


    Church History

    • God Entranced Vision Of All Things


      Commemorating the 300th birthday of Jonathan Edwards, this volume celebrates the philosopher-theologian’s life and legacy. General editors John Piper and Justin Taylor chose ten essays that enlighten different aspects of Edwards. Opening with biographical and historical background, contributors then examine lessons from Edwards still useful today, concluding with an analysis of three of his most influential and demanding works.

      Contributors Stephen Nichols, J. I. Packer, Donald Whitney, Mark Dever, Sam Storms, and Mark Talbot – among others – are helpful in guiding today’s readers to understand the man who strived to glorify God in his personal life and public ministry.

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    • Christian Identity In The Jewish And Graeco Roman World


      Table Of Contents
      1. Introduction: The Emergence Of Christian Identity
      2. Text And Identity
      3. History, Memory, And The Invention Of Tradition
      4. Boundaries
      5. The Grammar Of Practice
      6. Embodiment And Gender
      7. Space And Place
      8. The Christian Race
      9. `The Other’
      10. Made Not Born: Conclusions

      Additional Info
      ‘I am a Christian’ is the confession of the martyrs of early Christian texts and, no doubt, of many others; but what did this confession mean, and how was early Christian identity constructed? This innovative study sets the emergence of Christian identity in the first two centuries, as it is constructed by the broad range of surviving literature, within the wider context of Jewish and Graeco-Roman identity. It uses a number of models from contemporary constructionist views of identity formation to explore how what comes to be seen as ‘Christian’ literature creates a sense of what to be ‘a Christian’ means, and traces both continuities and discontinuities with the ways in which Jewish and Graeco-Roman identity were also being constructed through their texts. It seeks to acknowledge the centrality of texts in shaping early Christianity, historically as well as in our perception of it, while also exploring how we might move from those texts to the individuals and communities who preserved them. Such an approach challenges more traditional emphases on the development of institutions, whether structures or credal and ethical formulations, which often fail to recognize the rhetorical function of the texts on which they draw, and the uncertainties of how well these reflect the actual practice and experience of individuals and communities. While building on recent recognition of the diversity of early Christianity, the book goes on to explore the question whether it is possible to speak of a distinctive Christian identity across both the range of early texts and as a pressing historical and theological question in the contemporary world.

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    • Worship Wars In Early Lutheranism


      How important was music to Martin Luther? Drawing on hundreds of liturgical documents, contemporary accounts of services, books on church music, and other sources, Joseph Herl rewrites the history of music and congregational song in German Lutheran churches. Herl traces the path of music and congregational song in the Lutheran church from the Reformation to 1800, to show how it acquired its reputation as the “singing church.”

      In the centuries after its founding, in a debate that was to have a strong impact on Johann Sebastian Bach and his contemporaries, the Lutheran church was torn over a new style of church music that many found more entertaining than devotional. By the end of the eighteenth century, Lutherans were trying to hold their own against a new secularism, and many members of the clergy favored wholesale revision or even abandonment of the historic liturgy in order to make worship more relevant in contemporary society. Herl paints a vivid picture of these developments, using as a backdrop the gradual transition from a choral to a congregational liturgy.

      The author eschews the usual analyses of musical repertoire and deals instead with events, people and ideas, drawing readers inside the story and helping them sense what it must have been like to attend a Lutheran church in the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries. Parallel developments in Catholic churches are discussed, as are the rise of organ accompaniment of hymns and questions of musical performance practice. Although written with academic precision, the writing is clear and comprehensible to the nonspecialist, and entertaining anecdotes abound.
      Appendixes include translations of several important historical documents and a set of tables outlining the Lutheran mass as presented in 172 different liturgical orders. The bibliography includes 400 Lutheran church orders and reports of ecclesiastical visitations read by the author.

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    • Prisoners Of Hope


      This volume of essays offers a detailed account of the impact of evangelical millennialism in nineteenth century Britain and Ireland and includes a comprehensive bibliography and essay charting recent trends in the study of millennialism.

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    • God You Have


      The political hijacking of theological language and God’s prerogatives is always a danger. In this perceptive study, an Old Testament theologian sets these issues in the context of the Ten Commandments, and especially the First Commandment. From that statement of God’s person, work, and expectations of loyalty, Miller articulates the modern challenge of faithful living in a complex world with complex choices. As he states it, the abiding problem has been “the coalescence of God and country, the takeover of the language of faith in the speech of politics, and the confusion of loyalty with obedience.”

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    • Bonhoeffer Phenomenon : Portraits Of A Protestant Saint


      Stephen Haynes offers a provocative assessment of the Bonhoeffer mystique, which interprets Bonhoeffer’s legacy through the medium of sainthood. Before casting an eye on the great pastor-theologian through a hagiographic lens, Haynes examines various receptions and appropriations of Bonhoeffer from different theological, ecclesial, and political contexts. Bonhoeffer is viewed from such divergent perspectives as radical theology and politics (exemplified in “death of God” theology), liberal theology and social ethics, conservative popular Christianity and evangelicalism, and lastly, the universal portrait of Bonhoeffer, which highlights his ecumenical significance. The Bonhoeffer Phenomenon provides an invaluable introduction to Bonhoeffer studies, while also offering its own unique analysis of Bonhoeffer’s life and thought.

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    • Wonderful Words Of Life


      Although the use of hymns in many evangelical congregations seems to be declining, Richard Mouw (in the introduction) predicts a resurgence of hymnody in the future. Other notable contributors examining the various historical and theological dimensions of hymns in American Protestantism include Mark Noll, Susan Wise Bauer, Kevin Kee, and Jeffrey VanderWilt. The essays probe the influence of Isaac Watts, the practical implications of hymns for living the Christian life, and the character of hymns as bearers of good (or bad) theology. Wonderful Words of Life provides an engaging treatment of an often neglected field of study, which bridges the gap between Christian belief and practice.

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    • Christian Assembly : Marks Of The Church In A Pluralistic Age


      What is church? What makes the church one? While these questions may seem innocuous, church has become conflicted territory, with internal factions, external pressures, and ecumenical turmoil all calling for a more positive, sturdy, more resilient notion of Christian community.
      Wengert approaches the questions as a Reformation historian. He shows how the New Testament notion of ”marks” of the church was taken up by Martin Luther and developed by Phillip Melanchthon not as a descriptive tag but as a criterion for authenticity in Christian community. Lathrop, a liturgical theologian, shows concretely how those marks can stamp the worship life of a congregation as well as the evaluative work of congregations with their pastors, bishops, superintendents, and conference ministers.

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    • Healed Restored Forgiven


      SKU (ISBN): 9781853115875ISBN10: 1853115878John GunstoneBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2004Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich Print On Demand Product

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    • Songs Of The Isles


      Many people know of the Carmina Gadelica, the collection of Gaelic songs, prayers and blessings from the Hebrides, yet few have access to its five volumes published in Scotland between 1900 and 1952.

      Here, an attractive selection is made for the contemporary reader and freshly translated to reflect the particular Christian experience of the people who composed them: Celtic Christians in the 7th to 9th centuries who worshipped the Trinitarian God, had a devotion to the Virgin Mary, the Archangels and the Saints, and a love of the Bible, especially the Psalms. Some 130 poems and prayers are included, arranged in eleven sections including The Power of Heaven, Home and Family and Soul Journey. An extended introduction opens up the world that produced these extraordinary and beautiful prayers and blessings.

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    • Missions Nationalism And The End Of Empire


      Christian missions have often been seen as the religious arm of Western imperialism. What is rarely appreciated is the role they played in bringing about an end to the Western colonial empires after the Second World War. “Missions, Nationalism, and the End of Empire” explores this neglected subject.

      Respected authorities on the history of missions explore new territory in these chapters, examining from diverse angles the linkages between Christianity, nationalism, and the dissolution of the colonial empires in Asia and Africa. This work not only sheds light on the relation of religion and politics but also uncovers the sometimes paradoxical implications of the church’s call to bring the gospel to all the world.

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    • Anglicans And Orthodox


      Elizabeth I deliberately divided her episcopate at the outset of her reign between Geneva reformers and bishops who looked to the Fathers of the Early Church. Thereafter in the Church of England there would always be divines who would be drawn to the Orthodox East. Such men suffered mightily in the 17th century at the hands of the first Puritans and then Whigs when these gained political power, and their suffering impelled them more and more to ‘look to the East.’

      This book traces the fortunes of the quest, through the study of Greek texts, involvement in the intricate politics of the Near and Middle East, deprivation and isolation in the Nonjuror schism, and finally the rejection by the Greek Patriarchs of requests for Orthodox Communion in the 1720’s.

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    • Roots Of Christian Festivals


      SKU (ISBN): 9780281056811ISBN10: 0281056811David SelfBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2004Publisher: SPCK Print On Demand Product

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    • Reformed Confessions Of The 16th Century


      Reformed Confessions of the Sixteenth Century makes available a number of confessional documents that are not easily accessible elsewhere. Arthur Cochrane’s introduction to the work and to each confession indicates each document’s importance and its theological emphases. A new introduction by Jack Rogers focuses on developments in the study of Reformed Confessions since the first appearance of Cochrane’s book in 1966.

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    • Cockleshell Pilgrim : A Medieval Journey To Compostela


      In 1986 the skeleton of a medieval man, dressed as a pilgrim, was found in Worcester Cathedral. Katherine Lack tells the story of the pilgrimage he might have made to Santiago de Compostela in 1423.

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    • 2nd Century Christianity (Expanded)


      This revised and expanded edition of a book that first appeared in 1945 offers an inside look at the growth and spread of Christianity in the second century by providing source materials from pagan witnesses, Christian churches, and movements that became known as heretical. Reading these selections provides a first-hand sense of issues and concerns in that period. It brings the reader right into the arena in which Christianity and Christians were being discussed and provides a first-hand look at what churches were facing as the Christian movement spread. Thirty-nine sections plus a biography are included.

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    • Heavenly Fire : The Life And Ministry Of William Grimshaw Of Haworth


      Though little known today, William Grimshaw was a powerful force in the Evangelical Revival in the north of England in the eighteenth-century. Under his tireless ministry, hundreds in the town of Haworth and the surrounding vicinity came to know Christ. Esther Bennett writes an engaging overview of his life and ministry which will inspire and encourage today’s readers in what God can do in the hearts of men and women through His word and the power of His Spirit. The influence of George Whitefield, John Wesley, John Newton, and others is brought to light, as well as the lasting impact of Grimshaw’s ministry in this northern community.

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    • History Of Christian Thought


      A society with no grasp of its history is like a person without a memory. This is particularly true of the history of ideas. This book is an ideal introduction to the thinkers who have shaped Christian history and the culture of much of the world. Writing in a lively, accessible style, Jonathan Hill takes us on an enlightening journey from the first to the twenty first centuries. He shows us the key Christian thinkers through the ages – ranging from Irenaeus, Origen, Augustine and Aquinas through to Luther, Wesley, Kierkegaard and Barth – placing them in their historical context and assessing their contribution to the development of Christianity.

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    • Calvin And The Consolidation Of The Genevan Reformation


      This book chronicles the history of the Protestant Reformation in sixteenth century Geneva under the leadership of John Calvin and is the best modern study of the Genevan Reformation available. The narrative of this work is enhanced by twenty-seven tables of extensive statistical data and eleven prosopographical appendices drawn from the author’s extensive studies in the Geneva archives. His work shows the challenges faced by Calvin and his associates as they sought to proclaim and enact their Christian faith in a Genevan society that was facing severe problems with the influx of refugees from all over Europe.

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    • Readers Companion To Augustines Confessions


      This book is a tool for teaching and studying the great Christian classic, Augustine’s Confessions. It is a unique venture in which thirteen different scholars look at each of the thirteen books in the Confessions and interpret their chapters in light of that book and in light of the rest of Augustine’s work. The result is that the richness and ambiguity of Augustine’s work shines through as well as the richness and ambiguity of different readings of the Confessions.

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    • In Search Of Christian Unity (Revised)


      The decision to publish a revised and updated edition of In Search of Christian Unity was reached because the earlier edition was found to be a useful text and resource in numbers of college and seminary classrooms. All texts that treat historical movements and institutions have continuing significance and relevance need frequent updating, and it is hoped that the present work will fulfill this need for the Stone/Campbell movement, currently entering its third century. The author has been pleased by the positive reception accorded the earlier edition by historians and students in each of the three branches of the Stone-Campbell heritage…

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    • Judaism Before Jesus


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      Turning the page from Malachi to Matthew, we skip a lot of history. In fact, it is something like missing several key episodes in an ongoing television saga. The setting and main plot line are familiar, but new characters have appeared and more recent events and developments are assumed. Did anyone record the episodes we missed? Fortunately a few did. Their reception wasn’t always good, and there are annoying cuts and splices. But Anthony J. Tomasino has put together the missing episodes and skillfully retells the story of Judaism before Jesus, from the time of Ezra and Nehemiah to the Herods, and even up to Masada. The result is an entertaining, informative and enlightening retelling of the story of Judaism and the development of the ideas, subplots and characters that shaped the world of Jesus and the first Christians.

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    • Writing Peace


      SKU (ISBN): 9781931038096ISBN10: 1931038090Melanie MockBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2003Publisher: Herald Press/MennoMedia Print On Demand Product

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    • Jesus And Caesar


      This book by Brian C. Stiller thoughtfully captures 20 years of insights and reflections from his work in the public square, providing an analysis for the biblical call to “occupy until I come” and a practical guide for serving God through serving our world. As president of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Stiller bacame a key public voice for people of biblical faith. As founder and editor-in-chief of Canada’s national Christian magazine, “Faith Today,” he spoke out on these issues. He also hosted the national television program, Cross Currents, and is author of eight books. Today he serves as president of Tyndale College &Seminary. He and his wife Lily live in Newmarket, Ontario.

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    • Missionary Zeal And Institutional Control


      In the historical literature on mission, this book stands out for its detailed examination of the of the organization dynamics that gave shape-and brought enduring success-to the Evangelical Missionary Scoiety at Basel. A first-rate account of the early Basel Mission on the Gold Coast of West Africa (present-day Ghana), this volume takes readers inside the mission itself, revealing its dynamic, though sometimes contradictory, methods of motivation and discipline and how they impacted effective evangelism both at home and abroad. Working from archival records, Jon Miller details the collaboration across class lines that made the mission possible, and he shows how basic pietist beliefs about authority and obedience were the source of both the mission’s strengths and its most serious internal weaknesses. Also included are two dozen photographs, a foreword by Richard V. Pierard, and an afterword by Paul Jenkins.

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    • Glorious Companions : Five Centuries Of Anglican Spirituality (Reprinted)


      “Schmidt offers a very substantial but simply written view of notables in the Anglican communion since the days of Thomas Cranmer, including Donne, the Wesleys, Underhill, and L’Engle. Included are excerpts from many eloquent and varied witnesses. For most collections,”—

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    • Evangelicals Embattled : Responses Of Evangelicals In The Church Of England


      SKU (ISBN): 9781842270493ISBN10: 1842270494Martin WellingsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2003Studies In Evangelical History And ThoughtPublisher: Authentic Print On Demand Product

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    • Early Christians Speak 2


      Chapters include: The Early Christian Doctrine of Scripture, The Canon of the New Testament, The Muratorian Canon, Spiritual Gifts, Demons and Exorcism, Angels, Freedom of Religion, Great Women of the Ancient Church, plus others.

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    • Church In A Postliberal Age


      George Lindbeck is one of the most influential and important of post-war American theologians. His books and essays generate debate not only among his fellow Lutherans but also among other Christians as well as Jews and students of religions in the academy more generally. The goal of this anthology is to collect key samples of his enterprise, especially for readers who may no none or few of his books and articles. By characterizing Lindbeck’s Christian theology as at once evangelical, catholic and postliberal, we are able to understand what describing this theology as a radical tradition might mean as well as locate some of his critics. This volume provides a superb introduction to all those interested in Lindbeck’s thought as well as to the significant debates surrounding postliberalism.

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    • Paul Thessalonica And Early Christianity


      This significant book contains essays on Pauline thought and theology that span some twenty-five years, placing themes and issues in a broad chronological context of academic discussion. In addition to discussing major Pauline themes, 1 Thessalonians in its religious and cultural context in particular, Kark Donfried raises the question of Paul’s Jewishness with a fresh urgency and opens new perspectives on the origins of early Christianity and its relationship to Second Temple Judaism.

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    • Changing Shape Of Church History


      “[Gonzalez] shows how church historians such as Eusebius, Augustine, the Magdeburg authors of Centuries, Baronius, and Harnack changed the way church history has been written over the centuries, how people of color and women have recently changed the writing of church history, and what might be the future of church history in the 21st century.”

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    • Christians And Missionaries In India


      392 pages

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      These studies explore the significant, yet often contested, impact of Christian missions around the world. Bringing together monographs by established and emerging scholars, collections of essays on themes in the history of missions, and new editions of seminal primary texts, this sereis provides rich source material for studying the relation between religion and culture. Realizing that many more studies, yielding deeper and wider understandings, of many different Christian communities in India can be written, each chapter here is an attempt to address some particular aspect of cultural cross-contact and communication with special refernece to Christians in India. Subjects address range from histories of Sanskrit grammar and modern scientific knowledge to histories of populist Pentecostalism, Urdu polemis, and Tamil poetry.

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    • 60 Second Guide To Denominations


      This easy-to-use, non-biased resource guide to all the major denominations in the US includes a summary of doctrinal beliefs, and is perfect for the new believer or the long-time Christian.

      An alphabetical listing of over 300 denominations
      Information concerning the church beliefs on over 20 major topics
      Brief overview of church group history
      Statements of faith
      Stands on current issues and events of relevance for today
      Contact information for denominational headquarters
      A summary of doctrinal beliefs in a completely non-biased manner

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    • New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity 9


      148 Pages

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      This series seeks to keep New Testament and early church researchers, teachers, and students abreast of emerging documentary evidence by reproducing and reviewing recently published Greek inscriptions and papyri that illumine the context in which the Christian church developed. Produced by the Ancient History Documentary Research Centre at Macquarie University, the New Docs volumes broaden the context of biblical studies and other related fields and provide a better understanding of the historical and social milieus of early Christianity.

      Volume 9 reproduces, translates, and reviews a selection of Greek inscriptions and papyri that were first published or reissued in 1986 and 1987. The documents gathered here include secular texts as well as texts directly relating to Judaica and ecclesiastica. Some notable entries in this volume:

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    • Evangelicalism And The Stone Campbell Movement 1


      The Stone-Campbell Movement, also known as the Restoration Movement, arose on the frontiers of early nineteenth-century America. Like-minded Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians abandoned denominational labels in order to be “Christians only.” They called followers to join in Christian unity and restore the ideals of the New Testament church, holding authoritative no book but the Bible and believing no creed but Christ.

      Modern-day inheritors of this movement, including the Churches of Christ (a cappella) and the Christian Churches (independent), find much in common with wider evangelical Christianity as a whole. Both groups are committed to the authority of Scripture and the importance of personal conversion. Yet Restorationists and evangelicals, separated by sociological history as well as points of doctrinal emphasis, have been wary of each other. Evangelicals have often misunderstood Restorationists as exclusivist separatists and baptismal regenerationists. On the other hand, Stone-Campbell adherents have been suspicious of mainstream denominational evangelicals as having compromised key aspects of the Christian faith.

      In recent years Restoration Movement leaders and churches have moved more freely within evangelical circles. As a result, Stone-Campbell scholars have reconsidered their relationship to evangelicalism, pondering to what extent Restorationists can identify themselves as evangelicals. Gathered here are essays by leading Stone-Campbell thinkers, drawing from their Restoration heritage and offering significant contributions to evangelical discussions of the theology of conversion and ecclesiology. Also included are responses from noted evangelicals, who assess how Stone-Campbell thought both corresponds with and diverges from evangelical perspectives.

      Along with William R. Baker (editor) and Mark Noll (who wrote the Foreword), contributors include Tom Alexander, Jim Baird, Craig L. Blomberg, Jack Cottrell, Everett Ferguson, Stanley J. Grenz, John Mark Hicks, Gary Holloway, H. Wayne House, Robert C. Kurka, Robert Lowery, Edward P. Myers and Jon A. Weatherly.

      For all concerned with Christian unity and the restoration of the church, Evangelicalism & the Stone-Campbell Movement offers a substantive starting point for dialogue and discussion.

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    • Jesus And The Rise Of Early Christianity


      Gain new insight into first-century Christianity as you explore the world of Caesars and Herods, proconsuls and Pharisees, Sadducees and revolutionaries. Presenting a well-reasoned response to current revisionist views, Barnett argues that we can’t fully comprehend the growth of the Christian faith apart from understanding Jesus’ impact on his followers—and ultimately the world.

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    • Pocket History Of The Church


      The story of Christianity is a fascinating tale. Here we find drama, vision and expansion along with failure, setbacks and tragedy. Yet during the past two thousand years the power of Jesus is felt throughout the interplay of human actors and the forces of world events.

      How can you grasp the story played out on such a gigantic stage? This book is an ideal place to start. D. Jeffrey Bingham has skillfully selected the key people and episodes to tell a grand and humbling story. From Roman persecution to the early creeds, from the monastic movement to the Reformation, from the rise of liberalism to missionary expansion, he chronicles the ups and downs of a people and a faith.

      This pocket history has been crafted for students, pastors and other busy people who want an informed, clear and concise presentation that feeds the mind and moves the heart. It is an account that nurtures the Christian virtues of faith, hope and love. For Bingham aims not only to uncover the treasures of the church’s past but also to show how history aids your own spiritual journey today.

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    • Hell Without Fire


      Conversion is one of the most significant motifs in American Church History. From the First and Second Great Awakenings to early twentieth-century Pentecostal revivals and contemporary Evangelical movements, conversion in all its extravagant forms is important to the story of religion in America. Love Henry Whelchel, Jr. takes up this motif of conversion as it relates particularly to enslaved Africans and black Americans. He explains the role of conversion in the complex interaction between blacks and whites in America. Using the motif of Christian conversion as a unifying theme, Whelchel provides a basic introduction to the history and diversity of Christian religion among enslaved Africans and black Americans. Conversion serves to illuminate the complex relationships that developed between black and white religion in America from its founding until the period of Reconstruction. Whelchel concludes with the story of the founding of the C.M.E., illustrating the emergence of black Methodism from white control in the South following the Civil War.

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    • Christians Cultural Interactions And Indias Religious Traditions


      Christianity has long been one of India’s religious traditions, but the extent to which the faith has influenced Indian society and culture has never been well documented. This important book is the first to do so.

      A group of historians, missiologists, and religion scholars examines the fascinating but little known history of missionary Christianity in India, showing how it has played a significant role in the development of modern India at every level. Chapters deal with the interaction between Christianity and India’s “high culture,” with aspects of conversion among tribal people and outcasts beneath the hierarchy of Hindu society, and with the development of Indian churches and their relation to the wider culture.

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    • Mission (Student/Study Guide)


      The author invites readers to explore both the basic meaning of the Christian understanding of mission, and new developments in mission theologies. After describing the various “captivities of mission” with plague North American Protestantism, the author argues for a robust and engaged practice of mission, beginning in congregations and extending to the broader Christian community. This volume provides a training overview of the theological issues and the history of mission that will inform theological students, pastors, lay study groups, and congregational leaders.

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    • Apology Of The Church Of England By John Jewel


      SKU (ISBN): 9780898693911ISBN10: 0898693918Editor: John BootyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2002Publisher: Church Publishing Inc. Print On Demand Product

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    • History Of Christian Spirituality


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819219145ISBN10: 0819219142Urban HolmesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2002Library Of Episcopalian ClassicsPublisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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    • Christian History Time Line Pamphlet


      Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

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      2,000 Years of Christian History At A Glance!
      Christian History Time Line shows 2,000 years of church history at a glance. Includes brief explanations of more than 200 key people and events that all Christians should know. Special emphasis on world missions, the expansion of Christianity, and Bible translation into other languages. Pamphlet has 14 panels and fits inside a Bible cover

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    • And You Welcomed Me


      This book presents a collection of early Christian texts regarding hospitality and its practices. The range of experts both in time and space shows just how central a role of hospitality played in Christian life throughout the early centuries. Yet this book is not a set of instructions for hospitality, nor does the word “hospitality” even appear in many of these excerpts, and this in itself is good cause for reflection for us today. The excerpts come from letters, diary accounts, instructions, sermons, travelogues, and community records and rules. They are windows into a world of early communities that saw it as their moral duty and also privilege to care for the sick, to safeguard the pilgrim, and to host the stranger. Abram and Sarai hosting the three angels at Oaks of Mamre, and Jesus and his disciples feeding the crowds are two familiar biblical examples, but this book also delves into lesser know texts that offer rich insight to those willing to read and then integrate the early fathers’ and mothers’ wisdom and hospitality into their own lives.

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    • Foxes Book Of Martyrs (Revised)


      In 1563, John Foxe began a memorial of martyrs starting with Stephen, the first to die for the cause of Christ, and ending with the most recent martyrs of his day; those killed during Bloody Mary’s reign. He knew that dangers lay in forgetting the martyrs–in being insensitive to their struggles. Martyrdom is not a thing of the past; every day the Christian church is persecuted in countries all over the world. More Christians were afflicted in the twentieth century then all the past centuries combined. If the Church is not reminded of the cost to follow Christ, she will die. Be vulnerable to the cries of the martyrs. Let their courage, their faith, their love–touch your life. This updated version includes reports on modern martyrs of the 20th and 21st century, a full color timeline of selected events and people for historical reference, and has been carefully edited into Modern American English for today’s reader.

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    • Pastoral Theology In The Classical Tradition


      Modern pastoral care, Andrew Purves believes, has been overly influenced by psychological theory and too often uninformed by historical practice. The result is a pastoral practice that has diminished the reality of God. In this book, Purves aims to reclaim pastoral theology as a theological discipline. He does this by examining classical texts from the tradition, texts that have the, and he argues that a thoughtful reading of these works–by Gregory of Nazianus, John Chrysostom, Gregory the Great, Martin Bucer, and Richard Baxter–will force a reevaluation of many of the assumptions that shape contemporary pastoral work. He includes a brief biography of each author, introduces the major themes in each writer’s pastoral theology, and discusses the issues relevant to pastoral work today.

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    • Mandaeans A Print On Demand Title


      This book brings together for the first time a complete introduction to Mandaeanism, a fascinating branch of Gnosticism that survives into modern times.

      The first part of the book provides a historical and sociological introduction to Mandaeanism. Edmondo Lupieri begins by portraying the traditional way of life of the Mandaeans in Iraq and Iran and introduces readers to the world of Mandaean ideas and their literary production. He then reconstructs the history of the interaction between Mandaeanism and the Western world, beginning with Ricoldo di Montecroce, a thirteenth- century Italian monk who is the first known European to write about the Mandaeans, and continuing on to present scholarship. Lastly, Lupieri provides a critical analysis of Mandaean written and oral traditions concerning their origin, history, and self-understanding – including their view that they are the only ones on earth who possess the true and oldest faith.

      The second part of the book is an anthology of translated Mandaean texts with notes. This gathering of writings presents the spiritual world of Mandaeanism with fragments of mythical-theological texts and pages of ethical and historical meditations. Special attention is given in the notes to the contraposition against other religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other minor groups) and to the ideas Mandaeans have of biblical and historical figures.

      Expertly researched, engagingly written, and enhanced with pictures of Mandaean art, this volume will interest a wide range of readers.

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    • Old Religion In A New World


      One of our foremost historians of religion here chronicles the arrival of Christianity in the New World, tracing the turning points in the development of the immigrant church that have led to today’s distinctly American faith.

      Taking a unique approach to this fascinating subject, Noll focuses on what was new about organized Christian religion on the American continent by comparison with European Christianity. In doing so, Noll provides a broad outline of the major events in the history of the Christian churches that have filled North America with such remarkable vitality and diversity. He also highlights some of the most important interpretive issues in the transfer of the hereditary religion of Europe to America.

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    • Law Life And The Living God


      SKU (ISBN): 9780570042891ISBN10: 0570042895Scott MurrayBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2001Publisher: Concordia Publishing House Print On Demand Product

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    • Old Testament Theology 2


      This republication of a classic work contains a new introduction by Walter Brueggemann that places Gerhard von Rad’s work within the context of German theology, Old Testament theology, and the history of interpretation of the Old Testament. In Old Testament Theology, von Rad applies the most advanced results of form criticism to develop a new understanding of the Bible. His original approach is now available once again in English.

      The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys. The contributors are scholars of international standing.

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