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Showing 251–300 of 810 results

  • Inesperado – (Spanish)


    Es posible tener paz en un mundo incierto? Es posible no solo esperar lo inesperado, sino abrazarlo?

    La mayoria de nosotros queremos tener la vida bajo control. Pero Dios quiere que anticipemos lo inesperado con una fe profundamente enraizada en su bondad. El quiere que sepamos que porque El tiene el control, no es necesario que lo tengamos nosotros.

    En Inesperado, la autora Christine Caine nos ayuda a caminar hacia la vida que Dios tiene para nosotros: lo desconocido y todo. Usando ejemplos dramaticos de su propio viaje, Christine ofrece estrategias de la vida real e inspiracion biblica para ayudarnos a pasar del miedo y la preocupacion, a la esperanza y la confianza en Dios. A medida que aprendemos nuevas formas de manejar la decepcion, fortalecer nuestros corazones y construir nuestra fe, podemos disfrutar de una nueva aventura con Dios que es mas satisfactoria que cualquier dia que pasemos tratando de anticipar lo que sucedera a continuacion.

    Entrar en nuestro destino dado por Dios significa adentrarse en lo desconocido, pero podemos abrazar ese llamado porque Dios ya lo conoce. Nada en nuestras vidas toma a Dios por sorpresa. Incluso en medio de una turbulencia personal, desafios relacionales, tensiones financieras, transiciones familiares, decepciones profesionales y caoticos asuntos mundiales, podemos esperar que Dios sea bueno y haga lo bueno. Que otra expectativa necesitamos tener? Escucha el desafio de Dios para confiar en El en todos los aspectos desconocidos de tu vida de hoy.

    Is it possible to have peace in an uncertain world? To not only expect the unexpected but embrace it?

    Most of us want to have life under control. But God wants us to anticipate the unexpected with a faith deeply rooted in his goodness. He wants us to know that because he is in control, we don’t have to be.

    In Unexpected, author Christine Caine helps us walk into the life God has for us-unknowns and all. Using dramatic examples from her own journey, Christine offers real-life strategies and biblical inspiration to help us move from fear and worry about ourselves to hope and trust in God. As we learn new ways to manage disappointment, strengthen our hearts, and build our faith, we can enjoy a new adventure with God that is more fulfilling than any day we spend trying to anticipate what will happen next.

    Stepping into our God-given destiny means stepping into the unknown, but we can embrace that calling because God knows it already. Nothing in our lives

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  • Prayer Journal For Women


    Explore your faith with thought-provoking verses from the Prayer Journal for Women.

    Write the story of your faith inside these pages. No matter where you are on your life’s path–graduating, embarking on a career change, getting married or spoiling grandchildren–you’ll discover a treasure trove of timeless truths.

    Filled with verses chosen by women and for women, this journal offers endless inspiration and guidance for daily practice. Each entry allows you to explore the scripture from your heart.

    The Prayer Journal for Women includes:

    *Inspirational scripture that offers thought-provoking prompts for writing, prayer, and deepening your faith.
    *A flexible design as a journal, devotional, or companion to bible study.
    *Illustrations leaving you with a beautiful record of your life’s journey and everlasting faith.

    Invite faith into your life every day with Prayer Journal for Women.

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  • Women Rise Up (Revised)


    God has gifted women with beautiful and unique calls on their lives. Unfortunately, many never step into their roles because of doubt, discrimination, fear, and insecurity. But in a world fraught with gender and relationship issues, the gifts and voices of women are needed more than ever.

    In this fully revised and updated edition of her breakthrough book, Women of Destiny, bestselling author and speaker Cindy Jacobs reveals the biblical foundation for women in ministry and leadership. Through sharing her own story, successes, and failures, she speaks to the doubts, fears, and insecurities women have about stepping up and speaking out.

    She shows how to navigate discrimination with grace, strength, and
    confidence, and she empowers women everywhere to press into God
    to discover their unique purpose. Whether you step across the street or into a new role altogether, you can serve God faithfully, love others boldly, and change the world around you.

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  • Rahab Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Good enough, as is. God redeems.

    Women’s hearts are exposed and the truth of our nature is revealed as we explore the lives of women in the Bible who asked the same three questions every woman still asks today: How does everyone see me? How do I see myself? How does God see me?

    Rahab was not the typical woman, but she displayed very typical female characteristics. She was nurturing and protective, vulnerable, and hopeful. Where we learn the most from Rahab is the one character trait she lacked: self-doubt. Rahab is our sister in Scripture who considered her worthiness in God against the cultural odds and standards then, and still today. Regardless of your personality, past, present, or position, there is a place in God’s plan for you. He doesn’t want your personality-He wants to redeem and use for His plan, just as you are.

    Learn from Rahab in this four-session video Bible study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), the subtle and apparent differences between what we think of ourselves, what society projects on us, and what God’s final word about us says! This study will take you into the heart of Rahab as the everyday woman in modern culture through drama, expose the truth of our behaviors through strong Biblical psychoanalysis, and reveal the solid truth each of us longs for, to know that we are known by a God who considers us good enough, as is, and wants to redeem us!

    Designed for use with the Known by Name: Rahab Video Study (sold separately).

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  • Hermanas : Deepening You Identity And Growing Our Influence


    Prologue: Bienvenidos A La Mesa
    Part 1: Identify And Intimacy
    1. Esther: Who Am I? A Mestiza For God’s Mission, Kristy Garza Robinson
    2. The Shulamite Woman: Amada, First And Foremost, Natalia Kohn
    3. The Bleeding Woman And Mija Leadership, Noemi Vega Quiones
    4. Hannah: Forsaken To Faithful, Natalia Kohn
    5. Mary Of Bethany: A Vulnerable Leader Choosing Intimacy, Kristy Garza Robinson
    6. Rahab: Atrevida, Allied, And Faithful Liberator, Noemi Vega Quiones
    Part II: Influence And Impact
    7. The Canaanite Woman: Breakthrough At The Margins, Natalia Kohn
    8. Ruth: Crossing Borders And The Hesed Of God, Kristy Garza Robinson
    9. Tabitha: Mision Integral Y En Conjunto, Noemi Vega Quiones
    10. Lydia: Women And Men In Gospel Partnership, Natalia Kohn
    11. Deborah: A Warrior Woman Fighting For Her Gente, Kristy Garza Robinson
    12. Mary: The Word Within, Noemi Vega Quiones
    Epilogue: Levantense Hermanas

    Additional Info
    God calls Latinas to lives of influence. He created his Latina daughters to partner with him, live into the incredible plans he has for each of us, and walk in his grace and strength to help change this world. But many of us have heard cultural messages that make us doubt our adequacy. We have not seen many Latina women in positions of leadership, and we need more mentors and role models.

    Natalia Kohn, Noemi Vega Quiones, and Kristy Garza Robinson share their own journeys as Latinas and leaders. They find mentorship in twelve inspirational women of the Bible, including Esther, Rahab, Mary, and Lydia, who navigated challenges of brokenness and suffering, being bicultural, and crossing borders. As we deepen our spiritual and ethnic identities, we grow in intimacy with God and others and become better equipped to influence others for the kingdom. The insights here will help any who seek to empower Latinas in leadership.

    You are not alone on this journey. Join your sisters and partner with our heavenly Father as you become the Latina leader God has called you to be.

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  • Gods View Of You Includes Leaders Guide (Revised)


    “Join in a refreshing journey alongside Colleen as she guides you to discover and live according to God’s View of You.” Elizabeth George, bestselling author of A Woman after God’s Own Heart

    Do you struggle with feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, fear, or anxiety? Do you ever feel like you’re just not enough? Trying to live up to others’ expectations and your own standards of performance can leave you feeling anxious and exhausted.

    God’s View of You: Discovering Your Biblical Worth equips you to address the root causes of your struggles and inspires you to cultivate and maintain a lifestyle of biblical worth. Utilizing true-life stories from women just like you, as well as action steps, guided study features, and introspection prompts, author Colleen Mehrer provides practical application strategies, creating a safe haven in which lies are revealed and truth is proclaimed.

    Well-suited for both individual and small group use, this book includes a Leader’s Guide designed to help facilitators guide others toward the discovery of their true biblical worth.

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  • In The Middle Of The Mess


    How do you turn your struggles into strengths? Beloved Bible teacher Sheila Walsh teaches readers how the daily spiritual practices of confession, meditation on God’s Word, and prayer result in fresh freedom in Christ.

    In her long-awaited new book, Sheila Walsh equips women with a practical method for connecting with God’s strength in the midst of struggle. From daily frustrations that can feel like overwhelming obstacles to hard challenges that turn into rock-bottom crises, women will find the means to equip themselves for standing strong with God. Using the spiritual applications of confession, prayer, and meditation on Scripture to form a daily connection to Jesus, women will learn how to experience new joy as a child of God who is fully known, fully loved, and fully accepted.

    In In the Middle of the Mess, Walsh reveals the hardened defenses that kept her from allowing God into her deepest hurts and shares how entering into a safe place with God and practicing this daily connection with him have saved her from the devil’s prowling attacks. Though we will never be completely “fixed” on earth, we are continually held by Jesus, whatever our circumstances.

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  • Women In Gods Mission



    Part 1: Appreciating Their Stories
    1. God’s Amazing Daughters
    2. Navigating Power When Serving
    3. Being Authentic When Leading

    Part 2: The Faithful Connected Leader
    4. A Distinctive Foundation
    5. Connected In Different Ways
    6. Persevering With Wisdom
    7. Prioritizing Impact And Excellence

    Part 3: Realities Of Gender Discrimination
    8. Caring About Challenges
    9. Strategies That Accommodate Others
    10. When Accommodation Hinders Faithfulness

    Part 4: What Women Need To Do Their Best Work
    11. Husbands Who Act Like Jesus
    12. A Healthier Metaphor In The Workplace
    13. Men Courageously Opening Opportunities
    14. Cultivating Encouragement And Growth
    15. Addressing Remaining Issues

    Conclusion: What Might This Mean For The Future?
    Appendix: Research Details And Methodology

    Additional Info
    Women have advanced God’s mission throughout history and around the world. But women often face particular obstacles in ministry. What do we need to know about how women thrive?

    Mission researcher Mary Lederleitner interviewed and surveyed respected women in mission leadership from across the globe to gather their insights, expertise, and best practices. She unveils how women serve in distinctive ways and identifies key traits of faithful connected leaders. When women face opposition based on their gender, they employ various strategies to carry on with resilience and hope. Real-life stories and case studies shed light on dynamics that inhibit women and also give testimony to God’s grace and empowerment in the midst of challenges.

    Women and men will find resources here for partnering together in effective ministry and mission. Organizations can help women flourish through advocacy, mentoring, and addressing structural issues. Wherever God has invited you to serve and lead, discover that you are not alone as you answer the call.

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  • Odd Ly Enough


    Humorous. Authentic. Relatable.
    That’s Carolanne Miljavac in a nutshell.

    And those qualities are just what her more than 300,000 social media followers adore about her. Her Odd(ly) Enough is a message that your heart needs to hear: It’s time to embrace the “you” God made you to be. Tune out the naysayers of the world and jump into His loving arms. He’ll walk alongside you as you passionately pursue your God-given purpose. With chapters like “Who Do You Think You Are?,” “Control Freak,” and “Embrace Mistakes,” you will find yourself becoming a little more courageous. . .and a lot more confident about God’s purpose for your life.

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  • Its Not Supposed To Be This Way


    New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst unveils her heart amid shattering circumstances and shows readers how to live assured when life doesn’t turn out like they expected.

    Life often looks so very far from the reality we long for. Lysa TerKeurst deeply understands. But she’s also discovered that whether we’re dealing with daily disappointments or life-altering loss, we can find unexpected strength as we wrestle well between our faith and feelings.

    This book offers a safe guide, fresh biblical insight, and life-giving perspectives for living in between Eden and eternity. With grit, vulnerability, and honest humor, Lysa helps readers:
    *Stop being pulled into the anxiety of disappointment by discovering how to better process unmet expectations and other painful situations.
    *Train themselves to recognize the three strategies of the enemy so they can stand strong and persevere through unsettling relationships and uncertain outcomes.
    *Discover the secret of being steadfast and not panicking when God actually does give them more than they can handle.
    *Shift their suspicion that God is cruel or reckless to the biblical assurance that God is protecting and preparing them.
    *Know how to encourage a friend and help them navigate hard realities with real help from God’s truth.

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  • Preach To Yourself


    Break the cycle of doubting yourself, believe God at His Word, and talk back with truth.

    We know Christ came to speak life, but then how come our inner critic keeps showing up and stealing the mic? If we’re honest, she’s a harsh one, saying things we’d never dream of saying to others: You’ll never measure up, you’ll fail again tomorrow, you just can’t get it right.

    It has been said that the eighteen inches from head to heart is the soul’s longest journey. Our head knows the good news is true, but our heart struggles to believe it, and it is in this gap that we battle to believe the promises of God.

    Hayley Morgan, coauthor of bestselling book Wild and Free, has wrestled with this tension her whole life. In Preaching to Yourself, she tackles it head-on to discover how we can renew our minds to renew our lives. For every woman who struggles with repetitive, negative self-talk, this book will show you how to identify the toxic loops where you get stuck and replace them with the truth of God we can believe with our whole selves.

    This is not a “try harder” reprimand, it’s a “believe better” invitation: to take God at His word when He tells you who you are. Come along and learn a simple practice to break free from the lies holding you back, and step forward into the fullness of life God has planned.

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  • Its Okay Not To Be Okay (Reprinted)


    We’ve all experienced that moment where we wish we could start all over again. Failed marriages, lost friends, addictions, lost jobs. This is not the life we imagined. Yesterday can sometimes leave us stuck, sad, shamed, scared, and searching. Sheila Walsh encourages readers to face the pain head on and then start again, from right where they are. She shares that when she discovered “I’m not good enough and I’m good with that,” everything started to change.

    In It’s Okay Not to Be Okay, Walsh helps women overcome the same old rut of struggles and pain by changing the way they think about God, themselves, and their everyday lives. She shares practical, doable, daily strategies that will help women move forward one step at a time knowing God will never let them down.

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  • Its All Under Control


    Jennifer Dukes Lee never thought she struggled with control. After all, she was a fully surrendered follower of Christ! She had all the right Bible verses underlined and everything! Seriously: as long as everything went exactly the way she wanted it to, she was totally flexible.

    But then she discovered what happens when you live like this too long. You get burned out on hustle. You toss and turn more at night, and you laugh less during the day. And your shoulders start to flat-out hurt from carrying the weight of the world.

    It’s All under Control is a book for every woman who is hanging on tight, trying to get life right. Join Jennifer on the journey of learning how to:
    *Develop better habits and make choices that align with God’s best for your life
    *Overcome the daily anxieties and worries that burden your heart
    *Find freedom through a new “Do, Delegate, Dismiss” approach to your tasks
    *Let go of what God has not asked you to do, so you can shine where he has

    Discover a new way of living that will free you to be you, and experience the freedom of knowing that it really is all under control: God’s.

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  • Healing The Soul Of A Woman Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    #1 New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer helps women heal from past wounds and enjoy their lives again through Christ’s redeeming love in this companion study guide to HEALING THE SOUL OF A WOMAN.

    Can a woman who has been deeply hurt by life’s circumstances, or even a man she loved and trusted, be healed? Can her heart and soul be repaired? Can she love and trust again? As a woman who endured years of abuse, abandonment, and betrayal by those closest to her, Joyce Meyer’s answer is “yes!”

    You deserve this life simply because you are God’s beloved. In this companion study guide, Joyce will offer encouraging Biblical wisdom, inspirational scripture, and thought-provoking exercises. She’ll share what she’s learned on her journey, and the life-changing teachings of the Bible, in hopes that you will once again believe that a more joyful, peaceful, hopeful life is possible for you. God can heal all pain, and He wants to do this in you. You are valued. You are loved unconditionally. And you are priceless in God’s eyes.

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  • Messy People Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Every life gets messy at times. Sometimes these messes are literal, like a house that would be easier to condemn than to clean. But sometimes they are intangible messes such as illness, conflict, depression, abuse, bankruptcy, divorce, and job loss. And these messes can be painful, hurting our hearts and our homes. But as we see in the Bible, God loves to use messy people! In this six-week study, we will dig into the lives of biblical heroes who were messy people just like us but who were used by God in powerful ways. Together we will examine the stories of five wonderful but messy people and one messy parable character: Rahab, the Prodigal Son, Josiah, Mary, David, and Daniel. From their stories, we will learn how God can use broken people, restore damaged hearts and relationships, give us power to handle our critics, and help us deal with the hard moments of life. Along the way we’ll discover that we don’t have to just endure messy lives but can actually learn to thrive with God’s guidance and help. In the hands of God, our messes can become His masterpieces! The Leader Guide, to be used along with the study’s workbook and DVD, contains six session plan outlines, complete with discussion points and questions, activities, prayers, and more-plus leader helps for facilitating a group. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Participant Workbook, DVD with six 10-15 minute sessions, and boxed Leader Kit (an all-inclusive box containing one copy of each of the Bible study’s components).

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  • Woman Of Purpose And Power


    Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers daily practical and biblical advice for women. Based on two of his most popular books, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women and Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men, this 90-day devotional will help you truly understand your God-given purpose and power as a woman. Each day’s reading includes teaching and encouragement, a Scripture reading from both the Old and New Testaments, and a thought for the day to draw you closer to God. Explore the nature and role of women as God intended, addressing such issues as: How is a woman uniquely different from a man? What are the purpose and design of the woman? What are a woman’s emotional and sexual needs? What is a woman’s role as a leader? What does the Bible really teach about women? As Dr. Munroe writes, “A woman cannot fulfill her purpose unless she is in relationship with God.” Through this devotional, you can deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father and fulfill your potential as an integral part of His eternal purposes.

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  • Dare To Begin Again


    Is your life where you want it to be?
    We all have struggles and challenges in life. Whether they are of our own making or not, things don’t always work out. Sometimes, we just give up on our dreams and goals.
    But it doesn’t have to be that way! God is a God of new beginnings, and throughout the entire Bible, we read about people who were stuck, disappointed, and faced impossible situations–people God freed.

    Rosalinda Torres Rivera challenges us to Dare to Begin Again. Using stories from her own life, other people, and biblical times, Rosalinda offers inspirational, down-to-earth advice on beginning again. Each chapter tackles a different issue where you may be “stuck”–such as an inability to forgive, trust, or hope–and examples of people who overcame similar challenges. Practical tasks at the end of each chapter walk you through a DARE challenge (Decide, Allow, Rise, Enjoy) to help you move closer to a fresh start.

    Rosalinda is the daughter of Victor Torres, an ex-gang member from Brooklyn, New York, and his wife, Carmen, founders of the New Life For Youth ministry. She has seen more than twenty thousand people get out of tough situations and turn their lives around.

    “They’re people whose tales of transformation prove God is still at work,” she says. “He’s written and re-written their life’s chapters–and He’s willing to do the same for you.”
    It takes a commitment, but with the help of God, inspiring, true stories, and practical applications, you can Dare to Begin Again.

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  • Finding Joy When Life Is Out Of Focus


    We all walk through seasons when joy plays an unwelcome game of Hide and Seek. Disappointment, worry, and adversity blur our lens on life, sabotaging our ability to develop the meaningful relationships we long for and realize our worth in Christ.

    Finding Joy When Life is Out of Focus will help you choose contentment regardless of circumstance, transform faulty thought patterns through the truth of God’s Word, and persevere when life is unraveling.

    Experienced individually or in small groups, this Study of Philippians for Joy-Thirsty Women includes dynamic teaching, inspiring personal stories, opportunities for life-growth, and a guide for leaders.

    Joy-thirsty women, are you ready to pull your joy out of hiding? Start looking through the grace-crafted lens of God’s perspective – you’ll love the life you see!

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  • Pull It Off


    Award-winning musical artist and conference speaker Julianna Zobrist urges women to be confident and discover their true identity in Christ.

    Julianna answers the question that probes many modern women today: How can we be completely transparent and vulnerable with ourselves and others, and yet be secure and confident enough to walk through life without fear? PULL IT OFF is broken down into three parts that will address the issues of authority, identity, and security, in order to reveal the root issue of where our fears stem from. Through personal anecdotes and research, Julianna walks readers through how to maximize our true identities and lean into our unique gifts due to a grounded belief in our acceptance of others, our acceptance by God, and ultimately, the acceptance of ourselves.

    Julianna’s message and music is for anyone who wants to express the joy and freedom of knowing that Christ gives them the strength to be bold, fearless, and confidently vulnerable knowing that you don’t have to measure up to what others think of you but rather, knowing your true strength can shine because of who you are in Christ. “Only when we can come to grips with our worthwhileness, will we ever begin to step out in bravery and confidence and brilliance,” she says.

    When we are secure, Julianna says, we believe that we are worthwhile and can, indeed, pull it off.

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  • Power Of A A Praying Woman DayBrightener


    God loves it when you come to Him. He wants to give you everything you need. He wants you to ask Him to help you become the woman you have always longed to be. Best-selling
    author, Stormie Omartian, shows you how to trust God moment by moment with the concerns of your heart and discover the awesome power that prayer releases in your life.

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  • Unique Woman : Insight And Wisdom To Maximize Your Life


    There are opportunities everywhere for women who have the courage to seize them! You have more than you think you have. You can do more than you think you can. You alone are responsible to use the intelligence, talents, abilities, and gifts God has given you.

    Edwin and Nancy Cole took the truths and experience gathered from over half a century of marriage and ministry together to write Unique Woman. In one of Christianity’s modern classics, the Coles furnish tools to achieve the image God holds for women. In the same upfront and honest style that made Ed Cole an internationally known minister to men, he learned with his wife Nancy, whom he called “The Loveliest Lady in the Land,” to answer the heart’s cry of women around the world who said, “Write us a book!”

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  • Struggle Is Real Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    The Struggle Is Real Participant’s Guide is a six-session workbook designed for use with The Struggle Is Real DVD Experience (sold separately), based on the new book by popular speaker and Bible teacher Nicole Unice. A great resource for church groups, Bible studies, and anyone who’s ever felt life just shouldn’t be this hard!

    Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a day where everything that could go wrong does go wrong-you lock your keys in the car while it’s running, lose control with your kids, make a mistake at the office that results in hours’ more work. And just when you think not one more thing could possibly happen . . . well, fill in the blank.

    The struggle is real, friends. It may not be major stuff. Lives are not on the line here. But it makes us feel awful . . . and then we feel guilty for stressing when other people have “real” problems that are so much more serious.

    Yet the fact remains: We live in a world that often feels harder than we think it should be. And so it can be easy to believe the stories we tell ourselves-that we’re doing it wrong, that we’ll be stuck in this place forever, that God doesn’t love us. We struggle practice gratitude, to make godly choices, and to live our daily lives with confidence and contentment. So what can we do?

    Join Nicole Unice to discover why the struggle is real . . . and what to do about it. In The Struggle Is Real Participant’s Guide Nicole offers practical tools to help you navigate the daily ups and downs, and ways to rewrite your struggle into a new, God-centered life story.

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  • Elijah Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Life is like a rollercoaster. One day it seems that everything in life is good, and the next day it can feel like everything is falling apart. Then there are those in between days when we’re coasting along without much thought to the highs or lows. The prophet Elijah experienced this rollercoaster ride as well. One moment he was hiding out in the wilderness during a famine, being fed by the ravens, and the next he was on the mountaintop where God showed up in a powerful way with fire and then rain. Even Elijah grew weary of all the ups and downs, telling God, “I have had enough” (1 Kings 19:4). He needed spiritual stamina in order to keep on going and fulfill all the plans God had for his life. We do too! In this six-week study grounded in 1 and 2 Kings, we will examine the life of the prophet Elijah, an ordinary man who did extraordinary things for God in the midst of the highs and lows of life. We’ll learn some of the spiritual stamina secrets that helped him to hold on and persevere in faith, including practical habits related to making decisions, caring for the soul, accepting his circumstances, mentoring, and finishing well-which was his ultimate legacy. Whether we’re currently in a mountaintop season where we’re experiencing God’s power and blessing, a valley season where we feel like running away, or somewhere in between, Elijah’s life will inspire us to go the distance in the life of faith. Best of all, his story will challenge us but not shame us, because we’ll discover that Elijah was just as human as we are. He doubted and struggled just as we do, but ultimately, he chose to believe God. As we study his life, we will grow in faith and develop spiritual stamina that will help us not only to survive but actually thrive in every season. The Leader Guide, to be used along with the study’s workbook and DVD, contains six session plan outlines, complete with discussion points and questions, activities, prayers, and more-plus leader helps for facilitating a group. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Participant Workbook, DVD with six 20-25 minute sessions, and boxed Leader Kit (an all-inclusive box containing one copy of each of the Bible study’s components).

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  • More Than Just Pretty



    1. Value
    Am I Who I Know? Friendships/popularity/family/boys
    Am I What I Achieve? School
    Am I What I Look Like? We Are More Than Our Image
    Be You: You Are A Masterpiece (illustration And Exploration)

    2. Beauty
    Am I Enough? Model Culture-nobody’s Perfect
    Am I Pretty? Instagram Perfection Culture, Comparison
    Am I A Selfie Queen? Social Media
    Be Beautiful: You Are A Masterpiece (illustration And Exploration)

    3. Purpose
    Am I What Has Happened To Me?
    Am I Happy? Inner Critic, Don’t Worry
    Am I Significant? Future Plans, Dreaming, The Journey
    Be A Dreamer: You Are A Masterpiece (illustration And Exploration)

    4. #AskJessie – Social Media Wave, Final Advice, Further Support

    Additional Info
    In today’s world, youth are growing up in a society where social media is an integral part of their sense of self. But what are the repercussions of this, and how can we teach young girls where their true worth and identity is found?Jessie Faerber sets out to put the record straight and redefine how girls see themselves. Highlighting the pervasiveness of selfies, the distortion of beauty on social media, and the chase after perfectionism, she offers hope amidst the pressures of internet perfection and reaffirms our identity as God’s masterpiece: original, exquisite, and of infinite value.

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  • What Happens When Women Say Yes To God


    The God of the Universe Wants to Use You

    Does the thought of stepping out in absolute obedience feel too overwhelming-simply too much?

    Don’t let fear keep you from knowing the unparalleled joy and satisfaction of following God’s lead! In this book, Lysa TerKeurst will help you…
    *determine what holds you back so you can release excuses and receive God’s best
    *uncover five questions to ask when you need to distinguish between God’s will and your own thoughts
    *find inspiration to serve God in delight-not out of duty-so you will stay the course

    With the encouragement you need and an included Bible study to walk you through each powerful lesson, you’ll be prepared to embrace the growth and blessings God has just for you.

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  • Woman Of Wisdom


    What does it mean to live “in covenant” with the living God? “Woman of Wisdom” guides you to discover the answer to that question and the key elements of covenant, such as the exchange of robes and more.

    Utilizing the book of Ruth to emphasize covenant’s practical application for today, you’ll be drawn into God’s plan for all of us to come into a relationship with Him.

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  • Demasiado Bendecida Para Estar – (Spanish)


    Got 3 minutes to spare? You’ll find the spiritual pick-me-up you desire in Too Blessed to Be Stressed: 3-Minute Devotions for Women. 180 uplifting readings from bestselling author Debora M. Coty pack a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, humor, and inspiration into your day. Minute 1: scripture to meditate on; Minute 2: a short devotional reading; Minute 3: a prayer to jump-start a conversation with God. This portable package makes a fabulous any-occasion gift for every woman.

    Hallaras el estimulante espiritual que deseas en Demasiado bendecida para estar estresada: Devocionales de 3 minutos para mujeres. 180 lecturas edificantes de la autora superventas Debora M. Coty, que contienen una poderosa dosis de consuelo, aliento, humor e inspiracion para tu dia.

    Minuto 1: texto biblico en el que meditar

    Minuto 2: una breve lectura devocional

    Minuto 3: una oracion para arrancar una conversacion con Dios.

    Este manejable formato es un fabuloso regalo para todas las mujeres, en cualquier ocasion.

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  • Growing In Gratitude


    As women, we are often encouraged to “count our blessings.” But truly biblical gratitude is much more than this. Mary K. Mohler unpacks Scripture to help us grow in gracious gratitude (thanking God for who he is) as well as natural gratitude (thanking him for his blessings) and to identify and deal with some of the things that hinder us to help us rediscover the joy of a thankful heart. This thoroughly Bible-centered unpacking of the reasons for gratitude builds on Mary K. Mohler’s 25 years experience in mentoring seminary wives at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter make this book ideal for group use as well as for individuals.

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  • Girls Guide To Conquering Life (Reprinted)


    Packed full of practical, step-by-step instructions and helpful advice from successful women, this illustrated guide helps girls gain confidence and develop life skills.

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  • Unashamed : Drop The Baggage Pick Up Your Freedom Fulfill Your Destiny


    Shame takes on many forms. It hides in the shadows of the most successful, confident, and high-achieving woman who struggles with balancing her work and children, as well as in the heart of the broken, abused, and downtrodden woman who has been told that she will never amount to anything. Shame hides in plain sight and holds us back in ways we do not realize. But Christine Caine wants readers to know something: we can all be free.

    “I know. I’ve been there,” writes Christine. “I was schooled in shame. It has been my constant companion from my very earliest memories. I see shame everywhere I look in the world, including in the church. It creeps from heart to heart, growing in shadowy places, feeding on itself so that those struggling with it are too shamed to seek help from shame itself.”

    In Unashamed, Christine reveals the often-hidden consequences of shame-in her own life and the lives of so many Christian women-and invites you to join her in moving from a shame-filled to a shame-free life.

    In her passionate and candid style, Christine leads you into God’s Word where you will see for yourself how to believe that God is bigger than your mistakes, your inadequacies, your past, and your limitations. He is not only more powerful than anything you’ve ever done but also stronger than anything ever done to you. You can deal with your yesterday today, so that you can move on to what God has in store for you tomorrow-a powerful purpose and destiny he wants you to fulfill.

    Join the journey. Lay ahold of the power of Jesus Christ today and step into the future-his future for you-a beautiful, life-giving future, where you can even become a shame-lifter to others. Live unashamed!

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  • Son Of God 2 (Workbook)


    This Bible study workbook is designed to assist you in examining

    the second half of the Gospel of Mark in an inductive way. Inductive study means to read the passage in context and ask

    questions of the text with the purpose of deriving the meaning and

    significance from the text itself. We do this automatically every day

    when we read the newspaper, blogs, or even recipes. When we study the Bible inductively we are after the author’s original intent; i.e., what the author meant when he wrote the passage to his original audience. In this workbook, you will unpack the meaning by answering a series of questions about the text, paying close attention to the words and context of the passage. After discovering the meaning of the text, there will be questions to help you apply it to your life.

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  • Son Of God 1 (Workbook)


    This Bible study workbook is to assist you in studying the first

    half of the Gospel of Mark in an inductive way. Inductive study is

    reading the passage in context and asking questions of the text

    with the purpose of deriving the meaning and significance from

    the text itself. We do this automatically every day when we read

    the newspaper, blogs, or even recipes. When we study the Bible

    inductively we are after the author’s original intent; i.e., what the

    author meant when he wrote the passage to his original audience. In this workbook, you will figure out the meaning by answering a series of questions about the text, paying close attention to the words and context of the passage. After figuring out the meaning of the text, there will be questions to help you apply it to your life

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  • Ruth Anointing : Becoming A Woman Of Faith Virtue And Destiny


    This book will give me keys on how to activate the anointing to propel me into a new level of power, strength, insight, and vision for the plan God has for my life and for those whom I influence.

    God is bubbling up a prayer movement all over the earth that will usher in the greatest revival the planet has ever seen. The remarkable life of Ruth is a prophetic picture for the church today. The beautiful picture of redemption told through the story of Ruth and Boaz is a foreshadow of the Father’s redemptive work in our lives.

    Author Michelle McClain-Walters expands her popular Women of Prayer series with this fourth installment, which sheds light on how an entire generation of women today will operate in an anointing similar to Ruth’s to reveal the redemptive work of Jesus in the earth.

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  • Prayer Map For Women


    This unique prayer journal is an engaging and creative way for you to experience the power of prayer. Every page will guide you to create your very own prayer map as you write out specific thoughts, ideas, and lists, which you can follow–from start to finish–as you talk to God. The Prayer Map for Women will not only encourage you to spend time talking with God about the things that matter most…it will also help you build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life. Paperback with a spiral wire binding.

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  • Begin Again : Brave Practice Of Releasing Hurt And Receiving Rest (Reprinted)


    With compassion and vulnerability, Leeana Tankerlsey invites readers to begin again every day, leaving behind the failures and frustrations of yesterday to experience a truer and freer today.

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  • Finding The Love Of Jesus From Genesis To Revelation (Reprinted)


    In this sweeping overview of the Bible, Elyse Fitzpatrick reveals how each section–the Law, history, poetry, epistles–points to God’s eternal love for you and the good news of redemption through Christ. You’ll find yourself drawn to the Bible like never before as you begin to see Jesus on every page.

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  • Joshua Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Have you ever tried to fight worry with faith and felt you were losing the battle? Have comments like “God’s got this!” or “Just pray about it” only left you feeling more burdened? We know we shouldn’t worry, but the reality is that we all do at times. And whether it’s personal worries about loved ones and daily circumstances or broader concerns about what’s happening in the world, we long for something more than platitudes that will help us put real feet to our faith and win the worry battle. In this six-week Bible study on the Book of Joshua, we will join God’s people as they arrive on the edge of the promised land only to find themselves in hostile territory, faced with fear and uncertainty. As we dig into the story of how Joshua and the Israelites claimed God’s promised victory, we’ll discover that winning the worry battle requires more than having faith; it requires learning to fight in faith! Following their bold, courageous footprints, we’ll learn how to fight in faith as we internalize God’s promises, draw strength from God’s faithfulness, act in obedience to God’s commands, and believe what our limitless God can do. Through in-depth study of how God gave the Israelites victory over their enemies and generously blessed them, too, we’ll be equipped with biblical wisdom, encouragement, and practical tools that will enable us to overcome our daily worry struggles as well as the bigger battles of fear that we face. This comprehensive leader guide includes full session outlines featuring discussion questions, activities, prayers, leader helps, and more. Other available components, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook with five days of lessons per week, DVD with six 20-25 minute sessions (with closed captioning), and boxed Leader Kit containing one of each component.

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  • From Fatherless To Fearless


    Charismatic Publishing

    Join Candice Crear, a coach for fatherless women, as she leads eight women to tackle the silent epidemic of fatherlessness. With our culture dividing us by race, age and other demographics, these amazing stories close the gap to a universal problem. This golden book of truth will leave you empowered to take life by the horns and leave fear behind.

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  • Searching For Spring


    Popular blogger offers women practices for recognizing beauty in both familiar and unexpected places, awakening their love for the Creator and arming them to fight despair and hopelessness in the difficulties of life.

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  • Sex Jesus And The Conversations The Church Forgot (Reprinted)


    Inspired by a blog series that received nearly two million views, New York Times bestselling author and speaker takes on topics such as pornography, promiscuity, virginity, purity, “sex-pectations,” and sex in marriage, boldly sharing her own testimony and urging readers to look at God’s original design for sex.

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  • Breaking The Fear Cycle (Reprinted)


    Using compassion, conviction, and the Word of God, this women’s ministry leader shows readers why we don’t need to fear, how to battle fear when it comes, and what to do about recurring fears.

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  • Why Her : 6 Truths We Need To Hear When Measuring Up Leaves Us Falling Behi


    Have you ever made life plans and watched them painfully fall apart–all while other people, apparently doing life better than you, seem to be walking away with the dreams you’ve been denied?

    Why Her? Why not you? You may not ask this question out loud, but you think it just the same.

    Why does she get the flavor-filled enjoyment of the things you always wanted for yourself? And when will being forced to watch her doing it not make you feel so bitter?

    In her honest, transparent, creatively crafted style, Nicki Koziarz unpacks her own experience with failed dreams, dashed hopes, and paralyzing comparisons. Using the up-close competitiveness of Old Testament sisters Rachel and Leah as her template, she walks you through a half-dozen truths from Scripture that may not completely eliminate the feeling of not measuring up to others, but can settle you in satisfying places where God’s acceptance of you is all that matters.

    These “6 Truths” she’s discovered will help you walk among the wisdom of ultimate realities, accept your weaknesses as rich opportunities for exhibiting God’s grace, and become motivated by others’ successes rather than pointlessly aiming your life toward outperforming them.

    Your worth is of too great a value to measured on someone else’s yardstick. You don’t have to be her. You get to be you. And no one else can do that better.

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  • Embraced : 100 Devotions To Know Gods Is Holding You Close


    Embraced is the beautiful new devotional from Lisa TerKeurst, the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave. Embraced features 100 devotions that will resonate with women in all stages of life.

    Lysa’s Most Powerful Insights
    Together for the First Time
    in a Devotional

    Lysa TerKeurst is one of the world’s most influential Christian authors and speakers. She is president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the New York Times bestselling author of more than 4 million books, including Uninvited, The Best Yes, Unglued, and Made to Crave.

    Favorite themes from Lysa’s bestselling books have been brought together for the first time in a beautiful new devotional. The 100 readings were chosen for their relevance to the issues women face in matters of faith, marriage, motherhood, career, and church.

    The devotions include Lysa’s trademark “sticky statements” on a variety of topics such as:

    personal identity
    our gifts and God’s glory
    intimacy with God
    cleaning clutter from our lives
    negative thoughts
    the Holy Spirit
    feelings of isolation
    making good decisions
    A handy topical index gives you the freedom to flip directly to areas of interest, or you can read chronologically each day. Lysa’s hope is that with every devotion, you will know God’s love exactly where you are, no matter where that may be.

    With an exquisite cloth cover, highly designed interior, ribbon marker, and stained page edges, Embraced will be a treasured keepsake for you as well as a meaningful gift for those you love.

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  • Lies Women Believe Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    We are like Eve. We have all experienced defeats and failures, trouble and turmoil, and we ache to do things over, to have lives of harmony and peace. Nancy Leigh DeMoss sheds light on how we can be delivered from bondage and set free to walk in God’s grace, forgiveness, and abundant life.

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  • Lies Young Women Believe


    You have been lied to! Have you been deceived? Through a nationwide survey and in-depth discussion groups, Nancy and Dannah have listened carefully to the heart of your generation. And here are some things they’ve heard:

    “I know God should be the only thing that satisfies, but if it could be Him and my friends, then I could be happy.”

    “It seems like I have been struggling with depression forever. I always feel like I am not good enough.”

    “I tell myself that I don’t really listen to the song lyrics, but once I hear a song a few times and start thinking about what they’re saying I realize that it’s too late. It’s already stuck in my head.”

    “For me, the whole wife and mom thing is overrated. It isn’t cool to want a husband and a family.”

    Maybe you can identify. Trying to listen to the right voices can be difficult. This book has been written by friends who will help you find the Truth. Maybe your heart is telling you that some things in your life are way off course. Certain habits and relationships have left you confused and lonely. This is not the way it’s supposed to be.

    In this book, Nancy and Dannah expose 25 of the lies most commonly believed by your generation. They share real-life accounts from some of the young women they interviewed, along with honest stories about how they’ve overcome lies they believed themselves. They get down in the trenches of the battle with you. Best of all, they’ll show you how to be set free by the Truth.

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  • Dreaming With God


    Weaving together her unique story as a professional ballerina as well as a wife and mother, author inspires women to keep dreaming and fully experience that God’s dreams are better than the plans they have for themselves.

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  • Courageous Women Of The Bible (Reprinted)


    Living courageously is not about mustering up willpower or forcing yourself to take one more step. It’s about choosing to draw near to God, no matter how stressed, exhausted, or fearful you feel. The eleven stories in these pages show how God uniquely positions women for success and equips you with the supernatural ability to live confidently no matter what.

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  • Women And God


    1. Introduction
    2. How We Got Here
    3. Second Place?
    4. Fallen Women
    5. The Darkest Places
    6. Strong Women
    7. Women, Sex, And A Question Of Double Standards
    8. Women’s Bodies
    9. A Man Unlike Any Other
    10. Women And Marriage
    11. Women And The Church
    12. The Goodness Of God

    Additional Info
    What does the Bible really say about women? Is God somewhat sexist? Is there a way to see what God says in this area not only as true, but also as beautiful? In this warm, conversational, sympathetic book, Kathleen Nielson asks the hard questions on this most emotive subject, showing how truth can not just be believed, but enjoyed. Women of all backgrounds, views, and ages will want to read this crucial book.

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  • Unveiling Pauls Women


    Whether people realize it or not, the ideas in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 have had a huge impact on the role of Christian women in the church through the centuries. These fifteen verses have shaped worship practices, church structures, church leadership, marriages, and even relationships between men and women in general. They have contributed to practices that have consistently placed women in a subordinate role to men, and have been used to justify the idea that a woman should not occupy a leadership or teaching position without being under the authority or “”covering”” of a man. It is strange, therefore, that academics and pastors alike continue to note how confusing and difficult it continues to be to make sense of these very verses. In this little book, Lucy Peppiatt not only highlights the problems associated with using this text to justify the subordination of women, but offers a clear and plausible re-reading of the text that paints the apostle Paul as a radical, visionary, church planter who championed women in all forms of leadership.

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  • Womanist Sass And Talk Back


    Womanist Sass and Talk Back is a contextual resistance text for readers interested in social (in)justice. Smith raises our consciousness about pressing contemporary social (in)justice issues that impact communities of color and the larger society. Systemic or structural oppression and injustices, police profiling and brutality, oppressive pedagogy, and gendered violence are placed in dialogue with sacred (con)texts. This book provides fresh intersectional readings of sacred (con)texts that are accessible to both scholars and nonscholars. Womanist Sass and Talk Back is for readers interested in critical interpretations of sacred (con)texts (ancient and contemporary) and in propagating the justice and love of God while engaging those (con)texts.

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