



    Love and Marriage

    • 9780687063840 365 Meditations For Couples

      365 Meditations For Couples


      SKU (ISBN): 9780687063840ISBN10: 0687063841Editor: Sally SharpeBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2003Publisher: Abingdon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • 9780849944154 Gift Of Sex (Revised)

      Gift Of Sex (Revised)


      Clifford and Joyce Penner, clinical therapist and nurse have written a sensitive and forthright guide to understanding sexuality and how it fits into God’s design for marriage. This revised and updated version features a new introduction, new illustrations, a section on addictions and the Internet, and a timely discussion on sexually transmitted diseases and their consequences. With the latest information on sexuality and intimacy, this best-selling book is ideal whether you are newlyweds or have been married for many years.Chapters include: The Physical Dimension The Total Experience Moving Past Sexual Barriers Resolving Difficulties Finding Help

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    • 9781591601456 Upside Down Marriage

      Upside Down Marriage


      Just for fun let’s view our marriages like a coach would view building a successful athletic team… We have to decide whether or not we are going to be spectators or players. Watching a basketball game is fun. Attending a pep rally for our favorite team is exciting. Having season tickets is nice. But this is one game we do not want to be sitting in the stands watching others play the game. We do not want to be on the sidelines cheering for our team or for our families. This is one game, one adventure we want to come away with sweat on our brow, dirt on our pants, soreness in our muscles, and a heart filled with excitement. We do not want to be left behind while other couples move ahead in their marriages. Marriage is the adventure of a lifetime. The game of all games. The sport of all sports. A healthy marriage, a healthy home is worth the price. It is worth the hard work. It is worth the sweat equity. It is one game we should not mind getting banged up and bruised. It is one game in which we do not want to miss the practices. We will become better husbands due to the hard work and the practicing.

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    • 9781590521991 Best Thing I Ever Did For My Marriage

      Best Thing I Ever Did For My Marriage


      Marriage has never been easy. But sometimes it takes surprisingly little to yield to infinite rewards. This eye-opening book by marriage experts Nancy Cobb and Connie Grigsby contains humorous and profound true stories of turning points in marriages. From brushing her teeth at a different sink to letting her husband finish his sentences, each woman’s story expresses the staggering impact that simple actions can have on marriages everywhere. More fulfilling relationships, expanded ministry opportunities and a more intimate walk with God await the readers of this book when they see how God’s best for their marriages may be just one small decision away.

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    • 9781591601449 Upside Down Marriage

      Upside Down Marriage


      Just for fun let’s view our marriages like a coach would view building a successful athletic team… We have to decide whether or not we are going to be spectators or players. Watching a basketball game is fun. Attending a pep rally for our favorite team is exciting. Having season tickets is nice. But this is one game we do not want to be sitting in the stands watching others play the game. We do not want to be on the sidelines cheering for our team or for our families. This is one game, one adventure we want to come away with sweat on our brow, dirt on our pants, soreness in our muscles, and a heart filled with excitement. We do not want to be left behind while other couples move ahead in their marriages. Marriage is the adventure of a lifetime. The game of all games. The sport of all sports. A healthy marriage, a healthy home is worth the price. It is worth the hard work. It is worth the sweat equity. It is one game we should not mind getting banged up and bruised. It is one game in which we do not want to miss the practices. We will become better husbands due to the hard work and the practicing.

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    • 9780842357326 Guard Your Heart

      Guard Your Heart


      Today’s marriages are under attack and Christian homes are not exempt. That is why Gary and Barb Rosberg have committed themselves to helping couples understand the temptations they face. As one of the key books in the Divorce-Proofing America’s Marriages campaign, Guard Your Heart and its companion workbook, will equip couples to practice guarding love and protect their marriages.

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    • 9781591607885 8 Kinds Of People You Dont Want To Marry

      8 Kinds Of People You Dont Want To Marry


      This book is a close look at those aspects of our human frailty that serve as potential hazards to marriage relationships. It is also a deep look at how our worldview has adversely influenced the way we interpret the Bible. Looking through the lives of people such as Adam, Eve, Nabal, Jezebel, Samson, Delilah, Elimelech, and Vashti, we learn how to avoid mistakes of the past and live lives that are pleasing to the Creator God.

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    • 9780785263760 Creative Counterpart : Becoming The Woman Wife And Mother Youve Longed To B (Rep

      Creative Counterpart : Becoming The Woman Wife And Mother Youve Longed To B (Rep


      Linda Dillow gracefully and succinctly motivates Christian women to reach for more than they are currently experiencing in their marriages. She includes creative suggestions on how to encourage your husband, live above your circumstances, and develop a plan whereby you can begin to become the woman, wife, and mother that you long to be. She describes a creative counterpart as being more than just a helper. She is a woman who, having chosen (or having found herself in) the vocation of wife and mother, decides to learn and grow in all the areas of this role and to work as though she were aiming for the presidency of a corporation. Also included is a Bible study and project guide, which work perfectly for personal study or small group interaction.

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    • 9781591604365 Family Matters : Helping Individuals Cope With The Stress Experienced In Ma

      Family Matters : Helping Individuals Cope With The Stress Experienced In Ma


      This book was written to help individuals cope with the stress experienced in marriage. As a therapist, I have observed common problems that cause conflict, resulting in separation. Most marriages start off well. But when tested, partners become passive or aggressive in their behavior. They become critical of each other’s advice and direction. They often become negative, and experience difficulty accepting personal responsibility. Subsequently, the relationship is sabotaged. Because most couples feel trapped in their relationships and do not have solutions, my prayer is that they will seek the will of God instead of the will of man: “For whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” We are all aware of the high rate of divorce, estranged relationships, and emotional separation issues faced by our churches and society. These ills are happening because of the hardness of men’s hearts. My wish is that this book will help men and women enter into marriage with transparency, genuineness, and positive self-images. Because we are created in God’s likeness, He clearly wishes that we should maintain healthy relationships. Jesus said to let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

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    • 9781591604495 Discerning Gods Desire For Your Marriage

      Discerning Gods Desire For Your Marriage


      Are you seeking God’s desires for your marriage? In Jeremiah 29 verse 11, the Bible reminds us that God has a good plan for us to prosper and to have a hopeful future. This hopeful future includes our marital relationships. To benefit from this hopeful future, we need to be obedient to the “owner’s manual,” which is the Bible. We must respect husbands and love wives, be humble, be servant leaders, speak with our behaviors and not always our mouths, honor the covenant of marriage, and other things that the Scriptures clearly show us. Femi Awodele has highlighted some of the areas that the Bible gave us, including a clear path to follow in marital relationships. Owner’s Manual is designed to be practical and quick reading material for couples worldwide that genuinely seek to better their marriages.

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    • 9781590521106 Politically Incorrect Wife (Student/Study Guide)

      Politically Incorrect Wife (Student/Study Guide)


      Just what is a politically incorrect wife? She is a woman who is married to her husband and not to popular American culture. The politically incorrect wife does not buy into the stifling modern-day thinking that says, “Look out for number one. Treat your husband no better than he treats you.” Instead, she cultivates a joyful marriage using transformational spiritual principles. As formerly politically correct wives with miserable marriages, popular speakers and authors Nancy Cobb and Connie Grigsby lead readers confidently beyond the picket lines of the politically correct – into a warm, rewarding marriage.

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    • 9781591606802 She Carried Pink Geraniums

      She Carried Pink Geraniums


      She Carried Pink Geraniums is a true story taking place in rural Michigan, starting in 1900, when Emma Shepherdson was six years old, and ending on her wedding day, when she carried pink geraniums. Geraniums deals with family life, birth, death, a country school, trouble with the law, revival meetings, courtship, elopement, growing pains, and kissing games. It tells of her struggles with physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges, and of witnessing to Charlie Hull, a school friend, and his later call to preach. It contains excerpts of their actual love letters to each other when she was finishing Hart High School and he was a young preacher many miles away. Nancy’s research for this book includes interviews with Emma, Charlie’s diaries, and their letters over a year and a half.

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    • 9780785264675 Celebration Of Sex (Revised)

      Celebration Of Sex (Revised)


      Dr. Douglas Rosenau is a licensed psychologist, and a Christian sex therapist who has for the past seventeen years used his training in theology and counseling to help Christian couples enrich and reclaim God’s wonderful gift of sexuality within marriage.A Celebration of Sex answers specific, often unasked questions about sexual topics, presents married couples with detailed techniques and behavioral skills for deepening sexual pleasure and intimate companionship, and is an excellent tool for premarital education. Previous edition: 0785273662

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    • 9780310243144 Boundaries In Marriage

      Boundaries In Marriage


      Learn when to say yes and when to say no_to your spouse and to others_to make the most of your marriage

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    • 9781885904317 Exemplary Husband : A Biblical Perspective (Revised)

      Exemplary Husband : A Biblical Perspective (Revised)


      The official companion book for The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace is a biblical blueprint for the mandate God has given to husbands in the covenant of marriage to love their wives, even as Christ loved the church. Dr. Stuart Scott has respoonded chapter by chapter to the biblical teaching put forth in Marth’s popular book. It is suitable for men’s small group Bible studies, or for couples prayerfully seeking God’s very best in marriage.

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      Make Love Everyday


      Marriage was created to be a CELEBRATION! This book gives couples permission to celebrate, and shows them how to live with respect, ceremony, and festivity.

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    • 9781578564613 Sacred Sex : A Spiritual Celebration Of Oneness In Marriage

      Sacred Sex : A Spiritual Celebration Of Oneness In Marriage


      For years, Christians have been told that sex is God’s creation, designed by him as a gift to husbands and wives. Yet few couples actually experience sex as a spiritual, God-ordained experience. Rather than admit their lack of fulfillment, many couples hide their disappointment and confusion, while others attempt to solve the problem through better sexual technique.

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    • 9780310242819 Joy That Lasts (Revised)

      Joy That Lasts (Revised)


      Discover what it means to truly trust God, and how a deep relationship with him can bring life and joy into marriage

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    • 9781591600633 For The Love Of God In Your Marriage

      For The Love Of God In Your Marriage


      For the Love of God in Your Marriage is a book which encourages couples to ground their relationship on Christ and His Word. Written from the very personal perspective of parents-of-the-bride, it expresses universal truths based on God’s Word for all Christian marriages. Each chapter examines one aspect of the multi-faceted and wonderful world of holy Christian marriage. The book is designed for couples to read together in devotional pursuit of and preparation for a Christ-honoring and personally-fulfilling marriage. The messages of each chapter are also helpful for already married couples who desire to grow closer to each other and into conformity with God’s Will for this most sacred of all human relationships, which gives us a small foretaste of that great and coming marriage feast wherein Christ is the Groom and the Holy Church is the Bride.

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      Interchurch Families


      Marriage and families are becoming increasingly complex. No longer can any of us speak with simplicity about what a “typical” family is like, now that our vocabulary includes words like “single parent,” “blended,” “multi-faith,” etc. This is a brief, usable book designed for ministers and priests to use with congregants who are entering into, or are already in, an interchurch marriage. This book can also be useful for laity involved in interchurch families.

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    • 9780801046742 And Marries Another

      And Marries Another


      Once divorced, forever barred from church leadership—sometimes even from full fellowship. Isn’t that what the plain sense of Scripture teaches? No, says Keener. In this compassionate and carefully documented study, he first explores how the early Christians would have understood the statements of Jesus and Paul on divorce and remarriage. Keener then builds a soundly scriptural view of divorce and remarriage—a view that reminds the church that all of its members are forgiven people.

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    • 9781576737811 What I Wish Id Known Before I Got Married

      What I Wish Id Known Before I Got Married


      Building a marriage is a lifelong endeavor for both men and women. Most marriage books cover the three C’s–communication, compromise, and consideration-but fail to address many issues critical to a healthy relationship. Family advocate Kay James calls these the “things I wish I had known before I got married”: advice on finances, sex, children, and dealing with the extended family. Noting that the apostle Paul exhorted older women not to inspire or counsel younger women, but to teach them how to be wives to their husbands, Kay offers a lifetime’s wealth of wisdom for creating an unbreakable marriage relationship.

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    • 9780767906326 Case For Marriage

      Case For Marriage


      A groundbreaking look at the most basic and universal of all human institutions, this authoritative and provocative book reveals the benefits-emotional, physical, economic, and sexual-that marriage brings to individuals and society as a whole.

      Everyone knows that we are experiencing an epidemic of divorce; rates of single-parenthood and unmarried cohabitation are skyrocketing while marriage rates continue to decline. Yet 93% of Americans still say they hope to form a lasting and happy union with one person, though fewer now believe that this is possible.

      Numerous books have been written about the impact of divorce on men, women, children, and society at large. But no one has yet studied the long-term benefits of being and staying married. The Case for Marriage is a critically important intervention in the national debate about the future of the family. Based on the authoritative research of family sociologist Linda Waite and other scholars, the book’s findings dramatically contradict the anti-marriage myths that have become the common sense of most Americans. Today a broad consensus holds that marriage is a bad deal for women, that divorce is better for children when parents are unhappy, and that marriage is essentially a private choice, not a public institution. Waite and Gallagher flatly contradict these assumptions, arguing instead that by a broad range of indices, being married is actually better for you physically, materially, and spiritually than being single or divorced. Married people live longer, have better health, earn more money and accumulate more wealth, feel more fulfilled in their lives, enjoy more satisfying sexual relationships, and have happier and more successful children than those who remain single, cohabit, or get divorced. Statistics show, for example, that violence is less prevalent in married households and that divorce reduces male life expectancy on the order of a pack-a-day cigarette habit.

      While their book is not primarily a work of moral exhortation, the authors argue that in order for marriage to do its beneficial work it must be treated as a socially preferred option, not merely one choice among others that are equally valid. Combining clearheaded analysis, penetrating cultural criticism, and practical advice for strengthening the institution of marriage, the authors provide clear, essential guidelines for reestablishing marriage as the foundation for a healthy and happy society.

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    • 9780787955519 Fighting For Your African American Marriage

      Fighting For Your African American Marriage


      SKU (ISBN): 9780787955519ISBN10: 0787955515Keith Whitfield | Scott Stanley | Howard MarkmanBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2001Publisher: Jossey-Bass, Inc./Wiley Print On Demand Product

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    • 9780785266464 Avoiding Mr Wrong

      Avoiding Mr Wrong


      You know the man. He’s the one who looks good at a glance — but not so good once you get to know him. What kind of women fall for him, and why? What are the chances he will change? And what if you’ve already married him?More than just a checklist of men to steer clear of, Avoiding Mr. Wrong is a powerful tool to help women learn more about themselves and the Mr. Wrongs to whom they often feel drawn. Those men include: The Control Freak, The Mama’s Boy, The Cowardly Lion, The Ungodly Man, and Mr. Wonderful.Complete with a diagnostic quiz and quick reference lists, Avoiding Mr. Wrong is ideal for women whose hopes have been dashed again and again by a seemingly promising relationship. The book helps them to see more clearly, think more rationally, and act more wisely in the pursuit of Mr. Right.

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    • 9781885904157 Excellent Wife Teachers Guide (Teacher's Guide)

      Excellent Wife Teachers Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      24 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Excellent Wife was proven seaworthy on its maiden voyage and now the Revised Edition is impacting lives and marriages in an even greater way. Here is a scripturally based blueprint for the woman who really wants to be the wife God intended her to be. This book is based on Proverbs 31:10, “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.” Thousands of women have already discovered the worth of this volume and testify to lives and marriages changed because of a commitement to the principles presented here. If this is a commitment you have made, or want to make, The Excellent Wife answers the difficult questions facing you today.

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    • 9780785267737 Finding God Finding Each Other

      Finding God Finding Each Other


      He was raised a Protestant. She was Jewish. They were both clinical psychologists, convinced that human reason could explain everything and eventually resolve every issue. But when their relationship began to fall apart, a miraculous vision became the beginning of a pilgrimage that would lead these two non-believers into a deep and lasting relationship with each other – and with Jesus Christ. Finding God, Finding Each Other is the story of how God intervened miraculously to transform them and helped them create a loving and lasting marriage relationship. This love story not only chronicles the spiritual journeys of Linda and Vincent Ruhl, but also reveals biblical principles of individual character change, relational transformation, and how a broken marriage relationship can be redeemed and made whole.

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    • 9780787955526 Becoming Parents : How To Strengthen Your Marriage As Your Family Grows

      Becoming Parents : How To Strengthen Your Marriage As Your Family Grows


      Moving into parenthood is typically a time of great joy and excitement, but it also brings fatigue, stress, and conflict. From the authors of the best-selling Fighting for Your Marriage and A Lasting Promise, this unique and innovative guide offers indispensable advice on how to protect and preserve your marriage and take care of yourselves as you become parents. Based on scientific research and containing real-life examples, Becoming Parents challenges you to seize this opportunity to really thrive in your relationship and in parenting together as a team.

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    • 9780877884682 Learning To Live The Love We Promise

      Learning To Live The Love We Promise


      Master wordsmith Lewis Smedes helps readers look at relationships and how they work. He answers such questions as: What do committed relationships do for us? To whom should we commit our time and devotion? Which, if any, relationships should last forever and how can we make them last?

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    • 9781563941375 Uncommon Husband

      Uncommon Husband


      Be More Than A Husband…Become An Uncommon Husband With The Wisdom That You Will Discover Within The Pages of This Book. Learn how to view every crisis as the golden gate to a miracle. Realize your Divine assistance comes from The Holy Spirit. Reach for this Wisdom today and become the Uncommon Husband. 31 Chapters for 31-Days of Uncommon Wisdom! The Perfect Gift For Someone You Love.

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    • 9781885904089 Excellent Wife : A Biblical Perspective (Expanded)

      Excellent Wife : A Biblical Perspective (Expanded)


      The Excellent Wife was proven seaworthy on its maiden voyage and now the Revised Edition is impacting lives and marriages in an even greater way. Here is a scripturally based blueprint for the woman who really wants to be the wife God intended her to be. This book is based on Proverbs 31:10, “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.” Thousands of women have already discovered the worth of this volume and testify to lives and marriages changed because of a commitement to the principles presented here. If this is a commitment you have made, or want to make, The Excellent Wife answers the difficult questions facing you today.

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    • 9781885904140 Excellent Wife Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)

      Excellent Wife Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      24 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Excellent Wife was proven seaworthy on its maiden voyage and now the Revised Edition is impacting lives and marriages in an even greater way. Here is a scripturally based blueprint for the woman who really wants to be the wife God intended her to be. This book is based on Proverbs 31:10, “An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.” Thousands of women have already discovered the worth of this volume and testify to lives and marriages changed because of a commitement to the principles presented here. If this is a commitment you have made, or want to make, The Excellent Wife answers the difficult questions facing you today.

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    • 9781563941382 Uncommon Wife

      Uncommon Wife


      The Uncommon Wisdom In This Book Will Forever Change Your Life, Your Heart And The Circumstances You Are Experiencing. You will be encouraged in your Divine Assignment on earth. Discover the powerful part the Uncommon Wife plays in a harmonious home. Don’t wait! Order Your Copy Today! 31 Chapters for 31-Days of Uncommon Wisdom! The Perfect Gift For Someone You Love.

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    • 9780830822713 Should I Get Married (Revised)

      Should I Get Married (Revised)


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      Are your ready for marriage? Are you physically, spiritually and emotionally compatible? What if making such a big commitment scares you? How do you find God’s will in all this? These are crucial questions that evey man or woman asks. And they deserve our best thinking. In this revised edition M. Blaine Smith draws from his own experience and his years of counceling singles and couples and takes a refreshingly candid, open-hearted look at these issues, helping men and women think through the important disisions concerning marriage.

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    • 9780310228752 Boundaries In Marriage Workbook (Workbook)

      Boundaries In Marriage Workbook (Workbook)


      1. What’s A Boundary, Anyway?
      2. Applying The Ten Laws Of Boundaries To Marriage
      3. Setting Boundaries With Yourself
      4. It Takes Two To Make One
      5. What You Value Is What You’ll Have
      6. Value One
      7. Value Two
      8. Value Three
      9. Value Four
      10. Value Five
      11. Value Six
      12. Three’s A Crowd
      13. Six Kinds Of Conflict
      14. Resolving Conflict With A Boundary-Loving Spouse
      15. Resolving Conflict With A Boundary-Resistant Spouse
      16. Avoiding The Misuse Of Boundaries In Marriage
      208 Pages

      Additional Info
      1. What’s A Boundary, Anyway?
      2. Applying The Ten Laws Of Boundaries To Marriage
      3. Setting Boundaries With Yourself
      4. It Takes Two To Make One
      5. What You Value Is What You’ll Have
      6. Value One
      7. Value Two
      8. Value Three
      9. Value Four
      10. Value Five
      11. Value Six
      12. Three’s A Crowd
      13. Six Kinds Of Conflict
      14. Resolving Conflict With A Boundary-Loving Spouse
      15. Resolving Conflict With A Boundary-Resistant Spouse
      16. Avoiding The Misuse Of Boundaries In Marriage
      208 Pages

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    • 9780877849230 Handbook For Married Couples (Student/Study Guide)

      Handbook For Married Couples (Student/Study Guide)


      IVP Print On Demand Title

      In A Handbook to Enrich Your Marriage Alice and Robert Fryling offer married couples a chance to enhance their marriages. They help readers learn crucial reading skills such as how to make decisions together and how to resolve conflict. Then they apply these skills to tough marital issues like sex, spiritual growth, disappointment and money.

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      Facing Love Addiction


      SKU (ISBN): 9780062506047ISBN10: 0062506048Pia MellodyBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Harper Collins Publishers

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    • 9781885904225 Exemplary Husband Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)

      Exemplary Husband Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The much-anticipated companion book for “The Excellent Wife” by Martha Peace is finally available. Here is a biblical blueprint for the mandate God has given to husbands in the covenant of marriage to love their wives, even as Christ loved the Church. Dr. Stuart Scott has responded chapter by chapter to the biblical teachings put forth in Martha’s popular book. Where Martha writes about a wife’s submission, Stuart responds with a chapter on the husband’s leadership.

      In previewing Dr. Scott’s manuscript, Martha said, “This material is fantastic, Ladies! It will be just as convicting to the husbands as The Excellent Wife has been to the wives. I am very excited about this.”

      This volume is suitable for men’s small group Bible study, or to be studied by a couple prayerfully seeking God’s very best in marriage.

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    • 9781884369919 Founded On The Rock

      Founded On The Rock


      The Christian marriage and the Christian home are under a concerted attack by the enemy of our souls all over the world, and we all need God’s help to overcome this attack. This book, a result of years of marriage counseling, special seminars for the family and a world of personal experience, has practical answers to the questions that have plagued many Christian families in recent years.

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    • 9780830830565 Marriage : Gods Design For Intimacy (Student/Study Guide)

      Marriage : Gods Design For Intimacy (Student/Study Guide)


      What makes a good marriage even better? How can we build an intimate relationship that endures? How do we live out our roles as husband and wife? The Bible’s approach to these questions is realistic and practical. In these studies you will discover how following God’s design for marriage helps us enjoy it to the fullest.

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      Recreating Marriage With The Same Old Spouse (Teacher’s Guide)


      Recreating Marriage with the Same Old Spouse A Guide for Couples is “a pearl of wisdom necessary for long-term marriage. In a personal and practical way, Dr. Bender leads couples to see their relationship as a lifelong process of change. Her thoughtful execises challenge couples to know intimately their unique and changing spouse as an individual gifted by God and to see long-term love as both possible and healthy.

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    • 9780310211778 Act Of Marriage (Revised)

      Act Of Marriage (Revised)


      1. The Sanctity Of Sex
      2. What Lovemaking Means To A Man
      3. What Lovemaking Means To A Woman
      4. Why God Created Sex
      5. Sex Education
      6. The Art Of Lovemaking
      7. For Men Only
      8. For Women Only
      9. The Unfulfilled Woman
      10. The Key To Feminine Response
      11. The Impotent Man
      12. Sane Family Planning
      13. Sex Survey Report
      14. The Missing Dimension
      15. Practical Answers To Common Questions
      304 Pages

      Additional Info
      This updated and expanded edition gives a fresh, informative edge to an already definitive book.

      New sections discuss “sex after sixty” and five reasons why God created sex. All supported by the very latest findings in the fields of medicine and sociology.

      For engaged couples and newlyweds who want to make lovemaking a joy from the start…for couples who have been married for years and want to maintain the flame or rekindle the embers…for every husband or wife who wants to be a better lover—here are the insights into each other’s bodies, psychosexual makeup, and need for tender, unselfish affection that can help you achieve your goal.

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    • 9780849939655 Love Is Always Right

      Love Is Always Right


      Discover the one standard you can use in every situation to ensure that you’ll do the right thing—love! In this biblically based book, McDowell and Geisler help you see that, in order to determine right from wrong, you first must understand God’s loving nature. They build on this foundation to give you a decision-making plan you can apply to even the most difficult dilemmas.

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    • 9780849940866 Making Love Last Forever

      Making Love Last Forever


      Learn How to make Love and Romance Last-Forever

      Are you looking for a love guarantee? In this extraordinary book, marriage expert Gary Smalley shows you how to stay in love through all the stages of life. From first attraction to lifelong commitment, Gary’s proven techniques and practical advice show you how to pursue and keep the love you want, and how to energize your relationship with enduring passion-filled love. With memorable word pictures, Smalley reveals the secrets behind his “love guarantee.”

      –Love’s Best Kept Secret
      –Loves Number One Enemy
      –Love’s CliffNotes for Men

      Open this book and begin your journey to “forever love.”

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      Recreating Marriage With The Same Old Spouse (Workbook)


      Drawing on years of experience counseling couples and groups, Sandra Bender contends that married people need intentional, focused direction to create the marriage they want. Recreating Marriage with the Same Old Spouse educates couples in the skills of being married. Beginning with a discussion of the Myers-Briggs personality framework, Bender covers topics such as identity, intimacy, insecurity, and reflective listening. The personal and professional examples, discussion questions, and practice exercises will encourage couples to recreate and renew their marriage.

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    • 9780785275510 Distant Partner : How To Tear Down Emotional Walls And Communicate With You

      Distant Partner : How To Tear Down Emotional Walls And Communicate With You


      ‘I’m always the one willing to go the extra mile for the sake of my marriage’, ‘His eyes glaze over when I try to talk intimately about things that matter.’ Maybe you’ve heard these words from your spouse. Maybe you’ve said these words about your marriage. Distant Partner is a book for those who have a relationship with too much busyness and not enough personal sharing. You don’t have to stay locked into this merry-go-round battle. Once you understand the dynamics between evasive husbands and emotionally eager wives, you can begin to take the initiative and move forward with healthy actions and choices.

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      Promising Again


      The authors contend that one of the best preventatives to divorce and separation is recommitment at vital junctures in a couple’s life together: job change, death of a parent, severe illness, a child leaving home, infidelity, and so on.

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    • 9780785278115 Discovering The Mind Of A Woman

      Discovering The Mind Of A Woman


      In Discovering the Mind of Women husbands learn to understand their wives as Christ would. From this point they learn to respond to their wives in a consistent Christlike manner. A radically transformed and renewed marriage is the result. Drawing from his own story and the stories of husbands whose marriages were dissolving, Ken Nair reveals major problems in life and marriage. After discussing the problems, he reveals relationship altering concepts which not only will revive a marriage, they will radiate throughout couple’s lives as well.

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    • 9780785278245 Building Your Mates Self Esteem

      Building Your Mates Self Esteem


      287 Pages In 18 Chapters
      8 Chapters

      Additional Info
      This eloquent source of instruction for anyone seriously committed to a strong, meaningful marriage will teach you how to:

      Appreciate your role in building your partner’s self-esteem.
      Learn practical and effective ways to love and support your mate.
      Repair past hurts in your spouse’s life.
      Build mutual intimacy through unconditional acceptance.
      Work together to build a vision for the years ahead.

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    • 9780883683330 Marriage Covenant

      Marriage Covenant


      Derek Prince reveals the secret to a successful marriage, and then goes on to discuss the “mystery” of marriage as God established it at creation. True spiritual union is possible between husband and wife when they follow the life-changing steps offered in this book.

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