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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Irrational David : The Power Of Poetic Leadership


      In The Irrational Jesus: Leading the Fully Human Church, Ken Evers-Hood explored how our predictable irrationality can trip us up and how we can adjust for biases. But irrationality isn’t all bad. Leaders who live in their heads will never connect deeply with the hearts of those they serve. Because we are like small rational riders astride enormous emotional elephants, leaders must learn how to sing to elephants even as they speak to riders. In The Irrational David: The Power of Poetic Leadership, Ken invites you to sing.

      Through his work with poet David Whyte, Ken explores poetic leadership in King David, a fully human, irrational leader who knew how to stir people with song. In four sections, The Irrational David observes King David the believer, the beloved, the beautiful mess, and the broken-hearted. Offering his own poetry as a lens, Ken enters into scripture and creates a conversation between the spoken word and sacred text.

      Discover how irrationality and poetry can prepare us for the real conversations for which our communities are so hungry. Find new layers of meaning in familiar Scriptures. And welcome a fellow traveler into your life who has found strength through vulnerability and is willing to share his journey on the beautiful and messy road of faith with you.

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    • Irrational David : The Power Of Poetic Leadership


      In The Irrational Jesus: Leading the Fully Human Church, Ken Evers-Hood explored how our predictable irrationality can trip us up and how we can adjust for biases. But irrationality isn’t all bad. Leaders who live in their heads will never connect deeply with the hearts of those they serve. Because we are like small rational riders astride enormous emotional elephants, leaders must learn how to sing to elephants even as they speak to riders. In The Irrational David: The Power of Poetic Leadership, Ken invites you to sing.

      Through his work with poet David Whyte, Ken explores poetic leadership in King David, a fully human, irrational leader who knew how to stir people with song. In four sections, The Irrational David observes King David the believer, the beloved, the beautiful mess, and the broken-hearted. Offering his own poetry as a lens, Ken enters into scripture and creates a conversation between the spoken word and sacred text.

      Discover how irrationality and poetry can prepare us for the real conversations for which our communities are so hungry. Find new layers of meaning in familiar Scriptures. And welcome a fellow traveler into your life who has found strength through vulnerability and is willing to share his journey on the beautiful and messy road of faith with you.

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    • Gender Violence And Justice


      Gender, Violence, and Justice is a volume of collected essays by an expert in the field of violence against women and pastoral theology. It represents over three decades of research, advocacy, and pastoral theological reflection on the subject of sexual and domestic violence. Topics include intimate partner violence, sexual abuse and trauma, and clergy sexual misconduct; controversial theological issues such as forgiveness; and, as well, positive frameworks for fostering well-being in families, church, and society.

      Framed by a foreword and an introduction that place this work in the context of new and contemporary challenges in theory and practice, these essays show an evolution of issues and frameworks for theology, care, and activism arising over time from the movement to end violence against women (both within and beyond religious communities)-while at the same time demonstrating an unchanging core commitment to gender justice.

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    • Theologies Of Failure


      What does failure mean for theology? In the Bible, we find some unsettling answers to this question. We find lastness usurping firstness, and foolishness undoing wisdom. We discover, too, a weakness more potent than strength, and a loss of life that is essential to finding life. Jesus himself offers an array of paradoxes and puzzles through his life and teachings. He even submits himself to humiliation and death to show the cosmos the true meaning of victory. As David Bentley Hart observes, “most of us would find Christians truly cast in the New Testament mold fairly obnoxious: civically reprobate, ideologically unsound, economically destructive, politically irresponsible, socially discreditable, and really just a bit indecent.”

      By incorporating the work of scholars working with a range of frameworks within the Christian tradition, Theologies of Failure aims to offer a unique and important contribution to understanding and embracing failure as a pivotal theological category. As the various contributors highlight, it is a category with a powerful capacity for illuminating our theological concerns and perspectives. It is a category that frees us to see old ideas in a brand-new light, and helps to foster an awareness of ideas that certain modes of analysis may have obscured from our vision. In short, this book invites readers to consider how both theology and failure can help us ask new questions, discover new possibilities, and refuse the ways of the world.

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    • Blessed Are The Peacemakers


      This book is a contribution to the Christian ethics of war and peace. It advances peacebuilding as a needed challenge to and expansion of the traditional framework of just-war theory and pacifism. It builds on a critical reading of historical landmarks from the Bible through Augustine, Aquinas, the Reformers, Christian peace movements, and key modern figures like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Reinhold Niebuhr, and recent popes. Similar to just-war theory, peacebuilding is committed to social change and social justice but includes some theorists and practitioners who accept the use of force in extreme cases of self-defense or humanitarian intervention. Unlike just-war theorists, they do not see the justification of war as part of the Christian mission. Unlike traditional pacifists, they do see social change as necessary and possible and, as such, requiring Christian participation in public efforts.
      Cahill argues that transformative Christian social participation is demanded by the gospel and the example of Jesus, and can produce the avoidance, resolution, or reduction of conflicts. And yet obstacles are significant, and expectations must be realistic. Decisions to use armed force against injustice, even when they meet the criteria of just war, will be ambiguous and tragic from a Christian perspective. Regarding war and peace, the focus of Christian theology, ethics, and practice should not be on justifying war but on practical and hopeful interreligious peacebuilding.

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    • Not Afraid Of The Antichrist


      Despite the popular theology of our day, Christians should not expect to get out of experiencing the tribulation or the end times. Nowhere in the Bible does the Lord promise us this, say Michael Brown and Craig Keener, two leading, acclaimed Bible scholars. In fact, they say, Jesus promises us tribulation in this world.

      Yet this is no reason to fear. In this fascinating, accessible, and personal book, Brown and Keener walk you through what the Bible really says about the rapture, the tribulation, and the end times. What they find will leave you full of hope. God’s wrath is not poured out on His people, and He will shield us from it–as he shielded Israel in Egypt during the ten plagues. So instead of taking comfort in what God hasn’t promised, take comfort in the words of Jesus: He has overcome the world, and we live in his victory.

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    • None Greater : The Undomesticated Attributes Of God


      For too long, Christians have domesticated God, bringing him down to our level, as if he is a God who can be tamed. But he is a God who is high and lifted up, the Creator rather than the creature, someone than which none greater can be conceived. If God is the most perfect, supreme being, infinite and incomprehensible, then certain perfect-making attributes must be true of him. Perfections like aseity, simplicity, immutability, and eternity shield God from being crippled by creaturely limitations. At the same time, this all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-wise God exhibits perfect wisdom, holiness, and love as he makes known who he is and how he will save us. When we need to be reminded of God’s magnificence, the attributes of God show us exactly why God is worthy of worship: there is none like him.

      Join Matthew Barrett as he rediscovers these divine perfections and finds himself surprised by the God he thought he knew. Your Christian walk will never be the same.

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    • Reforming Apologetics : Retrieving The Classic Reformed Approach To Defendi


      Challenging the dominant Van Tillian approach in Reformed apologetics, this book by a leading expert in contemporary Reformed theology sets forth the principles that undergird a classic Reformed approach. J. V. Fesko’s detailed exegetical, theological, and historical argument takes as its starting point the classical Reformed understanding of the “two books” of God’s revelation: nature and Scripture. Believers should always rest on the authority of Scripture but also can and should appeal to the book of nature in the apologetic task.

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    • Unraptured : How End Times Theology Gets It Wrong


      Are you rapture ready?

      As a teenager in the buckle of the Bible Belt, Zack Hunt was convinced the rapture would happen at any moment. Being ready meant never missing church, never sinning, and always listening to Christian radio.

      But when the rapture didn’t happen, Hunt’s tightly wound faith began to fray. If he had been wrong about the rapture, what else about his faith might not hold water?

      Part memoir, part tour of the apocalypse, and part call to action, Unraptured traces how the church’s focus on escaping to heaven has it mired in decay. Teetering on the brink of irrelevancy in a world rocked by refugee crises, climate change, war and rumors of war, the church cannot afford to focus on the end times instead of following Jesus in the here and now. Unraptured uses these signs of the times to help readers reorient their understanding of the gospel around loving and caring for the least of these.

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    • Unraptured : How End Times Theology Gets It Wrong


      Are you rapture ready?

      As a teenager in the buckle of the Bible Belt, Zack Hunt was convinced the rapture would happen at any moment. Being ready meant never missing church, never sinning, and always listening to Christian radio.

      But when the rapture didn’t happen, Hunt’s tightly wound faith began to fray. If he had been wrong about the rapture, what else about his faith might not hold water?

      Part memoir, part tour of the apocalypse, and part call to action, Unraptured traces how the church’s focus on escaping to heaven has it mired in decay. Teetering on the brink of irrelevancy in a world rocked by refugee crises, climate change, war and rumors of war, the church cannot afford to focus on the end times instead of following Jesus in the here and now. Unraptured uses these signs of the times to help readers reorient their understanding of the gospel around loving and caring for the least of these.

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    • Crossing The Schism


      The Christian religion suffered three schisms during its two-thousand-year history. Orthodox, Protestant, and Anglican schisms occurred in succession. The Protestant schism resulted in the most significant change to how Christians worship. Catholics and Protestants have the same core Christian beliefs. However, their worship practices are very different. Currently, Catholics and Protestants have difficulty even talking about those differences. It seems like they speak in two different languages, and neither side can understand the other.

      In Crossing the Schism, author John D. Smatlak explains how Catholics and Protestants can reconcile their differences with a new way of approaching the Word. Although Smatlak was raised in a Protestant Fundamentalist church and joined congregations from a variety of Protestant denominations, he also attended many Catholic church services. Because of that broad experience, he successfully crossed the schism between Catholics and Protestants. Though he remains Protestant, he learned to speak both languages.

      By first unlearning some false beliefs, both Catholics and Protestants can accept that there are different ways to worship the same Christ. Crossing the Schism exposes the false beliefs and uncovers forgotten truths, building bridges of Christian love and understanding. Because it’s only when you learn about the perspectives of other Christians, that you more fully understand your own Christian beliefs and grow stronger in your faith.

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    • Edible Entanglements : On A Political Theology Of Food


      Obesity in the Global North and starvation in the Global South can be attributed to the same cause: the concentration of enormous power in the hands of transnational agricultural corporations. The food sovereignty movement has arisen as the major challenger to the corporate food regime. The concept of sovereignty is central to the discursive field of political theology, yet seldom if ever have its theoretical insights been applied to the concept of sovereignty as it appears in global food politics.

      Food politics operates simultaneously in several registers: individual, national, transnational, and ecological. A politics of food takes a transdisciplinary approach to analyzing Schmitt’s concept of sovereignty in each of these registers, employing Giorgio Agamben’s political philosophy to elucidate vulnerability in the national and transnational registers; Jane Bennett’s vibrant materiality, Karen Barad’s agential realism, and nutritional science to describe the social production of classed bodies in the individual and national registers; data from climate science and the political ecology of Bruno Latour to examine the impact of sovereignty in the ecological register. Catherine Keller’s theology of becoming and Paulina Ochoa Espejo’s people as process will be explored for their capacity to enliven a democratic political theology of food.

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    • Larger Hope : Universal Salvation From The Reformation To The Nineteenth Ce


      This book aims to uncover and explore the ideas of notable people in the story of Christian universalism from the time of the Reformation until the end of the nineteenth century. It is a story that is largely unknown in both the church and the academy, and the characters that populate it have for the most part passed into obscurity. With carefully located bore holes drilled to release the long-hidden theologies of key people and texts, the volume seeks to display and historically situate the roots, shapes, and diversity of Christian universalism. Here we discover a diverse and motley crew of mystics and scholars, social prophets and end-time sectarians, evangelicals and liberals, orthodox and heretics, Calvinists and Arminians, Puritans, Pietists, and a host of others. The story crisscrosses Continental Europe, Britain, and America, and its reverberations remain with us to this day.

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    • Crossing The Schism


      The Christian religion suffered three schisms during its two-thousand-year history. Orthodox, Protestant, and Anglican schisms occurred in succession. The Protestant schism resulted in the most significant change to how Christians worship. Catholics and Protestants have the same core Christian beliefs. However, their worship practices are very different. Currently, Catholics and Protestants have difficulty even talking about those differences. It seems like they speak in two different languages, and neither side can understand the other.

      In Crossing the Schism, author John D. Smatlak explains how Catholics and Protestants can reconcile their differences with a new way of approaching the Word. Although Smatlak was raised in a Protestant Fundamentalist church and joined congregations from a variety of Protestant denominations, he also attended many Catholic church services. Because of that broad experience, he successfully crossed the schism between Catholics and Protestants. Though he remains Protestant, he learned to speak both languages.

      By first unlearning some false beliefs, both Catholics and Protestants can accept that there are different ways to worship the same Christ. Crossing the Schism exposes the false beliefs and uncovers forgotten truths, building bridges of Christian love and understanding. Because it’s only when you learn about the perspectives of other Christians, that you more fully understand your own Christian beliefs and grow stronger in your faith.

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    • Restless Faith : Holding Evangelical Beliefs In A World Of Contested Labels


      One of the most influential evangelical voices in America chronicles what it has meant for him to spend the past half century as a “restless evangelical”–a way of maintaining his identity in an age when many claim the label “evangelical” has become so politicized that it is no longer viable. Richard Mouw candidly reflects on wrestling with traditional evangelical beliefs over the years and shows that although his mind has changed in some ways, his core beliefs have not. He contends that we should hold on to the legacy that has enriched evangelicalism in the past. The Christian life in its healthiest form, says Mouw, is always a matter of holding on to essentials while constantly moving on along paths that we can walk in faithfulness only by seeking the continuing guidance of the light of God’s Word. As Mouw affirms the essentials of the evangelical faith, he helps a new generation see the wisdom embodied in them.

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    • Deep Focus : Film And Theology In Dialogue


      Three media experts guide the serious Christian moviegoer into a theological conversation with movies in this up-to-date, readable introduction to Christian theology and film. Building on the success of Robert Johnston’s Reel Spirituality, the leading textbook in the field for the past 17 years, Deep Focus helps film lovers not only watch movies critically and theologically but also see beneath the surface of their moving images. The book discusses a wide variety of classic and contemporary films and is illustrated with film stills from favorite movies.

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    • Edible Entanglements : On A Political Theology Of Food


      Obesity in the Global North and starvation in the Global South can be attributed to the same cause: the concentration of enormous power in the hands of transnational agricultural corporations. The food sovereignty movement has arisen as the major challenger to the corporate food regime. The concept of sovereignty is central to the discursive field of political theology, yet seldom if ever have its theoretical insights been applied to the concept of sovereignty as it appears in global food politics.

      Food politics operates simultaneously in several registers: individual, national, transnational, and ecological. A politics of food takes a transdisciplinary approach to analyzing Schmitt’s concept of sovereignty in each of these registers, employing Giorgio Agamben’s political philosophy to elucidate vulnerability in the national and transnational registers; Jane Bennett’s vibrant materiality, Karen Barad’s agential realism, and nutritional science to describe the social production of classed bodies in the individual and national registers; data from climate science and the political ecology of Bruno Latour to examine the impact of sovereignty in the ecological register. Catherine Keller’s theology of becoming and Paulina Ochoa Espejo’s people as process will be explored for their capacity to enliven a democratic political theology of food.

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    • Gender Violence And Justice


      Gender, Violence, and Justice is a volume of collected essays by an expert in the field of violence against women and pastoral theology. It represents over three decades of research, advocacy, and pastoral theological reflection on the subject of sexual and domestic violence. Topics include intimate partner violence, sexual abuse and trauma, and clergy sexual misconduct; controversial theological issues such as forgiveness; and, as well, positive frameworks for fostering well-being in families, church, and society.

      Framed by a foreword and an introduction that place this work in the context of new and contemporary challenges in theory and practice, these essays show an evolution of issues and frameworks for theology, care, and activism arising over time from the movement to end violence against women (both within and beyond religious communities)-while at the same time demonstrating an unchanging core commitment to gender justice.

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    • Trauma And Grace


      This substantive collection from noted scholar Serene Jones explores recent work in the field of trauma studies. Central to its overall theme is an investigation of how individual and collective violence affect one’s capacity to remember, to act, and to love; how violence can challenge theological understandings of grace; and even how the traumatic experience of Jesus’ death is remembered. Jones focuses on the long-term effects of collective violence on abuse survivors, war veterans, and marginalized populations and the discrete ways in which grace and redemption may be exhibited in each context. At the heart of each essay are two deeply interrelated faith claims that are central to Jones’s understanding of Christian theology: (1) We live in a world profoundly broken by violence, and (2) God loves this world and desires that suffering be met by words of hope, love, and grace. This timely and relevant cutting-edge book is the first trauma study to directly take into account theological issues.

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    • Humble Calvinism : And If I Know The Five Points, But Have Not Love…


      1. The Problem With Calvinists
      2. Humble Calvinism Is Not An Oxymoron
      3. Point One: Level Ground
      4. Point Two: Love, Regardless
      5. Point Three: Specific Service
      6. Point Four: The Family Business
      7. Point Five: Credit God
      8. We’re Calvinists Best When We Aren’t Calvinists First

      Additional Info
      Humble Calvinism is both a helpful summary of what Calvinism is, and a helpful challenge to those who are convinced Calvinists. It calls us to hold Calvinism in our hearts, not just in our heads, so that we are humble and gracious as well as zealous for the truth, to the praise and glory of Christ and his church.

      Author Jeff Medders admits that he is quick to defend Calvinism, but often slow to humbly love Christians who take a different view. His warm-hearted, challenging (and surprisingly witty) book takes readers through the the five points of Calvinism, revealing that a true understanding has a humbling effect on our hearts, fueling a love of Christ and his people that builds others up, rather than tearing them down.

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    • Sculptor Spirit : Models Of Sanctification From Spirit Christology


      1. Sculptor Spirit: Spirit Christology And The Sanctified Life
      2. Voices From The Past: Patristic Images Of The Sanctifying Spirit
      3. Baptized Into Death And Life: The Renewal Model
      4. Facing Demons Through Prayer And Meditation: The Dramatic Model
      5. Sharing Life Together: The Sacrificial Model
      6. Welcoming The Stranger: The Hospitality Model
      7. Work, Pray, And Rest: The Devotional Model
      8. I Want To Tell The Story: North American Spirituality And The Models
      General Index
      Scripture Index

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      The Holy Spirit is sculpting you.

      Like the work of an artist who molds a lump of clay into its intended shape, the Spirit’s sanctifying work lies in shaping people into the image of Christ.

      Avoiding either a “Spirit-only” or a “Spirit-void” theology, Leopoldo Sanchez carefully crafts a Spirit Christology, which considers the role of God’s Spirit in the life and mission of Jesus. This understanding then serves as the foundation to articulate five distinct models of sanctification that can help Christians discern how the Spirit is at work in our lives.

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    • Emerging Christian Minority


      An increase in secularization throughout the Western world has resulted in Christian communities finding themselves in a new context: emerging as a minority group. What does this changing landscape mean for existing Christian communities? Are there biblical or historical precedents for this situation? What should we expect in the future? These were the issues taken up by the speakers at the 2016 conference, “The Emerging Christian Minority,” sponsored by the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology.

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    • Jesus And Christian Origins


      There has been a varied range of studies on Jesus. Though now it seems there is a pause and perhaps opening to new orientation, with the aim not simply to cover old ground or repeat past mistakes. This is a study of Jesus and Christian origins with a primary focus on the Gospels. There have been comprehensive and important contributions, like N. T. Wright’s The New Testament and the People of God. At the same time, more defined studies have appeared. The purpose here is not to develop particular New Testament themes as such. Rather, in this volume the writers take up Gospel related topics in the context of the early church in order to illuminate specific baselines for New Testament interpretation and to discern directions toward a new paradigm.

      There is much to do. The need to take account of reception history and so of the “external evidence” for the New Testament documents; also eyewitness and oral tradition as embodied in the Gospel accounts. The genre of the Gospels with reference to biography or history has its own importance. The reception and “authority” of the Gospels in the early church marks another baseline. Jesus in his Jewish context and in relation to emerging Christianity is also a critical baseline for interpretation.

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    • Jesus And Christian Origins


      There has been a varied range of studies on Jesus. Though now it seems there is a pause and perhaps opening to new orientation, with the aim not simply to cover old ground or repeat past mistakes. This is a study of Jesus and Christian origins with a primary focus on the Gospels. There have been comprehensive and important contributions, like N. T. Wright’s The New Testament and the People of God. At the same time, more defined studies have appeared. The purpose here is not to develop particular New Testament themes as such. Rather, in this volume the writers take up Gospel related topics in the context of the early church in order to illuminate specific baselines for New Testament interpretation and to discern directions toward a new paradigm.

      There is much to do. The need to take account of reception history and so of the “external evidence” for the New Testament documents; also eyewitness and oral tradition as embodied in the Gospel accounts. The genre of the Gospels with reference to biography or history has its own importance. The reception and “authority” of the Gospels in the early church marks another baseline. Jesus in his Jewish context and in relation to emerging Christianity is also a critical baseline for interpretation.

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    • Spirit Among The Dissenters


      This work examines the development of a “dissenting” perspective on the emerging doctrine of the Holy Spirit in Post-Reformation Protestant thought. By “dissenting,” the author means “beyond the mainstream of thought, sometimes affirming but expanding orthodox positions, but at other times pursuing new directions and images of the Spirit.” A new look is offered at the Puritan-Separatist era in English dissenting traditions, as well as organized dissenters in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Of particular interest are the applications of current philosophic and scientific writers. There are sections on major German thinkers of the nineteenth century and major influential theologians of the last century who laid new foundations in the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Readers will be interested in the inclusion of new religious movements in two eras, and creative contemporary ideas of the Spirit. How an ongoing “dissenting” perspective contrasts with mainstream thinking is woven through four centuries of literature on the Spirit. The author contends that we have learned much from the “dissenting” perspective, and he offers seven constructive affirmations of the Spirit of God drawn from his survey and analyses of the previous four centuries. The bibliography is comprehensive of major works on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, plus unusual sources of dissenting thought.

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    • Between Two Trees


      The problem of Eden is much worse than you thought, but the
      solution is much better than you could have ever imagined.

      Between Two Trees reveals that the real tragedy of Eden is a union with death, a union that produces division and despair. Life isn’t lived under Eden’s tree of life or beneath the healing leaves of the tree in the New Jerusalem. It is lived between them. And between these two trees, life is hard. In spite of this tragedy, Between Two Trees will challenge you to embrace hope, love, and the beauty of reconciliation at the true tree of life: the cross of Calvary.

      By exploring the problem of Eden and the power of the cross,

      Shane Wood calls us to walk on a path to transformation, a path to union with God. The book’s journey ends under the shade of the tree of life in the New Jerusalem with God’s unfinished creation now complete. Yes, Eden, but more importantly, you. The unfinished creation in us.

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    • Christian Theology For People In A Hurry


      Let’s be real. Theology is intimidating. There are so many unfamiliar words and difficult concepts–or so it seems. Would you like to know the basics of theology and have an easy route to that knowledge? If so, these short, simple readings are the way to go. Here, Daryl Aaron answers some of the toughest questions about the nature of God, heaven, the Bible, church, and even ourselves. Blending the knowledge of a college professor with friendly, down-to-earth language, Aaron explains theology in a way you can understand. Broken into forty small chapters, this book gives you quick, clear answers to your questions about theology.

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    • Embracing Contemplation : Reclaiming A Christian Spiritual


      Introduction-John H. Coe And Kyle C. Strobel
      Part I: Historical Inquiries
      1. The Controversy Over Contemplation And Contemplative Prayer: An Historical, Theological, And Biblical Resolution-John H. Coe
      2. Is Thoughtless Prayer Really Christian? A Biblical/Evangelical Response To Evagrius Of Pontus-Evan Howard
      3. Medieval Ressourcement-Greg Peters
      4. Sabbatical Contemplation? Retrieving A Strand In Reformed Theology-Ashley Cocksworth
      5. “To Gaze On The Beauty Of The Lord”: The Evangelical Resistance And Retrieval Of Contemplation-Tom Schwanda
      6. Christian Contemplation And The Cross: The Pathway To Life-Diane Chandler
      Part II: Constructive Proposals
      7. Biblical Spirituality And Contemplative Spirituality-Steve Porter
      8. Contemplation By Son And Spirit: Reforming The Ascent Of The Soul To God-Kyle C. Strobel
      9. Gospel-Centered Contemplation? A Proposal-Ryan Brandt
      10. The Beatific Vision: Contemplating Christ As The Future Present-Hans Boersma
      11. Contemplative And Centering Prayer-James Wilhoit
      12. Contemplative Prayer In The Evangelical And Pentecostal Traditions: A Comparative Study-Simon Chan
      13. A Distinctively Christian Contemplation: A Comparison With Other Religions-Glen Scorgie
      Conclusion-John H. Coe And Kyle C. Strobel
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      What does a Christian life lived “by the Spirit” look like?

      For many Christians throughout history, fulfilling Paul’s command in Galatians 5:25 included a form of contemplation and prayer that leads to spiritual formation. But in large part, contemporary Christians-perhaps especially evangelicals-seem to have lost or forgotten about this treasure from their own tradition.

      Bringing together scholars and practitioners of spiritual formation from across the Protestant spectrum, this volume offers a distinctly evangelical consideration of the benefits of contemplation. The contributors draw on historical examples from the church-including John Calvin, Richard Baxter, Jonathan Edwards, and John Wesley-to consider how contemplative prayer can shape Christian living today. The result is a robust guide to embracing contemplation that will help Christians as they seek to keep in step with the Spiri

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    • Larger Hope : Universal Salvation From The Reformation To The Nineteenth Ce


      This book aims to uncover and explore the ideas of notable people in the story of Christian universalism from the time of the Reformation until the end of the nineteenth century. It is a story that is largely unknown in both the church and the academy, and the characters that populate it have for the most part passed into obscurity. With carefully located bore holes drilled to release the long-hidden theologies of key people and texts, the volume seeks to display and historically situate the roots, shapes, and diversity of Christian universalism. Here we discover a diverse and motley crew of mystics and scholars, social prophets and end-time sectarians, evangelicals and liberals, orthodox and heretics, Calvinists and Arminians, Puritans, Pietists, and a host of others. The story crisscrosses Continental Europe, Britain, and America, and its reverberations remain with us to this day.

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    • Jesus The End And The Beginning


      Telford Work examines some of the most important ways Jesus is “the omega and the alpha”–the end and the beginning. Jesus alone fulfills the divine purpose for all things, brings about the end of the old world’s evil and suffering, and begins eternity’s new creation. This core conviction is one of the deepest logics that shapes Christian thinking and life. The author offers a unique, big-picture introduction to how Jesus’s life and death shape Christian theology and practice and helps readers fully understand Jesus’s transformation of all things.

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    • Emerging Christian Minority


      An increase in secularization throughout the Western world has resulted in Christian communities finding themselves in a new context: emerging as a minority group. What does this changing landscape mean for existing Christian communities? Are there biblical or historical precedents for this situation? What should we expect in the future? These were the issues taken up by the speakers at the 2016 conference, “The Emerging Christian Minority,” sponsored by the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology.

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    • Spirit Among The Dissenters


      This work examines the development of a “dissenting” perspective on the emerging doctrine of the Holy Spirit in Post-Reformation Protestant thought. By “dissenting,” the author means “beyond the mainstream of thought, sometimes affirming but expanding orthodox positions, but at other times pursuing new directions and images of the Spirit.” A new look is offered at the Puritan-Separatist era in English dissenting traditions, as well as organized dissenters in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Of particular interest are the applications of current philosophic and scientific writers. There are sections on major German thinkers of the nineteenth century and major influential theologians of the last century who laid new foundations in the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Readers will be interested in the inclusion of new religious movements in two eras, and creative contemporary ideas of the Spirit. How an ongoing “dissenting” perspective contrasts with mainstream thinking is woven through four centuries of literature on the Spirit. The author contends that we have learned much from the “dissenting” perspective, and he offers seven constructive affirmations of the Spirit of God drawn from his survey and analyses of the previous four centuries. The bibliography is comprehensive of major works on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, plus unusual sources of dissenting thought.

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    • Why Holiness : The Transformational Message That Unites Us


      The doctrine of holiness is the essence of all Wesleyan thought. It is the lens through which Scripture is read and from which theology emerges. In recent years, the nuances of this core doctrine have been scrutinized and hotly debated by a new generation of scholars and church leaders.

      So, Why Holiness? Does this doctrine even matter anymore? Dr. Carla Sunberg and an international group of gifted theologians answer with a resounding yes. Together they explore how practices like intentional spiritual formation, engaging persons on the margins, and dialoguing with the past help us answer the question of why holiness remains essential to the life and health of the church.

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    • Marks Of Scripture


      This volume written by a theologian and a biblical scholar offers a fresh model for understanding Scripture as God’s Word. The authors work out the four Nicene marks of the church–one, holy, catholic, and apostolic–as marks of Scripture, offering a new way of thinking about the Bible that bridges theology and interpretation. Their ecclesial analogy invites us to think of Scripture in similar terms to how we think of the church, countering the incarnational model propagated by Peter Enns and others.

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    • Whence And Whither


      From one of our most gifted writers and thinkers about death and the meaning of living comes a collection of writings about “what comes next.” Thomas Lynch, funeral director, poet, and author of the National Book Award finalist The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade, has an uncanny knack for writing about death in ways that are never morbid, always thoughtful, often humorous, and quite moving. From his account of riding in the hearse at the funeral of poet laureate Seamus Heaney, to his recounting of the funeral for a young child in the 1800s, to his compelling essay about his own mortality, Lynch always finds ways to make sense of senseless things, as he ponders what will come next.

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    • Christ Is Yours


      Maintaining hope in Christ for the weary soul.

      In the face of trials and tribulations, persevering in the faith can be a difficult task. For Puritan pastor–theologian William Gouge, this question was of critical importance for those he shepherded. His theology of assurance during the difficult seasons in life provided direction and help to weary souls.

      In Christ Is Yours, Eric Rivera explores Gouge’s theology, revealing a man who cared deeply about the truths of Scripture and the spiritual lives of his community. His theology was focused on the promises of God found in Scripture while staying grounded in the realities of life. This message of perseverance and hope is just as necessary for Christ-followers today as it was then. Written for academics and pastors alike, Rivera brings this important theology to a modern audience.

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    • Psychology And Spiritual Formation In Dialogue


      Introduction (Thomas M. Crisp, Steven L. Porter, And Gregg A. Ten Elshof)

      Part I: The Relationship Between Psychology And Spiritual Formation
      1. Spiritual Theology: When Psychology And Theology In The Spirit Service Faith (John H. Coe)
      2. Is “Spiritual Formation” More Cultural Than Theo-Anthropological? An Ongoing Dialogue (James M. Houston)

      Part II: Theological Insights For A Psychology Of Spiritual Formation
      3. “End Of Faith As Its Beginning”: A Christ-Centered Developmental Spirituality (Bruce Hindmarsh)
      4. Living “Before God”: A Kierkegaardian View Of Human Spirituality (C. Stephen Evans)
      5. Beyond Resilience, Posttraumatic Growth, And Self-Care: A Biblical Perspective On Suffering And Spiritual Formation (Siang-Yang Tan)
      6. Seeking The Tropological Import Of Psalm 35 (Ellen T. Charry)

      Part III: Psychological Insights For A Theology Of Spiritual Formation
      7. On Specks And Planks: Psychotherapy, Spiritual Formation, And Moral Judgment (Earl D. Bland)
      8. Queen Of The Virtues And King Of The Vices: Graced Gratitude And Disgraced Ingratitude (Robert A. Emmons)
      9. Relational Spirituality And Transformation: A Differentiation-Based Model (Steven J. Sandage, David R. Paine, And Jonathan Morgan)
      10. Cultivating The Fruit Of The Spirit: Contributions Of Positive Psychology To Spiritual Formation (Everett L. Worthington Jr., Brandon J. Griffin, And Caroline R. Lavelock) 11. Born To Relate: In Trauma, In Transformation, In Transcendence (Marie T. Hoffman)
      12. Give Up Childish Ways Or Receive The Kingdom Like A Child? Spiritual Formation From A Developmental Perspective (Justin L. Barrett)

      List Of Contributors

      Additional Info
      Can the phenomena of the human mind be separated from the practices of spiritual formation?of growing to have the mind of Christ? Research into the nature of moral and spiritual change has revived in recent years, in the worlds of psychology on the one hand and theology and philosophy on the other. But psychology and spiritual formation draw upon distinct bodies of research and theory grounded in different methodologies, resulting in conversation that has suffered from a lack of interdisciplinary cross-pollination. Rooted in a year-long discussion held by Biola University’s Center for Christian Thought (CCT), this volume bridges the gaps caused by professional specialization among psychology, theology, and philosophy. Each essay was forged out of an integrative discussion among theologians, psychologists, philosophers, New Testament scholars, educators, and pastors around the CCT seminar table. Topics that emerged included relational and developmental spirituality, moral virtue and judgment, and suffering and trauma. Psychology and Spiritual Formation in Dialogue speaks across disciplinary divides, fostering fruitful conversation for fresh insights into the nature and dynamics of personal spiritual change. Contributors include
      *Justin L. Barrett, School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary
      *Earl D. Bland, Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University
      *Ellen T. Charry, Princeton Seminary
      *John H. Coe, Biola University
      *Robert A. Emmons, University of California, Davis
      *Stephen Evans, Baylor University
      *Bruce Hindmarsh, Regent College, Vancouver
      *Marie T. Hoffman, New York University
      *James M. Houston, Regent College, Vancouver
      *Steven J. Sandage, David R. Paine, and Jonathan Morgan, Boston University
      *Siang Yang Tan, School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary
      *Everett L. Worthington, Jr., Brandon J. Griffin, and Caroline R. Lavelock, Virginia Commonwealth University

      Edited by
      *Thomas M. Crisp, professor of philosophy, Biola University
      *Steve L. Porter, professor of theology, spiritual formation, and philosophy, Talbot School of Theology and Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University
      *Gregg Ten Elshof, professor of philosophy, Biola University

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    • Free Grace Soteriology Third Edition


      Grace Theology Press Title

      While nearly all branches of Christianity would lay claim to GRACE as the primary foundation for our future in heaven, there is wide divergence of opinion on just what that means. The understanding of GRACE among different factions within Christianity depends heavily on one’s understanding of justification, regeneration, sanctification, repentance, faith, and other biblical topics presented in this textbook. The author holds that GRACE is free, not in the sense of being cheap or easy, but as a free gift (Eph 2:9) with no strings attached, in contrast to Arminian or Calvinistic soteriology which add requirements on the “front end” or “back end” of salvation. The Free Grace position is a biblical alternative to these systems of soteriology and is presented as a corollary of dispensationalism, affirming that God’s “so great salvation” is absolutely free.

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    • Exalted Above The Heavens


      In this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Peter Orr attends to this somewhat neglected “sub-epoch” of biblical theology. He explores the New Testament witness to Jesus as he is now, the exalted Christ, through the lenses of his identity, his location, and his activity. Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • Teologia Del Antiguo Testament – (Spanish)


      El seminarista, el profesor y el predicador hallaran en este trabajo un manual practico para el estudio de la disciplina denominada Teologia del Antiguo Testamento. Y, para el creyente que este interesado en las joyas veterotestamentarias, se trata de una obra que le invitara constantemente a una mayor profundizacion de su fe en la Sagrada Biblia, y a replantearse todo aquello que ha aprendido.

      Invaluable for any Christian who wishes to go deeper into the key lines of the thought of those great hagiographs, prophets, and wise men of the ancient Israel.

      The seminary student and professor, and the preacher, will find out this work as a practical manual for the study of the discipline called Theology of the Old Testament. And, for the believer interested in the gems of the Old Testament, it is a book which will constantly invite them to a greater depth of their faith in the Sacred Bible, and to a new view of all that they have learned.

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    • Can Science Explain Everything


      Introduction: Cosmic Chemistry
      1. Can You Be A Scientist And Believe In God?
      2. How Did We Get Here: From Newton To Hawking
      3. Mythbusters I: Science
      4. Mythbusters II: Christian Faith
      5. Can We Really Take The Bible Seriously Any More?
      6. Miracles: A Step Too Far?
      7. Can You Trust What You Read?
      8. How To Disprove Christianity
      9. The Personal Dimension
      10. Entering The Laboratory: Testing The Truth

      Additional Info
      Can science explain everything?

      Many people think so. Science, and the technologies it has spawned, has delivered so much to the world: clean water; more food; better healthcare; longer life. And we live in a time of rapid scientific progress that holds enormous promise for many of the problems we face as humankind. So much so, in fact, that many see no need or use for religion and belief systems that offer us answers to the mysteries of our universe. Science has explained it, they assume. Religion is redundant.

      Oxford Maths Professor and Christian believer Prof. John Lennox offers a fresh way of thinking about science and Christianity that dispels the common misconceptions about both. He reveals that not only are they not opposed, but they can and must mix to give us a fuller understanding of the universe and the meaning of our existence.

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    • State Of The Evangelical Mind


      Foreword By Richard J. Mouw
      Introduction: The State Of The Evangelical Mind-Tales Of Prosperity And Peril (Todd C. Ream, Jerry Pattengale, And Christopher J. Devers)
      1. Reflections On The Past: Evangelical Intellectual Life (Mark A. Noll)
      2. Churches: The State Of The Evangelical Church (Jo Anne Lyon)
      3. Parachurch Organizations (David C. Mahan And C. Donald Smedley)
      4. Colleges And Universities: John Henry Newman’s The Idea Of A University And Christian Colleges In The Twenty-First Century (Timothy Larsen)
      5. Seminaries: Contemplative Posture And Christ-Adapted Eyes-Teaching And Thinking In Christian Seminaries (Lauren Winner)
      6. Prospects For The Future: The Future Is Catholic-The Next Scandal For The Evangelical Mind (James K. A. Smith)
      Conclusion: The Ongoing Challenge Of The Evangelical Mind (Mark Galli)
      Author Index
      Subject Index

      Additional Info
      Two decades on from Mark Noll’s Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, could we now be on the threshold of another crisis of intellectual maturity in Christianity? Or are the opportunities for faithful intellectual engagement and witness even greater now than before?

      These essays invite readers to a virtual “summit meeting” on the current state of the evangelical mind. The insights of national leaders in their fields will aid readers to reflect on the past contributions of evangelical institutions for the life of the mind as well as prospects for the future. Contributors include:

      Richard J. Mouw
      Mark A. Noll
      Jo Anne Lyon
      David C. Mahan and C. Donald Smedley
      Timothy Larsen
      Lauren Winner
      James K. A. Smith
      Mark Galli

      The State of the Evangelical Mind frames the resources needed for churches, universities, seminaries, and parachurch organizations to chart their course for the future, both separately and together, and provides readers an opportunity to participate in a timely conversation as they consider what institutional and individual role they might play.

      This is not a book to define or diagnose evangelicalism broadly, and there’s no fear-mongering or demonizing here, but rather a call to attend to the evangelical mind and the role played by interlocking institutions in its intellectual formation and ongoing vitality. It will encourage-and challenge-those who want to be part of the solution in a time of need.

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    • Barth In Conversation Volume 2 1963


      In recognition of Karl Barth’s stature as a theologian and public figure in the life of Europe and the West, Swiss publisher Theologischer Verlag Zurich (TVZ) published Conversations, a collection of correspondence, articles, interviews, and other short-form writings by Barth. Collected in three volumes, Conversations reveals the depth and breadth of Barth’s theological thought, as well as his humor and humanity. Now, for the first time in English, the second of those volumes is offered here.

      Covering the year 1963, Volume 2 highlights a period in which Barth was especially active, particularly in regard to ecumenism and issues related to the Cold War. Within these pages, scholars and students will find a comprehensive view into Barth’s life and beliefs about theology and its role in modern society.

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    • Inexpressible : Hesed And The Mystery Of Gods Loving Kindness


      Preface: The Untranslatable Defining The Inexpressible
      Introduction: A Word On The Meaning Of Words

      Part I. The God Of Hesed
      1. Opening The Door
      2. The Definitive Encounter
      3. Slow To Anger
      4. Like No Other God
      5. An Everlasting Refrain
      6. A Prayer Of Honest Rage

      Part II. The Objects Of Hesed
      7. When Dinah Held My Hand
      8. The Heseds Of David
      9. Ethan: “I Will Sing”
      10. Moses: “In The Morning”
      11. Jeremiah: “I Am Hesed”
      12. Hosea: A Novel Of Hesed

      Part III. Hesed Finally Defined
      13. Hesed And Truth
      14. On Jesus’ Lips
      15. How To Amaze Jesus
      16. The One Who Showed Hesed
      17. Paul And The Path To Redemption

      Part IV. An Instinct For Hesed
      18. Here, Rabbi, Take My Seat
      19. Hesed In Post-AD 70 Judaism
      20. Gemilut Hesed And Tikkun Olam

      Conclusion: Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly: The Monumental Nature Of Kindness
      Appendix A: Occurrences Of Hesed In Scripture
      Appendix B: Comparison Of Translations
      Appendix C: A Vocabulary Of Associated Words
      Appendix D: For Further Study
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      God’s identity is beyond what we could ever fully express in human words. But Scripture uses one particular word to describe the distinctiveness of God’s character: the Hebrew word hesed.

      Hesed is a concept so rich in meaning that it doesn’t translate well into any single English word or phrase. Michael Card unpacks the many dimensions of hesed, often expressed as lovingkindness, covenant faithfulness, or steadfast love. He explores how hesed is used in the Old Testament to reveal God’s character and how he relates to his people. Ultimately, the fullness of hesed is embodied in the incarnation of Jesus.

      As we follow our God of hesed, we ourselves are transformed to live out the way of hesed, marked by compassion, mercy, and faithfulness. Discover what it means to be people of an everlasting love beyond words.

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    • History Of Biblical Interpretation Volume 2


      A blended presentation of a broad spectrum of biblical interpretation from different traditions

      A History of Biblical Interpretation provides detailed and extensive studies of the interpretation of the Scriptures by Jewish and Christian writers throughout the ages. Written by internationally renowned scholars, this multivolume work comprehensively treats the many different methods of interpretation, the many important interpreters from various eras, and the many key issues that have surfaced repeatedly over the long course of biblical interpretation.

      This second installment contains essays by fifteen noted scholars discussing major methods, movements, and interpreters in the Jewish and Christian communities from the beginning of the Middle Ages until the end of the sixteenth-century Reformation.

      The authors examine such themes as the variety of interpretive developments within Judaism during this period, the monumental work of Rashi and his followers, the achievements of the Carolingian era, and the later scholastic developments within the universities, beginning in the twelfth century. Included are bibliographical references for even deeper study .

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    • Understanding Scientific Theories Of Origins


      List Of Figures
      List Of Tables
      List Of Sidebars

      Part 1: Getting Started On The Journey
      1. Principles And Methods Of Biblical Interpretation (John H. Walton)
      2. A Comprehensive Doctrine Of Creation And Implications For Scientific Study (Robert C. Bishop)
      3. Knowledge And Faith In Pursuing Origins Questions (Robert C. Bishop)
      4. Creation Through The Lenses Of Science And Theology (Robert C. Bishop)

      Part 2: Cosmic Origins
      5. Cosmic Origins: Genesis 1:1-2:4 (John H. Walton)
      6. Electromagnetic Radiation And The Scale Of The Universe (Robert C. Bishop)
      7. The Expanding Universe (Robert C. Bishop)
      8. The Big Bang Model And Contemporary Cosmology (Robert C. Bishop)
      9. Lives And Deaths Of Stars And Fine-Tuning (Robert C. Bishop)
      10. Biblical And Theological Perspectives On The Origins Of The Universe (Robert C. Bishop)

      Part 3: Origin And Geologic History Of Earth
      11. Origin Of The Earth And Solar System (Stephen O. Moshier)
      12. Historical Roots Of Geology: Catastrophism And Uniformitarianism (Stephen O. Moshier)
      13. The Genesis Flood (John H. Walton)
      14. The Rock Cycle And Timescales Of Geologic Processes (Stephen O. Moshier)
      15. Rocks Of Ages: Measuring Geologic Time (Stephen O. Moshier)
      16. Plate Tectonics: A Theory For How The Earth Works (Stephen O. Moshier)
      17. Reading Earth’s History In Rocks And Fossils (Stephen O. Moshier)
      18. Biblical And Theological Perspectives On Earth History (Stephen O. Moshier And Robert C. Bishop)

      Part 4: Origin Of Life On Earth
      19. From Spontaneous Generation To Abiogenesis (Larry L. Funck)
      20. Prebiotic Chemistry: Preparing The Primordial Soup (Larry L. Funck)
      21. Biological Information: Proteins And Nucleic Acids (Larry L. Funck)
      22. Alternative Scenarios For Life’s Origin (Larry L. Funck)
      23. Biblical And Theological Perspectives On The Origin Of Life (Larry L. Funck)

      Part 5: Origin Of Species And Diversity Of Life
      24. Development Of The Theory Of Evolution (Raymond J. Lewis)
      25. The Modern Synthesis Of Evolution (Raymond J. Lewis)
      26. Exploring The Evidence About Evolution: Phylogeny And Fossils (Raymond J. Lewis)
      27. Development Of An Extended Synthesis Of Evolution (Raymond J. Lewis)
      28. Biblical And Theological Perspectives On The Origin Of The Diversity Of Life (Raymond J. Lewis And Robert C. Bishop)

      Part 6: Human Origins
      29. Human Origins: Genesis 2-3 (John H. Walton)
      30. Human Origins: Evidence From Physical Anthropology (Stephen O. Moshier)

      Additional Info
      The question of origins remains a stumbling block for many. But just as the Psalmist gained insight into God’s character through the observation of nature, modern scientific study can deepen and enrich our vision of the Creator and our place in his creation. In this often contentious field Bishop, Funck, Lewis, Moshier, and Walton serve as our able guides.

      Based on over two decades of teaching origins together in the classroom, the authors present a textbook exploring mainstream scientific theories of origins in astronomy, cosmology, chemistry, geology, biology, physical anthropology, and genetics. While many authors engage origins from a Christian perspective, this is the first work offering a full-fledged discussion of the scientific narrative of origins, from the Big Bang through humankind, accessible to a lay audience in biblical and theological perspective.

      Topics include

      Principles of biblical interpretation
      Close readings of relevant Genesis texts
      A comprehensive Trinitarian doctrine of creation
      Cosmic origins
      The geologic history of Earth
      The origin of life on Earth
      The origin of species and diversity of life
      Human origins
      New creation and creation care
      Science education

      Rather than the familiar scenario where science and faith compete, this book seeks to diffuse tensions by taking the inspiration and authority of the Bible seriously while respecting and honoring God’s revelation through creation. Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins gives the reader a detailed picture of the sciences of origins along with how they fit into the story of God’s creative and redemptive action.

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    • Modern Technology And The Human Future


      1. Machine Technology And Human Being
      2. The Momentum And Inertia Of Modern Technological Development
      3. The Technological World View
      4. Remembering Where We Are And Who We Are
      5. What On Earth Shall We Do?
      A Personal Conclusion
      Epilogue: On Eucharistic Embodiment
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      Technology is not neutral.

      From the plow to the printing press, technology has always shaped human life and informed our understanding of what it means to be human. And advances in modern technology, from computers to smartphones, have yielded tremendous benefits. But do these developments actually encourage human flourishing?

      Craig Gay raises concerns about the theological implications of modern technologies and of philosophical movements such as transhumanism. In response, he turns to a classical affirmation of the Christian faith: Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God, took on human flesh. By exploring the doctrine of the incarnation and what it means for our embodiment, Gay offers a course correction to the path of modern technology without asking us to unplug completely.

      The doctrine of the incarnation is not neutral either. It presents us an alternative vision for the future of humanity.

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    • George MacDonald In The Age Of Miracles


      The Bible is full of miracles. Yet how do we make sense of them today? And where might we see miracles in our own lives?

      In this installment of the Hansen Lectureship series, historian and theologian Timothy Larsen considers the legacy of George MacDonald, the Victorian Scottish author and minister who is best known for his pioneering fantasy literature, which influenced authors such as C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, G. K. Chesteron, and Madeleine L’Engle.

      Larsen explores how, throughout his life and writings, MacDonald sought to counteract skepticism, unbelief, naturalism, and materialism and to herald instead the reality of the miraculous, the supernatural, the wondrous, and the realm of the spirit.

      The Hansen Lectureship series offers accessible and insightful reflections by Wheaton College faculty members on the transformative work of the Wade Center authors

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    • Theodicy Of Love


      If God is all powerful and entirely good and loving, why is there so much evil in the world?

      Based on a close canonical reading of Scripture, this book offers a new approach to the challenge of reconciling the Christian confession of a loving God with the realities of suffering and evil. John Peckham offers a constructive proposal for a theodicy of love that upholds the sovereignty of God and human freedom, showing that Scripture points toward a framework for thinking about God’s love in relation to the world.

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    • Learning Theology Through The Churchs Worship


      This book introduces students to theology with sustained attention to how Christian beliefs and the church’s worship interact, both historically and in practice. Dennis Okholm approaches the subject from the necessary intersection of theology and liturgy, showing that learning the church’s doctrine apart from its worship undermines both. The book flows as if the reader were participating in a service of worship. It features illustrative charts and figures that complement challenging concepts and includes suggestions for assignments at the end of the book.

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