Casiodoro De Reina – (Spanish)
Una coleccion de ensayos en honor del 500 aniversario de uno de los reformadores espaoles mas importantes de la epoca, su vida y su legado.
Casiodoro de Reina es uno de los reformadores espaoles mas importantes, pero hasta hoy sabemos relativamente poco de su obra y teologia. Aunque el impacto literario de su traduccion de la Biblia compite incluso con el de Cervantes, todavia sabemos poco de la Biblia del Oso.
Este libro, con aportaciones de once expertos en la Reforma protestante espaola y aprovechandose de casi cien obras y cartas de Casiodoro de Reina que han sido ignoradas por muchos escritores, rellena estas lagunas y ofrece nuevas perspectivas sobre Casiodoro de Reina: su obra pastoral, su vida empresarial, las fuentes y recepcion de la Biblia del Oso y varios temas de su teologia, como La justificacion y Santa cena.
El libro se divide en tres bloques principales por expertos historiadores:
1. Vida y las obras de Casiodoro de Reina (Pastor, Maestro y empresario)
2. La Biblia del Oso (Antiguo y Viejo Testamento junto a material no biblico)
3. Temas teologicos (protestante y su doctrina)
Casiodoro de Reina: His life, Bible and theology
A collection of essays in honor of the 500th anniversary of one of the most important Spanish reformers of the time, his life and legacy.
Casiodoro de Reina is one of the most important Spanish reformers, but to this day we know relatively little of his work and theology. Although the literary impact of his translation of the Bible rivals even that of Cervantes, we still know little about the Bear Bible.
This book, with contributions from eleven experts on the Spanish Protestant Reformation and drawing on nearly one hundred works and letters of Casiodoro de Reina that have been ignored by many writers, fills in these gaps and offers new perspectives on Casiodoro de Reina: his pastoral work, his business life, the sources and reception of the Bear Bible, and various themes of his theology, such as Justification and The Holy Supper.
The book is divided into three main blocks by expert historians:
1. Life and works of Casidoro de Reina (Pastor, Teacher and Entrepreneur).
2. The Bear Bible (Old and Old Testament along with non-biblical material).
3. Theological topics (Protestant and its doctrine).
in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
SKU (ISBN): 9788419055187
ISBN10: 8419055182
Language: Spanish
Andres Messmer
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: February 2023
Publisher: Editorial Vida
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In the beginning God created the whole world. After six days of work, he had created the stars in the sky, the mighty oceans, tall trees, beautiful flowers, mighty sea creatures, and the most prized of all creation?Adam and Eve. Created in God’s image, Adam and Eve were friends with Him. But one day the worst of all days came?the serpent deceived them and they sinned against God. Adam and Eve’s relationship with God was broken. But God gave mankind a promise. And what a great promise it was! The promise of salvation! He promised that one would come who would crush the head of the lying serpent, one who would deliver mankind from their sin, one who would restore man and woman’s relationship with God. But who has the power to do that? Does Abraham, a great man of faith? Does Moses, a great prophet? What about Joshua, the great conqueror? The Promise invites you to an amazing journey through the pages of the Bible in search of the promised Savior, from the garden of Eden to a manger in Bethlehem. With captivating illustrations by Rommel Ruiz and easy-to-read language, children and parents alike are invited to come to know the promised one?Jesus Christ.
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