
Showing 51–100 of 133 results

  • Christmas Journey : Advent Readings And Reflections From The Nativity Stori


    The Nativity Stories were hidden gems in antiquity, and they remain largely unexplored today. Though they appear first in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, they were among the last pieces of the puzzle of Christ’s life to be revealed to the public. The evidence shows that during the three-year ministry of Jesus none of his followers knew about the extraordinary events related in the birth narratives. The claim of his virginal conception, the most highly charged and hardest to substantiate of all the assertions made about Jesus, was held in reserve until decades after his death and resurrection. The publication of the Nativity Stories around AD 80 helped to complete the church’s portrait of Jesus Christ.

    Today the Nativity Stories are usually saved for Advent, but since this is such a busy time of year these scriptures are seldom explored in depth. This engaging study takes readers on a journey of daily Readings and Reflections in Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2. The spiritual riches of the Nativity Stories are revealed through a survey of issues about their impact on our understanding of the divine/human nature of Jesus. Also highlighted is the influential role of the birth narratives on the church’s theology in the period prior to the emergence of Christmas in the fourth century. With a wealth of enlightening discoveries awaiting readers, Christmas Journey is sure to become a meaningful part of their yearly Advent tradition.

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  • Wounded In Spirit


    Christmas can be a time of joy but also of tears, memory and prayer. Celebration does not always come easily.

    In twenty-five illustrated daily readings we commune with Scripture and the wounded artists that gave the world masterpieces of hope: Gauguin, Tissot, Caravaggio, Tanner, Delacroix, van Gogh, Durer. We’ve heard the names. We recognize the paintings. But do we know the artists? They were flawed and often troubled people: a widower that saw a vision of Christ; a murderer who painted himself as Peter; a grieving father that drew his sons as Jesus and John; an orphan who saw his salvation in the Holy Family. Despite their wounds-perhaps because of them-these artists achieved the sublime. Their humanity inspires us. Based on the latest research in history and grief, Wounded in Spirit returns us to where Christian art began. From mourning in Roman catacombs to works of the masters, we join the world’s great religious artists on their pilgrimages of hope and brokenness. In their wounds, in our wounds, we may once again encounter “God with us.”

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  • Advent Conspiracy : Making Christmas Meaningful Again


    An updated and revised version of a book that has impacted thousands of churches: Are you tired of how consumerism has stolen the soul of Christmas? This year, take a stand!

    Join the groundswell of Christ-followers who are choosing to make Christmas what it should be-a joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth that enriches our hearts and the world around us, not a retail circus that depletes our pocketbooks and defeats our spirits. Advent Conspiracy shows you how to substitute consumption with compassion by practicing four simple but powerful, countercultural concepts: Worship Fully-because Christmas begins and ends with Jesus. Spend Less-and free your resources for things that truly matter. Give More-of your presence: your hands, your words, your time, your heart. Love All-the poor, the forgotten, the marginalized, and the sick in ways that make a difference. Find out how to have a Christmas worth remembering, not dreading. Christmas can still change the world when you, like Jesus, give what matters most-your presence.

    This updated and revised version, with some all-new content, will share stories of the impact this movement has made around the globe as well as giving individuals and churches even better, more practical help in planning the kind of Christmas that truly can change the world.New introduction, new chapter and changes throughout.

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  • Jesus Christmas : Explore Gods Amazing Plan For Christmas


    Before You Begin
    Some Useful Bible Words
    Dec 1st: God’s Plan For Christmas
    Dec 2nd: Like The Stars In The Sky
    Dec 3rd: A Promised Child
    Dec 4th: A Stairway To God
    Dec 5th: The Only Truly Good Person
    Dec 6th: The Passover Lamb
    Dec 7th: Life-Giving Bread
    Dec 8th: God’s True Tent
    Dec 9th: Ruth’s Son’s, Son’s, Son’s, Son
    Dec 10th: The Forever King
    Dec 11th: The King Who Understands Us
    Dec 12th: Born To Die
    Dec 13th: God With Us
    Dec 14th: Mary’s Child
    Dec 15th: True Happiness
    Dec 16th: We Live For Jesus
    Dec 17th: Preparing The Path
    Dec 18th: The Real Jesus
    Dec 19th: The Angel’s Message For All
    Dec 20th: The Best Words Ever
    Dec 21st: Simeon Sees His Savior
    Dec 22nd: God Hears Us
    Dec 23rd: The Truth About Jesus
    Dec 24th: Jesus Came To Win
    Dec 25th: A Jesus Christmas
    Extra Family Journaling Space

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    Get your family excited with this advent devotional offering a fresh way to prepare for Christmas.

    Right from the beginning, the serpent lied to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden – and he has been lying ever since. But right from the beginning, God told us his amazing plan to send Jesus.

    Each day’s devotional looks at one of the serpent’s lies, and then shows how the glorious truth of Christmas beats it every time!

    God prepared the world for Jesus and he will prepare your heart to celebrate this Christmas in a new and lasting way.

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  • Pausas Para El Adviento – (Spanish)


    Taking time to pause for a few minutes each day can help us maintain balance in our lives, especially during the Advent and Christmas seasons. In this simple yet not simplistic book, Trevor Hudson focuses on one biblical word of wonder for each day of Advent. His insightful reflections on the word for each day invite individuals and groups to a deeper understanding of Advent. Hudson also briefly explores the lives and thoughts of 4 significant characters in the Christmas story, encouraging us to immerse ourselves in the dramatic story. He offers a simple daily practice that helps us become involved in the Advent drama. Hudson’s minimalist approach and conversational writing lead us to discover how we can open our hearts and lives more generously to God.

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  • Focus On Jesus Cycle C


    Every time Rev. Derl G. Keefer preaches a Christmas sermon, he asks himself the same question. Why did Jesus come to earth?

    It’s the question that Jesus’ earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, must have asked themselves over and over. They struggled to understand why, when he was 12 years old, he would leave their care to join the scholars of the temple.

    His answer served to refocus his own parents on who he really was.”Did you not know,” he asked them, “that I must be about my Father’s business?”

    The 15 sermons contained in Focus on Jesus will provide four answers to the question of why he came by revealing the nature of the Father’s business as described in the Gospel of Luke:
    *Jesus came to be the fulfillment of prophecy.
    *Jesus came to be our Messiah.
    *Jesus came to be our Savior.
    *Jesus came to be the human face of God.

    This Advent season, utilize Keefer’s clear, simple teaching style in Focus on Jesus to help those seeking Jesus understand who he is, and to reignite the passion that first brought members of your congregation into his arms.

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  • Advent Of The Lamb Of God


    Preface: Telling A True Tall Tale

    Part I: Awaiting The Messiah
    1. Behold The Lamb Of God
    2. Hear
    3. Redemption Amidst The Wreckage
    4. Number The Stars Of Heaven
    5. God Will Provide A Lamb
    6. Jacob And Two Women
    7. Walking With A Limp
    8. Four Hundred Years
    9. Blood On The Doorpost
    10. The War Within
    11. The Days Of The Judges
    12. King Saul
    13. The Boy-King Of Bethlehem
    14. Cast Me Not Away
    15. The Edge Of Ruin
    16. I Have Loved You

    Part II: The Savior Has Come
    17. Herod The Great, King Of The Jews
    18. The Silence Of The Priest
    19. The Ordinary Overshadowed
    20. When Joseph Woke From His Dream
    21. The Birth Of Jesus
    22. Where The Lambs Are Kept
    23. One Star Lit For Them
    24. The Hearts Of Many Revealed
    25. Son Of God, Son Of Man


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    “A page in history was about to turn. Though Israel’s world was in the throes of upheaval, it was only a matter of time before the sun of righteousness would rise. These people needed rescue, but they weren’t waiting for the stars to align or for the political climate to change. They were waiting for God. They were on his timetable. He was sending his Messiah-Immanuel, God with us.”For centuries God’s people awaited the coming of a Savior. In the midst of a world of trouble, they hoped for one who would deliver them from evil and restore them to true life. Would God be faithful to his promises? Pastor Russ Ramsey narrates anew the greatest story ever told-the true tall tale of the coming of the Christ. It’s more than the story of a baby born in Bethlehem; the story encompasses the whole of the Old Testament and all of human history, unveiling God’s longsuffering, loving pursuit of his people. Rediscover how the purposes of God culminated in the coming of Jesus, in twenty-five readings ideal for Christmas or any season of meeting the Savior.Also including The Passion of the King of Glory and The Mission of the Body of Christ, the Retelling the Story series explores the narrative arc of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation in compelling language that is faithful to the text of Scripture. The stories are told afresh to help readers hide God’s word in their hearts by way of their imaginations.

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  • Littles Watchman Advent Calendar


    The Advent Calendar Has 25 Windows, Which Open To Reveal The Events Of The First Christmas.
    * The Calendar Windows Can Be Torn Off And Hung On A Simple Version Of Jesus’ Family Tree Known As A “Jesse Tree”.
    * The Accompanying 32-page Booklet Gives Outlines For A Daily Family Bible Time During Advent.

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    This pack contains an Advent Calendar and Devotional Booklet to help children and families explore the Bible together this Christmas.

    Each window in the Advent Calendar opens to reveal a rich, full-color illustration of the events of the first Christmas. These pictures and verses will help families to meet different people from Jesus’ family tree. Includes suggestions on how to make your own “Jesse tree”.

    Linked with The Littlest Watchman storybook by Scott James.

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  • Your Light Gives Us Hope


    Celebrated author and Benedictine monk Anselm Grun offers a daily reader of very simple and often quite direct Advent reflections. Anselm Grun shows the reader how to approach the festive season consciously, making it a blessed time for ourselves and our families. He draws on his experience as a spiritual director to offer practices for personal devotion or for family prayer for each day of Advent. Also included are special reflections for the Sundays of the season. Anselm Grun’s titles have sold more than 15 million copies in 30 languages. This title brings his spiritual wisdom to American readers who are eager for a new voice among titles for the Advent and Christmas season.

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  • Look : A Childs Guide To Advent And Christmas


    Look! A Child’s Guide to Advent and Christmas presents Advent as special time for waiting and watching-paying attention-to the ways God comes to us.

    Told from the point of a view of a child, the story weaves together familiar Advent traditions like the Jesse tree and the Advent wreath, biblical stories and characters, and reflections on what these stories call us to do and be.

    This book reassures children of the presence of God in all times and places and invites them to become part of the holy work of making Christ present in the world.

    With this new title, author Laura Alary and Illustrator Ann Boyajian add to the Paraclete Press line of children’s titles that are gaining an extensive following in the Evangelical, Catholic and Liturgical markets.

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  • Advent For Everyone


    Advent for Everyone: A Journey with the Apostles provides readers with an inspirational guide through the Advent season, from the first Sunday in Advent through the Saturday after the Fourth Sunday in Advent. Popular biblical scholar and author N. T. Wright provides his own Scripture translation and brief reflection, helping readers understand Advent in the wider context of God’s love.

    Wright’s engaging and accessible writing and imagery help us see Advent both in relation to the Bible’s message and in our own lives today. Each week discusses key themes for the season: thanksgiving, patience, humility, and joy. This book is suitable for both individual and group study and reflection.

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  • 1 True Gift


    Christmas is meant to be full of joy and light; but all too often it is spoiled by grumbling and arguing.

    The 24 concise daily readings in this advent book share Paul’s answer to this problem from Philippians chapter 2 -and many many more: the big story of how and why Jesus came into the world. Each day includes ideas for reflection, prayer and application, designed to excite you about the gospel message in the run-up to Christmas Day.

    If we see ourselves as part of that big story, then we will all shine like stars…

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  • Christmas Gifts That Wont Break Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    Go on an Advent journey with beloved teacher and storyteller James W. Moore, exploring the spirit of Christmas. As you light the candles of your Advent wreath, reflect on the unbreakable gifts that God has given us: hope, love, joy, and peace. And remember God’s greatest gift, who comes to us as a baby and leads us through all the days of our lives. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the five-week study including session plans and discussion questions, prayers, and suggestions for group use.

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  • Mandalas Candles And Prayer


    Slow down, simplify, and add a burst of color to your Advent this year. The spiritual practice of coloring mandalas, lighting candles, and praying regularly can help us stay centered on God during this busy time of year. Based on the four candles of the Advent wreath, this coloring book for adults weaves together the popular practice of coloring with four simple methods of contemplative prayer. Each chapter includes a short vignette, an explanation of the weekly theme and prayer method, a simple candle lighting liturgy, 7 mandalas for each week of contemplative coloring, and a closing prayer of illumination. Let the candles light the way and calm your spirit. Color and pray. And you will experience the most meaningful gift of all-a peace that passes all understanding as you journey toward the manger.

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  • In Days To Come


    A rich observance of Advent and Christmas that extends into the New Year. Many people end their celebration of Christmas on December 25, but George Donigian reminds us that the celebration is just beginning. Donigian offers meditations that begin with Advent and continue through the 12th night of Christmas-January 6 or Epiphany. The meditations, like the surprises of an Advent calendar, touch on many different subjects. Some topics included are “An Editor,” “A Counting Song,” “Prudence,” and “Chrismons.” Instead of putting away the decorations on December 25, celebrate all the days to come!

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  • All Earth Is Waiting


    All Earth Is Waiting invites readers to explore the familiar Advent themes of hope, preparation, joy, and peace with the heavens and earth in mind. Through her powerful and personal reflections, author Katie Z. Dawson calls us to consider how all creation longs for the coming of Christ, taking seriously the notion that the good news of Christ is good news for all the world. Anticipating in Christ’s birth the reconciliation of the heavens and the earth, Dawson highlights the responsibility to care for this earth in preparation for Christ’s return. This collection of 28 Advent devotions is the perfect companion piece to the book and includes Scripture, reflections, and prayers for each day to help you prepare your heart during the season of Advent.

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  • All Earth Is Waiting (Large Type)


    1. The Source Of Hope
    2. Clear The Way
    3. Discovering Joy
    4. The Peace Of The World
    5. The Reconciliation Of Heaven And Earth

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    All Earth Is Waiting invites readers to explore the familiar Advent themes of hope, preparation, joy, and peace with the heavens and earth in mind. Through her powerful and personal reflections, author Katie Z. Dawson calls us to consider how all creation longs for the coming of Christ, taking seriously the notion that the good news of Christ is good news for all the world. Anticipating in Christ’s birth the reconciliation of the heavens and the earth, Dawson highlights the responsibility to care for this earth in preparation for Christ’s return. This thematic Bible study is designed to be used by individuals and small groups during Advent. Each chapter offers questions for reflection and discussion, a brief prayer, and a focus for the week that will encourage readers to engage a specific act of creation care that will help them apply the week’s lesson. Also included are Advent candle lighting liturgies, a Call to Worship, a Prayer of Confession that can be used throughout Advent, and hymn suggestions for each chapter. These can be used for small group worship opportunities or in corporate worship.

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  • Turning To The Light


    Turning to the Light draws together a collection of profound and beautiful seasonal reflections from the beginning of Advent to the end of Epiphany, by one of the finest voices in Anglican spirituality. Michael Mayne was one of Anglicanisma(TM)s most compelling and attractive voices, a gifted preacher and writer whose works have remained popular. These unpublished writings come from a large archive and are offered as an inspirational resource for preaching at a time of the year when many preachers seek fresh ways of opening up familiar texts. They are also suitable for individual devotional reading. Rowan Williams provides a forward to the collection.

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  • Pauses For Advent


    In this beautifully minimalist book, Trevor Hudson focuses on one biblical word of wonder each day of Advent. Pausing for a few moments to read Hudson’s meditations on the word for the day will guide readers to a deeper understanding of Advent. Hudson also briefly explores the lives and thoughts of 4 significant characters in the Christmas story, encouraging readers to immerse themselves in the dramatic story. His simple approach provides a doable daily practice and gently leads readers to discover how they can open their hearts and lives more generously to God.

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  • Some Small Heaven


    In this Advent book with a difference, striking reflections and images combine to teach us to discover light in dark times, open ourselves to the possibility of newness and to become bearers of light ourselves. Daily seasonal meditations focus on: Advent as a time of waiting, which can occur in our lives at any time. Whether we are waiting for a darkness to pass or yearning for a light to come, learning how to wait in Advent will enable us better to understand how to negotiate the waiting times whenever they come, and to give that waiting our care and attention. Christmas and its capacity to nurture within us an openness to new possibilities coming into being, unseen, unlikely, unnoticed. We are helped to capture the wonder of God coming towards us, making a home in us. Epiphany, a time of revealing, invites us to look up and look out and see larger patterns at work in our world, to know that how things seem right now is not how they will always be, to see the holy child Jesus as a gift for all. In seeking light we discover how we too can be bearers of light.

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  • Celebrating Abundance : Devotions For Advent


    To “prepare for Christmas” in our society is to be sucked into a vortex of indulgence, from decor to gifts to calorie-rich foods. Layer upon layer of tinsel, lights, chocolate drizzle, and wrapping paper create the illusion of abundance, disguising the feeling of emptiness in our souls. The arrival of the Messiah, by contrast, is true abundance disguised by the impression of scarcity. Training our eyes to see through the rough stable, the adolescent mother, and the anxious escape to Egypt, we can see in that poverty and powerlessness the wonder of God’s abundant life and grace coming down to dwell among us.

    This powerful devotional by best- selling author Walter Brueggemann includes daily reflections on the Scriptures and stories of Advent in order to invite us to see beyond the world’s faux extravagance and realize the true feast laid out before us. Twelve prayers are also included for the twelve days of Christmas.

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  • All Creation Waits


    Open a window each day of Advent onto the natural world. Here are twenty-five fresh images of the foundational truth that lies beneath and within the Christ story. In twenty-five portraits depicting how wild animals of the northern hemisphere ingeniously adapt when darkness and cold descend, we see and hear as if for the first time the ancient wisdom of Advent: The dark is not an end but the way a new beginning comes.

    Short, daily reflections that paint vivid, poetic images of familiar animals, paired with charming original wood-cuts, will engage both children and adults. Anyone who does not want to be caught, again, in the consumer hype of “the holiday season” but rather to be taken up into the eternal truth the natural world reveals will welcome this book.

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  • 1 True Story


    Everyone loves the Christmas story. But the story of the baby in the manger is the culmination of a thousand other stories. It is the focus of the story of the Bible and the story of human history. The book has 24 short meditative readings working through Bible stories from Genesis to Jesus. Each day ideas for reflection, prayer and application, designed to excite you about the Gospel message in the run up to Christmas Day. As you prepare for Christmas, get a fresh insight into the full script of the nativity, the story of our world, and the plotline for the rest of your life…

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  • Prepare The Way


    Throughout Advent we read and sing the words Prepare the Way as we make room to welcome the Christ child into our lives once again. We prepare our city streets and buildings. We prepare our homes and workspaces. But sometimes Advent can slip away from us before we can prepare our hearts.

    In this 4-week study and prayer book, Pamela Hawkins invites us to prepare our hearts through guided prayer, readings from Isaiah and Matthew, as well as brief reflections on four scriptural themes: Peace, Justice, Fearlessness, and Faithfulness.

    Prepare the Way includes these spiritual practices:

    Prayers of invocation, intercession, and benediction
    Reflection through spiritual reading
    Meditation on scripture
    Call to Christian witness and service

    4 weeks * Includes Leader’s Guide

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  • Anticipating His Arrival


    Family devotions can be hard to schedule and plan–and doing so in a meaningful way can be especially difficult during the days and weeks leading up to Christmas. As you guide your family through this season, Anticipating His Arrival helps you and your family remember his first advent on Christmas and prepare for his second coming, celebrating and anticipating both events.

    Each day’s Scripture reading includes discussion questions with accompanying responses to make it easy for you to engage the themes of preparation, anticipation, joy, and incarnation throughout the season of Advent. The reading schedule–which begins the first Sunday of Advent and ends on Christmas Day–has been adapted from the Revised Common Lectionary and includes devotions for all three years in the liturgical cycle, with every year drawing on the Synoptic Gospels.

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  • Names For The Messiah


    In Isaiah 9:6, a divine utterance is given to us using four royal titles–Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Names for the Messiah ponders each title and how the people understood it then, how Jesus did or did not fulfill the title, and how Christians interpret Jesus as representative of that title.

    Christians have claimed from the beginning that Jesus was the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament. In this study, best-selling author Walter Brueggemann tackles the questions: “What were these expectations?” and “Did Jesus fulfill them?”

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  • Advent Presence : Kissed By The Past Beckoned By The Future


    Advent devotion for individuals or small groups, with an Advent poster-calendar sold separately
    * Photographs and stories from daily life, for daily Christian living
    * Study guide included

    Advent is a time of preparation, of patience, of remembering what grounds and sustains us. Advent reminds us who God is and who we are meant to be. This book offers a new look at Advent by seeing the four weeks through the lens of morning, mid-day, late afternoon and evening, and night. Photographs, stories, and perspectives enrich our travel and invite us to other dimensions of experiencing Advent, as a season and as a resource in our daily living. The book can serve as a devotional for individual or small group study for the Advent season, with a particular focus on the Year C gospel readings from Luke.

    For individuals, small groups, Education for Ministry groups

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  • Finding Bethlehem In The Midst Of Bedlam (Student/Study Guide)


    Christmas or confusion, Bethlehem or bedlam . . . Which will you choose this year? The truth is, we don’t have to choose, because Christmas always happens right in the midst of our chaos. God breaks into our noisy disorder and is made known in Jesus Christ. Christmas and confusion-weren’t they intimately related at the first Christmas when Jesus was born? Sometimes we forget that. That’s what this study is about-how Christ breaks into our chaos and confusion and brings Christmas-how Bethlehem always happens in the midst of bedlam. The Children’s Study contains five lessons that delve into the Luke account of Jesus’s birth through an ADVENTure to find Bethlehem. They will have opportunities to really experience the story of Mary, Joseph, Gabriel, the shepherds, and Jesus. The guide is simple to use, and includes reproducible activities for each session.

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  • Adventures In Odyssey Advent Activity Calendar


    Take the time this Christmas season to connect with your kids in a meaningful way while enjoying a very special Advent in Odyssey! Prepare for Christmas with 25 Adventures in Odyssey activities, devotions, and prayers. Cut out and decorate the paper craft Odyssey town and even make your own Whit and Eugene characters! This Christmas, start a new family tradition and have fun with your friends from Adventures in Odyssey.

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  • Sent Devotions For The Season


    “As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them . . . ” -John 17:18 God sent Christ at Christmas. In turn, Christ sends us into the world to be his hands and feet, head and heart. Dynamic pastor Jorge Acevedo leads us on a 5-week Advent journey to discover how, where, and why we are sent. Joining him on the journey are four young clergy including Jacob Armstrong, Rachel Billups, Justin LaRosa, Lanecia Rouse, who challenge us through story, art, and Bible study. This devotional, offering four weeks of daily reflections, functions beautifully on its own or as part of the church-wide experience. The reflections, ideal for use during Advent, include Scripture, personal insights, daily challenges, and prayers.

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  • Why This Jubliee


    In this book of 24 reflections, James Howell takes inspiration from well-known carols and Christmas songs to explore the birth of Jesus. He groups the devotions into 4 weeks by these topics: The Place, The Men (Joseph, the shepherds, and the magi), The Mother, and The Child.

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  • Unwrapping The Greatest Gift


    Based on the overwhelming success of The Greatest Gift, Ann Voskamp has expanded her presentation of the timeless Advent tradition of the Jesse Tree so families can celebrate together. Each day, families can read the provided Scripture passage (in connection with the original book), engage with a specially written devotion to help children of all ages understand the Advent theme for the day, and participate in suggested activities to apply the theme.

    This special edition is beautifully illustrated. It can serve as a precious guide to help recapture the sacredness of the Advent season and to help the entire family understand and celebrate the epic pageantry of humankind from Adam to the Messiah.

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  • Feasting On The Word Advent Companion


    This new volume in the Feasting on the Word series provides an all-in-one pastor’s companion for Advent, including worship materials as well as sermon preparation tools. A complete order of service is provided for each of the four Sundays in Advent, plus Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Hymn suggestions, sermon illustrations, and children’s sermon suggestions make this an invaluable resource for the Advent season.

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  • God Came Near Church Edition 10 Pack (DVD)


    In the midst of the darkness and cold of the winter season, we celebrate the brightest holiday of all, Christmas, the birth of Jesus. Max Lucado presents heartening and devotional insights into a unique Advent experience. Filmed in the beautiful Blockley Church in England, the accomplished pastor and author weaves the biblical account of the first Christmas with common issues we face in our modern lives. Each episode brings you back in time with movie segments of biblical events as Lucado narrates relevant Scripture.

    Each disc contains 6 sessions (Great Expectations, 4 weeks of Advent -Hope/Love/Joy/Peace, plus Christmas) and each session is 28 minutes long. A 32 page Discussion Guide in PDF format is on each disc as well. This church pack is a set of 10 discs – great for distribution to all church families and small groups!

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  • Taste And See


    Jan Johnson offers an innovative Advent small-group study built around a careful contextual reading of scripture combined with the imaginative reading approach introduced by St. Ignatius. The title Taste and See hints at how readers are invited to experience the stories of the season with their senses. Drawing on that experience of scripture, participants then consider how these stories speak to their own lives.

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  • Light Of Lights


    This Advent book invites readers to commit to the practice of daily prayer. The collection of meditations from The Upper Room daily devotional guide is arranged to coordinate with the themes of the four candles on an Advent wreath: Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. Meditations are included for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the Sunday after Christmas. A complete Leader’s Guide for small groups and instructions for making an Advent wreath are included.

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  • Mission Possible


    Throughout the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, we are often reminded of the importance of drawing near to God. But as the busyness of life absorbs into our homes, our relationships, and our spirits, it can be difficult to rely upon the grace of God and hear the voice of his Spirit. The promise of the season, though, is that through God’s revelation to us in Christ, we can discover a hope that empowers a broken world.

    In nineteen sermons, Charley Reeb sets out to remind us that God’s mysterious ways are limitless in power. It is impossible to truly comprehend the possibilities of an immaculate conception or of God in the flesh, but when the church proclaims the message of redemption and displays God’s unmatchable love, it exposes a truth that begins to transform the heart of the world. This is the greatest calling of any believer — living a life that serves as light and hope.

    Whether used as a sermon resource, a personal study and reflection guide, or as a curriculum for group and Sunday school study, Mission Possible! calls us into thoughtful discussion and seeks to move us deeper into the realm of the kingdom with a hopeful urgency that inspires us to breathe in God’s word and exhale his grace to a world in need.

    The titles included in this book are:
    Three Things You Can Count On (Mark 13:24-37)
    While You Wait (Mark 1:1-8)
    A Light in the Darkness (Newtown, CT, school shooting) (John 1:6-8, 19-28)
    Nothing Is Impossible with God! (Luke 1:26-38)
    The Joy of Christmas (Luke 2:1-14 [15-20])
    The Power of Patience (Luke 2:22-40)
    Addicted to Hurry (Matthew 25:31-46)
    Less Is More (John 1:[1-9] 10-18)
    The Power of Appreciation (Matthew 2:1-12)
    The Wind (Mark 1:4-11)
    Mission Possible! (John 1:43-51)
    The Great Omission (Mark 1:14-20)
    Defeating Discouragement (Mark 1:21-28)
    Does Prayer Make Any Different? (Mark 1:29-39)
    Unstoppable Love (Mark 1:40-45)
    Prayer Changes Things (Mark 2:1-12)
    Learn to Play Again (Mark 2:13-22)
    True North (Mark 2:23–3:6)
    The Cost of Discipleship (Mark 9:2-9)

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  • Greatest Gift : Unwrapping The Full Love Story Of Christmas


    Thousands of readers have already fallen in love with Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts, and this Christmas, Ann will help readers celebrate the lineage and the majesty of God’s greatest gift-Jesus Christ. In what is sure to become an instant holiday classic, Voskamp reaches back into the pages of the Old Testament to explore the lineage of Jesus via the advent tradition of “The Jesse Tree.”

    Beginning with Jesse, the father of David, The Greatest Gift retraces the epic pageantry of mankind, from Adam to the Messiah, with each day’s reading pointing to the coming promise of Christ.

    Sure to become a holiday staple in every Christian home, The Greatest Gift is the perfect gift for the holidays and a timeless reminder of the true meaning of Christmas.

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  • Haphazard By Starlight


    Unlike Lent, Advent is celebrated when the year is becoming darker and colder, moving into the death and dormancy of winter. Before we can greet the coming of the light, we need to engage with some themes that are challenging and occasionally fearful. Like the magi who travelled a long distance to search out and adore the infant Jesus, and who took some wrong turnings on the way, we too have a journey to undertake.

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  • Christmas Ill Never Forget


    Young Luke desperately wants a horse to call his very own. But as his brother ‘s health steadily grows worse with an unknown illness, what their lives really need is a miracle. Having to do all the chores around the ranch, Luke feels that life is being a little unfair. To add to this, he is being asked to work for a local stable to provide the income needed to enjoy the Christmas holiday. As he works by the sweat of his brow, he soon forms a close bond with one of the horses. Will Luke finally receive the gift he so desperately wants, or will this be his brother ‘s last Christmas? As all these things culminate on Christmas day, Luke will learn a valuable lesson of God’s ultimate plan for their lives.

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  • Prayers For Advent And Christmas


    This collection is ideal for the Sundays of Advent, as well as Christmas Eve services. It includes:

    Opening Prayers
    Prayers of Confession
    Pastoral Prayers

    Drawn from a variety of traditions, the prayers in this collection will aid any congregation as it worships throughout the journey of Advent.

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  • Behold : Cultivating Attentiveness In The Season Of Advent


    Behold! is an old-fashioned word missing from most modern translations of the Bible. Yet Pamela Hawkins says this word softens the edges of her heart. She writes, “I cannot say this word without moving, without extending and lifting a hand, palm open, toward the object of my attention.”

    In Behold! Hawkins invites readers to enter Advent with an attitude of curious expectancy and trustful anticipation. For each of the four weeks of Advent, she focuses on a single Advent word from the scripture readings for that week and offers a form of prayer for readers to try.

    Readers can follow all the spiritual practices the author suggests or choose the ones that most catch their attention. The practices include reflections, silence, prayer, reading scripture, reading or singing of hymn texts, and Christian service and action. Readers will enjoy the simplicity and beauty of this Advent book, which features expressive prayers and hymn texts. Leader’s Guide included

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  • Advent Of The Savior


    These six studies, edited by Cindy Bunch, will introduce you to the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus, remind you of God’s faithfulness and power to fulfill his promises, and draw you more deeply into the love that brought Christ to earth.

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  • From Holidays To Holy Days


    Rather than criticizing trappings of the holiday season, this book looks at them from the viewpoint of Christian contemplation, once aptly described as “a long, loving look at the real.” The author, a Benedictine monk who lives in the center of downtown Newark, New Jersey, invites the reader to join him on his daily walks as he points out dozens of often-unnoticed connections between our holidays and the spiritual meaning of Advent and Christmas. In a string of colored lights, a crowd of shoppers, or the window of a toy store, he uncovers such traditional Advent themes as watchful waiting, repentance, and selfless love. On the bustling sidewalks, he introduces us to Isaiah, John the Baptist, and Jesus himself, all speaking their ancient Advent and Christmas messages of peace and hope and good will.

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  • Light To The Darkness


    Light to the Darkness is a fresh interpretation of the well-loved Advent traditionof Lessons and Carols. Replacing the usual scriptural readings from the Old and New Testaments are first-person dramatic monologues based on these and other passages of scripture. Special emphasis is given to the role of the prophets, pointing the way to the Messiah and offering guidance to the Hebrew people, while providing very contemporary guidance for the 21st-century.
    With a reading for each day of Advent, churches can choose pieces for their services of Lessons and Carols, while individuals can use the book for private devotions. Suggested music for these services is also included, encompassing a broad range of selections to accommodate parishes? needs and abilities.

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  • In The Bleak Midwinter


    Once again, well-known and beloved author Herbert Brokering offers spiritual nourishment, this time based on Christina Georgina Rossetti’s Christmas carol, “In the Bleak Midwinter.” This set of forty meditations and prayers can be opened at leisure or followed as a guide to daily devotions. Either way, it is a rich and imaginative reflection on the incarnation as God’s continual gift to us. The overall tone of the book shows the depth and beauty, paradoxes and perplexities of the nativity.

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  • Come Thou Long Expected Jesus


    Advent and Christmas meditations based on the seasonal hymns of Charles Wesley. Each daily meditation, keyed to the scripture reading for the day and portions of Wesley’s texts, concludes with a brief prayer based on the day’s theme. Reflective material place Wesley within his rich Anglican heritage. Daily readings are between 500-600 words in length.

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  • Watching And Waiting


    Awareness of the liturgical seasons of the year has increased greatly in recent years, as the popularity of the Common Worship Times and Seasons volume has illustrated. Churches are constantly looking for ways to enrich their seasonal celebrations, and the first point of better celebration is better understanding. Of all the seasons, Advent is the least understood, the least studied. An entirely Western phenomenon without much of a preaching or liturgical tradition, it is characterised as much by its folk customs – the advent wreath and the Feast of St Nicholas – as by its biblical themes. Here is a book that helps to create a fuller theology of Advent. Kenneth Stevenson characteristically draws on biblical, historical and liturgical evidence to show how the churches have understood and kept Advent down the centuries, and finds that the season has much to say to contemporary concerns in today’s church and world, from how we do mission to Richard Dawkins’ brand of atheism and a surprising number of issues in between.

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  • Advent Services


    1. 1st Sunday Of Advent – Emmanuel
    2. 2nd Sunday Of Advent – Son Of Man
    3. 3rd Sunday Of Advent – Example
    4. 4th Sunday Of Advent – Lord
    5. Christmas Eve – Son Of God
    6. Christmas Day – Word Of God

    Additional Info
    Includes biblically based sermons, suggested Scriptures, hymns, and prayers as well as litanies for lighting the Advent wreath. These services offer a compelling message of hope during this important church season, when people often visit a church for the first time. Each service focuses on a different aspect of the theme “The Ways We Know Jesus”

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  • More Services For The Advent Wreath Cycle C


    The Advent wreath is a powerful symbol that draws our attention to the coming of Christ — past, present, and future. But while it’s a traditional element of Advent worship, the Advent wreath is often vaguely linked to the rest of the service, especially for those who follow the lectionary. Building on his successful volume Services For The Advent Wreath, Robert Jarboe offers a wide selection of adaptable resources that firmly place the Advent candles in the context of the day’s scripture readings. There are complete orders of service based on each Cycle C lectionary text for every Sunday in Advent, as well as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Each service is conveniently formatted, with reproducible sheets that can be given to participants as well as bulletin inserts with congregational readings. It’s everything you need to make this important symbol a centerpiece of the worship celebration — all in one place!

    Each service includes:
    * litanies
    * scripture readings
    * prayers
    * an original musical introit

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