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    Tracts and Booklets

    • Denominations Comparison Pamphlet


      Size 8.5″ X 5.5″ – 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      This pamphlet compares 12 Christian denominations and what they believe on different topics. Groups include:
      * Baptist * Churches of Christ * Anabaptist * Orthodox
      * Presbyterian * Anglican * Lutheran * Congregational
      * Adventist * Pentecostal * Roman Catholic * Methodist
      What do they believe about God, the Trinity, Jesus, the Scriptures, Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and salvation? This easy-to-understand chart has brief, concise answers. All of these groups believe in the deity of Christ and the importance of Scripture, so what makes them different? Fits inside a Bible cover. Unfolds to 33″. Also available as a wall chart.

      11 in stock

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    • Names Of God Pamphlet


      Size 8.5″ X 5.5″ – 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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      Names of God
      There are many names for God given in the Old Testament and each has a special blessing for us that will enrich your worship and prayer life. This pamphlet shows 21 names of God:
      * Adonai
      * Jehovah Jireh
      * El (the Strong One)
      * Jehovah-Mekaddishkem
      * El Elohe Yisrael
      * Jehovah-Nissi
      * El Elyon
      * Jehovah-Rapha
      * Elohim
      * El Olam
      * Jehovah- Sabaoth
      * El Roi
      * Jehovah-Shalom
      * El Shaddai
      * Jehovah-Shammah
      * Immanuel
      * Jehovah Tsidkenu
      * Jehovah
      * Yah or Jah
      * YHWH
      It gives the definition, a scripture reference, and shows how to apply it to our lives today.

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    • Praying When Life Hurts


      SKU (ISBN): 9780877840893ISBN10: 087784089XW. Bingham HunterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 2003IVP BookletsPublisher: InterVarsity Press

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    • From Pride To Humility


      Taken from the heart of The Exemplary Husband by Stuart Scott is this expanded version of the chapter on humility. God has given us a model to follow, in order to be what He wants us to be, and that model is the person of Jesus Christ. The humility of Jesus Christ is His most stunning attribute, and the sin of pride is probably the most detestable to God. Here is an exhaustive list of manifestations of pride, followed by the challengiing attributes of humility. a handy reference guide.

      11 in stock (additional units can be purchased)

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    • Christian History Time Line Pamphlet


      Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      2,000 Years of Christian History At A Glance!
      Christian History Time Line shows 2,000 years of church history at a glance. Includes brief explanations of more than 200 key people and events that all Christians should know. Special emphasis on world missions, the expansion of Christianity, and Bible translation into other languages. Pamphlet has 14 panels and fits inside a Bible cover

      6 in stock

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    • When You Are An RCIA Sponsor


      Someone has decided to become a Catholic and you have been invited to be the person’s sponsor during the journey of conversion. What does a sponsor do during the process of Christian initiation?

      In When You Are An RCIA Sponsor Rita Burns Senseman reflects on the responsibility and significance of being chosen to share your faith and personal experience with someone less familiar with the path than you. She explains clearly and briefly the Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults. Her explanation includes a description of the theology of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. She offers suggestions for being a companion and witness on the RCIA journey, for introducing and welcoming the new Catholic into the parish faith community, and for praying and worshiping together. Each chapter provides questions for reflection or discussion, and passages from the Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults, Scripture And The Catechism Of The Catholic Church for prayerful meditation. The author also includes guidance for sponsoring familes.

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    • Bible Time Line Pamphlet


      Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      Genesis to Revelation at a Glance
      Bible Time Line pamphlet shows hundreds of facts in biblical history. Includes dates of kings, prophets, battles, and key events. Compare Bible history, world history, and Middle East history side-by-side.
      Did you know that …
      * Buddha, Confucius, and the prophet Daniel all lived at the same time?
      * While the Sheng Dynasty was flourishing in China, Moses was leading the people out of Egypt during the Exodus?
      * The first recorded Olympic games in Greece were held at the time of Jonah?
      * The Greek historian Homer lived during the time of Isaiah, Amos, and Micah?
      * Mt. Vesuvius erupted and buried Pompeii during the apostle John’s lifetime?
      Colorful photos and illustrations. 10 pt. type makes it easy to read.

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    • Living Water


      1. The Seal Of God’s Grace
      2. The Water Of Life
      3. In The Name Of God
      4. A Statement Of Faith
      5. The Ministry Of The Baptized

      Additional Info
      Living Water describes in clear and understandable language what baptism means in a Presbyterian church. Divided into five parts, Davison discusses the sacramental features of baptism, the symbolic meaning of water, the importance of being baptized in the name of God, the recitation of the baptismal creed, and how baptism leads to service.

      Living Water is designed for candidates for baptism and for parents of children who are to be baptized. Pastors will want to give this book as a gift to those preparing for baptism. It can also be used in church school classes, new member classes, study groups, or in any other education setting where Presbyterians desire to understand the biblical, theological, and practical aspects of baptism.

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    • Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts


      J. E. O’Day helps readers to discover their spiritual gifts by listening to God, following natural inclinations and seeking the counsel of others.

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    • Tyranny Of The Urgent (Revised)


      Now thorougly revised and expanded, this classic booklet by Charles E. Hummel offers ideas and illustratins for effective time management.

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    • Evidence For The Resurrection


      This book explores the theories of the resurrection, and the evidence that we have to prove that it did happen. It explores the appearances of the risen Christ along with all other evidence that was given to us.

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    • My Heart Christs Home (Revised)


      The Study
      The Dining Room
      The Living Room
      The Workroom
      The Rec Room
      The Bedroom
      The Hall Closet
      Transferring The Title

      Additional Info
      In this booklet, Robert Boyd Munger emphasizes the need for Christians to be wholeheartedly devoted to Christ.

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    • Running Through The Thistles


      Can how you leave a church affect your feelings about leaving or create “baggage” you take to your new congregation? Gain insight into termination styles and how they affect both you and your parishioners. Oswald guides you through Alban Institute research findings, using real-life illustrations.

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    • Christianity Cults And Religions Pamphlet


      Size 8.5″ X 5.5″ – 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      Compare 18 World Religions and Cults at a Glance!
      Best-seller Christianity, Cults & Religions wall chart compares the beliefs of 18 world religions and cults at a glance! Know what each group believes about God, Jesus, Salvation, and more. Researched by some of the top scholars in the field, the chart features more groups than any other side-by-side chart and contains the most up-to-date information. Includes information regarding:
      * Christianity
      * Judaism
      * Islam
      * Buddhism
      * Hinduism
      * Mormonism
      * Unification Church
      * Jehovah’s Witnesses
      * Christian Science
      * Scientology
      * Unity School of Christianity
      * New Age
      * Spiritualism
      * Hare Krishna
      * Armstrongism (latest updates)
      * Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism
      * Bahi World Faith
      * Transcendental Meditation(TM)

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    • Trinity Pamphlet : What Is The Trinity And What Do Christians Believe


      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
      Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

      Additional Info
      Understand the Trinity
      The Trinity is one of the most important doctrines in Christianity, one of the key doctrines that separates Christianity from other religions. This chart explains that Christians believe in One God in Three Persons not three gods and not one God with three personalities. Available as a wall chart for the classroom and as a pamphlet for your students.

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    • What The Bible Says About Money Pamphlet


      Hundreds of Bible passages mention money: its power and its dangers and its blessings. This pamphlet gives ten key biblical principles about money, including (1) God owns everything and has given us many blessings, (2) Everything we have came from the Lord, (3) God holds us responsible for caring for others, (4) Money is not meant to enrich ourselves or to be hoarded but to bring blessings to others, 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles.

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    • How We Got The Bible Pamphlet


      Size 8.5″ X 5.5″ – 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      Increase Your Confidence in the Reliability of the Bible
      How We Got the Bible will inspire your students with the stories of early Bible translators. This time line of key people and events in the history of the Bible shows ancient writing materials, such as stone and clay tablets, leather scrolls, papyrus, early hand copied books, and more. Features people who gave their lives to translating and printing the Bible, including William Tyndale, John Wycliffe, King James, Erasmus, and Johann Gutenberg.

      * Features facts about early Bibles, including the Septuagint, the Vulgate, the Wycliffe and Tyndale Bibles, the Geneva Bible, the King James or Authorized Version Bible, the Revised Version, as well as modern-day translations.
      * Special emphasis on the inspiration of the Scriptures and the reliability of the Bible as the Word of God.
      * Explains the importance of finds such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, which testify to accuracy of Bible translation throughout the centuries.

      Available as a wall chart or a pamphlet.

      9 in stock

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    • Spiritual Warfare Prayers


      10 Packet – Folded Pamphlets
      Contains 21 Prayers

      Additional Info
      This fold out pamphlet on Spiritual Warfare Prayers contains Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version. Can be easily distributed and successfully used. Contains prayer on:

      Powerful Prayer
      Prayer For Spiritual Victory Prayer For Salvation of Friend
      Prayer For Christian Unity
      Prayer For Marriage
      Prayer To Know and Speak Truth
      Prayer of Repentance’
      Prayer For revival
      And More!

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    • Critique Of Modern Youth Ministry


      The church today does not expect what it ought to from children and their parents, and this can be attributed in large part to a flawed concept of youth ministry. This booklet discusses the reasons behind this problem and presents biblical solutions.

      The intent of this booklet is to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.

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    • Have You Heard Of The Four Spiritual Laws


      The Four Spiritual Laws presents a clear explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. One of the most effective evangelistic tools ever developed, over one hundred million copies have been distributed in all of the major languages of the world. This four point outline:
      Begins with a positive note-“God loves you.”
      Presents the claims of Christ clearly
      Includes an invitation to receive Christ
      Offers suggestions for growth
      Emphasizes the importance of the Church
      Gives you confidence because you know what you are going to say and how to say it
      Enables you to stay on the subject-to control the situation
      Makes it possible for you to be brief
      Enables you to be prepared
      One of the most effective evangelistic tools ever developed. This booklet helps you open conversations easily and naturally and share your faith with confidence.

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    • John Wesleys Message Today


      Explains major aspects of Wesley’s theology; assists groups or individuals with study questions.
      With its plain, easy-to-understand language, this Pocket Guide will help you understand the major aspects of John Wesley’s theology.
      You will discover what Wesley believed about…

      The image of God and original sin
      Justification by faith
      The witness of the Spirit
      Social holiness
      …and more. This 96 page booklet also offers study questions that will help you or your group discuss the importance of Wesley’s ideas for Christians today.

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    • Love Was Born At Christmas


      “Love Was Born at Christmas” is an Advent booklet designed especially for families with children. It contains 24 Advent devotions each having a short meditation, suggested scripture reading, and a prayer. The children participate by coloring one object from the accompanying manger scene, cutting it out, and pasting it onto the appropriate spot in the Christmas setting. Thus, the whole family can ready itself for the Christmas event through this simple Advent booklet.

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