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Showing 451–500 of 1173 results

  • Choose Joy 3 Minute Devotions For Women


    Got 3 minutes to spare? You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you need in Choose Joy 3-Minute Devotions for Women. Written especially the twenty-first-century woman, this delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and joy into just-right-sized readings.
    Minute 1: scripture to meditate on;
    Minute 2: a short devotional reading;
    Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God. This portable package makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

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  • True Beauty


    From age-defying makeup to the latest diet fad, our culture continually tells women they need to have a flawless face and a supermodel figure. Exposing the idea of physical perfection as the lie it really is, Carolyn Mahaney and her daughter Nicole Whitacre direct women to the truth of God’s Word, which proclaims an entirely different-and refreshingly liberating-standard for beauty. Offering a path to freedom from the false idols that society, the Devil, and our sinful hearts so often create, this encouraging book will help women exchange the temporary glamour of pop culture for the unfading beauty of godliness.

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  • Segura Y Plena – (Spanish)


    Las mujeres anhelamos sentirnos seguras y disfrutar una vida en plenitud, pero primero necesitamos conocer nuestra identidad, nuestras fortalezas y debilidades para poder dirigirnos hacia donde queremos llegar. El proposito de este libro es que las mujeres adquieran el conocimiento liberador que les permita generar nuevas creencias y valores; modificando asi su comprension de si mismas de tal manera que desarrollen las habilidades necesarias para autoliderarse y liberarse para ser y hacer en un equilibrio saludable que potenciara sus relaciones y tambien su influencia.

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  • Fear Fighting (Reprinted)


    Popular blogger and speaker helps women fight their fears one by one with passion, purpose, and bravery to develop an unstoppable, contagious faith. Includes a 30-day action plan, personal inventories, checklists, and analysis for growth.

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  • Preaching From Home


    This volume by Gracia Grindal introduces English-speaking readers to several significant yet unsung Lutheran women hymn writers from the sixteenth century to the present. After a brief introductory discussion of Elisabeth Cruciger, the first woman hymn writer of the Reformation, Grindal provides fascinating profiles of these talented Scandinavian women who “preached from home”: Dorothe Engelbretsdatter, Birgitte Hertz Boye, Berthe Canutte Aarflot, Lina Sandell, Britt G. Hallqvist, and Lisbeth Smedegaard Andersen.

    Grindal not only gives a biographical account of each woman-her life, her piety, her times-but also offers sparkling new English translations of each writer’s key hymns. In the last chapter Grindal recounts her own inspiring journey as a Lutheran woman hymn writer. Her Preaching from Home will open the door to a world previously unknown to most North Americans.

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  • Concept Of Woman Volume 3


    This pioneering study by Sister Prudence Allen traces the concept of woman in relation to man in Western thought from ancient times to the present. In her third and final volume Allen covers the years 1500-2015, continuing her chronological approach to individual authors from the first two volumes and also offering systematic arguments to defend some philosophical positions over against others.

    Building on her work from Volumes I and II, Allen draws on four “communities of discourse” – Academic, Humanist, Religious, and Satirical – and she traces several recurring strands of sex and gender identity from the Renaissance to the present. Now complete, Allen’s magisterial study will be a valuable resource for scholars and students in the fields of women’s studies, philosophy, history, theology, literary studies, and political science.

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  • Whispers Of My Heart


    Don’t know what words to say in prayer? Feel like your prayers don’t reach God? Are some of your prayers answered ” no”? Does God want to hear from you-or only others?

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  • Becoming A Woman Of Simplicity


    Can life in this multitasking world be tamed? In a culture that pulls women in multiple directions at once, is it possible to declutter the calendar, reduce energy-draining distractions, and exchange some of those urgencies for what is truly important?

    This timely Bible study from bestselling author Cynthia Heald shows you that, yes, a simpler life is not only possible, but also vital.

    Becoming a Woman of Simplicity delves into Scripture and offers practical, real-life counsel so you can experience the freedom necessary to live with the quiet confidence God intended.

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  • Dumpsters And Diamonds


    God sees you as beautiful jewels and sparkling diamonds not discounted written off or discarded as though your life is not important. His plan is to give you a blessed and beautiful future. Gutsy inspiring true stories that will motivate, captivate and energize you so that you can boldly fulfill your God given purpose and destiny. You deserve to find true and lasting happiness that will sustain you whatever may come your way. Your past does not dictate your future, you will become as bold as a lioness, because any woman who knows her God will be strong. This captivating and compelling page turner will cheer you on to achieve your dreams and stir up your visions. You will be empowered to help others from the jailhouse to the penthouse by being a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, an arm to lean on and a helping hand.

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  • He Whispers Your Name LuxLeather


    He Whispers Your Name is a Daily Devotional offering inspiration in the course of your inner walk of faith. Daily guidance from deeply reflective homilies by the author are delivered as personal messages from God to the reader’s heart. The messages will inspire you to converse with God – intimately, from within. The book is divided into 52 weekly topics like: Trials & Troubles, Wisdom, Mercy and more. The devotions are followed with a relevant Scripture passage. The supple cover is constructed of quality man-made material with the look and feel of real leather (trade name LuxLeather). The cover features a debossed floral design and a silver foiled title. Silver gilt-edged pages, an attached ribbon page marker and a presentation page all add up to a lovely and thoughtful gift.

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  • Filled With The Spirit Of Jesus


    Through highs and lows in our ordinary lives, we suffer pain and disappointment. Bad things do happen to good people. We can live with the frustrations, or we can work to overcome them. If we foster the Spirit of Jesus in his courage, compassion, and a lasting spirit of love and forgiveness, we can become happier, more peaceful, and joyful people every day.

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  • Women In The Story Of Jesus


    Historical female perspectives on women whose lives were changed by Jesus This volume gathers the writings of thirty-one nineteenth-century women on the stories of women in the Gospels – Mary and Martha, Anna, the Samaritan woman at the well, Herodias and Salome, Mary Magdalene, and more. The selected excerpts represent various literary genres, including commentaries, Scripture biographies, essays, travel diaries, children’s lessons, and sermons. Retrieving and analyzing neglected works by Christina Rossetti, Sarah Hale, Elizabeth Wordsworth, and many other nineteenth-century writers, Women in the Story of Jesus illuminates the biblical text, recovers a neglected chapter of reception history, and helps us understand and apply Scripture in our present context.

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  • More Than Enchanting (Expanded)


    Embrace your influence. Women have always wielded enormous influence, whether in our homes, jobs, communities, or churches. But as we lean into those God-given opportunities, we often experience substantial barriers, whether from other people and systems around us or from our own insecurities and struggles. Jo Saxton has faced her own challenges in her journey of uncovering her leadership potential. But she also knows what can happen in the church and the world when women are empowered and released to maximize their giftedness. If you have ever wondered whether God can use you to have a greater impact in the world, if you have faced challenges in using your gifts for the church, or if you are weary of battling against those who want to quell your voice and ministry passions, then this book is for you. You will find encouragement, inspiration, and strength to break through the barriers that are keeping you from exerting your full influence for God and his kingdom.

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  • Pursuing Contentment : 12 Lessons


    All too often, our lives fall short of the expectations we’ve set, and our happiness seems just out of reach. We are disappointed by the people in our lives, or the decisions we made, or how we reacted to something, or the goals we failed to meet. All this disappointment can work its way into our hearts-and when that happens, we lash out and vent our disgruntled feeling over life’s unfairness. In short, we complain about our situation and fail to see all the blessings God has given us. In this study, readers will examine how contentment is something that can be learned. They will look at what the Bible says about being content in all circumstances, how they can overcome bad habits of complaining, and how they can allow God to cultivate a heart of thankfulness within them.

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  • Grace Factor : Makeup Techniques For The Woman Over 50


    This is a book about beauty for women who are aging! In a world that embraces and values youth. You can’t be made beautiful in the way you were when you were younger. But this book can help you appreciate what you have and make the most of what you have with these simple techniques. Every woman will find a WOW moment in the grace Factor

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  • Burdens To Blessings


    From the time Kim Crabill experienced a life altering trauma at age four, she became an expert in hiding her hurt and confusion behind a mask. The trick, she discovered, was to sing a little louder in choir, study a little harder at school, and smile a little wider with friends. Then no one would notice how damaged her heart was. She became a classic overachiever academically and socially. As an adult, she could even speak before crowds with her mask fully in tact. But she could not hide from the pain of her past, and pain that expressed itself through anorexia and diet pill addiction, loneliness, depression, and anxiety attacks. In her transparent and gripping story, Burdens to Blessings, Kim invites you along her journey from shame and sadness toward healing and hope. In the process you’ll encounter the upside- down truth that God uses you because of your hurt and uncertainty. The very things you regret the most-the things you hope no one ever discovers about you-are what God wants to use to enrich your life and the lives of others around you. As this truth sinks in, you’ll discover the confidence and courage to quit hiding and show your true self to God and others. Then watch out, because you’ll be showered with opportunities to help other hurting people beyond your wildest dreams. 

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  • Experiencing The Love Of God (Student/Study Guide)


    Most of us live our lives at a breakneck pace. We spend our days working at our jobs, taking care of our families, and serving others in our lives. All of this effort can, at times, leave us feeling overworked, overextended, and-if we are really honest with ourselves-underappreciated. It’s during these times that we especially need to experience the love of God. This is a tender sort of love that can thaw our hearts, cheer our dispositions, and remind us what this life is really about. Yet it is also a tough sort of love in that it calls us to examine ourselves and lead the kind of lives that God wants us to lead. In this study, readers will look at key passages in the Bible that speak about this kind of love, how they can get it from the Source, and what it calls them to do. They will also discover the precious nature of this love that God holds out to them and how they can receive with their whole hearts.

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  • Following Gods Guidance (Student/Study Guide)


    The Bible is filled with stories of people who took one action or another because they heard the voice of God. Noah heard God tell him to build an ark. Moses heard God say from a burning bush that he was to deliver the Israelites from Egypt. The shepherds were told to look for the promised Messiah lying in a manger. Today, we know that God was actually speaking to these people because we know the outcomes of their stories. But how do we know when God is actually speaking to us? How do we know what he wants us to do? In this study, readers will learn how to recognize the voice of God through his Word, through “quiet nudgings” in their spirit, and even through the wise counsel of others. They will also discover how God’s voice always calls them to know him more, to be obedient to him, to wait on his perfect timing, and to always have faith in him.

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  • Building Your Strengths


    God has given each of us gifts and abilities, but for some reason we often have trouble embracing this truth. Many of us-if not most of us-underestimate our value and buy into the lie that we are not smart enough, or strong enough, or good enough to accomplish the task we have set out to do. Even if it is something we have accomplished before, we can still lose confidence at times that we are up to the task. In this study, readers will come to understand that the way to survive these moments of insecurity is to understand their true God-given gifts and strengths, rehearse God’s acts of faithfulness, and receive encouragement from others. Most of all, they will discover that true strength comes from leaning on God in all situations and using their gifts to shine his light and glory to the world around them.

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  • Finding Rest In A Busy World (Student/Study Guide)


    Each and every day, we are confronted with all kinds of opportunities that vie for our attention and threaten to sap our energy and time. Many of these opportunities are good in and of themselves, such as serving at our kids’ school, or helping at our church, or leading a Bible study, or even taking on extra work to help support our families financially. However, if we are not careful with our time, we can soon find ourselves taking on so many obligations that our lives become blur of rushing from one event to another. What our souls really crave is rest-and yet that is one of those treasures we often ignore or fail to prioritize. In this study, readers will examine what the Bible says about the benefits of rest and how it is a gift that God wants them to have. They will also look at how to get through stressful times, apply the brakes and set boundaries, and give their worries to God so they can find true peace and rest in his provision.

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  • She Believes : Embracing The Life You Were Created To Live (Reprinted)


    Dynamic Leader Helps Women Embrace the Life They Were Created to Live
    With over seven billion people in the world, it can be difficult for women to believe they were designed for a purpose. That they individually have value, and their life has meaning that goes beyond what they see or have been told to believe. But that’s just the life-changing message Debbie Lindell passionately shares and champions. Every woman, no matter her history, social status, or position in society, was beautifully and magnificently designed by her Creator to live an amazing life. In She Believes, Lindell shares with women the beautiful truth of God’s love for them, empowering them to live out their own unique purpose and bring change to their homes, their workplaces, their communities, and the world. With personal stories and biblical truth, Debbie invites women to trust God’s Word–and discover the incredible, abundant life that he created them to live.

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  • Lifting Womens Voices


    This stunning collection of prayers from women throughout the Anglican Communion is organized according to themes of the U.N. Millennium Development Goals.

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  • Eve In Exile


    The swooning ladies of the Victorian Age and the suburban housewives of the 1950s genuinely needed to be liberated. That much is indisputable. So, First-Wave feminists held rallies for women’s suffrage. Then, Second-Wave feminists marched for Prohibition, jobs, and abortion. Today, Third-Wave feminists stand firmly for nobody’s quite sure what. But the modern woman-who uses psychotherapeutic drugs at a rate never before seen in history-needs liberating now more than ever. The truth is, feminists don’t know what liberation is. They have led us into a very boring dead end.

    Eve in Exile sets aside all stereotypes of mid-century housewives, of china-doll femininity, of Victorians fainting, of women not allowed to think for themselves or talk to the men about anything interesting or important. It dismisses the pencil-skirted and stiletto-heeled executives of TV, the outspoken feminists freed from all that hinders them, the brave career women in charge of their own destinies. Once those fictionalized stereotypes are out of the way-whether they’re things that make you gag or things you think look pretty fun-Christians can focus on real women. What did God make real women for?

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  • Sleeping Queen : The Divine Awakening Of The Entrepreneurial Woman


    A divine invitation to every woman who is ready to step out of the religious shadows and into her God-given position of empowered leadership and wealth creation.

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  • When Momma Speaks


    Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder provides an engaging womanist reading of mother characters in the Old and New Testaments. After providing a brief history of womanist biblical interpretation, she shows how the stories of several biblical mothers-Hagar, Rizpah, Bathsheba, Mary, the Canaanite woman, and Zebedee’s wife-can be powerful sources for critical reflection, identification, and empowerment. Crowder also explores historical understandings of motherhood in the African American community and how these help to inform present-day perspectives. She includes questions for discussion with each chapter.

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  • Appointed Rising To Your Spiritual Potential


    What does it look like to be a true follower of God? Is claiming to wear the name of Christian enough? Are action and obedience really vital parts of our Christian walk? Join us as we study God’s response to faithful obedience and to spiritual apathy in the books of Judges and Ruth. This is a 13-chapter study designed for women.

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  • Its Not Fair


    Hey, you. Are you debating whether to destroy something with your bare hands or curl up on the couch for a decade or two?

    This book will solve all of your problems. (Sheesh, that’s aiming a bit high.)

    This book is a cup of hot coffee, a ginormous bar of chocolate, or the magical fairy that comes over and does your dishes while you lie in the fetal position clutching a fluffy pillow. Sometimes when life falls apart the only acceptable response is hysterical laughter. When things get so far gone, so spectacularly a world away from any plans you made or dreams you dreamed, you feel it bubbling up inside of you and you scream, “It’s not fair!” And it isn’t. Fair is an illusion, and life is weird.

    This book will help you laugh at life’s absurd backhands. This book is an empathetic groan of our collective unfairnesses. You might want to throw it across the room, and you might want to hug it like your new best friend. This book is about us sitting down together in our shared mess, taking a deep breath, gripping hands, looking the hard stuff in its beady little eyeballs, and bahahahaaing at it.

    Life’s not fair, but we can learn to love this life we didn’t choose.

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  • Successful Women Of The Bible


    Does a modern woman need wealth to be successful? Beauty and fame? A certain number of Twitter followers? Patton believes that women of faith need wiser, worthier goals! Turning to stories in Scripture, she invites you to find inspiration in Deborah’s leadership, Esther’s courage, Miriam’s joy, Lydia’s business acumen, and more.

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  • Soul Bare : Stories Of Redemption By Emily P Freeman Sarah Bessey Trillia N


    Honesty, authenticity and vulnerability. You want to be a person who reflects these qualities. But sometimes it’s just hard to reveal your deepest hardships and struggles. How are Christians supposed to have hope and experience wholeness amidst personal challenges and failures? The women and men of Soul Bare not only intimately understand the risks of exposure, but they are also willing to share their most poignant and painful moments with you. Soul Bare features contributions from the best of today’s influential young writers, including Emily P. FreemanTrillia NewbellHolley GerthSeth HainesJennifer Dukes Leeand many more Soak in these powerful reflections, and you will find your own soul soothed. If you need to experience beauty in the brokenness of real life laid bare, this book is for you.

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  • 1st Corinthians Womens Bible Study Participant Book (Student/Study Guide)


    Relationships are messy. We’re all different and imperfect, and we can struggle to get along–especially with those who disagree with us. Often we find ourselves divided–even as Christians. How can we work out our differences and disagreements with humility and grace, always showing the love of Christ, while still remaining true to what we believe? The Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians living in Corinth about this very thing. The cultural backdrop of Corinth was even more overtly sinful than our culture today, yet Paul boldly encouraged the Corinthian Christians not to ridicule one another or outsiders but to work together to show the love of Christ. In this six-week study we will explore Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians to learn how we as Christians are to deal with differences and divisions–whether in the workplace, neighborhood, school, home, social media community, or church. We’ll discover that the answer is living and sharing the radical love of Jesus Christ, and we’ll unpack what this means and how we can live it out day by day. The Participant Book includes five days of lessons for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer.

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  • Minute Motivators For Women


    Whether you pick up this book before you’re off to the races in the morning or when you’re winding down at bedtime, Minute Motivators for Women will inspire and encourage you over and over again.

    We don’t always need more knowledge. Often, what we need is time for reflection on what we already know. Each chapter of this engaging book will draw your attention to a single attribute that every godly woman wants to cultivate in her life, such as patience, wisdom, persistence, courage, and gratitude.

    The Tolers’ bite-size portions of inspiration make this the perfect devotional for, well, anytime, especially those days when you wake up feeling as though you’re already several hours behind. It also offers a terrific way to recharge in the middle of a hectic schedule. And reading a brief chapter at the end of your day will remind you that God has every aspect of your life under control.

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  • Soul H2o : 40 Thirst Quenching Devotions For Women


    Quench your spiritual thirst with refreshing devotions taken from the Soul H2O Blog. Throughout the short devotions, Sherry weaves relatable experiences making Biblical truths simple. Each end with a power-packed prayer followed by a list of scriptures to fill up your well.

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  • Uninvited : Living Loved When You Feel Less Than Left Out And Lonely


    The enemy wants us to feel rejected . . . left out, lonely, and less than. When we allow him to speak lies through our rejection, he pickpockets our purpose. Cripples our courage. Dismantles our dreams. And blinds us to the beauty of Christ’s powerful love. In Uninvited, Lysa shares her own deeply personal experiences with rejection-from the incredibly painful childhood abandonment by her father to the perceived judgment of the perfectly toned woman one elliptical over. With biblical depth, gut-honest vulnerability, and refreshing wit, Lysa helps readers: Release the desire to fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process their hurt. Know exactly what to pray for the next ten days to steady their soul and restore their confidence. Overcome the two core fears that feed our insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging. Stop feeling left out and start believing that “set apart” does not mean “set aside.” End the cycle of perceived rejection by refusing to turn a small incident into a full blown issue.

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  • Becoming A Woman Of Excellence 30th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    Society beckons us to succeed-to achieve excellence in our appearance, our earning power, our family life. God Himself also beckons us to be women of excellence. But what exactly is He asking? If you’re hungry for God’s perspective on success in a society that bombards you with conflicting demands, feed on the truths of God’s Word that you’ll discover in these pages. You will not only learn to “approve the things that are excellent” but will also experience the joy of becoming God’s woman of excellence. This bestselling topical Bible study has helped over one million women over the past 30 years, and is newly revised and updated so today’s women can discover who God designed them to be in this day and age. Written by Navigator author and Bible teacher Cynthia Heald, the 11 sessions in this Bible study explore what your identity in Christ is and how you can best serve Him.

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  • Made To Lead


    Women were made to lead. Even in church.

    Jesus affirmed women as leaders-many contend Mary Magdalene was the first female minister. Yet women in ministry face challenges and obstacles, both from churches and from their own self-doubts. Both men and women miss out when women don’t lead.

    Made to Lead empowers you to live out your calling boldly and confidently. Draw closer to God with relevant biblical examples and heartfelt prayers. Break down stereotypes of women in leadership. And create your own successful reality in which you are a key part of God’s holy community.

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  • Giving God Your Future


    Sometimes we wonder why God seems more like an acquaintance than a friend to us. What changes a life of nodding acquaintance to one of personal intimacy? In a word, dependence. Once we’re willing to trust God in every situation, seek His opinions over any others, trust Him in every circumstance, and do what he would do, the relationship we long for deepens, strengthens, and becomes vibrant. This study takes a look at what the Bible says about trusting God enough to give Him our all and being able to say, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” We’ll see that only He can empower us to live a life like that, and as we give Him our all, He gives us everything we need to have an intimate, growing, personal relationship with Him.

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  • Discovering Gods Goodness


    Nothing is beyond God’s redemption! No matter where we are in our spiritual journeys, God invites us to something more. No matter what age or stage of life we’re in-single or married, working or retired, raising children or left with an empty nest-God has a grand new day planned for us. In this study readers will learn that God has something original and one-of-a-kind picked out just for them, and that He wants to use them and the special gifts He has given them to encourage others, make the world a better place, and help others encounter God.

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  • Encouraging One Another


    Sometimes we plod through life with our head down and our back bent under the weight of our load. We feel unimpressive, unkempt, unappreciated, and unneeded. Day in and day out, we push along, struggling to put our shoulders into it, give it a little elbow grease, and keep a stiff upper lip. God doesn’t want to leave us staggering under such weight of discouragement. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much He does His best to cheer us up and cheer us on. In this study readers will learn how God planned ahead for all their gloomy days, how He knows just when they need a little lift, and how He has arranged for encouragement to be right there waiting for them. They will discover how encouragement comes from little miracles from God’s own hand, how it comes from knowing His promises, and how it comes from fellow believers as they reach out and touch one another’s lives.

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  • Praying With Power


    Prayer isn’t some kind of requirement for believers. It is a privilege! Prayer is our path to the adventure of building a relationship with our Savior. Through prayer the Creator of everything stoops to hear the lisping of toddlers. The Sustainer of every living thing hears the groans and sighs of the aging. He is aware of every thought, every choice, every move we make—but He is waiting for us to turn to Him and tell Him about it. In this study readers will explore journaling prayers, prayer attitudes, and how to pray their way through a desert or a valley. They will get up close and personal in two-way conversations and learn how to survive—and yes, even enjoy—those times when they’re put on the spot to pray out loud. They will learn how God answers even when they can’t hear Him saying a thing and be reminded that they never grow so old they don’t need to take time to say “thank you.”

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  • Women Of War Women Of Woe


    This volume gathers the writings of thirty-five nineteenth-century women on the stories of women in Joshua and Judges. Recovering and analyzing neglected works by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and many others, Women of War, Women of Woe illuminates the biblical text, recovers a neglected chapter of reception history, and helps us understand and apply Scripture in our present context.

    The stories of Rahab, Deborah, Jael, Delilah, Manoah’s wife, Achsah, Jephthah’s daughter, and the Levite’s concubine raised thorny questions for these female biblical interpreters – questions that they addressed candidly in their writings. Could a Victorian woman use her intelligence to negotiate like Rahab? Was the seemingly well-educated Deborah an appropriate role model? Or did Jephthah’s daughter more correctly model a pious woman’s life as she submitted to her father’s vow? The voices collected in this book offer thoughtful reflection on and responses to these questions and more.

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  • Still Life : A Memoir Of Living Fully With Depression


    23 Chapters

    Additional Info
    I stand on the edge of a cliff in my own bedroom. Gillian Marchenko continues her description of depression: “I must keep still. Otherwise I will plunge to my death. ‘Please God, take this away,’ I pray when I can.” For Gillian, “dealing with depression” means learning to accept and treat it as a physical illness. In these pages she describes her journey through various therapies and medications to find a way to live with depression. She faces down the guilt of a wife and mother of four, two with special needs. How can she care for her family when she can’t even get out of bed? Her story is real and raw, not one of quick fixes. But hope remains as she discovers that living with depression is still life.

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  • Girl Defined : Gods Radical Design For Beauty Femininity And Identity (Reprinted


    In a Culture of Distortions, Discover God-Defined Womanhood and Beauty In a culture where airbrushed models and career-driven women define beauty and success, it’s no wonder we have a distorted view of femininity. Our impossible standards place an incredible burden of stress on the backs of women and girls of all ages, resulting in anxiety, eating disorders, and depression. One question we often forget to ask is this: What is God’s design for womanhood?

    In Girl Defined, sisters and popular bloggers Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird offer women a countercultural view of beauty, femininity, and self-worth. Based firmly in God’s design for their lives, this book helps women rethink what true success and beauty look like. It invites them on a liberating journey toward a radically better vision for femininity that ends with the discovery of the kind of hope, purpose, and fulfillment they’ve been yearning for.

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  • Beautiful : Different In A World That Is The Same


    God Has A Beautiful Plan For Your Life
    If You Will Do It His Way

    Women today live in a world that demands excellence and perfection. Every woman, no matter the age, the culture or the background desperately searches for love and acceptance. In the worlds kingdom, it is all about outward appearance. Come journey with me through the pages of “Beautiful” into God’s kingdom where beauty is all about His inward presence.

    We will take the word “Beautiful” and letter by letter discover truths in God’s Word that will empower us and change us forever. These nine verses provide a strong foundation where God will build His superstructure. Through this interactive study, we will be set free from the world’s standards. No time increments or restraints have been used to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you through this journey.

    God has called us to be different in a world that is the same. He has chosen us to stand out from the crowd and let His light shine through us so that others will see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven. We will experience joy, sorrow, pain and finally freedom as we are delivered from bondage we have lived in for so many years.

    Stand with me my sweet, new friend and repeat these life changing words as we raise our hands in surrender to the One who loves us with an everlasting, unconditional love.


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  • Women Of Duck Commander


    “Matriarch Miss Kay, Korie, Missy, Jessica, and Lisa Robertson speak out in this insightful book about their roles in the crazy Robertson family and the core values that make this family work. Fans of Duck Dynasty already know that the women behind the men with the beards know their own minds and know how and when to speak out to their men. But this insightful book will give readers a look into what goes on behind the scenes and the real character and spunk of the women who love these bearded men. In this delightful book, readers will find that the Duck Commander women have real depth and character and, in addition to being the perfect companions for the Duckmen, are strong women of substance in their own rights. In each section of this book, our leading ladies share their hearts and their thoughts on the spiritual foundation that guides their lives as well as some of the difficulties and challenges they have faced in a chapter titled “‘Happily Ever After’ Sometimes Takes a While.” They share about how each one became a Robertson and challenge myths about their motives for marriage into this family. The wives of these beloved men share precious stories about their love for Phil and Kay–with chapters titled “Oh, Kay!” and “Getting Our Phil”–as well as the core values that govern their lives. You’ll learn about all their children, their own parents and grandparents and what made them the women they are today”

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  • Running A Different Race


    “Running a Different Race” encourages women to be who God made them to be. Success is not measured by the speed at which we run a race, nor is it achieved by obtaining medals of gold, silver, or bronze. Rather, as women we will achieve success as we position ourselves to be obedient to the voice of God and embrace the discipline of our Heavenly Coach. We must not be distracted by whispers of doubt-both internally and externally-but enlarge our vision and focus on the goal.

    Sonia Henry uses personal life stories and scriptures to uncover the disciplines required to enter and complete the race of life successfully.

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  • Unstuffed : Decluttering Your Home Mind And Soul


    Have you ever wished you could get rid of all the STUFF weighing you down, once and for all? Do you long to find balance and order? Are you unsure of where to even start? Ruth Soukup, New York Times bestselling author and popular blogger, knows all too well how overwhelming it can feel to have a life filled with too many things. Through personal stories and practical action plans, she will inspire and empower you to finally declutter not only your home, but your mind and soul as well. Unstuffed is real, honest, and speaks to the heart of the matter-how can we take back our lives from the stuff that is weighing us down? In this book readers will journey with Ruth to: Discover that more storage space is not the solution, and instead learn how to set strict limits for the stuff we bring in Overcome the frustration of dealing with our kids’ influx of stuff and implement practical solutions for keeping the chaos at bay Recognize the pitfalls of an overstuffed schedule and learn to combat the culture of busy that keeps us running from one thing to the next Finally conquer that mountain of paperwork that threatens to tumble down around us at any moment Find balance by letting go of unhealthy habits that can add to our spiritual clutter

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  • Insecurity Detox : A Breakout Plan To Rejuvenate Your Body Mind And Spirit


    What if you could experience a unique detoxification that would rid you of insecurity, self-doubt, worry, fear, anxiety, and more-and all those “impurities” could be replaced with confidence, purpose, joy, and better relationships? That’s what Insecurity Detox is all about.

    In this book you will find thirty very doable detoxes that will help you get rid of the toxic mindsets and behaviors that pull you away from God’s truths and your best self, and replace them with a new way of thinking and acting.

    This progressive detoxification journey can be done in thirty days, thirty weeks, or whatever works best for you and your busy schedule. Each detox builds on the ones before, and as you journey through this unique 3-fold approach, you’ll find healing for your body, mind, and spirit. With healthy eating tips, ways to reprogram your thinking process, and meaningful principles for your spiritual life, the whole direction of your life can change.

    Each of the thirty chapters has three detoxes-for body, mind, and spirit-that will teach you new thought strategies and practical applications that will empower you to live with a positive perspective, grounded in God’s love and purpose for you. What we tell ourselves about ourselves either steals the joy of life from us or infuses us with ever-growing life. In this book, you will discover a new life for yourself where dreams really do come true.

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  • Illustrated Words Of Jesus For Women


    The Illustrated Words of Jesus for Women is a 366-day devotional written by Christian author, Carolyn Larsen. This daily devotional takes you on an exploration of Jesus’ words of wisdom, insight and love through Scripture and the author’s reflections and prayers, and encourages discovery of God’s path for you. Every page of the illustrated devotional features artistically rendered Scripture verses that you may fill with color, and ruled lines for notes or your own thoughts or prayers. The pretty volume has an embossed softcover binding with touches of spot varnish and silver foiling for accent. A presentation page in the front makes this book even more perfect for gift-giving.

    Lay-Flat Binding
    Year-Long Devotional
    Ruled Journaling Lines
    Illustrations to fill with color
    Presentation page for gift – giving

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  • Hugs For New Moms


    Hugs for New Moms is a timeless treasure of stories about motherhood that will serve to inspire and encourage the hearts of those who have had or are going to have a baby. Every thought expressed in this book is designed to celebrate the most wonderful occasion in a woman’s life. The thrill and joy of being a new mom is never forgotten. Make memories with this Hugs book that will reside in a mother’s heart for years to come.

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  • Too Blessed To Be Stressed 3 Minute Devotions For Women


    Got 3 minutes to spare? You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you desire in Too Blessed to Be Stressed: 3-Minute Devotions for Women. 180 uplifting readings from bestselling author Debora M. Coty pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, humor, and inspiration into your day. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a short devotional reading; Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God. This portable package makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

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