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    • 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth (Anniversary)


      With a new foreword, bestselling author John C. Maxwell uses his tried and true principles for maximum personal growth.

      Are there actually tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow? John Maxwell says the answer is yes. He has been passionate about personal development for over 50 years, and in the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, he teaches everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach our potential. In his trademark style, Maxwell covers:

      *The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to Yourself
      *The Law of Awareness: You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself
      *The Law of Modeling: It’s Hard to Improve When You Have No One But Yourself to Follow
      *The Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where *You are and Where You Could Be
      *The Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop Others

      This 10th anniversary edition comes with an updated foreword from John Maxwell. The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth will help you become a lifelong learner whose potential keeps increasing so you can lead others with passion and get results.

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    • 30 Days To Sales Success


      In only one month, you can acquire the skills, tools, and techniques that will help you turn more prospects into loyal customers, increase your sales, and derive greater enjoyment from the experience.

      Organized into daily lessons on critical sales strategies, 30 Days to Sales Success is your roadmap to making sales more comfortable, more fulfilling, and more rewarding. Regardless of what you are selling–a product, a service, an idea, or a new direction–you have to understand the value of your offering and share it in a way that convinces people to participate. However, much of the sales advice today centers on the salesperson, not the customer, and entails aggressive cold-calling and upselling techniques. It’s no wonder so many people dislike selling…and why so many people dislike being sold to. Luckily, there is another way–a path to customer-oriented sales, with a focus on value, service, and long-term relationships.

      Named “One of the Top 20 Sales Experts to Follow” by LinkedIn, Meridith Elliott Powell will equip you with critical strategies for sustainable, relationship-oriented sales success. First, you will gain a solid foundation in approaching sales–from preparing to meet your prospect for the first time, to better defining your selling style, to more effectively articulating the value you and your product or service add. Next, you will develop expertise in the sales call, perfecting your message, delivery, and listening skills. Finally, you will master the art of the follow-up, ensuring your customer’s satisfaction, earning more referrals, increasing your offerings, and continuing your discussions.

      By reading the lessons and completing the journaling prompts and action items each day, you will progressively improve your sales savvy so that by the end of the month, you will feel more confident in your abilities and your natural sales style, more passionate about your work, and more empowered to sell with intention and efficacy.

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    • Sell Your Way To The Top


      Master the art of the close with the latest book from the international authority on sales success. Sell Your Way to the Top shows you the exact steps it takes to create a lucrative sales career in any environment or industry by enhancing your sales conversations through purposeful questions and vivid imagery.

      A quarter of a billion people have already implemented Zig Ziglar’s selling strategies with great success-improving their prospecting, expanding their customer base, and becoming top sales stars. Zig’s wisdom and wit have helped millions of salespeople discover:

      *How to think like a seller and a buyer for tremendous results
      *How honesty and kindness equal sales
      *The power of positive projection
      *How to use your verbal paintbrush to set the scene
      *Why questions are vital in making the sale
      *The secrets of tried-and-true closes-that actually work!

      Success is a combination of specific ingredients that work together to help you reach your desired goal. With engaging anecdotes and concrete, actionable strategies, Zig provides each of those ingredients in Sell Your Way to the Top, including:

      *Twenty-Five Sales Points
      *Fourteen Real-Life Sales Lessons
      *Six Keys to Sales
      *Mind’s-Eye Selling
      *Overcoming Objections
      *The Closing
      *Successful Selling Secrets
      *Sell Yourself on Selling

      Sell Your Way to the Top not only challenges and motivates you; it provides practical and proven skills to help you close the sale today-as you build customers and a career for tomorrow. Along the way, you will learn how to move from success to significance, ultimately striving to help others get what they need and want.

      Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar (1926-2012) was one of America’s most influential and beloved encouragers and believers that everyone could be, do, and have more. He was a motivational speaker, teacher, and trainer who traveled extensively delivering messages of humor, hope, and encouragement. His appeal transcended age, culture, and occupation. From 1970 until 2010, Zig traveled more than five million miles around the world sharing powerful life-improvement messages, cultivating the energy of change.

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    • Napoleon Hills Positive Influence


      Napoleon Hill spent twenty years of his life interviewing the most successful men in America in order to write the first book on the science of personal achievement. In the course of his studies, he developed seventeen success principles. These teachings explain each of them, In order, they are Definiteness of Purpose, the Master Mind Alliance, Going the Extra Mile, Applied Faith, Self-Discipline and Cosmic Habit Force. Hill often referred to these as the most important of the success principles.

      Hill and his last wife, Annie Lou, established the Napoleon Hill Foundation 1962, and it continues today to publish his books, videos, audios and lectures. These six lectures were transcribed but never before published and only recently found by the Foundation. The Trustees of the Foundation have chosen the title “Napoleon Hill’s Positive Influence” for this book because these lectures deal with many of the influences which help people to become successful, and which drove Hill to achieve his own successes.

      One of Hill’s greatest influences was business tycoon Andrew Carnegie, who commissioned him in 1908 to undertake his twenty-year investigation. During his investigation, he discovered that important positive influences on successful people included having self-discipline, learning from adversity, working in harmony with others, selecting “pace makers”, surrounding oneself with positive books and mottos, being guided by Faith and what Hill called “Infinite Intelligence”, social and physical heredity, and the law of Cosmic Habit force, by which one’s habits become ingrained in one’s personality and character. All of these positive influences are covered in these lectures.

      In addition to Andrew Carnegie, a number of individuals were positive influences in Hill’s life, and they too are discussed in the lectures. Those who he knew personally, and who are referenced in the lectures, include Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Franklin Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Elmer Gates, Alexander Graham Bell and Edwin Barnes. On a more personal level, he speaks fondly of his step-mother and his wives who helped him with his endeavors. We are fortunate to be able to present an Introduction to the book by Napoleon’s grandson, J.B. Hill, and a Preface by Napoleon Hill Foundation Executive Director Don M. Green, both of which explain the important roles played by these women in bringing positive influences to bear on his life and work.

      We hope you will enjoy and benefit from

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    • Napoleon Hill En Las Noticias – (Spanish)


      !Napoleon Hill en las noticias! Es una publicacion de trabajos no recopilados previamente, que fueron publicados a lo largo de la vida del Dr. Hill en periodicos y revistas de numeros especiales. Estos articulos publicados por reporteros y el Dr. Hill nos dan una idea de la popularidad del autor y su atractivo estilo como escritor y orador motivacional.

      Me parece que se puede encontrar un verdadero tesoro en la serie Science of Success, que incluye 35 articulos del Miami Herald y 18 ensayos adicionales en profundidad que detallan los principios del exito, un concepto a la vez.

      Como estudiante, instructor y director del Centro Mundial de Enseanza de Napoleon Hill, que difunde la filosofia del exito del Dr. Hill, siempre tengo el deseo de encontrar escritos adicionales que el Doctor haya escrito. Al leer estas columnas de periodicos, el Dr. Hill usa los mismos conceptos pero con diferentes ilustraciones para transmitir sus conceptos al lector y hacerlos comprensibles para cualquiera.

      Para todos aquellos que han disfrutado de las obras del Dr. Hill, estos nuevos articulos nunca antes recopilados nos muestran el efecto de su influencia en todo el mundo, en todas las culturas y en diferentes entidades religiosas y seculares. Como gran autor, realmente trasciende las fronteras para difundir su voz sobre como lograr el exito personal.

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    • Speak With Impact


      When you know what to say and how to say it, people listen. Find your powerful voice, and step into leadership. Speak with impact.

      Every day, you have an opportunity to use your voice to have a positive impact — at work or in your community. You can inspire and persuade your audience — or you can distract and put them to sleep.

      Presentation styles where leaders are nervous, ramble, and robotic can ruin a talk on even the most critical topics. As your performances become weak, your career prosects start to dim. To get ahead and make an impact, you need to deliver well-crafted messages with confidence and authenticity. You must?sound?as capable as you are.

      Public speaking is a skill, not a talent. With the right guidance, anyone can be a powerful speaker. Written by former opera singer turned CEO and TEDx speaker Allison Shapira, Speak with Impact unravels the mysteries of commanding attention in any setting, professional or personal.

      Whether it’s speaking up at a meeting, presenting to clients, or talking to large groups, this book’s easy-to-use frameworks, examples and exercises will help you:

      *Engage your audience through storytelling and humor
      *Use breathing techniques to overcome stage fright
      *Strengthen and project your voice by banishing filler words/uptalk
      *Use effective body language and build your executive presence
      *Compose a clear message and deliver confident, authentic presentations

      Learn to conquer fear, capture attention, motivate action, and take charge of your career with?Speak with Impact.

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    • Sendero A Las Riquezas En Pien – (Spanish)


      Napoleon Hill nos recuerda a menudo que cuando el alumno tiene disposicion aparece el maestro. Este libro le ofrece a usted, el estudiante, un gran conglomerado de profesores, que fungiran como guias en su travesia, quizas profesores con almas gemelas, con plena conviccion y seguridad de haber descubierto y aplicado el secreto de Piense y Hagase Rico en sus vidas. Y no solo eso, sino que han logrado mejorar sus vidas debido a la lectura y aplicacion de esta profunda obra.

      Al concluir su referida obra, Napoleon Hill cita a Emerson con las siguientes palabras: “Si tenemos algo en comun nos habremos encontrado a traves de estas paginas.” Del mismo modo, si usted es un buscador sincero del secreto que el Dr. Hill se compromete a entregar en su libro, se identificara con estos grandes colaboradores del Sendero a las Riquezas como si fueran familiares suyos que le guiaran en la direccion correcta. Cada colaborador ha contribuido gratuitamente, sin compensacion por su tiempo y talento para ayudarle a usted en la busqueda de su verdad. Cada uno recorrio la milla extra para contribuir con el “secreto” que ellos descubrieron, con la esperanza de que sirvan de pistas en su viaje al logro de las riquezas en sus vidas. Deseo que establezca una relacion especial con nuestros colaboradores y en particular !agradecer a cualquiera de ellos por haberle ayudado a descubrir el secreto para el exito!

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    • 7 Minute Productivity Solution


      Productive days don’t just happen. They’re the result of upending the habits that aren’t working for us and developing ones that will. Using his proven 7-minute framework, productivity expert John Brandon reveals how to radically reduce digital distractions and revamp your routines for better focus, efficiency, and outcomes.

      The 7-Minute Productivity Solution shows you how to:
      – start your day- manage your schedule
      – stop obsessively checking email
      – take effective breaks
      – create compelling presentations
      – and more

      It only takes 7 minutes to transform your days from mindlessly reacting to whatever comes your way to mindfully structuring your time for maximum impact.

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    • Freedom And Truth


      Unleash the Power of Your Mind!

      James Allen the bestselling author of As Man Thinketh brings you this timeless, inspirational teaching to help you unlock the hidden power of your mind in pursuit of “The Truth”.
      In the pages of this book, you will discover the power of positive thinking and how it manifests in your reality. Learn how to open your mind to a mindset of success to create wealth, and find happiness.

      In Freedom and Truth You will learn to:
      *Access Timeless Wisdom
      *Harness the power of meditation to find your purpose
      *Uncover the secret to your success
      *And much more!

      “All suffering ends in truth,” – James Allen

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    • Business Success : Original Classic Edition


      Timeless Business Strategies that will help you to build your successful business and life plan.

      The secrets to how to be successful in business are in these pages. Charles Schwab invested his life to create one of the biggest manufacturers in the world under Andrew Carnegie’s guidance. Dive into Charles Schwab’s guide to finances and business to learn how to change your mindset, gain wealth, and succeed in business.

      This classic text is essential reading if you want to learn how to get promoted, how to be a better leader and excel at your chosen profession. Apply the lessons to build you successful business and life plan!

      In these pages are the essentials for how to become a successful entrepreneur or businessman like John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and Thomas Edison. Get an exclusive look at their success habits, methods and business strategies that made them the most successful business professionals in modern history.

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    • Mujer Emprende – (Spanish)


      Mujer, emprende es el cuarto libro de la exitosa serie de bolsillo de Omayra Font. Representa la culminacion de la mujer que decidio valorarse, dar credito a sus sueos, atreverse a crear y, ahora, desarrollar el sueo de su vida: una empresa. Este libro lleva un mensaje alentador que la autora ha vivido: la gran capacidad del caracter empresarial femenino, y el exito que puede lograr. Las lectoras se pondran en contacto con la experiencia de emprender, seran inspiradas, recibiran valentia, perderan los miedos y comprenderan la importancia de aprovechar o crear sus oportunidades de negocios.

      Woman, Build Your Own Business is the fourth book in the successful pocket series by Omayra Font. It represents the culmination of a woman who decided to value herself, give credit to her dreams, dare to create, and now, develop her dream of life: a company. This book carries an encouraging message that the author has lived: the great capacity of the female entrepreneurial character, and the success that she can achieve. Readers will get in touch with the entrepreneurial experience. They will be inspired, they will receive courage, they will lose their fears, and they will understand the importance of taking advantage of or creating their business opportunities.

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    • Earning The Right To Be Heard


      This is your practical, step-by-step guide to selling ideas, building influence, and growing opportunities in the most effective manner possible.

      What causes decision-makers to really listen to what you have to say? It can be very frustrating when the gatekeepers to your personal and professional success seem disinterested in your thoughts and suggestions. You can’t assume that good ideas will yield positive results, nor that a strong desire will enable you to surmount all obstacles and objections. You have to understand the decision-making process–the psychology behind why people say “yes” to some propositions and not others–and use this information to motivate the right people to take action.

      In this book, you will learn how to earn the right to be heard, as well as how to use your newfound influence to get more of what you want. Communication, persuasion, and negotiation do not have to be mysterious processes–all you have to do is package your ideas in a way that ensures key players will not only respond favorably to your advice, but seek it out in the future. Earning the Right to Be Heard offers the time-tested information, tools, and techniques for mastering the art of building influence, including how to:

      *captivate your audience and set the stage for communication success
      *demonstrate your credibility and competence
      *anticipate, and prepare compelling responses to, the questions all decision-makers must *have answered
      *inspire action by convincing others to adopt your perspective
      *maximize your impact through follow-up and results analysis

      Let Earning the Right to Be Heard help you discover the sweet spot of strategic communication so that you can gain respect and authority, attract more professional opportunities, and become a decision-maker yourself.

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    • Diversity Playbook : Recommendations And Guidance For Christian Organizatio


      To come together, we all need the same playbook.

      Diversity Playbook offers a unique opportunity to gain a sneak peek into the world of the other. Michelle R. Loyd-Paige and Michelle D. Williams note that many diversity efforts fail simply because organizations don’t share a common language as they talk about diversity. To address this problem, they offer insights within three key areas for Christian organizations:

      Section One?Wisdom for Diversity Professionals

      Section Two?Guidance for Outliers, Allies, and Co-conspirators

      Section Three?Strengthening Diversity throughout Your Organization

      Building on their years of experience in Christian higher education, Loyd-Page and Williams share pitfalls to avoid and plans that can extend God’s ministry of reconciliation to everyone. Their work will help your organization become better at changing hearts and broadening minds.

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    • Cambio Ha Cambiado – (Spanish)


      El filosofo griego Heraclito dijo que el cambio es la unica constante en la vida.

      !Pero el mundo ha experimentado tanta agitacion desde enero de 2020 que el cambio en si mismo ha cambiado! En los negocios, las iglesias y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, los lideres han quedado hechos polvo a medida que los eventos y los desafios pasan rapidamente. El ritmo del cambio se estaba acelerando antes… pero la pandemia presiono el pedal a fondo.

      “Estamos en un punto de inflexion”, dice el arquitecto de liderazgo y estratega de cambio Sam Chand. “La forma en que eran las cosas no es la forma en que seran las cosas”.

      En su nuevo libro El cambio ha cambiado, Sam se propone ayudar a los lideres a comprender la naturaleza evolutiva del cambio para que puedan guiar a sus organizaciones con sabiduria y confianza.

      El autor examina tres cambios importantes que compara con tres terremotos simultaneos:

      – Nuestro ambiente ha cambiado. La gente trabaja desde casa, es posible que muchos negocios nunca vuelvan a abrir, y la forma en que compramos, manejamos las necesidades de salud e incluso vamos a la iglesia ha cambiado.

      – Nosotros hemos cambiado. Hemos aprendido a vivir con una incertidumbre desenfrenada y una balsa llena de temores persistentes, !pero nuestros cuerpos y nuestras almas no estaban hechos para esto!

      – Las personas que nos rodean han cambiado. Estan frustradas, aisladas, deprimidas, ansiosas y enojadas. Simplemente no se sienten seguras.

      Sam enfrenta estos y otros problemas relacionados ofreciendo lecciones que capacitaran a los lideres a estar preparados para la proxima normalidad. “Soliamos hablar de una nueva normalidad como si fuera el punto final del cambio”, explica Sam, “pero si hemos aprendido algo en los ultimos meses, es que el cambio es perpetuo y tenemos que anticipar el proximo cambio en el horizonte”.

      The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said change is the only constant in life.

      But the world has experienced so much upheaval since January 2020 that change itself has changed! In business, the church, and nonprofits, leaders are being left in the dust as events and challenges speed by in a blur. The pace of change was accelerating before…but the pandemic pressed the pedal to the floor.

      “We’re at an inflection point,” says leadership architect and change strategist Sam Chand. “The way things were isn’t the way things will be.”

      In his new book Change Has Changed, Sam sets out to help leaders understand the evo

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    • Change Has Changed


      The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said change is the only constant in life.

      But the world has experienced so much upheaval since January 2020 that change itself has changed! In business, the church, and nonprofits, leaders are being left in the dust as events and challenges speed by in a blur. The pace of change was accelerating before…but the pandemic pressed the pedal to the floor.

      “We’re at an inflection point,” says leadership architect and change strategist Sam Chand. “The way things were isn’t the way things will be.”

      In his new book Change Has Changed, Sam sets out to help leaders understand the evolving nature of change so that they can guide their organizations with wisdom and confidence.

      He examines three major shifts that he likens to three simultaneous earthquakes:

      *Our environment has changed. People are working from home, many businesses may never reopen, and the way we shop, handle health needs, and even go to church has changed.

      *We have changed. We’ve learned to live with rampant uncertainty and a raft full of nagging fears–but our bodies and our souls weren’t meant for this!

      *The people around ushave changed. They are frustrated, isolated, depressed, anxious, and angry. They just don’t feel safe.

      Sam tackles these and related issues head-on by offering lessons that will empower leaders to be ready for the next normal.

      “We used to talk about a new normal as if it’s the end point of change,” Sam explains, “but if we’ve learned anything in the past months, it’s that change is perpetual, and we need to anticipate the next one on the horizon.”

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    • Theory Of Accountability



      You may think you know what this familiar formula means, but until you read Sam Silverstein’s breakthrough book, you will not know its true power or its potential. This is the Accountability Formula(TM), and it forms the heart of the Theory of Accountability(TM).

      Silverstein’s Theory of Accountability has nothing to do with physics, the speed of light, or the relationship between space and time. It has everything to do with personal and organizational growth, and with establishing the kind of leadership in your own life that makes excuses a thing of the past…and inspires true commitment from others.

      The Theory of Accountability states: Our lived EXPERIENCE is the direct result of our MINDSET and our COMMITMENT SQUARED.

      Silverstein’s new book examines each of these critical elements in depth, and shows you how to leverage the power of accountability to create a sustainable high-performance life and organization.

      E stands for Experience. Our experience is the results: the outcomes we achieve in our life, in our business, and everywhere else. It is what we produce. Our experience impacts the lives of everyone we come in contact with. The problem is, all too often, our experience is erratic, random, unplanned, and dysfunctional–with results to match.

      M stands for Mindset. The accountable mindset is based on a conscious decision to embrace possibility rather than fear. When decisions are driven by fear, our experience and the experience of everyone we come in contact with suffers. On the other hand, when decisions are driven by a set of beliefs that are based on valuing people, and on a foundation of abundance rather than scarcity, our experience improves.

      C2 stands for Commitment Squared. How do we ensure that our mindset is driven by possibility and abundance, rather than by fear and scarcity? By focusing on our ability to make, keep, and expand specific commitments. There is truly awesome power in commitment. The quality of the results you achieve is always based on two things: how committed you are to people, and how committed you are to your mindset and your core beliefs. These are the two commitments of the accountable person. When both kinds of commitments are in full play, when you are all in, you are living to your full potential. Such commitments are like compound interest, because they produce increasingly greater results over time.

      Sam’s latest book offers leaders a proven system for taking control of your life and

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    • Master Mind : The Memoirs Of Napoleon Hill


      Napoleon Hill on two occasions wrote extensive memoirs about his life, starting with his youth in Wise County, Virginia, and ending, apparently, during World War II. I say “apparently” because the archives of the Napoleon Hill Foundation contain these two manuscripts, but they are obviously incomplete and end in the 1940s. Mr. Hill died in 1970. His last book, Grow Rich with Peace of Mind, was written in 1967 and sheds some light on his later years; but his own journals and memoirs of those years, if they ever existed, have not yet been found.

      The two memoirs were titled by Mr. Hill, Wheel of Fortune and Hand of Destiny. They contain details of his life, including his four marriages, two divorces and one annulment, which we at the Foundation have not seen in any of his other writings or speeches. They also contain many details about his successes and failures in business and there were more failures than successes, as he readily admits. The memoirs contain thoughtful insights into the state of mind of this great thinker–how he dealt with failure, profited from defeat, turned adversity into advantage, and ultimately achieved happiness with his last wife, Annie Lou, happiness which had eluded him for most of his life.

      Mr. Hill has said that the Master Mind principle, in which two or more minds work harmoniously to achieve a common goal, is the most important of the seventeen principles of success he studied during his decades of research into how people attain happy and successful lives. One of the many interesting stories in the memoirs is about how he and his third wife, Rosa Lee, used the Master Mind principle to discover the only one of the seventeen principles that no one had understood or realized before, Cosmic Habitforce.

      The Trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation have combined the two memoirs into one, editing out repetition and putting events in chronological order where it made sense to do so. They chose to title the combined memoirs Master Mind, in recognition of the importance this principle played in his philosophy and life, and as a tribute to the mental giant who was the greatest thinker and writer ever in the fields of personal achievement and self-improvement.

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    • Acres Of Diamonds


      The riches you are searching for may already be well within your reach.

      Wealth is all around you, and it is most accessible to you exactly where you are now.

      Today’s the day to discover your own acres of diamonds.

      Before he founded Temple University, Russell Conwell travelled the world and delivered his life changing speech “Acres of Diamonds” to thousands of people who were ready to prosper.

      Now, almost 100 years after his death, the timeless lesson of “Acres of Diamonds” lives on in this reproduction of the speech brought to life from a rare, original pamphlet Russell Conwell handed out in the 1900’s.

      Conwell was inspired to write the speech after he traveled along the Tigris and Euphrates with a guide who shared the story of Ali Hafeb. Hafeb was a farmer who sold his land and left his home to find riches. Obsessed with wealth, the farmer died in poverty. However, the man he sold his farm to discovered that the land was filled with diamonds and he became a millionaire!

      With this book you can change your mindset to see that Opportunities are all around you.

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    • Ladrones Del Exito – (Spanish)


      “Es que el liderazgo y el exito no se construyen solo con carisma…Muchas veces, lo que destruye lo que construimos no son, necesariamente, los grandes, obvios y visibles enemigos, sino aquellos pequeos que no atendemos o eliminamos a tiempo”, escribe Adolfo Aguero Esgaib en su nuevo libro Ladrones del exito. De sus experiencias como empresario y pastor, el autor lanza una alerta contra los 10 “principios” que impiden a las personas alcanzar el exito que buscan. Hace un recorrido en cada uno, ayudando al lector a identificarlo dentro de si, explicando el efecto de cada uno: victimizacion, orgullo, ingratitud, trabajar solo, falta de vision, falta de caracter o caracter deformado, mediocridad, falta de empatia, irresponsabilidad y falta de integridad. Junto con esta concientizacion, encontramos las recomendaciones de manejo, soluciones y cambios para apresar a estos ladrones y capturar nuestro futuro.

      “It is that leadership and success are not built only with charisma … Many times, what destroys what we build are not, necessarily, the big, obvious, and visible enemies, but those little ones that we do not attend or eliminate in time”, he writes Adolfo Aguero Esgaib in his new book Thieves of success. From his experiences as a businessman and pastor, the author warns against the 10 “principles” that prevent people from achieving the success they seek. He takes a tour of each one, helping the reader to identify it within himself, explaining the effect of each one: victimization, pride, ingratitude, working alone, lack of vision, lack of character or deformed character, mediocrity, lack of empathy, irresponsibility, and lack of integrity. Along with this awareness, we find the management recommendations, solutions, and changes to catch these thieves and capture our future.

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    • Running With Joy


      Unleash your potential and learn how to activate your own special talents so you can run with joy!

      Executive and talent coach Robb Hiller wants to lift your spirits, help you find your passion, and come alongside you as you discover your natural, God-given talents. In his newest book, Running with Joy, Robb shares the inspiration he’s found in his dog, Bentley, and how his lovable Labrador naturally runs on joy. Through heartwarming stories about Bentley, Robb Hiller will help you learn how to run on instinct, use your natural talents, and lean into the happiness that has been yours all along. A total of five key principles can guide you toward a joy-filled life so that you, in turn, can guide others.

      Once you finish Running with Joy, you will have learned important lessons that will uncomplicate your business and personal life so that you can achieve greater success and live with enthusiasm and contentment every day.

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    • Win At Work And Succeed At Life


      New York Times bestselling author offers a manifesto for work-life balance. His proven, practical plan will equip you with a clear action plan to reclaim your margins and direct fresh energy to family and personal pursuits, all while achieving success at work.

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    • Change Your World Workbook


      John Maxwell and Rob Hoskins have invested their lives as champions of change. Maxwell’s organizations EQUIP and the John Maxwell Leadership Foundation have transformed communities by training more than five million leaders from literally every country in the world. Hoskins’s One Hope has transformed the lives of more than one billion children and youth in 120 countries around the globe.

      Now, for the first time, these two leaders have partnered to write a book about how anyone, anywhere, can transform their world. Offering practical principles based on solid research and real-life experience, the authors teach how to recognize where and how to get started, who to recruit, when to mobilize people, what to do, how to communicate, and how to know when they’ve really hit the target. This accompanying workbook integrates the power of Maxwell’s familiar and engaging leadership communication with the research-based international insights of Hoskins’s and One Hope global experience.

      Transformation is within the reach of anyone who is willing to think, speak, and act in a way that values people and collaborates with them to bring about lasting positive change. This workbook will give them the tools to go through the steps, based on the trade book, to make that happen in their lives.

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    • Como Ganar En El Trabajo Y Ten – (Spanish)


      Los grandes lideres estan impulsados ??a ganar. Sin embargo, las victorias profesionales pueden tener un gran costo para su salud, sus relaciones y su bienestar personal. Por que parece imposible ganar en el trabajo y triunfar en la vida?

      Michael Hyatt y Megan Hyatt Miller saben que podemos hacerlo mejor porque lo han visto en sus mas de cuatro decadas como ejecutivo exitoso y como esposo y padre amoroso y presente. Hoy Michael y su hija, Megan Hyatt Miller, son entrenadores lideres para vivir la doble victoria. Respaldado por investigaciones academicas de la ciencia organizacional y la psicologia, e ilustrado con estudios de casos reveladores de todo el espectro empresarial y sus propios clientes de coaching, Como ganar en el trabajo y tener exito en la vida es su manifiesto sobre como puedes lograr el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida, y restaurar tu cordura.

      Con claridad, humor y mucha motivacion, este libro te brinda:
      – Comprension de las fuerzas historicas y culturales que han llevado al exceso de trabajo
      – 5 principios para repensar el trabajo y la productividad desde cero
      – Practicas sencillas, pero probadas, que te permiten reducir la velocidad y recuperar tu vida

      Rechaza el concepto falso de elegir entre carrera o familia. Puedes lograr la doble victoria en la vida.

      Great leaders are driven to win. Yet career wins can come at great cost to your health, relationships, and personal well-being. Why does it seem impossible to both win at work and succeed at life?

      Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller know we can do better because he is seen it in his more than four decades as a successful executive and a loving and present husband and father. Today Michael and his daughter, Megan Hyatt Miller, coach leaders to live the double win. Backed by scholarly research from organizational science and psychology, and illustrated with eye-opening case studies from across the business spectrum and their own coaching clients, Win at Work and Succeed at Life is their manifesto on how you can achieve work-life balance and restore your sanity.

      With clarity, humor, and plenty of motivation, Win at Work and Succeed at Life gives you
      – an understanding of the historical and cultural forces that have led to overworking
      – 5 principles to rethink work and productivity from the ground up
      – simple but proven practices that enable you to slow down and reclaim your life
      – and more

      Refuse the false choice of career versus family. You can achieve t

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    • Law Of Success


      Napoleon Hill’s Original Master Class on Individual Achievement

      Before the landmark book Think and Grow Rich came The Law of Success, an eight-volume series in which Hill presents the complete Science of Success philosophy. Originally published in 1928, this success system contains sixteen lessons on personal achievement, gleaned from interviews with and research on over 500 top performers from various industries and walks of life. Now condensed for your convenience into one compact volume curated by the Trustees of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, The Law of Success details the exact steps by which any individual can harness the power of thought to turn their dreams into reality. This is much more than a guide or roadmap; it is a total lifestyle makeover, with concrete resources for everyday application. If you are serious about becoming the best version of yourself in your field, your relationships, your health, and your finances, then you are ready for the original master class on success.

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    • Character Carved In Stone


      Overlooking the Hudson River on the campus of the United States Military Academy at West Point are 12 granite benches, each inscribed with a word representing a key leadership virtue: compassion, courage, dedication, determination, dignity, discipline, integrity, loyalty, perseverance, responsibility, service, and trust. These benches remind cadets of the qualities that lead to victory and success, not just on the battlefield, but in all of life.

      With his signature enthusiasm and insight, Pat Williams shares the incredible stories of West Point graduates who exemplified these traits, from the Civil War to the War on Terror. He shows readers of all backgrounds how to develop these 12 essential virtues in their lives, whether they are in the corporate world, the academic world, the military, the church, or in some other sphere.

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    • Napoleon Hills Self Confidence Formula


      Your formula to build a strong sense of self-worth so that you can better recognize opportunity, take action on your dreams, and enhance your resilience.

      A lack of self-confidence is one of the greatest maladies of today’s world, one that is responsible for the rampant helplessness, lack of self-control, aimlessness, procrastination, and despair that characterize modern society. But as the venerable steel magnate Andrew Carnegie emphasized to Hill, “Confidence is a state of mind, necessary to succeed, and the starting point of developing self-confidence is definiteness of purpose.”

      The time for self-doubt and self-criticism is over. Your faith in yourself and your abilities determines whether you fail or succeed. Napoleon Hill’s Self-Confidence Formula enables you to boost your self-confidence through the application of Hill’s strategies for controlling your thoughts. By implementing these principles, you will not only be able to operate at a higher plane of thought and action–attracting more opportunities, gaining influence, and strengthening relationships–but you will also be able to instill this critical quality in others.

      Napoleon Hill’s Self-Confidence Formula gives you the keys to success and fulfillment by equipping you to:
      *unlearn fears, insecurities, and limitations acquired in childhood and adolescence
      *condition your mind to believe in the certainty of your success
      *take bold, confident action on your definite chief aim
      *conquer your inferiority complex through the mastermind principle
      *build the self-reliance and self-esteem of today’s youth

      You are now on the journey to confident, purposeful living. As you implement Hill’s principles, you will cultivate a state of mind primed to accept the abundance reserved for you.

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    • Crisis Y Oportunidades – (Spanish)


      Nadie esta exento de pasar por crisis, unas a causa de situaciones individuales y otras provocadas por circunstancias ajenas a nuestro control, como la pandemia que atravesamos. Cualquiera que sea la causa, Efren Ruiz Arregui abre la puerta de la oportunidad pues, como asegura, “por cada problema que enfrentamos hay una solucion”. Cada capitulo plantea una crisis, y a traves de diferentes experiencias personales, aplicacion de principios y frases de sabiduria, el autor propone puertas hacia caminos diferentes que te guiaran para abrir tus propias puertas y resolver asuntos del pasado y del presente, o para plantearte un futuro en especifico. Esta habil propuesta para examinar tus crisis esta diseada para que encuentres tus soluciones y veas tus oportunidades en 30 dias.

      No one is exempt from going through crises, some due to individual situations and others caused by circumstances beyond our control, such as the pandemic we are experiencing. Whatever the cause, Efren Ruiz Arregui opens the door of opportunity because, as he assures, “for every problem we face there is a solution.” Each chapter raises a crisis, and through different personal experiences, application of principles and phrases of wisdom, the author proposes doors to different paths that will guide you to open your own doors and resolve issues of the past and present, or to consider a specific future. This clever approach to examining your crises is designed to help you find your solutions and see your opportunities in 30 days.

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    • Cambie Su Mundo – (Spanish)


      Dos de los lideres mas respetados hoy en dia y que han cambiado al mundo, el experto en liderazgo John C. Maxwell y el lider de desarrollo global Rob Hoskins, comparten sus experiencias en el mundo real ayudando a transformar millones de vidas, comunidades y empresas en todo el mundo para mostrar a la gente como ser el cambio que el mundo necesita y ayudar a otros a hacer lo mismo.

      Vemos la pobreza, la falta de vivienda, la violencia, las enfermedades mentales, la corrupcion y la desintegracion de la familia, y pensamos: Por que nadie hace algo? Las instituciones de las que hemos dependido no estan haciendo del mundo un lugar mejor de la manera que pensamos que podrian y deberian. Asi que ahora depende de nosotros.

      La buena noticia es que USTED puede cambiar su mundo.

      En Cambie su mundo, John Maxwell y Rob Hoskins guian a los lectores a traves de todo el proceso. Estos dos lideres han hecho un impacto positivo durante decadas, transformando millones de vidas, comunidades y empresas en todo el mundo con un sentido de mision y respeto por la dignidad humana.

      Y ya sea que usted influya en una sola persona o sea el lider de una gran organizacion, usted tambien puede lograr un cambio positivo y duradero.

      A lo largo de estas paginas, Maxwell y Hoskins comparten sus experiencias en el mundo real y animan a los lectores a marcar la diferencia basandose en las necesidades que ven a su alrededor y los deseos de su corazon.

      Change Your World

      Two of today’s most respected world-changers, leadership expert John C. Maxwell and global development leader Rob Hoskins, share their real-world experiences helping to transform millions of lives, communities, and businesses around the world to show people how to be the change the world needs and help others do the same.

      We see poverty, homelessness, violence, mental illness, corruption, and the breakdown of the family, and we think, “Why doesn’t somebody do something?” The institutions we’ve depended on aren’t making the world a better place the way we thought they could and should. So now it’s up to us.

      The good news is, YOU can change your world.

      In Change Your World, John Maxwell and Rob Hoskins guide readers through the entire process. These two leaders have been making a positive impact for decades, transforming millions of lives, communities, and businesses around the world with a sense of mission and regard for human dignity.

      And whether you influence only one other person or you’re the

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    • Secreto – (Spanish)


      En esta nueva edicion de su clasica fabula de negocios, Ken Blanchard y Mark Miller se convierten en el corazon de lo que hace que un lider sea exitoso. La joven ejecutiva Debbie Brewster, recientemente promovida pero luchadora, le pregunta a su mentor la unica pregunta que necesita desesperadamente: “Cual es el secreto de los grandes lideres?” Su respuesta – “los grandes lideres sirven” – la impresiona, pero con el tiempo revela las cinco formas fundamentales que los lideres tengan exito a traves del servicio. En el camino ella aprende:

      – Por que los grandes lideres parecen estar preocupados por el futuro

      – Como la gente en el equipo finalmente determina tu exito o fracaso

      – Que tres arenas requieren una mejora continua

      – Por que el verdadero exito en el liderazgo tiene dos componentes esenciales?

      – Como fortalecer intencionalmente o inconscientemente la credibilidad del liderazgo

      La edicion del decimo aniversario incluye una autoevaluacion de liderazgo para que los lectores puedan medir hasta que punto lideran sirviendo y donde pueden mejorar. Los autores tambien han agregado respuestas a las preguntas mas frecuentes sobre como aplicar el modelo SERVE en el mundo real.

      Tan practico como alentador, The Secret comparte la sabiduria de Blanchard y Miller sobre el liderazgo en una forma que cualquiera puede comprender e implementar facilmente. Este libro beneficiara no solo a aquellos que lo lean, sino tambien a las personas que buscan orientacion y las organizaciones a las que sirven.

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    • Institutional Intelligence : How To Build An Effective Organization


      Institutions matter. But we often view them somewhat cynically, perhaps as a necessary evil.

      In truth, institutions remain essential to human flourishing. They are the very means by which communities thrive, individual vocations are fulfilled, and society is changed for the good. We all must learn the wisdom of working effectively within institutions-what Gordon Smith calls institutional intelligence.

      In this book Smith unlocks the essential elements of how institutions function in a productive, healthy manner. Focusing on the nonprofit sector, he shows how team leaders, directors, executives, board members, key stakeholders, and employees can avoid what is often their greatest source of stress on the job-working with the institutional character of their organizations.

      Church staff, educators, and those in service agencies can all thrive by understanding these dynamics instead of fighting against them. By developing institutional intelligence, we and those around us can not only flourish personally but also fulfill a larger mission.

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    • Accountability Circle : Discovering Your True Purpose, Potential, And Impac


      “We are responsible for things…but we are accountable to people. When we discover our own unique purpose, and then make and keep personal commitments that support that purpose, that is accountability. If everyone in the Accountability Circle makes and keeps those commitments, then accountability becomes a way of life.” -Sam Silverstein

      THE ACCOUNTABILITY CIRCLE gives you a trusted group of Accountability Partners for your life, your career, and your business. They support you in identifying and acting on your Purpose, your Mission, and your Values…and you support them in turn.

      THE ACCOUNTABILITY CIRCLE is where you go to become the best person you can be. It is much more than a mastermind group. It goes far deeper than networking and sharing best business practices. It is about becoming a truly accountable person and a leader in your own life.

      THE ACCOUNTABILITY CIRCLE goes far beyond your current “circle of friends” … and creates a powerful group of allies who are focused on your best interests, based on your unique purpose and mission.

      THE ACCOUNTABILITY CIRCLE is the ultimate personal development strategy and the critical leadership advantage.
      We all want to reach our potential, become the best version of ourselves, and get the most we possibly can out of life. We all want to maximize our impact and leave a legacy that inspires other people to be their best.

      For most of us, the problem is not that we are not trying to be our best. The real problem is that we are unable to see and understand fully what our very best can be. We may think that we have to create our own solutions and cannot ask for help.

      However, this vision of a self-reliant accountability is wrong. In fact, everything we have been taught about accountability is wrong. Accountability is not about having to prove ourselves, create some original idea, or live an independent life, and it is certainly not about “holding others accountable.” Quite the contrary-accountability is all about commitments and interdependence. We need other people to help us to be our very best, and we need to help other people to be their very best. It is in helping others fulfill their potential that we identify and achieve our own true potential!

      Action always comes with belief. When you begin taking action with full accountability in your Accountability Circle, you will begin to see people differently, show up differently, commit differently, and bring people into your life diffe

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    • Harnessing The Power Of Tension (Audio CD)


      The word tension comes from the Latin word tendere, which means “to stretch.” It’s not a bad thing to be stretched in our careers, our parenting, our ministries, or our leadership. Without tension, we become stagnant and stop growing. In fact, we might even say that tension is both inevitable and, in many cases, desirable in life and leadership.

      In Harnessing the Power of Tension: Stretched but Not Broken, international leadership consultant Sam Chand examines tension as it arises in and between the arenas of business, church, and family. The presence of tension isn’t a flaw in you or a threat from others. It’s not a problem to solve, but a strain to be used. When you develop this perspective and you encounter tension, you’ll be less confused and feel less guilty because you understand that tension isn’t the result of your error or flaw. You’ll experience less pressure to figure everything out and less compulsion to resolve it quickly and completely.

      When we accept tension as a reality of life, we gain confidence and mental clarity when we encounter it. Our focus isn’t on getting rid of tension, but using it to create something better than before. We don’t walk on eggshells, afraid to say the wrong thing. We learn when to speak up, when to ask questions, when to listen, and when to let things go. As we relax in the middle of tension, we see people and situations more clearly, and we invite our families and teams into the process of creatively using tension in life and leadership.

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    • Lo Que Los Exitosos Piensan – (Spanish)


      “Tu puedes ser uno de ellos… Dejame develarte sus secretos. He atendido a miles de personas en los ultimos aos. He tenido el gusto de ver como crecen y aprenden, asi como algunos se detienen y fracasan. Pero he visto patrones iguales en los que tienen exito, para lo que piensan, hacen, buscan y disfrutan. Tu podras ver como las personas exitosas usan una matriz de pensamiento antes de actuar.”- Hector Teme

      En Lo que piensan los exitosos, el autor te mostrara profundidades desde la cima. Entre muchas cosas mas aprenderas que las personas exitosas:

      Ya no piensan en acciones, sino en estrategias.

      No piensan en conocerlo todo, sino que viven comprometidos con entender y caminar en el aprendizaje constante.

      No piensan desde la circunstancia, sino desde la conviccion.

      No piensan desde la solucion de los problemas, sino desde la busqueda de oportunidades para ampliarse en el medio de la duda.

      No piensan solamente en como van a accionar o reaccionar a lo que esta pasando, sino en como van a hacer para que lo que este pasando los lleve a la vision extraordinaria.

      Los exitosos son antes de hacer, vuelan antes de caminar, hablan antes de pensar.

      “You can be one of them…. Let me reveal their secrets. I have served thousands of people in the past few years. I have had the pleasure of seeing how they grow and learn, as well as some who stop and fail. But I have seen the same patterns in which they succeed; what they think, do, seek, and enjoy. You will be able to see how successful people use a thinking matrix before acting.” -Hector Teme

      In What Successful People Think, the author will show you depths from the top. Among many other tips, you will learn that successful people:

      Do not think about actions but about strategies.

      Do not think about knowing everything but live committed to understanding and walking in continual learning.

      Do not think from circumstances but from conviction.

      Do not think from the solution of problems but from the search for opportunities to expand in the midst of doubt.

      Do not only think about how they are going to act or react to what is happening, but also about how they are going to make what is happening lead them to an extraordinary vision.

      Are before they do; fly before they walk; speak before they think.

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    • New Thinking New Future (Audio CD)


      “The way leaders think matters-it matters a lot. The problem is that we almost universally make a colossal subconscious assumption that the way we think is the only possible way to consider our situations…. It’s like our minds are running antiquated software that’s slow, glitchy, and unproductive-but it’s all we’ve ever known. We need to upgrade the software in our heads!”-Sam Chand

      With candor, humor, and personal stories, Sam peels back the layers of our assumptions to challenge us to think more deeply, more clearly, and more productively than ever before. He addresses fundamental topics all leaders instinctively address, including security, location, ownership, team, growth, and benchmarks of success. And he provides questions that leaders can ask themselves to develop New Thinking for a New Future.

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    • Aprovecha El Poder De Las Tens – (Spanish)


      La palabra tension proviene de la palabra latina tendere, que significa “estirar”. No es malo estirarnos en nuestras carreras, nuestra crianza de los hijos, nuestros ministerios o nuestro liderazgo. Sin tension, nos estancamos y dejamos de crecer. De hecho, podriamos decir que la tension es inevitable y, en muchos casos, deseable en la vida y el liderazgo.

      En Aprovecha el poder de las tensiones: estirado pero no roto, el consultor internacional de liderazgo, Sam Chand, examina la tension a medida que surge en y entre los ambitos de negocios, iglesia y familia. La presencia de tension no es un defecto en ti o una amenaza de los demas. No es un problema para resolver, sino un recurso para utilizar. Cuando desarrolles esta perspectiva y encuentres tension, estaras menos confundido y te sentiras menos culpable porque entiendes que la tension no es el resultado de un error o un fallo tuyos. Experimentaras menos presion para resolver todo y menos compulsion para resolverlo rapida y completamente.

      Cuando aceptamos la tension como una realidad de la vida, ganamos confianza y claridad mental ante ella. Nuestro objetivo no es deshacernos de la tension, sino usarla para crear algo mejor que antes. No caminamos sobre cascaras de huevo, por miedo a decir algo incorrecto. Aprendemos cuando hablar, cuando hacer preguntas, cuando escuchar y cuando dejar ir las cosas. A medida que nos relajamos en medio de la tension, vemos a las personas y las situaciones mas claramente, e invitamos a nuestras familias y equipos al proceso de utilizar creativamente la tension en la vida y el liderazgo.

      The word tension comes from the Latin word tendere, which means “to stretch.” It’s not a bad thing to be stretched in our careers, our parenting, our ministries, or our leadership. Without tension, we become stagnant and stop growing. In fact, we might even say that tension is both inevitable and, in many cases, desirable in life and leadership.

      In Harnessing the Power of Tensions: Stretched but Not Broken, international leadership consultant Sam Chand examines tension as it arises in and between the arenas of business, church, and family. The presence of tension isn’t a flaw in you or a threat from others. It’s not a problem to solve, but a strain to be used. When you develop this perspective and you encounter tension, you’ll be less confused and feel less guilty because you understand that tension isn’t the result of your error or flaw. You’ll experience less pressure to figu

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    • Harnessing The Power Of Tension


      The word tension comes from the Latin word tendere, which means “to stretch.” It’s not a bad thing to be stretched in our careers, our parenting, our ministries, or our leadership. Without tension, we become stagnant and stop growing. In fact, we might even say that tension is both inevitable and, in many cases, desirable in life and leadership.

      In Harnessing the Power of Tension: Stretched but Not Broken, international leadership consultant Sam Chand examines tension as it arises in and between the arenas of business, church, and family. The presence of tension isn’t a flaw in you or a threat from others. It’s not a problem to solve, but a strain to be used. When you develop this perspective and you encounter tension, you’ll be less confused and feel less guilty because you understand that tension isn’t the result of your error or flaw. You’ll experience less pressure to figure everything out and less compulsion to resolve it quickly and completely.

      When we accept tension as a reality of life, we gain confidence and mental clarity when we encounter it. Our focus isn’t on getting rid of tension, but using it to create something better than before. We don’t walk on eggshells, afraid to say the wrong thing. We learn when to speak up, when to ask questions, when to listen, and when to let things go. As we relax in the middle of tension, we see people and situations more clearly, and we invite our families and teams into the process of creatively using tension in life and leadership.

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    • 25 Biblical Laws Of Partnership With God


      A dynamic writing team draws on years of biblical study and business experience to present the Bible as the best success manual ever written to help Christian business people pursue excellence in life and work.

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    • FTI Failure To Implement


      Why is it that we don’t do the things we know we should do to be more successful? Is it a lack of time? A lack of discipline? A lack of motivation?

      The number one reason most people don’t reach their biggest dreams and goals is what international business coach Howard Partridge calls F.T.I. Failure to Implement. Many times, people know what to do and how to do it; they just don’t do it.

      This book reveals the causes of F.T.I. and offers a proven path to overcoming the tendency toward inaction. The four keys to implementation that it outlines will give you the momentum you need to propel yourself to phenomenal success.

      Howard has been a business owner for 35 years and has been coaching business owners, leaders, and individuals to success for more than two decades. Now you can profit from his experience and unlock the keys to your biggest dreams and goals.

      You’ll learn…
      *How to recapture the zest of life and renew your vision…
      *How to get more done in the less time without sacrificing sleep or family time…
      *How to stay focused, inspired, and productive every day…
      *How to leverage simple systems to go farther than you ever imagined…
      *How to tap into a support community to help you sustain phenomenal success for years to come.

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    • Level Up : Elevate Your Game And Crush Your Goals


      Leveling up is the only foolproof success strategy. It means owning your responsibility for taking control of who you are, what you do, and what your life will become.

      This book is written for the men and women grinding it out every day at work and wanting so badly to be more valued and get to the next level.

      It’s for the young professionals entering the workforce with big dreams who want to know exactly what it takes to advance in their career.

      It’s for anyone who has wanted more out of life but just hasn’t been able to make the shift to take control of their future.

      Many books teach you the steps you need to take to change your life. But they’re missing the critical foundational action that is necessary to ensure your new habits stick–the one element that distinguishes high-achieving professionals from those still waiting for success to find them. Most people know what they should do, and yet they don’t do it. The fact is that it does not matter how much you know–nothing will change for you unless you own the responsibility of leveling up.

      Alyson Van Hooser has discovered the crucial knowledge you must have, actions you must take, and areas of your life you must own if you want to shift the trajectory of your professional life to work in your favor. In Level Up, you’ll learn the secrets to professionalization and the exact steps required to gain respect, increase opportunity, and harness the power to crush all your goals, including:

      *How to lay down your law so you don’t get off track
      *How to get ahead by identifying and strategically adapting to what motivates individuals in different generations, from different social classes, with different life experiences
      *How to make your emotions work for rather than against you
      *Ways to make networking impressive instead of awkward
      *What self-care truly means (hint: choosing YOU and your goals)
      *And much more!

      Be bold. Make your own hype. And be accountable to the grind. Success and growth are often uncomfortable, but you’re not going to crush your goals by sitting idle, doing the bare minimum, and following the herd. It’s time to LEVEL UP.

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    • Secuencia Hacia El Exito – (Spanish)


      Todos llegamos a algun lugar en la vida debido a tres cosas: alguien nos observa, forma una opinion sobre nosotros y decide darnos una oportunidad… o no. Nosotros hacemos lo mismo con los demas. Las personas han jugado este papel esencial en nuestras vidas, y nosotros lo jugamos en la vida de quienes nos rodean, y no importa cuanta habilidad tengamos, podemos jugar aun mejor.

      La secuencia se aplica en los negocios, la iglesia, los matrimonios, la paternidad y las amistades. A menudo evaluamos a otros en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Percibimos instintivamente la expresion de la cara de alguien, el tono de voz o el lenguaje corporal que es consistente o diferente de sus palabras. Reaccionamos a nuestra observacion, pero rara vez nos detenemos a analizar antes de responder; simplemente sucede inmediatamente. Observamos y tenemos una opinion, y en base a lo que hemos determinado en ese segundo, le damos a la persona una oportunidad de relacionarse con nosotros, o cerramos la puerta y permanecemos vigilantes.

      Secuencia del exito es un libro de liderazgo, pero no se limita a las empresas, presidentes, directores generales o pastores principales. Es para todos los que tienen una posicion de influencia en la vida de otra persona, y eso nos incluye a todos. En este libro, Sam Chand saca a la luz nuestras suposiciones subconscientes. Con mas perspicacia y confianza, tomaras mejores decisiones para avanzar a las personas que te rodean… o tal vez mostrarles la puerta. Estos principios tambien te ayudan a ser mas consciente de que las personas te estan observando y formando opiniones sobre ti, abriendo o cerrando puertas de oportunidad.

      Every one of us gets anywhere in life due to three things: someone observes us, forms an opinion about us, and decides to give us an opportunity…or not. Likewise, we do the same with others. People have played this essential role in our lives, and we play it in the lives of those around us–and no matter how skilled we’ve become, we can play it even better.

      This sequence applies in business, church, marriages, parenting, and friendships. We often assess others in the blink of an eye. We instinctively notice the look on someone’s face, their tone of voice, or their body language as consistent or different from the words being spoken. We react to our observation, but we seldom stop to analyze before we respond–it just happens. Immediately, we observe and form an opinion, and based on what we’ve determined in that split s

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    • Uniquely You : Transform Your Organization By Becoming The Leader Only You


      For young professionals and entrepreneurs, there is no shortage of gurus, processes, and quick-fix formulas to chase in the quest to grow their business, lead their team, and find personal fulfillment. In fact, there are so many out there that it’s exhausting. Wouldn’t it be better to realize that the leadership lessons we need to learn are not out there somewhere, but in here, in our own lives? That instead of becoming a knock-off of someone else, we can be uniquely ourselves?

      That’s exactly what Ron Kitchens learned, and it’s what he wants to share with today’s emerging leaders. Sharing his own journey of discovering what his life was trying to teach him through both trials and triumphs, Kitchens equips readers to mine their own stories for the relationships and life lessons that have made them into the unique individuals they are today. He then shows readers how to leverage those unique experiences into their own personal leadership style that is authentic, one-of-a-kind, and effective in building businesses and leading teams.

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    • Conviertete En Un Exito Fracas – (Spanish)


      En algun tiempo de la vida, nos enfrentaremos a un fracaso. Tendemos a desalentarnos, y muchos llegan a creer que ese es el fin de su futuro. Pero lo importante no es lo que te pasa, sino como te relacionas con lo que te pasa, y el tipo de observador con el que mires el fracaso. Este libro que desafiara al maximo tu mirada, te enseara que el aprendizaje esta en la brecha entre el fracaso y el exito, y que el fracaso es la materia prima del exito. Aprenderas como mirar la vida como posibilidad, y ver las oportunidades en medio del fracaso, para que obtengas lo mejor de cada paso que des, y te conviertas en un exito… !fracasando!

      At some point in life, you will face failure. You will become discouraged and start to believe that this is the derailment of your future plans. At this point, the most important thing is not what happens to you, but how you react to what happens to you and how you view failure. This book will challenge your preconceived ideas by suggesting that true learning lies in the gap between failure and success, and that failure is the raw material that leads to success. You will learn to see what is possible in life and recognize opportunities in the midst of failure in order to benefit from every step you take. Become a success…by failing!

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    • Faith Family And Franchise


      Do you want an incredibly rewarding life? You don’t have to be born with unlimited resources or a fairy godmother to get it. Let the experts show you how.

      This comprehensive, straight-talking guide teaches you how to make business and life work for you. Focusing on couples but also relevant to individuals, this book candidly explores the power of faith, family, and franchise and how they will help you succeed.

      Having walked the walk, handled the business, and been in the grind together, Clint and Deanna bring a wealth of knowledge, as well as years of life, business, entrepreneurship and franchising experience to the table. Now, they want to share everything they know to get you up and running.

      Get practical wisdom and essential advice on…

      *Building and running a franchise
      *How to keep your faith and family intact
      *Managing the toughest times?including bankruptcy
      *Franchisee-franchisor relationships
      *Developing employees
      *How to find the right franchise and locations
      *How to succeed in business and life as a couple
      *Cultivating and sustaining a winning mentality

      Whether you are thinking about going into business, starting a franchise, looking to be more productive or you have no idea what any of it is all about, this book is for you. It’s a win-win. Each real-life lesson is simply designed for you to understand and follow. The scriptural support and exercises will bring clarity of thought and help you navigate the process.

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    • Uncopyable : How To Create An Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition (Expanded)


      What separates average businesses from extraordinary successful ones? Better product? Nope. Your competitor will rapidly reverse-engineer your “secret sauce” and get their “better-than-you” version on the market faster than you can say “Usain Bolt.”

      Better customer service? Guess what? All of your competitors say they provide the best customer service. It’s a wishy washy phrase … a vague generality with no meaningful specific.

      Better pricing? You’re kidding, right? The company that lives on price dies on price.

      More harsh reality: Almost all industries today struggle with the increasing commoditization of their products and services, putting considerable pressure on prices and margins, leading to fiercer competition.

      The Solution?

      You must create an Uncopyable Attachment with your customers. They must see you as not only delivering a superior product but also as high-value relationship they simply cannot get anywhere else. In Uncopyable, Steve Miller compellingly argues that new advantage isn’t found by going “oustide the box” – you must actually build your own box. Uncopyable will guide you to achieving an unfair and enduring competitive advantage.

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    • Sequence To Success


      Every one of us gets anywhere in life due to three things: someone observes us, forms an opinion about us, and decides to give us an opportunity…or not. Likewise, we do the same thing with others. People have played this essential role in our lives, and we play it in the lives of those around us–and no matter how skilled we’ve become, we can play it even better.
      The sequence applies in business, the church, marriages, parenting, and friendships. We often assess others in the blink of an eye. We instinctively notice the look on someone’s face, the tone of voice, or the body language that’s consistent or different from the words being spoken. We react to our observation, but we seldom stop to analyze before we respond–it just happens, and it happens immediately: we observe and have an opinion, and based on what we’ve determined in that second, we either give the person an opportunity to engage with us or we close the door and remain guarded.

      The Sequence to Success: The Three O’s That Will Take You Anywhere in Life is a leadership book, but it’s not limited to corporate presidents, CEOs, and lead pastors; it’s for everyone who has a position of influence in another person’s life–and that includes all of us. In this book, Sam Chand brings our subconscious assumptions into the light. With more insight and confidence, you’ll make better decisions to advance the people around you…or perhaps show them the door. The principles also help you become more conscious that people are observing you and forming opinions about you that will open or close doors of opportunity.

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    • Prayer Powered Entrepreneur


      In The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur, a 31-day prayer journey, Christian business coach Kim Avery helps entrepreneurs ditch the hurry and worry and instead build a business powered by God.

      While Christian entrepreneurs start their days with prayer, the hustle and bustle of running their own businesses quickly takes focus away from their vital partnership with the almighty God. As a result, prayers for business are often broad, unfocused, and strictly tied to the entrepreneur’s vision of ideal results. The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur model walks entrepreneurs through 31 days of recognizing God as CEO through an inside-out system of praying for transformation:

      *In themselves

      *Their relationship with God

      *Their relationship with others

      *Their relationship with their business

      *Culminating in praying for the impact they want their business to have in the world.
      Kim Avery encourages entrepreneurs to keep God at the center of everything, praying in alignment with the things He has already promised, and anticipating His daily activity in their lives. During this month-long journey, business owners learn how to build a better business, live a better life, and make a bigger impact –all through the simple practice of inside-out prayer.

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    • We Need To Talk


      Will your business relationships suffer or be saved by your ability to communicate?

      Like it or not, professional relationships are impacted – positively or negatively – by the ability to communicate. Customers are won or lost – employees are encouraged or de-motivated – professional networks are expanded or extinguished – all by how well we communicate. We Need to Talk reveals key strategies to help you build trust, win respect and sidestep common minefields when communicating gets critical.

      “As a manager in a client service environment, the need frequently arises to have critical conversations. Within days of reading We Need to Talk, I applied two of the principles Phil described and was beyond thrilled at the outcome. Not only did my associate respond favorably to the message, but agreed that changes were needed and committed to making them. I was utterly amazed at how easy it was to have the conversation. Every manager, no matter how experienced can benefit from this book. The time comes for you to have your next critical conversation, pick up We Need to Talk. You’ll be glad you did!” –Priscilla Pinnegar, Client Support Manager II ADP, Inc.

      Discover how you can:
      *Establish empathy and trust when communicating with subordinates, co-workers, superiors or customers
      *Rebuild the believability quotient when truthfulness has not always been practiced
      *Rein in “brutal honesty” and the damage it causes
      *Build rapport by “actively” listening
      *Earn respect while delivering difficult or sensitive messages
      *Build integrity while eliminating communication barriers like the “grapevine”
      *And get results by guaranteeing the message you intended was interpreted correctly

      Through a masterful use of stories and illustrations, We Need to Talk reveals six unique, powerful strategies for communicating successfully when relationships and results are riding on your abilities.

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    • Dolor Del Liderazgo – (Spanish)


      Quieres ser un mejor lider? Incrementa tu capacidad para el dolor.

      Quieres que tu iglesia crezca o que tu negocio alcance metas mas altas? La renuencia a enfrentar el dolor es tu mayor limitacion.

      No hay crecimiento sin cambio, no hay cambio sin perdida, y no hay perdida sin dolor.
      En pocas palabras: si no te esta doliendo, no estas liderando.

      Este libro no es un tratado teologico sobre el dolor. En El dolor del liderazgo Samuel Chand, autor de exitos de ventas, reconocido como “el lider de lideres”, nos provee un entendimiento concreto del dolor que experimentamos, para ayudarnos a interpretarlo con mayor precision y aprender las lecciones que Dios tiene para nosotros.

      Chand es extremadamente honesto y altamente practico al examinar los principios que hacen de nuestro dolor un medio para cumplir los propositos divinos para nuestras iglesias, comunidades y nosotros. Este tesoro de liderazgo incluye:

      *Poderosas historias personales de algunos de los mejores lideres del mundo, como Craig Groeschel, Benny Perez, Lisa Bevere, Mark Chironna, Dale Bronner, Phillip Wagner y Michael Pitts y muchos otros.

      *Perspectivas reveladoras sobre el crecimiento que se produce a traves del dolor en los roles de liderazgo

      *Ejercicios practicos para ayudarte a aplicar los valiosos principios que estas aprendiendo

      Do you want to be a better leader? Raise the threshold of your pain. Do you want your church to grow or your business to reach higher goals? Reluctance to face pain is your greatest limitation. There is no growth without change, no change without loss, and no loss without pain. Bottom line: if you’re not hurting, you’re not leading.

      But this book is not a theological treatise on pain. Rather, in Leadership Pain, Samuel Chand–best-selling author recognized as “the leader’s leader”–provides a concrete, practical understanding of the pain we experience to help us interpret it more accurately and learn the lessons God has in it for us.

      Chand is ruthlessly honest and highly practical as he examines the principles and practices that make our pain a means of fulfilling God’s divine purposes for our churches, communities, and families. Included in this leadership treasure trove:

      POWERFUL personal stories from some of the greatest leaders in the world, such as Craig Groeschel, Benny Perez, Mike Kai, Lisa Bevere, Mark Chironna, Dale Bronner, Philip Wagner, Michael Pitts, and numerous others.

      REVEALING INSIGHTS into the growth that occurs t

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    • Your Greatest Asset


      Has the “daily grind” diminished your enthusiasm for your various pursuits, both personal and professional? Are you in need of some fresh inspiration and motivation–some tangible strategies to help you rediscover your passions and break through mental blocks and other obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals? Let Earl Nightingale, one of the most successful radio broadcasters of all time and an expert on joyful, purposeful living, help you actualize your dreams by showing you the importance of creative thinking and impactful communication. As you’ll discover, these two elements hold the key to healthy relationships, excellence in leadership, success in business, and effectiveness in public speaking.

      Your Greatest Asset contains some of Nightingale’s most inspiring broadcasts on the subjects of brainstorming, problem-solving, decision-making, goal achievement, and interpersonal communication. Its simple yet incisive messages will teach you techniques and attitudes, which, if practiced regularly, will result in your living an even more creative, rewarding life. In this volume, you’ll learn how to:
      *Become a better conversationalist (hint: it’s not about your speaking skills)
      *Strengthen your friendships and marriage
      *Handle disagreements in the most effective manner possible
      *Cultivate the essential qualities of leadership
      *Identify your employees’ talents and develop them accordingly
      *Persuasively sell your ideas and/or products
      *Form habits that help you overcome writer’s block and channel your creative powers
      *Expand your perspective through lateral and vertical thinking
      *Create more engaging presentations
      *And enhance your public speaking skills

      Rediscover the joy that the critical power of imagination and creative thinking can bring when applied to the three “departments of living”–your family life, your work life and leisure activities, and your income–with this invigorating collection from “the Dean of Personal Development.”

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    • Jumpstart Your Happiness


      Who doesn’t want to be happy? If there is one common goal in this world that everyone can agree on, it’s true happiness. The real question is HOW? How can you be happy, prosperous, and motivated? How can you live a life of intention? The answers are in this thought-provoking book, and it can be used as your blueprint for achieving HAPPINESS.

      In these pages, motivational speaker, bestselling author and executive coach, Shawn Doyle CSP will share with you the critical jolts to help JUMPSTART your happiness. This book is the result of thirty years of experience in motivational speaking, coaching, and training.

      Within this volume, you will learn the keys to unlocking your happiness including:
      *The role that passion plays in happiness and maximum performance
      *Understanding the power of goal-setting and achieving your dreams
      *Hacks for changing your mindset to program yourself for happiness
      *Ways to massively expand your expectations for life at work and home
      *How to confront and flatten your fears once and for all
      *How having a vision can impact your daily happiness
      *Living a life that is extraordinary and joyful every day
      *Identifying and being clear about your purpose in life

      And much much more!

      If you want to live a happy, prosperous, motivated, and intentional life-read this book and change your life today!

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