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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 751–800 of 2066 results

  • With The Clouds Of Heaven


    List Of Tables
    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface

    1. Preliminaries
    2. From Eden To The End: Daniel In The Old Testament Salvation History
    3. The Literary Structure Of Daniel
    4. Four Kingdoms; Then Everlasting Dominion: The History Of The Future
    5. Seventy Weeks And Seventy Weeks Of Years: Daniel’s Prayer And Gabriel’s Revelation
    6. The One Like A Son Of Man And Other Heavenly Beings In Daniel
    7. Interpretations Of Daniel In Early Jewish Literature
    8. Interpretations Of Daniel In The New Testament (except Revelation)
    9. Interpretaitons Of Daniel In The Apocalypse
    10. Typological Patterns: Daniel In Biblical Theology

    Index Of Authors
    Index Of Scripture References
    Index Of Ancient Sources

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    “And behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom.” (Daniel 7:13-14 ESV). Perceiving a hole in evangelical biblical theology that should be filled with a robust treatment of the book of Daniel, James Hamilton takes this chance to delve into the book’s rich contribution to the Bible’s unfolding redemptive-historical storyline. By setting Daniel in the broader context of biblical theology, this canonical study helps move us toward a clearer understanding of how we should live today in response to its message. First, he shows how the book’s literary structure contributes to its meaning, and then addresses key questions and issues, concluding by examining typological patterns. Hamilton argues that the four kingdoms prophesied by Daniel are both historical and symbolic-that the “one like a son of man” seen by Daniel is identified with and distinguished from the Ancient of Days in a way that would be mysterious until Jesus came as both the son of David and God incarnate. He elaborates that the interpretations of Daniel in early Jewish literature attest to strategies similar to those employed by New Testament authors and exposes that those authors provide a Spirit-inspired interpretation of Daniel that was learned from Jesus. He also highlights how the book of Revelation uses Daniel’s language, imitates his structure, points to the fulfillment of his prophecies and clarifies the meaning of his “seventieth week.”

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  • Theology And The End Of Doctrine


    This book is about the crisis brought about by doctrine’s estrangement from reality–that is from actual lives, experiences, histories, and from God. By invoking “the end of doctrine,” Christine Helmer opens a new discussion of doctrinal production that is engaged with the challenges and possibilities of modernity. The end of doctrine refers on the one hand to unquestioning doctrinal reception, which Helmer critiques, and on the other, represents an invitation to a new way of understanding the aim of doctrine in deeper connection to the reality that it seeks.

    The book’s first section offers an analysis of the current situation in theology by reconstructing a trajectory of Protestant theology from the turn of the twentieth century to today. This history focuses primarily on the status of the word in theology and explains how changes in theology in the context of the political and social crisis in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s led to a distancing of the word from reality. Helmer then turns to the constructive section of the book to propose a repositioning of theology to the world and to God. Helmer’s powerful work will inspire revitalized interest in both doctrine and theological inquiry itself.

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  • Philippians And Philemon


    In this latest volume in the Belief series, Daniel L. Migliore plumbs the depth of Paul’s letters to the Philippians and to Philemon. With splendid theological reflection, Migliore explores central themes of these remarkable letters–themes that include the practice of prayer, righteousness from God, and the work of reconciliation and transformation through Jesus Christ.

    Migliore shows how Philippians continues to speak to churches that, like the church at Philippi, struggle to be faithful to Christ, worry about the future, and need guidance. And in Philemon, Migliore finds a letter with importance far beyond its size–a letter that can enrich our understanding of the fullness of the gospel that Paul proclaims. In both books, Migliore deftly shows Paul as a remarkable theologian and pastor with a message instructive to the church of every age.

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  • From Crisis To Christ


    Scholars continue to unearth valuable understandings of the historical and religious worlds out of which the New Testament writings emerged. This beautifully-crafted introduction notes more than two dozen contextual crises and how the biblical text addresses and reflects them. From the ministry of Jesus, to the rise and progress of the Christian movement, to the epistles of Paul and other leaders, to a vision of God’s final cosmic victory, the New Testament books are succinctly introduced in literary, historical, and theological perspectives. Designed for optimal use in a 14- or a 10-week undergraduate or graduate course, each chapter is designed with four primary features in mind: (a) contextual crises shedding light on the subject; (b) connections with the biblical writings being discussed in that chapter; (c) primary features of the book(s) being discussed; and (d) an application section dealing with the relevance of the biblical content then and now. Anderson also uses call-out boxes and shorter vignettes to heighten particular themes, while images, charts, and maps are used to make information accessible for students.

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  • Centered In God


    Introduces Christianity’s most central belief, the doctrine of the Trinity, by exploring how the Trinity shapes key aspects of Christian faith and spirituality.

    In the early church the Trinitarian vision of God was foundational for Christian identity, unity, and spirituality. For many Christians today, however, the Trinity is viewed as unreasonable and impractical. What exactly is the doctrine of the Trinity, and why is it so central to Christian faith and life?

    Centered in God is an accessible introduction to the Trinitarian vision of God and its implications for the Christian life. It not only presents the doctrine of the Trinity as formulated by the early church, but also leads readers to know and worship the Trinity, and live in light of the Christian understanding of God. Further, it proposes that recovering the central place of the Trinity could lead to theological and spiritual renewal in the church today.

    More than an introduction to the Trinity, Centered in God is a primer on Christian faith and spirituality that will deepen your walk with God.

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  • Evangelical Postcolonial Conversations


    Introduction: Why Postcolonial Conversations Matter

    Reflection On Postcolonial Friendship
    Brian D. McLaren

    The Importance Of Postcolonial Evangelical Conversations
    Steve Hu

    A Response To The Postcolonial Roundtable: Promises, Problems And Prospects
    Gene L. Green

    The Postcolonial Challenge To Evangelicals

    Prospects And Problems For Evangelical Postcolonialisms
    Robert S. Heaney

    Part 1 Mission And Metanarrative: Origins And Articulations
    Introduction To Part 1- L. Daniel Hawk

    1. From Good: “The Only Good Indian Is A Dead Indian”; To Better: “Kill The Indian And Save The Man”; To Best: “Old Things Pass Away And All Things Become White!” An American Hermeneutic Of Colonization
    L. Daniel Hawk And Richard L. Twiss

    2. North American Mission And Motive: Following The Markers
    Gregory L. Cuellar And Randy S. Woodley

    3. Postcolonial Feminism, The Bible And The Native Indian Women
    Jayachitra Lalitha

    4. Converting A Colonialist Christ: Toward An African Postcolonial Christology
    Victor Ifeanyi Ezigbo And Reggie L. Williams

    Part 2 The Stories Behind The Colonial Stories
    Introduction To Part 2 – Kay Higuera Smith

    5. Tracing The Metanarrative Of Colonialism And Its Legacy
    Teri R. Merrick

    6. American Exceptionalism As Prophetic Nationalism
    Kurt Anders Richardson

    Part 3 Revisioning Evangelical Theology
    Introduction To Part 3 – Jayachitra Lalitha

    7. The Apocalypse Of Colonialism: Notes Toward A Postcolonial Eschatology
    Christian T. Collins Winn And Amos Yong

    8. Jesus/Christ The Hybrid: Toward A Postcolonial Evangelical Christology
    Joya Colon-Berezin And Peter Goodwin Heltzel

    9. Recovering The Spirit Of Pentecost: Canon And Catholicity In Postcolonial Perspective
    Megan K. DeFranza And John R. Franke

    Part 4 Transforming The Evangelical Legacy
    Introduction To Part 4 – Kay Higuera Smith

    10. The Problem And Promise Of Praxis In Postcolonial Criticism
    Federico A. Roth And Gilberto Lozano

    11. Embracing The Other: A Vision For Evangelical Identity
    Kay Higuera Smith

    12. Healthy Leadership And Power Differences In The Postcolonial Community: Two Reflections
    Nicholas Rowe And Ray Aldred

    13. Christian Disciplines As Ways Of Instilling God’s Shalom For Postcolonial Communities: Two Reflections
    Nicholas Rowe And Safwat A. Marzouk

    Part 5 Closing The Circle
    Introduction To Part 5: The Evolution Of The Postcolonial Roundtable
    Joseph F. Duggan

    14. Hosting A True Roundtable: Dialogue Across T

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    How does the church respond to issues of imperialism, race and globalization? Constructing an evangelical postcolonial theology may be the solution to dealing with these ever-growing issues. Gathering together essays presented at the 2010 Postcolonial Roundtable at Gordon College, this groundbreaking volume seeks to reconcile the ugly history of cultural dominion and colonialism with new perspectives on global society. Rethinking and reimagining the concepts of identity, power, interpretation and historiography through the lens of Christianity, the editors provide readers with new ways of understanding and bettering the world. “The Christian faith of the future must be a joint enterprise in which the descendants of the colonized and the descendants of the colonizers come together, reflect on the past and imagine a different and better future together,” contributor Brian McLaren states. “That work will involve risks and dangers for both groups, and the contributions of both are essential. One lesson the gospel surely teaches us is this: we are all connected.” Addressing themes like nationalism, Christology and western conquest, contributors discuss reasons Christians need to be careful how they frame their conversations on global topics. The language of “mission” can be misconstrued in light of postcolonial perspectives, and the essays dig into the role of evangelicalism in modern Christian outreach to help us keep pace with what God is doing in our era.

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  • Introduction To Biblical Ethics (Revised)


    34 Chapters

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    What should we do or not do? What attitudes, behavior and qualities are good? Can we be good without God? What is the highest good, the purpose of human existence? These are the questions the study of ethics seeks to answer. Unlike many approaches to ethics, this book foundationally turns to Scripture, going only as far as Scripture itself goes. The result is an overview of biblical ethics that not only addresses the life of love and wisdom to be lived out by Christians as virtuous individuals, but also as Christians in community, in society and in a world of God’s creation. Key preliminary considerations of love, law, sin and virtue are given their due in this thoroughly revised and updated text. The bulk of the work is then organized around the Ten Commandments and ethical themes springing from them-loving God (commandments 1-4) and loving others (commandments 6-10). This new edition includes added material on ethical alternatives such as relativism, social contract, utilitarianism and evolutionary ethicsthe seven deadly sins as well as the cardinal virtues vs. theological virtuesend-of-life ethics, stem-cell research, animal rights, sexuality, genetics and technology, and other bioethical issues such as plastic surgery and surrogate motherhood technology and its depersonalizing effects as well as helping the poorthe church’s engagement in society and how Christians can make a difference in the media. McQuilkin and Copan stay focused on how we are fulfilling the purposes of God for our lives-a will that is for our good and our well-being. This comprehensive study is the place to begin on the journey of living wisely, faithfully and obediently.

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  • Being Church Doing Life


    Evidence now suggests that contextual church plants have an important role to play in church growth. There is an increasing international interest in these new and different forms of church, often known as ‘Fresh Expressions’ or ’emerging church’. Author Michael Moynagh is a member of the UK national Fresh Expressions movement, a remarkable initiative that has attracted widespread attention around the world. In this inspiring volume he shares practical and comprehensive advice on how to start and grow new churches – however small – in every context of life. This popular introduction emphasizes practical aspects, telling many of the great stories that have emerged through practitioners. It will enthuse and help church leaders and individuals to start and develop these communities; and advise them on how to help them grow to maturity and become sustainable.

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  • Essential Church : A Wesleyan Ecclesiology


    With so many denominations and differing ideas about what the church is and does, arriving at a clear understanding of the church is a formidable challenge. The pastors and educators who have contributed to this book explore the meaning,purpose, and function of the church, as well as its structure. They address topics such as the kingdom of God, worship, and mission, in relation to the body of Christ, and give special attention to Wesleyan theological concerns.This theology of the church is an accessible resource for anyone, minister or layperson, who desires a better grasp of the church. This stimulating ecclesiology is a valuable addition to any theological library.

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  • Faith And Reason


    Steve Wilkens edits a debate between three different understandings of the relation between faith and reason, between theology and philosophy. The three views include: Faith and Philosophy in Tension, Faith Seeking Understanding and the Thomistic Synthesis. This introduction to a classic problem will be an essential resource for students.

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  • Christianity On Trial


    Is Christianity reasonable? Is it more reasonable to believe that a god exists than not? Is it plausible that such a god would choose to create and communicate with humanity? Can we trust the alleged eyewitness testimony to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus? Mark Lanier, one of America’s top trial lawyers, brings a legal eye to examine the plausibility of the Christian faith. Explaining the rules that courts follow to determine the likelihood of truth, he interrogates key witnesses from throughout history to explore whether it makes sense to accept the Christian worldview or not. At the end of the day, all of us must choose for ourselves what is worthy of belief and what is not. Weigh the arguments and decide for yourself.

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  • Introducing Christian Mission Today


    Mission–a driving force in the long Christian story–today is often cast as the embarrassing relative of tall-steeple religiosity. In our wider culture it’s now tucked in the endnotes of book-club histories or forms the ghostlike ellipses in the six o’clock news. But in Christian Mission Today, Michael Goheen brings the vibrant history, motivation and challenges of Christian mission to the fore. Through the centuries Christian mission has always been recalibrating, retooling and reevangelizing. It has repeatedly taken surprising turns as it is carried along by the Spirit of God. Goheen’s introduction to mission’s biblical, theological and historical dimensions engages the present and anticipates the future. As he unfolds the major issues of the global and urban, the pluralistic and wholistic contexts of mission today, he lays the ground for engaging in God’s great kingdom enterprise. This full-scale text incorporates the keen missional insights of Lesslie Newbigin, David Bosch and other formative thinkers. It will be a valued resource not only for those involved crosscultural contexts but also for those engaged in reevangelizing the West.

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  • Do This : The Shape Style And Meaning Of The Eucharist


    “In introducing eight new eucharistic prayers, “”Common Worship”” has focused fresh attention on the most central act of Christian worship. This text offers a wealth of information on both the words and actions of the Eucharist. Part one focuses on the content of the Eucharist, from the opening greeting to the final blessing and dismissal. Each stage of the service is explored from a biblical and historical perpective and readers discover how the Eucharist has evolved from the days of the Early Church. Part two focuses on the actions of the Eucharist: the posture and movement of the celebrant and participants, ceremonial, symbolism, the role of memory, essentials and variables in the rite. Part Three explores the eight different Eucharistic prayers of “”Common Worship””, their distinctive styles, provenance, theological features and pastoral uses.”

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  • Resurrected God : Karl Barths Trinitarian Theology Of Easter


    1. Introduction
    2. The Verdict Of The Father And The Generation Of The Son
    3. The Direction Of The Son And The Procession Of The Spirit
    4. The Promise Of The Spirit And The Perichoresis Of God
    5. The Resurrected God

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    The Resurrected God is an exciting, innovative examination of the resurrection of Christ and its relationship to the doctrine of the Trinity in the mature work of Karl Barth, particularly across the three parts of Volume IV of Church Dogmatics. John Drury argues that, for Barth, the subject and basis of Christ’s resurrection is the triune God. The volume demonstrates that Barth explicated the doctrine of Christ’s resurrection through a unique Trinitarian grammar and grounds the event of the resurrection in the eternal triune being of God.

    Closely expositing and analyzing Barth’s deployment of this Trinitarian grammar in the fourth volume, the author turns to a constructive reconsideration of Barth’s earlier doctrine of the Trinity in the first volume, examining that material in light of the concept of God operative in the later work. Thinking with and beyond Barth, the author concludes that resurrection is inextricably linked with the Triune life of the God who raises and is raised.

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  • Illumination In Basil Of Caesareas Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit


    1. Introduction: Basil And Knowledge Of God
    2. The Illumination And The Holy Spirit
    3. In Divine Light-Baptism As Illumination
    4. The Divine Light Over Creation
    5. The Divine Light Over Scripture
    6. Conclusion: To Speak Of The Spirit Of God

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    Although Basil of Caesarea was the first to write a discourse on the Holy Spirit, many scholars have since questioned if he fully believed in the Spirit’s divinity. Timothy P. McConnell argues that Basil did regard the Spirit as fully divine and an equal Person of the Trinity. However, Basil refused to use philosophical terminology to make the point, preferring to use what the Spirit revealed through divine act and Scripture. Thus, “illumination” becomes the primary paradigm for Basil, which later theologians would come to call revelation, setting the stage for this study’s high relevance for contemporary thought.

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  • Political Vanity : Adam Ferguson On The Moral Tensions Of Early Capitalism


    1. Ferguson’s Political Theology
    2. The Meaning Of History
    3. Action And Human Nature
    4. The Peril Of Commercial Society
    5. Trappings Of Liberal Democratic Capitalism

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    Political Vanity aims to illuminate the central debates over the historical, moral, and political legitimacy of market capitalism by engaging central theorists of the Scottish Enlightenment, in particular the philosopher and sociologist Adam Ferguson. Ferguson was a contemporary of philosophers and economists David Hume and Adam Smith, and actively questioned many of the pillars of early capitalism on theological grounds. Namely:

    * conjectural histories used to justify economic liberalization

    * reduction of human action to production and consumption

    * the inevitable tendency of capitalist power to undermine political institutions

    Ferguson argued that far from equalizing and liberating, the unfettered market left to its own devices takes the form of despot, enslaving civil society in bonds of its own making. His ideas continue to have theological, philosophical, and ethical relevance today.

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  • Depth Of The Human Person


    Illuminating perspectives on personhood from a worldwide array of interdisciplinary scholars

    This volume brings together leading theologians, biblical scholars, scientists, philosophers, ethicists, and others to explore the multidimensionality and depth of the human person. Moving away from dualistic (mind-body, spirit-flesh, naturalmental) anthropologies, the book’s contributors examine human personhood in terms of a complex flesh-body-mindheart- soul-conscience-reason-spirit spectrum.

    The Depth of the Human Person begins with a provocative essay on the question “Why is personhood conceptually difficult?” It then rises to the challenge of relating theological contributions on the subject to various scientific explorations. Finally, the book turns to contemporary theological-ethical challenges, discussing such subjects as human dignity, embodiment, gender stereotypes, and human personhood at the edges of life.

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  • Theology Of The Book Of Isaiah


    Yahweh sits enthroned, high and lifted up A shoot grows from the stump of Jesse A Servant pours himself out to death Kings and nations stream to Zion The book of Isaiah’s imagery sparkles as it inspires. It draws us in to meditate and extend our vision along its vectors. But what should we make of this sprawling and puzzling book–so layered and complex in its composition–as a whole? John Goldingay helps us make sense of this “book called Isaiah” as a tapestry of patterned collages. Then, stepping back, he unfurls its unifying themes–from Zion to David to the Holy One of Israel. Like a program guide to Handel’s Messiah, Goldingay helps us see, hear and understand the grandeur of this prophetic masterpiece among the Prophets.

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  • Spirit Of The Lord Is Upon Me


    To release in anticipation of the 40th anniversary of the ordinations

    * Gathers the bulk of Sue Hiatt’s writings, never before published

    * Reflections from Sue’s peers and colleagues

    As we approach the 40th anniversary of the irregular ordination of the group of women
    who became known as the “Philadelphia Eleven,” Carter Heyward and Janine LeHane
    gather the writings of Sue Hiatt, considered “bishop to the women” and leader of the
    movement that led to that momentous occasion.
    Quiet, introspective, passionate, strong-minded, Sue Hiatt’s road to Christian feminism
    began as a teenager. These writings, alongside material by Carter Heyward and others
    critical to the movement, are a vital source of study, reflection, and inspiration.

    AUDIENCE: For ordained women (and those who wish to be) across denominations,
    church historians, and seminarians.

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  • Empowering Memory And Movement


    With Empowering Memory and Movement, Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza completes a three-volume look across her influential work and career. In Transforming Vision (2011), she drew from decades of pioneering scholarship to offer the contours of a critical feminist hermeneutic. The chapters in Changing Horizons (2013) sketched out a theory of liberation. Now, the consequences for a liberating praxis are elaborated in interviews and essays that chart Schussler Fiorenza’s own personal and professional history as these are intertwined with the history of the worldwide movement for emancipation and full equality. Empowering Memory and Movement looks back, but also looks around at challenges and potentialities on the global scene, and looks ahead to an emancipatory future, with a critical and wise engagement with scripture and the interpretive tradition always at the center.

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  • Persons In Relation


    1. The Modernist Condition
    2. Theological Conditioning?
    3. The Postmodernist Conditioning
    4. The ‘Trinity’ And The Evaluation Of The Theological Re-conditioning Ambition
    5. Correlation And/as Hierarchism, Or What We Do Not Need
    6. Correlation Beyond Hierarchism
    7. Perichoresis Of ‘Person’ And ‘Relation’ And Trinitarian Theology
    8. Correlation As Relationship Model In/with The World

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    Tracing out the origins of the Trinitarian “revival” in the modern era, particularly on account of the influence of Schleiermacher, Tillich, Barth, Rahner, and Pannenberg, through to the destabilizing effects of postmodernity on Trinitarian discourse, the author provides a critical hermeneutic for the evaluation and implementation of thoughtful Trinitarian theology in the contemporary world. Within this frame, the author argues for viewing the Trinity as the intellectual and conceptual context and interdisciplinary arena of interaction between theology and other forms of intellectual inquiries to generate a robust, multifaceted, and historically fluent doctrine of the Trinity.

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  • Cross And Gendercide


    List Of Abbreviations
    1 A Point Of Departure: The Cross And Global Violence Against Women And Girls
    2 The Numbers And The Stories: The Extent Of The Violence
    3 A Short History: The Social, Religious And Political Roots Of Violence Against Women And Girls
    4 The Cross And The Promise: God For Us
    5 Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Confession And Resistance: A Model For A Church Response To Gendercide
    6 Creative Theological Reflection And Activism: Working To End Gendercide

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    Violence against women and girls is a human rights epidemic that affects millions of lives around the world. While many Christians are addressing this crisis through education, advocacy and philanthropic support, there has been a reluctance to name gendercide as a theological and confessional issue, a matter that strikes at the very essence of the Christian faith. In The Cross and Gendercide, Elizabeth Gerhardt draws on Luther’s “theology of the cross” to provide a theological basis for naming and responding to the grave sin of global gendercide. She lifts up the work and witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer as an especially powerful resource for mobilizing the church today toward political action and social engagement. From the perspective of Christ’s cross, the church must raise a prophetic voice against systemic violence and speak up for the myriad women and girls who are invisible and voiceless in the world today.

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  • Why We Live In Community


    In this time-honored manifesto, Arnold and Merton add their voices to the vital discussion of what real community is all about: love, joy, unity, and the great adventure of faith shared with others along the way. Neither writer describes (or prescribes) community here, but they do provide a vision to guide our search.”

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  • Divine Covenants And Moral Order


    This book addresses the old question of natural law in its interesting contemporary context. David VanDrunen draws on both his Reformed theological heritage and the broader Christian natural law tradition to develop a constructive theology of natural law through a thorough study of Scripture.The biblical covenants organize VanDrunen’s study. Part 1 addresses the covenant of creation and the covenant with Noah, exploring how these covenants provide a foundation for understanding God’s governance of the whole world under the natural law. Part 2 treats the redemptive covenants that God established with such people as Abraham and Moses and explores the obligations of God’s people to natural law within these covenant relationships.In the concluding chapter of Divine Covenants and Moral Order VanDrunen reflects on the need for a solid theology of natural law and the importance of natural law for the Christian’s life in the public square.

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  • Rivers From Eden


    It is God’s desire for His people to be fruitful and to have dominion over the earth. This desire is first revealed in the natural location God positioned mankind at creation. The geographic location and setup of the Garden of Eden sends out the clear message of God’s destiny and purpose for mankind. The Bible teaches us that a river went out of Eden and that from there it parted and became four river heads. This is a powerful picture of the apostolic mandate, already revealed in the book of Genesis. The river flowing from Eden caused the water to go toward the four corners of the earth. The water of the river wasn’t contained within the borders of Eden, but flowed out into the whole world. God’s glory, anointing and authority is with His Church, but it can’t just stay there. It has to go out! This book will reform your mind and prepare you for a manifestation of God’s presence in the nations of the earth. It will help bring an understanding of the current move of God as well as the spiritual seasons we are part of. It will challenge your mindsets, routines and christian experience as a whole. Are you ready to participate in the greatest move of God ever seen on the face of the earth? Get ready!

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  • Christopraxis : A Practical Theology Of The Cross


    Part 1
    1. A Theobiographical Starting Point
    2. Setting The Terrain
    3. Concrete Lived Cases Of Ministerial Encounters With Divine Action
    4. Dominant Models Of Practical Theology
    Part 2
    5. A Christopraxis Practical Theology Of The Cross
    6. Practical Theology Into Nothingness
    7. The Concurring Of The Divine With The Human
    Part 3
    8. Critical Realism And Practical Theology
    9. Human Action And Interdisciplinarity In Light Of A Critical RealistChristopraxis Practical Theology

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    Finding practical theology not always able to present frameworks for understanding concrete and lived experience with divine action, Andrew Root seeks to reset the edifice of practical theology on a new foundation. While not minimizing its commitment to the lived and concrete, Root argues that practical theology has neglected deeper theological underpinnings.

    Christopraxis seeks to create a practical theology that is properly and fully theological, post-postmodern, post-Aristotelian, and that attends to doctrines such as divine action and justification.

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  • Trinity And Revelation


    The second installment in a wide and deep constructive theology for our time

    In this book Pentecostal theologian Veli-Matti Karkkainen develops a constructive theology of triune revelation and the triune God in dialogue with Christian tradition, with contemporary theology in its global and contextual diversity, and with other major living faiths.

    Karkkainen’s Constructive Christian Theology for the Pluralistic World is a five-volume project that aims to develop a new approach to and method of doing Christian theology in a pluralistic world at the beginning of the third millennium. With the metaphor of hospitality serving as the framework for his discussion, Karkkainen engages Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism in sympathetic and critical mutual dialogue while remaining robustly Christian in his convictions. Never before has a fullscale doctrinal theology been attempted in such a wide and deep dialogical mode.

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  • Christian Spiritual Formation


    This comprehensive theory and practice of Christian spiritual formation weaves together biblical and theological foundations with interdisciplinary scholarship, real-world examples, personal vignettes, and practical tools to assist readers in becoming whole persons in relationship with God and others.

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  • Path To The Throne Of God


    This study of the sanctuary aims to give the reader an overall view of the entire sanctuary, including the earthly and the heavenly sanctuaries, and reaching its climax in the temple eternal, the earthly model as constructed by Moses, being a type or illustration of both the others. It also aims to make plain that the sanctuary symbolizes not only the redemptive work of Christ, but also the Christian experience of each of His followers, and of the church as a whole.

    The book is divided into the following sections:

    The Importance of the Sanctuary
    Preparing to Build
    In the Court
    In The Holy Place
    In The Most Holy Place
    The Church In The Sanctuary
    The Sanctuary After Redemption

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  • Christianity And Psychoanalysis


    1 A New Conversation Earl D. Bland And Brad D. Strawn
    2 Tradition-Based Integration Ron Wright, Paul Jones And Brad D. Strawn
    3 Contemporary Freudian Psychoanalysis Brad D. Strawn
    4 Ecumenical Spirituality, Catholic Theology And Object Relations Theory: A Threefold Cord Holding Sacred Space Theresa Tisdale
    5 Self Psychology And Christian Experience Earl D. Bland
    6 Intersubjective Systems Theory Mitchell W. Hicks
    7 Relational Psychoanalysis Lowell W. Hoffman
    8 Attachment-Based Psychoanalytic Therapy And Christianity: Being-in-Relation Todd W. Hall And Lauren E. Maltby
    9 Psychoanalytic Couples Therapy: An Introduction And Integration Earl D. Bland
    10 Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy Michael W. Mangis
    11 Christianity And Psychoanalysis: Final Thoughts Brad D. Strawn And Earl D. Bland References
    Author Index
    Subject Index

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    The past 30 years has seen a theoretical and clinical renaissance in psychoanalysis, as well as a flourishing of Christian engagement in the fields of psychology and anthropology. This volume of essays stages a new conversation between Christianity and psychoanalysis that opens up new ways of thinking about the rich mosaic of human experience.

    Unsurprisingly, given Sigmund Freud’s understanding of religion, the conversation between Christianity and psychoanalysis has long been marked by mutual suspicion. Psychoanalysis originated within a naturalist, post-Enlightenment context and sought to understand human functioning and pathology–focusing on phenomena such as the unconscious and object representation–on a strictly empirical basis. Given certain accounts of divine agency and human uniqueness, psychoanalytic work was often seen as competitive with a Christian understanding of the human person. The contributors to Christianity and Psychoanalysis seek to start a new conversation. Aided by the turn to relationality in theology, as well as by a noncompetitive conception of God’s transcendence and agency, this book presents a fresh integration of Christian thought and psychoanalytic theory. The immanent processes identified by psychoanalysis need not compete with Christian theology but can instead be the very means by which God is involved in human existence. The Christian study of psychoanalysis can thus serve the flourishing of God’s kingdom.

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  • Westminster Dictionary Of Theological Terms (Expanded)


    This second edition of The Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms provides a comprehensive guide to nearly 7,000 theological terms-1,000 more terms than the first edition. McKim’s succinct definitions cover a broad range of theological studies and related disciplines: contemporary theologies, biblical studies, church history, ethics, feminist theology, global theologies, hermeneutics, liberation theology, liturgy, ministry, philosophy, philosophy of religion, postcolonial theology, social sciences, spiritually, worship, and Protestant, Reformed, and Roman Catholic theologies.

    This new edition also includes cross-references that link readers to other related terms, commonly used scholarly abbreviations and abbreviations for canonical and deuterocanonical texts, an annotated bibliography, and a new introductory section that groups together terms and concepts, showing where they fit within particular theological categories. No other single volume provides the busy student, and the theologically experienced reader, with such easy access to so many theological definitions.

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  • Spirit Of God And The Christian Life


    I. Introduction: Redemption, Pneumatology, And The Christian Life In Karl Barth

    II. Prayer, The Spirit, And Redemption: A Constructive Reading Of Barth’s Pneumatology

    III. The Spirit And The Revelation Of The Word Of God

    IV. The Spirit And The Beauty Of The Lord

    V. The Spirit And The Drama Of Salvation In History

    VI. Conclusion: A Prayerful Seeking For The Fulfillment Of God’s Promise


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    Interpreters of Karl Barth’s theology have long noted a limited role for the Holy Spirit in his work. JinHyok Kim challenges this prevailing paradigm, reconstructing Barth’s pneumatology and proposing the possible contours it would have taken in the final volumes of Church Dogmatics left incomplete at Barth’s death.

    Within this reconstruction, Kim explores the contexts of Barth’s work and demonstrates the connection of Barth’s doctrine of the Spirit with the realities and practices of the Christian life. Here a new standard for understanding Barth’s Trinitarian theology opens up and offers fresh reading of an important topic in modern theology.

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  • Death Before The Fall



    Part One: On Literalism

    Chapter One: The Creation: A Plain Reading
    Chapter Two: What’s Eating Biblical Literalists?: Creationism & The Enlightenment Project
    Chapter Three: Unwholesome Complexity: Literalism As Scientism’s Pale Mimetic Rival
    Chapter Four: Progressive Vs. Degenerating Science: Weighing Incommensurable Paradigms
    Chapter Five: Does Your God Need Stage Props?: On The Theological Necessity Of Methodological Atheism
    Chapter Six: The Enclave Mentality: Identity Foreclosure & The Fundamentalist Mind
    Chapter Seven: The Gnostic Syndrome: When Literalism Becomes A Heresy
    Chapter Eight: Four Witnesses Barth, Calvin, Augustine, & Maimonides On The Literal Meaning Of Genesis
    Chapter Nine: If Not Foundationalism, What Then?: From Tower-Building To Net-Mending

    Part Two: On Animal Suffering

    Epigraph Two: In Praise Of Self-Deprecation
    Chapter Ten: Stasis, Deception, Curse: Three Literalist Dilemmas
    Chapter Eleven: A Midrash: C. S. Lewis’s Cosmic Conflict Theodicy Revisited
    Chapter Twelve: God Of The Whirlwind: Animal Ferocity In The Book Of Job
    Chapter Thirteen: Creation & Kenosis: Evolution And Christ’s Self Emptying Way Of The Cross
    Chapter Fourteen: Animal Ethics, Sabbath Rest


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    In this eloquent and provocative “open letter” to evangelicals, Ronald Osborn wrestles with the problem of biblical literalism and the ongoing challenge of animal suffering within an evolutionary understanding of the world. Osborn forces us to ask hard questions, not only of the Bible and church tradition, but also and especially of ourselves.

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  • Good Of Politics


    In this addition to the acclaimed Engaging Culture series, a highly respected author and Christian thinker offers a principled, biblical perspective on engaging political culture as part of one’s calling.

    James Skillen believes that constructive Christian engagement depends on the belief that those made in the image of God are created not only for family life, agriculture, education, science, industry, and the arts but also for building political communities, justly ordered for the common good. He argues that God made us to be royal stewards of public governance from the outset and that the biblical story of God’s creation, judgment, and redemption of all things in Jesus Christ has everything to do with politics and government.

    In this irenic, nonpartisan treatment of an oft-debated topic, Skillen critically assesses current political realities and helps readers view responsibility in the political arena as a crucial dimension of the Christian faith.

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  • How God Became Jesus


    In his recent book How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher From Galilee historian Bart Ehrman explores a claim that resides at the heart of the Christian faith— that Jesus of Nazareth was, and is, God. According to Ehrman, though, this is not what the earliest disciples believed, nor what Jesus claimed about himself.

    The first response book to this latest challenge to Christianity from Ehrman, How God Became Jesus features the work of five internationally recognized biblical scholars. While subjecting his claims to critical scrutiny, they offer a better, historically informed account of why the Galilean preacher from Nazareth came to be hailed as ‘the Lord Jesus Christ.’ Namely, they contend, the exalted place of Jesus in belief and worship is clearly evident in the earliest Christian sources, shortly following his death, and was not simply the invention of the church centuries later.

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  • New Calvinists Changing The Gospel


    Enmity between the church and the world dates from the Fall of man, so God says in Genesis 3.15. Satan’s major strategy is the overthrow of the church by the world, through infiltration and contamination. But seldom has this battle reached the proportions of this present hour, when worldliness threatens every believer and church. And so subtle is the enemy that fatal compromise now comes with an appearance of sound doctrine – in an apparent resurgence of the very best of Reformation and Puritan teaching. This book reveals the new ‘gospel’ of the so-called ‘new Calvinism’. It is a gospel that changes the terms of salvation, and that loves the world and embraces its culture.

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  • History Of Christian Thought In One Volume (Revised)


    In this revised and updated version of his popular history, Justo Gonzalez retains the essential elements of his earlier three volumes as he describes the central figures and debates leading to the Councils of Nicea and Chalcedon. Then he moves to Augustine and shows how Christianity evolved and was understood in the Latin West and Byzantine East during the Middle Ages. Finally, he introduces the towering theological leaders of the Reformation and continues to trace the development of Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Christianities through modernity in the twentieth century to postmodernity in the twenty-first.

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  • Is Our Gospel The Gospel


    Pastor-first, theologian-second Dr. Prince Parker is more plainspoken than any scholar has any right to be-what he writes, readers can actually comprehend! In Is OUR Gospel THE Gospel?, he follows the same teaching method he does with his students-easy-to-understand concepts followed by increasingly complex ideas that challenge and expand understanding-and the very same syntactical style he unashamedly proclaims in his Author’s Notes: In the same fashion, the vocabulary…swings between humorously colloquial Californian American English and polysyllabic academia.

    In this extraordinarily comprehensive text, the author examines three fundamental questions every Christian must answer with utmost clarity and understanding:

    The person of Christ-who is he?
    The Word of God and the doctrine of salvation-exactly how can we be saved?
    How should we present this incalculably valuable message to the world?

    To find answers, Dr. Parker shares stimulating and thought-provoking insights into biblical stories-from all corners of the Word-in minute detail, all the while encouraging believers to pay attention in order to more fully understand what Scripture has to say.

    As friendly and readable as his voice may be, Dr. Parker is unflinching in his presentation of Scriptural truth: I know there are some who profess to have an exact theology of evangelism but are doing very little to actually win sinners for Christ…The glories of the Savior are hidden even from His servants because those preaching have not given the deserved attention to the gospel they are announcing…The truth to impart life has been hidden behind the smokescreen of human inventions.

    Is OUR Gospel THE Gospel? is an intelligent theological discourse equally suitable for personal edification or small or large group study-not only educational, but fun to read. How many scholarly texts can make such a claim?

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  • Jesus Quest : The Danger From Within


    This work examines the historical and philosophical strengths and/or weaknesses of current evangelical approaches espousing some forms of post-modernistic historiography and its resultant search for the “historical Jesus.” It demonstrates the marked undermining impact these efforts have had on the biblical text, especially the Gospels, as well inerrancy issues. It compares the Jesus Seminar’s approach with current evangelical practices of searching in terms of their evidential apologetic impact on the trustworthiness of the Gospels. A number of well-known, contemporary evangelical scholars are involved in the so-called “Third Quest” for the historical Jesus. This book raises serious questions about such an endeavor.

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  • Abraham In The Works Of John Chrysostom


    1. Literary, Rhetorical, And Exegetical Influences
    2. Abraham’s Virtue
    3. Abraham’s Pastoral Significance
    4. Abraham’s Exegetical And Theological Significance
    5. Abraham In Chrysostom’s View Of Jews And Judaism
    6. De Beato Abraham: An Authentic Homily Of John Chrysostom
    Appendix A. English Translation Of De Beato Abraham
    Appendix B. Comparison Of De Beato Abraham To Chrysostomic Texts

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    Demetrios Tonias’s Abraham in the Works of John Chrysostom is the first comprehensive examination of John Chrysostom’s view of the patriarch Abraham. By analyzing the full range of references to Abraham in Chrysostom’s work, Tonias reveals the ways in which Chrysostom used Abraham as a model of philosophical and Christian virtue, familial devotion, philanthropy, and obedient faith.

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  • History Of Christian Thought (Revised)


    An introduction to Christian thought from the birth of Christ, to the Apostles, to the early church, to the flowering of Christianity across the world.This volume, condensed from Dr. Justo Gonzalez’s popular three-volume history, is revised and updated.

    While retaining the essential elements of the earlier three volumes, this book describes the central figures and debates leading to the Councils of Nicea and Chalcedon. Then it moves to Augustine and shows how Christianity evolved and was understood in the Latin West and Byzantine East during the Middle Ages.

    Finally, the book introduces the towering theological leaders of the Reformation and continues to trance the development of Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Christianities through modernity in the twentieth century to post-modernity in the twenty-first.

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  • Theology Questions Everyone Asks


    Introduction Gary M. Burge And David Lauber
    Chapter 1. What Is Christianity? Timothy Larsen
    Chapter 2. What Is The Bible? Kevin J. Vanhoozer
    Chapter 3. Who Is God? George Kalantzis
    Chapter 4. How Does God Relate To The World? Gregory W. Lee
    Chapter 5 . What Is The Meaning Of Evil And Suffering? Jennifer Powell McNutt
    Chapter 6. Who Is Jesus? Gary M. Burge
    Chapter 7. What Is Salvation? Keith L. Johnson
    Chapter 8. Who Is The Holy Spirit? Jeffrey W. Barbeau
    Chapter 9. Who Are Human Beings? David Lauber
    Chapter 10. Who Is The Church? Daniel J. Treier
    Chapter 11. How Should We Live? Vincent Bacote
    Chapter 12. What Is Christian Hope? Beth Felker Jone

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    Everyone has questions about God and what matters most in life. When we ask those questions, we are asking about theology. Isn’t talk about God really a guessing game?What good is the Old Testament?How can we have free will if God controls everything?The virgin birth. Really?What does an earthquake say about God?Is the Holy Spirit still at work in churches today?What did Jesus think about getting married?Does being a Christian mean having particular political views? While books about doctrine supply description and analysis of the classic questions of the faith, they often miss the contemporary questions on the minds of readers. This book fills that gap. Organized around the key topics of Jesus, the Bible, church, the Holy Spirit, evil, salvation and hope, the sometimes-provocative questions on these topics aim to ring true with the lived experience of real people. Even more, they look to inspire reflection, debate, disagreement, and above all, engagement in what the Christian faith is all about.

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  • Deuteronomy : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


    In this fresh commentary, Deanna A. Thompson makes this important Old Testament book come to life. Recounting God’s foundational relationship with Israel, Deuteronomy is set in the form of Moses’ speeches to Israel just before entry into the promised land. Its instructions in the form of God’s law provide the structure of the life that God wants for the people of Israel.

    Although this key Old Testament book is occasionally overlooked by Christians, Deuteronomy serves as an essential passing down to the next generations the fundamentals of faith as well as the parameters of life lived in accord with God’s promises. Thompson provides theological perspectives on these vital themes and shows how they have lasting significance for Christians living in today’s world. Thompson’s sensitivity to the Jewish context and heritage and her insights into Deuteronomy’s importance for Christian communities make this commentary an especially valuable resource for today’s preacher and teacher.

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  • Covenant Theology : A Baptist Distinctive


    This volume gathers into one place a helpful collection of thoughts on an important subject by respected Baptist writers. Those who think that covenant theology is synonymous with paedobaptism will find that notion debunked by the chapters in this book. If you are looking for a good introduction to exegetical, theological, historical and pastoral arguments for a thoroughly Baptist understanding of covenant theology, read this book

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  • Reading Richard Dawkins



    1. A Distinct Methodological Framework

    2. Encountering Evolution: The Dawkins Perspective

    3. Beyond Biology: An Evolutionary Weltanschauung

    4. Religion: An Evolutionary View

    5. Evil, Evolution, And God: Dawkins And Theology In Dialogue




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    Theological reactions to the rise of the new atheist movement have largely been critically hostile or defensively deployed apologetics to shore up the faith against attack. Gary Keogh contends that focusing on scholarly material that is inherently agreeable to theology will not suffice in the context of modern academia. Theology, he says, needs to test its boundaries.

    Reading Richard Dawkins illustrates how dialogue with antithetical viewpoints offers new perspectives on classical theological problems. Keogh demonstrates how a dialogical paradigm may take shape-one which is up to the task of facing its critics in the context of modern academia.

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  • Saving Karl Barth


    1. Saving Karl Barth: Hans Urs Von Balthasar’s Preoccupation
    2. Presenting And Interpreting Karl Barth
    3. Collapse Of Balthasar’s Interpretation
    4. The Realm Of God
    5. The Realm Of Ethics
    6. The Realm Of The Church: Renewal And Unity

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    Challenging recent rejections of Hans Urs von Balthasar’s groundbreaking study of Karl Barth’s theology, Stephen Long argues that these interpreters are impatient with the nuances of Balthasar’s reading and fail to appreciate the longstanding theological friendship between the two. Long offers a substantial defense of Balthasar’s theological preoccupation with Barth’s thought and explores the friendship that developed between Balthasar and Barth.

    Re-evaluating Balthasar’s theological work on Barth, Saving Karl Barth provides a critical new reading of Balthasar’s original volume and a wider account of the systematic engagement Balthasar carried on throughout his career.

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  • Figure Of Adam In Romans 5 And 1 Corinthians 15



    1. Status Questionis On The Adam Typology In Paul

    2. The Figure Of Adam In Ancient Jewish Sources

    3. The Figure Of Adam In 1 Corinthians 15:21-22; 45-29, And Romans 5:12-21



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    It is widely recognized that in some of his letters, Paul develops a Christology based on a comparison between Adam and Christ, and that this Christology has antecedents in Jewish interpretation of Genesis 1-4. But Paul was not concerned simply to develop themes found in scripture.

    Felipe Legarreta gives careful attention to patterns of exegesis in Second-Temple Judaism and identifies, for the first time, a number of motifs by which Jews drew ethical implications from the story of Adam and his expulsion from Eden. He then demonstrates that throughout the “Christological” passages in Romans and 1 Corinthians, Paul is taking part in a wider Jewish exegetical and ethical discussion regarding life in the new creation.

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  • Mystery And Agency Of God




    1. Otherness And Oneness: Rival Conceptions Of God

    2. Establishing The Primordiality Of The Agent, Act, And Agency

    3. Edward Pols And The Metaphysics Of Agency

    4. The Metaphysical Conditions For God As Agent

    5. How Can God Act In The World?

    6. Theology And The Discernment Of Divine Acts In History

    7. Coda On The Mystery Of God As Agent


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    There are two philosophical commitments requisite to Christian belief: that God is the ultimate mystery and that God is present and active in the world. Attempting to avoid the trappings of a radical distantiation and the immanent collapse of God and world, Frank Kirkpatrick argues for a theory of agency and action that preserves the mystery of God while providing a philosophically robust account of divine action in created time and space. Kirkpatrick proposes a way around the stalemates that have stymied thought on divine agency and enters into conversation with significant figures in systematic theology.

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  • Inspiration And Interpretation Of Scripture


    All Christians in the early church believed in the divine inspiration of Scripture, yet they had a surprising diversity of viewpoints. In this book Michael Graves describes the nature of early Christian beliefs regarding divine inspiration and explores differences between ancient and modern assumptions on the topic.Graves examines the beliefs of early Christians about Scripture through both theoretical statements and concrete examples of early Christians’ discussions of specific biblical texts. What emerges is a rich network of theological ideas about the Bible together with critical engagement with the biblical text. Graves shows how many of those early-church ideas can be essential guideposts for helping Christians today to read Scripture theologically and hear God’s voice in Scripture.

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  • Hauerwas : A Very Critical Introduction


    Sharp, thoughtful critique of a highly respected theologian Stanley Hauerwas’s work is well known and much admired, but Nicholas Healy believes that it has not yet been subjected to the kind of sustained critical analysis that is appropriate for such a popular and controversial Christian thinker. In Hauerwas: A (Very) Critical Introduction Healy fills that critical gap.

    After a general introduction to Hauerwas, Healy examines three main areas of Hauerwas’s thought: his method, his social theory, and his theology. Hauerwas’s overriding concern for ethics and church-based apologetics so dominates his thinking, says Healy, that he systematically distorts Christian doctrine and deemphasizes the triune God. Hauerwas’s project needs substantial revision, Healy argues, and he incisively illustrates how.

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