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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Wealth As Peril And Obligation A Print On Demand Title


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      This timely study of the New Testament helps bring clarity to one of the great ethical dilemmas of the modern church – the moral status of wealth and the ownership of property and possessions in relation to Christian faith.

      Sondra Ely Wheeler shows how Scripture can both form and inform contemporary moral discernment regarding wealth. After first developing a sound methodology for interpreting the New Testament’s moral witness on this sticky ethical question, Wheeler gives a responsible exegesis of the key New Testament texts that deal with wealth and possessions. What results is a practical, biblically based statement regarding the ethics of wealth and ownership and a useful set of criteria for sound moral discernment concerning economic life within the contemporary Christian church.

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    • Theology Of The Gospel Of Matthew


      Lecturers can request examination copies for course consideration.
      Matthew’s Gospel is the most significant Jewish-Christian document of the New Testament. Ulrich Luz both outlines and elucidates the story told in the Gospel, emphasizing its focal points: the Sermon on the Mount, the miracles, the renunciation of possessions, and particularly the theology of judgment by works, an idea that represents both a challenge, in its quest for a church set apart from non-Christians by deeds alone, and a burden, through its traumatic origin in the breach between Matthew’s community and the Israelite majority.

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    • Reading Esther : A Case For The Literary Carnivalesque


      In this original interpretation of the book of Esther, Kenneth Craig offers to interpreters a new way of reading this story. According to Craig, Esther has been undervalued and misunderstood because its true genre, the literary carnivalesque, has not been considered.

      The Literary Currents in Biblical Interpretation series explores current trends within the discipline of biblical interpretation by dealing with the literary qualities of the Bible: the play of its language, the coherence of its final form, and the relationships between text and readers. Biblical interpreters are being challenged to take responsibility for the theological, social, and ethical implications of their readings. This series encourages original readings that breach the confines of traditional biblical criticism.

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    • Grace And Responsibility


      A distinguished thinker ponders the meaning of Wesley’s theology.

      John B. Cobb, Jr., draws on the historical, critical, and literary work that has characterized Wesley studies in recent years, but moves beyond them to propose one way of reconstructing and reappropriating essential elements of Wesley’s thought in service of the church’s life and mission.

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    • On Behalf Of God A Print On Demand Title


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      This timely work develops a stewardship model of Christian ethics that delivers solid biblical insight into the moral controversies surrounding such biological issues as assisted reproduction, genetics, technology and experimentation, human sexuality, and environmental care. By applying the three divine commands of Genesis 1 and 2 – to fill, rule over, and care for creation – to the most recent research in biology, the authors bridge the expanding gap between science and ethics.

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    • Short History Of Christian Thought (Revised)


      Table Of Contents
      1. Scriptural Sources
      2. The Mystery Of The Trinity
      3. The Mystery Of The Incarnation
      4. The Atonement
      5. The Fall And Original Sin
      6. The Age Of Natural Theology
      7. Authority And Revelation
      8. Discovering The Foundations
      9. The Sacraments (new)
      10. The Church And Ministry (new)
      Epilogue (revised)

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      What do Christians believe and why do they believe it? What are the historical roots of modern Christian doctrines, and what logical connections link them together? This concise introduction to Christian thought provides thorough yet succinct answers to these and other important questions, incorporating expanded discussions of the sacraments, the Church and the ministry, recent ecumenical movements and trends, and women’s ordination. Avoiding a strict chronological approach, the author traces the development of each great issue that formed Christian theology. Questions of doctrine such as the Trinity and the Incarnation are dealt with in full. Also addressed are the important issues in natural theology such as the existence of God, miracles, freedom of the will, and the problem of evil. The text shows which issues in Christian thought constitute the “common denominators” of Christian belief, and traces the roots of Christian doctrine to their sources, explaining why certain doctrines are logically essential to Christianity and were thus adopted. By analyzing the significant issues in Christian thinking from their early formulations to contemporary re-examination, A Short History of Christian Thought demonstrates that classical Christian doctrines are reasonable articulations of basic convictions and that Christian thought is relevant to the full range of human experience. Features
      Completely updated text, introducing the historical roots of modern Christian doctrines and the links between them
      Expanded chapters on the Sacraments and Church and Ministry
      Revised epilogue deals with contemporary issues such as women’s ordination and the relationship between Christianity and other religions

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    • I Am A Palestinian Christian


      A personal testimony of God and politics in the Holy Land. Mitri Raheb is a Palestinian Arab Lutheran Christian pastor who ministers in his hometown of Bethlehem. For many American Christians this combination of identities is incomprehensible. They assume that Palestinian Arabs are Muslims, not Christians, much less Lutherans. Raheb writes as a cultural mediator to the Western Christian world and as a local theologian for the Palestinian community. He grapples with how Palestinian Christians can develop a local theology that can be both truthful and helpful in mediating the conflicts between Israel and Palestine and among Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Both are conflicts in which religion, politics, and collective identity intertwine.

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    • Reluctant Witnesses : Jews And The Christian Imagination


      A new conversation in contemporary Jewish-Christian dialogue will begin as Haynes exposes the pervasiveness of the dangerous “Jew as other” myth in our society.

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    • Saving Work : Feminist Practices Of Theological Education


      One of the most significant changes in theological education during the past two decades has been a dramatic rise in the enrollment of women in the seminaries. In this ground-breaking book, Rebecca Chopp explores the impact these new voices are having on theological education. She looks at how women and men are actually forming a new Christian praxis through their engagement with feminist practices and thought that often exist outside the sphere of official recognition. This important book will be a starting point for dialogue about the role theological education will play as this new Christian praxis emerges.

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    • Comfort One Another


      This unique study considers the exegetical and hermeneutical possibilities of analyzing the entire letter of 1 Thessalonians as a letter of consolation. Abraham Smith maintains that Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians with a full knowledge of the tradition of Greco-Roman letters of consolation and chose this genre to sustain members of the Thessalonian church. Smith explicates the social and literary conventions of this tradition and fully discloses why this particular rhetoric of care was employed. Showing how Paul’s letter of consolation was understood in Paul’s world and by subsequent generations, Smith demonstrates the usefulness of Paul’s rhetoric of comfort for modern society

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    • 2nd Coming : A Wesleyan Approach To The Doctrine


      A conspicuous silence on eschatology-the study of last things-pervades the ranks of Wesleyan scholars, which has led to some unfortunate circumstances.
      H. Ray Dunning notes with concern, “While we have been busy with other themes, foreign ideas have virtually stolen the store in this area of theology, with the odd phenomenon that eschatological teachings that are contrary to both good biblical scholarship and Wesleyan theology have virtually assumed the status of orthodoxy among Wesleyans, as well as among other evangelical Christians.”

      This book is an attempt to break the silence. Ten noted Wesleyan scholars probe both the historical and contemporary influences that have shaped the prevailing evangelical view of end-time events.

      You will be challenged to take a more thoughtful and discerning look at what is widely held today in the study of last things, while keeping a strong focus on what Scripture clearly presents as undebatable: Christ will come again.

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    • Living The Intersection


      Womanism and Afrocentrism are the two most influential currents in contemporary African American culture. They both heighten black cultural self-awareness, even as they deepen knowledge of its historical sources. As womanism mines the ways and wisdom of African American women for Christian theology, so Afrocentricity excavates an African past to liberate the oppressed from Eurocentric worldviews. Yet are the two compatible? What does the mostly male Afrocentric scholarship contribute to the survival, wholeness, and liberation of black women? In this volume social ethicist Cheryl Sanders and other leading womanist thinkers take the measure of the Afrocentric idea and explore the intricate relationship between Afrocentric and womanist perspectives in their lives and commitments. Their strong, frank assessments form a creative engagement of these two momentous streams.

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    • John Calvins Exegesis Of The Old Testament


      John Calvin’s reading of the Old Testament was a departure from that of many of his contemporaries. He rejected much of the traditional Christian exegesis of the Old Testament that attempted to to explain it in terms of the New Testament revelation of Christ. He also rejected much of the traditional Jewish exegesis of the Old Testament that favored a more so-called historical approach to the writings. Instead he offered a middle way to interpret the Old Testament scripture with respect to both traditions. David Puckett examines this often-neglected area of study of John Calvin’s exegetical reasoning in this comprehensive and fascinating analysis.

      The Columbia Series in Reformed Theology represents a joint commitment by Columbia Theological Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press to provide theological resources from the Reformed tradition for the church today. This series examines theological and ethical issues that confront church and society in our own particular time and place.

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    • Paradoxical Vision : A Public Theology For The Twenty-First Century


      This is a good book that had to be written, and it is our great fortune that Robert Benne has written it with such scholary care, engaging lucidity,and persuasive force. The tangled connections between ultimate truth and penulimate questions of the public order are here untangled with great skill and imagination. The paradoxical Vision is both and admirable summary of religion and society disputes of the last several decades and a bracing proposal for thinking more clearly and acting more intelligently in the years ahead.

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    • Critical Theory Of Religion


      This book brings together, in an exciting and original way, the major themes of critical social theory and feminist theolgy. As feminist theologians continue to confront the larger social implications of their work, they encounter the work of the Frankfurt theorists Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, and Jurgen Habermans–the so-called Frankfurt School–whose dark diagnoses of late modernity also envisioned a future from “the standpoint of redemption” (Adorno). In the Frankfurt School’s critique of instrumental reason and domination, as well as its unwavering espousal of justice and freedom, Hewitt shows, feminist theologians may find allies in their own project.

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    • Romance Of The Word A Print On Demand Title


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      This wonderful trilogy again makes available three of Robert Farrar Capon’s sought-after early works: An Offering of Uncles, The Third Peacock, and Hunting the Divine Fox. Brought together under one cover to stand as a kind of “theological trinity,” the books in this volume each offer a refreshingly different take on key theological issues. A substantial new preface by Capon introduces the books and reveals how each fits into his own literary and spiritual landscape.

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    • End Of The Age Has Come


      The Christian, according to the apostle Paul, lives between two times. The end is already present with Christ’s death and resurrection, but the end is yet to come with his second appearing. Following the seminal work of Oscar Cullmann, Marvin Pate argues that this “already/not yet” eschatological tension lies at the heart of all writings of the apostle Paul and is, in fact, the key to understanding them.

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    • Theology For Skeptics


      Here one of the most widely read theologians of our time returns to the most basic question of all: God. Yet she does so with a twist. Soelle work invites the reader on a personal quest for a new, world-embracing notion of God, one that can counter the gravitational pull of first-world people’s political apathy, material acquisitiveness, and spiritual numbness.

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    • Resurrection Myth Or Reality


      Using approaches from the Hebrew interpretive tradition to discern the actual events surrounging Jesus’ death, Bishop Spong questions the hitorical validity of literal narrative concerned the Ressurection. He asserts that the resurrection story was born in an experience that opened the disciples’ eyes to the reality of God and the meaning of Jesus of Nazareth. Spong traces the Christian origins of anti-Semitism to the Church’s fabrication of the ultimate Jewish scapegoat, Judas Iscariot. He affirms the inclusiveness of the Christian message and emphasizes the necessity of mutual integrity and respect among Christians and Jews.

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    • Decalogue And A Human Future A Print On Demand Title


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      Building on a long career in the field of Christian ethics, Paul Lehmann here examines the role of the Ten Commandments in Christian life. Driven by the fundamental ethical question What am I as a believer in Jesus Christ and as a member of his church to do?, Lehmann moves beyond the inadequacies of both an ethic of law and a utilitarian ethic to his unique proposal of a contextual ethic grounded in the concept of koinonia. Part One discusses the commandments generally while focusing on insights from sociology regarding the structure of human life. Part Two takes up each commandment individually as a springboard for discussing critical issues in today’s world.

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    • Jesus And Israel A Print On Demand Title


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      Revisiting an important topic of covenant fulfillment, Reformed theologian David Holwerda here argues that God’s promises to Old Testament Israel cannot be understood apart from Jesus Christ. Based on careful exposition of key New Testament texts – including a significant in-depth study of Romans 9 – 11 – in dialogue with a wide variety of interpreters and theologians. Holwerda maintains that the Old Testament promises of God find their complete fulfillment in Jesus Christ and the church.

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    • Morality And Beyond


      This work confronts the age-old question of how the moral is related to the religious. In particular, Tillich addresses the conflict between reason-determined ethics and faith-determined ethics and shows that neither is dependent on the other but that each alone is inadequate. Instead, Tillich reveals to us the gift that came with the arrival of Christ: a new reality that offers a power of being in which we can participate and out of which true thought and right action are possible. Paul Tillich (1886-1965) taught at several German universities before emigrating to the United States. In the United States, Tillich taught at Union Theological Seminary in New York, Harvard Divinity School, and the Divinity School of the University of Chicago.

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    • Marginality : The Key To Multicultural Theology


      We live in a multicultural society, yet till now no multicultural theology has emerged. Jung Young Lee here proposes a new model for developing contextual theologies without their becoming dominating. Rather than moving any one class or ethnic group or gender to the center, Lee redefines marginality as itself central and highlights what it can mean to follow the very paradigm of creative marginality, Jesus Christ.

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    • Religious Studies : The Making Of Discipline


      Since its inception almost 200 years ago, the study of religion has informed, enlightened, provoked, and challenged our notions of humanity’s deepest beliefs and longings. Now Walter Capps, nationally recognized for the quality and depth of his teaching, has written the first full-scale introduction to the history and methods of religious studies. To assess the many points of view in this mature but diffuse discipline. Capps uses the idea that four basic of fundamental questions and three enduring interests have given formal structure to the study of religion: the essence of religion; the origin of religion, descriptions of religion; the function of religion, the language of religion, comparisons of religion and, the future of religious studies. In this way Capps relates the chief insights and theories of philosophy, anthropology, phenomenology, sociology, and theology of religion, and spotlights theorists from Immanuel Kant to Mircea Eliade. His valuable text unites in a single narrative and conceptual framework the major methodological proposals for the academic study of religion; treats all the major theorists in their respective disciplines, schools of thought, and intellectual movements; treats the whole discipline as a dynamic and evolving tradition. Religious Studies constitutes not only an erudite introduction to the field, exhibiting vast scholarship and careful assessment, but also a bold synthetic proposal for its future.

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    • Serious Talk


      Western culture needs constant, varied, and skilled attention to loosen the knot that scientism hold upon its open-mindedness. Since religion is frequently accused by scientists of tying just such a knot of its own, all the more urgent that scientists with theological training, such as Polinghorne, be involved in the apologetic enterprise to motivate a belief based upon rational inquiry.

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    • Theology Of The Gospel Of John


      Lecturers can request examination copies for course consideration.
      D. Moody Smith lucidly explains the theological ideas of the Gospel of John, one of the most important documents of the New Testament. He concentrates on its presentation of Jesus as the Christ, and deals also with such topics as God, the scriptures, the Church, and the spirit. These topics are related insofar as possible to the specific setting in which the Gospel was written, since one cannot understand such theological concepts in the abstract. The book is an ideal introduction to the question of the origin of the Gospel of John as well as its theology.

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    • Exploring Our Lutheran Liturgy



      Chapter One
      The Building
      The Church Year
      Liturgical Colors

      Chapter Two
      The Confession

      Chapter Three
      Entrance Hymn/Hymn Of Invocation
      Hymn Of Praise

      Chapter Four
      The Prayer Of The Day
      The Lessons
      The Gospel
      The Sermon

      Chapter Five
      The Hymn
      The Creed
      The Peace

      Chapter Six
      The Offering
      The Great Thanksgiving/The Common Preface
      The Words Of Institution

      Chapter Seven
      The Lord’s Prayer

      Chapter Eight
      The Communion
      Lamb Of God
      Post-Communion Canticle
      The Blessing



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      An exploration of the “how” and “why” of Lutheran worship. Ideal for worship or new member classes, worship and music committee workshops, a sermon series, or as a liturgy handbook for worship leaders

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    • Universal God : Justice Love And Peace In The Global Village


      In this important book, Will offers the theory of the universal relationality of God. His broadening of the conception of God offers a way to bring peace to a pluralistic and often divided world.

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    • God Medicine And Suffering (Reprinted)


      Why does a good and all powerful God allow us to experience pain and suffering? Drawing on stories of ill and dying children to clarify his discussion of theological issues, Hauerwas explores why we so desperately seek explanations for suffering and evil in today’s world and demonstrates why the solutions that have been suggested are doomed to failure. Alternatively, he shows us a God who, through his believing community, “can give a voice to that pain in a manner that at least gives us a way to go on.”

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    • From Christ To The World


      New! An exciting introductory reader with selections from key thinkers on Scripture, tradition, philosophy, science, methodology, sex, medicine, politics, economics, and environment. From classic sources to the contemporary.

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    • Foundations Of Wesleyan Arminian Theology


      Herein is a most discriminating study of the basic differences between historic Calvinism and Arminianism and the developments in both theological traditions that have created the mounting barriers to the understanding of each other’s position. Dr. Wynkoop deals authoritatively with the critical issues, and incisively cuts through the prevalent fuzzy theological concepts, but all with delicacy and understanding. The monumental contribution of John Wesley in defining the doctrine of sanctification is a key emphasis in the book, along with the central issue of Christian assurance. Paper.

      128 pages.

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    • Cual Camino (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


      This handbook satisfies two needs: that of knowing what false doctrie is so as to remain firmly in the truth, and that of learning to reclaim those who are held captive in darkness by solid arguments and large doses of love.

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    • Mother Of The Wire Fence


      Is it possible to empathize fully with the victims of the Holocaust? Can those who approach the Holocaust in the aftermath ever know it in a way that does not trivialize its horror? With what language can we speak of such an event without at the same time betraying its meaning? In this powerful book, Karl Plank takes a hard look at these questions as he explores the boundaries that lie between those outside and those inside the experience of the Holocaust.

      Mother of the Wire Fence tries to bridge inside and outside as it studies the power of poetry, artifact, memory, and religious symbol to respond to the Holocausts shattering of human connection. This bridge is essential so that we avoid giving a posthumous victory to the oppressors by silencing its victims forever.

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    • Churchs Peace Witness A Print On Demand Title


      Should Christians be involved in making war? This ever-present issue gets new attention here within the context of ecumenical discussion. Seven chapters are biblical and historical studies originally prepared for the 1991 Faith and Order Consultation on the Apostolic Faith and the Church’s Peace Witness. Also included are eleven statements on war and peace from different church traditions and the 1991 consultation’s “Summary Statement.”

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    • Lord Reigns : A Theological Handbook To The Psalms


      Here’s a fresh perspective on Psalms from one of its foremost interpreters. Focusing on the prevalent theme, ”The Lord reigns,” Mays convincingly argues that this declaration is not merely a statement of faith but rather a world view that reality can only be understood in terms of God and his sovereignty. By addressing the importance of the language associated with the reign of God, Mays shows you how to better understand the relationship between God and his creation.

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    • Feminist Theological Ethics


      This reader documents ongoing feminist ethical and theological discussions on a wide range of issues including womanist, mujerista, and ecofeminist. Volume includes contributions from over twenty distinguished women scholars.

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    • Divine Immutability : A Critical Reconsideration


      Occasioned by the nineteenth-century kenotic christological controversy, Isaak Dorner’s essay–which is here completely translated into English for the first time–remains one of the most extensive historical, philosophical, and theological treatments of immutability to date. Dorner was initially attracted to kenoticism–that the incarnation as a divine self-divestment implies that God undergoes change–but rejects it in Part One. Part Two is a historical survey of the classical doctrine from the patristic period to Schleiermacher which shows the longstanding connection between divine immutability, God’s goodness, and soteriology. Dorner concluded that this formulation was not mistaken, but extreme and one-sided, making positive relations between God, time, and history implausible. Part Three offers Dorner’s reconstruction.

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    • Church Dogmatics


      Karl Barth’s monumental work stands as a landmark in Protestant theology—all 10,000 pages of it. Mining the riches of Barth’s thought, Gollwitzer’s concise introduction provides busy scholars with a selection of the most important passages. Includes main themes, extracts, and helpful summaries. An invaluable resource for pastors and students alike.

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    • Knowledge Of God In Calvins Theology Third Edition A Print On Demand Title (Expa


      After more than forty years, this comprehensive analysis of John Calvin’s theology is still widely accepted and debated today. Displaying an intimate knowledge of Calvin’s theological corpus and the work of contemporary interpreters, Edward Dowey, Jr., explains what knowledge of God means and how it functions in Calvin’s thought.

      Dowey beings with a description of the general characteristics of the knowledge of God, then moves to a discussion of the significance of the duplex cognition Domini. The main body of the book examines Calvin’s fundamental distinction between the knowledge of God the Creator and God the Redeemer, and the relation between this twofold knowledge. This third edition also includes a new sixth chapter that discusses the influence of the twofold knowledge on the larger structure of Calvin’s theology.

      To the four appendices that interact with critical statements on Calvin’s thought, including “The Barth-Brunner Controversy on Calvin” and “Kostlin’s Criticism of Calvin’s Predestination,” Dowey has also added a significant review of William J. Bouwsma’s book John Calvin: A Sixteenth-Century Portrait. This review, the new preface, and the new chapter bring Dowey’s enduring volume back into conversation with today’s scholarly work and, as Heiko Oberman has said, “lend it a sharp edge of relevance for the foreseeable future.”

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    • Rhetorical Criticism : Context Method And The Book Of Jonah


      Trible’s work begins with an historical overview of rhetorical criticism, providing the context for discussion of biblical rhetorical criticism. The book of Jonah is the medium for such further exploration of rhetorical criticism within biblical literature, as Trible analyzes its external design and internal structure. Throughout her discussion, Trible employs the same rhetorical tools she introduces and explains within the body of her text. Adding to the didactic value of the text, appendices are included, one of which outlines the structure of Jonah, the other provides a quiz, testing the reader’s ability to single out the rhetorical devices imbedded in Trible’s text. A most welcome tool for those interested in biblical interpretation as well as study of the book of Jonah.

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    • Resurrection Of Jesus


      What actually happened at the resurrection of Jesus? Gerd Luedemann suggests that this question, considered unanswerable by many, is of critical importance to Christians and that it can be answered more specifically than has been the case in recent studies. Luedemann begins with the oldest list of witnesses to the resurrection and proceeds from there to other texts from Paul and the Gospels to investigate the events of Good Friday, Easter, and Pentecost.

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    • Reconstructing Chistian Theology


      Just-released anthology of leading contributors to liberating vistas. ”Rarely does it happen,” said Interpretation of the earlier volumes, ”that a dozen or more religionists author books with so much pizzazz. Lively statements of Christian doctrine.”

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    • New Testament : A Thematic Introduction


      This book reflects J. Christiaan Beker’s experience of more than twenty years of teaching an introductory course in New Testament. In distinction from a history-of-religions ap proach, he aims at allowing the theological thrust of the New Testament to become transparent for today’s readers. The work presupposes the normative and canonical claim of the New Testament for all forms of Christian theology. Beker concentrates on some of the most central issues within the New Testament by surveying sixteen of the twenty-seven book of the New Testament. A chronological sequence is followed, beginning with Paul’s letters. For the student.

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    • Post Structuralism And The New Testament


      With typical wit and jargon-free clarity, Stephen D. Moore guides us through the maze of concepts and projects that constitute the multidisciplinary phenomenon of post-structrualism. Moore centers on two lengthy exegetical examples-a Derridean reading of John and his interpreters and Foucauldian reading of Paul and his. The book also deals with deconstruction’s relationship to theology and its relationship to biblical scholarship old and new-historical critical, narrative critical, and feminist. All who want to know what the fuss is about will owe Moore a debt of gratitude for this book.

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    • Art Of Biblical History


      The final volume in the acclaimed Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation series, this book deals with these crucial questions: Is the Bible a history book? What do we mean by “history” anyway? In what sense is biblical historicity important for faith? Why is there so much scholarly disagreement over historical issues relating to the Bible?

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    • Worship As Theology


      In Worship As Theology, Don Saliers discusses how worship is both theological and anthropological (embodied and embedded in specific human and cultural contexts). He illuminates theology “prayed, sung, and enacted.” At the same time, by focusing upon specific dimensions of liturgical action such as praising, thanking, invoking, confessing, proclaiming, interceding, and blessing, he addresses the differences between the liturgical/ sacramental and the “free – church”/ evangelical church traditions.

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    • Responsible Grace : John Wesleys Practical Theology


      The central purpose of this book is to provide a reflective overview of John Wesley’s characteristic theological activities and convictions. One special focus is highlighting the practical theological dynamics of Wesley’s work as theologian, and suggesting possible implications for contemporary attempts to recover theology as a practical discipline.

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    • Theology Of The Letters Of James Peter And Jude


      The letters of James, 1 and 2 Peter, and Jude are among the most neglected parts of the New Testament, for they lack the immediacy and specificity of the Pauline letters. The authors of this study seek to remedy such neglect; they set the letters in context, examine their major themes, and argue that they are important both for the theology of the New Testament generally and for contemporary discussion about the nature and character of Christian faith today.

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    • Consulting The Faithful A Print On Demand Title


      In this careful assessment of contemporary religious trends, Mouw remains committed to theological orthodoxy while also asserting that the Christian intellectual community should pay careful and sympathetic attention to popular religious culture. Probing the thought of some theological giants of the past – John Henry Newman, Abraham Kuyper, and others – Mouw advocates a “hermeneutic of charity” toward popular religion and says that Christian scholars, besides teaching the “little people” of the church, must also learn from the “practical theological wisdom” of laypeople.

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    • Disabled God : Toward A Liberatory Theology Of A Disability


      “From the Publsher:” THE DISABLED GOD by Nancy L. Eiesland Integrating intellectual with personal, political and spiritual, Eiesland defines a liberatory theology for the disabled.

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