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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Professing The Faith


      What does it mean to profess the faith as North American Christians at the end of the second millenium? Douglas Hall looks to the heart of Christian faith – its teaching about God, Creatures and Christ – to articulate a critical and creative response to contemporary culture. The core of Hall’s trilogy, Professing the Faith is a fresh and frank engagement of the North American context by one of the continents finest religious thinkers.

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    • Theological Dictionary Of The Old Testament Volume 8


      This multivolume work is still proving to be as fundamental to Old Testament studies as its companion set, the Kittel-Friedrich Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, has been to New Testament studies.

      Beginning with ‘abh (‘ab), “father,” and continuing through the alphabet, the TDOT volumes present in-depth discussions of the key Hebrew and Aramaic words in the Old Testament. Leading scholars of various religious traditions (including Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish) and from many parts of the world (Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States) have been carefully selected for each article by editors Botterweck, Ringgren, and Fabry and their consultants, George W. Anderson, Henri Cazelles, David Noel Freedman, Shemaryahu Talmon, and Gerhard Wallis.

      The intention of the writers is to concentrate on meaning, starting from the more general, everyday senses and building to an understanding of theologically significant concepts. To avoid artificially restricting the focus of the articles, TDOT considers under each keyword the larger groups of words that are related linguistically or semantically. The lexical work includes detailed surveys of a word’s occurrences, not only in biblical material but also in other ancient Near Eastern writings. Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, Ethiopic, Ugaritic, and Northwest Semitic sources are surveyed, among others, as well as the Qumran texts and the Septuagint; and in cultures where no cognate word exists, the authors often consider cognate ideas.

      TDOT’s emphasis, though, is on Hebrew terminology and on biblical usage. The contributors employ philology as well as form-critical and traditio-historical methods, with the aim of understanding the religious statements in the Old Testament. Extensive bibliographical information adds to the value of this reference work.

      This English edition attempts to serve the needs of Old Testament students without the linguistic background of more advanced scholars; it does so, however, without sacrificing the needs of the latter. Ancient scripts (Hebrew, Greek, etc.) are regularly transliterated in a readable way, and meanings of foreign words are given in many cases where the meanings might be obvious to advanced scholars. Where the Hebrew text versification differs from that of English Bibles, the English verse appears in parentheses. Such features

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    • Redeeming Men : Religion And Masculinities


      Contributors to this book–historians, biblical specialists, theologians, ethicists, and scholars of comparative religions–examine the relationship between religious tradition and manhood. The essays cover a broad range of topics–from the dynamics of power in shaping masculine identity, to the role religion plays in shaping masculine identity, to the experience of myth, ritual, spiritual discipline, and community in the lives of men.

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    • Book Of Acts In Its Diaspora Setting Volume 5


      Impressive archaeological research characterizes this important new study of the relation of Jews to the societies in which they lived during the period of dispersion. Levinskaya surveys commonly held views about this difficult aspect of Jewish history and challenges current views regarding the true nature of Jewish missionary activity.

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    • Patterns Of Discipleship In The New Testament A Print On Demand Title


      Discipleship is a subject that lies at the heart of Christian thought, life, and ministry. For centuries it has been a way of thinking and speaking about the nature of the Christian life. But what is actually meant by the notion of “Christian discipleship”? In Patterns of Discipleship in the New Testament thirteen first-class scholars examine what the New Testament writings say about the subject of discipleship, highlight the features of both unity and diversity that appear throughout the New Testament, and suggest, in a very readable style, how Christian discipleship can be expressed today in ways that honor both the oneness of the gospel and a legitimate variety of lifestyles.

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    • On The Moral Nature Of The Universe


      The Templeton award-winning author discusses how theological assumptions affect our entire cosmological worldview, affirming that the Anabaptist vision of a self-limiting, non-interventionist, “kenotic” God is most in harmony with the known evidence about the natural world, calling for nonviolence and self-sacrifice.

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    • In Gods Presence


      What are we really doing when we pray? Are we communicating with God or merely talking things over with ourselves? And isn’t it just a bit presumptuous to think that, with the whole vast universe to attend to, God is listening to our petty personal petitions? If you’ve ever asked yourself questions like these, this book is for you!

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    • 5 Views On Sanctification


      Christians generally recognize the necessity for the believer to live a holy, or sanctified, life. But they disagree on what sanctification is and how it can and should be achieved. Five Views on Sanctification brings together in one easy-to-understand volume five major Protestant views on sanctification. Each author describes and defends his own understanding of the doctrine. Each writes from a solid evangelical stance. In addition, the contributors respond to each other’s views. Five Views on Sanctification addresses practical questions such as: How does one achieve sanctification in this life? And how much success in sanctification is possible? Is a crisis experience following one’s conversion normal — or necessary? If so, what kind of experience, and how is it verified?

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    • Are Miraculous Gifts For Today


      Are the gifts of tongues, prophecy, and healing for today? NO, say cessationists. Yes, say Pentecostal and Third Wave Christians. Maybe, say a large sector of open-but-cautious evangelicals. What’s the answer? Is there an answer? Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? takes you to the heart of the charismatic controversy. It provides an impartial format for comparing the four main lines of thinking: Cessastionist, Open But Cautious, Third Wave, and Pentecostal/Charismatic. The authors present their positions in an interactive setting that allows for critique, clarification, and defense. This thought-provoking book will help Christians on every side of the miraculous gifts debate to better understand their own position and the positions of others.

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    • Augustine : Ancient Thought Baptized


      The aim of this work is to show how Augustine adapted a deeply Platonic outlook to the new world of Christianity, and how he constructed a vision in which Platonism and Christianity pointed in the same direction. Augustine is skillfully contextualized, while the enduring, if often unpopular, power of his claims on a variety of topics is discussed in a manner that puts a fresh perspective on some of his chief concerns. These include: divine and human love; marriage and sexuality; the lust for power; and God’s providence and omnipotence.

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    • Christianity And Civil Society


      In this book, well-known author Robert Wuthnow considers three aspects of the relationship between Christianity and civil society:
      *whether civil society is in jeopardy and what effects Christianity’s declining influence has on civil society
      *whether Christians can be civil in the face of conflicts that have arisen among religious groups in the public arena and the so-called culture wars that many in the media have been discussing
      *growing multiculturalism in the United States, how Christians are responding to this new diversity, and how Christianity can regain a critical voice for itself in these debates

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    • Casting Stones : Prostitution And Liberation In Asia And The United States


      A cross-cultural study of the global sex industry which brings fresh analysis and new approaches to this system of exploitation, along with a theological critique of doctrines of sin and karma.

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    • 5 Views On Law And Gospel


      Christians generally recognize the necessity for the believer to live a holy, or sanctified, life. But they disagree on what sanctification is and how it can and should be achieved. Five Views on Sanctification brings together in one easy-to-understand volume five major Protestant views on sanctification. Each author describes and defends his own understanding of the doctrine. Each writes from a solid evangelical stance. In addition, the contributors respond to each other’s views. Five Views on Sanctification addresses practical questions such as: How does one achieve sanctification in this life? And how much success in sanctification is possible? Is a crisis experience following one’s conversion normal — or necessary? If so, what kind of experience, and how is it verified?

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    • Beyond Liberalism And Fundamentalism


      SKU (ISBN): 9781563381768ISBN10: 1563381761Nancey MurphyBinding: Cloth TextPublished: September 1996Rockwell LecturePublisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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    • Outrage And Hope


      SKU (ISBN): 9781563381706ISBN10: 1563381702Frederick BorschBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1996Publisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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    • Body Of Faith


      SKU (ISBN): 9781563381577ISBN10: 1563381575Jacob Neusner | Bruce ChiltonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 1996Publisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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    • 4 Views On Salvation In A Pluralistic World


      Religious pluralism is the greatest challenge facing Christianity in today’s Western culture. The belief that Christ is the only way to God is being challenged, and increasingly Christianity is seen as just one among many valid paths to God. In Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World, four perspectives are presented by their major proponents: Normative Pluralism: All ethical religions lead to God– by John Hick – Inclusivism: Salvation is universally available, but is established by and leads to Christ– by Clark Pinnock – Salvation in Christ: Agnosticism regarding those who haven’t heard the Gospel– by Alister McGrath – Salvation in Christ alone– by R. Douglas Geivett and W. Gary Phillips. This book allows each contributor to not only present the case for his view, but also to critique and respond to the critiques of the other contributors. The Counterpoints series provides a forum for comparison and critique of different views — both Christian and non-Christian — on important theological issues.

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    • People Of The Book A Print On Demand Title


      This astute and challenging work by David Lyle Jeffrey seeks to characterize illustratively the historic commitment of Christianity to the literacy and literature of Western culture.

      Against postmodernist tendencies to divide the historical commitment to meaning in Western art and literature as a regressive “logocentrism,” Jeffrey argues that the biblical tradition – the cultural and literary identity forged among Western Christians by virtue of being a “People of the Book” – has in fact given rise to Western literacy. Jeffrey here offers a fresh and generous look at the Christian “grand narrative” as it is reflected in Western literature, making apt use of the visual arts by incorporating a series of twenty-eight black-and-white illustrations that serves to enrich and fortify the story it tells.

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    • Foundation Of Contemporary Interpretation


      Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation seeks to identify and clarify the basic problems of interpretation that affect our reading of the Bible today. This unique volume provides a comprehensive and systematic coverage of the field of general hermeneutics. Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation examines the impact of specific academic disciplines on the interpretation of the Bible. Previously published as separate volumes, its various sections explore the interface between hermeneutics and literary criticism, linguistics, history, science, and theology. Included in Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation, each with its own separate table of contents, are: -Has the Church Misread the Bible? — Moises Silva -Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation — Tremper Longman III -God, Language, and Scripture — Moises Silva -The Art of Biblical History — V. Philips Long -Science and Hermeneutics — Vern S. Poythress -The Study of Theology — Richard A. Muller. These six sections cover the interface between hermeneutics and the major disciplines.

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    • Christ The Reconciler A Print On Demand Title


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      After first analyzing the dysfunctional state of America’s churches–with their capitulation to modern culture– Schmiechen argues convincingly that the church can be renewed only through the recovery of Christ’s gospel of reconciliation.

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    • Who We Are A Print On Demand Title


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      This timely theology of humankind gives an evangelical and Reformed perspective on what it means for us to be created in the image of God and shows how this image relates to contemporary problems of racism, sexuality, and our relationship to the natural world.

      The second volume in the late Paul Jewett’s planned multivolume systematic theology – which began with God, Creation, and Revelation – this work brings solid biblical and theological scholarship to bear on the Christian doctrine of humankind, showing that our unique dignity as human beings is to have been created to live our lives before God, in loving responsibility toward God and other people. Excellent doctrinal sermons by Marguerite Shuster demonstrate how theological and practical aspects of the doctrine of humankind might be preached in local congregations.

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    • Violence The Unrelenting Assault On Human Dignity


      Newspapers daily document the violence that rends our times. Who can account for its relentless pervasion? Why is it also found fascinating or gripping? What is wrong with societies that produce it? Answers are elusive and fragile, renowned ethicist Huber believes. For, even apart from the gross brutalities of crime and war, he finds more subtle and covert violence in childrearing, family intimacy, schools, employee relations, entertainment, and competitive sports. Huber shows how the constant, everyday disregard of human dignity is a root of violence in all spheres, how the inviolability of dignity is the one absolutely necessary premise of countering violence, and how we can become personally vigilant in the service of human dignity.

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    • Calendar


      )”Stookey’s command of the literature on sacred time and the history of the liturgical year is impressive, but his ultimate concern is clearly the praying, worshiping community gathered for proclamation and sacraments. Preachers, in particular, will find much useful material,”—Princeton Seminary Bulletin.

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    • Question Of Woman A Print On Demand Title


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      This collection of lectures by Charlotte von Kirschbaum, secretary and close personal friend of Karl Barth, establishes von Kirschbaum as a theologian in her own right. Published here in English for the first time are von Kirschbaum’s lectures, which address important early feminist issues: the divinely ordained nature of relationships between the sexes and the rights of women to lay and ordained ministry in the church. An intriguing introduction by Eleanor Jackson explores von Kirschbaum and Barth’s lifelong relationship.

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    • Beginning And The End Of Religion


      What is the subject of theology? These fourteen essays argue against the view that “religion” is the name of one particular territory that we may consider or ignore if we feel so inclined. That “religion” is a subject quite different from others, such as politics, art, science, law and economics, is peculiar to modern Western culture. But Professor Lash states that the “modern” world is ending, and in the consequent confusion is the possibility of discovering new forms of ancient wisdom that the “modern” world obscured from view. Part I explores the dialogue between Christianity and Hinduism. Those essays in Part II (six were published between 1988 and 1994, and five are unpublished) consider relations between theology and science, the secularity of Western culture and questions of Christian hope or eschatology.

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    • Theology Of The Acts Of The Apostles


      Who are the people of God? Luke’s purposes in Acts are to identify the Church, to establish the legitimacy of its gospel and to demonstrate that God was an active force in history. He shows that the communities of Jewish and Gentile Christians are the true heirs of God’s promises to Israel. This is a theological interpretation of the history of the Church within history: Luke is an artist, a narrator rather than a systematic theologian, but he writes about the roles of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit and of the Church.

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    • Letters To Children


      During his life, C.S. Lewis, author of the bestselling Narnia books, received hundreds of letters from young fans. Here are his responses to many of those letters, in which he shares his feelings about writing, school, Narnia, and animals. Lewis writes to the children with understanding and respect, proving why he remains one of the best-loved children’s authors of all time.

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    • Lifes Living Toward Dying A Print On Demand Title


      In the past several years our culture’s long-standing prohibitions against suicide and euthanasia have been seriously challenged. A great tidal change in morality and law may be occurring as the courts seem to be creating a new right – the individual’s right to die. Life’s Living toward Dying responds to this challenge. Vigen Guroian discusses society’s moral confusion over the meaning of death and gives a Christian alternative for care of the dying that is consistent with the strong value that the Christian church has ascribed to human life.

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    • Economic Justice : Selections From Distributive Justice And A Living Wage


      During the first half of the twentieth century, John A. Ryan advocated minimum wage legislation and child labor restrictions and was very much involved in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. More closely connected with the makers of national economic policy as a Catholic moral theologian than his better-known Protestant contemporaries. Walter Rauschenbusch and Reinhold Niebuhr, his influence has been extensive in American public policy. This volume brings to readers pertinent selections from Ryan’s classic works. It will be particularly relevant to today’s readers concerned about the place of religious faith in economic policy.

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    • Always Being Reformed


      Guthrie asserts that the Reformed confessions are faithful to and respectful of Christian tradition but are inherently adaptable. This book will assist readers in reclaiming and reinterpreting the confessions for today.

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    • Hispanic Latino Theology


      U.S. Hispanic/Latino voices have emerged in the last ten years to become one of the most creative theological movements in the Americas. Fully ecumenical and oganized in systematic, collaborative framework, this major volume features Hispanic theology’s sources (the Bible, church history, cultural memory, literature, oral tradition, penecostalism), loci (urban barrios, Puerto Rico, exile, liberation, social sciences, Latina feminists), and vigorous expressions (mujerista theology, popular religion and theopoetics).

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    • Deliver Us From Evil


      Comprehend and confront the devastation of societal evil. From a slave woman in 19th-century America to a female patient of Freud, Poling explores the history of resistance to racial and gender oppression. Identifying Jesus as a model for the marginalized, he calls for prophetic acts of solidarity toward healing and justice.

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    • Laymans Guide To The Apostles Creed


      Next to Scripture, the statement of faith most often used to communicate the essence of Christianity is the Apostles’ Creed. Paper.

      88 pages.

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    • Reality Of The Kingdom A Print On Demand Title


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      Jesus came proclaiming the advent of the “kingdom of God.” New Testament scholars, however, are by no means agreed about Jesus’ meaning or intention, or about whether we have any way of penetrating through the testimony of the early Christians to what Jesus actually said or meant. This study by Paul Rowntree Clifford presses to a scholarly conclusion two key questions: What did Jesus mean by his proclamation of the kingdom? And in what sense has his promise been fulfilled?

      Following an insightful evaluation of the Gospel evidence, Clifford concludes that the kingdom of God as proclaimed by Jesus is a reality in the light of which we have come to terms with the modern world – a world where natural catastrophes and humanly created disasters are common occurrences. By focusing on matters of fact, Clifford shows that we end up with a startlingly challenging proclamation of the kingdom of God that is profoundly relevant to the difficult world in which we live.

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    • Astonished Heart A Print On Demand Titte


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      Where has the church been, and what has it become? According to Robert Farrar Capon, the answers to these questions are in many ways dispiriting. Although the church has done much good, it has also made numerous blunders in its checkered history. Chief among them is that is has lost its astonishment over the Good News of the gospel – the gift of salvation we receive from Christ.

      By taking readers on an illuminating ramble through the history of the church, Capon shows how we have lost this sense of astonishment by making Christianity into a religion that focuses on requirements and restrictions rather than on the Good News, and by turning the church, which should be a body of believers, into an institution that emphasizes its corporate functions to the detriment of its gospel message. After exploring all the ways in which the church had mis-embodied itself over the centuries, Capon explains how the church today might re-create itself. The key, according to Capon, is recovering the gift of astonishment with which it began.

      Capon is fully alert to both the tragedy and the comedy of church history, and he covers this uneven ground with great heart and great humor – and genuine hope for the future of the church.

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    • Process Theology : An Introductory Exposition


      An inroductory exposition of the theological movement that has been strongly influenced by the philosophies of Alfres North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne. Offers an interpretation of the basic concepts of process philosophy and outlines a “process theology” based on it that will be especially useful for students of theology, teachers of courses in contemporary philosophy and theology, ministers, and those interested in current theological and philosophical trends.

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    • Christian Confessions : A Historical Introduction


      Explains the distinctives of each major strand in Christianity—Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical—on questions of authority, God and Christ, human nature and salvation, church and ministry, the sacraments, and more.

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    • Future Of Theology A Print On Demand Title


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      Perhaps no other theologian of the second half of this century has shaped theology so profoundly as has Jurgen Moltmann. He appeared on the world theological scene with his Theology of Hope (1964) and took most of its capitals by storm. His subsequent works have kept him at the forefront of the modern theological enterprise, and the power of his vision and the originality of his method have inspired a host of new theologians. In terms of fecundity, Moltmann’s opus remains unmatched among his generation of theologians. More than 130 dissertations written so far on his thought – most of them in the past decade – testify eloquently to its continued attractiveness.

      In honor of Moltmann’s 70th birthday, twenty-six of the world’s leading theologians – his friends, colleagues, interlocutors, and former students – have contributed to this volume on the future of theology. Moltmann himself has always sought to be both contemporary and future-oriented: his theology can be viewed as an exercise not only from the perspective of God’s future but also toward a new human future. Thus, a book on the future of theology takes up an aspect of “his” theme and “his” concern.

      Yet this volume also makes a significant contribution to theology in its own right, seeking as it does to address the present crisis of theology. As Miroslav Volf writes in his introduction, “On the threshold of the third millennium, the presumed queen of sciences has grown old and feeble, unable to see that what she thinks is her throne is just an ordinary chair, uncertain about what her territories are, and confused about how to rule in the realms she thinks are hers, seeking advice from a quarrelsome chorus of counselors each of whom thinks himself the king, and ending up with a divided, even schizophrenic, mind.”

      The essays in this volume attempt to revitalize theology as it confronts a difficult future. Despite the formidable obstacles that threaten the very survival of theology in the next century – religious and cultural plurality; the marginalization of theology in public discourse; increasing abstraction in the practice of theology; pressing issues of gender, race, poverty, and ecology; the seemingly archaic voice of theology in post- Christian societies – the contributors to this volume all believe in the future of theology as a vibrant discipline.

      The Future of Theology is organized in three parts. “Challenges” deal

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    • Evangelical Theology Of Preaching


      From the Publisher:” Explore the biblical and theological bases for preaching. For courses in homiletics and for studious pastors.

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    • Christian Story Volume 1 A Print On Demand Title (Revised)


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      This book is for those struggling with the question What is the Christian faith? The answer given here unfolds in the form of a story. Gabriel Fackre interprets the basic Christian beliefs as “chapters in the biography of God,” a narrative technique that shows the drama and dynamism of what God is doing in the world. En route, Fackre covers the standard teachings of the Christian tradition, beginning and ending with the doctrine of God and treating the subjects of creation, fall, covenant, Christ, church, salvation, and consummation.

      Having been thoroughly revised and updated in this third edition, The Christian Story now develops in more detail the doctrine of the Trinity, takes up the issues of religious pluralism and Jewish-Christian dialogue, and offers a perspective on angelology. New appendices discuss the use of inclusive language and describe the surge of writing in the field of systematic theology.

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    • Character In Crisis


      In Character in Crisis, William P. Brown helps to demonstrate that the aim of the Bible’s wisdom literature is the formation of moral character, both for individuals and for the community. Brown traces the theme of moral identity and conduct throughout the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, with a concluding reflection on the Epistle of James in the New Testament, and explores a range of issues that includes literary characterization, moral discourse, worldview, and the theology of the ancient sages. He examines the ways in which central characters such as God, wisdom, and human beings are profiled in the wisdom books and shows how the characterizations impart ethical meaning to the reading community, both ancient and modern.

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    • Word Became Flesh


      THE WORD BECAME FLESH by Millard Erickson The church first answered conflicts over the deity and humanity of Christ at the Council of Chalcedon in 451. But Millard Erickson finds Chalcedon’s definition too narrow and negative a response to the “Christs” of liberation, feminism, blackness, functionalism, universalism, and postmodern theologies, among others. There must be a new Chalcedon – a doctrine that confesses what Jesus is not, but also affirms all that He is. The Word Became Flesh returns the theological discussion to what Christ said about himself and what Scripture deems important to stress.

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    • Domestication Of Transendence


      Taking a careful look at the “classical” views (e.g., Aquinas, Calvin, Luther) and later trends beginning in the 17th century, Placher says theology has taken a wrong turn in terms of transcendence, and asks us to reconsider the nature–grace controversy in pre-modern thought.

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    • Primer On Postmodernism


      Postmodernism is an emerging force in contemporary Western culture. But what is it and how should Christians proclaim the gospel to a postmodern generation? In this scholarly yet accessible overview, Grenz introduces you to thinkers such as Derrida and Foucault, and helps you understand the impact of this cultural shift on art, philosophy, literature, and the media.

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    • Santa Biblia : The Bible Through Hispanic Eyes


      Exploring how a Hispanic perspective illumines biblical text in ways that are valuable for Latino readers and for the church at large, Santa Biblia introduces five paradigms for Latino biblical interpretation – marginality, poverty, mestizaje, exile and alienness, and solidarity – discussing theory and providing concrete examples of texts that gain new meaning when read from a different perspective.

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    • Faith Of A Physicist


      “I do not find that a trinitarian and incarnational theology needs to be abandoned in favour of a toned-down theology of a Cosmic Mind and an inspired teacher, alleged to be more accessible to the modern mind.”

      Many would likely disagree with the idea that a trinitarian and incarnational theology is palatable to the modern mind, for it is thought that science and the modern mind are in conflict with traditional theology. But physicist and theologian John Polkinghorne strongly believes that a trinitarian and incarnational theology is tough, surprising and exciting enough to truly stimulate the modern mind.

      The Faith of a Physicist comes out of the invitation given to Polkinghorne to give the Gifford Lectures at the University of Edinburgh, on the topic of “The Knowledge of God”. Polkinghorne chose to build his lectures on phrases from the Nicene Creed. Combining those phrases and his scientific experience, Polkinghorne offers illuminating insights into the nature of humanity, our search for knowledge, the way to speak of God in light of science’s understanding of creation, the believability of the accounts of the life, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, the role of the Holy Spirit, and eschatology. Thoroughly versed in science, and equally adept in Scripture, Polkinghorne offers his lucid explanation of why he feels it is reasonable to be both a Christian and a scientist. Fascinating, and well-written, Faith of a Physicist is sure to stimulate your mind, and broaden your knowledge and horizons. Polkinghorne will not compromise his views on the trintarian nature of God or the incarnation, and he proves that modern science does not require this, nor has modern science proved a trinitarian and incarnational theology to be false. An excellent reminder to take all thoughts captive to Christ.

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    • Doctrinas Biblicas – (Spanish)


      What is false and what is true today? Based on 16 fundamental truths of the Bible, this study offers you an opportunity for growth and stability in the faith. It will help you discern who is for Christ and who is not by the message they bring.

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    • Sin The Savior And Salvation


      23 Chapters
      318 Pages

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      With scholarship that is thorough yet accessible and a tone that is convincing but noncombative, Dr. Lightner explores the current confusion over issues such as: the vanishing concept of personal sin in our secularized society, the influence of New Age ideas on the deity of Jesus Christ, and the controversy over “Lordship salvation” among evangelicals.

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    • God Creation And Comtemporary Physics


      Worthing critiques the traditional arguments for God’s existence made by physicists, then evaluates creatio ex nihilo in terms of the big bang theory; providence in terms of entropy, field theory, and Bell’s theorem; and assorted scenarios for the close of creation.

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    • Living With Limits


      This book will provide insight to the reader searching for a better understanding of the way Christianity applies to our day. It will bring inspiration to preachers who need to deal with tough issues and are looking for poignant illustrations to punctuate their message.

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