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    Mi Nueva Vida Estudio Biblico (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G


    Todos los nuevos cristianos estan entusiasmados por comenzar su camino de fe. Desafortunadamente para muchos, hay poca base sobre la cual construir. Muchos nuevos creyentes no tienen experiencia en la lectura de la Biblia o ni siquiera saben de que se trata. Muchos otros no tienen experiencia en la iglesia o ni siquiera una comprension de por que la iglesia es importante. Con tantas incognitas, el nuevo cristiano puede sentirse facilmente abrumado por la falta de comprension de lo que significa ser un seguidor de Cristo.

    Para que el creyente crezca, es necesario que comprenda la Biblia, el caracter de Dios, la oracion, el evangelio y mucho mas. Cual es la mejor manera de apoyar, animar y ensear al nuevo cristiano en esta nueva vida en Cristo?

    En Mi nueva vida, el nuevo creyente recibira verdades profundas en capitulos cortos y faciles de entender que aumentaran su conocimiento de la Palabra de Dios y construiran cimientos sobre los cuales su confianza diaria en Jesus puede crecer por el resto de sus vidas.


    *6 sesiones
    *Oportunidades de estudio personal para un crecimiento espiritual continuo
    *Contenido para ser usado individualmente o con un mentor

    All new Christians are excited to start their journey of faith. Unfortunately for many, there is little foundation from which to build. Many new believers have no experience in reading the Bible or even knowing what it’s about. Countless others have no experience in the church or even an understanding of why the church is important. With so many unknowns, the new Christian can become easily overwhelmed by a lack of understanding of who a Christ-follower is.

    For the believer to grow, it’s necessary to have an understanding of the Bible, God’s character, prayer, the gospel, and so much more. Many resources for new Christians exist, but they can be overwhelming. They attempt to cover too much information and they use words that people new to the faith have most likely never even heard. So what’s a better way to support, encourage, and teach the new Christian what this new life in Christ looks like?

    In My New Life, the new Christian will be given deep truths in short and simple to understand chapters that will grow their knowledge of God’s Word and build foundations on which their daily trust in Jesus can grow for the rest of their lives.


    *6 sessions
    *Personal-study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth
    *Content to be used individually or with a mentor

    1 in stock

    SKU (ISBN): 9781430094876
    ISBN10: 1430094877
    Language: Spanish
    Compiled by: LifeWay Christian Resource
    Binding: Trade Paper
    Published: April 2024
    Publisher: B and H Publishing Group


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