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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Elect In The Son


      In this comprehensive treatment of all pertinent Scripture passages dealing with election, Dr. Shank demonstrates that Calvin’s doctrine of the unconditional election and the reprobation of particular people is without foundation in the Scriptures. He challenges the use of certain “proof passages” and shows that their application in this manner requires circumventing some of the most explicitly categorical affirmations of Scripture.

      Dr. Shank demonstrates that the election of grace does not rule out the salvation of any man, that God truly wills all men to be saved. The cross is seen as the focal point of election and the event in which time and eternity find their true perspective.

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    • Getting To Know Johns Gospel


      This book will enrich your understanding of John’s Gospel and invigorate your faith. Ideal for Bible classes, study groups, and individuals.

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    • Fruits Of The Spirit


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819213143ISBN10: 0819213144Evelyn UnderhillBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1989Treasures From The Spiritual ClassicsPublisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Theology And The Justification Of Faith A Print On Demand Title


      This book deals with the epistemological problems of rationality and of theory construction in theology. Van Huyssteen analyzes the principal models of rationality, examines the conceptual models of Wolfhart Pannenberg and Gerhard Sauter, and finally discusses the metaphoric nature of religious language and develops criteria for the structuring of a “critical- realist rationality model.”

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    • Eclipse Of Christ In Eschatology


      SKU (ISBN): 9780802803566ISBN10: 0802803563Adrio KonigBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1989Publisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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    • Christian Belief In A Postmodern World


      In examining the current intellectual revolution that is now taking place, Diogenes Allen shows how Christianity and Christian belief are being supported by philosophical and scientific principles. In CHRISTIAN BELIEF IN A POSTMODERN WORLD, his presentation progresses from the possibility of God to the need for God to the experience of God’s grace, demonstrating the nature of faith as a legitimate and reasonable basis for religious conviction. Allen carefully explains how the existence of an ordered universe acts as a witness (not proof) to God’s existence, leading thoughtful people to serious consideration of the witness of the Bible. This book offers insights into the nature of faith, the experience of God’s presence, and the interface between science and religion and is especially helpful to those struggling with Christianity’s place in a world of religious pluralism.

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    • Unapologetic Theology : A Christian Voice In A Pluralistic Conversation


      In Unapologetic Theology, William Placher examines religion and the search for truth in a pluralistic society. Among the issues he considers are science and its relation to belief, dialogue among various religions, and the theological method.

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    • Theological Turning Points


      In a single volume Donald K. McKim traces the historical and systematic development of eight major Christian doctrines from the early centuries to the present. Clearly written and amply documented, his introductory handbook features primary sources and extensive endnotes. He covers: the Trinity, Christology, Ecclesiology, Anthopology, Soteriology, Authority, the Sacraments, and Eschatology; concentrating on the decisive points in the development of the Church’s theology. Well structured for use as a basic text.

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    • God In History


      “The value of this book is not to be found only in its important constructive theological proposals. Almost as important as these is his persuasive and illuminating reading of Hegel and his ability to show Hegel’s significance for the address of major contemporary theological issues…. Those who desire a solid and intellectually exciting introduction to Hegel’s significance for contemporary theological issues could do no better than spend some time with this book.”
      – Gordon D. Kaufman, Mallinckrodt Professor of Divinity Emeritus, Harvard Divinity School

      “In this book, Hodgson uses Hegel’s dialectical triadic logic to define what he calls the triune figuration. His ‘Trinity’ is God the One (rather than the Father), Love to and in the world (rather than the Son), and Freedom in history (rather than the Spirit)…. Jesus in history is the Christian symbol of this historicized God. History is viewed not as a line of evolution nor a circle of recurrence but an open spiral.”
      – Robert Paul Roth, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota

      “I am convinced that Hodgson’s position is developing a deeply thought-out and valuable attempt to tackle a major aporia in contemporary theology. Rather than a history of salvation, Hodgson prefers a history of freedom….”
      – Maurice Wiles, Regius Professor of Divinity Emeritus, Christ Church, Oxford University

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    • Eucharistic Theology Of Jeremy Taylor Today


      WHY TAYLOR TODAY? Jeremy Taylor is more than a famous figure from the Anglican past for much of what he created theologically remains an ingredient in Anglicanism today. Seen against the background of his own times, he stands out in a period rich in theological ability. Seen from the angle of our times, Taylor commands our attention as a precursor. His Real Presence and Spiritual (1654) anticipates aspects of eucharistic theology in the Lima Report (1982) and in the Final Report(1982) or ARCIC I. His moral theology forms the context for his sacramental theology and forestalls much of the development characteristic of the twentieth-century revolution in that subject. He has moreover the curious capawy of appearing to make hirnself at times our contemporary.aaA man of paradox, both Laudon and liberal, steeped in the great tradition yet: on occasion strangely modern, he persistently defies easy classification. He is a theologian of affiliations but of no party, holding ‘the faith once ‘for all delivered’ but expounding it with

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    • Christian Ethics In The Protestant Tradition


      Drawing upon forty years of experience teaching ethics, Waldo Beach provides a basic introduction on Chriostian ethics. He has designed a challenging work that grapples with the ethical questions surrounding modern day problems from the perspective of Protestant theology and tradition. His two part format is especially helpful for study. Part I challenges readers to recover the Christian heritage in the midst of highly secularized American culture. Part II applies Christian faith and ethical principles to modern ethical problems and issues.

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    • Calvins Institutes : A New Compend


      This abridgement of Ford Lewis Battles’ Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion will better acquaint readers with the works of Calvin. It is an easy-to-read book that follows the main developement of Calvin’s theology, accentuating Calvin’s positive convictions without lingering over matters of only dated importance.

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    • Past Event And Present Salvation


      How can an event that has taken place in the past have an effect upon the human experience of salvation in the present? In examining one of the essential questions of the Christian faith, Paul S. Fiddes explores the limits as well as the gains to be made in speaking about crucifixion as a historical event, and considers the relationship of the crucifixion to the continuing process of God’s saving activity. He considers the relevance of a past act of atonement to such areas of practical experience as forgiveness, liberation, and suffering.

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    • Church


      A book about the church that Jesus is building, a church author Chant claims is triumphant and powerful, built on the foundation of the Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.

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    • Naked Public Square (Reprinted)


      The Naked Public Square is a book about religious politics and political religion. Politics and religion are different enterprises, and it is understandable that many people would like to keep them as separate as possible. But they are constantly coupling and getting quite mixed up with one another. There is nothing new about this. It seems likely that it has always been the case in all societies. This is a large-minded book, and its sophistication and intelligence advance our understanding of the religion/politics issue far beyond the confusions and incomprehensions that dominate most discussions of the subject.

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    • All The Doctrines Of The Bible



      1. How To Study Christian Doctrine
      2. The Doctrine Of A Divine Revelation
      3. The Doctrine Of A Divine Inspiration
      4. The Doctrine Of God
      5. The Doctrine Of Christ
      6. The Doctrine Of The Holy Spirit
      7. The Doctrine Of The Trinity
      8. The Doctrine Of Angels
      9. The Doctrine Of Satan And Demons
      10. The Doctrine Of Man
      11. The Doctrine Of The Covenants
      12. The Doctrine Of Predestination
      13. The Doctrine Of Sin
      14. The Doctrine Of Salvation
      15. The Doctrine Of Grace
      16. The Doctrine Of Repentance
      17. The Doctrine Of Regeneration
      18. The Doctrine Of Substitution
      19. The Doctrine Of Redemption
      20. The Doctrine Of Reconciliation
      21. The Doctrine Of Faith
      22. The Doctrine Of Adoption
      23. The Doctrine Of Assurance
      24. The Doctrine Of Righteousness
      25. The Doctrine Of Peace
      26. The Doctrine Of Sanctification
      27. The Doctrine Of Christian Ethics
      28. The Doctrine Of Eternal Security
      29. The Doctrine Of Prayer
      30. The Doctrine Of The Church
      31. The Doctrine Of Last Things
      Subject Index
      Biblical Index P.300

      Additional Info

      A Study and Analysis of Major Bible Doctrines

      All the Doctrines of the Bible is a study and analysis of the major Bible doctrines. Says Professor F. F. Bruce in his foreword, “Dr. Lockyer, out of his long experience and ripe wisdom, has written a book which will help many to understand the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith. It will not take the place of the Bible, but will prove of greatest use to those who study it along with an open Bible. The Bible is intended to be much more than a handbook of divinity. But with minds like ours we can learn the Bible doctrines more readily as someone systematizes them for us in a logical sequence, and this is what Dr. Lockyer has done in these pages.”

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    • All The Parables Of The Bible


      This book is a study and analysis of the more than 250 parables in Scripture. This monumental work is not another tramp over the well-raked field of the parables found in the gospels, but a comprehensive survey of the uses of parabolic illustration and instruction in the whole of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Never before has this aspect of truth been combined into one volume.

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    • All The Divine Names And Titles In The Bible


      Chapter One—The Names And Titles Of God The Father
      Personal Names
      Symbolic Designations
      Summary Of Divine Names And Titles In All Old Testament Books

      Chapter Two—The Names And Titles Of God The Son
      His Names And Titles
      Names And Titles Of Christ In The New Testament
      Alphabetical Exposition Of Names And Titles Applied To Christ In The Battle

      Chapter Three—The Names And Titles Of God The Spirit

      1. Actual Names And Titles
      Old Testament Names And Titles
      1. Those Expressing His Relation To God
      2. Those Expressing His Character
      3. Those Expressing His Operations Upon Men

      New Testament Names And Titles

      1. Names And Titles Associated With His Personality
      2. Manifold Names And Titles Given Him
      As Further Evidence Of His Personality
      Titles Combining Him With God The Father
      Titles And Names Expressing His Relation To God The Son
      Titles And Names Expressing His Own Essential Deity
      Titles And Names Expressing His Character
      Titles And Names Related To The Saints

      2. Symbolic Designations
      Symbols Drawn From Natural Life
      Symbols Drawn From Animate Life

      1. The Nobility Of A Name
      2. Qualifying Attributes Of Christ
      3. The Value Of Book Summary
      345 Pages

      Additional Info
      A Unique Classification of All Scripture Designations of the Three Persons of the Trinity.

      In this exhaustive study you become acutely aware that the riches of God’s self-revelation are inexhaustible. This work is a witness to the fact that God–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–is infinitely glorious.

      Each name reveals some new facet of the infinite being of God and thus also gives evidence of the progressive nature of God’s revelation. The author discusses the theological implications of each of the names so that the reader is stimulated to praise, to trust, to confess his sins, to be comforted, to witness, to take courage, or to respond in some other way.

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    • All The Miracles Of The Bible


      1. The Miracle Book
      2. The Miracles Of The Books Of Moses
      3. The Miracles Of The Historical Books
      4. The Miracles In Post-Captivity Books
      5. The Miracles In The Poetical Books
      6. The Miracles In The Prophetical Books

      1. The Miracles In The Gospels
      2. The Miracles In The Acts
      3. The Miracles In The Epistles
      4. The Miracles In The Apocalypse
      307 Pages

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      This book is comprehensive, scholarly, devout, practical, and, in places, has great beauty of expression. The reader will be amazed at the pervasiveness of the miraculous element in the Scriptures…pastors and Bible teachers will find many of these expositions deeply moving and quite helpful in the preparation of sermons and lessons.

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    • Reason Within The Bounds Of Religion (Revised)


      Expanding on his 1976 study of the bearing of Christian faith on the practice of scholarship, Wolterstorff has added a substantial new section on the role of faith in the decisions scholars make about their choice of subject matter.

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    • Continuity And Discontinuity


      Evangelicals agree that the Bible is God’s inerrant word. But we sometimes differ on how to relate the messages of the Old and New Testaments. Without a basic understanding of this crucial matter, it is difficult to know how to use the Testament to formulate either doctrine or practice. For example: Was Israel the OT Church – are OT promises to God’s national people fulfilled in the church today? Or, is Mosaic Law binding in believers now – are twentieth-century Christians to obey the Ten Commandments, including sabbath observance? In this book, thirteen noted evangelical theologians discuss, fairly but clearly, the continuity/discontinuity debate in regard to six basic categories: theological systems, hermeneutics, salvation, the Law of God, the people of God, and kingdom promises. Covering much more than the differences between Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism, this work of distinguished evangelical scholarship will fuel much profitable study and discussion.

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    • Introduction To The Old Testament


      A helpful complement to introductory texts in Hebrew Scriptures; a solid, basic work that brings together many recent insights in the field.

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    • Israels Praise : Doxology Against Idolatry And Ideology


      196 Paages

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      “Praise is the duty and delight, the ultimate vocation of the human community; indeed of all creation. Yes, all life is aimed toward God and finally exists for the sake of God. Praise articulates and embodies our capacity to yield, submit, and abandon ourselves in trust and gratitude to the One whose we are. Praise is not only a human requirement and a human need, it is also a human delight. We have a resilient hunger to move beyond self, to return our energy and worth to the One from whom it has been granted. In our return to that One, we find our deepest joy. That is what it means to ‘glorify God and enjoy God forever.'” At the time of this publication, Walter Brueggemann was McPheeder Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia.

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    • Encountering Jesus : A Debate On Christology


      A lively and argumentative dialogue among theologians and philosophers of religion that offers insight into the problems of Christology and provides current perspectives on the issues.

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    • Contemporary Missiology A Print On Demand Title


      This comprehensive introduction examines the place, significance, and scope of the practice of missiology, its biblical foundations, motives, goals, and methods. Particular consideration is given to Asian, African, and Latin American missions, and to the church’s mission to the Jews.

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    • Christ In Christian Tradition 1


      A monumental work in scope and content, Aloys Grillmeier’s Chirst in the Christian Tradition offers students and scholars a comprehensive exposition of Western writing on the history of doctrine. Volume One covers the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon (451).

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    • Inheriting Our Mothers Gardens


      This book represents a major contribution toward the development of a global feminist theology. The personal histories and experiences of women of African, Asian, Anglo-American, and Latin American heritage recounted here make it possible to analyze the social and historical contexts of their Christian faith. Their insights into the lives of those who have been oppressed or excluded, in the Third world or in the United States, clear the way for understanding the partnership of men and women everywhere

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    • Spirituality And Liberation


      This book’s clear arguments and wonderful illustrations get to the root of the matter by showing that liberation and spirituality are united in they rhythm of God’s work for new creation.

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    • Why God


      This book is a sensitive inquiry for anyone who has ever suffered and who wants to think through it theologically. It is a compassionate resource for coming to grips with pain, suffering, and evil.

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    • Apologia A Print On Demand Title


      Apologia is about contemporary theological education – its current state and its future. While many current trends in seminaries and departments of theology bring important new insights to the study of religion, says Max Stackhouse, they also erode – sometimes unwittingly – the capacity to speak of God, truth, and justice with warranted confidence. Theology is thereby undermined in all arenas – not only in academia, but in the life of the church and society.

      This book not only exposes the frailties of several current ideologies, but also draws noted scholars from five continents and a seminary faculty into an interdisciplinary discussion of the most significant recent literature on theological education. The results are fresh proposals for the reconstructing of theological education on foundations that are contextually alert, globally concerned, and mission- oriented.

      Apologia is a ground-breaking work, a book that begins and ends in dialogue, and points toward the ways in which Christian theology will have to redefine itself if it is to actively shape, and not merely reflect, the context in which we live.

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    • Resurrection And Redemption (Reprinted)


      A study of the structure of Paul’s theology of Jesus’ resurrection as that doctrine forms the center of Paul’s total theology.

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    • Christian Story Volume 2 A Print On Demand Title


      As a pastoral systematic, The Christian Story rises from, and strives to be a resource to, the life and witness of the church and its leadership. The first volume (revised edition, 1984) offered an introductory overview of the basic Christian doctrine.

      Now turning his attention to the individual doctrines, Gabriel Fackre here surveys a spectrum of views on authority – from inerrantist to experientialist – and sets forth an alternative perspective along ecumenical and narrative lines. The author’s search for a full-orbed position affirms Scripture as the source, the church and its traditions as resource, the world of human experience as setting, the Gospel as substance, and Christ as the center of authority.

      A detailed analysis of hermeneutical issues is included in the book. The quest for evangelical catholicity leads to a restatement of the fourfold method of scriptural interpretation: common sense, critical scholarship, canonical perspective, and the contextualization process – personal and social. An extensive exegesis of a key Christological text, John 14:6, illustrates how this method works.

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    • Religion And Violence (Reprinted)


      Robert McAfee Brown’s Religion and Violence is a comprehensive introduction to the ethical and moral questions that abound at the intersection of violence and religion. Brown discusses such important issues as nuclear war, terrorism, capital punishment, and revolution.

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    • Formation And Reflection


      Can practical theology be truly practical?
      The answer is yes. This collection brings together top scholars in the fields of pastoral care, systematic theology, and biblical hermeneutics to offer a coherent practical theology for the pastoral mission of the church. As Christians around the world practice their faith, this important scholarly book highlights the salient struggles in contemporary Christian thought and seeks to bring together the best of the church and academy for the greater good.

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    • To Love As God Loves


      I first met the men and women I am writing aobut in this book twenty years ago. I was a graduate student at the time, and though I was struggling with Christianity, I had not yet found a form of it that could draw both my heart and my head to God. God’s for all of us, ours for each other, God’s world, and God, all of these things are Christian love.

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    • Models Of God


      MODELS OF GOD – Theology for an Ecological, Nuclear Age MODELS OF GOD is in fact a new systematic theology, indeed a new way of thinking about metaphorical theology and materially a radically new presentation of Christian themes.. The power of Mc Fague’s work is in its ability to speak to the American Protestant mainstream, challenging Christians with models of God that reflect both ecological sensitivity and concern for justice.

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    • History Of Christian Thought 2 (Revised)


      This is Volume 2 of the acclaimed three-volume series which has been completely revised to provide a readable, definitive, and completely updated treatment of the evolution of Christian thought from the early church to the great flowering of Christianity in the Middle Ages, through the Reformation and the Enlightenment, to the twentieth century. Volume 2 inludes, From Augustine to the Eve of the Reformation. The other two volumes in this set are sold separately. Volume 1, From the Beginnings to the Council of Chalcedon, and Volume 3, From the Protestant Reformation to the Twentieth Century. Justo L. Gonzalez has added a major new chapter on the twentieth century, has eliminated all sexist language, and – in light of recent scholarship – has completely revised the text and updated the bibliographies.

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    • History Of Christian Thought 1 (Revised)


      This is Volume 1 of the acclaimed, three-volume set which has been completely revised to provide a readable, definitive, and completely updated treatment of the evolution of Christian thought from the early church to the great flowering of Christianity in the Middle Ages, through the Reformation and the Enlightenment, to the twentieth century. Volume 1 includes, From the Beginnings to the Council of Chalcedon. The other two volumes in the set are sold separately. Volume 2, From Augustine to the Eve of the Reformation; Volume 3, From the Protestant Reformation to the Twentieth Century. Justo L. Gonzalez has added a major new chapter on the twentieth century, has eliminated all sexist language, and – in light of recent scholarship – has completely revised the text and updated the bibliographies.

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    • Christianity Confronts Culture (Revised)


      Christianity Confronts Culture is a practical guide to effective communications in the crosscultural setting — which exists, in fact, when any one person meets another. Dr. Mayers discusses crosscultural communication by means of four models, each of which approaches the subject in the light of a different discipline: social psychology, sociology, anthropology, and crosscultural education. The second part of the book presents a series of case studies illustrating each of the four models. Pastors, future pastors, missionaries, Christian educators — any who find themselves in constant contact with foreign cultures or North American cultures — will find this book invaluable.

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    • Holiness Teaching Today


      The major contributions of nine 20th-century teachers including Henry Clay Morrison, E. Stanley Jones, Col. Milton Agnew, and J. B. Chapman. Cloth.

      412 pages.

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    • Incarnation : Collected Essays In Christology


      Classic as well as new essays defend the Christian doctrine of God’s incarnation against its modern critics by revealing how Christianity would suffer if Christ’s divinity was questioned.

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    • Inclusive Language In The Church


      INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE IN THE CHURCH is a good introduction to questions about language use today. Issues in the current debate are addressed fairly. This is not a battle cry for the feminist movement but rather a solid introduction to the whole discussion. Hardesty hopes to convince us that inclusive language is appropriate in Christian theology and worship. Nancy Hardesty maintains that the use of inclusive language goes to the very heart of the gospel. She examines biblical references to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and human beings. From these she argues that God speaks through Scripture and shows how the metaphors for God and various descriptions of God speak to a variety of human needs.

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    • Light Has Come


      Thousands of books have been written on the Fourth Gospel, but few have had the lasting impact of this modern classic by respected missiologist Lesslie Newbigin. Developed over a period of thirty years during which Newbigin led Bible studies as a bishop in the Church of South India, this excellent commentary on John is unique both in its power to prepare pastors and teacher to effectively declare the Word of God to others and in its ability to clearly communicate John’s message to contemporary Western readers.

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    • Household Of Freedom


      Household of Freedom: Authority in Feminist Theology by Letty M. Russell addresses concerns important to all those struggling with issues of authority and equality in the church. Known for her works in feminist and liberation theologies, Russell now looks at the question of authority: that is, legitimate power in the context of Christianity. She uses the image of community, God’s household of freedom, to describe ways in which human beings can better live and work together in faith.

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    • Institutes Of Christian Religion (Revised)


      14 Chapters

      Additional Info
      John Calvin’s Institutes has established itself as “one of the most important theological works ever written,” writes Tony Lane. This abridged edition of the Institutes provides a readable and inexpensive sampler of Calvin’s greatest work.

      Lane has condensed the 1559 edition, retaining the heart of Calvin’s teaching on all his major themes. Hilary Osborne has put Henry Beveridge’s translation “in simpler and more modern English.”

      The result is “a selection from the Institutes which is manageable for the average modern reader, in terms of length and of intelligibility.” Lane reminds us that Calvin designed the Institutes “to be a practical book …. He requires of all doctrine that it be scriptural and that it be useful for Christian living.”

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    • What Christians Believe


      This classic text, a brief yet powerful exposition of the Apostles’ Creed, introduces in a fully ecumenical way the basic beliefs that have animated and informed the historical faith of Christians. Renowned theologian Hans Schwarz not only corrects common misunderstandings of core credal convictions. He also guides Christians into the exciting quest for understanding the faith they profess.

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    • Black Theology In Dialogue


      Challenging all who are concerned about religion in today’s world, the author outlines a new way of looking at the essential questions. His insights are drawn from a black theology come of age; his method is contextualization. Roberts proposes a theology concerned with concrete and specific situations that also retains a universal vision

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    • Christ In Christian Tradition 2 Part 1


      A monumental work in scope and content, Aloys Grillmeier’s Chirst in the Christian Tradition offers students and scholars a comprehensive exposition of Western writing on the history of doctrine. Volume Two, Part One, covers the development of Christology from the Council of Chalcedon to the beginning of the rule of Emperor Justinian I.

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    • Joy Of Listening To God


      Joyce Huggett was an ordinary Christian who told God her problems and desires. But then there was a change. Slowly she began to discover that God revealed himself to her when she was quiet before him. A whole new dimension of prayer opened up as she explored channels of hearing God that she had never known before. And in this book she shares her spiritual pilgrimage with us. Huggett shows us how we can quiet ourselves and prepare to hear God speak in his multicolored ways. Here is a book for those who want to be introduced to a fresh way of invigorating their walk with God.

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    • God And Human Suffering


      In contrast to many writers who gloss over one or the other, Dr. Hall is true both to the reality of suffering and to the affirmation that God creates, sustains, and redeems. Creative is his view that certain aspects of what we call suffering–loneliness, experience of limits, temptation, anxiety–are necessary parts of God’s good creation.

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