Camino Mas Excelente – (Spanish)
Las raices de muchas enfermedades psicologicas y biologicas son espirituales. El autor Henry W. Wright no solamente le ensea a la iglesia a derrotar las enfermedades, sino que tambien las desmitifica mostrando –desde la perspectiva de Dios– el por que la humanidad sufre de enfermedades.
Un Camino Mas Excelente es un recurso valioso para ayudar a los lideres espirituales, profesionales del cuidado de la salud y a todo individuo a entender las dinamicas espirituales detras de las enfermedades del cuerpo, del espiritu y del alma. Este libro le ayudara a descubrir por que la humanidad sufre de enfermedades, las raices espirituales de las enfermedades, obstrucciones para la sanidad, una eficaz prevencion contra las enfermedades y senderos espirituales hacia la salud integral.
A More Excellent Way supplies profound knowledge about the secrets of healing and the prevention of disease. Using sound scriptural and scientific observation, Dr. Henry W. Wright leads the reader on a journey of personal responsibility, identifying root causes to specific diseases and offering pathways of healing and wholeness that were never meant to remain dormant in the body of Christ. Here, you will understand why mankind has disease, identify specific blocks to healing, and discover spiritual pathways to health.
Tens of thousands have experienced healing through the discernment found in A More Excellent Way when nothing else was working. An invaluable resource in understanding the spiritual dynamics behind diseases of the spirit, soul, and body, this book is a must-read for spiritual leaders, health-care professionals, and individuals everywhere!
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SKU (ISBN): 9798887692883
Language: Spanish
Henry Wright
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: September 2024
Publisher: Whitaker House Publishers
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