arise out of incoherent or superficial readings of the Bible that detract from the “once and for all” achievements of God through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Others fail to consider the manner in which God reveals himself through the Lord Jesus and by the power of his Spirit. Too many fail to distinguish sufficiently between the genuine hope provided by the gospel and the superficial aspirations of culture. In this final Contours of Christian Theology volume, David Hohne offers a trinitarian theological description of eschatology that is at once systematic, generated from the theological interpretation of Scripture, and yet sensitive to essential elements for Christian practice. His reading of the Bible is shaped by the gospel, informed by the history of Christian thought, and dedicated to serving the church in a world that is frustrated by sin, death, and evil, yet longing for the return of our Lord and Messiah. Contours of Christian Theology, edited by Gerald Bray, is a series of concise introductory textbooks focused on the main themes of Christian theology. The authors introduce the perennial questions and their time-tested solutions while moving forward to explore contemporary issues and rework evangelical formulations of the faith.

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    • Lost Message Of Paul


      In the early years of the 16th century a young German monk by the name of Martin Luther came to believe that the shape of the established Church and its relationship to the State did not fit the needs of the world in which he was called to live and serve. He wrote a commentary to re-imagine faith and Church, based around the work of Paul and especially the Epistle to the Romans. In the early years of the 20th century a young Swiss pastor by the name of Karl Barth came to believe that the shape of the established Church and its relationship to the State did not fit the needs of the world in which he was called to live and serve. He wrote a commentary to re-imagine faith and Church, based around the work of Paul and especially the Epistle to the Romans. In the early years of the 21st century it is clear once more that the shape of the established Church and its relationship to the State no longer fits the needs of the world in which we are called to live and serve. It is time, once more, to re-imagine the role of faith, Church and its place in the public square, based around the work of Paul and especially the Epistle to the Romans.

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    • 30 Dias Para Entender La Bibli – (Spanish)


      Si alguna vez confundiste el arca del pacto con el arca de Noe, o Jerico con Jeroboam, el clasico de Max Anders, 30 dias para entender la Biblia, es para ti. En solo quince minutos por dia, aprenderas sobre las personas, los acontecimientos y las doctrinas de la fe cristiana mas importantes, para obtener mas provecho de la Palabra de Dios. Esta guia simple y facil de usar ha sido recomendada por maestros biblicos y pastores durante treinta aos, y ahora esta disponible en una edicion ampliada del trigesimo aniversario, con los temas mas solicitados de la edicion original revisados y actualizados para los lectores de hoy.

      Las caracteristicas incluyen:
      –El “Arco de la Historia de la Biblia,” para ayudarte a visualizar los temas generales de las Escrituras.
      –La “Historia de la Biblia,” que resume desde Genesis a Apocalipsis en solo unas pocas paginas.
      –Las creencias centrales de la fe cristiana, basadas en las enseanzas que han unido a los cristianos durante los ultimos dos mil aos.
      –Un plan de trece semanas que proporciona a cada maestro todas las herramientas creativas y eficaces para ensear la Biblia en treinta dias.
      –Contenido extra favorito de los fanaticos, que habia sido eliminado anteriormente y ahora esta restaurado de la edicion original.

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    • Reading Karl Barth For The Church


      Leading Barth interpreter Kimlyn Bender provides an introduction to the essence of Barth’s theology, emphasizing themes that speak to the concerns of the church, the pastorate, and Christian ministry. This book serves as a companion to the first volume of Barth’s Church Dogmatics, offering straightforward help for reading and understanding that work in its entirety as well as developing the skills necessary to read more of Barth’s writings. Reading schedules (for both the first volume and the complete Church Dogmatics) and discussion questions for individuals and groups are included.

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    • Freedom Under The Word


      In Freedom under the Word, top-tier scholars offer critical engagements with Karl Barth’s exegesis of Christian Scripture and explore its implications for contemporary hermeneutics and biblical interpretation. Focusing on rare texts from the Barth corpus, this volume considers the legacy and potential of Barth’s theology by presenting a wide-ranging engagement with and assessment of Barth’s theological exegesis. The book covers Barth’s career chronologically, providing insight into his theological development as it relates to Scripture. Freedom under the Word will benefit professors and students of theology, biblical interpretation, and the theological interpretation of Scripture as well as Barth scholars.

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    • Year Of Grace


      Most of us think that theology is what you do if you haven’t got a life. At best, we think it needs to be practical to be of any use. But theology is in fact all about life and how we live it as God’s people.

      No matter how theology-phobic you feel, David Hoyle is here to help. Using the familiar pattern of the church year, he explores the core building blocks of Christian theology, and what each one means for how we live.

      He covers:
      – God as ruler and judge of all (Advent)
      – The incarnation (Christmas)
      – Forgiveness (Ash Wednesday)
      – Redemption (Good Friday)
      – Resurrection (Easter Day)
      – The Holy Spirit (Pentecost)
      – God as creator (Trinity)
      – The kingdom of heaven (All Saints)

      By working through the entire year, readers will explore all the core Christian beliefs found in the Apostle’s Creed, making this an ideal guide for anyone wanting to better understand what they say in church.

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    • Wonderful Yah : The Unveiling


      Who is God really? According to author Matthew William Marx, understanding the mystery of the divinity of God is both simple and profound when we know how to use the key Jesus gave us. Wonderful YaH: The Unveiling helps solve the mystery of who God truly is by examining the origins of God’s name and being.

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    • Ancient Christian Commentary On Scripture Set


      This unique thirty-volume series from general editor Thomas C. Oden–now in paperback for the first time–offers you the opportunity to study for yourself key writings of the early church fathers. Arranged canonically and employing the RSV, each volume allows the living voices of the church in its formative centuries to speak as they engage the sacred page of Scripture.

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    • Meaning Of Protestant Theology


      This book offers a creative and illuminating discussion of Protestant theology. Veteran teacher Phillip Cary explains how Luther’s theology arose from the Christian tradition, particularly from the spirituality of Augustine. Luther departed from the Augustinian tradition and inaugurated distinctively Protestant theology when he identified the gospel that gives us Christ as its key concept. More than any other theologian, Luther succeeds in carrying out the Protestant intention of putting faith in the gospel of Christ alone. Cary also explores the consequences of Luther’s teachings as they unfold in the history of Protestantism.

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    • Pursuing An Earthy Spirituality


      “Red beef and strong beer” was how C. S. Lewis described his education under one of his early tutors.

      It was, in other words, a substantial education that engaged deeply with the intellectual tradition and challenged him to grow. Gary Selby sees Lewis’s expression as an indication of the kind of transformation that is both possible and necessary for the Christian faith, and he contends that spiritual formation comes about not by retreating from the physical world but through deeper engagement with it. By considering themes such as our human embodiment, our sense of awareness in our everyday experiences, and the role of our human agency–all while engaging with the writings of Lewis, who himself enjoyed food, drink, laughter, and good conversation–Selby demonstrates that an earthy spirituality can be a robust spirituality.

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    • Always On : Practicing Faith In A New Media Landscape


      Many of us are “always on”–scrolling through social media, checking email, or searching the web. New media spaces can be sites and instruments of God’s unconditional love, but they can also nurture harmful conditions and become a source of anxiety, jealousy, and despondency. Always On provides useful tools for helping students and congregants understand the world of social media and engage it faithfully, enabling Christian communities to address its use in constructive, pastoral ways. The book includes discussion questions and sample exercises for each chapter.

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    • Mystery Of The Trinity Revealed


      Dove And Word Publishing

      This unprecedented dynamic book unveils history’s greatest mystery. The elusive Christian doctrine has become all the more intriguing because, until recently, the full details were not known. The Trinity could only become revealed in God’s timing. Now the latest in Health/Science has opened the door to full comprehension by unraveling the mystery. It sets straight the Virgin Birth and how it was accomplished without a connection to Adam. It provides the plan of salvation and how the Blood of Jesus covers sin and destroys the sin-nature.

      The mystery hidden from the ages is now manifested in these last days just as Jesus and the prophet Daniel predicted. Jesus foretold in the gospels of Matthew (10:26) and Luke (12:2), that the Trinity must be revealed in due time. Daniel prophesied that in the last days knowledge would increase and today with the abundance of new technology, this prophecy is fulfilled in our generation.

      This never completely understood mystery was never a real secret but revealed to us today at the right time and for His purpose. The comprehensible Trinity answers all the questions through biblically verified facts and recently available technological advances in health/science not accessible to any other Church age.

      The Trinity has always been presented as a complicated topic. The present doctrine formulated by the Nicene Council of AD325 restricts our comprehension of the Godhead. We could say the current tradition is like a jigsaw puzzle with several pieces missing. It is impossible to see the completed picture. This book not only reveals the mystery but also puts it on a level anyone can understand.

      “The Mystery of the Trinity Revealed” is a necessity for Christians, pastors, leaders, Sunday school teachers; yet not just a revelation for the Church, but a vital message for the whole world.

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    • Always On : Practicing Faith In A New Media Landscape


      Many of us are “always on”–scrolling through social media, checking email, or searching the web. New media spaces can be sites and instruments of God’s unconditional love, but they can also nurture harmful conditions and become a source of anxiety, jealousy, and despondency. Always On provides useful tools for helping students and congregants understand the world of social media and engage it faithfully, enabling Christian communities to address its use in constructive, pastoral ways. The book includes discussion questions and sample exercises for each chapter.

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    • Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 13


      This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies.

      Beginning with ‘abh (‘ab), -father, – and continuing through the alphabet, the TDOT volumes present in-depth discussions of the key Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Old Testament. Leading scholars of various religious traditions (including Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish) and from many parts of the world (Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States) have been carefully selected for each article by editors Botterweck, Ringgren, and Fabry and their consultants, George W. Anderson, Henri Cazelles, David Noel Freedman, Shemaryahu Talmon, and Gerhard Wallis.

      The intention of the writers is to concentrate on meaning, starting from the more general, everyday senses and building to an understanding of theologically significant concepts. To avoid artificially restricting the focus of the articles, TDOT considers under each keyword the larger groups of words that are related linguistically or semantically. The lexical work includes detailed surveys of a word’s occurrences, not only in biblical material but also in other ancient Near Eastern writings. Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Ethiopic, Ugaritic, and Northwest Semitic sources are surveyed, among others, as well as the Qumran texts and the Septuagint; and in cultures where no cognate word exists, the authors often consider cognate ideas.

      TDOT’s emphasis, though, is on Hebrew terminology and on biblical usage. The contributors employ philology as well as form-critical and traditio-historical methods, with the aim of understanding the religious statements in the Old Testament. Extensive bibliographical information adds to the value of this reference work.

      This English edition attempts to serve the needs of Old Testament students without the linguistic background of more advanced scholars; it does so, however, without sacrificing the needs of the latter. Ancient scripts (Hebrew, Greek, etc.) are regularly transliterated in a readable way, and meanings of foreign words are given in many cases where the meanings might be obvious to advanced scholars. Where the Hebrew text versification differs from that of English Bibles, the English verse appears in parentheses. Such features

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    • How To Better Understand The Bible


      Most Christians desire to have a better understanding of their Bibles. What they may not realize is that their desire cannot be ascertained without a better comprehension of what scripture refers to as the counsels of God. This is God’s plan for the ages, or what could be termed “God’s big picture.” All too often contemporary Christian teaching concentrates on the comfort of the here and now, losing all connection with the eternal plan of God.
      How to Better Understand the Bible explains how the true Christian has been sealed by God with the Holy Spirit. He is the spirit of adoption, enabling us to cry out from our hearts, “Abba, Father.” Believers have this new relationship in which God is their Father and they are His children. But not only children, for God considers us His friends, and He will not hide from us any of the things He is going to do. The Spirit has been given to believers as their teacher. His mission is to take what has been given to Jesus of the Father and declare it to us, as well as showing us things to come.

      Unique to the time of the Christian dispensation is the fact that the Holy Spirit has been sent down. He has revealed to us the mystery of God’s will. In times past, God had kept hidden two vital truths which would serve to complete the revelation and knowledge of His counsels-the universal exaltation of Jesus Christ over all things, and the formation and existence of His body, the church. How to Better Understand the Bible organizes and explains from scripture the full knowledge of God’s counsels. Every true Christian, as a member of Christ’s body, has been given by God an intimate and privileged place in these counsels.

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    • How To Better Understand The Bible


      Most Christians desire to have a better understanding of their Bibles. What they may not realize is that their desire cannot be ascertained without a better comprehension of what scripture refers to as the counsels of God. This is God’s plan for the ages, or what could be termed “God’s big picture.” All too often contemporary Christian teaching concentrates on the comfort of the here and now, losing all connection with the eternal plan of God.
      How to Better Understand the Bible explains how the true Christian has been sealed by God with the Holy Spirit. He is the spirit of adoption, enabling us to cry out from our hearts, “Abba, Father.” Believers have this new relationship in which God is their Father and they are His children. But not only children, for God considers us His friends, and He will not hide from us any of the things He is going to do. The Spirit has been given to believers as their teacher. His mission is to take what has been given to Jesus of the Father and declare it to us, as well as showing us things to come.

      Unique to the time of the Christian dispensation is the fact that the Holy Spirit has been sent down. He has revealed to us the mystery of God’s will. In times past, God had kept hidden two vital truths which would serve to complete the revelation and knowledge of His counsels-the universal exaltation of Jesus Christ over all things, and the formation and existence of His body, the church. How to Better Understand the Bible organizes and explains from scripture the full knowledge of God’s counsels. Every true Christian, as a member of Christ’s body, has been given by God an intimate and privileged place in these counsels.

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    • Quests For Freedom Second Edition


      This book is the result of intensive, multiyear international and interdisciplinary cooperation. From many perspectives, the book’s contributors address themes of freedom and slavery; self-determination and concepts of freedom; God-given and imprinted freedom; freedom as an ethos of belonging and solidarity; and relations between freedom, human rights, and theological orientation.

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    • Embracing Disruptive Coherence


      Does anyone need to come out anymore? Queer theory has challenged the idea of coming out as problematic for its false binary and essentialized version of identity. If gender is a socially constructed performativity, then what does coming out mean?

      At the same time, we live in a society that still struggles with structures of power that define what is considered normal and sanctions those who transgress. The intersectionality of gender with race, class, ethnicity, nationality, abilities, religion, age and other positional markers challenge a simplified belief that coming out is not necessary. Therefore, in the lived experience of many persons coming out still matters.

      This book initiates a different theological conversation about coming out. It argues that rather than the declaration of an identity category, coming out can be understood as the erotic ethical practice of truth-telling. The formation of conscience and moral integrity embody the two pillars of this erotic practice. Coming out understood as “disruptive coherence” is the erotic ethical practice of truth-telling grounded in our deepest desires to be known authentically in community.

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    • Hell And Divine Goodness


      Within the Christian theological tradition there has always been a variety of perspectives on hell, usually distinguished according to their views about the duration of hell’s torments for the damned. Traditionalists maintain that the suffering of the damned is everlasting. Universalists claim that eventually every person is redeemed and arrives in heaven. And conditional immortalists, also known as “conditionalists” or “annihilationists,” reject both the concept of eternal torment as well as universal salvation, instead claiming that after a finite period of suffering the damned are annihilated.

      Conditionalism has enjoyed somewhat of a revival in scholarly circles in recent years, buoyed by the influential biblical defense of the view by Edward Fudge. However, there has yet to appear a book-length philosophical defense of conditionalism . . . until now. In Hell and Divine Goodness, James Spiegel assesses the three major alternative theories of hell, arriving at the conclusion that the conditionalist view is, all things considered, the most defensible position on the issue.

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    • African Christian Theology


      Christian theology evolves out of questions that are asked in a particular situation about how the Bible speaks to that situation. This book, African Christian Theology, is written to address questions that arise from the African context. It is intended to help students and others discover how theology affects our minds, our hearts, and our lives. As such, it speaks not only to Africans but to all who seek to understand and live out their faith in their own societies. Samuel Kunyihop understands both biblical theology and the African worldview and throws light on areas where they overlap, where they diverge, and why this matters. He explores traditional African understandings of God and how he reveals himself, the African understanding of sin and way the Bible sees sin, and how the work of Christ can be understood in African terms. The treatment of Christian living focuses on matters that are relevant to Christians in Africa and elsewhere, dealing with topics such as blessings and curses and the role of the church as a Christian community. The book concludes with a discussion of biblical thinking on death and the afterlife in which it also addresses the role traditionally ascribed to African ancestors.

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    • Balm In Gilead


      Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Marilynne Robinson is one of the most eminent public intellectuals in America today, and her writing offers probing meditations on the Christian faith. Based on the 2018 Wheaton Theology Conference, this volume brings together the thoughts of leading theologians, historians, literary scholars, and church leaders who engaged in theological dialogue with Robinson’s work–and with the author herself.

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    • Transhumanism And The Image Of God


      Examining the transhumanist movement, biblical ethicist Jacob Shatzer grapples with the potential for technology to transform the way we think about what it means to be human. Exploring the doctrine of incarnation and topics such as artificial intelligence, robotics, medical technology, and communications tools, he guides us into careful consideration of the future of Christian discipleship in a disruptive technological environment.

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    • All Things New


      For many readers of the Bible, the book of Revelation is a riddle that fascinates and frustrates. In this NSBT volume, Brian Tabb stresses the importance of the canonical context of the book of Revelation and argues that it presents itself as the climax of biblical prophecy, showing how Old Testament prophecies and patterns find their consummation in the present and future reign of Jesus Christ.

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    • Common Grace Volume 2


      Common Grace, a three-volume exploration of God’s grace, could be considered Abraham Kuyper’s magnum opus. Kuyper, a social and political activist in addition to being a theologian, firmly believed that God’s grace is shown to the world as a whole–even though many people will remain unbelievers. Common Grace Volume 2 contains an exploration of this Reformed doctrine of grace, showing how God restrains the effects of sin to save the world from immediate destruction. This new translation of Common Grace, created in partnership with the Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute, is part of a major series of new translations of Kuyper’s most important writings on public theology. The Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology marks a historic moment in Kuyper studies, aimed at deepening and enriching the church’s development of public theology.

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    • Quests For Freedom Second Edition


      This book is the result of intensive, multiyear international and interdisciplinary cooperation. From many perspectives, the book’s contributors address themes of freedom and slavery; self-determination and concepts of freedom; God-given and imprinted freedom; freedom as an ethos of belonging and solidarity; and relations between freedom, human rights, and theological orientation.

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    • Confronting Old Testament Controversies


      For many people, skeptics and believers alike, the Old Testament is rife with controversial passages and events that make both belief and sharing our beliefs with others difficult. Often our solutions have tended toward the extremes–ignore problem passages and pretend they don’t matter or obsess over them and treat them as though they are the only thing that matters.

      Now with clarity of purpose and fidelity to the message and spirit of Scripture as a whole, Tremper Longman confronts pressing questions of concern to modern audiences, particularly young people in the church:
      – the creation/evolution debate
      – God-ordained violence
      – the historicity of people, places, and events
      – human sexuality

      Pastors, leaders in the church, and thoughtful and troubled Christians in the pews will find here a well-reasoned and faithful approach to dealing with the Old Testament passages so many find challenging or disconcerting.

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    • African Christian Ethics


      This is an introduction to African Christian ethics for Christian colleges and Bible schools. The book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the theory of ethics, while the second discusses practical issues. The issues are grouped into the following six sections: Socio-Political Issues, Financial Issues, Marriage Issues, Sexual Issues, Medical Issues, and Religious Issues. Each section begins with a brief general introduction, followed by the chapters dealing with specific issues in that area. Each chapter begins with an introduction, discusses traditional African thinking on the issue, presents an analysis of relevant biblical material, and concludes with some recommendations. There are questions at the end of each chapter for discussion or personal reflection, often asking students to reflect on how the discussion in the chapter applies to their ministry situation.

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    • Grand Illusion : How Progressive Christianity Undermines Biblical Faith (Expande



      North American Christianity stands at a major crossroads. Hundreds of thousands of believers have begun to lose interest in apostolic Christianity: the faith of the Scriptures, the great witnesses and teachers of the faith, and the major creeds and confessions of Christianity.

      The challenge? Theological progressivism.

      A Grand Illusion exposes the dangers and contradictions of theological progressivism, revealing its North American, secular and elitist assumptions. It offers a full throttle defense of authentic Christianity. And it exposes the dim future of progressivism.

      If you are tempted by progressivism, if your church or family members are starting to lean progressive, or if you simply need reassurance that apostolic faith is the real deal, read this book.

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    • Power Of Popular Piety


      This book examines the ambivalence of folk Catholicism as a resource to fight against injustice, exploitation, and oppression. Cases are cited to illuminate the value and potential trespasses of popular religious beliefs and practices. Over centuries, representatives of the powerful middle and upper middle classes did not hesitate to manipulate popular piety to protect their power and privileges. In fact, much of popular religion still reflects the dominant ideology.

      Popular piety has the potential for liberation against unjust social and economic structures. When properly guided, this practice can broaden and deepen political consciousness and mobilize people to act. Without a strong level of political consciousness as well as liberative evangelization, popular religion will be alienating to the poor while strengthening the status quo of the rich and the powerful. This study argues that it will be the elites, the well-educated and committed Christians, not the masses, who would foster the transformation of society.

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    • Power Of Popular Piety


      This book examines the ambivalence of folk Catholicism as a resource to fight against injustice, exploitation, and oppression. Cases are cited to illuminate the value and potential trespasses of popular religious beliefs and practices. Over centuries, representatives of the powerful middle and upper middle classes did not hesitate to manipulate popular piety to protect their power and privileges. In fact, much of popular religion still reflects the dominant ideology.

      Popular piety has the potential for liberation against unjust social and economic structures. When properly guided, this practice can broaden and deepen political consciousness and mobilize people to act. Without a strong level of political consciousness as well as liberative evangelization, popular religion will be alienating to the poor while strengthening the status quo of the rich and the powerful. This study argues that it will be the elites, the well-educated and committed Christians, not the masses, who would foster the transformation of society.

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    • Humbling Faith : Brokenness, Doubt, Dialogue What Unites Atheists, Theists,


      This is a book hoping to embolden doubt and sharpen unanswerable questions, all in the context of loving the self and one another. Ridiculously, it believes the world can be healed through such a hope. It is especially addressed to those allergic to the word “faith,” and others who feel confident and proud in the faith they profess or system of thought they live by.

      Humbling Faith helps us see how our beliefs, or non-beliefs, our belongings and identities, often remain flawed, myopic, self-absorbed, unredeemed. The hope is that such awareness of our brokenness can fuel greater ethical partnerships and dialogue, promoting peace from our recognized need for one another.

      Humbling Faith is not only a resource towards humbling other faiths, but most importantly, your own.

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