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    • De Compras Con El Y Ella – (Spanish)


      Men and women are different. The plumbing is different; the wiring is different. Not better or worse, just different. To say this in the post-feminist corporate arena has been political suicide. But the science has confirmed that men and women use different parts of their brains and thus behave differently in a host of situations, including the way we shop, buy and consume products and services. As a sales, advertising or marketing professional understanding these differences is the key to your success. As a child, you were taught The Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be treated. But as you grew up, it became evident (often on the school playground) that half of the others-those of the opposite sex-don’t respond well to being treated the way that you want to be treated. If you still are treating the other half of your customers the way you want to be treated you are likely missing half (or more) of your market and leaving half (or more) of your sales on the table. To increase sales, you must understand what uniquely drives your customers, male and female, and maximize your options for communicating with them. Whether you sell tangible products like cars and homes or intangible products like financial services or business solutions, read on. Understanding the inherent perceptions, motivations and emotions specific to the X and the Y chromosomes is the most powerful way to increase revenue.

      Venda mas y mejor conociendo a su cliente.La ciencia es muy clara: los hombres y las mujeres usandiferentes partes de su cerebro y por lo tanto se comportan de manera distintaen muchisimas situaciones, incluyendo la manera en que vamos de compras,compramos y consumimos productos y servicios. Como profesional de ventas,publicidad o mercadeo, entender estas diferencias es la clave de nuestro exito. Paraaumentar las ventas, usted debe comprender lo que de manera singular impulsa asus clientes, masculinos o femeninos, y maximizar sus opciones para comunicarsecon ellos. Ya sea que venda productos tangibles como autos y casas o productosintangibles como servicios financieros o soluciones de negocios, De compras con el y ella le ayudara aentender las inherentes percepciones, motivaciones y emociones especificas delos cromosomas X e Y. Estas perspectivas son la manera mas poderosa paraaumentar los ingresos.

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    • Missional Entrepreneur : Principles And Practices For Business As Mission


      Both an emerging term and a developing concept, business as mission (BAM) has drawn much fascination in both mission and business circles with the concept of strategically using business to accomplish missional purposes.

      There has been much talk about BAM theory, and some good textbook research done on this. Based on the author’s firsthand research in more than 70 countries, The Missional Entrepreneur offers a uniquely informative book that helps readers see business as mission in action and understand its reality for today. Readers intrigued by microenterprise, lay leaders interested in understanding the principles and practices that make BAM effective, and students and professionals looking for an in-depth yet accessible source that explores the nuances of BAM will find all of this in the theological reflections and contemporary case studies here. Glossary of BAM terms and list of helpful BAM resources included.

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    • Communication Problem Solver


      Managers need top-flight communication skills to keep their staffs productive and collaborative. But often, those who manage lack the ability to get things back on track once miscommunication occurs. This book helps readers analyze their communication skills and challenges and explains how they can use simple problem-solving techniques to resolve the people issues that derail productivity at work. Easily accessible and filled with real world management examples, the book shows readers how to: * Set clear expectations * Ask questions that will help them uncover the facts, meet business objectives, and preserve relationships * Sharpen listening skills to grasp information better in every conversation * Avoid imprecise judgments based on emotional reactions * Provide useful feedback * Encourage collaborative interactions * Delegate more effectively * Improve performance discussions by turning judgments into observable facts * Build trusting and lasting relationships This no-nonsense guide is packed with practical tools to help any manager be immediately effective, as well as a handy list of common communication problems and corresponding solutions.

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    • Girls Guide To Power And Success


      Even now, in the 21st century, women continue to be paid less than men, are still notably absent from the executive suites, and among entrepreneurs, receive only a tiny fraction of venture capital. The struggle for equality is not yet over — and its up to women to take positive action for change. The Girls’ Guide to Power and Success shows readers how. It’s packed with frank advice and hard-won lessons including: * It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Learn to strip out the hesitant “buts”; intimate details; and indirect phrasings — and assert yourself effectively. * Develop the confidence to ask for what you want. Learn how to create opportunities for yourself rather than waiting for them to be offered. * Look for companies that “get it.” Learn to pinpoint companies that are committed to women’s advancement. With its frank advice, lively tone, and no-nonsense strategies, The Girls’ Guide to Power and Success is a powerful ally for women who are just starting their careers and those who are well established in their professions. “Even now, in the 21st century, women continue to be paid less than men, are still notably absent from the executive suites, and among entrepreneurs, receive only a tiny fraction of venture capital. The struggle for equality is not yet over — and it’s up to women to take positive action for change. The Girls’ Guide to Power and Success shows readers how. It’s packed with frank advice and hard-won lessons including: * It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Learn to strip out the hesitant “”buts””; intimate details; and indirect phrasings — and assert yourself effectively. * Develop the confidence to ask for what you want. Learn how to create opportunities for yourself rather than waiting for them to be offered. * Look for companies that “”get it.”” Learn to pinpoint companies that are committed to women’s advancement. With its frank advice, lively tone, and no-nonsense strategies, The Girls’ Guide to Power and Success is a powerful ally for women who are just starting their careers and those who are well established in their professions.”

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    • Obstacles Welcome : How To Turn Adversity Into Advantage In Business And In


      Ralph de la Vega, President and CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets, shares the lessons learned in business and in life along the journey from Cuba to Corporate America.

      Ralph de la Vega arrived in the United States from Cuba in 1962. He was alone. He was scared. He was 10. Separated from his parents by Cuban authorities just moments before they were to board a plane to Miami, de la Vega was baptized early-and abruptly-in the waters of adversity. It would be four long years before his mother, father, and sister gained legal passage to America. But while the boy would never have chosen such circumstance, it’s the man who can look back and say he would not have changed it.

      In Obstacles Welcome, de la Vega recounts his journey as a young Cuban immigrant to president and CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets, a subsidiary of AT&T Inc. (NYSE: T). A frontliner in the converging worlds of technology and communications, de la Vega takes readers behind the scenes of the Internet revolution, shares insights from the nation’s top technology companies, and chronicles the incredible obstacles intrinsic to successfully merging the largest wireless operations in U.S. history-those of Cingular Wireless and AT&T Wireless.

      Obstacles Welcome is an innovation manifesto for those committed to bigger thinking and greater results both professionally and personally. He clearly defines how to:
      * Create a detailed action plan to boost success
      * Identify and take calculated risks without fear
      * Create a values-centric, decisive leadership style
      * Transform vision into measurable results
      * Recognize opportunities and overcome obstacles
      * Communicate well and build alignment
      * Unlearn thinking that hinders innovation
      * Dream big and throw off mental limits once and for all

      Opening a powerful cache of business strategy and in-the-trenches wisdom, de la Vega illustrates that within each obstacle we encounter, there’s an opportunity that carries the potential to transform our thinking, our organizations, our communities, and our world.

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    • Lead Your Boss


      Every manager on the move wants to have influence at the top in order to get his or her ideas heard and ultimately acted upon. In Lead Your Boss, recognized leadership guru John Baldoni gives managers new-as well as tried-and-true-methods for influencing both their bosses and their peers, and giving senior leaders reasons to follow their lead. Featuring instructive stories based on real-life experiences from leaders at all levels, Lead Your Boss reveals proven strategies for: * Developing spheres of influence * Handling tough issues * Asserting oneself diplomatically * Putting the team first * Persuading up * Establishing trust * Using organizational politics to everyone’s advantage * Inspiring others through-out the organization Lead Your Boss gives readers practical, tactical advice on becoming a key player in any organization, regardless of whether or not they have an office in the Csuite-YET.

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    • 21 Leyes Irrefutables Del Lide (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


      What would happen if a top expert with more than 40 years of leadership experience were willing to distill everything he had learned about leadership into a handful of life-changing principles just for you? It would change your life. John C. Maxwell has done exactly that in The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. He has combined insights learned from his thirty-plus years of leadership successes and mistakes with observations from the worlds of business, politics, sports, religion, and military conflict. The result is a revealing study of leadership delivered as only a communicator like Maxwell can.

      ?Que sucederia si un gran experto con mas de cuarenta anos de experiencia en liderazgo estuviera dispuesto a compilar todo lo que ha aprendido acerca del tema en unos cuantos principios innovadores y todo por usted? Su vida cambiaria.John C. Maxwell ha hecho eso exactamente en Las 21 leyes irrefutables del liderazgo. Ha combinado varias observaciones de mas de cuarenta anos de exitos y fracasos personales en el liderazgo con historias del mundo de los negocios, la politica, los deportes, la religion y los conflictos militares. El resultado es un estudio revelador acerca del liderazgo como solo un comunicador de la talla de Maxwell lo puede hacer.

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    • Lider De 360 Cuaderno De Ejerc (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


      In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I’m not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don’t have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell’s principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

      Durante sus mas de cuarenta anos en ensenar acerca del liderazgo, John Maxwell se ha enfrentado a la siguiente pregunta una y otra vez: ?Como pongo en practica principios de liderazgo si no soy el jefe? En Lider de 360, cuaderno de ejercicios, Maxwell trata esta pregunta y profundiza la conversacion aun mas. Usted no tiene que ser el lider principal para causar un impacto en su organizacion. Los buenos lideres no son capaces unicamente de dirigir a sus seguidores, sino tambien son expertos en dirigir a sus supervisores y sus contemporaneos.John Maxwell ofrece principios especificos para delegar, dirigir y supervisar que acabaran con los mitos sobre el liderazgo y ofreceran una luz mas clara sobre los retos futuros. Los lideres de 360 grados pueden dirigir efectivamente, sin importar su posicion en una organizacion. Si aplica los principios de Maxwell, usted podra ampliar su influencia y poder trabajar en equipo de una manera mas eficiente.

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    • Anointed For Business (Reprinted)


      Every Business Is God’s BusinessThe notion that labor for profit and worship of God are now, and always have been, worlds apart, is patently false. The Early Church founders were mostly community leaders and highly successful businesspeople. The writing of the Gospels was entrusted to Luke, a medical doctor; Matthew, a retired tax collector; Mark, the manager of a family trust; and John, a food supplier. Lydia was “a dealer in purple cloth.” Dorcas was a clothes designer. In this expanded version of the bestselling Anointed for Business, Ed Silvoso focuses on the heart of our cities, which is the marketplace. Yet the perceived wall between commercial pursuit and service to God continues to be a barrier to advancing His kingdom. Silvoso shows Christians how to knock down that wall–and participate in an unparalleled marketplace transformation. Only then can we see God’s kingdom invade every corner of our world. Readers will appreciate Silvoso’s passionate call to men and women in the workplace to rise to their God-appointed positions.The included study guide will enable the reader to put these revolutionary concepts into action.

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    • Program Management Office Advantage


      Already a best practice for the majority of Fortune 500 companies, Program Management Office (PMO) is being embraced by large and small organizations eager to efficiently manage all their projects. This helpful guide introduces readers to the business reasons for having a centralized project department and explains the PMO’s functions and how to set up and run a PMO. Readers will find detailed information on selecting projects, conducting project health checks, providing program management training to the organization, creating and implementing a standardized program management process, and monitoring and controlling the overall status of all current projects. The book includes key definitions as well as sample forms readers can use in completing administrative tasks and producing reports. This book is an indispensable introduction to this important and powerful trend in project management.

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    • Building A Firm Foundation For Business Success


      Dr. Titshaw holds a PhD degree in Business Administration. He has over 20 years experience in the field of Human Resource Management and has owned his own business-consulting firm. He has taught numerous courses in the field of Business Administration at the graduate and undergraduate levels. He also served as a small business consultant at the University of Georgia, where he advised and assisted prospective entrepreneurs and business owners in all areas of business management including planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Dr. Titshaw also served on the Business School Advisory Council at Lee University, Cleveland, TN. He and wife, Mary Nell, currently reside in Westminster, South Carolina. They have 4 children and 6 grand children. Through this book, Dr. Titshaw provides a great service to small business entrepreneurs, both current and future. Many fail due to lack of preparation, unrealistic expectations and incompetence. This need not be with books like Titshaw’s now available. He provides an overview of all aspects of starting and operating a small business, including sample forms and practical tips from his many years of work and teaching experience. This book is ideal for the individual entrepreneur, small group or large class study. You will find no better help for this worthwhile challenge than this book.

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    • Pricing For Profit


      Many small business owners are trapped by industry pricing and market misconceptions, when they could be compensated for the true value of the product or service being offered. The low price they feel compelled to offer limits their ability to generate profits which, in turn, slows their response to changing customer needs. The good news is that a business can command almost any price it chooses by focusing on the value-not the cost-to the customer. Pricing for Profit shows businesspeople how to break out of the stranglehold of industry pricing and charge more for their wares (regardless of the competition) without alienating their customers. Readers will learn how to: * Quantify the value of their products or services * Distinguish between price buyers and value buyers * Bundle their offerings for competitive advantage and increased customer value * Craft a powerful marketing message that communicates value * Generate more unit sales and close more sales overall, at higher prices * Make more money with less effort Filled with easy-to-use formulas, sample scripts, clear examples, instructive exercises, and more, this accessible and practical guide is a must-read for businesspeople who want to be well-paid for the value they provide.

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    • Smart Selling On The Phone And Online


      Become a true sales warrior by learning how to open stronger, build trust faster, handle objections better, and close more sales. Smart Selling on the Phone and Online pinpoints the 10 skills essential to every salesperson’s high-efficiency, high-success performance.

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    • Building A Kingdom Business


      In his new book, “Building a Kingdom Business: A View From The Trenches,” Scott integrates his experiences together with the Old Testament book of Nehemiah to show how business owners and leaders focused on building God’s Kingdom can profoundly impact society and bring God’s good news to their customers, employees, and suppliers. Written for Christian entrepreneurs and business leaders, this book uses scriptural principles and real life examples to show how businesses can have a tremendous impact for God’s Kingdom. This book will stimulate you to prayerful action in transforming your business into a force for Jesus Christ.

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    • Building A Kingdom Business


      In his new book, “Building a Kingdom Business: A View From The Trenches,” Scott integrates his experiences together with the Old Testament book of Nehemiah to show how business owners and leaders focused on building God’s Kingdom can profoundly impact society and bring God’s good news to their customers, employees, and suppliers. Written for Christian entrepreneurs and business leaders, this book uses scriptural principles and real life examples to show how businesses can have a tremendous impact for God’s Kingdom. This book will stimulate you to prayerful action in transforming your business into a force for Jesus Christ.

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    • Busy Managers Guide To Delegation


      Delegation amounts to a lot more than just passing work off onto subordinates. When handled correctly, it gives managers a chance to strengthen their departments by developing the skills and organizational competencies of their people. Filled with quick tips, exercises, self-assessments, and practical worksheets, this book presents an easy-to-master five-step process for effective delegation. Readers will learn how to: * determine which task to delegate * identify the right person for the job * assign the task * monitor progress and provide feedback * and evaluate performance The book shows readers how to set the stage for excellent results, what to do if things go wrong, and how to ensure that all their people benefit from the experience. This is a quick, comprehensive course on an essential-and sometimes overlooked-management competency.

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    • Fundamentals Of Enterprise Risk Management


      Using examples from companies such as Home Depot, Airbus, Boeing, and Nokia, Fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management takes a fresh look at one of the hottest topics in business today. Showing readers in charge of monitoring operational exposures in corporations, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies how they can best determine and balance opportunities against the possibilities of loss, this book provides clear strategies to help readers: * recognize both internal and external exposures * understand important concepts such as risk mapping and risk identification * recognize the weaknesses of current ERM systems * align risk opportunities with their organization’s business model * stay in line with Sarbanes-Oxley compliance The book introduces innovative new concepts such as hierarchical risk structures, alignment of risks with the business model, creation of a central risk function, and the role of an ERM knowledge warehouse. Featuring enlightening case studies and practical exercises, this essential book shows readers how they can implement ERM the right way at their organizations.

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    • Preparing For Leadership


      What makes a great leader? Confidence? Trust? Vision? The ability to inspire? The answer is complex yet understandable. The good news is that most great leaders are made, not born, and many of the characteristics associated with effective leadership can be assessed, trained, and developed. Based on the best-selling seminar by the American Management Association, this book gives readers practical advice on how they can: * get noticed by learning how to look and talk like a leader * become expert teambuilders, coaches, and communicators * gain and use power and influence positively * guard against the pitfalls of intraorganizational politics * identify and build strategic alliances * elicit support * motivate others Containing practical tools including assessments, tips, and checklists, this book shows readers how to take their organizations into the future, inspire those around them…and achieve beyond what is expected.

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    • ProActive Sales Management Second Edition


      Today’s sales managers have to be quicker than ever, being more proactive about hiring the best performers and retaining them, multi-tasking, and managing complex sales processes in order to close more and more deals. This book provides readers with a proven method for managing the sales process as well as the salespeople. Packed with specific, field-tested techniques, ProActive Sales Management shows sales managers how to: * motivate a sales team * get their sales team to prospect and qualify * create a proactive sales culture * effectively coach and counsel up and down the sales organization * reduce reports to one sheet of paper and 10 minutes a week * forecast with up to 90% accuracy * take A players to A+ levels Packed with all new metrics and tactics for making the numbers in today’s sales environment, this is an important resource no sales manager should be without.

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    • When Your Brook Dries Up Whats Next


      “Brooks” are drying up everywhere, but the Provider has something more for you. If you are looking to BUILD A DIRECT SALES/NETWORK MARKETING CAREER, or if you have struggled with where God is leading, then this book will assist you. A must read. It educates, guides and encourages you to ACHIEVE YOUR MAXIMUM POTENTIAL through: Biblical models for taking steps out of comfort zones Christian principles to follow moving toward a successful home based business career Biblical values directing choices for companies, mentors, and activities Application of His Word to the why’s and how’s of the industry Guidance on balancing your business with your relationships Instruction on how to seek SUCCESS IN BUSINESS GOD’S WAY God has provided us with a guide to our lives. We should never neglect to apply His Word if we truly desire the blessings He has promised us. Use this book as your stepping-stone to personal development and business success.

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    • Leadership Genius Of Jesus


      SKU (ISBN): 9781595553256ISBN10: 1595553258William BeausayBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2009Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • How To Tell Anyone Anything


      No one likes to be criticized. But when feedback is necessary-whether it’s with a boss, someone we manage, or another co-worker-it takes great communication skills to successfully get the message across with feelings and relationships intact. Drawing from the latest in psychology on how best to connect with others, How to Tell Anyone Anything steers readers away from the common mistake of focusing on what’s wrong, and shows them instead how to provide clear, constructive, positive messages that create real behavior and performance change. Complete with illuminating examples and a unique step-by-step process, the book gives readers powerful insight into how we all react naturally to criticism-and how to transform interactions that might become verbal tugs-of-war into collaborative, problem-solving sessions.

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    • Survival Guide For Project Managers 2nd Edition


      While the technical side of project management is important, it’s often “people problems” that derail even the most meticulously planned of projects. A Survival Guide for Project Managers gives you a complete understanding of what it takes to successfully finish a project, giving you not only valuable tools like Work Breakdown Schedule, Gantt Charts, and Network Analysis, but also tools to communicate, negotiate, listen, and lead. This practical, user-friendly guide walks you through the entire project life cycle, and shows you how to: * Develop the managerial and business skills required of a project manager. * Resolve conflicts and improve negotiation capabilities. * Understand and apply the technical tools of project management. * Establish project teams, and foster collaboration among team members, and more. Now in its second edition, the book has been revised to reflect the latest version of the PMBOK Guide, and includes new material on topics including project risk, cost-schedule index, the project management office, and emotional intelligence as it applies to project management. Packed with useful forms, charts, and other tools, this is the ultimate resource for project managers.

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    • Building Your Leadership Resume


      Southern Baptist Convention president Johnny M. Hunt often shares his unique Christian testimony: a shy, rebellious kid whose alcoholic father left a wife and six children to fend for themselves, he did not embrace faith until after he was married. So when Johnny talks about investing in people, earning respect, living intentionally, daring to dream, and being courageous, his words ring especially fresh and true.Building Your Leadership is Hunt’s presentation of wisdom focused lessons like those mentioned above that will simply yet greatly enhance any business or ministry. Each five-to-six page entry guides the reader toward becoming a selfless leader whose impact on others can be immediately rewarding as well as eternally significant.

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    • Improving Employee Performance Through Appraisal And Coaching 2nd Edition


      When Dick Grote, in the Foreword to this book, writes that nothing’s changed,” he is not speaking to the state of the human resources field or the art of performance management, both of which have evolved continuously, profoundly, and for the better. Nor is he describing the content of the new second edition, which, in fact, contains comprehensive material on a whole new generation of jobs in technology, customer service, and other rapidly changing fields, plus brand new examples and two full case studies. What’s not changed is the fact that author Donald Kirkpatrick is one of the leading voices on human resources and training and development. For more than forty years, Kirkpatrick’s four-level performance evaluation model has been the standard throughout the world, and has revolutionized the way enterprises manage, monitor, and optimize employee performance. The new edition of Improving Performance Through Appraisal and Coaching contains all the wisdom and step-by-step processes of the original, with all the guidance and tools you’ll need to implement a program that gets maximum results. The book starts with a 40-question test about your organization and its processes and attitudes regarding performance appraisal and coaching. Taking the test both before and after reading the first section of the book will highlight exactly where your existing initiatives can be improved and new ones put in place. Kirkpatrick then goes on to describe in detail how a culture of coaching builds and enhances performance, and how to build this culture across the entire organization. Examples and eye-opening Notes from the Field both reinforce and complement the author’s sage recommendations, illustrating how his approaches can be adopted in their entirety or deployed piecemeal, depending on your organization’s specific needs. The case studies, both from major employers, prove the overarching value of a proactive performance appraisal program and vibrant coaching environment. The book is packed with ready-to-use forms and, more important, instructions and observations on their effective use. Plus, every chapter is designed for practical application, featuring accessible charts and figures, lists of key points, specific suggestions, cause-and-effect relationships, and much more. While workplaces and jobs have changed dramatically, some truths seem everlasting. One is that in order to obtain exceptional employee performance, you need to build a thorough and consistent appraisal

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    • Class With Drucker


      Hailed as “a warm and useful read,” A Class with Drucker brings to life invaluable advice from the world’s greatest thinker and writer on management. From 1975 to 1979, author William Cohen studied under the great Peter Drucker and became the first graduate of his doctoral program. What Drucker taught him literally changed his life. In a matter of a few years, he was recommissioned in the Air Force and rose to the rank of major general. Eventually, he became a full professor, management consultant, multibook author, and university president-all while maintaining a nearly lifelong friendship with the master. In A Class with Drucker, Cohen shares many of Drucker’s teachings that never made it into his countless books and articles, ideas that were offered to his students in classroom or informal settings. Cohen expands on Drucker’s lessons with personal anecdotes about his teacher’s personality, lack of pretension, and interactions with students and others. He also shows how Drucker’s ideas can be applied to the real-world challenges managers face today. Enlightening and intriguing, this book will enable anyone to gain from the timeless wisdom of the inspiring man himself.

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    • Fired Up Or Burned Out


      The three keys of engagement, and the ways leaders can implement them, create top-notch performance in any organization or team, no matter what size.

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    • Driving The Career Highway


      As leaders of prestigious executive search firms and organizational consulting firms, Janice Reals Ellig and William J. Morin have decades of experience working with people who failed to see the signs of trouble in their careers-or to read them right. These two experts have distilled the twenty most compelling problems and situations that can cause a person to detour, stall, get lost, or crash and burn on their career highway.

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    • Amazon Top Seller Secrets


      There is a new phenomenon hitting the world of the Internet marketplace. PowerSellers who have made a fortune on eBay are moving their merchandise over to Amazon. After all, the benefits of selling on Amazon are legion-sellers have found that they can charge more for their merchandise, avoid upfront fees, and deal with less-demanding customers. The opportunities for selling are endless-Amazon now sells products in more than 40 categories and is the web’s number one retailer with more than 81 million customers. As the authors of the popular book eBay PowerSeller Secrets, Debra and Brad Schepp are experts at making big money selling products on the web. Now, in Amazon Top Seller Secrets, they show readers why Amazon is the marketplace that will bring them more cash and more customers. Sellers will discover everything they need to: * navigate the Amazon marketplace * set the right price for merchandise * drive more traffic to their product pages * achieve consistently high feedback ratings * become an Amazon Pro Merchant * open more than one Amazon WebStore * source the best products * and more With this priceless advice, readers can increase their profits and build their business without constraints and without all the hassles.

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    • Camino Hacia La Riqueza En Acc – (Spanish)


      More people will become millionaires through entrepreneurship in the next few years than in the past 200 years combined. And you can be one of them. Get access to business guru Brian Tracy’s proven formula to start, build, manage, and grow your business successfully. By taking these specific actions that lead to business success, you can achieve your dreams of perpetual wealth.

      Topics include:
      Selecting the right product or service
      Getting ahead of the competition
      Closing more sales than ever before
      Determing accurate costs and setting appropriate prices
      Eliminating unnecessary costs and expenses
      Testing your market quickly and inexpensively
      Advertising and attracting more prospects
      Getting the money to grow your business
      Increasing profitability

      El doctor Charles Stanley ensena a los lectores a confiar en el inmutable caracter de Dios y les muestra como eso puede cambiar sus vidas.Todas las decisiones que tomamos se basan en innumerables detalles, suposiciones y creencias. “?Deberia aceptar el trabajo?”, pregunta ella. “?Deberia mudarse nuestra familia a otro estado?”, se pregunta el. Luego evaluamos los datos y las circunstancias y sacamos nuestras conclusiones. En esta obra, En armonia con Dios, el doctor Stanley anima y desafia a los lectores a enfocar la vida desde un nuevo angulo: conociendo y considerando el caracter de Dios. Si sabemos quien es Dios y lo que esta planeando, ya habremos tomado muchos pasos hacia su respuesta y el plan que tiene para nuestras vidas.

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    • Building A Winning Sales Force


      Sales force effectiveness drives every company’s success, but keeping a sales organization at the top of its game is a constant challenge. As experts in the field, Andy Zoltners and Prabha Sinha have helped sales leaders around the world perfect their sales strategy, operations, and execution. Combining strategic insight with pragmatic advice, Building a Winning Sales Force provides current and aspiring sales leaders with innovative yet practical solutions to many of the most common issues faced by today’s sales organi-za-tions. The book shows readers how to: assess how good their sales force really is * identify sales force improvement opportunities * implement tools and processes that have immediate impact on sales effec-tive-ness * attract and retain the best salespeople * design incen-tive compensation plans * set goals * manage sales perform-ance * motivate the sales force With practical advice and case studies of companies that have conquered even the most challenging obstacles, Building a Winning Sales Force will enable every company to drive sales and stay competitive.

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    • Achievement Out Of Weakness


      This book was written with the intention to help motivate and instruct the business professional in achieving success in their career and to help them move up to different levels, step-by-step, until goals are realized. This is done by diligence, hard work, and caring. People in general are admonished to emerge out of adversity to prosperity and success. Victory is assured, though struggles and opposition- a fact of life, generally get in the way as we move forward. The grace of God, in a determined mind, does make the way to conquer difficulties. It is important to maintain success, when it courses. No one can maintain real success without God’s blessing. A man should always feel blessed to remember God’s grace which assists him in his affairs and makes his way to great achievements.

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    • Achievement Out Of Weakness


      This book was written with the intention to help motivate and instruct the business professional in achieving success in their career and to help them move up to different levels, step-by-step, until goals are realized. This is done by diligence, hard work, and caring. People in general are admonished to emerge out of adversity to prosperity and success. Victory is assured, though struggles and opposition- a fact of life, generally get in the way as we move forward. The grace of God, in a determined mind, does make the way to conquer difficulties. It is important to maintain success, when it courses. No one can maintain real success without God’s blessing. A man should always feel blessed to remember God’s grace which assists him in his affairs and makes his way to great achievements.

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    • Reinvention : How To Make The Rest Of Your Life The Best Of Your Life


      If you knew you couldn’t fail, what is the greatest thing you would dare to dream? Is the job you now have the one you’ve always wanted? Do you work with the kind of people you’d like to work with? As personal success expert Brian Tracy can attest, it’s not until you deal with the dissatisfactions of the present that you can move onward and upward to create the wonderful future that is possible for you. And it is possible. In Reinvention, Brian Tracy reveals how every one of us is engineered for success, and with the right focus, can remake ourselves and put an end to the chronic stress, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction we might feel in our careers and lives. This unique, life-altering book gives readers an interactive series of exercises they can use to focus on what they really want for themselves, and: take control of their careers * turn unexpected shakeups and turbulence into positive occasions for growth * dramatically improve their earning ability * develop the self-confidence to take the kind of risks that lead to rapid advancement * decide on and get the job they really want * set clear goals for their lives * write resumes that get results * determine their own salary range We live in a time of rapid change…but also of unprecedented opportunity. This book supplies readers with a proven system they can use to turn their greatest dreams into reality!

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    • Digital Engagement : Internet Marketing That Captures Customers And Builds


      In an age of overwhelming Internet competition and rampant takeovers, marketers face the very real challenge of understanding how to engage customers online. Leland Harden and Bob Heyman, online marketing pioneers and authors of the popular book Net Results, team up again to teach marketers how to use search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, and all of the Web 2.0 tools they need to compete in the digital marketplace. Filled with up-to-date information on the best venues for online marketing, as well as explanations of social networking, virtual worlds, widgets, wikis, and emerging media, Digital Engagement shows marketers how to: stop burning money on web advertising campaigns that don’t deliver * tweak websites to improve conversions and traffic flow * master proven strategies for consumer-generated media to generate buzz and improve brand recognition Featuring case studies from companies like Toyota and Tommy Hilfiger as well as lists of key vendors for online marketing software, this is the only book that offers a truly comprehensive guide to all of the new online marketing tools.

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    • Life At Work


      People of faith need to be comfortable and intentional in two worlds-the world of the kingdom and the world of the commercial-blending and balancing their roles in each. Authors John C. Maxwell, Stephen Graves, and Thomas Addington identify the basic tools followers of Jesus should always have in their work toolbox: Calling, Serving, Character, and Skill.

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    • Convirtiendose En Lider – (Spanish)


      Active su potencial de liderazgo

      El Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de libros de exito, aclara el mito de que solamente algunas personas estan destinadas a ser lideres, mientras que todos los demas estan destinados a ser seguidores. Usted puede llegar a convertirse en el lider que Dios dispuso usted fuera.

      Descubra como…

      “Activar su potencial de liderazgo.
      “Desarrollar un legado positivo.
      “Encontrar recursos para cumplir con su mision.
      “Desenvolver su funcion original en la vida.

      !Reconozca sus habilidades de liderazgo innato y llegue a ser el lider que se supone usted debe ser!

      Becoming a Leader has been used by Fortune 500 corporations, universities, and international organizations as a tool for leadership development. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe reveals the secrets of dynamic leadership that will turn your leadership potential into a potent reality. With the insight of Dr. Munroe, you will be able to:
      -Become a front-runner as you overcome barriers to effective leadership.
      -Discover natural leadership qualities lying dormant within you.
      -Understand that true leadership means deploying others to become as good as or better than you are.
      -Be encouraged, provoked, and stimulated as your leadership gift within is activated.
      True leadership is not something you grasp but something you become.

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    • Campaign To Be A Better Leader


      SKU (ISBN): 9781597551908ISBN10: 1597551902Gary BergenskeBinding: Cloth TextPublished: December 2008Publisher: Advantage Books Print On Demand Product

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    • Gods Wisdom For Business Success


      Now in paperback from Jack Countryman!

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    • Everything Youve Heard Is Wrong


      “This is a book about a way of doing business that works,” says author Campolo. “It is a refutation of those cynics who claim the values and principles laid down in the Bible mitigate against success in the dog-eat-dog world of commerce and industry.” An ethical, biblical approach to business for a more satisfying and fulfilling career.

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    • Leadership Game : Winning Principles From Eight National Champions


      Whether you are coaching football, running a business, leading a charitable organization, or organizing a ministry team, the first step to success is in building a winning team. Author Tom Mullins, a winning college football coach himself, sought input from eight national champion football coaches for their approaches in building balanced and cohesive teams. Their responses are the Key Principles shared in The Leadership Game.Coaches Osborne, McCartney, Stallings, Fulmer, Stoops, Bowden, Coker, and Spurrier share insights, anecdotes, and real-life experiences here. Having won 11 of the last 13 national championships collectively, these coaches have what it takes to equip any leader to strategically build a successful team.

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    • Real World Time Management 2nd Edition


      Most of us dream about having a few extra hours in our day for taking care of business, relaxing, or engaging in the activities we most enjoy. But how can we make the most of our time when it seems as though there aren’t enough hours in the day? This instructive guide to time management is full of tips, techniques, and commonsense advice that will make anyone more productive. In this newly updated edition of Real-World Time Management, Michael Dobson includes invaluable tips on setting priorities, tricks for staying on track, keeping a closed-door policy, avoiding interrupters, and techniques for reducing stress through time management. Readers will also learn how to handle distractions, stop procrastinating, delegate tasks, deal with meetings, and manage time effectively while traveling. Instructive and helpful, Real-World Time Management will help all readers organize their time-no matter how hectic their lives may seem.

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    • Business Beginnings : Principles And Practice


      Product Description
      Have you dreamed of owning your own business? Do you desire to use the skills you’ve learned for your own future? Have you ever thought you could do the job better than your boss? If your answer is yes – than this book is for you. Business Beginnings prepares the interested entrepreneur for the realities of business ownership. Regardless of your level of expertise, all new and potential entrepreneurs will benefit from the wisdom and practical application found within these pages. More than 100 easy to understand pages, arranged in fourteen chapters: * Your Hearts’ Desire * Office Files * What’s This Going to Cost? * Reporting * Is It Worth It? * Scheduling * Get It Started Right * Sowing and Reaping * Buying an Existing Business * Operating in Integrity * I Pledge Allegiance * Operating in Order * Employees: Finding the Right Mix * Speak the Word Cynthia Venkler is a business professional with over 20 years experience in business advisory services. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Penn State University in 1988, and her Certified Public Accountant designation in 1991. She practiced as a CPA with the ninth largest CPA firm in the country prior to relocating to Panama City Beach, Florida in 1994 when she entreprenuered her own tax, accounting and advisory firm. Growing her client base to more than 600 individuals and small businesses, she established a new standard for client service in the industry. Mrs. Venkler’s industry experience includes: construction, banking, retail, restaurants, auto dealerships, auto repair, governmental, non-profit and service related. Her clients’ gross revenues have ranged from $25,000 to as much as $25 million annually. Mrs. Venkler and her husband oversee the Financial Ministries of High Praise Worship Center under the leadership of Pastors Robert and Stacey Gay.

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    • Jacks Notebook : A Business Novel About Creative Problem Solving


      Problems! Jack Huber has his share. But when he is introduced to the creative problem solving process from an unexpected source, life soon changes . . . drastically. Jack Huber dreams of being a professional photographer and starting his own business. He has a few ideas but doesn’t know how to process them to make his dream a reality. That is until an unlikely mentor stumbles upon Jack’s path and shares a whole new way of thinking through problems. In Jack’s Notebook, Gregg Fraley, an innovation consultant to Fortune 500 companies, illustrates a well-kept secret of corporate America: the Creative Problem Solving process. “If you are struggling to move ahead in your career, if you’re an executive with a thorny corporate challenge, someone trying to solve a messy community issue, a family trying to sort through an emotional conflict, or an entrepreneur looking for ways to make the most of limited resources-this book is for you. If you have a ‘mess’ on your hands, you have found a useful tool.” -from the Introduction

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    • 360 Degree Leader Workbook (Workbook)


      In his nearly thirty years of teaching leadership, John Maxwell has encountered this question again and again: How do I apply leadership principles if I’m not the boss? In The 360 Degree Leader Workbook, Maxwell addresses that very question and takes the discussion even further. You don’t have to be the main leader, asserts Maxwell, to make significant impact in your organization. Good leaders are not only capable of leading their followers but are also adept at leading their superiors and their peers. Debunking myths and shedding light on the challenges, John Maxwell offers specific principles for Leading Down, Leading Up, and Leading Across. 360-Degree Leaders can lead effectively, regardless of their position in an organization. By applying Maxwell’s principles, you will expand your influence and ultimately be a more valuable team member.

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    • Unleashing The Power Of Rubber Bands


      An engaging and insightful look into the qualities, attributes, and practices that turn ordinary leaders into extraordinary ones. Nancy Ortberg’s unique twist on vision casting, managing tensions, nurturing healthy conflict, motivating those around you, and fostering creativity, passion, and trust is unlike anything you’ve ever read before! At times challenging, at times candid, but always inspiring, Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands will bring out the best in even the most seasoned leaders.

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    • Project Management That Works


      Project management is one of the fastest-growing occupations in the world. The Project Management Institute has seen membership growth of more than 1000% in the last 10 years. But while many of these managers know how to plan a successful project in theory, very few have the practical tools needed to navigate the politics of today’s corporate world. Project managers need more than just technical skills; they need the right communication skills to succeed. Filled with real-world examples, Project Management That Works gives readers the tools they need to: communicate with their team as well as stakeholders * get their teams to function well * run fewer and more productive meetings * turn around failing projects * utilize data properly to make emotional conversations unemotional * know when a project is really done The only book that addresses the real challenges project managers face today, this is an accessible and invaluable tool that will show every reader how to accomplish his mission-no matter the obstacles.

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    • Leading With Kindness


      By now, many leaders have realized that when it comes to business, nice guys often finish first. Old-fashioned images of corporate callousness and greed have been replaced by a gentler, more human conception of great leadership. But how does one define “kindness” in the context of business? And what is the best way to “use” this deceptively complex notion as a guiding principle to lead an organization successfully into the future? Far from presenting a naive idea of kindness, this eye-opening book identifies the surprising attributes successful “kind” leaders share. Readers will learn how they can use kindness to: * motivate employees, committee members, and others * recognize unique talents while nurturing all employees * establish a supportive environment * spur continuous organizational growth * adapt to change * stimulate calculated “stretch” and risk-taking * prepare the next generation of leaders This realistic book shows leaders how they can use sincerity, honesty, and respect for the good of their organizations.

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    • Integridad – (Spanish)


      Drawing on experiences from his work with Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and individual leaders, Dr. Henry Cloud, a clinical psychologist and nationally syndicated radio host, shows how our character can keep us from achieving all we want to (or could) be.

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    • Accounting Demystified


      Accounting is truly the language of business. Success or failure is measured in dollars, but in order to make good decisions, you need to understand how finances drive business realities and become fluent in the essential elements of the accounting process. ACCOUNTING DEMYSTIFIED tells you all you need to know about the numbers that drive business. The book uses examples of typical business situations to demonstrate basic financial concepts, including: * The accounting process * Financial statements * Making entries * Accounts payable and accounts receivable * Cashflow statements * Fixed and intangible assets * Inventory * Liabilities * Adjusting and closing entries * Prepaid expenses *Preparing a bank reconciliation * Accounting information systems * Stockholders equity * Ratio analysis ACCOUNTING DEMYSTIFIED transforms a complex and potentially intimidating subject into something anyone can easily comprehend. This useful resource helps you understand the basics of accounting and gives you access to an essential part of any business equation. For new students of accounting, entry-level accounting professionals, and business professionals whose own work relates directly to the numbers on the ledger, a basic understanding of core accounting functions and documents is critical. Accounting Demystified provides a simple and straightforward description of universal elements of the accounting process, plus accessible tutorials in creating, interpreting, and using financial statements. Haber’s clear language will let readers: * understand accounting basics * find errors quickly * prepare accurate financial statements * analyze financial documents * determine the financial health of a business * prepare a financial prospectus for potential investors and lenders From the classroom to the back room to the board room, Accounting Demystified serves as a valuable primer on the basics of accounting and the purposes they serve.

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