



    Stephen Crotts

    • Sembrador – (Spanish)


      Desde la creacion hasta la restauracion final, la Escritura representa una pintura vivida de Dios como un labrador sembrando semillas, plantando jardines y trayendo vida a traves del poder de Su palabra. El sembrador presenta estas imagenes biblicas a los lectores jovenes para ayudarlos a entender la redencion historica y a estar deseosos de una reconciliacion futura. Las ilustraciones vivas complementan el estilo lirico de este libro para captar la imaginacion de los nios y mostrar la obra de Dios en la creacion y en los corazones de Su pueblo.

      *Ideal para nios de 5-10 aos de edad: Introduce la gran historia de la redencion de manera artistica y creativa.

      *Introduccion a la teologia Biblica: Traza el tema de Dios como labrador, cultivador y viador a traves de la Biblia.

      *Atractivo y elegante: Las ilustraciones vividas por Stephen Crotts inspiran asombro por la obra creativa de Dios en nuestros corazones y en el mundo.

      From creation to final restoration, Scripture paints a vivid picture of God as a gardener sowing seeds, planting gardens, and bringing life through the power of his word. The Sower introduces this biblical imagery to young readers to help them understand the story of redemptive history and look forward to future reconciliation.

      Vibrant illustrations complement the book’s lyrical style to engage a child’s imagination and display God’s cultivating work in creation and in the hearts of his people.

      *Ideal for Children Ages 5-10: Introduces the grand story of redemption in an artistic, imaginative way

      *Introduction to Biblical Theology: Traces the theme of God as a gardener, cultivator, and vinedresser throughout the Bible

      *Engaging and Elegant: Vivid illustrations by Stephen Crotts inspire wonder at God’s creative work in our hearts and in the world

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    • Forgotten King


      This rhyming picture-book is a parable…a short story to help engage our imaginations with what God is doing in His world. What happens when a people forget their good king and lose their way? How does the king respond? Who is he going to send to make things right again? How is he going to make sure that he’ll never be forgotten?

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    • Fine Gospel For Preaching Cycle B


      One of the enduring legacies of the Revised Common Lectionary is its ability to draw different parts of scripture together to form a coherent narrative, drawing congregations from around the world into the life-changing message of faith in Jesus Christ. Each element of the lectionary brings its own point of view into this message, giving us insights into its origins, the impact on its original hearers, as well as its relevance for our lives today. In the gospel message, we see the drama of Jesus’ life and ministry and are challenged to join in it.

      A Fine Gospel for Preaching covers the last third of the Pentecost season, bringing the church year to a close. In examining these passages from the life and teachings of Jesus, Crotts reminds us not just of their importance to their original hearers, but also of their continued relevance almost 2,000 years later. These scriptures are timeless, and Crotts demonstrates how we can apply the lessons of these words to our twenty-first-century lifestyle.

      This collection of sermons is a valuable resource for:

      – Sermon starters and illuminating illustrations

      – Gaining a new homiletical perspective to the lectionary

      – Offering a newer, deeper understanding and appreciation of scripture

      – Using as a starter for adult Bible study groups or personal devotions

      This sermon collection includes:

      The Dangers of Being Religious

      Teach Your Dollars to Make More Sense!

      The End of Worry

      … and many more!

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    • And Still The Hour Shines


      Are you tired of going with the flow of the rest of the world? Do you want to stand out from the crowd and be counter-cultural, perhaps even revolutionary? While this may seem to be a tall order to many of us, the blueprints for personal and cultural change have been with us for centuries in the words of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

      Considered by many to be the most powerful message ever recorded, the Sermon on the Mount flies in the face of much of what our society esteems. In a world that thrives on stress, irreverence, and greed, Jesus describes a life of spiritual contentment, deep piety, and abundant generosity. And Still the Hour Shines… journeys through the Sermon on the Mount, examining everything from the Beatitudes to its teachings on prayer and giving. As Stephen Crotts unearths the simple yet profound messages in this passage, holding these principles up against our current societal standards, he calls us to embark on a different journey, living as examples of hope and goodness for the rest of the world to see. This resource is ideal not just for personal study but also for sermon inspiration and small group study.

      And Still the Hour Shines… calls us to shine as beacons of light, guiding a world in darkness to its savior.

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    • Psalm For Every Sigh


      At the literal center of every Bible is the book of Psalms. Just as the heart is the symbolic center of human emotion, the psalms contain some of the most emotional passages in all of scripture, from the heights of jubilant praise to the depths of despair and mourning. All of us, to some degree, can relate to the psalms.

      A Psalm for Every Sigh is a collection of observations and musings on specific psalms. Each psalm relates to various aspects of the human experience, from the peace and tranquility of Psalm 23, or the penitence and confession of Psalm 32, to our awe and wonder at beholding God’s creation in Psalm 8. A Psalm for Every Sigh relates the emotions portrayed in each selected psalm to the emotions we experience in our world today. This is a valuable addition to any personal or group Bible study.
      While much of the world is different today than in the time of David and the other psalm writers, the joy, the pain, the anguish, and the exultation are still the same. That is why the psalms still carry such a powerful impact thousands of years after they were written.

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    • Heroes Of The Faith Speak


      Learn the fascinating stories of seven historical and biblical personages in this wide-ranging collection of first-person monologue sermons from the pen of popular CSS author Stephen Crotts. Perfect for presentation from the pulpit, these delightfully creative pieces are excellent for varying routine preaching fare or covering pastoral vacations. And the concise biographical portraits also make informative programming for men’s, women’s, or youth groups, as well as inspiring devotional reading.

      Characters profiled include:
      * William Bradford
      * Christopher Columbus
      * Martin Luther
      * Saint Patrick
      * Saint Nicholas
      * Paul
      * The Tenth Leper (from the parable in Luke 17:11-19)

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    • Sermons On The Gospel Readings Series 1 Cycle A


      Filled with insight, imagination, and inspiration, this anthology offers a treasure trove of spiritual guidance for living in today’s materialistic world. Five distinguished preachers from a variety of denominations and ministry settings contribute compelling messages based on the Gospel texts for each Sunday and major celebration in Cycle A of the Revised Common Lectionary. Weaving the story of Jesus’ ministry into the dynamic tapestry of our contemporary human condition, these sermons proclaim the Good News with strength and vision, and they provide abundant witness to the transforming power of God’s Word.

      This essential resource is useful for:
      * Fresh homiletical approaches to the lectionary texts
      * Preaching illustrations
      * Understanding scripture passages
      * Adult study and discussion groups
      * Personal devotions and Bible study

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    • Long Time Coming Cycle A


      It is not God’s plan to take us by surprise. Throughout scripture there is the rolling thunder of the Deity’s voice resounds: “I’m going to do it! Get ready! Pay close attention! Here comes what I promised!” We call such predictions “prophecy,” history written before it happens. And about nothing is God more prophetic, more predictive, than Jesus Christ. (from the Foreword)

      In Long Time Coming! Stephen Crotts proclaims the richness of Jesus’ birth. Noting that the Lord always tells us ahead of time what he is about to do, his 14 sermons based on Old Testament lectionary texts examine how God foretold in Isaiah’s prophetic ministry that he would save and redeem mankind.

      Sermon titles include:
      * Still Small Voice — Isaiah 11:1-10
      * When A Halo Slips — Jeremiah 31:7-14
      * What Does Your God Say About People Like Me? — Isaiah 42:1-9
      * Let Sleeping Dogmas Awake! — Isaiah 58:1-9a (9b-12)

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    • Wearing The Wind Cycle B


      Stephen Crotts tells us that “nothing is spared the Spirit’s influence. He shapes our friendships, our marriages, our love for our enemies, our heritage, sexual passion, wisdom, even our femininity and self-esteem.” One of the nation’s most eloquent preachers pulls contemporary wisdom from these ancient texts with sermons such as “How To Affair-Proof Your Marriage,” “How To Treat Your Enemies,” and “Godly Sexual Passion For An X-Rated World.” Preachers will find much food for thought in these ten sermons based on Cycle B Old Testament texts.

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    • Saint Nicholas Speaks


      Includes Costume Instructions

      How recently have you shared with your congregation and its children the story of the “Christian” Saint Nicholas? This book offers you the opportunity to tell the story in a visual way by dressing the part of The Bishop of Myra, Turkey.

      Saint Nicholas Speaks enables you to tell the story in an informal format with children, from your pulpit, or to groups outside the church. The monologue is also appropriate for parents and grandparents to read to young children during Advent.

      The book offers instructions on how to make Saint Nicholas’ costume and a brief description of Christmas traditions in eight countries around the world.

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