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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 651–700 of 2060 results

  • Rendering The Word In Theological Hermeneutics


    What is the relationship between divine and human agency in the interpretation of Scripture? Differing schools of thought often fail to address this key question, overemphasizing or ignoring one or the other. When the divine inspiration of Scripture is overemphasized, the varied roles of human authors tend to become muted in our approach the text. Conversely, when we think of the Bible almost entirely in terms of its human authorship, Scripture’s character as the word of God tends to play little role in our theological reasoning. The tendency is to choose either an academic or a spiritual approach to interpretation.

    In Rendering the Word in Theological Hermeneutics, Mark Bowald asserts that this is a false dichotomy. We need not emphasize the human qualities of Scripture to the detriment of the divine, nor the other way around. We must rather approach Scripture as equally human and divine in origin and character, and we must read it with both critical rigor and openness to the leading of God’s Spirit now and in the historic life of the church.

    From this perspective, Bowald also offers a fruitful analysis of the hermeneutical methods of George Lindbeck, Hans Frei, Kevin Vanhoozer, Francis Watson, Stephen Fowl, David Kelsey, Werner Jeanrond, Karl Barth, James K.A. Smith, and Nicholas Wolterstorff.

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  • Gospel According To Heretics


    Since what Christian doctrine denies can be as important as what it affirms, it is important to understand teachings about Jesus that the early church rejected. Historians now acknowledge that proponents of alternative teachings were not so much malicious malcontents as they were misguided or even misunderstood. Here a recognized expert in early Christian theology teaches orthodox Christology by explaining the false starts (heresies), making the history of theology relevant for today’s church. This engaging introduction to the christological heresies is suitable for beginning students. In addition, pastors and laypeople will find it useful for apologetic purposes.

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  • Sermon Without End


    The relationship between preaching and the public sphere has long been debated. Three different theological approaches tend to dominate the discussion. In different ways, these approaches take into account the movement from the modern mindset of the mid-to-late 20th century to the emerging postmodern worldview. In The Sermon without End authors Allen & Allen thoughtfully offer a fourth option, one that in their view has not received much attention, but which offers a distinct and especially helpful perspective. It is a new and dynamic conversational model, reaching beyond the earlier work of Tillich and Tracy. In this homiletical framework, conversation takes place in multiple directions between the text or tradition and the world today. It is preaching in conversation, not just toward but with voices from the public sphere. The book provides a solid foundation for understanding this post-apologetic approach, but it importantly goes on to offer practical, real-pulpit guidance for implementation in a preaching ministry. It is a book for both scholars and practicing preachers who wish to reach people in meaningful and significant ways, and in ways that make sense for today.

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  • Hoping Against Hope


    John D. Caputo has a long career as one of the preeminent postmodern philosophers in America. The author of such books as Radical Hermeneutics, The Prayers and Tears of Jacques Derrida, and The Weakness of God, Caputo now reflects on his spiritual journey from a Catholic altar boy in 1950s Philadelphia to a philosopher after the death of God. Part spiritual autobiography, part homily on what he calls the “nihilism of grace,” Hoping Against Hope calls believers and nonbelievers alike to participate in the “praxis of the kingdom of God,” which Caputo says we must pursue “without why.”

    Caputo’s conversation partners in this volume include Lyotard, Derrida, and Hegel, but also earlier versions of himself: Jackie, a young altar boy, and Brother Paul, a novice in a religious order. Caputo traces his own journey from faith through skepticism to hope, after the “death of God.” In the end, Caputo doesn’t want to do away with religion; he wants to redeem religion and to reinvent religion for a postmodern time.

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  • Paradox Of Church And World


    “Ultimately,” or so H. Richard Niebuhr wrote as early as 1929, “the problem of church and world involves us in a paradox; unless the church accommodates itself to the world, it becomes sterile inwardly and outwardly; unless it transcends the world, it becomes indistinguishable from the world and loses its effectiveness no less surely.” In the same context he went on to state: “The rhythm of approach and withdrawal need not be like the swinging of the pendulum, mere repetition without progress; it may be more like the rhythm of the waves that wash upon the beach; each succeeding wave advances a little farther into the world with its cleansing gospel before that gospel becomes sullied with the earth.”

    Niebuhr’s thought on the paradox of church and world is an essential piece of our understanding of twentieth-century theology in America. In this volume, Jon Diefenthaler collects for the first time over forty writings that trace the lineage of Niebuhr’s thought, presents them in a single place, and makes a case for their enduring value in a post-church religious environment. The volume is a treasury of little–known and hard-to-find pieces, making scholarship and understanding easier.

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  • Unexpected Christian Century


    In 1900 many assumed the twentieth century would be a Christian century because Western “Christian empires” ruled most of the world. What happened instead is that Christianity in the West declined dramatically, the empires collapsed, and Christianity’s center moved to Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Pacific. How did this happen so quickly? Respected scholar and teacher Scott Sunquist surveys the most recent century of Christian history, highlighting epochal changes in global Christianity. He also suggests lessons we can learn from this remarkable global Christian reversal. Ideal for an introduction to Christianity or a church history course.

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  • Christian Ethics And The Church


    This book introduces Christian ethics from a theological perspective. Philip Turner, widely recognized as a leading expert in the field, explores the intersection of moral theology and ecclesiology, arguing that the focus of Christian ethics should not be personal holiness or social reform but the common life of the church. A theology of moral thought and practice must take its cues from the notion that human beings, upon salvation, are redeemed and called into a life oriented around the community of the church. This book distills a senior scholar’s life work and will be valued by students of Christian ethics, theology, and ecclesiology.

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  • We Destroy Arguments


    Have you ever had your faith challenged by an unbeliever to where you felt helpless and without an answer? If so, this book is for you. Whether the challenge comes from unsaved loved ones, co-workers, college professors, or TV personalities, you can be certain that such challenges will come to every Christian. Knowing this, the Bible commands every Christian to be ready. The purpose of this book is to help Christians to always be prepared to make a defense for the hope that is within them (1Peter 3:15). Yet, if we are to properly achieve this goal, then a particular type of defense is in order-a presuppositional defense. “We Destroy Arguments” gives you just that. When it is all said and done, Christians will learn how to make an irrefutable defense for the hope that is within them. Truly, this book is what Evangelicals have been waiting for. Stephen Feinstein is a pastor at Sovereign Way Christian Church in Hesperia, CA. His ministry focuses heavily on expositional preaching, biblical counseling, systematic theology, apologetics, church history, and practical theology. His goal is to help Christians become biblical people doing biblical things in the biblical way. He also is a United States Army Reserve chaplain.

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  • Pastoral Theology For Public Ministry


    For seminaries, those involved in lay and ordained ministries
    * Part of a growing conversation about the roles of ordained ministry
    * Taps into an increasing interest in the Church’s public presence in ministries like Ashes to Go

    What does it mean to be engaged in Christian ministry in a shifting spiritual and religious landscape? Stephen Burns invites readers to think anew about the distinctiveness of public practices of pastoral presence. Rather than narrowly defining pastoral care and pastoral theology (pastoral counseling, preaching, youth groups, visits to elders, etc.) and theological academic categories (history, pastoral theology, liturgy, ethics, and contemporary sociology), he argues for a new imagination and practice of pastoral presence – a presence that is representative, public, integrated, and expansive.

    For seminary introductory pastoral care and pastoral theology courses; those practicing Christian ministry; those seeking to understand more about what clergy and lay ministers do

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  • Unveiling The Mysteries Of God


    This condensed book has been compiled of twenty-four books. Each book was given directly from Almighty God’s Holy Spirit to His Servant Arnold Gabriel, whom He calls Elijah. The book takes you from the past, to the present and into the future. The prophet takes you beyond the grave and reveals mysteries, which the Lord God has shown to him.

    Arnold Gabriel reveals the full forthcoming twelve to fifteen years on the earth. He has met and seen the Lord on numerous occasions, has been to the center of the earth, and has seen countless millions of souls in prisons waiting for the great day of Judgment. He has prophesied to many nations, even the full happening of Zimbabwe from 1998. Word for word, all has come to pass even foretold only God would take President Mugabe out. He prophecied Cape Town and Los Angeles will be under the sea in these years, and also many islands. Every human on the planet will be affected.

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  • Scripture And Cosmology


    Christians often claim to hold a biblical worldview. But what about a biblical cosmos view? From the beginning of Genesis we encounter a vaulted dome above the earth, a “firmament,” like the ceiling of a planetarium. Elsewhere we read of the earth sitting on pillars. What does the dome of heaven have to do with deep space? Even when the biblical language is clearly poetic, it seems to be funded by a very different understanding of how the cosmos is put together. As Kyle Greenwood shows, the language of the Bible is also that of the ancient Near Eastern palace, temple and hearth. There was no other way of thinking or speaking of earth and sky or the sun, moon and stars. But when the psalmist looked at the heavens, the delicate fingerwork of God, it evoked wonder. Even today it is astronomy and cosmology that invoke our awe and point toward the depths of divine mystery. Greenwood helps us see how the best Christian thinkers have viewed the cosmos in light of Scripture-and grappled with new understandings as science has advanced from Aristotle to Copernicus to Galileo and the galaxies of deep space. It’s a compelling story that both illuminates the text of Scripture and helps us find our own place in the tradition of faithful Christian thinking and interpretation.

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  • Naked Anabaptist : The Bare Essentials Of A Radical Faith (Anniversary)


    Part I

    1. Uncovering The Anabaptists

    2. The Essence Of Anabaptism

    Part II

    3. Follow Jesus

    4. Read Scripture Through Jesus

    5. Thrive After Christendom

    6. Reject Status, Wealth, And Force

    7. Create Communities Of Discipleship And Mission

    8. Seek Justice

    9. Pursue Peace

    Part III

    10. The Original Anabaptists

    11. Anabaptism Today

    Resources On Anabaptism

    Study Guide


    The Author

    Additional Info
    5th Anniversay Edition
    In churches and kitchens and neighborhood centers across the world, communities of Jesus-followers are crafting a vision of radical service, simple living, and commitment to peace. Many are finding a home in a Christian tradition almost five centuries old: Anabaptism.

    Who are the Anabaptists? What do they believe? Where did they come from? What makes them different from other Christians? And can you become an Anabaptist without leaving your own church?

    Follow Stuart Murray as he peels back the layers to reveal the core convictions of Anabaptist Christianity, a way of following Jesus that challenges, disturbs, and inspires. Glimpse an alternative to nationalistic, materialistic, individualistic Christian faith. If you are seeking a community of authentic discipleship, heartfelt worship, sacrificial service, and radical peacemaking, consider this your invitation.

    New Edition features:

    – Voices and stories from North America and the global church.

    -Updated and expanded definition and discussion of Christendom.

    -Updated resource section.

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  • Unseen Realm : Recovering The Supernatural Worldview Of The Bible


    Start with a Skeptical, naturalistic culture. Add the Church’s tendancy to avoid or gloss over difficult supernatural Bible passages. The result most Christians miss the supernatural worldview

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  • Surprising Imagination Of C.S. Lewis


    Narnia, Perelandra-places of wonder and longing. The White Witch, Screwtape-personifications of evil. Aslan-a portrait of the divine. Like Turkish Delight, some of C.S. Lewis’s writing surprises and whets our appetite for more. But some of his works bite and nip at our heels. What enabled C.S. Lewis to create such vivid characters and compelling plots? Perhaps it was simply that C.S. Lewis had an unsurpassed imagination. Or perhaps he had a knack for finding the right metaphor or analogy that awakened readers’ imaginations in new ways. But whatever his gifts, no one can deny that C.S. Lewis had a remarkable career, producing many books in eighteen different literary genres, including: apologetics, autobiography, educational philosophy, fairy stories, science fiction, and literary criticism. And while he had and still has critics, Lewis’ works continue to find devoted readers. The purpose of this book is to introduce C.S. Lewis through the prism of imagination. For Lewis, imagination is both a means and an end. And because he used his own imagination well and often, he is a practiced guide for those of us who desire to reach beyond our grasp. Each chapter highlights Lewis’s major works and then shows how Lewis uses imagination to captivate readers. While many have read books by C.S. Lewis, not many readers understand his power to give new slants on the things we think we know. More than a genius, Lewis disciplined his imagination, harnessing its creativity in service of helping others believe more deeply.

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  • Hebrew Bible For Beginners


    Introductions to the Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) tend toward extensive scholarly discussion with little to introduce the student to the tremendous influence this seminal collection has had on contemporary society or to the complexities of reading ancient religious literature today. Further, few books, if any, discuss the differing ways Jews and Christians approach this common scripture, or how each group appropriates its teachings in divergent, conflicting, and often complex ways. Related to this issue is the problem of how scholarly approaches to reading this literature often stand in stark contrast to popular and religious approaches. This disparity of methods usually startles the inexperienced student and can be alarming, indeed shocking, to religious practitioners. Even mentioning, for instance, that Moses might not have written all of the Torah, or that Job may not be historical, makes some students and religious adherents uncomfortable and sends others into strong feelings of suspicion toward the one speaking. This book will seek to take an approach that addresses such concerns in a sympathetic yet critical fashion and also provide overviews, charts, timeline, glossary, and other student helps.

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  • Meal Jesus Gave Us (Revised)


    In this introductory volume, perfect for Protestant new member and confirmation classes, acclaimed theologian and writer N. T. Wright explains in clear and vivid style the background of the Last Supper, the ways in which Christians have interpreted this event over the centuries, and what it all means for us today. This revision includes questions for discussion or reflection after each chapter.

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  • Identity And Idolatry


    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface

    1. Living Inside The Text: Canon And Creation

    2. A Strange Bridge: Connecting The Image And The Idol
    Getting Started On The Wrong Foot: Creation And Image
    Human Identity And Human Nature

    3. The Liturgy Of Creation In The Cosmic Temple
    The First Stable As Prologue
    The Liturgy Of Creation
    The House That God Built

    4. The Image Of God On The Temple Walls
    Image And Original
    Signs Of Reflection
    A Reflected Relationship
    The First Table Background: Kings And Representatives
    After The First Table: Sonship And Sacredness
    Prelude To Idolatry

    5. Turning The Imago Dei Upside Down: Idolatry And The Prophetic Stance
    After Creation-whence Is The Image?
    Divine Fidelity And The Image
    The Decalogue And The Diatribe Against Idolatry
    The Golden Calf-the ‘great Sin’ Of Idolatry
    Covenantal Identity And Idolatry Across The Old Testament
    Idolatry And Adultery

    6. Inverting The Inversion: Idols And The Perfect Image
    Turning The Story Upside Down
    Setting The Context
    Idolatry And The Gentile Mission
    Theologies Of Idols: Romans 1 And 1 Corinthians 10
    Narratives Of Idolatry: Acts 7 And 17
    The Perfect Image
    Being In The Image Of The Image

    7. The Rise Of Suspicion: The Religious Criticism Of Religion
    Idolatry As Ideological Criticism: The Stage Is Set
    Idolatry As Psychological Projection
    Idolatry As Alienation And Oppression
    Idolatry And The Origin Of Religion
    Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

    8. Significance And Security In A New Key
    The Crisis Of Identity And The Idolatries Of Consumption
    Christian Identity And Plastic Narratives
    An Eternal Story Told Across Time

    Index Of Authors
    Index Of Scripture References

    Additional Info
    “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

    Genesis 1:26-27 has served as the locus of most theological anthropologies in the central Christian tradition. However, Richard Lints observes that too rarely have these verses been understood as conceptually interwoven with the whole of the prologue materials of Genesis 1. The construction of the cosmic temple strongly hints that the “image of God” language serves liturgical functions.

    Lints argues that “idol” language in the Bible is a conceptual inversion of the “image” language of Genesis 1. These constructs illuminate each other, and clarify the canon’s central anthropological concerns. The question of human identity is distinct, though not separate, from the question of human nature; the latter has far too frequently been read into the biblical use of ‘image’.

    Lints shows how the “narrative” of human identity runs from creation (imago Dei) to fall (the golden calf/idol, Exodus 32) to redemption (Christ as perfect image, Colossians 1:15-20). The biblical-theological use of image/idol is a thread through the canon that highlights the movements of redemptive history.

    In the concluding chapters of this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Lints interprets the use of idolatry as it emerges in the secular prophets of the nineteenth century, and examines the recent renaissance of interest in idolatry with its conceptual power to explain the “culture of desire.”

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Theology Of Luck


    Are all things under God’s control or only some things? Do we have a part to play or does God direct everything to its preplanned end? What about events that don’t seem to be under anyone s control? Where is God then? For that matter, where are we?

    These questions and others like them are handled with precision in A Theology of Luck. After considering what kind of God we believe in, the authors paint a relational portrait of a God of love. It is with this idea of God that we find insight into the inexplicable occurrences of life and arrive at a vision of faith and practice that encompasses both God and ourselves. A Theology of Luck is not just about grappling with what we cannot understand about the world. It is about embracing our role as participants in God’s loving and ongoing plan for the world. Endowed with grace and the gift of free will, we join God in revealing God s love and vision to the world.

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  • Freedom Of God


    The doctrine of election is one of the most difficult in all of Christian theology. It is also one of the most prominent doctrines, for the election of Israel, Christ, and the church is a theme that runs through the Scriptures. Yet, notes James Daane, election is rarely preached from the pulpit. In The Freedom of God Daane offers an explanation for this curious silence, presents a corrective to the scholasticism that has infected Reformed theology, and argues that the doctrine of election is in fact preached whenever Christ is faithfully proclaimed. Interacting with such major Reformed theologians as Bavinck, Hoeksema, VanTil, and others, Daane here offers a clear, biblically based, truly Reformed understanding of the crucial significance of election in relation to preaching.

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  • African Theology On The Way


    In this exciting volume, Diane B. Stinton has assembled the work of nearly twenty prominent African theologians, making their writings accessible to the introductory level student.

    The result is an ideal introduction to the wealth of African theologies and the major questions they raise. Topics range from biblical interpretation to spirituality and ethics, from Pentecostalism and African Instituted Churches to evil and suffering, from feminist theory to Christian identity and ethnicity. The broad range of reflections includes seminal essays by prominent theologians, as well as new material written specifically for this volume. Study questions at the end of each chapter are designed to stimulate original thought to allow the reader to reflect personally on contemporary ideas and participate in discussion.

    The International Study Guides (ISGs) are clear and accessible resources, contextual and ecumenical in content and missional in direction. The contributors are theological educators who come from different countries and different religious backgrounds and bring practical emphasis alongside contemporary scholarly reflection.

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  • Asian Theology On The Way


    In this exciting volume, Peniel Rajkumar has assembled the work of nearly twenty prominent Asian theologians, making their writings accessible to the introductory-level student.

    The result is an ideal introduction to the wealth of Asian theologies and the major questions they raise. It is ecumenical in scope with emphasis on the contemporary concerns within Asian theology and some attention to the development of these theologies.

    Regional and subject specialists will capture the ongoing conversation on Asian theology, incorporating new emphases, thrusts, and trends, thus making the book a fresh and engaging introduction to Christian theology in Asia. Study questions at the end of each chapter are designed to stimulate original thought to allow the reader to reflect personally on contemporary ideas and participate in discussion.

    The International Study Guides (ISGs) are clear and accessible resources, contextual and ecumenical in content and missional in direction. The contributors are theological educators who come from different countries and different religious backgrounds and bring practical emphasis alongside contemporary scholarly reflection.

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  • Atheist Who Didnt Exist


    In the last decade, atheism has leapt from obscurity to the front pages: producing best-selling books, making movies, and plastering adverts on the side of buses. There’s an energy and a confidence to contemporary atheism: many people now assume that a godless skepticism is the default position, indeed the only position for anybody wishing to appear educated, contemporary and urbane. Atheism is hip, religion is boring. Yet when one pokes at popular atheism, many of the arguments used to prop it up quickly unravel. The Atheist Who Didn’t Exist is designed to expose some of the loose threads on the cardigan of atheism, tug a little, and see what happens. Blending humour with serious thought, Andy Bannister helps the reader question everything, assume nothing and, above all, recognise lazy skepticism and bad arguments. Be an atheist by all means: but do be a thought-through one.

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  • Plain Account Of Christian Perfection Annotated


    ‘What I purpose in the following papers is to give a plain and distinct account of the steps by which I was led…to embrace the doctrine of Christian perfection.’

    So begins John Wesley’s classic work on the central emphasis of his theology. In A Plain Account of Christian Perfection this Anglican priest and founder of Methodism brings to the forefront what he considers the goal of the Christian life-the fullest possible love of God and neighbor. Drawing from several of his earlier writings, Wesley thoughtfully presents his understanding of perfect love or Christian perfection.

    Although published in many versions, this edition of Wesley’s foundational text is annotated to identify Wesley’s sources and clarify his citations and allusions. His original notes are also included. A timeless treasure and resource, this pivotal work belongs in every Christian’s library.

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  • Problem Of Perception And The Experience Of God


    A fundamental problem in Christian theology has been that of determining whether God can be an object of experience and how we should account for God’s empirical availability to us. Can experiences of God serve to inform and justify our theological beliefs and practices? The central claim in this work is that there is a radical mistake in many contemporary accounts that require grounding a theological story of God’s availability to us in experience in a prior general philosophical theory of perception. Instead, it is argued that the philosophical problem of perception is a pseudoproblem and that in virtue of their entanglement with that pseudoproblem, the influential accounts of Christian religious experience, such as in Jean-Luc Marion, Kevin Hector, or William P. Alston, are at bottom incoherent.

    The study concludes with a new reading of Gregory of Nyssa and his theology of the spiritual senses, which is free from the bewitchment of the problem of perception. This critical retrieval of Nyssen opens the path toward a viable contemporary theological empiricism-one that characterizes both tasks of theological contemplation and spiritual formation in terms of a receptivity and responsiveness to the perceptible presence and agency of God in the world.

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  • Boundless (Reprinted)


    Director of research for YWAM discovers a startling phenomenon–worldwide movements of Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, and others who follow Jesus outside the boundaries of Western Christianity–and imagines new possibilities for our faith.

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  • Theology Of Love Second Edition


    In this seminal work on holiness Mildred Wynkoop brought to the forefront the understanding that holiness is relational. Here she explains that loving God and loving neighbor find articulate expression in the holy life–a life oriented in dynamic and loving relationship toward God that in turn reaches out and embraces others. A Theology of Love reinvigorated for new generations the meaning of John Wesley’s concept of perfect love.

    Since its publication, A Theology of Love has influenced countless scholars, pastors, teachers, and students. Now in this new edition of the monumental work is included the original text plus a previously unpublished chapter. This enhanced version is the ideal addition to anyone desiring a deeper grasp of the theological insights and contributions of this exceptional scholar, and a provocative exercise in rethinking John Wesley’s concept of holiness.

    In addition to the previously unpublished portion of A Theology of Love, this new edition features additional commentary by Tom Noble, Scott Daniels, Ray Dunning, Diane Leclerc, and David McEwan.

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  • Justice In Love


    An eminent Christian philosopher’s thought on the relation between love and justice The concepts of love and justice have long been prominent in the moral culture of the West, yet they are often considered to be hopelessly at odds with one another. In this book acclaimed Christian philosopher Nicholas Wolterstorff shows that justice and love are indeed perfectly compatible, and he argues that the commonly perceived tension between them reveals something faulty in our understanding of each. True benevolent love, he says, is always attentive to justice, and love that wreaks injustice can only ever be “malformed love.” Charitably engaging alternative views, Wolterstorff’s Justice in Love is a welcome companion and follow-up volume to his magnificent Justice: Rights and Wrongs (Princeton, 2010). profound new paths of philosophical inquiry. As opposed to his expansive discussion of justice in that earlier work, this book focuses in profound new ways on the relation between justice and love.

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  • Exploring Christian Theology


    Introduction to Christian Doctrine from Dallas Seminary Professors
    This engaging and accessible systematic theology clearly explains essential spiritual truths for those new to doctrinal study or in need of a refresher. The authors use quick-paced introductions, overviews, reviews of the key tenets of orthodox evangelical doctrines, and more for an easy grasp of the subjects.
    Led by general editors Nathan D. Holsteen and Michael J. Svigel, the writers are Douglas Blount and J. Scott Horrell, with contributors
    J. Lanier Burns and Glenn R. Kreider. All are Dallas Seminary professors and theologians.
    “Exploring Christian Theology” is useful for a preview or review of doctrine, discipleship, or personal reference. It can be used by ministry training programs, Bible colleges, or seminaries as an introduction to prepare students for more in-depth theological study. Now complete in three volumes.

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  • Cities Of Tomorrow And The City To Come


    Sometime around 2008, a demographic shift of historic proportions took place, a watershed moment in which, for the first time in history, more than 50% of the world’s population lived in cities. The percentage of city-dwellers is projected to swell to more than 70% by 2050. While many of today’s cities concentrate wealth and power, they also house some of the most vulnerable populations and distressed communities in the world. The juxtaposition of affluence and poverty in urban areas raises questions of justice. Cities also concentrate opportunity and attract diverse populations. Five Western cities-Chicago, London, New York, Los Angeles, and Toronto-include people of nearly every ethnic background on the face of the planet. These “cosmopoli’, and other diverse cities throughout the world, raise important questions about community, identity, and diversity. As part of Zondervan’s Ordinary Theology series, Noah Toly’s Cities of Tomorrow and the City to Come reflects on the tensions between contemporary urban life and Christian theology. How are Christians to live between the already, the “cities of tomorrow” in our world, and the not yet, the “city yet to come” (Hebrews 13:14)? He guides readers toward cultivating two types of imagination in response: the prophetic on one hand, emphasizing important distinctions between one city and another, and the apocalyptic on the other, emphasizing the infinite distance between any city and the City of God.

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  • Sex Difference In Christian Theology


    SKU (ISBN): 9780802869821ISBN10: 0802869823Megan DefranzaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2015Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

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  • Textual History Of Christian Muslim Relations


    The question of Christian-Muslim relations is one of enduring importance in the twenty-first century. While there exists a broad range of helpful overviews on the question, these introductory texts often fail to provide readers with the depth that a thorough treatment of the primary sources and their authors would provide.

    In this important new project, Charles Tieszen provides a collection of primary theological sources devoted to the formational period of Christian-Muslim relations. It provides brief introductions to authors and their texts along with representative selections in English translation. The collection is arranged according to the key theological themes that emerge as Christians and Muslims encounter one another in the seventh to fifteenth centuries.

    The result is a resource that offers students a far better grasp of the texts early Christians and Muslims wrote about each other and a better understanding of the important theological themes that are pertinent to Christian-Muslim dialogue today.

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  • Return To Me


    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface
    1. Introduction
    2. Repentance In The Torah
    3. Repentance In The Former Prophets
    4. Repentance In The Latter Prophets: Penitential Process
    5. Repentance In The Latter Prophets: Isaiah
    6. Repentance In The Latter Prophets: Jeremiah And Ezekiel
    7. Repentance In The Latter Prophets: The Twelve
    8. Repentance In The Writings: Wisdom And Worship
    9. Repentance In The Writings: Exile And Restoration
    10. Repentance In The Writings: Chronicles
    11. Repentance In Old Testament Theology
    12. Repentance In The New Testament
    13. Repentance In New Testament Theology
    14. Theological Implications Of Repentance
    Index Of Authors
    Index Of Scripture References

    Additional Info
    Return to me, says the LORD of hosts, and I will return to you’ (Zech. 1:3 ESV). Repentance concerns the repair of a relationship with God disrupted by human sin. All the major phases of church history have seen diversity and controversy over the doctrine. The first of Luther’s famous ninety-five theses nailed to the church door in Wittenburg in 1517 stated that ‘the entire life of believers should be one of repentance’. In recent times, two divisive debates within evangelicalism over ‘lordship salvation’ and ‘hypergrace’ have had repentance at their core. The theme of repentance is evident in almost every Old and New Testament corpus. However, it has received little sustained attention over the past half-century of scholarship, which has been largely restricted to word studies or focused on a particular text or genre. Studies of the overall theology of the Bible have typically given the theme only passing mention. In response, Mark Boda offers a comprehensive overview of the theological witness of Scripture to the theme of repentance. The key to understanding is not simply to be found in word studies, but also in the broader meaning of texts as these communicate through a variety of words, images and stories. The importance of repentance in redemptive history is emphasized. It is fundamentally a return to intimate fellowship with the triune God, our Creator and Redeemer. This relational return arises from the human heart and impacts attitudes, words and actions. ‘I have not found another book that sets out to treat repentance in quite the way that Mark Boda has: he patiently, thoroughly, and effectively works his way through Scripture to learn what repentance means and what it looks like in each canonical corpus, covering not only commonly used words, but also the fundamental concepts’ (D. A. Carson).

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  • Defending Substitution : An Essay On Atonement In Paul


    In recent decades, the church and academy have witnessed intense debates concerning the concept of penal substitution to describe Christ’s atoning sacrifice. Some claim it promotes violence, glorifies suffering and death, and amounts to divine child abuse. Others argue it plays a pivotal role in classical Christian doctrine. Here world-renowned New Testament scholar Simon Gathercole offers an exegetical and historical defense of the traditional substitutionary view of the atonement. He provides critical analyses of various interpretations of the atonement and places New Testament teaching in its Old Testament and Greco-Roman contexts, demonstrating that the interpretation of atonement in the Pauline corpus must include substitution.

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  • Renewing Moral Theology


    Moral theology, rooted in Thomas Aquinas, has long found its home in the Catholic and Anglican traditions, and in recent years it has become more familiar through the perspective known as virtue ethics. Renewing Moral Theology unfolds an ethical perspective that is thomistic in structure, evangelical in conviction and Anglican in ethos.

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  • Getting Jesus Right


    IS IT POSSIBLE THAT MUSLIMS ARE WRONG ABOUT JESUS AND VARIOUS TENETS OF ISLAM? Is the famous Muslim writer Reza Aslan mistaken in his portrayal of Jesus of Nazareth and apologetic for Islam? Professor James Beverley and Professor Craig Evans take an in-depth look at subjects at the core of the Muslim-Christian divide: the reliability of the New Testament Gospels and the Qur’an, and what we can really know about Jesus and the prophet Muhammad. Importantly, they also examine the implications of traditional Islamic faith on the status of women, jihad and terrorism.

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  • Surprised By Scripture


    N. T. Wright-“the world’s leading New Testament scholar” (Newsweek)-provides a series of case studies on how to apply the Bible to pressing contemporary issues. Among the topics Wright addresses are the intersection of religion and science, why women should be allowed to be ordained, what we get wrong and how we can do better when Christians engage in politics, why the Christian belief in heaven means we should be at the forefront of the environmental movement, and many more.

    As he fearlessly wades through the difficult issues facing us, Wright offers new models for understanding how to affirm the Bible in today’s world as well as encouragement and renewed energy for deepening our faith and engaging with the culture around us.

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  • Matthew


    This commentary brings the stimulating insights of world-renowned theologian Stanley Hauerwas to the first Gospel. This volume, like each in the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible, is designed to serve the church–through aid in preaching, teaching, study groups, and so forth–and demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the Bible.

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  • Story That Chooses Us


    Over the course of several decades, missiologist George Hunsberger has written numerous essays on crucial themes for the church’s recovery of its missional identity and practice. The Story That Chooses Us brings these essays together for the first time.

    The book as a whole presents a composite sense of the missional identity and faithful witness to which the church is called in contemporary Western society. Hunsberger engages with well-known missiologist Lesslie Newbigin throughout his work as he carefully discerns biblical and theological roots for a contemporary vision of missional theology. The recurring themes in Hunsberger’s essays provide both theological mooring and practical guidance for churches following Christ on the missional path.

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  • Evangelical Catholic And Reformed


    In this book prominent Barth scholar George Hunsinger presents fifteen essays on Karl Barth’s understanding of Christian doctrine across a wide spectrum of topics, concluding with suggestions as to how Barth’s theology might fruitfully be retrieved for the future.

    Hunsinger discusses Barth’s views on such subjects as the Trinity, creation, natural theology, Christology, justification, and time and eternity. As he delves into Barth’s theological substance, Hunsinger highlights ways in which Barth’s work was Evangelical, Catholic, and Reformed, illuminating the ecumenical aspects of his thought.

    No other volume explains Barth’s views on this range of topics with such scope, depth, and clarity.

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  • Reading Barth With Charity


    Karl Barth and his legacy have dominated theology circles for over a decade. In this volume George Hunsinger, a world-renowned expert on Barth’s theology, makes an authoritative contribution to the debate concerning Barth’s trinitarian theology and doctrine of election. Hunsinger challenges a popular form of Barth interpretation pertaining to the Trinity, demonstrating that there is no major break in Barth’s thought between the earlier and the later Barth of the Church Dogmatics. Hunsinger also discusses important issues in trinitarian theology and Christology that extend beyond the contemporary Barth debates. This major statement will be valued by professors and students of systematic theology, scholars, and readers of Barth.

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  • Paul And The Trinity


    Fresh perspective on Paul’s teaching about God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Spirit

    Paul’s ways of speaking about God, Jesus, and the Spirit are intricately intertwined: talking about any one of the three, for Paul, implies reference to all of them together. However, much current Pauline scholarship discusses Paul’s God-, Christ-, and Spirit-language without reference to Trinitarian theology.

    In contrast to that trend, Wesley Hill argues in this book that post-Pauline Trinitarian theologies represent a better approach, opening a fresh angle on Paul’s earlier talk about God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Spirit. Hill looks critically at certain wellknown discussions in the field of New Testament studies – those by N. T. Wright, Richard Bauckham, Larry Hurtado, and others – in light of patristic and contemporary Trinitarian theologies, resulting in an innovative approach to an old set of questions.

    Adeptly integrating biblical exegesis and historical-systematic theology, Hill’s Paul and the Trinity shows how Trinitarian theologies illumine interpretive difficulties in a way that more recent theological concepts have failed to.

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  • Election Of Grace


    Few issues in Christian theology have sparked as much controversy over the centuries as the question of election. In this book – the inaugural volume of the Kantzer Lectures in Revealed Theology series – Stephen Williams offers a rich and nuanced account of the doctrine of election, arguing that we should diminish the role of “system” in Christian theology.

    After expounding the Bible’s teaching on election, Williams turns to questions of theological method and substance. He maintains that the subject of predestination must be considered in a wider biblical context than it often is and that we cannot expect to understand election within a comprehensive systematic framework. What matters is the relation of particular truths to the particulars of life, he says, not the systematic relation of truths to each other. Williams draws on and applies the insights of remarkable nineteenth-century Anglican leader Charles Simeon throughout his study, concluding the book with a cogent discussion of Karl Barth on election.

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  • Mapping Apologetics : Comparing Contemporary Approches


    How and why do people believe? This comprehensive guide provides an overview of Christian apologetic approaches and thinkers in a way that even the nonspecialist can understand and practically apply. Even-handed and respectful of each apologist and their contribution, this book provides the reader with a formidable array of defenses for the faith.

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  • Christian Basics : Lessons Debates And Conversations


    Christian Basics is written by Kent Philpott, thirty-one years the pastor of Miller Avenue Baptist Church in Mill Valley, California, and is written for that congregation. It is helpful for new believers and also for those with a more mature biblical orientation. Philpott earned an M.Div. from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary and a D.Min. from San Francisco Theological Seminary. He has authored some fifteen books starting in the 1970s and has been published by Zondervan Publishing House, Logos International, Bible Voice, and Evangelical Press in the UK. Christian Basics is structured around “Lessons, Debates, and Conversations.” Section One consists of sixteen lessons in three parts. Part One: The God Who Reveals Himself. Its seven lessons are The God of the Bible, Revelation, Scripture, The Old Testament, The New Testament, How We Got the Bible, and The Great Paradoxes of the Bible. Part Two looks at The Great Themes of the Bible in five lessons: Election, Presence, Rest, Peace, Two Messiahs, Judgment, Persecution/Triumph of Christ’s Church. Part Three considers Christianity in four lessons: The Church, The Christian Ethic, The Christian Life, and Church History. Section Two contains fifteen lessons in two parts: Four Debates and Eleven Conversations. The Four Debates: The Exclusiveness of Jesus, The Authority of Scripture, Heaven and Hell, and Same-Sex Marriage. These debates are extramural in nature, meaning that they define biblical Christianity and are essential to the Christian identity. The Eleven Conversations: Abortion, Baptism and Lord’s Supper, Church Government, Divorce and Remarriage, Ecumenism, End Time Scenarios, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Music in the Church, Origins, Politics and War, Reformed vs. Arminian Theology, and Women in the Church. These conversations are intramural in nature, being issues that Christians may disagree on, but they invite differing interpretations. They are squabbles taking place within the Family.

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  • Practices Of The Self And Spiritual Practices


    In this book Sergey Horujy undertakes a novel comparative analysis of Foucault’s theory of practices of the self and the Eastern Orthodox ascetical tradition of Hesychasm, revealing great affinity between these two radical subject-less approaches to anthropology. As he facilitates the dialogue between the two, he offers both an original treatment of ascetical and mystical practices and an up-to-date interpretation of Foucault that goes against the grain of mainstream scholarship.In the second half of the book Horujy transitions from the dialogue with Foucault to his own work of Christian philosophy, rooted in — but not limited to — the Eastern Christian philosophical and theological tradition. Horujy’s thinking exemplifies the postsecular nature of our contemporary period and serves as a powerful invitation to think beyond religious-secular divides in philosophy and Eastern-Western divides in intellectual history.”

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  • Creation And Humanity


    This third volume of Veli-Matti Karkkainen’s ambitious five volume theology project develops a Christian theology of creation and humanity (theological anthropology) in dialogue with the Christian tradition, with contemporary theology in all its global and contextual diversity, and with other major living faiths – Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism.

    In constructing his theology of creation and humanity, Karkkainen uniquely engages the natural sciences, including physical, cosmological, and neuroscientific theories. He devotes particular attention to the topics of divine action in a world subjected to scientific study, environmental pollution, human flourishing, and the theological implications of evolutionary theory – with regard to both cosmos and humanity.

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  • Together For The Common Good


    How can we work together for the common good today? Thirteen contributors – Christian, Jewish, Muslim, non-religious – discuss the common good from a wide range of viewpoints. How have thinkers like Aristotle and Edmund Burke talked about the common good in the past? Catholic Social Teaching has a lot to say about the common good: what does the common good mean for the world’s great religious traditions today? How can we usefully talk about the common good in a plural society? What responsibility has the state for the common good? Can the market serve the common good? If we care about the common good, what should we think – and do – about immigration, education, the NHS, inequality, and freedom? This book starts from the example of David Sheppard and Derek Worlock, the Anglican Bishop and Roman Catholic Archbishop, who famously worked together for the good of the city of Liverpool in the 1980s. The contributors call for a national conversation about how, despite our differences, we can work together – locally, nationally, internationally – for the common good.

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  • Welcome To The Orthodox Church


    There are other introductory books about Orthodoxy, but they are all somewhat academic. This one comprehensively covers the history, theology, and practice without talking over your head. Mathewes-Green takes the original approach of bringing you into a typical church for a series of visits. That is how Christians learned the faith for most of history, by coming into a community and keeping their eyes and ears open. Designed primarily for newcomers to come to understand Orthodoxy and Orthodox Christians, this guide to the faith is also a non-threatening and accessible introduction to people already “in the pews.” Inviting rather than argumentative, Orthodox Christians will be giving this to their friends.

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  • Saying Is Believing


    Practical theologian Amanda Drury integrates sociological analysis and theological reflection to propose a theory and theology of testimony that can assist in the spiritual formation of adolescent Christians.

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  • Rejoicing In Christ


    If we want to know who God is, the best thing we can do is look at Christ. If we want to live the life to which God calls us, we look to Christ. In Jesus we see the true meaning of the love, power, wisdom, justice, peace, care and majesty of God. Michael Reeves, author of Delighting in the Trinity, opens to readers the glory and wonder of Christ, offering a bigger and more exciting picture than many have imagined. Jesus didn’t just bring us the good news. He is the good news. Reeves helps us celebrate who Christ is, his work on earth, his death and resurrection, his anticipated return and how we share in his life. This book, then, aims for something deeper than a new technique or a call to action. In an age that virtually compels us to look at ourselves, Michael Reeves calls us to look at Christ. As we focus our hearts on him, we see how he is our life, our righteousness, our holiness and our hope.

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