Grief and Consolation

Showing 101–150 of 212 results

  • Grieving With Hope (Reprinted)


    Practical and straightforward, yet warm and compassionate, Grieving with Hope clarifies the popular misconception that people move through stages of grief. This will be an encouragement to many, as grieving people often think something is wrong with them when their grief doesn’t proceed neatly through stages. The reality is that grieving people jump back and forth between different emotions, sometimes wrestling with multiple emotions at once.

    This book is packed with short, biblically based, gospel-centered, topical chapters addressing the issues grieving people face but are often hesitant to mention to others. It helps readers accurately interpret the message their emotions are sending them and gently guides them to determine whether they’re grieving in a way that leads to hope and ultimate healing. Developed from interviews with over 30 well-respected Christian counselors, teachers, and authors, as well as numerous personal testimonies, Grieving with Hope helps the bereaved discover how hope and peace are available amidst their heartache and pain.

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  • Grieving Hope And Solace


    Here is a tender blending of memoir and theology, a joining of heart and mind, a sober yet joyful consideration of Scripture in the face of one of life’s deepest and most grievous trials. What exactly happens to those who die as Christians? What do they immediately experience? What is their existence like right now? What will happen to them when Christ returns to earth? These questions can be especially acute for grieving loved ones who remain. What comfort and assurance does Scripture offer you? What can you truly know and be confident of? These are the questions and concerns that faced Pastor Albert N. Martin following the death of his wife of nearly 50 years. He knew that, if he were to grieve in a way that glorified God, he needed to know the answers to those questions, as clearly as possible, directly from Scripture. This book is the product of his grief, his tears, his travails, his prayers, and his concentrated study of God’s Word. A beloved pastor and widely respected preacher for half a century, Albert Martin handles Scripture with the greatest of skill, care, wisdom, and respect. In this book, you will learn what God tells us with regard to the burning questions that so often accompany the death of a loved one in Christ. There is comfort for the grief. There are answers to the questions. The Bible does offer hope, solace, healing, and confidence. Pastor Albert Martin has been there. Let him share with you the deep comfort, encouragement, and joy that he found, through Scripture, in the midst of his grieving.

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  • Love Never Dies


    Lighten your grief burden by changing how you view grief.

    Love Never Dies: Embracing Grief with Hope and Promise helps mourners, caregivers and helping professionals understand that:

    * Grief is the expression of love for the person who has died. Mourners do not need to be fixed, cured, diagnosed, pitied or corrected.
    * Healthy grief embraces the loss experience. Grief serves a purpose. Avoiding grief delays healing.
    * Maintaining a relationship with the person who has died is healthy and healing. Mourners do not have to “let go” of their loved one in order to progress successively in their grief.

    Learn insights from mourning experts that show there is:

    * HOPE for today and the future
    * PROMISE that the resources needed to get through grief are available

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  • Gone But Not Lost (Reprinted)


    We all expect our parents to precede us in death. No one expects to have to make their child’s funeral arrangements. And the loss of a child brings with it a special and persistent manifestation of grief that can feel “like a stomachache that never ends.”

    Gone but Not Lost is a thoughtful gift for a family that has experienced the death of a child. Each of its brief chapters covers one element of grieving, bringing readers through sorrow and helping them deal with feelings of anger or guilt, as well as the marital strain that may follow the loss of a beloved child.

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  • Covered And Kept


    Karen Johnson has managed to convey her deepest fears, pain, faith and joy in this intimate and honest account of her journey in her walk with Christ… She holds nothing back, hoping the reader will gain an insight to what it means to be a true woman or man of God in spite of loss and tragedy. This book will take you from Karen’s earliest experiences of her life up to the senseless and brutal murder of her late husband, Jon Johnson. You will undoubtedly learn, as she has, how God has always had his hands on her life assuring her she is, “Covered…& Kept.” – F. Byrd As I read “Covered & Kept,” my heart and head were glued to the story as if I was watching a movie. I think Karen has done an excellent job bringing honor to our heavenly Father. Blessed Be His Name, forever! – Angle Thomas “Oh, God, please tell me why?” This desperate cry rings out from the lips of two women from two distinct walks of life as their worlds are turned upside down. One was celebrating the 84th birthday of her mother-in-law while the other was out on a date night with her husband. The nightmare begins when gun shots ring out leaving two husbands dying in pools of their own blood just a mile apart. Horrified bystanders ducked for cover while witnessing police engaged in a deadly shootout that left many people asking, “Why?” This riveting book is a true story about how Satan suddenly snatched a woman’s husband without giving her “time to say goodbye.” Karen and her husband’s romantic date night suddenly ended in the tragic death of TV Cameraman Jon Johnson. The story includes the trial and verdict of the Aaron Dunn Case, Sacramento CA, 2010.

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  • Comfort For Loss Pamphlet


    God’s Care for the Brokenhearted

    Put this in the hands of a grieving friend to ease the journey through stages of grief. Words of comfort and biblical examples of grief for losses of many kinds help to give perspective, meaning, and hope to the devastation of loss through death, divorce, and the ending of significant relationships.

    Loss is inevitable. But hope is available.

    Everyone goes through loss, but the pain of losing a loved one is especially difficult. It seems that the sadness will go on forever. Every moment is consumed with the overwhelming grief that the loss is final. The agony makes us wonder if the tears will ever stop. Our hearts break with despair. We desperately want some sense of comfort. We need compassion and understanding. We long for a time of renewed hope and a reason for living.

    And the Scripture gives us this message of comfort-
    God sees your broken heart. He hears your cries. He cares for you and has a message you need to hear.

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  • Alientate – (Spanish)


    This is the Spanish version of Have Heart: Bridging the Gulf Between Heaven and Earth. Desde que su hijo Josias se fue al cielo en su cumpleaos numero 19, Steve y Sarah Berger han desarrollado una nueva, contagiosa pasion y emocion por el Cielo, sus habitantes y la actividad que ahi se lleva a cabo. Como pastor y esposa de pastor, han aconsejado a innumerables familias es su tiempo de mas necesidad, pero el 14 de Agosto, 2009, Dios mando a su propio familia en una jornada que por siempre cambio sus vidas. Cuando doblaron sus rodillas y clamaron a Dios y buscaron respuestas en la Biblia, Dios comenzo a revelar su verdad por medio de pasajes familiares de la Palabra de Dios. “Alientate” representa el fruto de sus propios estudios del Cielo, lamento, corazones rotos, honrando el legado de un ser amado y viviendo cada dia con el Cielo en la mente. Si estas lamentando la ida de un ser querido o si tienes curiosidad acerca de como es el Cielo, “Alientate” te animara a poner tu confianza en Jesus y tu esperanza en el Cielo. Since their son Josiah went to Heaven on his 19th birthday, Steve and Sarah Berger have developed a new , contagious passion and excitement for Heaven, its inhabitants and it’s activity. As a pastor and pastor’s wife, they had counseled countless families in their time of deepest need, but on August 14, 2009, God launched their own family on a journey that has forever changed their lives. As they hit their knees and cried out to God and searched their Bibles for answers, God began to reveal fresh truth and healing from familiar passages in His Word. Have Heart presents the fruit of their personal studies on Heaven, grieving, broken heartedness, honoring a loved ones legacy and living each day with Heaven in mind. If you are grieving the passing of a loved one or if you’re just curious about what Heaven is like, Have Heart will encourage you to firmly place your trust in Jesus and your hope in Heaven.

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  • More Glimpses Of Heaven (Reprinted)


    Following her successful Glimpses of Heaven, Trudy Harris has collected even more true stories of the tender beauty and pain of life’s end. Through her own stories and those of medical professionals and hospice workers, Harris brings readers with her on the search for God, forgiveness, faith, repentance, and ultimate acceptance and peace. The perfect gift for someone who has experienced the death of a loved one, More Glimpses of Heaven will bring peace and comfort to all who read it.

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  • Journey To Joy


    Journey to Joy takes its readers along twists and turns as the author walks through the tunnel of grief while dealing with the loss of her husband of 44 years. It is not easy to accept life when God takes something cherished from your grasp. As you read through the pages and the pathway traveled, you will find that God does not punish us; rather, He opens our hands and hearts to receive what He has for those of us who remain until our own journey comes to an end. You will learn that the will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you.

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  • Christ A Sheltering Tree


    Carol Scarbrough attended Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri, University of New Mexico, Central New Mexico Community college both in Albuquerque and got her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Azusa Pacific University in California. She graduated with honors: Alpha Chi, awarded most outstanding student in Psychology and nominated for Who’s Who. Carol was in ministry for over fifteen years She worked in a counseling center for troubled youth abusing drugs and alcohol. She also worked in Mexico as a summer intern. She taught art at Ozark Christian College and traveled with the Singing Strings doing chalk drawings for churches, juvenile homes, Indian reservations and a prison farm. Carol with her professor Husband at Azusa Pacific University helped co sponsor The International Fellowship of international students. Carol is now active in Missionary Care at her church and she enjoys working in computer graphics and design. Psalms 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

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  • What Was Lost


    United Methodist Pastor Elise Erikson Barrett draws on her own painful experiences as well as on interviews with others who have gone through the devastation of miscarriage in an effort to help women grieve and, in time, to think theologically about pregnancy loss.
    Barrett also offers some much-needed practical advice about breaking the news to others, coping with insensitive comments, and grieving what is often a private loss, unmarked by the world.

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  • Twisted Logic


    Twisted Logic:The Shadow of Suicide, is a book that all pastors should have in their library. At one time or another, pastors will encounter suicide, and they need to be equipped to help those who are dealing with a loved one who has committed suicide, or a person who is being tempted to commit suicide. Twisted Logic covers the warning signs and provides a “how to guide in dealing with the people who are suffering. This book gives basic steps and does not leave you wondering what the next step is; it reminds the reader that they need to walk with God. It is with God’s help that the one who suffers will find strength to overcome the temptation of suicide. For the family that is walking in the grief of the painful reality of suicide, Twisted Logic will bring them hope and understanding.”

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  • Have Heart : Bridging The Gulf Between Heaven And Earth


    Since their son Josiah went to Heaven on his 19th birthday, Steve and Sarah Berger have developed a new , contagious passion and excitment for Heaven, its inhabitants and it’s activity. As a pastor and pastor’s wife, they had counseled countless families in their time of deepest need, but on August 14, 2009, God launched their own famliy on a journey that has forever changed their lives. As they hit their knees and cried out to God and searched their Bibles for answers, God began to reveal fresh truth and healing from familiar passages in His Word. Have Heart presents the fruit of their personal studies on Heaven, grieving, brokenheartedness, honoring a loved ones legacy and living each day with Heaven in mind.

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  • When A Pill Wont Reach The Pain


    Author Rev. Judy Correll Hames grew up thinking that if she was good enough, she would be protected from the pain and tragedy of life. That proved unfortunately false on November 15, 1998, when she was faced with the death of her beloved son, John. She turned to God for peace and healing. Now, in her new title, When A Pill Won’t Reach The Pain, she offers readers a survival guide for dealing with all sorts of pain.

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  • Photos Of The Heart


    Out of my hopelessness and desperation, I realized I couldn’t go on living with this terrible pain that had taken over my life. I needed help, but I didn’t know who could help me deal with this grief I was going through. I knew I couldn’t do it in my own strength, and it had to be someone much stronger than me. It had to be someone who could understand and know the pain in my heart. I found that someone who took away this pain that was choking the life out of me. I found strength in his loving arms. Without Him, I could not have made it on my own. He knew what I was going through because He could feel my pain. This is my story about my grief journey and how someone rescued me from my grief. He gave me so much of Himself that the only way I could share it with you is to take you through the ‘Photos of The Heart.”

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  • Still Healing


    Still Healing!
    Pastor Lloyd Wright Sr.:

    Jesus tells us in the gospel of Luke chapter 4:18 that he comes to heal the broken hearted. Many people hearts are broken and crushed after losing a spouse. If you want to be healed, look to God. God still wants to heal you no matter how unbearable your pain may be.

    For those of you struggling with a sick child and going through a divorce or remarriage, I strongly encourage you to embrace my words of encouragement and the many experiences I share in this book.

    Reverend Lloyd Wright is the Senior Pastor of the Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church-in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is married and has a son.

    Pam Battle:
    I want to share with you how God, is definitely my healer. Walking through the dark journey of losing my spouse to cancer and then being diagnosed with breast cancer, I call this double jeopardy.

    Raising three small children without their father truly was a trying time for me because my heart was truly broken. I didn’t want to live, but God came through and helped me to trust and have faith in him. As you read Still Healing, you will see how God has helped me to heal in many areas of my life. My prayer for you is that you let God help you through this difficult time in your life.

    The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Psalm 34:18

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  • Heaven Bound : Know Where Your Saved Loved One Has Gone And Recovering From






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  • Making Sense Of Life And Death


    Have you ever wondered why you are here, or what possible difference your life might make in the world? Have you ever been frustrated in trying to find meaning or purpose in your life? Or have you ever wondered what happens when you die?

    This book addresses those questions, and more, about life and death. More importantly, it points you to the proof that your life is important, and that the best is yet to come.

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  • Too Soon To Say Goodbye


    Tragically, every 16 minutes someone in the United States chooses death by selfmurder. Particularly affecting young people, suicide was recently determined to be the third leading cause of death for those aged 10-24.Too Soon to Say Goodbye offers a renewal of courage and faith for families andfriends grieving this inconceivable loss.Written by three women all uniquely affected by suicide, the book explores theaftermath from a wide range of real stories.Specially selected Scripture passages and Bible stories demonstrate God’s loveand compassion in times of sorrow. Additional insights from those who have walked on the brink of suicide address difficult questions.And for those who may be considering suicide, the authors offer encouragement to choose life over death.

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  • Widowed


    Widowed is the true story of how our family lost my wife and her father. It is a deep and personal look at living with illness, realizing you can be left alone and having to make sense of the death of a spouse. Widowed contains excerpts of some of the most personal conversations, prayers and feelings I took part in before and after my wife passed away. In reading it, I hope you come to realize that no matter what life throws at you, you will be ok and that God will see you through any ordeal. No matter what lies Satan whispers in your ear or how bad things may seem, always remember that God truly does care.

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  • Widowed


    Widowed is the true story of how our family lost my wife and her father. It is a deep and personal look at living with illness, realizing you can be left alone and having to make sense of the death of a spouse. Widowed contains excerpts of some of the most personal conversations, prayers and feelings I took part in before and after my wife passed away. In reading it, I hope you come to realize that no matter what life throws at you, you will be ok and that God will see you through any ordeal. No matter what lies Satan whispers in your ear or how bad things may seem, always remember that God truly does care.

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  • Ministries Of The Holy Spirit


    The Struggle of the sudden death of his thirty-five year old daughter, Kelley, motivated Pastor Duncan to enter into a daily study of the Holy Bible seeking answers, understanding, and comfort from the Holy Spirit. Those studies greatly aided Pastor Duncan in healing his broken heart. As a result of those studies, this book, Ministries of the Holy Spirit was written. Ministries of the Holy Spirit is a book for anyone searching for faith, God’s grace, salvation, understanding, hope, comfort, strength to withstand the trials, and assurance. It is an humble work about the great work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of God’s children through His various ministries.

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  • Gift Of Presence


    Unfortunately, suffering is a part of living. None of us have escaped this fact. Even so, it’s difficult to know how to console someone going through a broken place.

    In The Gift of Presence, Bishop Joe Pennel offers practical help to give confidence and skill to clergy and laity serving the broken hearted. With a central message on the importance of simply being there, Pennel combines practical “how-to’s” with prayers, readings, and services. This small, casebound book outlines real ways to help through planning visits, writing notes, finding scriptures and prayers to read, avoiding cliches, and thinking through the theology of God, humans, and suffering.

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  • Hearing Jesus Speak Into Your Sorrow


    SKU (ISBN): 9781414325484ISBN10: 1414325487Nancy GuthrieBinding: Cloth TextPublished: July 2009Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers

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  • It Just Doesnt Make Sense


    Healing in the aftermath of a great loss is not easy. When the love of my life was lost to a brain tumor, grief recovery became unimaginable. Through the process of writing, I am helping myself to heal and documenting information that may help others. This book records the events and feelings we experienced during the three months and two weeks from diagnosis to the death of my wife. The role of doctors, friends, family, and pastors is presented, along with the tools and techniques that helped us to traverse this “valley of the shadow of death.” If you do not share our Christian faith, the tools, techniques, and experiences are still worth reading. The battle with cancer is difficult. Shared experience is a useful weapon in battle.

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  • Grief To Grace


    How does someone cope with the knowledge that she almost killed her son with her own truck? How does someone recover from guilt after her little girl’s life is cut short because of a silly mother-daughter game? How does someone overcome flashbacks of a head on collision? These were the questions I had to ask after three separate automobile accidents shattered my world. The emotional pain they inflicted on me was unrelenting, causing me to cry out, “Lord, when will bad things stop happening to me?” I didn’t think I could endure the wounds caused by these tragedies, but God helped me walk through the dark valley and back into the light. He can do the same for you. With His help, you can see the sunshine again. I invite you to read my story and see how God’s grace is more than sufficient for your grief.

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  • Gods Little Sunflower


    The death of a child. In the blink of an eye your life is changed forever. What do you do when you are left with a pain too deep for words? God’s Little Sunflower takes you through a grief journey, expressing the rawness of every emotion. On this journey, you will travel down many roads. You will be taken to a place where true comfort can be found, in the arms of the loving Savior, Jesus Christ. There you will find empathy, encouragement, understanding, and peace as you travel this difficult road.

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  • Naming The Child


    SKU (ISBN): 9781557255853ISBN10: 1557255857Jenny SchroedelBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2009Publisher: Paraclete Press Print On Demand Product

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  • Grief Recovery Handbook (Anniversary)


    Newly updated and expanded to commemorate its 20th anniversary-this classic resource helps people complete the grieving process and move toward recovery and happiness

    Incomplete recovery from grief can have a lifelong negative effect on the capacity for happiness. Drawing from their own histories as well as from others’, the authors illustrate how it is possible to recover from grief and regain energy and spontaneity. Based on a proven program, The Grief Recovery Handbook offers grievers the specific actions needed to move beyond loss.

    New material in this edition includes:
    How to choose which loss you should work on first
    How to deal with growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home
    Loss of faith
    Loss of career
    Loss of health
    And much, much more.

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  • Pastoral Care In Times Of Death And Dying


    Counseling someone who is dying or consoling a family who has suffered a death is one of the hardest parts of ministry. In times like these it’s important for pastors to know what to say and how best to offer their support.

    Pastoral Care in Times of Death and Dying is a practical guide that offers step-by-step direction and solid advice for handling the difficult responsibility of ministering to others in situations surrounding death. From visiting and shepherding the terminally ill to overseeing funeral arrangements and comforting grieving families, Danny Goddard helps pastors, chaplains, and lay leaders understand their roles and bereavement responsibilities so they ll know the best way to offer compassion, love, and support to those who need it most.

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  • Unplanned Journey : A Triumph In Life And Death


    Whatever He wants, were some of the final words of Philip Joseph Morrow late in the night of April 12, 2005. He was looking at a picture of Jesus which was upright at the end of his hospital bed, occasionally raising his head to look up at it. Can you see him, Honey? I would say to him. Sure can, he is my mate was Phil’s response. That night, at just after 11:11pm, Phil finally met his mate Jesus.This is the story that Philip wanted told. He kept a detailed account of his journey and process for the five months leading up to his death as did his wife Tanya for the months thereafter. This is a story of faith and hope. It brings hope and courage to others who are facing the grief of loss and are now finding their way in life. The author also reveals her process for the twelve months after that April night and the raw emotion which accompanies grief. She openly shares of how it was her faith and abandonment to God which always saw her through.

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  • Heaven Tours : Astonishing Journeys


    Heaven Tours is Rita Bennett’s second book on the fascinating topic of Heaven. Through biblical teaching and the stories of people who have visited heaven and have had near-deth experiences, this book clearly presents Heaven as a real place of unconditional love, tangible peace, phenomenal beauty, radiant light, and great glory.This is a book of comfort, spiritual understanding, and emotional healing, and for those who have lost
    loved ones, this book will give reassurance, peace, and hope. The author openly and directly answers questions about Heaven and eternal life.

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  • See You Later Alligator After While Crocodile


    Explores the feelings and frustrations of those who have lost a loved one. With empathy and a touch of whimsy, the author walks the reader through the stages of grief. As one alligator who has lost multiple crocodiles in her life, she provides encouragement to take the steps necessary to work through grief and get to a new normal in life. Encouraging Scriptures help the reader to embrace life and realize that God is still in control. Journal questions and pages also help the reader to record important thoughts and experience renewed life.

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  • Stories From The Edge


    This is not a book about the stages of grief, or the 10 steps to overcoming it. In fact, it’s more about suffering in general than bereavement in particular. Garrett (The Gospel According to Hollywood) draws on a summer he spent doing clinical pastoral education-a kind of boot camp for hospital chaplains-to discuss age-old theodicy questions. The book challenges certain myths that American Christians have swallowed about God-e.g., that God is a transactional ATM who is obligated to dispense good things to the faithful, or that it’s Satan, not God, who makes rotten things happen. Some of these myths are eloquently debunked, while others-such as Americans’ persistent faith in consumerism and their ability to “buy” health and happiness-deserve more ink. Garrett scores points with the powerful stories of the hospital patients he prayed alongside as well as his own autobiographical discussions of dealing with severe depression. Christians who are looking for theologically nuanced ways of thinking about suffering can learn much from this brief book.

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  • Courage To Grieve


    This unusual self-help book about surviving grief offers the reader comfort and inspiration. Each of us will face some loss, sorrow and disappointment in our lives, and The Courage to Grieve provides the specific help we need to enable us to face our grief fully and to recover and grow from the experience. Although the book emphasizes the response to the death of a loved one, The Courage to Grieve can help with every kind of loss and grief.

    Judy Tatelbaum gives us a fresh look at understanding grief, showing us that grief is a natural, inevitable human experience, including all the unexpected, intense and uncomfortable emotions like sorrow, guilt, loneliness, resentment, confusion, or even the temporary loss of the will to live. The emphasis is to clarify and offer help, and the tone is spiritual, optimistic, creative and easy to understand. Judy Tatelbaum provides excellent advice on how to help oneself and others get through the immediate experience of death and the grief that follows, as well as how to understand the special grief of children. Particularly useful are the techniques for completing or “finishing” grief–counteracting the popular misconception that grief never ends. The Courage to Grieve shows us how to live life with the ultimate courage: not fearing death. This book is about so much more than death and grieving it is about life and joy and growth.

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  • Saving A Life


    Young Jeff Morris never quite fit in. As a result, his behavior got more destructive as he grew older. His parents diligently prayed for his life, all the while wondering, what will save our son? But when Jeff was found dead from a drug overdose, the resulting answers were anything but expected.

    This book tells the intimate story of a family surviving unspeakable tragedy. Reeling from the aftershock of their son’s death, the couple discovers that God is ever faithful, and that Christ is always present.

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  • Mourners Comforter : Isaiah 61 Explained


    The Mourner’s Comforter, new edition of Spurgeon’s Shilling Series, Volume 4, first published in 1875. From the time of Spurgeon this was not reprinted until 1975 when a rare copy was found in the library of an American brother. “Heavy heart, this book is meant for you. He who sends forth this volume knows the heart of a mourner by a kindred experience, and is most anxious to be a ‘son of consolation’ to the sorrowing. This little volume is meant to scare the night raven, of which Milton tells us that it sits ‘where brooding darkness spreads his jealous wings.’ Most men know it as Religious Melancholy, but we call it by the older and more scriptural name of Mourning in Zion” (C.H. Spurgeon). Seven discourses on Isaiah 61:1-3.

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  • Unwelcome Journey : Understanding The Journey Of Grief


    This book was written with three things in mind: (1) that the grieving soul might realize the thoughts and feelings he/she is experiencing are not unique to him/her but that many others are having the same feelings and thoughts; (2) that the experiences of many who have traveled this unwelcome journey before are available to help us on the journey; and (3) to give new insights to the Christian community and others, so they may develop more effective ways to “be there” for the grieving friend or relative.

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  • Living In The Shadow Of The Ghosts Of Your Grief


    Explaining how multitudes of North Americans are carrying the pain of all types of loss-not just the deaths of loved ones but also the loss of a spouse through divorce, children who leave home, and the decline of health as they age or get sick-this balanced resource empowers mourners and grief counselors to turn grief into an experience to be learned from. Defining the varieties of heartache and its consequences, this effective guide explores how to inventory, understand, embrace, and reconcile one’s accumulated sorrow through a five-phase “catch-up” mourning process. Readers will learn to use a spiritual and holistic approach to examine and integrate the ignored loss from their pasts, so that they can go on to live fuller, more balanced lives.

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  • Lingering Grief : Listening For God In The Pain


    In 1993, Smyth & Helwys released the book Learning to Dream Again, by noted pastor, teacher, and writer Charles Bugg. The book told of Bugg’s son David, whose malignant brain tumor sent David and his entire family down a path filled with the pain of medical tests, surgeries, and radiation, as well as the disappointment of dreams which may never be fulfilled. The response to Bugg’s story in Learning to Dream Again was overwhelming. Fourteen years later, Bugg has updated the story in this new book, Lingering Grief. Not only does this new book continue the story of David and his family, but it also considers the stories of countless others who connected to the earlier book and who shared with the author their stories of dealing with the lingering grief of their pain and, indeed, learning to dream again.

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  • Funeral Services


    Circumstances Include:
    Infant Death Due To Mistreatment
    Child Death By Drowning
    Youth Murder
    Youth Suicide
    Youth Death From Hazing
    Adult Who Dies In Prison
    Adult Death Due To Work Accident
    Older Adult Who Dies In Nursing Home
    Older Adult Who Dies Alone

    Additional Info
    The pain of loss comes to all ages and life situations. Funeral Services helps pastors prepare for especially difficult funerals. Services are included for infants, children, youth, younger adults, adults, and elderly persons in a wide variety of tragic circumstances.
    Each service is set in a ministry context and includes a sample sermon, Scripture text, and prayers.

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  • Suddenly Your World Falls Apart


    Suddenly-Your World Falls Apart-A Guide To Grieving Wellis a personal testimony and practical guide in dealing with life changes when the death of a spouse occurs. Even when there has been a long illness, adjusting to that loss can be hard and seem sudden. Nancy Markworth Brown has written an inspiring book that evolved through her own losses of two husbands’ sudden deaths only five years apart. Nancy has lead a grief support group at her church for eight years and has included a workbook page after each chapter to help participants stay close to God through scripture and meditation questions. This book is for bereaved, support groups, or individuals. It would also be helpful for someone trying to help a friend through a loss, or a minister. What Others Have Said About The Book I sensed a deep and settled trust in God that can only come after tragedy strikes. Gently it says, you can make it. You are not alone. Jonathan Friesen, writer. This is a book to give to anyone you love who is hurting because of a loss. Nancy encourages faith in God without platitudes. She offers hope while still validating the depth of pain that grief can cause. Sharon Hinck, author of THE SECRET LIFE OF BECKY MILLER Compassion is what clearly marked Jesus as He walked on earth. Today He uses gentle healers like Nancy Markworth Brown to touch and heal the brokenhearted. Nancy’s guide to grieving well is a valuable resource for church groups and individuals. Margaret Montreuil, author of GOD IN SANDALS and GOD WITH US.

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  • What Can I Do


    Tangible, practical ways to help those who grieve.

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  • From Mourning To Morning


    No matter what type of loss one may have suffered, know that crying may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). From Mourning to Morning: Putting on the Garment of Praise is a compilation of inspirational poems that will: * Minister to your spirit and soul * Renew your mind * Release God’s joy back into your life The author invites you to join her journey as she walked the path of mourning the loss of her son to being able to praise the Son. It is the prayer of the author that the poems and devotional scriptures will help others to move from pain to praise. Decree and Declare it is my Morning Time!

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  • Recovering From Losses In Life (Revised)


    Best-selling author and certified trauma specialist H. Norman Wright offers gentle guidance, encouragement, and hope-filled counsel for anyone experiencing loss or disaster. Study questions included.

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  • Roses In December


    Used for years by individuals, grief counselors, and support groups, Roses in December has helped readers understand the grieving process, support family members, give insight into sibling grief, and maintain their marriages during difficult times. This newly revised edition offers the same compassion and encouragement plus chapters on losing loved ones under special circumstances, such as suicide and AIDS.

    With deep empathy, Marilyn helps those who are grieving find God’s comfort. Having lost three sons, she knows the tremendous sorrows and struggles that come with the death of loved ones. Yet she shares how even in the winters of our lives God provides roses-special occasions, special people, and special memories-to give us strength and draw close to Him

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  • Long Shadowed Grief


    In the aftermath of suicide, friends and family face a long road of grief and reflection. With a sympathetic eye and a firm hand, Harold Ivan Smith searches for the place of the spirit in the wake of suicide. He asks how one may live a spiritual life as a survivor, and he addresses the way faith is permanently altered by “the residue of stigma” that attaches to suicide.

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  • Life Everlasting : The Essential Book Of Funeral Resources


    This comprehensive volume is a must-have resource for every pastor. It contains over 100 sample sermons from preachers across the denominational spectrum, plus a vast array of prayers, scripture readings, and other material for planning and conducting meaningful funeral services. A convenient CD with text files for quick tailoring to specific circumstances is also included.

    The sermons cover a wide range of topics, including:
    * honoring the long and fruitful lives of faithful Christians
    * comforting the families and friends of children who left this world too soon
    * dealing with troubling questions about God raised by those who have suffered
    * offering solace to the loved ones of those who have died suddenly and unexpectedly
    * demonstrating how the image of God is present even in difficult and unsavory people
    * celebrating a variety of distinctive “characters”
    * addressing the difficult issues associated with those who have committed suicide
    * witnessing the Christian message of salvation to the unchurched

    Life Everlasting is also packed with other valuable resources:
    * children’s messages that help young people grasp the meaning of death
    * prayers and other liturgical material, including calls to worship and responsive scripture readings
    * an extensive selection of scripture texts, each with brief “sermon starter” ideas
    * lists of appropriate musical repertoire, including hymns, choral music, instrumental music, and music for soloists

    With all this in one volume, Life Everlasting provides a complete set of practical tools for making funerals powerfully effective moments of ministry that reaffirm the central Christian message of Jesus Christ’s victory over death.

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  • What Not To Say To Hurting People


    Addresses the inadequacies that we all face, each time we find ourselves confronted with the challenge of comfortin someone who has just faced a tragedy. It points out the emptiness in some of the things that we do or say at such times and urges us to take a more thoughtful and realistic approach when comforting hurting people.

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  • Lay Pastoral Workers Hospital Handbook


    SKU (ISBN): 9780819221902ISBN10: 0819221902Neville KirkwoodBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 2005Publisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product

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