Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)
Showing 3951–4000 of 4080 resultsSorted by latest
6 Theories Of Justice
$31.66Dr. Lebacqz surveys three philosophical approaches to justice: John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism, the “contract” system of John Rawls, and the “entitlement” views of Robert Nozick. These are followed by analysis of three theological approaches: that of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, of Reinhold Niebuhr, and the liberation theologian Jose Porfirio Miranda. A comparison of the effectiveness of each approach in providing direction for facing and dealing with contemporary issues and situations adds to the usefulness of this volume
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Great Reversal A Print On Demand Title
$29.99There is no denying, writes Allen Verhey, that churches today are called to discern the shape and style of life “worth of the gospel of Christ” in the twentieth century. Even in the face of changing situations and new moral problems to address, the contemporary church stands self-consciously in a tradition of which the New testament is a normative part.
In this major new study of New Testament ethics, Verhey examines first of all the ethic of Jesus, for it is there that the tradition begins. He then analyzes the different forms in which the early church handed down the memory of Jesus’ words and deeds in the development of a moral tradition. Next he deals with that tradition as it came to canonical expression in the New Testament writings.
In the last part of the book Verhey focuses on the use of the New Testament in the continuing moral tradition of the church, surveying proposals for the use of Scripture, identifying the critical methodological questions, and defending a “modest proposal” for the use of Scripture.
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Faith We Affirm
$14.99Although now featuring a new cover, The Faith We Affirm, by Ronald E. Osborn, remains the same useful resource on the inside. This overview is based on the statement of faith in the Preamble to The Design for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Designed to engage Disciples in thinging responsibly about the faith we affirm in the light of our heritage, this resource will work as either an individual or group study.
The Faith We Affirm includes six chapters that can be used for an intensive six-session course or divided to supply a quarter’s study. Questions for discussion and reflection end each chapter.
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Conversion And Discipleship
$33.33Happel and Walter’s contribution is in constructing a dialogue between a systematician and a moralist about common foundations for their respective disciplines. This is much needed in theology today and this book helps move the issue of cross-fertilization among theological specialties.
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Responsible Technology A Print On Demand Title
$29.99This book provides a multi-disciplinary Christian analysis of the forces shaping the operation of modern technology, and offers an alternative framework of biblically rooted normative principles. It argues that technology is a value- laden activity and presents principles for basing it on God’s will.
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Interpreting The Psalms
$48.33Patrick D. Miller seeks to help interpreters of the Psalms “find entrie into them in various ways to hear their theological claims and their point of contact with human life.” In Part One, Miller examines the dominant “general approaches” that are currently shaping the study of psalms. He pays special attention to the poetic features of the psalms so as to aid the task of understanding their meaning. In Part Two, he offers extended expositions of ten specific Psalms — 1, 2, 14, 22, 23, 82, 90, 127, 130, and 139. These Psalms are interpreted with an eye to theological and pastoral issues and with a sensitivity to their features and to their significance as Christian Scripture.
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4th Day A Print On Demand Title
$31.99Drawing on both scriptural evidence and scientific investigation, Van Till constructs a theologically sound and scientifically coherent perspective on the nature of the cosmos. Since evolution and creation deal with distinctly different questions, he argues, both concepts can be taught with integrity – as complementary views of the universe and its history.
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Diversity In Faith Unity In Christ
$24.00Shirley C. Guthrie looks at what it really means to be a Christian, and why people of good faith cannot agree on many current social and theological issues. He describes four different classifications that serve as the basis for discussion: orthodoxy, two kinds of liberalism, and pietism. He evaluates them and suggests ways to incorporate the strengths and weaknesses of each.
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Introduction To The Study Of Dogmatics A Print On Demand Title
$17.99“An introduction that aims to initiate” is how Hendrikus Berkhof describes this book, in which he provides beginning students and interested general readers with a concise guide to what to expect – and what not to expect – in the field of dogmatics.
Berkhof begins by defining dogma and dogmatics, and sets dogmatics in its context within the perspectives of faith and science, and in time and space. He then describes the foundations of dogmatics – that is, the framework within which dogmatics should be studied. Material dogmatics – the building on that foundation – is usually divided into several parts (God, Christ, Israel, the Holy Spirit, and other themes), which Berkhof examines individually in the book’s final section.
In a day when Christians see a need to produce and study explanations of their faith, Berkhof has provided a useful tool to enable them to understand what dogmatics really is, so that they can then account for their faith in a systematic, thorough, and understandable way.
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Religion And The Unconscious
$48.00In Religion and the Unconscious, Ann and Barry Ulanov provide a thoughtful study of the relationship between religion and depth psychology. An insightful contribution to the entire area of pastoral counseling, this book demonstrates how to combine religion and depth psychology in order to provide more effective counseling.
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Interpreting Isaiah : Suffering And Glory Of The Messiah
$24.99Part 1 Introductory Matters
1. The World of Isaiah
2. The Authorship of Isaiah
3. The Structure of Isaiah
4. The Poetry of Isaiah
Part 2 An Analysis of Isaiah
5. Opening Messages and the Call of Isaiah (1:1 – 6:13)
6. The Rule of Assyria and the Messiah (7:1 – 12:6)
7. Oracles Against the Nations (13:1 – 23:18)
8. The Apocalypse (24:1 – 27:13)
9. Book of Woes and Restoration (28:1 – 35:10)
10. Historical Interlude (36:1 – 39:8)
11. Deliverance From Babylon (40:1 – 48:22)
12. The Ministry of the Servant of the Lord (49:1 – 57:21)
13. Ultimate Blessing for God’s People (58:1 – 66:24)
Part 3 Theological Emphases
14. Christology
15. Eschatology
352 PagesAdditional Info
This multifaceted volume artfully blends the functions of an introduction and a commentary. Without overwhelming the student with details, it discusses a wide range of issues that are important for the interpretation of Isaiah. The book consists of three parts. In the first part, Herbert Wolf discusses the more traditional introductory questions: the world of Isaiah, the theories of multiple authorship, the structure of Isaiah, and Isaiah’s poetry. The second part is a detailed paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of the prophecy itself. The last part of the book discusses Isaiah’s christological and eschatological emphases. Detailed footnotes and an extensive bibliography facilitate further study.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Hungering Dark
$13.00These powerful reflections on biblical themes by one of today’s most popular religious writers point up the truth that the darkness of doubt is often necessary to provoke a hunger for God. The Hungering Dark towers as one of Fredrick Buechner’s best statements on contemporary belief challenged by doubt.
Drawing on texts from the Old and New Testaments, The Hungering Dark invites us to discover the hidden face of God, the manifestation of his grace, revealed in stillness, in unexpected places, often “through a glass, darkly.” It invites us to say yes to “the possibility of God”, and to recover “this fantastic hope that the future belongs to God…that holiness will return to our world.”
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Readings In Christian Theology
$73.33From Augustine to Gutierrez, from Creation to Eschatology, this volume provides a rich selection of the most important readings from classical, modern, and contemporary theologians. Covering all the major doctrines of Christian belief, it is carefully edited to provide key passages and concentrated readings. Also contains a wide variety of theoA logical perspectives: Hodge, Rahner, Kelsey, Tillich, Bult mann, Pannenburg, Kant, Niebuhr, Spinoza, Ricoeur, and many others.
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Bible Speaks To You (Revised)
$30.00The Bible isn’t “just another book” with a lot of interesting information about God. It is a book in which people find God “coming alive,” making His way into their hearts and demanding that they do something about Him. If you want a better understanding of the Bible, this is an excellent work destined to surprise you with information you may never have known. It will challenge you to return to the Bible itself and let it speak to you, as it has spoken to many people before you.
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Theology For A Nuclear Age
$30.00The possibility of a nuclear holocaust has brought humankind into a radically new, unprecedented, and unanticipated religious situation. Gordon D. Kaufman offers a cogent and original analysis of this predicament, outlining specific proposals for reconceiving the central concerns and symbols of Christian faith. He begins with an account of a visit to Peace Park in the rebuilt city of Hiroshima. Reflecting upon this experience, Kaufman foresees that further use of nuclear weapons will result not in rebuilding but in annihilation of the human enterprise.
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Feminist Interpretation Of The Bible
$31.00This book is the result of a collaborative effort on the part of a group of outstanding theologians, historians, and biblical scholars within the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature. Clarifying for themselves and others the distinctive character of feminist interpretation, they continue the process of liberating the word that concerns the whole church.
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Bonhoeffer And South Africa
$21.99In this stimulating book, John W. de Gruchy points out the relevance of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s thought for the life of the church in South Africa, engaging in dialogue the theology of Bonhoeffer and the theology of South Africa. Both Bonhoeffer’s theology and his life bore witness to the need for Christians to come face to face with the pressing political and social issues of the day. Bonhoeffer believed that to bear an authentic witness to Christ in certain settings was to go against the stream; the church in South Africa, says de Gruchy, faces the challenge to be just such a “troublesome witness.” He finds in Bonhoeffer’s theology direction and liberation for the oppressed as well as for the privileged, who need to be “freed for others.” Throughout, the book demonstrates the abiding significance of Bonhoeffer’s theology, which, according to de Gruchy, derives from the fact that he was, before all else, a witness to Jesus Christ.
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New Testament And Mythology And Other Basic Writings
$48.33“The volume begins with a new . . . translation of Bultmann’s original programmatic essay of 1941, ‘New Testament and Mythology’. . . It is followed by ‘Theology as Science’. . . {Two} essays on hermeneutics, ‘The Problem of Hermeneutics’ and ‘Is Exegesis without Presuppositions Possible?’ are here combined with ‘Science and Existence’ and a 1961 essay, ‘On the Problem of Demythologizing.'” (Christian Century) Bibliography. Index.
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Suffering Of God
$48.33In this comprehensive and thought-provoking study, Terence Fretheim focuses on the theme of divine suffering, an aspect of our understanding of God which both the church and scholarship have neglected. Maintaining that “metaphors matter,” Fretheim carefully examines the ruling and anthropomorphic metaphors of the Old Testament and discusses them in the context of current biblical-theological scholarship. His aim is to broaden our understanding of the God of the Old Testament by showing that “suffering belongs to the person and purpose of God.”
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Old Testament Theology
$50.00John Hayes and Frederick Prussner offer a thorough study covering the history, methodologies, and difficulties that are associated with the writing of Old Testament theology. Their impressive work features comprehensive history, summaries, contemporary issues, comparative evaluations, recent developments, and individual sections on more than fifty theologians and Old Testament scholars. Provides insights to the related issues of neo-orthodoxy, archaeology, philosophy, the church, and culture.
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Naming The Powers
$53.33Thoroughly examines the use for the terms of power in all the relevant New Testament and cognate literature. He hypothesizes that “principalities and powers” are neither demonic nor other-worldy spirits; rather they are the inter- dependent inner and outer poles of any given manifestation of power. It is only when a particular Power becomes idolatrous that the Power becomes demonic.
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Handbook On The Basic Bible Texts
$22.84This volume provides the complete text of key Scripture passages that form the basis for theological study. The text used is the highly readable and modern New International Version. The verses listed are grouped by the classical categories of systematic theology (e.g., God, Christ, Salvation); on disputed points, verses from which the major theological views derive are given. Footnotes provide clarification and brief commentary on verses as appropriate. This work is intended to assist the theological student who might not take the time to look up the verses cited in systematic theologies, but it will also be useful to anyone seeking to better understand the major themes of Scripture.
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Students Dictionary For Biblical Theological Studies
$14.99This dictionary contains nearly thirteen hundred entries, covering the whole field of Old and New Testament studies. The entries range from technical grammatical terms to obscure theological jargon and are often terms that are difficult to find in other dictionaries. Wherever possible, cross reference, is made to related or equivalent terms. The majority of entries include a brief description of explanation of the term and an example from the Old and/or New Testament. Hebrew and Greek words are transliterated so that the dictionary can be used easily by students at any level, whether they have studied the languages or not. The New International Version is used for all biblical quotations.
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Rudolf Bultmann : Intrepreting Faith For The Modern Era
$45.00Bultmann’s pioneering study of the New Testament initiated a new era in biblical studies in the 20th century. Together with Karl Barth, Bultmann broke with liberal theology, but his often misunderstood programe of demythologization took him in a radically different direction from Barth. In many respects Bultmann set the agenda for biblical theology in the decades following World War II. This volume concentrates on the key texts and ideas in Bult mann’s thought. It presents the essential Bultmann for stu dents and the general reader. Roger Johnson’s introductory essay and notes on the selected texts set Bultmann in his historical context, chart the deve lopment of his thought and indicate the significance of his theology in the development of Christian theology as a whole. Substantial selections from Bultmann’s work illustrate key themes: God as ‘Wholly Other’; Jesus and the Eschatalogical Kindgom; Existentialist interpretation; Kerygma; Faith and Modernity in conflict; Demythologizing: controversial slogan and theological focus.
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Dawn Of Apocalyptic
$50.00The Phenomenon Of Apocalyptic In Israel: Its Background And Setting
Excursus: Apocalyptic Eschatology In The Later Apocalyptic Writings
Excursus: The History Of Prophecy In Israel
Isaiah 56-66 And The Visionary Disciples Of Second Isaiah
A. A Third Isaiah?
B. The Ideal Community Envisioned By The Disciples Of Second Isaiah
1. Isaiah 60-62
Excursus: Textual Reconstruction And Prosodic Analysis
2. Isaiah 57:14-21
C. The Ideal Undermined By Opposition (63:7-64:11)
D. Tension Within The Community Grows (58 And 59)
1. Isaiah 58:1-12
2. Isaiah 59:1-20
E. The Schism Widens, Vindictiveness Increases, Hope Is Deferred, And The Seeds Of Apocalyptic Eschatology Are Sown (65:1-25)
F. Controversy Over The Building Of The Temple And Expulsion From The Cult (66:1-16)
G. The Conflict Grows Acrimonious (56:9-57:13)
H. The Other Edge Of The Sword: Judgment Against The Nations (63:1-6)
The Origins Of The Post-Exilic Hierocracy
A. The Second Group Competing For Control Of The Restoration Cult
B. The Sociological Background Of The Post-Exilic Struggle
C. The Rise Of The Hierocratic Party Of The Zadokites
D. Ezekiel: The Pre-Exilic Zadokite Temple Structures Transformed Into A Hierocratic Program Of Restoration
E. Haggai And Zechariah: The Hierocratic Temple Program Receives Prophetic Legitimation
F. Bitter Controversy And The Zadokite Move To Reform The Hierocratic Tradition Along Narrowly Exclusive Lines
G. The Chronicler: The Victorious Hierocratic Party Returns To A More Conciliatory Position
Zechariah 9-14 And The Development Of The Apocalyptic Eschatology Of The Visionaries
A. The Historical And Sociological Background Of The Continued Struggle
B. In Defense Of A New Approach To The Oracles Of Zechariah 9-14
Excursus: Past Biblical Research On Zechariah 9-14
C. A Divine Warrior Hymn Drawing On The Ritual Pattern Of The Conflict Myth (9:1-17)
D. The Divine Warrior Hymn Applied To The Inner-Community Polemic (10:1-12)
E. A Taunt Against Foreign Nations Redirected Against Israel’s Leaders (11:1-3)
F. A Commissioning Narrative Transformed Into A Prophecy Of Doom (11:14-17 And 13:7-9)
G. An Apocalypse Molded By The Inner-Community Struggle (12:1-13:6)
Excursus: The Textual Problem Of Zechariah 12:2 And An Alternate Interpretation
H. An Apocalypse Structured Upon The Ritual Pattern Of The Conflict Myth And Reflecting Bitter Inner-Community Conflict (14:1-21)
Excursus: Revealed Secrets
Excursus: The Redactional Framework Of Third IsaiaAdditional Info
In challenging both traditional and contemporary notions of the nature and history of the Biblical apocalyptic literature, Professor Hanson begins by saying that the origins of apocalyptic cannot be explained by a method which juxtaposes seventh and second century compositions and then proceeds to account for the features of the latter by reference to its immediate environment. “The apocalyptic literature of the second century and after is the result of a long development reaching back to pre-exilic times and beyond, and not the new baby of second century foreign parents. Not only the sources of origin, but the intrinsic nature of late apocalyptic compositions can be understood only by tracing the centuries-long development through which the apocalptic eschatology developed from prophetic and other even more archaic native roots.”In this ground breaking study, Professor Hanson focuses on one strand which can be seen running through the heart of many of the so-called apocalyptic works, the strand of apocalyptic eschatology. He seeks to demonstrate that the rise of apocalyptic eschatology is neither sudden nor anomalous, but follows the pattern of an unbroken development from preexilic and exilic prophecy.
By means of a detailed analysis of the Hebrew text and a new translation of it into English, Professor Hanson demonstrates why scholars must look again at the apocalyptic eschatology. This contextual-typological approach will call for a reexamination of many opinions about this literature.
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Strength Of The Weak
$34.00Bringing together issues of religion and life, politics and personal identity, feminism and liberation theology, Dorothee Soelle presents a powerful critique of modern society, striking at dehumanizing elements that combine to oppress both women and men. Over the years, Soelle had challenged European and American readers with incisive commentary on a variety of social, ethical, literary, and theological topics. This work embodies the constant drive to radicalization and the passionate involvement that have always been the hallmark of her writing.
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Holy Spirit : The Holy Spirit In The Bible The History Of Christian Thought
$42.00Accepting the challenge to present an elusive and often abstract doctrine in a fresh and vital way, Aldair I. C. Heron traces the development of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit from the Old Testament to modern times. Following a consideration of the Spirit as revealed in the Scriptures, he examines the patristic and medieval periods and the role of the Holy Spirit in the faith and worship of the church. He then discusses the Reformation and the challenges to Trinitarianism that occurred during that period. He concludes with a penetrating discussion of contemporary questions about the Holy Spirit.
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Millennial Kingdom : A Basic Text In Premillennial Theology
$26.99The Millennial Kingdom is a comprehensive biblical and historical treatment of the doctrine of the millennium written for the pastor, students, scholar, or layperson. The three leading millennial views — postmillennialism, amillennialism, and premillennialism — are presented in the context of their history, their theology, and their biblical interpretation. Dr. Walvoord presents postmillennialism first and then discusses amillennialism. However, the subject of premillenialism forms the main body of the work. The author introduces premillennialism with a survey of its historical background in the Old and New Testaments and in the history of the church. Its theological setting and methods of interpretation are discussed. A presentation of the character of the millennium concludes the volume.
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Moral Maze : A Way Of Exploring Christian Ethics
$16.99Moral decisions present the individual with a maze of possibilities which can be overwhelming. The increasing complexity of modern life makes it difficult for Christians to know what is ethically right and how to make the right choices. David Cook, in this straightforward and very readable book, examines the main causes of the moral dilemmas in which we so often find ourselves. Not only does he provide an excellent introduction to moral philosophy and its leading schools of thought, but he also examines the sources of Christian principles. How can this Christian use the Bible as a guide to ethical problems? What role should the Church and tradition play? Dr Cook concludes that despite the numerous choices surrounding us, Christian values still offer an authoritative alternative. In the final section, a method is suggested for moral decision making at a practical level, drawing on Edward de Bono’s innovative thinking techniques, and this is applied to the questions of abortion and euthanasis. The Moral Maze is a first-class textbook for students of ethics in universities and theological colleges, and the ideal introduction to how to make moral decisions for the general reader.
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Theology Of The New Testament Volume 1 A Print On Demand Title
$35.99This volume, the first of a two-volume work by Leonhard Goppelt, represents the most mature and comprehensive thought of this German New Testament scholar. Among German-speaking scholars it is distinguished as rivaling, if not replacing, the monumental work on New Testament theology by Rudolf Bultmann.
A study of the life and ministry of Jesus, this volume makes a thoroughgoing application of the most reliable tools and insights of contemporary New Testament scholarship. Goppelt makes a critical examination of the sources for knowledge of the historical Jesus and maintains an ongoing conversation with the views of other interpreters.
Although he sees his study as a “qualified conversation between exegetical and systematic theology,” his goal is always to come to terms with the intent of the New Testament authors without losing sight of Jesus’ meaning for today.
The major themes developed are the coming of the Kingdom of God, repentance and the ethical directives of Jesus, repentance as the gift of God’s Kingdom, Jesus’ ministry of healing and eschatological renewal, Jesus’ self- understanding, and the cross and resurrection.
An appendix provides a history and shows the range of problems in New Testament theology. Here Goppelt also examines and evaluates the historical-critical, historical-positive, and Heilsgeschichtliche approaches. Each chapter includes a detailed bibliography in English and German.
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Chemistry Of The Blood
$17.99The Chemistry of the Blood is one of Dr. M. R. De Haan’s most widely read books. In it, his scientific background is uniquely combined with his skillful exposition of Scripture to correlate Scripture and science. In addition to the title chapter on The Chemistry of the Blood, Dr. De Haan also discusses such intriguing themes as “The Chemistry of Tears,” “The Chemistry of the Bible,” “The Chemistry of Man,” and other striking truths.
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History Of Christian Theology
$45.00William Placher has chronicled the whole history of Christian theology, from its background in the history of Israel to the various modes of liberation theology in the late 20th century. Moreover, this book has touched almost all of the important bases and has dealt with significant figures, is sues and movements in an incisive and illuminating manner. This intellectual history, a story of people and their ideas, is a delight to read, and could be widely used in colleges, seminaries, and even by lay institutes or study groups.
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Westminster Dictionary Of Christian Theology
$70.00The Westminter Dictionary of Christian Theology is an important reference for any pastor, scholar, or student of theology. The articles are clearly written, historically informative, and conceptually clarifying. The entries are arranged alphabetically for ease of use.
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Westminster Dictionary Of Christian Spirituality
$52.00The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Spirituality is an invaluable reference work. The volume features hundreds of entries, arranged alphabetically for ease of use, on a wide range of people, ideas, and events that have helped to shape Christian spirituality.
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Apocalipsis El Drama De Los Si – (Spanish)
$15.99This is the greatest story of all times that will affect all those that have lived or will live through the Great Tribulation! This study of the chapter of Revelation is an anticipatory vision of what is going to happen at the end of human history.
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Worship Of God A Print On Demand Title
$28.99While most Christians today value worship and regard it as a vital part of the church’s life and witness, there is also a wistful yearning that contemporary worship be vastly improved and given a more satisfying rationale.
Calling his book a “compact guide to some of the main themes of the worship of God,” and believing that the agenda of worship “needs a serious overhaul in our churches,” well-known theologian Ralph P. Martin here reexamines the concept of worship, “recasting . . . its meaning in such a way as will express its essentially theological dimension and yet will relate its practice to the concerns, interests, and needs of men and women in our world.”
To that end, then, Martin discusses several elements of worship: praise, prayer, hymns, the offering, the creeds and confessions, the sermon, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and the role of the Holy Spirit. The main thrust of Martin’s discussion it to consider, in the light of Scripture and history, the theological rationale for the practice of each element. A final chapter summarizes the author’s definition of worship and diagrams a “service of worship” that involves all the aspects of worship he has discussed.
Both theologically adequate and pastorally helpful, the book is designed for ministers and theological students, as well as lay leaders in the churches.
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Readings In Christian Humanism
$71.66From biblical times to the present day, the massively influential and engaging tradition of Christian reflection on the value of being human is presented here. With its primary documents, carefully selected and edited by a team of experts, Readings in Christian Humanism fully represents the variety and vitality of the humanistic tradition found in historic Christianity. Bringing together highlights from the almost unlimited gallery of Christian humanist thinkers as stimulants to our own imaginations, this anthology also boldly sets claim to a ground for Christian humanism today.
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$24.99Baptism is a gift from God to the church. If it is not, why make such a fuss about it? We may as well abolish the practice and thus put an end to the confusion and competing notions that surround it. Baptism is God’s gift to the church, Christ’s act within the church. This is a fundamental assumption. Now we must try to make sense of such a bold assertion. Few issues within the church are as controversial as baptism. By which method should it be administered? At what age? What if one changes denominations? Laurence Stookey sifts through the confusion and rhetoric to offer this practical, biblically sound guide to baptism. He examines the sacrament from historical, theological, and pastoral perspectives, and looks at how it has been altered through the ages. Stookey also suggests possible reforms, practices that need restoring and proper occasions for the service.
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Pauls Apocalyptic Gospel
$35.00“J. Christiaan Beker faces a major question: can the genuine power of Paul’s truly responsible apocalyptic be recovered in our time – so that we are actually addressed by the gospel of God’s coming cosmic triumph – without falling victim to readily available forms of sheer speculation, paranoid polarization, and romantic futurism? Beker responds to this question with uncommon honesty and insight as he shows that the passion for God’s coming triumph can serve – and in fact does serve – as the generating source of our compassion for our needy world.”
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Creeds Of The Churches (Reprinted)
$65.00Creeds of the Churches offers, in one comprehensive volume, the major Christian statements of faith from biblical times to the present. The third edition has been updated to include the Athanasian Creed, the London Confession, the Frankfurt Declaration, and the Lima Text, among others. A brief introduction to each creed explains its place in the developing theology of the Christian community.
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God Has Many Names
$28.00A major revolution in thinking about religion is called for in this challenging work by theologian and religious philosopher John Hick. The author persuasively argues for a true religious pluralism, respectful of the non-Christian traditions that have persisted over time–Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam.
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