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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 851–900 of 2066 results

  • 4 Views On The Role Of Works At The Final Judgment


    Through a discussion of Biblical texts, this book presents four perspectives on the role of works at the final judgment including: Robert N. Wilkin: Works will determine rewards but not salvation: At the Judgment Seat of Christ each believer will be judged by Christ to determine his eternal rewards, but he remains eternally secure even if the judgment reveals he failed to persevere in good works (or in faith). Thomas R. Schreiner: Works will provide evidence that one actually has been saved: At the final judgment works provide the necessary condition, though not the ground for final salvation, in that they provide evidence as to whether one has actually trusted in Jesus Christ. James D. G. Dunn: Works will provide the criterion by which Christ will determine eternal destiny of his people: Since Paul, Jesus, and the New Testament writers hold together ‘justification by faith and not by works’ with ‘judgment according to works’, we should not fall into the trap of playing one off against the other or blend them in a way that diminishes the force of each. Michael P. Barber: Works will merit eternal life: At the final judgment, good works will be rewarded with eternal salvation. However, these good works will be meritorious not apart from Christ but precisely because of the union of the believer with him.

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  • Postcolonializing God : An African Practical Theology


    Postcolonializing God examines how African Christianity especially as a practical spirituality can be truly a postcolonial reality. The book offers thoughts as to how African Christians and by that token others who were colonial subjects, may practice a spirituality that bears the hallmarks of their authentic cultural heritage, even if that makes them distinctly different from Christians from the colonizing nations.

    There are themes in both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Scriptures in which God’s activities result in shattering hegemony, overthrowing the powerful, diversifying communities and affirming pluralism. These have by and large been ignored or downplayed in the formation of Christian communities by western and westernized Christians in Africa. The effect of this is that much of the practice of African Christians imitates that of a European Christianity of bygone times.

    Postcolonializing God charts a different course uplifting these ignored readings of scripture and identifying how they are expressed again by Africans who courageously seek through the practices of mysticism and African culture to portray a God whose actions liberate and diversify human experience.

    Postcolonializing God seeks to express the human diversity that seems to be the Creator’s ongoing desire for the world and thereby to continue to manifest the manifold and diverse nature and wisdom of God. It is only as humans refuse to be created in the image of any other human beings, that the richness and complexity of the divine image will be more closely viewed throughout the world.

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  • God Who Became Human


    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface

    Why This Book?
    Praeparatio Evangelica
    The Plan Of The Book

    1. God Prepares The Way From The Beginning
    God And God’s Image
    The Portrayal Of God In The Beginning
    Some Early Christian Commentary
    God Prepares The Way To What End?
    God Prepares The Way By Promise
    Excursus: Would The Incarnation Have Taken Place Irrespective Of The Fall?

    2. God Prepares The Way In His Dealings With Abraham And Abraham’s Old Testament Children
    The Patriarchal Story And The ’embodied’ God
    Abraham And The Three Visitors
    Jacob And The Wrestler
    The Mosaic Story And The ’embodied’ God
    The Judges Story And The ’embodied’ God
    The Former Prophets And The ’embodied’ God
    The Latter Prophets And The ’embodied’ God

    3. God Prepares The Way In Israel’s Hope
    The Hope For A Divine Messiah
    Israel’s Hope And The Incarnation: Key Texts Revisited
    Intertestamental Hopes
    Typology And Incarnation

    4. The Great Mystery
    In Retrospect
    But Incarnation?
    Excursus: The Pre-incarnate Christ, Theophany And The Old Testament Debate

    5. Cur Deus Homo
    New Testament Answers
    The Timing Of The Incarnation: Insight From Thomas Aquinas
    Excursus: Did The Divine Son Assume Fallen Or Unfallen Human Nature?

    6. The Significance Of The Incarnation
    Theological Significance
    Existential Significance

    7. Conclusion

    Appendix: The Theological Interpretation Of Scripture
    Index Of Authors
    Index Of Scripture References
    Index Of Ancient Sources

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    Preaching’s Preacher’s Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (Theology)

    Seeking an answer to Anselm’s timeless question, “Why did God become man?” Graham Cole follows Old Testament themes of preparation, theophany and messianic hope through to the New Testament witness to the divinely foretold event. This New Studies in Biblical Theology volume concludes with a consideration of the theological and existential implications of the incarnation of God.

    Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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  • Christian Life : A Doctrinal Introduction


    Christian doctrine matter for Christian living. This is ‘one of the most important growth points of the Christian life’, writes Sinclair B. Ferguson. From this starting point, The Christian Life expounds such key biblical themes as grace, faith, repentance, new birth and assurance with clarity and contagious enthusiasm. ‘Christian doctrines are life-shaping’, explains the author, because ‘they show us the God we worship’.

    Widely used and appreciated since its first appearance, The Christian Life not only expounds the teaching of Scripture, but outlines its meaning for practical Christian living.

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  • Christian Apologetics (Reprinted)


    World-famous apologist Norman Geisler offers a new edition of his bestselling apologetics text, which has sold consistently for over thirty years (over 125,000 copies sold). This edition has been updated throughout and includes three new chapters. It offers readers a systematic approach that presents both the reasons and the methods for defending the claims of Christianity. Topics covered include deism, theism, Christ’s authority, and the inspiration of the Bible.

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  • Theology Spirituality And Mental Health


    Theology, Spirituality and Mental Health provides reflections from leading international scholars and practitioners in theology, anthropology, philosophy and psychiatry as to the nature of spirituality and its relevance to constructions of mental disorder and mental healthcare. Key issues are explored in depth, including the nature of spirituality and recent debates concerning its importance in contemporary psychiatric practice, relationship between demons and wellbeing in ancient religious texts and contemporary practice, religious conversion, and the nature and importance of myth and theology in shaping human self understanding. These are used as a basis for exploring some of the overarching intellectual and practical issues that arise when different disciplines engage together with an attempt to better understand the relationship between spirituality and mental health and translate their findings into mental healthcare practice.

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  • Aint I A Womanist Too


    Third wave womanism is a new movement within religious studies with deep roots in the tradition of womanist religious thought-while also departing from it in key ways. After a helpful and orienting introduction, this volume gathers essays from established and emerging scholars whose work is among the most lively and innovative scholarship today. The result is a lively conversation in which ‘to question is not to disavow; to depart is not necessarily to reject’ and where questioning and departing are indications of the productive growth and expansion of an important academic and religious movement.

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  • Abraham Our Father


    “Father Abraham had many sons . . .” So goes the chorus that the Shona people learned from European missionaries as part of the broader experience of colonization that they share with other African peoples. Urged to abandon their ancestors and embrace Christianity, the Shona instead engaged in a complex and ambiguous negotiation of ancestral myths, culture, and power.

    Israel Kamudzandu explores this legacy, showing how the Shona found in the figure of Abraham himself a potent resource for cultural resistance, and makes intriguing comparisons with the ways the apostle Paul used the same figure in his interaction with the ancestry of Aeneas in imperial myths of the destiny of the Roman people. The result is a groundbreaking study that combines the best tradition-historical insights with postcolonial-critical acumen. Kamudzandu offers at last a model of multi-cultural Christianity forged in the experience of postcolonial Zimbabwe.

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  • Job : A Theological Commentary On The Bible


    * The enigmatic Book of Job raises universal questions about the origins and purpose of suffering—and God’s relationship to the cause of the anguish and those who endure it. Chase probes this difficult book to expose the themes of theodicy, divine justice, and godly power that challenge—and ultimately affirm—Job’s faith in God.

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  • Annihilation Of Hell


    For Jrgen Moltmann, Hell is the nemesis of Hope. The “annihilation of Hell” thus refers both to Hell’s annihilative power in history and to the overcoming of that power as envisioned by Moltmann’s distinctive theology of the cross in which God becomes “all in all” through Christ’s descent into Godforsakenness. The negation of Hell and the fulfillment of history are inseparable. Attentive to the overall contours and dynamics of Moltmann’s thinking–especially his zimzum doctrine of creation, his eschatologically oriented philosophy of time, and his expanded understanding of the nature-grace relationship–this study asks whether the universal salvation that he proposes can honor human freedom, promise vindication for those who suffer, and do justice to biblical revelation. As well as providing an in-depth exposition of Moltmann’s ideas, The Annihilation of Hell also explores how a “covenantal universalism” might revitalize our web of beliefs in a way that is attuned to the authorizing of Scripture and the spirituality of existence. If divine and human freedom are to be reconciled, as Moltmann believes, the confrontation between Hell and Hope will entail rethinking issues that are not only at the center of theology but at the heart of life itself.

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  • Gods Good World


    The book unites creation and redemption, showing the significance of God’s work of creation for understanding the good news of redemption in Jesus Christ. Wilson develops a trinitarian account of the life of the world and sets forth how to live wisely, hopefully, peaceably, joyfully, and generously in that world. He also shows how a mature doctrine of creation can help the church think practically about contemporary issues, including creation care, sexuality, technology, food and water, and more.

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  • Whats The Truth About Heaven And Hell


    Recent books about heaven and hell have aroused the interest of committed Christians and curious seekers alike. But, the wide range of viewpoints has also created confusion and left many people wondering what they are to believe. This user-friendly guide presents the most popular views on heaven, hell, purgatory, judgment, and related topics, followed by brief, easy-to-follow analysis. Readers will be equipped to make their own well-informed decisions about questions like these:

    – What happens when we die?
    – Where did the idea of purgatory come from?
    – Will our bodies be resurrected someday?
    -If so, does cremation offend God?
    -Will unbelievers be judged by God and punished in hell forever?
    -Or will they be annihilated?
    -What about those who never heard the gospel message?

    This summary of the latest Evangelical teaching and traditional mainstream scholarship, provides readers with tools to assess each position in the light of Scripture.

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  • Via Dolorosa : A Forensic And Spiritual Treatise On The Salvific Work Of Je


    Seekers, students, thinkers – all who want to know and understand more of history’s most definitive event will find this reference to be a treasure of details, connections and discoveries.
    The included images are exactly right for this book; they do not overwhelm the content, but complement the learning experience as well as add to the wonder of what is being studied. They answer questions, but also create questions, contributing to the seeker’s momentum. Readers will not simply absorb this book and move on to the next; instead, reading this book will start them on entirely new paths of study and discovery.

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  • Resisting Structural Evil


    1. Introduction
    2. Moral Crisis, Context, Call
    3. Structural Violence As Structural Evil
    4. Unmasking Evil That Parades As God
    5. Countering Moral Oblivion
    6. Theological Seeds Of Hope And Power
    7. Love: Mystery And Practical Reality
    8. Love: Ecological And Economic Vocation
    9. Love’s Moral Framework
    10. Love In Action: Resistance And Rebuilding
    Closing Words

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    Key Features:

    Mapping the ethical terrain of an imperiled planet
    Convincingly showing how ecojustice relates to economic justice
    Rethinking Christian ethics in light of the ecological crisis

    The increasingly pressing situation of Planet Earth poses urgent ethical questions for Christians. But, as Cynthia Moe-Lobeda argues, the future of the earth is not simply a matter of protecting species and habitats but of rethinking the very meaning of Christian ethics. The earth crisis cannot be understood apart from the larger human crisis-economic equity, social values, and human purpose are bound up with the planet’s survival. In a sense, she says, the whole earth is a moral community.

    Reorienting Christian ethics from its usual anthropocentrism to an ecocentrism entails a new framework that Moe-Lobeda lays out in her first chapters, culminating in a creative rethinking of how it is that we understand morally. With this “moral epistemology” in place, she unfolds her notion of “moral vision” and applies it to the present situation in a full-fledged earth-honoring, justice-seeking Christian ethical stance.

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  • Trust In God


    In this accessible book, David Johnson examines the Christian spiritual life using the Book of Confessions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as a guide. He demonstrates how the Book of Confessions can help us understand what it means to be a Christian and how one goes about living a Christian life. Johnson uses the rubrics of faith, love, and hope to ground our understanding of spirituality and help us develop disciplines for our spiritual lives. These disciplines include listening and speaking, worship and Sabbath, giving and stewardship, patience and planning, and reconciling. Three appendices give concrete guidelines for engaging in Bible reading and prayer-the two central spiritual disciplines of the Reformed tradition. Johnson’s helpful book invites laity and clergy to participate in the blessings and joys of a Reformed vision of the spiritual life.

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  • Pastoral Theology Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    The SCM Studyguide Pastoral Theology designed to support undergraduate courses for the training of clergy and lay pastoral workers at an accessible introductory level. The book aims to develop pastoral wisdom and integrity through a critical integration of theology and the human sciences. Introducing key themes in theological anthropology and pastoral practice, it shapes a creative pastoral vision which is deeply rooted in a Christian vision of what it means to be human and what it takes to care. Working with case studies, the book will introduce broad frameworks of understanding of issues such as growth, loss, and sexuality, together with critical perspectives on important aspects of practice such as language, power and boundaries.The book provides an accessible overview of key concepts in pastoral theology, offering key entry points for further discussion and study. Each chapter includes discussion questions and/or reflective exercises at the end of each chapter together with a short bibliography. Throughout the text, key summaries of learning will be indicated by boxed Practice Points.

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  • When Skeptics Ask (Revised)


    When skeptics ask tough questions, believers can turn to this helpful, user-friendly guide for thoughtful, up-to-date answers. Readers will also learn to identify and respond to the misuse of Scripture by nonbelievers and help detractors see the fullness, beauty, and truth of Christianity.

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  • Soundings In Cultural Criticism


    13 Chapters

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    A number of disciplines aligned under “cultural criticism” have changed the shape of contemporary biblical studies not only by offering new methods but by questioning old goals and proposing new ones. Soundings in Cultural Criticism offers a collection of succinct essays in these fields by some of the foremost scholars in New Testament studies. Questions of historical reconstruction, textual interpretation, and present cultural deployment are addressed in an ideal second textbook for New Testament courses.

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  • Old Testament Theology


    1. Approaches To Old Testament Theology
    2. God And The “Gods”
    3. God And Creation
    4. God And His People (1): Election And Covenant
    5. God And His People (2): Worship And Sacrifice
    6. God And His People (3): Receiving Instruction
    7. God And His People (4): Kingship In Israel
    8. God And His People (5): Ethics And Ethical Questions
    9. God And The Future
    10. God And The Nations Select
    Supplemental Bibliography
    Index Of Scripture References
    Index Of Names
    Index Of Subjects

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    There are several excellent Old Testament theologies available today, but they tend to be large and daunting for beginning students and others who are hard-pressed for time. Robin Routledge’s Old Testament Theology is gauged to meet the needs of readers who want to dine on the meat of Old Testament theology but do not have time to linger over hors d’oeuvres and dessert. And his thematic approach makes it easy for selective readers to find what they need. Routledge provides a substantial overview of the central issues and themes in Old Testament theology. In a style that is clear, concise and nuanced, Routledge examines the theological significance of the various texts within their wider canonical context, noting unity and coherence while showing awareness of diversity. Readers looking for a substantial overview of the central issues and themes in Old Testament theology will find that in the main body of the text, and those with more specific interests will find more detailed discussion and references to further reading in the numerous and expansive footnotes.

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  • Theology And Sexuality


    The SCM Core Text Theology and Sexuality provides a clear overview of the theological debate surrounding sexuality as broadly understood. It gives an outline of the major themes surrounding sexuality in theological perspective, focusing on key thinkers, concepts, and areas of discussion. This student-friendly textbook is aimed at theology students and ordinands studying at undergraduate level 3 and MA level who are undertaking modules on theology and sexuality, gender, sex and the human body. It is also accessible to Christian clergy and laypeople who wish to engage with issues of sexuality in congregations. The use of extensive glossaries, breakout definitions and examples makes the book accessible to those with little existing knowledge of contemporary debates on theology and sexuality. The book includes chapters on definitions of sexuality, sexuality in the Christian tradition, Christian approaches to marriage, celibacy and virginity and same-sex relationships.

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  • Imagining The Kingdom (Reprinted)


    How does worship work? How exactly does liturgical formation shape us? What are the dynamics of such transformation? In the second of James K. A. Smith’s three-volume theology of culture, the author expands and deepens the analysis of cultural liturgies and Christian worship he developed in his well-received Desiring the Kingdom. He helps us understand and appreciate the bodily basis of habit formation and how liturgical formation–both “secular” and Christian–affects our fundamental orientation to the world. Worship “works” by leveraging our bodies to transform our imagination, and it does this through stories we understand on a register that is closer to body than mind. This has critical implications for how we think about Christian formation.

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  • Reality Of Revelation Unveiled


    In preparation to bring forth this project, I would like to acknowledge the following beloved ones:

    Primarily giving all praise and thanks to my LORD and to my Savior Christ Yeshua, to whom I am so grateful. There are no words to describe the true peace and blessings that come through having a personal relationship with God.

    To my loving wife and soul mate, Maegan Visher Riles, who is a constant support in my life. Your contribution and encouragement has been a great blessing. To my parents, Rene and Patricia Riles, who raised me in the church. To my children, Destiny, Brianna, Micah, and Raegan, whose innocence and curiosities have been an inspiration to me. To my aunt, Goldie Walker, who introduced me to the Lord as a child. To my mentors, who taught and counseled me in the Word of God. And to all my brothers and sisters who follow and obey God’s word in truth. Thank you all for making this journey and this endeavor worthwhile.

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  • Real House Of God


    As a believer, you are God’s temple, and His Spirit lives in you! Amazingly, God was thinking of you when He designed the original tabernacle and temple where He temporarily resided and where the Jewish people worshiped and interacted with Him, receiving numerous blessings along the way. In The Real House of God, learn how you have always been the desired abode of God, designed along the same pattern as the tabernacle and the temple. Learn how sin created a veil that separated you from God until Jesus Christ came to Earth to lead a perfect, sin-free life and sacrificed His life for you, in the process ripping apart the veil. As a result, an avenue has been opened for God to freely live within you and to have a permanent close relationship with you through His Holy Spirit. The Real House of God provides a detailed description of the design of the tabernacle and temple and their contents and what they symbolize in relation to you, and gives practical tools as to how you can use the similarities to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit of God within you to learn how to walk daily with God and accrue His blessings. Learn how the person of the Holy Spirit helps you to overcome bondages, obstacles, and storms in your life to become supernaturally excellent and to live the extraordinary life God desires for you.

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  • Real House Of God


    As a believer, you are God’s temple, and His Spirit lives in you! Amazingly, God was thinking of you when He designed the original tabernacle and temple where He temporarily resided and where the Jewish people worshiped and interacted with Him, receiving numerous blessings along the way. In The Real House of God, learn how you have always been the desired abode of God, designed along the same pattern as the tabernacle and the temple. Learn how sin created a veil that separated you from God until Jesus Christ came to Earth to lead a perfect, sin-free life and sacrificed His life for you, in the process ripping apart the veil. As a result, an avenue has been opened for God to freely live within you and to have a permanent close relationship with you through His Holy Spirit. The Real House of God provides a detailed description of the design of the tabernacle and temple and their contents and what they symbolize in relation to you, and gives practical tools as to how you can use the similarities to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit of God within you to learn how to walk daily with God and accrue His blessings. Learn how the person of the Holy Spirit helps you to overcome bondages, obstacles, and storms in your life to become supernaturally excellent and to live the extraordinary life God desires for you.

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  • Distinctiveness Of Baptist Covenant Theology


    Pascal Denault’s careful labors over the theological texts of both Baptist and Pedobaptists of the seventeenth century have yielded an excellent study of the relation of baptism to a commonly shared covenantalism. At the same time he has shown that a distinct baptistic interpretation of the substance of the New Covenant, that is, all its conditions having been met in the work of Christ its Mediator resulting in an unconditional application of it to its recipients, formed the most basic difference between the two groups. His careful work on the seventeenth-century documents has yielded a strong, Bible-centered, covenantal defense of believers’ baptism and is worthy of a dominant place in the contemporary discussions of both covenantalism and baptism.

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  • Your MA In Theology


    Undertaking study at Master’s level is quite different from studying at undergraduate level or doing doctoral research. This practical handbook is written by the leader of one of the most successful MA programmes in theology in the UK. It caters for the needs of both undergraduates moving on to study at postgraduate level or of those who are returning to study after years out of education. While there are many generic study skills handbooks for postgraduates, this book is aimed specifically at those studying at Master’s level in theology.

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  • Indestructible Foundations


    Guardian Of Truth Foundation
    This workbook presents, in outline form, concise information on the fundamentals of Christianity. Historical information and insights provided, such as several charts on Biblical prophecies and arguments for Jesus and the inspiration of the Bible. It is intended to convert unbelievers to Christianity and strengthen those who are already Christians. Peter J. Wilson was a preacher and teacher for the Church of Christ.Useful for Home Bible Studies, Regular Bible Classes, Sermon Outlines, Vacation Bible Schools, and Handbook for Teenagers. Table of Contents – Preface – Lesson 1: The Arrangement and Value of Home Bible Studies – Lesson 2: God Is – Lesson 3: The Bible is the Word of God – Lesson 4: Jesus Christ is the Son of God – Lesson 5: Authority in Religion – Lesson 6: Why You Need Christ – Lesson 7: Why You Need Baptism – Lesson 8: Why You Need the Church

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  • Ethics : A Liberative Approach


    12 Chapters

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    This survey text for religious ethics and theological ethics courses explores how ethical concepts defined as liberationist, which initially was a Latin American Catholic phenomenon, is presently manifest around the globe and within the United States across different racial, ethnic, and gender groups. Authored by several contributors, this book elucidates how the powerless and disenfranchised within marginalized communities employ their religious beliefs to articulate a liberationist/liberative religious ethical perspective. Students will thus comprehend the diversity existing within the liberative ethical discourse and know which scholars and texts to read and will encounter practical ways to further social justice.

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  • Psychology Of Religion


    This book is written by a theologian, or to be more precise, by a theologian who is concerned professionally with religion and with pastoral psychology. The coming to terms with developments in the field of psycho-analysis has a twofold significance for the theologian. As a pastor I am often faced with the question of what actual view to take of psycho-analysis, and sometimes also how to regard the psycho-analyst as a therapist. (I am thinking for example of the problem of passing on a member of my congregation to a psychiatrist.) Among theologians there is often a kind of fear, as well as lack of knowledge; the theologian gets ‘cold feet’. Investigation could probably eliminate both ignorance and fear. On the other hand, through its theories psycho-analysis has become an important factor in our modern civilization, and one that theology must not ignore. Without analysis much modern ‘unbelief’ remains incomprehensible. Under this aspect too it is important for theology to be well informed about developments in psycho-analysis, and also to learn to istinguish more clearly than is generally the case between analysis as a therapeutic method (which rests on an objective and empirical investigation of the patient) and the theories which are and have been upheld by analysis; the latter reveal themselves as more evanescent than is oftern assumed.

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  • Passion : How Christs Final Day Changes Your Every Day


    1. The Cup
    2. Betrayal And Denial
    3. The Mockery
    4. Three Kings
    5. Give Us Barabbas!
    6. The Long Walk
    7. Father, Forgive
    8. Two Criminals
    9. Climax
    10. Another Day

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    Some people see Jesus’ death as a historical footnote, buried in the past. Christians understand it is much more than that, and know it has transformed their future.

    But often we don’t realise how much Jesus’ last day should change our present, too.

    Walking readers through Luke’s Gospel, US pastor and well-known author Mike McKinley looks at the events of the last day of Jesus’ earthly life. At each point, he pauses to marvel at the love Christ has for His people; and shows how Jesus’ people can learn from His passion, His care, and His integrity.

    This unique book is perfect for both new and mature Christians. While great for reading at any time in the year, it’s particularly helpful to read during Lent or Holy Week.

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  • Theology For Better Counseling


    SKU (ISBN): 9780830839728ISBN10: 0830839720Virginia HolemanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2012Christian Association For Psychological StudiesPublisher: InterVarsity Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Gospel After Christendom


    Emerging church movements are an increasingly global phenomenon; they exist as holistic communities that defy dualistic Western forms of church. Until now, many of the voices from these movements have gone unheard. In this volume, Ryan Bolger assembles some of the most innovative church leaders from around the world to share their candid insider stories about how God is transforming their communities in an entirely new era for the church.

    Bolger’s new book continues the themes that he and Eddie Gibbs established formally in their critically acclaimed Emerging Churches and situates new church movements within this rubric. It explores what’s happening now in innovative church movements in continental Europe, Asia, and Latin American and in African American hip-hop cultures.

    Featuring an international cast of contributors, the book explores the changes occurring both in emerging cultures and in emerging and missional churches across the globe today.

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  • Seeking The Church


    Seeking the Church intends to introduce students, teachers and inquirers to key themes and dynamics in being the Church. In a time of significant change and search for new forms of Christian community the book locates such developments within the wider Christian tradition of theological reflection on the doctrine of the Church. The book covers the basic themes in ecclesiology presented in a systematic manner. It draws upon historical examples and engages where appropriate with the Anglican tradition. The intent is to cover the key areas without pretending to be exhaustive so that a reader will gain a solid and creative introduction to a major area of theology. Seeking the Church is an ideal introduction for all who want to engage with the churches theological self understanding in the present day and through the ages.

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  • Apocrypha


    Using a thematic approach, David A. deSilva gives a brief introduction and summary of the largely unknown and unappreciated books of the Apocrypha. He also gives an overview to the social and cultural context of the world of the Apocrypha and early Christianity. From there, the book highlights the Apocrypha’s relevance and impact on Christian practices, spiritual formation, and on Early Church doctrine and theology.

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  • Quest For The Trinity


    1. ‘The History That God Is’: Studying The Doctrine Of The Trinity In The Twenty-First Century
    2. ‘In Your Light, We See Light’: The Trinity In The Bible
    3. ‘Always With Him Are His Word And Wisdom’: Early Patristic Developments In The Doctrine Of The Trinity
    4. ‘From The Ousia Of The Father’: The Fourth-Century Debates 1
    5. ‘The Godhead Is By Nature Simple’: The Fourth-Century Debates 2
    6. ‘Understood By A Few Saints And Holy Persons’: The West And Augustine
    Interlude: The Harvest Of Patristic Trinitarianism
    7. ‘Distinction In The Persons But Unity In The Nature’: The Medieval Doctrine Of The Trinity
    8. ‘By The Testimonies Of The Scriptures Or By Manifest Reason’: Anti-Trinitarianism From The Reformation To The Eighteenth Century
    9. ‘A Transformation Which Will Go Back To Its Very Beginning’: The Doctrine Of The Trinity Since 1800
    Bibliography Of Works Cited
    Index Of Biblical Texts Cited
    Index Of Technical Terms/Phrases In Latin/Greek
    General Index Of Authors And Subjects

    Additional Info
    The doctrine of the Trinity was settled in the fourth century, and maintained, with only very minor disagreement or development, by all strands of the church–Western and Eastern, Protestant and Catholic–until the modern period. In the twentieth century, there arose a sense that the doctrine had been neglected and stood in need of recovery. In The Quest for the Trinity, Holmes takes us on a remarkable journey through 2,000 years of the Christian doctrine of God. We witness the churchs discovery of the Trinity from the biblical testimony, its crucial patristic developments, and medieval and Reformation continuity. We are also confronted with the questioning of traditional dogma during the Enlightenment, and asked to consider anew the character of the modern Trinitarian revival. Holmess controversial conclusion is that the explosion of theological work in recent decades claiming to recapture the heart of Christian theology in fact deeply misunderstands and misappropriates the traditional doctrine of the Trinity. Yet his aim is constructive: to grasp the wisdom of the past and, ultimately, to bring a clearer understanding of the meaning of the present.

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  • Understanding Biblical Theology


    Understanding Biblical Theology clarifies the catch-all term ‘biblical theology,’ a movement that tries to remove the often-held dichotomy between biblical studies for the Church and as an academic pursuit. This book examines the five major schools of thought regarding biblical theology and handles each in turn, defining and giving a brief developmental history for each one, and exploring each method through the lens of one contemporary scholar who champions it. Using a spectrum between history and theology, each of five ‘types’ of biblical theology are identified as either ‘more theological’ or ‘more historical’ in concern and practice: Biblical Theology as Historical Description (James Barr) Biblical Theology as History of Redemption (D. A. Carson) Biblical Theology as Worldview-Story (N. T. Wright) Biblical Theology as Canonical Approach (Brevard Childs) Biblical Theology as Theological Construction (Francis Watson).

    A conclusion suggests how any student of the Bible can learn from these approaches.

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  • Rob Bell And A New American Christianity


    Some claim controversial leader Rob Bell, the author of Love Wins, is the new voice of American Christianity. While long-established church traditions and alliances shift and fray, Rob Bell is catching the attention of broad groups of evangelicals, liberals, and the disillusioned. Some leaders claim he represents the future of the church in both message and style, while others dismiss him outright as a heretic.

    Who is Rob Bell exactly? Is he as important as his appearance on the cover of Time magazine suggests? Is he the main influence on a new generation of American Christians, as some claim? Is he, as others suggest, simply a hipster megachurch pastor with good marketing skills? If so, why does popular culture give him so much attention?

    This important new exploration by James K. Wellman, Jr. sheds light on Rob Bell’s emotional power and looks beyond a personality to the dynamics of this important shifting time in American religion.

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  • Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes


    Introduction: Coming To Terms With Our Cultural Blinders
    Part One: Above The Surface
    1. Serving Two Masters: Mores
    2. The Bible In Color: Race And Ethnicity
    3. Just Words? Language

    Part Two: Just Below The Surface
    4. Captain Of My Soul: Individualism And Collectivism
    5. Have You No Shame? Honor/Shame And Right/Wrong
    6. Sand Through The Hourglass: Time

    Part Three: Deep Below The Surface
    7. First Things First: Rules And Relationships
    8. Getting Right Wrong: Virtue And Vice
    9. Its All About Me: Finding The Center Of Gods Will

    Conclusion: Three Easy Steps For Removing Our Cultural Blinders?
    Resources For Further Exploration

    Additional Info
    What was clear to the original readers of Scripture is not always clear to us. Because of the cultural distance between the biblical world and our contemporary setting, we often bring modern Western biases to the text. For example: When Western readers hear Paul exhorting women to “dress modestly,” we automatically think in terms of sexual modesty. But most women in that culture would never wear racy clothing. The context suggests that Paul is likely more concerned about economic modesty–that Christian women not flaunt their wealth through expensive clothes, braided hair and gold jewelry.Some readers might assume that Moses married “below himself” because his wife was a dark-skinned Cushite. Actually, Hebrews were the slave race, not the Cushites, who were highly respected. Aaron and Miriam probably thought Moses was being presumptuous by marrying “above himself.”Western individualism leads us to assume that Mary and Joseph traveled alone to Bethlehem. What went without saying was that they were likely accompanied by a large entourage of extended family. Biblical scholars Brandon O’Brien and Randy Richards shed light on the ways that Western readers often misunderstand the cultural dynamics of the Bible. They identify nine key areas where modern Westerners have significantly different assumptions about what might be going on in a text. Drawing on their own crosscultural experience in global mission, O’Brien and Richards show how better self-awareness and understanding of cultural differences in language, time and social mores allow us to see the Bible in fresh and unexpected ways. Getting beyond our own cultural assumptions is increasingly important for being Christians in our interconnected and globalized world. Learn to read Scripture as a member of the global body of Christ.

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  • Wholl Be In Heaven And Who Wont


    Who will go to heaven and the nature of heaven and hell is addressed in this timely book. Dwight Carlson believes that many have too narrow a view of God’s grace, and other have too broad a view of who will go to heaven. This book is a layman’s take on the scriptures and the literature of the last 1900 years

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  • Wholl Be In Heaven And Who Wont


    Who will go to heaven and the nature of heaven and hell is addressed in this timely book. Dwight Carlson believes that many have too narrow a view of God’s grace, and other have too broad a view of who will go to heaven. This book is a layman’s take on the scriptures and the literature of the last 1900 years

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  • Wesley And The People Called Methodists (Revised)


    This second edition of Richard P Heitzenrater’s grounbreaking survey of the Wesleyan movement is the story of the many people who contributed to the theology, organization, and mission of Methodism. This updated version addresses recent research from the past twenty years, including an extensive bibliography; and fleshes out such topics as the means of grace, Conference; “Large” Minutes; Charles Wesley; Welsey and America, ordination: prison ministry; apostolic church; music; children; Susanna and Samuel Wesley, the Christian library; itinerancy; connectionalsim; doctrinal standards; and John Wesley as historian, Oxford don, and preacher.

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  • Resurrection City : A Theology Of Improvisation


    In Resurrection City Peter Heltzel paints a prophetic picture of an evangelical Christianity that eschews a majority mentality and instead fights against racism, inequality, and injustice, embracing the concerns of the poor and marginalized, just as Jesus did. Placing society’s needs front and center, Heltzel calls for radical change and collective activism modeled on God’s love and justice. In particular, Heltzel explores the social forms that love and justice can take as religious communities join together to build “beloved cities.” He proclaims the importance of “improvising for justice” — likening the church’s prophetic ministry to jazz music — and develops a biblical theology of shalom justice. His vision draws inspiration from the black freedom struggle and the lives of Sojourner Truth, Howard Thurman, and Martin Luther King Jr. Pulsing with hope and beauty, Resurrection City compels evangelical Christians to begin “a global movement for love and justice” that truly embodies the kingdom of God.

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  • Is There A Future For Gods Love


    Historically, evangelical theology has been committed to revealed truth. However, can that commitment still function in a world that tends to be averse to truth claims and often resistant to authority?

    In addition to revealed truth, evangelicalism has always insisted on a direct, personal encounter with God in Christ and on personal involvement in God’s mission to redeem the world. How does evangelical Christianity’s understanding of a loving God fit in a world suspicious of any claim to a normative enounter with the divine? How can one answer the call to love and serve in God’s name when all such calls are often viewed as inherently intolerant?

    Henry H. Knight III wrestles with these and other questions as he explores the ways that evangelical Christians can prayerfully practice spiritual discernment while also contextualizing the gospel in order to practice their faith effectively without compromise.

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  • Mouth Full Of Fire


    Series Preface
    Author’s Preface
    Introduction: An Exercise In Theological Interpretation
    Biblical Theology Or Theological Interpretation?
    Reading Jeremiah As A Theological Book
    Can Biblical Studies Admit Theological Readings And Remain Intact?
    Can Theology Made From Retold Narrative Still Be Called Theology?
    From Theology To Doctrine

    1. Word And Words In Jeremiah
    The Suitability Of Jeremiah As A Source For Word Theology
    The Distinctive Shape Of Jeremiah’s Word Theology
    First Elements Of A Word Theology

    2. Structuring Jeremiah As A Narrative About The Word Of God
    Establishing The Structure Of Jeremiah
    A Narrative About The Word Of God
    Concluding Reflections

    3. Word And Speaker
    The Word Of God Is The Speech Of God
    The Shape Of Jeremianic Discourse
    Jeremiah In His Times
    Jeremiah’s Call And Commissioning
    The Voice Of God In Jeremiah 2:1–6:30
    The Voice Of The Prophet In Jeremiah 14–15
    Concluding Reflections

    4. Word And Hearers
    The Covenant Preaching Of Jeremiah And The Prophets
    Jeremiah Against The Prophets
    The Hearers’ Dilemma: Jeremiah Or Hananiah?
    ‘The People’ In Jeremiah’s Preaching
    Concluding Reflections

    5. Word And Power
    The Power Of The Word Of God To Transform
    Overcoming The Failure Of The Word: Jeremiah 30–31
    Judgment Realized, Hope Deferred: Jeremiah 35–44
    New Life Out Of Death: Jeremiah 50–51
    How Does The Word Of God Exert Its Power?

    6. Word And Permanence
    Writing In Deuteronomy
    Jeremiah And Writing Jeremiah 36
    Two Modern Challenges To The ‘Jeremiah 36 Paradigm’ Of Enscripturation
    From Oral To Written: Recovering A ‘prophetic Paradigm Of Inspiration’
    Concluding Reflections

    7. From The Book Of Jeremiah To The Doctrine Of The Word Of God
    Words And Spirit In Jeremiah
    The Word, The Words And Jesus Christ: Jeremiah In Conversation With Karl Barth
    Theologies Of The Words And Word Of God
    Jeremiah’s Doctrine Of The Word Of God
    People Of The Word

    Bibliography Index Of Modern Authors
    Index Of Scripture References

    Additional Info
    I am putting my words as a fire in your mouth; these people are tender and it will consume them. (Jeremiah 5:14) In the book of Jeremiah, the vocabulary of “word” and “words” is not only uniquely prevalent, but formulae marking divine speech also play an unprecedented role in giving the book’s final form its narrative and theological shape. Indeed, “the word of the Lord” is arguably the main character, and a theology that is both distinctive and powerful can be seen to emerge from the unfolding narrative. In this stimulating study, Andrew Shead examines Jeremiah’s use of word language; the prophet’s formation as an embodiment of the word of God; his covenant preaching and the crisis it precipitates concerning the recognition of true prophecy; and, in the “oracles of hope,” how the power of the word of God is finally made manifest. Shead then brings this reading of Jeremiah to bear on some issues in contemporary theology, including the problem of divine agency and the doctrine of Scripture, and concludes by engaging Jeremiah’s doctrine of the Word of God in conversation with Karl Barth. The prophet’s major contribution emerges from his careful differentiation of “word” and “words.”

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  • Introduccion Al Pentecostalism – (Spanish)


    Introduccion al pentecostalismo nos acerca al origen del movimiento pentecostal y con palabras del prologo “en una forma muy marcada llama la atencion al afecto y el sentir humano con su enfoque Espiritu-centrico. Inclusive, en su acercamiento a la dimension dinamica espiritual del pentecostalismo aparecen rayos postmodernos y metafisicos.” Written in Spanish, Introduction to Pentecostalism provides a look into to the origins of the Pentecostal movement and gives a clear understanding of its law and its Holy Spirit-centered focus on the human condition. The book also provides a glimpse into the postmodern and metaphysical aspects that make up the spiritual dynamic dimensions of Pentecostalism.

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  • Cross Of Nails


    The Community of the Cross of Nails came into being as a result of the bombing of Coventry Cathedral in November 1940. Amid the destruction, two medieval nails were found lying in the shape of a cross u seen as a prophetic sign for the need of forgiveness and reconciliation, the people of Coventry offered forgiveness to the people of Germany at Christmas, just weeks after the bombing. Today, the Community of the Cross of Nails has 160 centres in 40 countries, working and praying to build peace, heal the wounds of history and enable people to grow together in hope through conferences, teaching in schools and prisons, and pilgrimages. This illustrated book tells its remarkable story from the beginning. It is also a work of contextual theology, offering reflection on the meaning of reconciliation in the contemporary world and relating experiences of imaginative forgiveness from Cape Town to Ground Zero.

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  • Interpreting The Parables (Revised)


    1. Introduction
    1.1 The Previous Scholarly Consensus
    1.2 The Sizable Minority Report
    1.3 Newest Developments
    1.4 The Scope And Outline Of This Book

    Part One: Methods & Controversies In Interpreting The Parables

    2. Parable & Allegory
    2.1 The Current Debate: Two Main Approaches
    2.1.1 Parable Vs. Allegory
    2.1.2 Parable As Allegory
    2.2 Evaluating The Debate
    2.2.1 Contemporary Literary Criticism
    2.2.2 The Rabbinic Parables
    2.3 Conclusions

    3. Form Criticism & The Parables
    3.1 Classical Form Criticism
    3.1.1 The Method
    3.1.2 Critique
    3.2 Hypotheses Of The Guarded Tradition
    3.2.1 Memorizing Jesus Teachings
    3.2.2 New Insights Into Oral Folklore And Social Memory
    3.3 Conclusions

    4. Redaction Criticism Of The Parables
    4.1 Positive Contributions
    4.1.1 The Illustration Of Distinctive Themes
    4.1.2 The Significance Of The Larger Contexts
    4.2 Invalid Allegations
    4.2.1 Misleading Parallels
    4.2.2 Dictional Analysis
    4.2.3 The Theology-History Dichotomy
    4.2.4 Prophecy After The Event
    4.2.5 Characterizing The Parables In Different Synoptic Sources
    4.2.6 Mistaking Stylistic For Theological Redaction
    4.2.7 Misrepresenting The Theology Of An Evangelist
    4.3 Conclusions

    5. New Literary & Hermeneutical Methods
    5.1 The New Hermeneutic
    5.1.1 The New View Of Metaphor
    5.1.2 A Critique Of The New View Of Metaphor
    5.2 Structuralism
    5.2.1 The Ideology
    5.2.2 The Method
    5.2.3 Surface Structures
    5.3 Poststructuralism/Postmodernism
    5.3.1 Deconstruction
    5.3.2 Reader-Response Criticism
    5.4 Other Literary Approaches [au: FYI, Edited To Match Text.]
    5.5 Conclusions
    Conclusions To Part One

    Part Two: The Meaning & Significance Of Individual Parables

    6. Simple Three-Point Parables
    6.1 The Prodigal Son (Lk 15:11-32)
    6.2 The Lost Sheep And Lost Coin (Lk 15:4-10; Cf. Mt 18:12-14)
    6.3 The Two Debtors (Lk 7:41-43)
    6.4 The Two Sons (Mt 21:28-32)
    6.5 Faithful And Unfaithful Servants (Lk 12:42-48; Mt 24:45-51)
    6.6 The Ten Virgins (Mt 25:1-13; Cf. Lk 13:24-30)
    6.7 The Wheat And The Tares (Mt 13:24-30, 36-43)
    6.8 The Dragnet (Mt 13:47-50)
    6.9 The Rich Man And Lazarus (Lk 16:19-31)
    6.10 The Children In The Marketplace (Mt 11:16-19; Lk 7:31-35)
    6.11 Conclusions

    7. Complex Three-Point Parables
    7.1 The Talents (Mt 25:14-30; Cf. Lk 19:12-27)
    7.2 The Laborers In The Vineyard (Mt 20:1-16)
    7.3 The Sower (Mk 4:3-9, 13-20 Pars.)
    7.4 The Good Samarita

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    In the last century, more studies of the parables were produced than for any other section of comparable length in the Bible. The problem is that few students of the Bible have access to these studies. In this substantially new and expanded edition, Craig Blomberg surveys and evaluates the contemporary critical approaches to the parables–including those that have emerged in the twenty years since the first edition was published. The classic works of C. H. Dodd and Joachim Jeremias set the direction for nearly all further parable studies in this century. Embodied in both scholars’ approaches are at least two assumptions that, for the most part, have gone unchallenged: (1) Parables make one and only one main point. (2) Parables are not allegories. But can these assumptions be supported by the evidence? Challenging this view and making his own important new contribution to parable studies, Blomberg argues that within proper definitions and limits, the parables are in fact best seen as allegories. In support of this “minority report” concerning parable interpretation, Blomberg not only sets forth theoretical considerations but devotes attention to all the major parables, providing brief interpretations that highlight the insights to be gained from his distinctive method.

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  • Bible Made Impossible


    Biblicism, an approach to the Bible common among some American evangelicals, emphasizes together the Bible’s exclusive authority, infallibility, clarity, self-sufficiency, internal consistency, self-evident meaning, and universal applicability. Acclaimed sociologist Christian Smith argues that this approach is misguided and unable to live up to its own claims. If evangelical biblicism worked as its proponents say it should, there would not be the vast variety of interpretive differences that biblicists themselves reach when they actually read and interpret the Bible. Far from challenging the inspiration and authority of Scripture, Smith critiques a particular rendering of it, encouraging evangelicals to seek a more responsible, coherent, and defensible approach to biblical authority.

    This important book has generated lively discussion and debate. The paperback edition adds a new chapter responding to the conversation that the cloth edition has sparked.

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  • Little Book For New Theologians


    Part I: Why Study Theology
    1. Entering The Conversation
    2. To Know And Enjoy God: Becoming Wise
    3. Theology As Pilgrimage
    Part II: Characteristics Of Faithful Theologians And Theology
    4. The Inseparability Of Life And Theology
    5. Faithful Reason
    6. Prayer And Study
    7. Humility And Repentance
    8. Suffering, Justice, And Knowing God
    9. Tradition And Community
    10. Loving Scripture

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    Whenever we read, think, hear or say anything about God, we are doing theology. Yet theology isn’t just a matter of what we think. It affects who we are. In the tradition of Helmut Thielicke’s A Little Exercise for Young Theologians, Kelly Kapic offers a concise introduction to the study of theology for newcomers to the field. He highlights the value and importance of theological study and explains its unique nature as a serious discipline. Not only concerned with content and method, Kapic explores the skills, attitudes and spiritual practices needed by those who take up the discipline. This brief, clear and lively primer draws out the relevance of theology for Christian life, worship, mission, witness and more. “Theology is about life,” writes Kapic. “It is not a conversation our souls can afford to avoid.”

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  • What Christians Believe About The Bible


    Christians talk frequently about the Bible, yet they do not always have an informed and wide-ranging understanding of varied Christian views about its nature. Don Thorsen and Keith Reeves combine their biblical and theological knowledge to create such a unique introduction to the Bible.

    This book not only provides an introduction to the interpretation of the Bible but also to the history and theological understanding behind it, equipping students to think critically about their own tradition’s approach to Scripture. It is perfect as a supplemental textbook in both introductory biblical studies and theology courses, but it will also be of interest to adult education classes.

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