


    Bible Studies

    • 9781683591627 Symbols And Reality

      Symbols And Reality


      This is the fifth of a six-volume series called Reading the Bible as Literature. In this volume, the author not only explores the intersection of the Bible and literature, but he also shows pastors, students, and teachers of the Bible how to appreciate the craftsmanship of visionary literature and prophetic oracles and how to interpret them correctly. Dr. Ryken goes one step further than merely explaining the genre by including exercises to help students master this rich literary treasure. Speaking of the entire series, Ryken says, “The niche that these volumes are designed to fill is the literary approach to the Bible. This has been my scholarly passion for nearly half a century. It is my belief that a literary approach to the Bible is the common reader’s friend, in contract to the more specialized types of scholarship on the Bible.”

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      Camino En El Desierto – (Spanish)


      Finding Direction in Times of Uncertainty

      In the tumultuous journeys of life, there are moments that leave you feeling disconnected, lost, hurt, confused, and wondering where God is. A Way in the Wilderness by Kristel Acevedo offers a six-week Bible study designed for individuals or groups of any size, encouraging you that in those seasons of wilderness, God is with you.

      Each week, Kristel leads readers through reflections on a biblical figure who faced their own wilderness-from the solitude of John the Baptist to the trials of the Israelites. Through these familiar stories, she draws parallels to life now, helping you see that amidst the struggles is often where God meets you most profoundly.

      *Learn from the story of John the Baptist how strength in the wilderness comes from God, not yourself

      *Experience alongside Hagar how God still sees and cares even though the world is broken

      *See through the story of Adam and Eve how God covers your sins in Christ’s righteousness and offers hope for restoration in the midst of the wilderness

      *Reflect on the journey of the Israelites and the importance of keeping your focus on God

      *Delve into the life of Elijah to understand how God meets you even in the depths of despair

      *Through studying Jesus’s experience, learn how the scriptures provide guidance to help you through the wilderness

      Six weekly online teaching videos enhance your study, offering deeper insights. Whether you’ve felt the sting of isolation, the ache of lost direction, or the shadows of despair, A Way in the Wilderness will remind you that while you might not choose these experiences, they are opportunities for growth and reliance on a strength greater than your own.

      Available in both English and Spanish, A Way in the Wilderness offers an invitation to meet God in the wilderness and to allow him to grow and transform you through it.

      Si en algun momento te has sentido desconectado, perdido, lastimado o confundido y te has preguntado donde esta Dios, entonces has experimentado lo que Kristel Acevedo denomina una temporada de desierto. Y ella entiende porque ha experimentado su propia temporada de desierto de soledad, aislamiento y desesperacion.

      Pero Kristel quiere que sepamos que Dios esta con nosotros en esas temporadas.

      Usando los ejemplos de figuras biblicas que han experimentado el desierto, este estudio de seis semanas nos recuerda que aunque estas temporadas pueden ser duras y solitarias, muchas veces tambien

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    • 9781433590306 Romans : The Glory Of The Gospel

      Romans : The Glory Of The Gospel


      A 10-Week Study for Women on the Book of Romans

      Why is Romans considered the greatest letter ever written? In this New Testament epistle, the apostle Paul provides the clearest explanation of the gospel and the eternal hope for a humanity marred by sin and death. Through King Jesus, God reveals his righteousness, redeems his people from their sins, and unlocks the floodgates of his mercy.

      In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback examines Romans verse by verse to explore how God works through his Son and in the hearts of his people. Written for individuals or groups, each lesson helps women understand important doctrines of the faith, such as justification, propitiation, and redemption, on a practical and accessible level.

      10-Week Bible Study for Women: Offers an in-depth, exegetical look at the book of Romans

      Quick, Engaging Weekly Resources: Helpful reading plans, sidebars, timelines, and more to help busy readers get the most out of Scripture

      Perfect for Individuals or Small Groups: Includes discussion questions and additional verses for further reading

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    • 9781514007181 Fruitful Life : Discovering Jesus' Invitation In The Sermon On The Mount -

      Fruitful Life : Discovering Jesus’ Invitation In The Sermon On The Mount –


      Discover the Path to Spiritual Growth

      Jesus frequently used fruitfulness as a metaphor of growth and vitality in our faith. Just as a plant’s fruitfulness reveals its health, there are spiritual characteristics that reveal our own growth and vitality.

      But how do we get a life of fruitful obedience when we’re exhausted, anxious, and busy? Jesus tells and shows us the way in his most famous sermon, The Sermon on the Mount. Much more than a list of rules–we discover that it’s Jesus’ vision of a good and fruitful life.

      In their new eight-week Bible study A Fruitful Life, Ashley and Bryce Hales help readers dive deep into the Sermon on the Mount, and explore a life spent living and loving as Jesus did.

      A Fruitful Life includes:

      *Eight sessions for group or individual use that include access to video teaching.
      *Individual reflections for each day of the week for deeper study and sustained engagement.

      A Fruitful Life isn’t just about reading Scripture; it’s about fully engaging with the text and seeing how God’s Word can transform our daily lives.

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    • 9780830787159 Blacksmiths Discipline : Honing Godly Men

      Blacksmiths Discipline : Honing Godly Men



      This five-lesson Bible study empowers men with five crucial disciplines–prayer, Scripture, brotherhood, accountability, and ministry–so they can hear and obey God with joy.

      A disciplined, godly man is a beacon of hope and strength in this haphazard world. His life is a testament to Jesus, the Master Blacksmith. But the Blacksmith’s forging doesn’t happen by chance. It happens when we intentionally use the tools He provides.

      The latest book in Vince Miller’s Forged Bible study series, The Blacksmith’s Discipline explores five spiritual disciplines–or tools–that form godly men:

      *Prayer: How to maintain a continuous dialogue with God and follow his guidance.
      *Scripture: How to overcome barriers to reading the Bible using the PASS method.
      *Brotherhood: How men can encourage, challenge, and support one another.
      *Accountability: How to build nurturing relationships that facilitate obedience to God’s will.
      *Ministry: How to embody God’s message and fulfill God’s good works.

      This engaging guide empowers men to move beyond spiritual inertia and develop a habit of disciplines as they are forged into the men God created them to be.

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    • 9798891510449 Estudio Biblico De 5 Minutoss - (Spanish)

      Estudio Biblico De 5 Minutoss – (Spanish)


      Do you find it hard to make time for Bible study?

      You intend to do it, but before you know it, another week has passed and you haven’t picked up God’s Word. This book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible regularly and dig into God’s Word–even if you only have five minutes!

      *Minutes 1-2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study.

      *Minute 3: Understand. Consider thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life. Consider these throughout your day as well.

      *Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotional based on the scripture you read. Think about what you are learning and how you can apply the scriptural truths to your own life.

      *Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God.

      The 5-Minute Bible Study for Men will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture and prayer has the power to make a huge difference in your daily life. Soon you will be making time for more!

      Le resulta dificil dedicar tiempo al estudio de la Biblia?

      Tienes la intencion, pero antes de que te des cuenta, ha pasado otra semana y no has abierto la Palabra de Dios. Este libro te proporciona herramientas sencillas para abrir la Biblia con regularidad y profundizar en la Palabra de Dios, !aunque solo tengas cinco minutos!

      *Minutos 1-2: Lee algunos versiculos extraidos de un pasaje mas extenso. Si dispones de tiempo, lee el pasaje completo indicado en cada estudio biblico.

      *Minuto 3: Entiende. Considera cuestiones de reflexion diseadas para ayudarte a aplicar los versiculos de la Biblia a tu propia vida. Tenlas en cuenta tambien a lo largo del dia.

      *Minuto 4: Aplica. Lee un breve devocional basado en el pasaje biblico que leiste. Piensa en lo que estas aprendiendo y en como puedes aplicar las verdades biblicas a tu vida.

      *Minuto 5: Ora. Tienes una ayuda para inicir la oracion que te hara comenzar un tiempo de conversacion con Dios.

      El estudio biblico de 5 minutos para hombres te ayudara a establecer una disciplina de estudio consistente de la Palabra de Dios. Descubriras que incluso cinco minutos enfocados en la Biblia y la oracion pueden marcar una gran diferencia en tu vida diaria. !Pronto apartaras tiempo para mas!

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    • 9781514008355 Redeemer : God's Lovingkindness In The Book Of Ruth - A 6 Week Bible Study

      Redeemer : God’s Lovingkindness In The Book Of Ruth – A 6 Week Bible Study


      A Different Kind of Love Story

      The story of Ruth is usually viewed through a Hallmark-tinted lens: girl suffers hardship, girl overcomes hardship, boy meets girl, they fall in love, and then everyone lives happily ever after.

      But there’s so much more to Ruth’s story!

      Bible teacher and retreat leader Dorina Lazo Gilmore-Young invites us to view the book of Ruth through a different lens-one that helps us recognize how this story proclaims God’s heart for the vulnerable, including widows, orphans, immigrants, refugees, and the poor. As Ruth’s story unfolds, we discover that God is the main character and that he is the true Redeemer, for Ruth and for us today. This six-week Bible study features:

      *Videos directly from Dorina to start each weekly group session
      *Biblical teaching that proclaims God’s love for the marginalized,
      *Individual reflections for each day of the week for deeper study and sustained engagement throughout the week.

      Join Dorina for the next six weeks and be captivated by God’s magnificent love!

      These Bible studies offer you a fresh opportunity to engage with Scripture. Each study includes:

      *weekly sessions for a group of any size
      *access to weekly teaching videos
      *five days of individual study and reflection each week

      The refreshing, accessible, and insightful content from trusted Bible teachers will encourage you in your faith!

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    • 9798887693545 Conoce A Jesus Como Siervo - (Spanish)

      Conoce A Jesus Como Siervo – (Spanish)


      Cuando Jesus vino a este mundo, su vida de siervo confundio incluso a quienes estaban cerca de el. Todavia hoy hay mucho que aprender y apreciar sobre este aspecto de Cristo.

      Conoce a Jesus como Siervo, el segundo de cuatro estudios biblicos sobre los Evangelios, se centra en el libro de Marcos. Diseado para estudio individual y en grupos pequeos, presenta lecturas diarias, enseanza pasaje por pasaje, preguntas que invitan a la reflexion y espacio para escribir, desafios semanales, memorizacion de las Escrituras y segmentos de estudio personal. No solo te equipara con un mayor conocimiento, sino que tambien te ayudara a participar en practicas formativas que te lleven a una relacion mas plena con Jesus.

      El Hijo de Dios reina como Rey y Salvador, pero vino a servir. Cuanto mas sabemos esto, mas transforma la forma en que vivimos y nos relacionamos con los demas, !porque El esta donde esta el gozo!

      When Jesus came to this world, His servant-like life confounded even those close to Him. Still today, there’s much to learn and appreciate about this aspect of Christ.

      Knowing Jesus as Servant, the second of four Bible studies on the Gospels, focuses on the book of Mark. Designed for both individual and small-group study, it features daily readings, passage-by-passage teaching, thought-provoking questions and writing space, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments. It will not only equip you with greater knowledge, but also help you engage in formative practices that lead to a fuller relationship with Jesus.

      The Son of God reigns as King and Savior, yet He came to serve. The deeper we know this, the more it transforms how we live and relate to others, because He’s where the joy is!

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    • 9798887693521 Conoce A Jesus Como Rey - (Spanish)

      Conoce A Jesus Como Rey – (Spanish)


      Jesus estaba, y esta buscando, personas que esten ansiosas por seguirlo dondequiera que El los lleve. En este estudio de diez semanas aprendera sobre el Rey Jesus: Su autoridad, Su realeza y Su trono, que durara para siempre.

      El primero de cuatro estudios biblicos sobre los Evangelios, Conoce a Jesus como Rey, se centra en el libro de Mateo a traves de lecturas diarias, enseanzas biblicas, preguntas que invitan a la reflexion, desafios semanales, memorizacion de las Escrituras y segmentos de estudio personal. No solo te equipara con un mayor conocimiento, sino que tambien te ayudara a participar en practicas formativas que te lleven a una relacion mas plena con Jesus.

      Si bien otras identidades personales pueden traer felicidad temporal, la vida como discipulo del Rey Jesus es el unico camino hacia una vida abundante ahora y por la eternidad. !El esta donde esta la alegria!

      Jesus was and is looking for people who are eager to follow Him wherever He leads. In this ten-week study you’ll learn about King Jesus–His authority, His royalty, and His throne, which will last forever.

      The first of four Bible studies on the Gospels, Knowing Jesus as King focuses on the book of Matthew through daily readings, biblical teachings, thought-provoking questions, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments. It will not only equip you with greater knowledge, but also help you engage in formative practices that lead to a fuller relationship with Jesus.

      While other personal identities may bring temporary happiness, life as a disciple of King Jesus is the only path to an abundant life now and for eternity. He’s where the joy is!

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    • Sale! 9798400501944 Sweeter Than Honey

      Sweeter Than Honey

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $15.97.

      Connect with God by Delighting in His Word

      Our lives feel stuffed to the brink, overrun by work and home responsibilities, overwhelmed by jam-packed schedules, and overly distracted by the siren call of our smartphones. It’s no wonder that we struggle to spend time in God’s Word, or that when we do, we don’t know where to start. Instead of a momentary delight, we need soul-satisfying sustenance from our Bible reading that fuels our deep longing to grow in godliness.

      In Sweeter than Honey, Gretchen Saffles and Maggie Combs of Well-Watered Women teach us the value of studying God’s Word while providing the tools to apply it to your life. Discover three principles that can be applied every time you open God’s Word: gather knowledge, digest the big ideas, and grow in godliness. As you develop these principles, you’ll experience the challenging but transformative work of building a deeper relationship with God through the pages of his Word.

      In this Bible study, designed for both individuals and groups, readers will:

      *Learn how to study Scripture to build trust and intimacy with God
      *Find different study methods for the various seasons of life
      *Understand the importance of context, genre, and Biblical theology
      *Grow in their love for God’s life-changing Word

      Sweeter than Honey will encourage you to cultivate both discipline and delight in God’s Word, growing your confidence to engage with Scripture in a refreshed and transformative way.

      “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Ps. 119:103)

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    • 9780764243592 Knowing Jesus As God

      Knowing Jesus As God


      Grow Your Knowledge of God, as Revealed in Jesus

      Jesus is God. This is revealed throughout Scripture, but no book makes this truth clearer than the gospel of John. The entire book is a revelation of God’s character as witnessed by the man he was closest to. Knowing Jesus as God, the final Bible study in this series on the four Gospels, is designed to walk individuals or small groups through John.


      *Daily study sessions that don’t overwhelm
      *Passage-by-passage teaching
      *Thought-provoking questions and writing space
      *Weekly challenges to help you live out what you’re learning
      *Scripture memorization

      Whether it’s your first time studying John or your hundredth, the simplicity and complexity of this gospel account make it a never-ending source of encouragement. Written “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God” (John 20:31), the book of John demonstrates page after page that He’s where the joy is!

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    • 9798886504217 Bible In 52 Weeks For Men

      Bible In 52 Weeks For Men


      Learn to live the lessons of the Bible for a more devoted, inspired year

      Using the Bible to apply God’s lessons to everyday life is an integral part of being a Christian man. With The Bible in 52 Weeks for Men, you can develop a rewarding and lasting relationship with God. With in-depth lessons and practical applications tailored to men’s lives, you will cultivate a richer connection with God and His teachings over the course of a year. Get closer to Him with exercises and reading guides that walk you through each part of the Scripture.

      Use this Bible study guide for:

      *Manageable readings–With lessons that take just 15 to 20 minutes daily, you can create a routine for embracing God’s Word no matter how busy your schedule gets.

      *Practical prompts–Contemplate God’s teachings and reinforce your commitment to Him with journal exercises that inspire reflection on relevant topics, like relationships, family, work, and health.

      *Group discussion tools–Deepen your faith with your fellow Christians with prompts and thought-starters designed for larger groups.

      Strengthen your connection with God and bring His Word into your life with The Bible in 52 Weeks for Men.

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    • 9780310123842 Ezekiel : Redemption Of God's People

      Ezekiel : Redemption Of God’s People


      The MacArthur Bible Studies provide intriguing examinations of the whole of Scripture and continue to be one of the bestselling study guide series on the market today. These latest studies join the ranks of previously released guides in the series, offering readers a comprehensive selection of Old Testament Bible studies by bestselling author and theologian John MacArthur.

      Sections in each lesson include:

      *Drawing Near: An opening question based on the key theme or topic of the lesson
      *The Context: Background information on the passage of Scripture being studied
      *Keys to the Text: Detailed commentary on the passage being studied
      *Unleashing the Text: Application questions on the passage highlighted in the lesson
      *Exploring the Meaning: Three key takeaways from the passage
      *Reflecting on the Text: Reflection questions on the passage highlighted in the lesson
      *Personal Response: A journaling section to help readers apply the principles

      As readers go through these studies, they will gain insights into the Old Testament text, understand the background and context of the material they are reading, and discover new ways to apply what they learn to their everyday lives.

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    • 9781947929357 Choose You This Day Whom You Will Serve

      Choose You This Day Whom You Will Serve


      God’s intent from the beginning has been that anyone, at any time, can be justified by faith and have a personal desire to be obedient to him. We all have free will, and because we can control our choices, anyone can choose to have peace with God, even under the worst circumstances. We all choose to obey or not obey with each decision we make. All rationally thinking people make spiritual choices all day, every day, no matter their circumstances, and thereby choose whether to live a God-directed and spiritually peaceful life.

      We can find the proper use of all created things in God’s inspired Word. Our work is to learn to see things the way God sees them and to recognize the meaning of things, both seen and unseen, as His Word reveals. These devotionals are an attempt to share the seeds of truth found in His Word.

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    • Sale! 9780310166870 Jesus Calling Practicing Thankfulness

      Jesus Calling Practicing Thankfulness

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.97.

      Each of us has a choice in the type of “lens” we use to view our lives. Some of us view our lives through a lens of “lack.” We keep a mental inventory of everything we don’t have and worry there won’t be enough for us in the future. Others among us view our lives through a lens of “abundance.” We notice everything that we do have, thank God for providing those things for us, and then choose to live our days depending and trusting in him to keep on providing for us in the future.

      In Practicing Thankfulness, based on the bestselling book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, you will explore how you can switch your perspective to view your life more through the lens of abundance than of lack. You will explore what the Bible has to say about the many ways that God provides for you, learn why you should give thanks to him (in every situation) for this abundance, and discover how to truly make thankfulness a part of your daily life. This Bible
      Study includes:

      *6 in-depth sessions
      *devotional readings from Jesus Calling(R)
      *selected passages of Scripture for reflection
      *Bible study questions
      *bonus questions to help you apply the material
      *and beautiful 2-color interiors to highlight the sessions.

      This study can be used for personal reflection and Bible study or in a small-group setting.

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    • 9780764243585 Knowing Jesus As Savior

      Knowing Jesus As Savior


      Offering a rich, in-depth study series, the team behind the bestselling The Bible Recap takes your study of God’s Word to the next level. Continuing with the book of Luke, the Knowing Jesus series dives deep into the transformative truths found in the four gospels.

      Perfect for small groups or individual study, this comprehensive, 10-week Bible study explains and connects the story of Scripture in the gospel of Luke. Through daily readings, biblical teachings, thought-provoking questions, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments, you will:

      *learn how to dig deep into God’s Word
      *discover how Jesus’s character as Savior is revealed throughout Scripture
      *understand how to relate to Him
      *apply the truths of who He is to your everyday life

      The Gospels offer us a fourfold telling of Jesus’s story, and Luke, drawing on Jesus’s humanity, emphasizes Jesus as Savior of mankind. How you understand and live out this matchless gift will be changed through this encouraging study.

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    • 9780830787135 Essential Elements : Forging Godly Men

      Essential Elements : Forging Godly Men



      Ideal for men’s small groups, this five-lesson Bible study explores what it means to be a strong man of God, ultimately answering the soul-deep question: “What makes a man?”

      Defining true manhood has never been more challenging. In this first book of the Forged: Godly Men series, popular Bible teacher Vince Miller offers a clear, compelling look at what it means to be a man of God.

      Designed for small group or individual use, Essential Elements offers the practical encouragement and answers men are looking for. As he shares from his own story and digs deep into biblical truths, Vince explores:

      *What Jesus’s life teaches us about true masculinity
      *How living out authentic manhood brings purpose and joy
      *Why real strength never comes from popular opinion
      *How to discern God’s design in a confusing culture
      *Why the journey from sin to salvation is not about us but about Jesus

      Emphasizing the internal journey men experience, Essential Elements offers them a solid biblical foundation to grow in faith and step into their role as strong men of God.

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    • 9781496480750 Chasing Sacred Bible Study

      Chasing Sacred Bible Study


      How do I create a consistent, fulfilling Bible study routine?

      If you’ve ever struggled to spend time in God’s Word on a regular basis, you’re not alone. So many of us deeply desire to come to Scripture for meaningful connection, but with the chaos of everyday life, God’s Word so often takes a back seat to the immediacy of life’s needs. Yet firm grounding can be found in the pages of the Bible when we truly take the time to understand what it says. In this five-session Bible study companion to the book Chasing Sacred, designed for both individuals and groups, Bible teacher Mikella Van Dyke invites you to chase the sacred narrative woven through the pages of Scripture and get to know God in a deeper, more intimate way. Using the Inductive Bible Study Method, journey with Mikella through the books of Colossians and Philemon to:

      *Observe: Take a look at the biblical setting. Who was the author? What was happening during this time period? You’ll uncover the nuances of the culture and context of the time.

      *Interpret: Take a deep dive into the waters of His living Word. Then learn how to ask questions that will guide you into greater understanding of the text.

      *Apply: Let the Holy Spirit allow the truths of scripture to sink deep into your heart and give you the strength to continue onward in this walk of faith.

      Investing time in studying Scripture never comes back void. In this study, Mikella offers the reminder that Jesus longs for you to rely on truth, to look up beyond the impossible demands of the world and stand firm in the Father’s unconditional love for you.

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    • 9798400500305 More Than A Carpenter Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)

      More Than A Carpenter Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Who Is Jesus? The More Than a Carpenter Study Guide will encourage discussion and reflection on the key insights about Jesus from the timeless classic, More Than a Carpenter. Perfect for group and individual study.

      Skeptic Josh McDowell thought Christians were out of their minds. He ridiculed and insulted them, then decided to combat them with his own thorough research to disprove the claims of Jesus Christ. To his surprise, he discovered that the evidence suggested exactly the opposite-that Jesus, instead of being simply a first-century Hebrew carpenter, was so much more. Study alongside Josh and Sean McDowell as they present the claims of Scripture. Keep studying, keep asking questions, keep wrestling. Learn how the truth can saturate your life and the life of your group like it did with Josh and Sean McDowell.

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    • 9781645074465 Gospel 101 For Teens

      Gospel 101 For Teens


      The gospel is the most powerful message in the world it’s God’s dynamite to change hearts, lives, and communities. In Gospel 101 for Teens, Jeff Dodge communicates the good news of Jesus in a clear, understanding, and compelling way, inviting students to grow in gospel fluency, community, and action.

      Gospel 101 for Teens serves as an introductory-level course on the “big picture” message of redemption. It equips teens with the language of the gospel to confidently move past the fear of sharing their faith with friends and classmates. By learning to share the gospel in their own words and explain why it matters, teens will be ready to communicate this message in a life-giving, clear, and personal way.

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    • 9781645074403 Acts Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)

      Acts Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)


      The book of Acts traces the birth of the early church from its small, inauspicious beginnings to Paul’s arrival in Rome. As Jesus predicted, the kingdom of God started small, but the power of God is still transforming and changing broken people and places. Jesus is still with us, still at work, writing a new history that moves the lives of people in every place to bring heaven to earth until that last great day when he returns.

      Through a study of the story of the early church, Acts: The Power that Changes the World will encourage, challenge, and empower readers to live out God’s story in their lives and in their world.

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    • 9781645074212 Job Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)

      Job Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)


      The book of Job is an agonizing journey through the suffering of a godly man. We listen to his heart-wrenching thoughts and prayers and feel his confusion. Each person inevitably reads this story out of their own experience with suffering and disappointment. What is God up to? Why is this happening? Does he even care how we hurt?

      Job: Where Is God in My Suffering? creates space for prayers, reflections, and conversations in which Job’s story, your story, and Jesus’s story all come together. All who suffer (and that’s everyone!) will find greater meaning and significance in their own experience as they encounter the God who sent his perfect Son to suffer for us.

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    • 9781645074038 Colossians Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)

      Colossians Study Guide With Leaders Notes (Student/Study Guide)


      In a culture where questions about identity are at the forefront, Christians need to remember the most important thing that defines them is being united to Christ. This truth is a daily reality that brings strength and a confident destiny that brings hope.Colossians: Becoming Who You Are in Christ helps readers better understand their connection to Christ and realize that they are becoming who they have already been declared to be in Christ fully loved and fully alive in him. Transformation is God’s good gift that comes as we cooperate with his redeeming power and learn to respond to His invitation to trust him and live out our connection with Jesus in every area of life.

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    • 9780664268602 Tending The Wild Garden

      Tending The Wild Garden


      In a world fixated on outward appearances, discover the joy of cultivating an inward relationship with the Spirit, where virtues like love, joy, and self-control blossom naturally.

      “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” – Galatians 5:22-23a

      The apostle Paul paints a beautiful picture when he describes the fruit of the Spirit but all too often, we reduce this list of virtues into a checklist of attributes to pursue and strive for. However, pastor and author Eugenia Gamble contends that this understanding is backwards. The Holy Spirit is the One who grows and develops those attributes within us as we pursue our relationship with God. By tending that relationship, the virtues of God develop and blossom as a fruit grows on a well-tended tree.

      Tending the Wild Garden explores the true meaning behind each of the virtues in Paul’s list, guiding us to discover anew what it means to be a deeply loved child of God indwelt by God’s Spirit. Gamble helps us to move beyond the checklist mentality of traditional understandings of the fruit of the Spirit, to cultivate our relationship with God, and to uproot the “weeds” that could threaten the flourishing of the fruit in our lives.

      Key Features of this Bible Study:

      *Ten Chapters/Sessions introduce the garden and explore each of the nine aspects of the fruit of the Spirit

      *Six daily devotions in each chapter with daily Scripture, reflections, and spiritual practices

      *Questions for personal and group discussion

      Let the fruit of the Spirit be more than just words on a page-they’re the living expressions of God’s love within you. Dare to cultivate a life overflowing with love, joy, peace, and so much more.

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    • 9780802422439 Esther : Becoming A Girl Of Purpose

      Esther : Becoming A Girl Of Purpose


      Esther: Becoming a Girl of Purpose

      If you’ve ever felt inadequate or pushed into circumstances that are overwhelming, the book of Esther is for you.

      Esther was given one of the world’s hardest assignments: to protect God’s special people from an evil plan. But it wasn’t because she was extra-brave or super-extraordinary. In fact, other than her beauty, she was a normal girl. But her life reminds us that every True Girl has a purpose and that it sometimes takes great patience to live it out.

      So, what’s YOUR purpose? (You didn’t come with an instruction tag!) Well, if you’re a Christian… the Bible helps you understand what God wants you to do in life. It’s our instruction manual! And there’s no better place to begin to understand your calling than by studying the life of Esther who lived her purpose out so very well.

      True Girl Bible Studies feature important women from the Bible so that from their examples, we can learn what it looks like to be a True Girl. Each study is designed to help moms lead their daughters deeply into the Word of God so they can develop a steady love for Scripture. Together, moms and daughters can discover what it means to be a True Girl after God’s own heart.

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    • 9781641589079 Experience The Gospel Of Mark

      Experience The Gospel Of Mark


      Help your students experience the storyline of Jesus and the major themes of the book of Mark.

      The book of Mark introduces us to the life and ministry of Jesus and describes what it looks like to be a Christian. This beautiful and experiential study inspires students to follow Jesus and instills a lifelong love and appreciation for Scripture. Each day, a student will read a portion of Scripture and then be challenged to apply its truth to their everyday life. Experience Scripture resources are designed specifically to help readers engage with God’s Word through reading and reflection. As they become Biblically fluent, students will be able to apply its principles in everyday life. These resources are:

      *Rooted in Scripture – this is not a self-help manual, but a resource that fosters a life-long habit of reading the Bible.

      *Beautifully designed – contemporary design that appeals to students who appreciate a clean reading experience.

      *Accessible – can be completed in one month. Each day includes brief explanation of passage’s major themes to quickly understand context.

      *Experiential – Scripture is meant to be experienced. This resource provides tangible ways for students to interact with Scripture.

      This Biblical commentary can be used devotionally, with these features and practices provided for each day-

      *Know Before You Go – learn the essential context
      *Read the Passage – average of about 20 verses per day
      *After the Passage – explains meaning, themes, and the bottom line
      *Experience – engaging questions and interactions
      *Takeaway and Pray – personal application that lasts

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    • 9780310159933 Matthew : Pray Like This

      Matthew : Pray Like This


      Prayer is always a significant tension in the Christian life. Throughout her decades in ministry, Barb Roose has spoken with so many women who desire vibrant prayer lives, but question which way to pray at the most critical times in life. This study will provide women a solid path to follow filled with examples of Jesus’ prayers as well as footprints for how to practically pray Jesus’ way in various situations.

      The gospel of Matthew captured Jesus’ teachings on prayer as well as situations where he prayed. Here are six situations where Jesus teaches on how to “pray this way” and this is the pattern participants will follow each week of the study:

      *Praying during change and transition (Matthew 14)
      *Praying to let go of control (Matthew 26)
      *Praying for family and loved ones (Matthew 19)
      *Praying to connect with God (Matthew 6)
      *Praying to forgive (Matthew 27)
      *Praying under pressure (Matthew 11)

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    • 9781949253399 Gospel Of God Volume 1

      Gospel Of God Volume 1


      In The Gospel of God: A Bible Study on Romans for Women (Vol 1), wise and helpful questions guide you deep into the text using the three basic steps of all sound Bible study: Observe, Interpret, Apply.

      *This is an 18-week inductive study guide for women
      *Each week’s chapter is divided into sections for 5 days of study
      *Volume 1 covers Romans 1:1-8:39
      *Ideal for small groups, individuals, or 1-on-1 mentoring
      *Lots of extra white space for journaling
      *Spiral-bound for lay-flat ease of writing

      When we study the Bible inductively we want to know what the author meant when he wrote to his original audience. This involves reading Bible passages in context and asking questions about the text. The goal is to find the meaning and significance from the text itself.

      We do this automatically every day when we read news, social media, or even recipes! Not surprisingly, it is also the best way to study God’s word.

      At the beginning of this study you’ll find a brief, helpful introduction, including optional Notes for Leaders. This is followed by clear, simple questions that will help you to Observe what is being said, Interpret what Paul was communicating to his original readers, and Apply the book of Romans in your own life.

      The Gospel of God: A Bible Study on Romans for Women (Vol 1) is part of the Delighting in the Word series by Keri Folmar, from Cruciform Press. Each study in the series will impress the truths of Scripture upon your heart and strengthen your Bible study skills. Come delight in God’s word, and be encouraged to live more effectively for Jesus and his gospel!

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    • 9781424567621 Books Of Judges And Ruth (Student/Study Guide)

      Books Of Judges And Ruth (Student/Study Guide)


      The books of Judges and Ruth chronicle God’s power and love shining brightly in a dark, chaotic time. Explore rich faith examples of champion-deliverers rising to rescue God’s people and a love story revealing God’s faithfulness amid famine. These moments of revival in history inspire us to live in breakthrough and active faith today.

      This 12-lesson study guide on the books of Judges and Ruth, designed for both individual and group study, provides a unique and welcoming opportunity to immerse yourself in God’s precious Word as expressed in The Passion Translation(R). Begin your journey with a thorough introduction that details the authorship of Judges and Ruth, date of composition, first recipients, setting, purpose, central message, and key themes. The lessons then walk you through every portion from the book and include features such as notable verses, historical and cultural background information, definitions of words and language, cross references to other books of the Bible, and character portraits of figures from the Bible and church history.

      Enrich your biblical understanding of the books of Judges and Ruth, experience God’s love for you, and share his heart with others.

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    • 9781640703070 Shaped By Gods Promises

      Shaped By Gods Promises


      Discover a God who is faithfully working even when you can’t see it. In this 6-week Bible study on the life of Sarah, women of all ages will resonate with her doubts, worries, and fears while also seeing how hardships and heartaches are ultimately used to reveal God’s unfailing promises. When the chaos of life threatens your peace, learn to resist the temptation to take matters into your own hands and trust that God is in complete control.

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    • 9780802424143 Delighting In Gods Law

      Delighting In Gods Law


      Understanding and delighting in God’s law? Sign me up!

      Have you ever skipped over or given up on books of the Bible like Numbers or Leviticus? These laws, rules, and rituals can feel daunting and confusing. What was the purpose of God’s laws for the people of Israel, and what can Christians learn from them today?

      Teacher and lover of God’s Word, Kristie Anyabwile invites you to join her in this six-week study of understanding the often-overlooked Old Testament books of the law.

      In Delighting in God’s Law, participants discover the context and purpose of God’s commands, uncover clues that help us see the intent of the law, and explore ways to appropriately apply God’s Word to our lives.

      The law was not just for those people back then. It is for believers today. Kristie removes the dread and disillusionment often associated with studying God’s law. You don’t have to be daunted by His law. You can be delighted by it!

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    • 9780736988728 When I Am Afraid

      When I Am Afraid


      The latest addition to the bestselling Discover 4 Yourself(R) series (over one-million copies sold) of Bible studies for middle-grade readers helps kids conquer their fears.

      Overcoming fear is a common human challenge, but children can have an especially hard time knowing what to do when they feel afraid.

      Trusted Bible teachers Janna Arndt and Kay Arthur invite children (ages 8 to 12) to join them for an engaging Bible adventure at Camp Braveheart, where kids will learn:

      *WHY they are afraid
      *WHAT to do WHEN they are afraid
      *HOW they can trust God
      *WHO they should fear
      *HOW they can be strong and courageous
      *WHO is their hope

      Using the popular and innovative inductive Bible study method created by Kay Arthur, kids will take a deep dive into God’s Word to discover for themselves how they can overcome fear and learn to trust to God in any situation.

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    • 9780834142909 Romans : Live By Faith

      Romans : Live By Faith


      It would not be an exaggeration to say that Romans has been the most influential book in the New Testament when it comes to the theology of the church. Dive into the first 7 chapters of this iconic letter from the apostle Paul to the church in Rome in order to engage with Paul’s thoughts on the problem of humanity, God’s response to the problem, and how the Christian life is to be lived. Romans is Paul’s thorough presentation of what it means to be a Christian, making it the perfect candidate for a small group study.

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    • 9781514006825 Live In The Light

      Live In The Light


      We are in a season of church meltdown.

      The apostle John-the beloved disciple and the author of the Gospel by the same name-wrote letters to churches caught in a turbulent season of leadership failures, divisions over interpretation and practice, church splits, and even a powerful leader stirring up dissent. Sound familiar? It seems as though the church is melting under an angry heat wave of national politics, racism, injustice, and abuse.

      Is there any hope?

      Tara Beth Leach invites us to listen for John’s guidance to the church. The same message John sent to Christians in his day is also a message for us today! Darkness seems to surround us, leaving so many without hope. But Jesus, the Light of the world, invites his followers to share that light with others and become the kind of community that brings love, hope, and healing to every darkened space.

      Join us for these next six weeks and learn to live in the light!

      A New Bible Study Experience From IVP!

      These Bible studies offer you a fresh opportunity to engage with Scripture. Each study includes:

      *weekly group sessions-for a group of any size
      *access to weekly teaching videos
      *five days of individual study and reflection each week

      The refreshing, accessible, and insightful content from trusted Bible teachers will encourage you in your faith!

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    • 9781684345274 Small Steps Of Faith Big Moves Of God

      Small Steps Of Faith Big Moves Of God


      Small Steps of Faith, Big Moves of God is a six-week Bible study for anyone who longs to step out and accomplish great things for God. Author and pastor Joy Sherman takes readers on a journey alongside biblical characters to discover how their small actions resulted in amazing moves of God.

      As you dive into the Word, you’ll learn lessons from the lives of:

      * Peter: Stepping Out of the Boat
      * The Bleeding Woman: Stepping Out of the Shadows
      * Joshua and Israel: Stepping Into the Water
      * The Paralyzed Man: Stepping Out of the Past
      * Naaman: Stepping Into God’s Plan
      * Deborah, Barak, and Jael: Stepping Into Leadership

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    • 9781563096983 Overflowing : Living Abundantly In A Broken Culture

      Overflowing : Living Abundantly In A Broken Culture


      I want to live an abundant life. Do you?

      If you long to live a life overflowing with hope, peace, and joy, perhaps what your life needs is an intentional center. We all have one–that nucleus upon which we obtain our energy and discern our purpose. Perhaps until now, your center has been based on shopping, entertainment, or sports. Or maybe you are like many others and have centered your very existence upon your children, family, or career. What if those things you’ve placed at the center of your life will not bring you the abundance you desire? What if you need a true center?

      Bible scholars through the ages have insisted that the book of Colossians is the most Christ-centered book in the entire Bible. If that is true, then we, as twenty-first-century believers, must choose to study this Jesus-centric epistle with enthusiasm and with intention. By the end of this deep dive into the sacred pages of Scripture, your life will shout to the world, “I am Christ-centered! He is my source, my joy, my all in all!”

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    • 9780764243578 Knowing Jesus As Servant

      Knowing Jesus As Servant


      Experience the Transforming Power of the Suffering Servant

      When Jesus came to this world, His servant-like life confounded even those close to Him. Many of us today still don’t understand or appreciate this aspect of Christ enough.

      Knowing Jesus as Servant, the second of four Bible studies on the Gospels, focuses on the book of Mark. Designed for both individual and small-group study, it features daily readings, passage-by-passage teaching, thought-provoking questions and writing space, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments. It will not only equip you with greater knowledge, but also help you engage in formative practices that lead to a fuller relationship with Jesus.

      The Son of God reigns as King and Savior, yet He came to serve. The deeper we know this, the more it transforms how we live and relate to others, because He’s where the joy is!

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    • 9781636098609 Psalms : An All-in-One Study On God's Song Book

      Psalms : An All-in-One Study On God’s Song Book


      Here’s the tool you need to study scripture on your own.

      Bible study always takes effort, but this book simplifies the process. Here, in one handy spiral-bound volume, is everything you need to get started:

      *Bible text
      *study outlines
      *explanatory notes
      *ample writing space

      Featuring 30 studies highlighting key Psalms, this book walks you through the “inductive” study process of Observation, Interpretation, and Application. And it also includes thoughtful questions unique to each study.

      Explanatory notes, adapted from Barbour’s popular KJV Study Bible, aid your understanding.

      With all the necessary tools in a single package and highlighting the most important passages of scripture, Psalms: An All-in-One Study on God’s Song Book is a powerful resource both for beginners and longtime Bible students.

      2 in stock

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    • 9780764243271 Life In The Son Revised And Updated (Revised)

      Life In The Son Revised And Updated (Revised)


      A deep study on the doctrine of eternal security

      Does one moment of faith secure a person’s eternal destiny with God–even if that person later stops following and trusting in Jesus? Or does a person have to keep on trusting and following Jesus to remain in a saving relationship with God?

      Now expanded with new chapters and research, this landmark book continues to offer one of the most penetrating studies on the controversial doctrine of eternal security, perseverance, and apostasy in the New Testament. Calling into question the popular “once saved, always saved” belief, internationally respected pastor and scholar Dr. Robert Shank reveals that the question we should be asking is not, “Is the believer secure?” but rather, “What does it mean to be a believer?”

      Straightforward, thorough, and grounded in biblical understanding, this book warns Christians about dangers that could potentially lead a believer to become an unbeliever (falling away from faith) and share in the unbeliever’s eternal condemnation.

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    • Sale! 9780310161707 Experiencing The Heart Of Jesus Revised And Updated

      Experiencing The Heart Of Jesus Revised And Updated

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.97.

      Encounter a Deeper Experience of the Person and Character of Jesus–All Year Long

      Although Jesus is familiar, and we know details of his life, could we consider him a companion or dear friend? Do his mannerisms and habits rub off on us because we spend so much time with him? Experiencing the Heart of Jesus for 52 Weeks is about walking with Jesus so closely that we become like him, that we imitate him.

      Based on Experiencing the Heart of Jesus and Experiencing the Words of Jesus, two bestselling books by Max Lucado, this unique Bible study helps you build a bond and a deep relationship with our Savior. You will step into Jesus’s presence over the course of a year and experience the grace, forgiveness, power, love, and prayer of Jesus.

      This study includes:

      *Explorations of 11 characteristics of Jesus.
      *Prayers and memory verses to help you draw closer to Jesus throughout the week.
      *”The Heart of the Matter” sections that provide the key takeaways of each unit.
      *Questions for personal or group study.
      *”The Heart of Jesus” sections intended to lead to deeper reflection.

      This 52-week study on the person of Jesus will help you experience him in fresh and deeper ways, drawing you into the company of your Lord. This study encourages you to interact with God. All you need to do is call on him, spend time with him. And you will be changed into the image of Christ.

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    • 9798887692487 Nuevo Testamento Facil De Apre - (Spanish)

      Nuevo Testamento Facil De Apre – (Spanish)


      Mucha gente quiere crecer en su fe, pero no sabe por donde empezar. Estudiar la Biblia puede ser abrumador, y los recursos diseados para ayudarnos pueden ser demasiado complicados, lo que hace que muchos duden en siquiera empezar. Con un enfoque simple y agil, el autor y maestro biblico Zach Windahl te explica en 60 dias cada uno de los libros del Nuevo Testamento, en un formato facil de seguir. A traves de un desglose diario de contenido para leer, una descripcion general del texto, puntos reflexivos de enseanza y preguntas de aplicacion personal para ayudar a asimilar el contenido, lograras:

      *ver la historia completa de toda la Biblia
      *aumentar tu conocimiento del Nuevo Testamento
      *interactuar con las Escrituras con confianza
      *cultivar una relacion mas profunda con Dios

      No solo obtendras una mejor comprension del Padre, de su Palabra y de su corazon, sino tambien descubriras un mejor sentido del significado y el proposito para tu vida.

      Too many people want to grow in their faith but don’t know where to start. Studying the Bible can be overwhelming, and even the resources designed to help can be too complicated, leaving many hesitant to even start. Offering a simple, streamlined approach, author and Bible teacher Zach Windahl takes you through each book of the New Testament in 60 days in an easy-to-follow framework. Through a daily breakdown of content to read, an overview of the text, thoughtful teaching points, and personal application questions to help the content sink in, you will:

      *See the big picture story of the entire Bible
      *Increase your knowledge of the New Testament
      *Engage with Scripture confidently
      *Cultivate a deeper relationship with God

      Not only will you come away with a better understanding of the Father, his Word, and his heart, but you will also discover a better sense of meaning and purpose for your life.

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    • 9781514006238 Hear My Prayer

      Hear My Prayer


      Whether you consider yourself a prayer warrior, a prayer newbie, or even a prayer skeptic, Liz Ditty, an experienced spiritual director and retreat leader, invites you to engage with the story of Elijah and his encounters with God as she guides us toward a less awkward, more authentic prayer in this six-week Bible study experience.

      Does prayer matter?

      What we believe about prayer reflects what we believe about God. Maybe you believe God is all-powerful and wise, but not attentive to your little corner of the world? Fortunately, the Bible tells us a different story. Over and over again, we are reminded that God is both great and good, and that we are cared for and fully known by him. So God welcomes all our prayers and invites us to pray about everything-to entrust him with all things both big and small, joyful and enraging, and to pray fervently.

      Whether you consider yourself a prayer warrior or prayer newbie (or even a prayer skeptic), you are invited to join this six-week Bible study experience. Liz Ditty, an experienced spiritual director and retreat leader, invites groups and individuals to experience dozens of ways to pray alone and together. As she engages the story of Elijah and his encounters with God, she guides us toward less awkward, more authentic prayer.

      A New Bible Study Experience From IVP

      These Bible studies offer you a fresh opportunity to engage with Scripture. Each study includes:

      *weekly sessions for a group of any size
      *access to weekly teaching videos
      *five days of individual study and reflection each week

      The refreshing, accessible, and insightful content from trusted Bible teachers will encourage you in your faith!

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    • 9781514008119 Armor Of God

      Armor Of God


      Every day, an unseen battle is going on around us in the spiritual realm.

      God has provided everything we need to stand firm and resist evil, but we are called to be actively aware of both the struggle and the resources available.

      In Ephesians 6 the apostle Paul gives us the clearest description anywhere in Scripture of believers’ resources for the spiritual battle. He vividly describes them as armor, which we must repeatedly take up in prayerful reliance on God.

      In this eight-session LifeGuide(R) Bible Study, Douglas Connelly unpacks each element of the armor of God, from the belt of truth to the sword of the Spirit. Readers will explore the context of the Ephesians 6 passage along with additional texts that help them dig deeper into each theme. This guide features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, plus leader’s notes to help facilitate discussion.

      For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions-making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

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    • 9781514006788 Moms At The Well

      Moms At The Well


      Motherhood is hard. Really hard.

      Tara Edelschick and Kathy Tuan-MacLean know this personally. As moms who have spent decades working with and encouraging other moms, they know the struggles real moms face in our real world. Their survey of more than seven hundred moms revealed that moms experience worry, anger, comparison, escapism, a desire for control, and even heartbreak while raising children. And moms long to connect with God in the midst of it all, but even that can feel like a challenge.

      That’s why we need a well. For centuries, women met daily at neighborhood wells to draw water for their families, meeting a very significant physical need. But these wells were also gathering spaces, providing much-needed community and relationships.

      This seven-week Bible study offers a modern-day “well” for mothers-a gathering place to encourage one another, take an honest look at the challenges we face as moms, and experience the God who invites us into a process of spiritual transformation.

      Meet with moms, meet with God, and find much-needed refreshment at the well.

      A New Bible Study Experience From IVP

      These Bible studies offer you a fresh opportunity to engage with Scripture. Each study includes:

      *weekly sessions for a group of any size
      *access to weekly teaching videos
      *five days of individual study and reflection each week

      The refreshing, accessible, and insightful content from trusted Bible teachers will encourage you in your faith!

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    • 9780764243561 Knowing Jesus As King

      Knowing Jesus As King


      Learn to Live as a Disciple of the King

      Jesus was and is looking for people who are eager to follow Him wherever He leads. In this ten-week study you’ll learn about King Jesus–His authority, His royalty, and His throne, which will last forever.

      The first of four Bible studies on the Gospels, Knowing Jesus as King focuses on the book of Matthew through daily readings, biblical teachings, thought-provoking questions, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments. It will not only equip you with greater knowledge, but also help you engage in formative practices that lead to a fuller relationship with Jesus.

      While other personal identities may bring temporary happiness, life as a disciple of King Jesus is the only path to an abundant life now and for eternity. He’s where the joy is!

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    • 9780830784585 Gods Goodness For The Chosen

      Gods Goodness For The Chosen


      God’s Goodness for the Chosen is an eight-lesson Bible study for individuals or groups that follows each episode of season 4 of The Chosen.

      This study teaches readers how to reframe their hardships and see them as fertile soil for God’s goodness to grow in their lives.

      We see it over and over again in the Bible: God brings good things out of bad things for the sake of His people and for His glory. But truth be told, when we personally experience suffering, we have a difficult time actually believing it. Yet, life is challenging even for the followers of Jesus, and hardship in the twenty-first century is no exception. God’s Goodness for the Chosen takes readers through eight lessons which reveal how God uses suffering to bring about good things in the lives of those He loves.

      You’ll see:

      – Death is eclipsed by life
      – Grief is eclipsed by praise
      – Questions are eclipsed by resolve
      – Confusion is eclipsed by grace
      – Temporary things are eclipsed by eternal things
      – Heartbreak is eclipsed by love
      – Sin is eclipsed by obedience
      – Pain is eclipsed by the fullness of God’s plan

      Indeed, readers will be challenged to embrace the hard things of life, to experience more of the goodness God offers on the other side.

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    • 9781640702639 Unshakable Moxie A 6 Session Womens Bible Study With Video Access

      Unshakable Moxie A 6 Session Womens Bible Study With Video Access


      See God’s faithfulness through the lives of other women and understand how your identity in Christ can strengthen your faith. Combined with the Unshakable Moxie video series, this powerful study explores biblical lessons around the themes posed in each episode. Hosts Moriah Smallbone and Toni Collier press deeply into the tough topics–forgiveness, disillusionment, hardship–with notable guests to reveal how they have grown their faith during challenging circumstances.

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    • 9780830784752 Get Used To Different Student Guide

      Get Used To Different Student Guide


      Get Used to Different is a nine-week devotional Bible study for students who long to know more about who they are in Christ, how to follow Him in light of that knowledge, and how to let Jesus lead them in their interactions with those around them.

      Every new generation asks the same fundamental questions… Who am I? Where do I fit in? How do I find meaning, belonging, and acceptance? Jesus answered all these questions in a radically simple way: “Follow me.”

      In this nine-week study, students will dive into Scripture alongside The Chosen series to:

      *Discover who Jesus says they really are
      *Understand what it means to follow Him
      *Learn how to surrender in both good and bad times
      *Find what their hearts are truly longing for

      With reflection questions and discussion guides, along with QR codes that link directly to clips from the show, students will begin to understand the freedom that comes from knowing none of us have life totally figured out–but Jesus does. Through Scripture, the show, and this book, students will learn how to get used to different.

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    • 9781514007723 Upheld : Meeting Our Trustworthy God Through Isaiah   A 6-Week Bible Study

      Upheld : Meeting Our Trustworthy God Through Isaiah A 6-Week Bible Study


      Over and over again, Scripture reminds us of God’s faithfulness and mercy. God’s stunning promises to his followers in Isaiah 40-48-I am with you, I will strengthen and help you, I will uphold you-offered reassurance and comfort during difficult days.

      We are also desperate for God’s comfort and help today. Life is filled with challenges and heartache, and we long for forgiveness, restoration, and relief from all that weighs us down. The good news is that God’s promises spoken through the prophet Isaiah are also true for us today. Join Bible teacher Kori de Leon as she guides us through a six-week Bible study experience, pointing us to the wonders of our remarkable God and leading us to sing with Isaiah, Who is like the Lord? There is no God like him!

      When you purchase this Bible study guide, you’ll get access to videos and discussion questions to use with your group.

      in stock within 3-5 days of online purchase

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    • 9780764242434 New Testament Made Easy

      New Testament Made Easy


      So many people want to grow in their faith but don’t know where to start. Studying the Bible can be overwhelming, and even the resources designed to help can be too complicated, leaving many hesitant to even start.

      Offering a simple, streamlined approach, the founder of The Brand Sunday study products Zach Windahl takes you through each book of the New Testament in 60 days in an easy-to-follow framework. Through a daily breakdown of content to read, an overview of the text, thoughtful teaching points, and personal application questions to help the content sink in, you will:

      * see the big picture story of the entire Bible
      * increase your knowledge of the New Testament
      * engage with Scripture confidently
      * cultivate a deeper relationship with God

      Not only will you come away with a better understanding of the Father, his Word, and his heart, but you will also discover a better sense of meaning and purpose for your life.

      2 in stock

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