Social Issues

Showing 601–650 of 894 results

  • Guide To Spiritual And Economic Empowerment


    This project is the result of a study on economic and spiritual empowerment in the black church. This topic began with a focus group in the Doctor of Ministry program at United Theological Seminary, led by mentors Drs. Lewis V. Baldwin and Victor Anderson. One of the major hindrances to the economic empowerment of the black church and community is economic management.

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  • Meeting Of The Waters


    The Meeting of the Waters identifies seven trends having a major impact on the Church around the world – and on every Christian at home in every country.

    The global community of Christians is stunning in its scope and spiritual impact. But what is happening to the Church as new technology, marketing, and generational shifts make their unavoidable mark? And what difference does it make for Christians in day-to-day life?

    Equal parts travelogue, character study, and global documentary, The Meeting of the Waters interlaces stories and instruction in the tradition of Freakonomics, The World is Flat, and The Tipping Point. This breakthrough book is for any Christian eager to make a difference in a changing world.

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  • Authentic Communication : Christian Speech Engaging Culture


    What could be more natural, more human, than communication? But we all learn quickly enough that good communication is not always natural. There is much to learn from Scripture and from the academic study of human communication. In this book Tim Muehlhoff and Todd Lewis are able guides, aiding us in understanding the broad field of human communication in Christian perspective.

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  • Gracism : The Art Of Inclusion


    Pastor David A. Anderson responds to prejudice and injustice with the principle of gracism: radical inclusion for the marginalized and excluded. He offers seven sayings of the gracist with practical examples for building bridges and including others. Gracism is an opportunity to extend God’s grace to all peoples, no matter what their color, class or culture. Now in paper!

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  • Clinton Economic Boom


    Bill Clinton often gets credit for being the architect of the longest economic expansion in U.S. history and for being the catalyst for 22+ million jobs that were created during his tenure. Based on this reputation, the conventional wisdom is that the U.S. can regain the prosperity of the Clinton era by electing a president with similar political values, who will advance similar policies. B. A. Marbue Brown challenges the conventional wisdom by presenting a factbased analysis, which shows that five factors combined to create an economic perfect storm during the Clinton years, and that the President had little if any influence over those factors. He also shows that several popular beliefs about the administration’s economic record are founded on myths. Then leveraging lessons learned from his analysis, he adds prescriptions that policymakers can use to drive economic growth in more typical circumstances. Almost 300 citations back up his conclusions.

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  • Clinton Economic Boom


    Bill Clinton often gets credit for being the architect of the longest economic expansion in U.S. history and for being the catalyst for 22+ million jobs that were created during his tenure. Based on this reputation, the conventional wisdom is that the U.S. can regain the prosperity of the Clinton era by electing a president with similar political values, who will advance similar policies. B. A. Marbue Brown challenges the conventional wisdom by presenting a factbased analysis, which shows that five factors combined to create an economic perfect storm during the Clinton years, and that the President had little if any influence over those factors. He also shows that several popular beliefs about the administration’s economic record are founded on myths. Then leveraging lessons learned from his analysis, he adds prescriptions that policymakers can use to drive economic growth in more typical circumstances. Almost 300 citations back up his conclusions.

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  • Family And Faith In Asia


    If Christian mission in Asia and most of the non-Western world is ever to advance, it must seriously consider the importance of family networks. Far too long the strategy of a “one by one” approach has stifled the spread of the gospel, reinforced a highly individualized unbiblical theology and destroyed social relationships that might lead to conversation, conversion and social transformation. With this concern in mind, SEANET is proud to present another volume in its series addressing critical missiological issues relevant to the practice of mission in Buddhist, Asian and many other contexts. Our title, Family and Faith in Asia: The Missional Impact of Extended Networks, attempts to issue a wake-up call to serious reflection on a highly ignored social reality in Buddhist and many other social contexts. The book is a resource useful for anyone wishing to study practical approaches to issues related to family and faith in Asia, particularly in Buddhist contexts for mission.

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  • Wired For Intimacy


    Neuroscientist and researcher William Struthers explains how pornography affects the male brain and what we can do about it. Exposing false assumptions, casting a vision for a redeemed masculinity and offering insights for both married and single men alike, this book offers hope for freedom from pornography and sanctification in our bodies.

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  • Climate Justice : Ethics Energy And Public Policy


    Energy issues and climate change have loomed up from issues at the horizon to confront humanity directly and vitally. They are now pressing public-policy challenges of monumental scale and import. James Martin-Schramm draws on decades of involvement with ethics, public policy, and environmental ethics to provide this lucid and astute analysis of the problems and options for addressing energy and climate change.

    Schramm argues that reliance on fossil fuels has produced grave threats to justice, peace, and the integrity of creation. Addressing these threats requires of Christians not simply new individual sensitivities and sacrifices but a new way of living in harmony with the earth and an earnest search for policy that fosters sustainability, reflects values of equity and fairness, and operates on a scale commensurate with the problems. Martin-Schramm proposes a full analysis of the problems and causes of our situation and real principles for an ethic of ecojustice. He also provides specific assessment of norms, policy options, and recommendations in the areas of energy and climate change and a glimpse of what a workable alternative might look like, globally and locally.

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  • Sarah Palin : Rendevous With Liberty


    With masterful precision Mark Nusbaum weaves the ebb and flow of Governor Palin’s 2008 campaign message into a platform of ideas that are destined to shape America’s future. As she has spent her career fighting for and delivering transparency, accountability, limited government, and pro-growth economic policies for the citizens of Alaska, Sarah Palin is now on the edge of leading a movement to take America back from big government liberals.

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  • Sarah Palin : Rendevous With Liberty


    With masterful precision Mark Nusbaum weaves the ebb and flow of Governor Palin’s 2008 campaign message into a platform of ideas that are destined to shape America’s future. As she has spent her career fighting for and delivering transparency, accountability, limited government, and pro-growth economic policies for the citizens of Alaska, Sarah Palin is now on the edge of leading a movement to take America back from big government liberals.

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  • Covenant Partnership


    God has established the Jews as His covenant people, just as Israel is His covenant land. Christians must understand what the Lord expects of believers regarding “His special treasure” during the last days. Do not be caught unaware and unprepared, for the end is rapidly approaching.

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  • How To Thrive In Perilous Times


    The Scripture says perilous times will come, but believers are not to be troubled by them. Author and pastor Happy Caldwell reveals how to live in victory regardless of circumstances-by knowing God’s promises of provision and protection and releasing your faith to receive.

    Jesus says in Matthew 24 that when troubling times come, you are to be wary of religious deception and to keep your heart from worry. Instead, stay close to God through prayer, fellowship, and the Word-trust Him to take care of you. In the book of Timothy, the Apostle Paul counsels believers to continue in the things they have learned and to know what the Word of God promises them. By strengthening themselves in these four areas believers can prosper even when trouble is all around them:

    Believers who know their Lord and learn to follow after the peace in their heart can avoid trouble. By faith, they can rise above the faulty world system of health, finances, and success, and prosper with the favor of God.

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  • Lotus Of The Lake


    This book tackles one of the most pressing issues facing the world today-child poverty and what to do about it. In particular, it explores the lives of underprivileged and lower class children in India, peering into inherent societal inequalities. It is the world the author has observed firsthand both through her humanitarian work, extensive travel and her experience as the first Public Engagement Officer at an international NGO (Peace-Child India). She worked with slum communities, children’s homes and migrant communities in Bangalore, India. Lotus of the Lake incorporates East-West perspectives on faith and poverty, points of view of the poverty stricken and their life experiences. So often, their thoughts, stories, dreams and desires are overlooked. These are the views the author highlights in her book–deep inner realities that only the poverty-stricken themselves can describe. Gill plans to build a safe, harmonious, and educational home for the poverty-stricken children in Southern India. She eventually hopes to catalyze the construction of such homes in every state within India, Africa and other developing countries such as, Haiti. The homes will act as safe havens for children-protecting them from abuse, poverty, malnutrition and neglect–offering them a world of education and hope.

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  • Everyday Justice : The Global Impact Of Our Daily Choices


    Julie Clawson takes us on a tour of everyday life and shows how our ordinary lifestyle choices have big implications for justice around the world. She unpacks how we get our food and clothing and shows us the surprising costs of consumer waste.

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  • Social Justice Handbook


    Mae Elise Cannon provides a comprehensive resource for Christians like you who are committed to social justice. She presents biblical rationale for justice and explains a variety of Christian approaches to doing justice. A wide-ranging catalog of topics and issues give background info about justice issues at home and abroad and give you the tools you need to take action.

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  • Saddams Secrets


    General Sada paints a picture of Hussein, his regime-and his country-that is at once personal and truthful, compelling and sobering.

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  • Way We Will Be 50 Years From Today


    The world is an uncertain place, which is why the future and the unknown absolutely fascinate us. Veteran television journalist Mike Wallace asked the question “What will life be like 50 years from now?” to sixty of the world’s greatest minds. Their responses offer a fascinating glimpse into the cultural, scientific, political, and spiritual moods of the times. Edited and with an introduction by Mike Wallace, this book provides an imaginative and thought-provoking look into our collective soul and the critical issues that underlie our hopes, prayers, fears, and dreams for life in the 21st century.
    Contributors include former presidents, leading scientists, noted writers and artists, respected religious leaders, and current political figures, including:

    Vint Cerf, Vice President of Google; known as a “Father of the Internet”
    Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., a geneticist who led the Human Genome Project
    Dr. Wanda Jones, Director of the Office on Women’s Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
    Ray Kurzweil, an inventor whose developments include the first print-to-speech reading machine for the blind and the first text-to-speech synthesizer
    General James E. Cartwright, Commander of United States Strategic Command
    Kim Dae-jung, the former President of the Republic of Korea
    Ronald Noble, Secretary General of Interpol
    Norman Borlaug, Nobel Peace Prize winner; called “the father of the Green Revolution”
    Carol Bellamy, former Executive Director UNICEF, first former volunteer to serve as director of Peace Corp, and current president and CEO of World Learning
    Gerardus ‘t Hooft, Professor of Theoretical Physics at Utrecht University in the Netherlands; Nobel Prize in Physics
    Craig Newmark, Internet pioneer and founder of craigslist

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  • Armed America : The Remarkable Story Of How And Why Guns Became As American


    In this true story of our nation’s love affair with firearms, Clayton E. Cramer debunks the myths and takes readers along a winding historical trail full of surprising revelations and riveting anecdotes, explaining the roots of America’s gun culture.

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  • Everything Must Change


    Status-quo Christianity has traded the revolutionary story of Jesus for familiar cliches, pat answers, and domesticated programs. McLaren states, “More and more Christian leaders are beginning to realize that for the millions of young adults who have recently dropped out of church, Christianity is a failed religion…It has focused on ‘me’ and ‘my eternal destiny,’ but it has failed to address the dominant societal and global realities of their lifetime…” What he sets forth in this provocative, unsettling work is a “form of Christian faith that is holistic, integral, balanced, that offers good news for both the living and the dying, that speaks of God’s grace at work both in this life and the life to come, both to individuals and to societies and the planet as a whole.”

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  • Doing Justice In Our Cities


    Warren Copeland, Professor of Religion at Wittenberg University and Mayor of Springfield, Ohio, draws from his experience of more than two decades in city politics and addresses head-on the issue of Christian ethics in public service. Throughout, Copeland animates the entire discussion with numerous anecdotes from his tenure in City Hall, combining examples of specific ethical issues in American cities with theological and ethical reflection. Then he takes it a step further by including specific suggestions for addressing social injustice in a manner that is true to Christian faith.

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  • Liberal Utopianism Is Destroying The United States


    This book is about liberal utopianism, which is bringing on the destruction of the United State, through the efforts of the Democrat Party with their never-ending attempt to increase or create new federal government social programs. In this process of trying to create utopia they have created liberal secularism, which is bringing on the destruction of our nation’s Christian values. There is a comparison between the historical records of the Roman Empire and the Chinese Dynasties to the current events that are happening in the United States, which shows that we are on the path of destruction. It’s only a matter of time.

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  • Christianity And Culture


    Christianity & Culture: A Christian Perspective on Worldview Development is a historical, scriptural, and comprehensive examination of the dynamics in secular and Christian education in light of the current cultural philosophy. With transformative, stimulating and revolutionary principles, this book challenges Christians to integrate Judeo-Christian values in an atheistic and pluralistic society. If you have been inundated by humanistic, liberal and secular indoctrination, the redemptive solutions in this book will ensoul the tools necessary to produce a Christian worldview. It will impart a commanding sense of purpose, passion, and appreciation for the teaching profession. Christianity & Culture will enable you to … * Deepen and broaden your understanding of the core presuppositions of the Christian faith * Effectively face the challenges presented by a hostile world * Take heed to your God-given mandate to influence this world for Christ * Build, stimulate and develop a biblical and theocentric worldview of education * Assume your responsibility as a steward of the mysteries of God * Discover the dynamics of an education that is Christian.

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  • Pastoral Care Of Alcohol Abusers


    Over 120 million American teens and adults use alcohol at one time or another. While in most situations these individuals are able to use it responsibly and with moderation, no one is immune to its destructive use – which makes it a significant public health issue. Many drinkers find that their otherwise responsible use turns problematic and abusive when faced with depression, trauma, grief, undue social pressures, or other tempting and potentially addictive behaviors. Not all of these people become full-fledged alcoholics, but they do develop an alcohol problem that needs careful and sensitive pastoral care to understand the underlying issues for their alcohol abuse. Because of this, clergy and other pastoral counselors need to develop competence in recognizing alcohol abuse problems, including alcoholism, identifying when to make referrals, helping persons to find available community resources, and training congregational members to provide support to affected individuals and families.

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  • Where Is God When You Hurt


    Job loss, financial havoc, economic uncertainty, and a life filled with pain, suffering, depression, worry and despair… this is what many Americans are facing and feeling today. In the midst of all of this, many are wondering: Where is God and why did he let these things happen? In this soul stirring and eye opening book, you will find answers to these questions and more. So take the next step and discover where God is during your trials and tribulations.

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  • Covenant Economics : A Biblical Vision Of Justice For All


    The Bible deals with all aspects of life indivisibly. In the last generation biblical scholars broadened the usual focus on religious issues with more attention to the “social world” of biblical texts. Much less attention was given to economic issues reflected in the Bible. And biblical scholars did not make the limited amount of research on economic issues in the Bible generally accessible to educated readers, clergy and lay. This book does just that, allowing pastors, students, and interested laity to form an understanding about the economics of the Bible and its clarion call for economic justice for all, an issue that is sure to resonate during today’s trying economic times. Questions for discussion and suggestions for further reading are included in this volume-a work that will spark lively conversation.

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  • Disappearance Of God


    “Great biblical truths are meant not only for our intellectual acceptance, but for our spiritual health.” -Dr. Al Mohler

    More faulty information about God swirls around us today than ever before. No wonder so many followers of Christ are unsure of what they really believe in the face of the new spiritual openness attempting to alter unchanging truth.

    For centuries the church has taught and guarded the core Christian beliefs that make up the essential foundations of the faith. But in our postmodern age, sloppy teaching and outright lies create rampant confusion, and many Christians are free-falling for “feel-good” theology.

    We need to know the truth to save ourselves from errors that will derail our faith.

    As biblical scholar, author, and president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Albert Mohler, writes, “The entire structure of Christian truth is now under attack.” With wit and wisdom he tackles the most important aspects of these modern issues:
    Is God changing His mind about sin?
    Why is hell off limits for many pastors?
    What’s good or bad about the “dangerous” emergent movement?
    Have Christians stopped seeing God as God?
    Is the social justice movement misguided?
    Could the role of beauty be critical to our theology?
    Is liberal faith any less destructive than atheism?
    Are churches pandering to their members to survive?

    In the age-old battle to preserve the foundations of faith, it’s up to a new generation to confront and disarm the contemporary shams and fight for the truth. Dr. Mohler provides the scriptural answers to show you how.

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  • Love Is An Orientation


    Table Of Contents
    1. We Don’t Need Your God
    2. We Are Not Your Project: Sexual Behavior Is Gay Identity
    3. Stigma, Shame And Politics: The GLBT Experience In The Broader Culture
    4. Gays Versus Christians And Gay Christians: Redefinition Of Scripture Or Life Within The GLBTand Religious Communities?
    5. The “Gay Agenda”: Activists Don?t Speak For Everybody
    6. Who Are We Looking To For Validation?: The GLBT Quest For Good News From God
    7. Reclaiming The Word “Love”: Measurable Unconditional Behaviors
    8. The Big 5: Principles For A More Constructive Conversation
    9. Laying The Foundation To Building A Bridge: Commitment, Boldness And Humility
    10. Building A Bridge: Asking The Right Questions
    11. Crossing A Bridge: The World Reads Christians, Not The Bible
    12. Conclusion

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    When three of Andrew Marin’s friends came out to him in the span of three months, he was confronted head-on with the question of how to reconcile his friends with his faith. Love Is an Orientation is the result of years of wrestling with this issue. In the book, Marin speaks out with compassion and conviction, elevating the conversation between Christianity and the GLBT community so that the focus is moved from genetics to gospel, where it really belongs.

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  • Next Evangelicalism : Freeing The Church From Western Cultural Captivity


    Table Of Contents
    Part I: The Western, White Cultural Captivity Of The Church
    1: Individualism: The Heartbeat Of Western, White Cultural Captivity
    2: Consumerism And Materialism: The Soul Of Western, White Cultural Captivity
    3: Racism: The Residue Of Western, White Cultural Captivity

    Part II: The Pervasiveness Of The White Captivity Of The Church
    4: The Church Growth Movement And Megachurches
    5: The Emergent Church?s Captivity To Western, White Culture
    6: The Cultural Imperialism Of The White Captivity Of The Church

    Part III: Freedom From The White Captivity Of The Church
    7: Suffering And Celebration: Learning From The African American And Native American Communities
    8: Holistic Evangelism: Learning From The Immigrant Church
    9: A Multicultural Worldview: Learning From The Second Generation


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    Soong-Chan Rah calls the North American church to escape its Western cultural captivity and to embody a next evangelicalism that is diverse and multiethnic. This prophetic minority report casts a vision for a dynamic evangelicalism that fully embodies the cultural realities of the twenty-first century.

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  • God And Depression


    This book enables readers to know that even in a depressed state, we can still have hope. Life still matters. It is a gift from God that should be cherished, loved, and respected. Each chapter reveals the circumstances of different phases in the author’s life, how she dealt with them, and how she received the title of this book. Also included are sermons she and her husband have preached.

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  • Rastafarians Uprising At Coral Gardens Jamaica


    The Rastafarian’s uprising in Montego Bay, Jamaica on ‘Black Thursday’ April 11th 1963 is an indelible monument in the Rastafarian movement which is indigenous to Jamaica. Selbourne Reid, the author of this book, was a police officer and a member of the rifle group in the leading police party, escaped unhurt but some of his co-workers were seriously injured. He saw a man chopped to death within three to five (3Ft-5Ft) feet away as well as one of his co-worker seriously injured. He ran from the scene and while he was running he saw another of his co-worker being hacked to death. Selbourne could not help, as he had no ammunition for his rifle. This book is designed to satiate the reader who has a flare for humor. For example, The account of ‘A memorable lie’, or ‘The Obeah-man’ who stripped a young lady in a public place-in a bar-and anoint her nude body with some type of oil which he said would cause her to have an abortion.’ This man did other ludicrous acts and was subsequently arrested. There is also a question as to whether Inspector Fisher was saying ‘Where is Jimmy?’ even when he was being chopped by the Rastaman. Christian and ethical principles are highlighted in this book, as well as some lessons and techniques, which can be learned by some supervisors, public administrators and police or military leaders. Selbourne was employed in Law enforcement and Social work in Jamaica and the United States of America for over thirty-five years. He writes about certain incidents in his work experience. Selbourne Reid graduated with a BSc. Degree in Public Administration from of The University of The West Indies, Mona campus, Jamaica.

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  • Are Christians The Hitlers Of Today


    Ever gone to church thinking you were in a safe place, only to find out that the pastor was having an affair with the choir director’s wife? Remember when all those priests molested those young boys, some who were altar boys in the church? Do you know that Hitler professed to be a Christian? Ever been conned into giving money to the church, only to be left penniless and alone? Go with Joanna on her own spiritual journey, battling the dictators in her life and finding some of the keys to emotional healing. See how total surrender to a just and loving God can expose the errors in your thinking and bring you to an understanding of truth. What is truth? Pontius Pilate asked Jesus this question. Would you like to know the answer?

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  • Whos Sad (Student/Study Guide)


    “Who’s Sad?” extends hope to all who struggle with sadness; through everyday illustrations, Biblical examples, and practical applications. The third study guide in the Awareness to Action series encourages readers to identify sources of sadness, which have compounded to complicate their lives. Continual sadness and depression deplete your energy, your motivation, your enjoyment of life and your physical health. How many times have you heard a pastor or Christian friend say, “God is the answer to all your problems?” How many times have you thought, “Sure? How can that be? My life is in shambles. I have come to the end of my rope. I don’t think God remembers who I am. He seems so distant and unapproachable.” God does love you. Look to Jesus. He felt every emotion as you have. You can have confidence in Him. He knows what He is talking about. You can trust Him.

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  • Power And Poverty


    InterVarsity Press Publication

    In this wide-ranging, challenging book Dewi Arwel Hughes unpacks a convicting thesis: that poverty has to do with the way in which we human beings use and abuse the power God gave us when he created us. He then provides biblical perspectives to enable you to both understand the causes of poverty and help in overcoming it.

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  • Peace Building By Between And Beyond Muslims And Evangelical Christians


    I. Introduction
    Mohammed Abu-Nimer And David Augsburger

    II. Peace-Building, Nonviolence, And Conflict Resolution

    The Practices Of Forgiveness And Reconciliation In Conflict Transformation
    David Augsburger
    Response To Augsberger
    Karim Douglas Crow
    Muslim Perspectives On War And Peace
    Ayse Kadayifci
    Response To Kadayifci
    Glen Stassen

    III. Religious Diversity And Identity

    The Qur’anic Perspective On Religious Pluralism
    Riffat Hassan
    I Am As My Servant Thinks Of Me
    Rabia Terri Harris
    Response To Hassan And Harris
    Wilbert Shenk
    Social Location And Christian Identity: Some Historical Perspectives
    Wilbert Shenk And Alvin C. Dueck
    Response To Shenk And Dueck
    Jimmy Jones

    Interfaith And Intra-Faith Dialogue

    Theological Foundation Of Interfaith Dialogue And Peaceful Coexistence: The Koran’s Universal Perspectives
    Osman Bakar
    Fear And Muslim-Christian Conflict Transformation: Resources From Attachment Theory And Affect Regulation
    Evelyne Reisacher
    Toward Mutual Respectful Witness
    Dudley Woodberry
    The Right To Religious Conversion: Between Apostasy And Proselytization
    Abdul Rashied Omar
    Response To All Articles
    Asma Afsaruddin
    Response To Bakar And Omar
    Dudley Woodbury

    V. Contemporary Issues, Case Studies

    Rethinking Human Rights: A Common Challenge For Muslims And Christians
    David Johnston
    Let Peace Flourish: Descriptive And Applied Research From The Conflict Transformation Grant
    Al Dueck, Kevin Reimer, Josh Morgan, And Steve Brown
    Abrahamic Faiths: Models Of Interfaith Dialogue In The U. S.
    Muhammed Shafiq
    Response To All Articles
    Ghulam Haider Aasi And David Johnston

    Concluding Remarks


    Additional Info
    This timely work addresses sensitive issues and relations between Muslims and Christians around the world. The book uniquely captures the opportunity for Christians and Muslims to come together and discuss pertinent issues such as pluralism, governance, preaching, Christian missionary efforts, and general misperceptions of Muslim and Christian communities. Joint authorship and discussion within the book is used to offer dialogue and responses between different contributors. This dialogue reveals that Christians and Muslims hold many things in common while having meaningful differences. It also shows the value of honestly sharing convictions while respecting and hearing the beliefs of another.

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  • Case For Life


    Helps pro-life Christians make a persuasive case for the lives of the unborn in the face of an increasingly secularized culture. Pro-life Christians, take heart: the pro-life message can compete in the marketplace of ideas-provided Christians properly understand and articulate that message. Too many Christians do not understand the essential truths of the pro-life position, making it difficult for them to articulate a biblical worldview on issues like abortion, cloning, and embryo research. The Case for Life provides intellectual grounding for the pro-life convictions that most evangelicals hold. Author Scott Klusendorf first simplifies the debate: the sanctity of life is not a morally complex issue. It’s not about choice, privacy, or scientific progress. To the contrary, the debate turns on one key question: What is the unborn? From there readers learn how to engage the great bio-tech debate of the twenty-first century, how to answer objections persuasively, and what the role of the pro-life pastor should be.

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  • Santa Tizing : Whats Wrong With Christmas And How To Clean It Up


    Throw away the template for Christmas books and come walk on the kingdom side in an examination of America’s most loved holiday. Critical thinking is a must while looking through this lens of history and Scripture. You will be intrigued and enlightened. What’s wrong with Christmas? Plenty. This book shines light on various troubling issues involved in celebrating a Christian Christmas. How to clean it up? This will be determined by you and your family. Since we have an abundance of traditions, memories, and reasons to stay just the way we are, Santa-tizing will primarily explore the opposite. Know that in God’s kingdom no person is forced to do anything against their will.

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  • Dancing With Depression


    This small book is written for people who don’t like reading big books! It’s written for you and me. It doesn’t go into great detail about the facts and information about depression. The emphasis is on words of encouragement and principles that work to overcome it. May the contents of this book bring you much needed hope and encouragement in your own “dance” with depression.

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  • Compensated Suffering : An Inspiration For All Who Have Suffered At The Han


    Suffering has the potential to leave individuals wounded if they attempt to maneuver, in their own strength, through life’s challenges. Seldom do women and men, alike, read books that carefully guide them from the realities and horrors of suffering to a more joyous perspective of suffering. Compensated Suffering is inspiring for both men and women who have ever questioned the purpose of multiple and diverse trials! From chapter to chapter, encouragement leaps into your spirit as Barbara Bryant walks you through her personal and spiritual journey to a new paradigm of suffering-a paradigm built upon faith, forgiveness and renewal. Whether your suffering has manifested itself as a physical ailment, abuse, financial hardship or even a lengthy “holding” period, Barbara eloquently shares the new possibilities in God that can arise through the pain of suffering! Let Compensated Suffering minister to your throbbing heart and encourage you to increase your faith, broaden your spiritual perspective and walk in your God-given destiny!

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  • Abused God : Religious Addiction Mobilizing A Congregational Response


    This is an incredible book! The reader will understand the subject of spiritual abuse among Brazilian religious leaders, around the greater Boston area and how to respond to it in appropriate ways. There are powerful facts behind this book. It projects a powerful voice of passion and conviction. This book offers critical evidence that a significant number of Brazilian leaders have become dysfunctional and abusive. In this context, Rev. Dr. Pinto-Moura reports that the World Revival Church (hereafter WRC) is an example of a dysfunctional culture producing codependence. They seem to continually strive with combined elements of unbalanced and unorthodox doctrines, controversial government, disciplinary problems, irresponsible leadership – which result in explosive turmoil, division, wounded and confused sheep, and a derogatory reputation in their community. There are scores of people who have been deeply wounded by their experience with WRC. Religious addiction is identified and attacked as a part of this problem. It has been enormously traumatic. This book exposes this complex issue balancing facts with compassion. Developing a healing approach is needed. This supportive data is the result of scholarly studies and truths from the Bible. It substantiates a biblical response to the challenge to bring spiritual health to the Brazilian churches in the U.S. This book addresses healing strategies and explores possible solutions to the demoralizing problem of spiritual abuse. This book is revolutionary, prophetic and apostolic! The healing guidelines can be applied to any ministry and person experiencing the pain of leadership abuse.

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  • Theory Of LIVEvolution


    There is a drive for a “New World Order” afoot and it’s not an accident. The modern day descendants of the Moneychangers and allied fake religious leaders or Pharisees of Jesus’ day are tying up some loose ends (2008). The introduction lays the groundwork for the rest of the book. Section 1 (posted on my website for length purposes) establishes the unique reality of Biblical Christianity. This is very important since a firm belief in a benevolent Creator is the only thing that stands between us and “Them” at this point. Section 2 points out the world is about to be plunged into a “New World Order” of Biblical proportions. If you think this scenario is outlandish, the “free” U.S., non-coincidentally, meets every one of the criteria for atheistic Communism listed in Marx’s “Communist Manifesto.” As Section 3 discusses, what “They” have planned for you on “Mother Earth” (if you’re worthy of “evolution” at least) is the Nazis on steroids.

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  • Simple Living Compassionate Life


    On its ten-year anniversary of publication, we are pleased to re-issue this popular title with a new Morehouse Publishing imprint and ISBN.

    Editor Michael Schut presents a rare collection of voices as they explore our use of money, the practice of simplicity, listening to our lives, widening our circle of community, and other topics at the core of how we live out our faith in our homes and workplaces. A study guide is included.

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  • Making Poverty Personal (Reprinted)


    Poverty is one of the great challenges of the 21st century. But poverty is not new. And neither is God’s deep concern for the poor–it is a theme deeply woven throughout the Bible. Yet sadly, churches and individual Christians have too often been blind to this emphasis, or they have been paralyzed into inaction by feelings of helplessness.

    In this urgent, provocative book, Ash Barker offers both challenge and hope. Pulling out and reflecting on significant passages from both testaments, he reveals what the Bible says about both the nature of poverty and about how God calls his people to respond. These studies, ideal for either individual or small group use, are interlaced with personal reflections–first-hand accounts from fifteen years of ministry among the poor.

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  • Gods Tapestry : Reading The Bible In A World Of Religious Diversity (Student/Stu


    In this engaging book aimed at pastors, teachers, and laypeople in Christian churches, author and Old Testament scholar Gene March helps the reader develop theological clarity about how to live in a religiously diverse society, by delving into specific biblical texts in ways that correct misinterpretations and long-held misunderstandings.
    Includes study questions for discussion.

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  • Her Choice To Heal Post Roe Updated Edition (Revised)


    33% of American women have experienced abortion, and post-abortive women are in pain. At some point, most will experience post-abortion syndrome (PAS), a form of post-traumatic stress disorder, but they may never talk about it. Few realize that peace is attainable through Christ and that, because of His grace, they will reunite with their lost loved ones in Heaven.

    This book is designed to help women find a way to God’s healing after this devastating choice.

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  • Children Youth And Spirituality In A Troubling World


    Editors Mary Elizabeth Moore and Almeda M. Wright address the harsh, challenging, and delicate realities of children and youth-who live as spiritual beings within a beautiful yet destructive world. Providing a practical theological analysis of the spiritual yearnings, expressions, and challenges of children and youth in a world of rapid change, dislocation, violence, and competing loyalties, Children, Youth, and Spirituality in a Troubling World provides readers with a purposeful conversation on this important topic.

    This book will serve as more than a collection; it will be a genuine conversation, which will in turn stir lively conversation among scholars, theological students, and Christian communities that seek to understand and respond more adequately in ministries to and with children and youth.

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  • Just Peacemaking : The New Paradigm For The Ethics Of Peace And War



    Part 1: Peacemaking Initiatives
    1) Support Nonviolent Direct Action
    2) Take Independent Initiatives To Reduce Threat
    3) Use Cooperative Conflict Resolution
    4) Acknowledge Responsibility For Conflict And Injustice And Seek Repentance And Forgiveness

    Part 2: Justice
    5) Advanced Democracy, Human Rights, And Interdependence
    6) Foster Just And Sustainable Economic Development

    Part 3: Love And Community
    7) Work With Emerging Cooperative Forces In The International System
    8) Strengthen The United Nations And International Efforts For Cooperation And Human Rights 9) Reduce Offensive Weapons And Weapons Trade
    10) Encourage Grassroots Peacemaking Groups And Voluntary Associations


    Additional Info
    This book is the product of 23 scholars across various denominations who have collaborated annually for six years to specify the 10 practical steps and develop the undergirding principles of this critical approach.

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  • My Neighbours Faith


    My Neighbour’s Faith sheds light on the beliefs and teaching of Islam by addressing matters of contemporary importance to Christians and the wider non-Muslim audience.

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  • Endangered Speeches : How The ACLU IRS And LBJ Threaten Extinction Of Free


    “The Church is the conscience of the State,” wrote Martin Luther King, Jr., but is it anymore? With threats of Hate Crime Legislation and the Fairness Censorship Doctrine, find out how churches used to speak on public issues, but are afraid to now? Read how pastors previously endorsed candidates and spoke on political issues such as slavery, war, prohibition, child labor, women’s suffrage, Sunday blue laws and civil rights? What was originally meant by “separation of church & state”? When and how did things “change”? Read how Congress in 1913 created the IRS with its 501(c)3 status for non-profit organizations, and then limited them in 1919 and 1939. Find out why Lyndon B. Johnson amended the 1954 IRS Code to restrict 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations? See what effect McCarthyism and the 1950’s anti-Communist movement had? With 78 percent of Americans being Christian and 2 percent Jewish, find out how the 1 percent atheists effectively advanced their agenda. Has freedom of the majority become tyranny of a minority? Read Federal Court cases that actually define atheism and secularism as religions. See documented connections with communism by ACLU founder Roger Baldwin and other leaders. In contrast to churches, discover the treatment of other 501(c)3 non-profit organizations, such as the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, etc. You will be fascinated as the puzzle pieces of history fit together!

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  • Unseen World Of Media


    SKU (ISBN): 9781606476543ISBN10: 1606476548Cindy ElSharouniBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2008Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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