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    • Rise And Fall Of H And H Bagels


      In September, 2015 President Barack Obama informed The Forward, in a historic interview, of his shock at learning of the closing of his favorite NYC Bagel eatery, H&H Bagels, in January of 2012. While the President was shocked by the closing of the world’s most famous, and recognizable, bagel brand, what was truly shocking were the underlying facts and circumstances surrounding the closing. While most people knew H&H as the iconic, Upper West Side Bagel Shop where the lines rounded the block, where celebrities loved to frequent, and where one of the most popular Seinfeld television episodes was created, few people knew about the drama and decadence that existed behind the scenes of this NYC landmark.

      The Rise and Fall of H&H Bagels takes you on a journey that starts with the fulfillment of the American Dream and ends in contested, five year Bankruptcy. This is the outrageous, true, story of a man who defied the odds and became an American legend, and then defied logic and the law by dismantling his beloved Empire.

      The story of H&H Bagels is not only the story of the rise and fall of a thriving American business, it is a story of intrigue, economics, corruption, and resiliency, as told, with humor, from the perspective of the one man who lived through it all- its National Business Manager and right hand to the man at the top of the H&H Empire, Helmer Toro.

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    • 25 Biblical Laws Of Success (Reprinted)


      A dynamic writing team draws on years of biblical study and business experience to present the Bible as the best success manual ever written to help business people succeed in life and work.

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    • Gerencia De Ventas Simplificad – (Spanish)


      Por que los equipos de ventas no alcanzan sus metas? Todos los dias hay companias, tanto grandes como pequenas, que acuden a consultores expertos como Mike Weinberg para encontrar la respuesta, y te sorprenderia conocerla. Lo tipico es que el problema no es por el equipo de ventas, sino por la manera en la cual es liderado. Con sus acciones y actitudes, los ejecutivos y los gerentes de ventas, sin saberlo, socavan su rendimiento. En este libro, Weinberg dice las cosas como son, exponiendo los problemas que invaden al equipo de ventas y los errores costosos que cometen incluso los gerentes de ventas mejor intencionados. La buena noticia es que con la asesoria correcta se pueden transformar los resultados. Este libro, con su mezcla de consejos practicos y francos, e historias divertidas tomadas del campo de las ventas, te ayudara a: * Implementar un bosquejo sencillo para el liderazgo en las ventas * Fomentar una cultura de ventas sana y de alto rendimiento * Convocar a reuniones productivas * Crear un plan de compensacion extraordinario * Situar a las personas adecuadas en las posiciones correctas * Entrenar para el exito * Retener a las personas mas productivas y hacer que mejoren las personas que menos producen * Asignar metas adecuadas a los agentes de ventas * Mejorar tus argumentos de ventas * Recuperar el control de tu calendario Y mucho, mucho mas. Abundante en soluciones y no en trivialidades, este libro brinda las herramientas que necesitas para triunfar.

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    • Poder Del Otro – (Spanish)


      El experto en psicologia del liderazgo y autor best seller de Integridad, Necessary Endings, y Limites para lideres identifica el ingrediente critico para el bienestar personal y profesional. La mayor parte de liderazgo se enfoca en ayudar a lideres a desarrollar sus capacidades y conocimientos y cerrar las brechas en el desempeno. Esto es necesario, pero no suficiente. Utilizando evidencia de neurociencia y su trabajo con lideres, el doctor Henry Cloud demuestra que los mejores lideres se basan en otro recurso vital: relaciones personales y profesionales que potencian el crecimiento y les ayuda a superar los limites actuales. La sabiduria popular sugiere que no debemos permitir que otras personas tengan poder sobre nosotros, pero la realidad es que lo hacen, para bien o para mal. Piensa en el jefe que te menosprecia mediante comentarios cortantes versus uno que te reta a superarte. O el colega que siempre busca el protagonismo versus el que te da la confianza para terminar un proyecto dificil. O el conyuge que es honesto y te apoya versus el que se resiente con tu exito. No importa cuan talentosos, inteligentes, o experimentados son los grandes lideres, todos comparten algo en comun: el poder de otros en sus vidas. Combinando estudios de caso cautivadores, resultados convincentes de investigacion cerebral vanguardista, y ejemplos de su practica de consultoria, el doctor Cloud argumenta que no importa si eres miembro de la milicia o un ejecutivo corporativo, el rendimiento sobresaliente depende de tener el tipo correcto de conexiones para potenciar el crecimiento personal y minimizar las asociaciones toxicas y sus efectos. Al presentar un modelo dinamico del impacto que estos distintos tipos de conexiones producen, el doctor Cloud muestra a los lectores como obtener mas de si mismos basandose en la fuerza y la pericia de otras personas. No puedes elejir si otros tienen o no poder en tu vida, pero puedes elegir que tipo de relaciones deseas.

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    • Organize Your Business


      Are you organized? Would you like to be more organized at work? Do you feel frustrated when you are not able to find what it is that you re looking for? You feel like you waste a great deal of time searching for things that you need to have at your fingertips? Do you spend more time looking for a contact phone number then the actual call will take? Or are you still looking for the project file for a meeting even after the meeting has started? If this is you, then this book is your lifeline to getting and staying organized at work.

      In this entertaining thoughtful and easy to read book, author and business expert Rachael Doyle will show you simple and easy tips and tools to help organize your work life. All of her life, people have noticed that Rachael is a highly organized person, and have always asked her what her secrets were to her organization skills. Rachael says there really is no secret, it is just setting up the right systems and processes in your daily work life to make organizing simple and easy. After that, once you have these systems in place, then it is easy to stay organized each day. As Ben Franklin once said a place for everything, everything in its place.

      In this book, she will share with you simple tips for organizing your desk and your files, for organizing your technology, and for increasing the efficiency of your meetings. You will also learn how to make business travel smoother and seemingly effortless. Rachael will also show you how to organize your time and your goals in order to be more effective and less frustrated, and able to live life to the fullest.

      This book is not about how to be perfect, or doing a wholesale personality change, it is just about giving you the right tools and systems in order to be more effective. As Andrew Mellon once said being organized isn t about getting rid of everything you own or trying to become a different person; it is about living the way you want to live but better. Once your life at work is more organized, you will feel more fulfilled, happier and more in control of your day to day activities.

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    • Beyond Business As Usual (Expanded)


      The revised and expanded edition will include new information, new teaching resources, and perspectives gained in the last eight years, as well as the General Convention resolutions of 2015. Beyond Business as Usual is full of resources for forming the vestry as a learning community. It deals with the “soft” side of leadership that enables the pastor and vestry together to journey along the leadership path. Each chapter can be read and reviewed at a series of vestry meetings or as part of a vestry retreat, and includes questions for group and individual discussion. The book also contains resources for vestries, based upon different preferred learning styles, for the formation part of the vestry meeting or retreat.

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    • H3 Leadership : Be Humble Stay Hungry Always Hustle


      H3 Leadership provides a practical road map for implementing and living out twenty transformational habits of a leader-now in paperback. In H3 Leadership, Brad Lomenick shares his hard-earned insights from more than two decades of work alongside thought-leaders such as Jim Collins and Malcom Gladwell, Fortune 500 CEOs, and start-up entrepreneurs. He categorizes twenty essential leadership habits organized into three distinct filters he calls “the 3 Hs”: Humble (Who am I?), Hungry (Where do I want to go?), and Hustle (How will I get there?). These powerful words describe the leader who is willing to work hard, get it done, and make sure it’s not about him or her; it’s about the leader who knows that influence is about developing the right habits for success. Lomenick provides a simple but effective guide to help one lead well in whatever capacity he or she may be in.

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    • Napoleon Hills Gold Standard


      Napoleon Hill’s Gold Standard is a source of riches that you can take to the bank! Your profit from this book will materialize in the riches you uncover while living your life’s purpose.

      Knowing what to do is great, but applying what you have learned is the real secret to success. You gain your greatest riches in life when you read, study and take action on what you have learned.

      By reading this book you are acting on your explicit faith that you can become a person you desire to be. By raising your sights to your “higher self ” you are visualizing the picture perfect outcome for your purpose and plan.

      As Dr. Hill states: “When a plan comes through to your conscious mind while you are open to the guidance of infinite intelligence, accept it with appreciation and gratitude and act on it at once. Do not hesitate, do not argue, challenge, worry, fret about it, or wonder if it’s right. Act on it!”

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    • Sweet Sales : Successful Sales With Synergy


      Some sales programs drape a shroud around sales success as if a guarded secret; others set out strict rules and steps without regard to context and expertise. But in reality, making the sale is much simpler.

      In his new book, Sweet Sales, Dr. Sweet presents powerful selling techniques, rarely seen or spoken of in sales training. Dr. Sweet uses an organic approach forged out of necessity during the most recent economic recession. Throughout the toughest selling climate in many years, Dr. Sweet studied the processes of companies that survived the collapse and even flourished. His research unlocked the concepts for his book.

      Unlike other training books, this one will show you how to improve, then how to practice. Only through practice will you master any technique or strategy. Following the author s guiding principles will make a rookie into a professional and a professional world-class.

      To start making Sweet Sales, read this book today!

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    • Steward Leadership In The Nonprofit Organization


      Most approaches to nonprofit organizational leadership are borrowed from the for-profit sector. But these models are often inadequate to address the issues nonprofit leaders face. We need a new framework for nonprofit management that is rooted in historical precedent and biblical principles yet is also appropriate for the nonprofit context. Nonprofit consultant and researcher Kent Wilson presents a comprehensive model for steward leadership, in which leaders act as stewards or trustees, never as owners. Scripture and history give concrete examples of stewards who manage resources on behalf of others for the good of others. Wilson applies this classical understanding of the steward to modern organizational management, defining and developing steward leadership as an alternative to its cousin, servant leadership. Steward leadership offers great hope for the transformation and effectiveness of nonprofit leadership for stakeholders, board members, executive directors and staff members. Designed by nonprofit leaders for nonprofit leaders, this fresh approach to leadership gives you a new focus to lead your organization with excellence.

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    • Sleeping Queen : The Divine Awakening Of The Entrepreneurial Woman


      A divine invitation to every woman who is ready to step out of the religious shadows and into her God-given position of empowered leadership and wealth creation.

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    • Power Principles : The Benefits Of A Wisdom Driven Life


      It has been said that the primary difference between winners and losers is their perspective.

      The best chance of real success in business, in government, in the family, in our personal goals-in any realm of life-is to develop a perspective that will enhance and expand upon what we already bring to the table. That unique outlook is a wisdom-driven perspective. Such a viewpoint is rare today because we live in a society that is gorging on information and knowledge while starving for wisdom.

      As a businessman and civic leader, Dr. Dale Bronner has been in many challenging places where he has needed to study, test, and apply the principles of wisdom. With the insights he has gleaned in addressing the demands and opportunities of leadership, professional growth, and personal fulfillment, he has helped thousands learn how to realize their maximum capacities.

      We don’t really have a leadership problem, a financial problem, a relationship problem, or a problem with any other issue-we ultimately have a wisdom problem. Power Principles guides you into the countless benefits of the wisdom-driven life, demonstrating why wisdom is the “principle thing.”

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    • Tight Lines And Good Selling


      How do you grow your sales numbers, find new customers, and attract customer loyalty? The answer is simple. Follow the principles of fishing. In his latest book, TIGHT LINES & GOOD SELLING, Jon Wright expertly presents the critical factors for sales success in several “fish tales” and shows you how to catch more customers!

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    • 3 Decisiones Que Toman Las Per – (Spanish)


      Durante casi tres decadas, John C. Maxwell ha estado entre las autoridades del exito y liderazgo mas solicitadas y respetadas. Este compendio de su best seller Your Roadmap for Success se enfoca en las tres cosas que crean una formula para el exito. Pero existe algo que hay que ajustar: el modo en que vemos el exito. Este no es un libro sobre personas exitosas; es un libro para personas exitosas, especialmente quienes no entiendan que ya estan en el camino hacia el exito. Todos tienen el potencial de llegar a ser un exito hoy. John Maxwell revela los tres puntos esenciales para lograrlo.

      Usted puede llegar a ser un exito hoy. El exito es un viaje. Si sabe hacia donde va y como llegar a ese lugar, va a alcanzar su destino. De hecho, ya lo ha alcanzado. La mentalidad mas satisfactoria y transformadora que una persona puede adoptar es que el exito esta en el viaje. Cuando entiende que el proceso diario es lo que hace que sus metas sean reales, no solo acaba de cambiar el plan del exito- usted mismo ya ha llegado a ser un exito. Este libro le ensenara lo que significa estar en el viaje hacia el exito, le ayudara a descubrir su mapa personal y le equipara con lo que necesitara para cambiar de curso y para seguir creciendo. El camino al exito le esta esperando; es probable que usted ya este en el.

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    • Be Mean About The Vision


      Almost every organization has a vision. Few ever accomplish it. Even after short-term success in it, fewer stay true to it over time. Be Mean About the Vision is about regaining or sustaining the trajectory of the vision over time. It’s about staying true to the vision. Lovejoy explains that this requires understanding the importance of vision, developing a vision we’re willing to die for, and keeping the vision from being compromised or even hijacked.

      Though many books have been written on the subject of developing mission or vision statements, there have been few written on how to sustain or protect the vision over time. Shawn has dealt with hundreds of leaders in ministry and has seen countless struggle with keeping everyone on board with the mission and how to align the rest of the organization with the vision. Shawn Lovejoy walks the church leader through the experiences that have taught him to Be Mean, and shows us a strategy of Relentlessly Pursing What Matters.

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    • 8 Pasos Para Alcanzar Tu Desti – (Spanish)


      Todo comienza con un pensamiento. Dices las palabras correctas. Tomas decisiones con proposito. Las acciones desarrollan habitos. Los habitos forman el caracter. Y el caracter te lleva a tu destino de exito. !No hay atajos!

      El Dr. Samuel Chand comparte ejemplos de las principales organizaciones, estableciendo un fundamento solido para decirte como dirigir tu vida con intencionalidad, y vivir paso a paso el proceso hacia el exito que buscas.

      Sea que administras una corporacion, una entidad sin fines de lucro, o una iglesia, te provee acceso a las ocho puertas que te llevan a tu destino.

      En este libro, recibiras conocimiento especifico sobre:

      1. Personas-Con quienes trabajar y a quienes dejar atras
      2. Penas-Como manejar las penas externas e internas
      3. Paisajes-La habilidad de cambiar de lugar y adaptarte
      4. Perspectiva-Como obligarte a pensar de nuevas maneras
      5. Prioridades-Cambiar tus prioridades segun tu vision
      6. Pasiones-Saber reconocer nuevas pasiones
      7. Preparacion-Cuando cambiar el plan estrategico
      8. Posibilidades-La astucia de descubrir posibilidades que otros no ven

      !Lidera tu vida con proposito hacia tu destino de exito!

      Everything starts with a thought. Then you say the right words. You make decisions with purpose. Actions develop habits. Habits shape character. And character leads you to success. There are no short cuts!

      Inspired by real situations he has observed in major organizations, Dr. Samuel Chand sets the solid foundation you need to lead your life with intention, and go, step by step, through the process that takes you to fulfill your destiny.

      Whether you manage a corporation, a non-profit organization, or a church, 8 Steps to Fulfill your Destiny opens the eight doors towards your destiny.

      In this book, you will gain specific knowledge on:
      1. People-With whom to work and who you should dismiss
      2. Pain-How to manage external and internal pains
      3. Places-The ability to change a place and adjust to it
      4. Perspective-How to force yourself to think in new ways
      5. Priorities-Change your priorities according to your vision
      6. Passions-Acknowledge new passions
      7. Preparation-When to change your strategic plan
      8 . Possibilities-The sense for finding out possibilities nobody can see

      Lead your life with purpose towards your successful destiny!

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    • Leadership Awakening : Foundational Principles For Lasting Success


      Every leader wants to finish well, but sometimes the challenges and discouragements in life become too much to handle. Overwhelmed, we settle for less than God’s best.

      Whether you are just beginning your ministry journey or you are a seasoned veteran who is feeling tired, ineffective, or ready to quit…maybe it’s time for a Leadership Awakening!

      Your life can be marked by God’s goodness all the way to the finish line. Through the time-tested principles Doug Stringer lays out, you will discover how to…
      *Measure successful leadership God’s way
      *Overcome the oppositions godly leaders face
      *Display leadership traits that transform your family, workplace, church, and world
      *Equip yourself-and those you’re leading-to run the race and finish well
      *And much more!

      Don’t allow yourself to become a casualty on the battlefield of Christian leadership. You can have an impactful life and hear God’s beautiful words of affirmation at the end of your journey…”Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).

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    • 8 Steps To Achieve Your Destiny


      Unforeseen problems.
      Unanticipated market changes.
      Unexpected organizational conflicts.

      No leader is immune to the shifting circumstances and events that can challenge or stymie their professional or organizational progress. Advance warning of these oncoming storms, together with adequate preparation, can mean the difference between disaster and success.

      Using a wealth of examples gleaned from today’s top organizations, Dr. Samuel Chand lays a solid foundation to prepare today’s leaders for the unavoidable difficulties. Whether you run a corporation, a non-profit organization, or a church, LadderShifts will provide insight into eight issues every leader must face.

      These include:
      *Getting the most out of people
      *Dealing with unexpected pains
      *Why it’s necessary for leaders to make friends with their plans
      *Ten tools for gaining new perspective
      *Discerning your essential priorities
      *Coping with changing passions
      *Why preparation is more important than planning
      *Exploring new possibilities

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    • Beyond Halftime : Practical Wisdom For Your Second Half


      Wisdom and Support for Your Halftime Journey Since the publication fifteen years ago of Bob Buford’s award-winning and newly updated and expanded bestseller, Halftime, more than half a million men and women have made the halftime journey from success to significance. If you are contemplating that journey yourself or have already started, Beyond Halftime is for you. “This book is the result of fifteen years of answering questions about halftime,” writes Buford. “I’ve focused on the areas that seem to come up most from those who contact me, and I’ve answered them in much the same way I would answer you if we sat down together over coffee. So in a very real sense, this book allows me to be your companion as you negotiate the ups and downs of the whole halftime experience.” Beyond Halftime invites you to slow down and take time to listen-really listen-to the voice of your heart and the rhythms of your life. The discoveries you’re about to make during this vital phase of your life can’t be rushed. Enjoy this wise guidance on the things that matter most in moving from gaining success to leaving a legacy. Your most rewarding years lie ahead of you. Welcome to the journey.

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    • Napoleon Hills Keys To Personal Achievement


      Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Personal Achievement
      From the Author of Think and Grow Rich
      An Official Publication of The Napoleon Hill Foundation

      With Contemporary Commentary by Judith Williamson,
      Director, Napoleon Hill World Learning Center

      Think of it! Think of the people who drift aimlessly through life, dissatisfied, struggling against a great many things, but without a clear-cut goal.

      Can you state, right now, what it is that you want out of life? Fixing your goals may not be easy. It may even involve some painful self-examination.

      But it will be worth whatever effort it costs, because as soon as you can name your goal, you can expect to enjoy many advantages. With contemporary commentary by Judith Williamson, the director of the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center, Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Personal Achievement will provide you with:
      *Alert imagination
      *Contagious enthusiasm
      *Greater initiative
      *Increased self-reliance
      *A new world-view
      *A larger vision
      *Decreased problems
      *Magnetic personality
      *Higher hopes and ambitions

      Try it and see. Think of change as growth. You are the one who holds the key to your success. Nothing holds you back except yourself. Get out of your own way, and move forward.

      You Can Do It If You Believe You Can!

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    • Giftocracy : Awakening The The Seeds Of Greatness


      Made For Grace Publishing

      A Boy’s Journey from the Poverty of Africa to American Prosperity through Soccer

      Nearly thirty years ago, in a tiny, impoverished Ghanaian village, a young boy dreamed of becoming a professional soccer player and competing against European powerhouse Manchester United. Despite being told that he wasn t good enough to become a professional soccer player, his dream was realized after being drafted by Seattle Sounders FC and competing against Manchester United, in front of 67,000 fans. At twenty-three years old, Michael Tetteh had realized his childhood dream.

      Then late one night, an encounter caused him to give up the single thing that had defined his entire life soccer. In one moment, he surrendered to a new vision and stepped into the unknown. Was he crazy or brave?

      “Giftocracy” takes you on an inspiring journey of self-discovery with author Michael Tetteh. Powerful lessons from real-life experiences, along with thoughts from trusted influential and transformational leaders (including Myles Munroe, John C. Maxwell and Zig Ziglar), will lead you to a new awareness.

      Become empowered! You can transform and transcend the opinions, conditions, and circumstances of your life. Discover the gift trapped within you and share it with the world”

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    • Small Business Big Pressure


      Small Business Big Pressure” is the only book written by a small business owner for the small business owner that truly addresses the unique pressures faced daily by small business owners. Darryl is an entrepreneur, from a family of entrepreneurs, who has spent years advising entrepreneurs and small business owners. In “Small Business Big Pressure,” his unique perspective is evident.

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    • Turn Setbacks Into Greenbacks


      Willie Jolley is ready to help you take your first steps on the road to success, empowering you to make the positive changes in your life that will not only change the way you work, but the way you think. A master of positive motivation, organization, and inspiration, Jolley has the tools you can use to triumph in tough times, to see your setbacks as new opportunities, and to invest confidence in your ideas.

      With potent psychological insight, hard business know-how, and techniques you can use on a daily basis, Jolley will empower you to:
      * Create your own PHD (persistence, hunger, and determination) that will power you through tough times
      * Focus on the pursuit of success-and then follow through on it in a consistent way
      * Maintain calm in situations of panic-and target opportunities others will pass by
      * Break through negativity so you can make the decisions that will pay off on your path to success
      * Find an “attitude of gratitude” that will fortify your spiritual, physical, and financial growth

      Willie Jolley draws upon the inspiring real-life success stories and intelligent insights to show you how to create a positive outlook, become adaptable to every circumstance, and seize the opportunities that will lead you to greater success.

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    • Gods Business : How To Supercharge Your Faith, Your Profit, And Your Client


      The conflict between staying true to your faith and staying true to your company is a constant battle for Christian business owners. The serenity you feel on Sunday soon goes away Monday morning when dealing with customers, vendors, and employees. So here s the question: Can you have God in your life every day so that you can feel that joy constantly? YES! In God s Business: How to Supercharge Your Faith, Your Profit, and Your Client Experience, Frederick Coach West III lays the foundation to enjoy more of your faith in your business.”

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    • Made To Flourish


      Every organization is made to flourish. But when problems arise, quick fixes and poor leadership training can drag it down. The key to a thriving team is to look below the surface at the hidden dynamics that can cause it to lose focus, turn inward or even cease to exist. Budget problems, personality conflicts, mission drift, government regulations?all these and more can tempt us to respond rapidly and superficially. Shelley Trebesch offers leaders the tools needed to develop practical solutions that actually work. She provides a model for getting a firm hold on the complexities inherent in any team. Diagrams help readers visualize key dynamics while vivid case studies illustrate how to put the book into practice. Here is the book that gives churches, NGOs, mission agencies, parachurch groups, other nonprofits, businesses and teams within these groups what they need. Trebesch charts the path to the life-giving, holistic, fruitful abundance that God intended for organizations and everyone in them.

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    • Seeds Of Success


      This transformative personal discovery story is a compelling biography wrapped around a determined fictional soul named Jack Burton who thinks he has all the answers but soon comes to realize that we are all merely explorers, willing and unwilling, ascending life’s continual, uphill trek toward our personal peak.

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    • Embracing Followership : How To Thrive In A Leader-Centric Culture


      In a society fascinated by leadership, have we devalued the significance of followership?

      As part of a team that put on his organization’s largest international conference, Allen Hamlin Jr. was asked, “How many people do you manage?” His answer–“None”–caught people off guard.

      In one sense, he helped oversee everything, yet he didn’t have a single person reporting to him.

      Is it okay to simply do well where you are? What if you want to use your gifts, talents, and abilities to perform with excellence–without aspirations of occupying a formal leadership role?

      In Embracing Followership, Hamlin walks you through the many facets of being a follower, helping you make your own unique contributions to the various organizations, working groups, communities, or congregations you’re part of.

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    • 7 Dias Para Crear El Exito Emp – (Spanish)


      Desde la creacion del mundo, Dios establecio 7 principios infalibles para lograr el exito en todo lo que emprendamos. Vivimos en tiempos de gran competitividad, rapido desarrollo y avance tecnologico. Si no haces mas que los demas y de una mejor manera, no tendras posibilidades de una prosperidad solida y constante. Este libro es para cualquier persona que quiera crear o mejorar su propia empresa. Muchos empresarios han cometido errores que los han frustrado o los han llevado al fracaso. A menudo han comenzado sin la orientacion o informacion necesaria, y no siguen el orden que necesitan para alcanzar el exito. En estas paginas aprenderas principios poderosos para crear la empresa que siempre has deseado tener. A traves de este libro descubriras…Como aceptar el reto empresarialCual es el tiempo correcto para empezar tu empresaLas bases para una empresa exitosaLa ventaja competitivaLa importancia de la presentacion y el mercadeoComo desarrollar un plan estrategicoMetodos para buscar y generar nuevas oportunidadesQue una empresa exitosa necesita un equipo exitosoEl valor de observar y evaluar resultadosY muchas cosas mas…Este es un recurso importante que te ayudara a conseguir resultados extraordinarios. 7 dias para crear el exito empresarial es tu guia hacia la cima del mundo empresarial.

      Since the creation of the world, God established seven infallible principles for success in everything we do. We live in times of great competition, rapid development, and technological advancement. If you do not do more than others and in a better way, you have no chance of strong and constant prosperity. This book is for anyone who wants to create or improve their own businesses. Many entrepreneurs have made mistakes that have led to frustration and failure. They begin without the necessary guidance or information they need to succeed. In these pages, you will learn powerful principles for creating the company you have always wanted.Through this book you will discover…How to accept the business challenge.The right time to start your business.The basis for a successful business.Competitive advantage.The importance of presentation and marketing.How to develop a strategic plan.Methods to find and create new opportunities.How to build a successful team.The value of observing and evaluating results.And much more… This is an important resource that will help you achieve extraordinary results.Seven Days to Create Entrepreneurial Success is your guide to the top in t

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    • Que Mueve Tu Escalera – (Spanish)


      What obstacles are blocking you?What is your biggest leadership challenge?If overcome successfully, what challenge is ready to springboard you toward your destiny?In What’s Shakin’ Your Ladder? Dr. Samuel Chand discusses fifteen challenges that are common to all leaders and teaches you how to successfully overcome them. Regardless of whether you are leading a new and developing organization or a Fortune 500 corporation, you will be confronted by the challenges of: FOCUS: Finding and maintaining what is importantCOMMUNICATION: Saying it in a way that everyone gets itDECISION MAKING: Understanding how we make decisions, so we can make them betterCHOOSING THE TEAM: Making critical decisions about who is on our teamCHANGE VS. TRANSITION: Intentionally planning transitions for smoother changeCONFLICT: Understanding the importance of health during conflictCONTROL VS. DELEGATION: Learning when to hang on and when to let goEXECUTION: Getting the job doneDr. Chand takes an in-depth look at each of these challenges (plus eight more) and provides practical advice on how to face and overcome the things that are blocking you from achieving your personal best.If you want to grow as a leader, this book is your guide

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    • Jumpstart Your Business


      Do you have a business? Do you want to start a business? Do you work for a business? Then this book should be the “cannot miss” book for you to read this year. In Jumpstart Your Business, you will learn the key tips, tools and techniques for igniting your entrepreneurial spirit as you run your business on a day-to-day basis.

      This book is written by two people who have combined experience of over 60 years working for and in their own businesses. They will share with you ten key elements that they believe can help a business owner get and stay motivated.

      In the book they share with you:
      *The critical importance of having a mission and a vision statement
      *Learning about a missing ingredient in many businesses – a business plan
      *How to adjust your thinking and believe in yourself and your idea
      *Building your support network and deciding who can help or hurt you
      *The secrets to setting goals and holding yourself accountable
      *Being a continuous learner and where to find those resources
      *Getting and staying motivated through adversity and tough times

      Starting and running a business is not easy, but you can succeed and exceed even your own expectations. So- get ready to have the business you have always dreamed about – it’s time to Jumpstart Your Business!

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    • 7 Decisiones Que Cuentan – (Spanish)


      Perder la fortuna de la noche a la maana, autodestruir el trabajo de 40 aos, dilapidar la herencia, dejar a la familia en la miseria… estas son historias reales que vivieron lideres biblicos a causa de sus propias decisiones.

      Sufrimos las consecuencias de nuestras decisiones financieras dia a dia, pero tienes la certeza de que estas tomando buenas decisiones?

      En Decisiones que cuentan, el doctor Andres Panasiuk ensea de forma clara y sencilla, principios biblicos solidos que te ayudaran a tomar decisiones economicas informadas, las cuales te llevaran a lugares donde nunca has estado antes…

      Las decisiones cuentan y te pueden llevar por el camino del fracaso o del exito, donde te llevaran tus decisiones hoy?

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    • Intentional Living : Choosing A Life That Matters


      John C. Maxwell, #1 New York Times bestselling author, shows readers how to achieve a life of purpose and significance through intentional living. We all have a longing to be significant. We want to make a contribution, to be a part of something noble and purposeful. But many people wrongly believe significance is unattainable. They worry that it’s too big for them to achieve. That they have to have an amazing idea, be a certain age, have a lot of money, or be powerful or famous to make a real difference.The good news is that none of those things is necessary for you to start to achieve significance and create a lasting legacy. You may not realize it, but they’re really nothing more than excuses. The only thing you need to achieve significance is to be intentional. And to do that, all you need to do is start. You can’t make an impact sitting still and doing nothing. Every major accomplishment that’s ever been achieved started with a first step. Sometimes it’s hard; other times it’s easy, but no matter what, you have to do it if you want to get anywhere in life.In INTENTIONAL LIVING, John Maxwell will help you take that first step, and the ones that follow on your personal path through a life that matters.

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    • Vivir Intencionalmente – (Spanish)


      John C. Maxwell, #1 New York Times bestselling author, shows readers how to achieve a life of purpose and significance through intentional living. We all have a longing to be significant. We want to make a contribution, to be a part of something noble and purposeful. But many people wrongly believe significance is unattainable. They worry that it’s too big for them to achieve. That they have to have an amazing idea, be a certain age, have a lot of money, or be powerful or famous to make a real difference.The good news is that none of those things is necessary for you to start to achieve significance and create a lasting legacy. You may not realize it, but they’re really nothing more than excuses. The only thing you need to achieve significance is to be intentional. And to do that, all you need to do is start. You can’t make an impact sitting still and doing nothing. Every major accomplishment that’s ever been achieved started with a first step. Sometimes it’s hard; other times it’s easy, but no matter what, you have to do it if you want to get anywhere in life.In INTENTIONAL LIVING, John Maxwell will help you take that first step, and the ones that follow on your personal path through a life that matters.

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    • Intentional Living : Your Pathway To A Life That Matters (Large Type)


      John C. Maxwell, #1 New York Times bestselling author, shows readers how to achieve a life of purpose and significance through intentional living. We all have a longing to be significant. We want to make a contribution, to be a part of something noble and purposeful. But many people wrongly believe significance is unattainable. They worry that it’s too big for them to achieve. That they have to have an amazing idea, be a certain age, have a lot of money, or be powerful or famous to make a real difference.The good news is that none of those things is necessary for you to start to achieve significance and create a lasting legacy. You may not realize it, but they’re really nothing more than excuses. The only thing you need to achieve significance is to be intentional. And to do that, all you need to do is start. You can’t make an impact sitting still and doing nothing. Every major accomplishment that’s ever been achieved started with a first step. Sometimes it’s hard; other times it’s easy, but no matter what, you have to do it if you want to get anywhere in life.In INTENTIONAL LIVING, John Maxwell will help you take that first step, and the ones that follow on your personal path through a life that matters.

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    • Emotional Intelligence Activity Kit


      Imagine what would happen if you could quickly elevate the EQ score of everyone in your organization. Profitability, retention, and customer satisfaction would soar! Studies prove that emotional intelligence-knowing how to manage emotions, empathize, build relationships, and more-drives performance. But how do you get naturally resistant people to practice new ways of thinking? Trainers, coaches, and organizational development professionals can now break through and trigger lasting EQ improvements. The fifty original activities in The Emotional Intelligence Activity Kit help: Promote introspection * Increase empathy * Improve social skills * Boost personal influence * Inspire purpose * Bring everyone on board * Make learning stick From setup instructions to debriefing questions, these simple exercises are quick to deploy and target key areas that benefit most from EQ training: leadership, project management, customer service, teamwork, sales, and more. Know-it-all bosses, overcompetitive colleagues, or leaders who rarely leave their offices-common EQ problems such as these damage not just camaraderie, but also results. Fix them fast, and create thriving, successful organizations.

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    • Success With People


      An Official Publication of The Napoleon Hill Foundation
      Introduction by Don M. Green, Executive Director, The Napoleon Hill Foundation

      The author will show you that success in life will be determined by your ability to get along with other people.

      By reading Cavett Robert’s book, you can become part of the small, fabulously successful group that is responsible for the overwhelming majority of the positive results in the world today.

      Human Engineering can be defined as the science of knowing how to deal with people.

      Your personal success as well as your financial success is measured by your ability to get along with people. The lesson of human motivation will help you in your determination to meet your goals in life.

      This book will show you the proper steps in managing people and how to make them respond to your wishes. One of the important lessons in life is discovering how to sell yourself to others, and get them to help you in anything you may want to attempt.

      Follow the six principles in Cavett Robert’s book and you can have more money and personal power than you ever dreamed possible.

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    • Problem With Perfect


      Why do we struggle with perfection when we know it’s not possible? The standard is beyond unreasonable, yet our actions suggest otherwise. The problem with perfection is that it paralyzes potential. We were created for a Why do we struggle with perfection when we know it’s not possible? The standard is beyond unreasonable, yet our actions suggest otherwise. The problem with perfection is that it paralyzes potential. We were created for a purpose that is inevitably imperfect. This book introduces readers to “The Path to Purpose,” a six-step process for discovering true meaning in life. Readers will discover a proven step-by-step guide for finding purpose in the face of imperfection. Written for procrastinators, perfectionists, and people who are generally unsatisfied with the trajectory of life, this book gives readers:
      *A personal account of the results of chasing perfection.
      *Practical insight on shifting focus away from perfection to purpose.
      *Actionable steps for finding the courage to pursue passion and purpose.

      Life is too short for perfect, but absolutely essential for purpose!

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    • Business Ethics In Biblical Perspective


      21 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The world of business is fraught with ethical challenges. Some of these are relatively straightforward, but others are complicated and require careful reflection. While there are numerous theories to help people navigate these dilemmas, the goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive biblical perspective on contemporary issues in areas such as consumer behavior, management, accounting and marketing. In Business Ethics in Biblical Perspective, Michael E. Cafferky explores the biblical resources for moral guidance and ethical consideration. He identifies twelve key themes in the narrative of Scripture: cosmic conflict, creation, holiness, covenant relationships, shalom, Sabbath, justice, righteousness, truth, wisdom, loving-kindness and redemption. By looking at ethical approaches and issues through this multifaceted biblical perspective, Cafferky helps readers appreciate the complex nature of ethical decision-making, particularly within the context of business and finance. Designed from the start with the classroom in mind, each chapter of Business Ethics in Biblical Perspective provides example scenarios, questions for intrapersonal and interpersonal ethical reflection, review questions, ethical vignettes for discussion and an exploration of the chapter material in light of the biblical themes. Additional IVP Instructor Resources are also available.

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    • Phenomenal Marketing Systems


      Howard Partridge is recognized as an expert on small business marketing by some of the top business experts in the world. Phenomenal Marketing Systems will not only show you the proven marketing systems that have been proven in Howard’s company as well as small business owners around the world that are using his systems, it reveals the 14 fastest ways to bring cash into an existing small business.

      Here’s what you’ll learn…
      *The Difference between “Marketing” and “Phenomenal” Marketing
      *The Secret to RECORD Sales and Profits (that most small businesses aren’t doing)
      *The Fastest Growth Tool on the Planet (that most small businesses aren’t using)
      *How to Create a Phenomenal Marketing Message (that will attract your perfect prospects)
      *The 7 M’s of Phenomenal Marketing
      *The 14 Proven, Fastest, Simple Strategies to Generate More Cash in Your Small Business

      Get this book today and start making more money and getting better clients today.

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    • Impulse Su Crecimiento – (Spanish)


      John C. Maxwell ayuda a los lectores a maximizar su potencial con esta guia de 90 dias basado en su exito de ventas numero uno del New York Times, Las 15 leyes indispensables del crecimiento. Nombrado por la revista Inc. entre los mas populares como el experto en liderazgo numero uno en el 2014, Maxwell ofrece consejos practicos e inspiracionales diarios para sacar lo mejor de usted, tanto en lo personal como profesionalmente, un dia a la vez. Los lectores pueden participar todos los dias mediante lecciones breves, preguntas estimulantes y citas inspiradoras, con suficiente espacio para registrar el progreso y lo aprendido en el proceso. Inspirador y conveniente, este portatil e interactivo recurso de crecimiento ofrece a los lectores todo lo que necesitan para mejorar el conocimiento de si mismos, ganar la confianza, y llevar vidas mas satisfactorias en solo tres meses.

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    • Through The Fires


      Through the Fires is a triumphant comeback story in life and business. Robert Carr reflects decades of struggle that took him to the brink of financial ruin at age fifty. Carr would later make a fortune in the card payments industry only to lose almost everything in 2009 after one of the most devastating data breaches ever. Carr’s story is a vulnerable and honest depiction of holding on and staying true to the values that in the end became pillars that supported the turbulent times and allowed him to breakthrough more than once to thrive in both business and life. This is a message of hope for aspiring young people just starting out in a career, the seasoned professional, and everything in between. Readers will cheer out loud for the way Carr shapes culture and fosters employee respect, incentive and growth and how that impacts motivation, productivity and, most importantly, loyalty!

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    • RichLife : Ten Investments For True Wealth


      Do you have enough money? Are you taking care of your family? Do you know what to do with the money you have? Are you rich?

      The truth about money might surprise you. The answers to these questions will challenge you. Financial Advisor and Certified Success Coach, Beau Henderson has a fresh new approach to wealth creation and investing. He will tell you things about money that no one else will – what it is, who it serves, and the effect it has on all areas of your life, including health, relationships, and business.

      It doesn’t matter where you are with regards to your finances. You can make the 10 Investments and apply the one Master Principle outlined in this book to raise your financial IQ and get on track towards building a blueprint for true wealth that will leave a legacy for future generations. And … BEST of all … it is NOT as hard or as complicated as everyone else out there would like you to believe!

      Here’s what you’ll learn within the covers of this life-changing book…
      *Wise Stewardship and creating favorable conditions for success.
      *How to master Your Money Map to be in the top 5%.
      *How to live your unique definition of a RichLife.
      *The connection between money and relationships.
      *How to quit repeating the same mistakes once and for all.
      *How to build a portfolio to ensure True Wealth.
      *Thieves that can take you out of the game and steal your RichLife.
      *The #1 Investment for you right now.
      *How to easily uncover your purpose.
      *The connection between money and health.
      *The one discipline that guarantees success.
      *How to increase your energy.
      *The importance of clarity.
      *Giving back and getting more.
      *How to invest in unique experiences.
      *Attaining the priceless asset – Peace of Mind.

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    • How Successful People Win (Large Type)


      #1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell can teach you how to turn any situation into a winning experience. No one wins at everything they try. But any setback, whether professional or personal, can become a step forward with the right tools and mindset to turn loss into a gain. Drawing on nearly 50 years of leadership experience, Maxwell provides a roadmap for winning by examining the eleven elements that constitute the “DNA” of people who succeed in the face of problems, failure, and losses. Learning is not easy during down times. It takes discipline to do the right thing when something goes wrong. As John Maxwell often points out, experience itself isn’t the best teacher; evaluating, understanding, and growing from your experience is. By examining how that process works, you can learn how to take risks and tackle challenges with a successful person’s outlook. Derived from material previous published in Sometime You Win–Sometimes You Learn.

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    • Como Las Personas Exitosas Gan – (Spanish)


      #1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell can teach you how to turn any situation into a winning experience. No one wins at everything they try. But any setback, whether professional or personal, can become a step forward with the right tools and mindset to turn loss into a gain. Drawing on nearly 50 years of leadership experience, Maxwell provides a roadmap for winning by examining the eleven elements that constitute the “DNA” of people who succeed in the face of problems, failure, and losses. Learning is not easy during down times. It takes discipline to do the right thing when something goes wrong. As John Maxwell often points out, experience itself isn’t the best teacher; evaluating, understanding, and growing from your experience is. By examining how that process works, you can learn how to take risks and tackle challenges with a successful person’s outlook. Derived from material previous published in Sometime You Win–Sometimes You Learn.

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    • ABC De La Comunicacion Efectiv – (Spanish)


      El ABC de la comunicacion efectiva: hablada, escrita y escuchada combina las enseanza mas queridas de los tres primeros libros de la serie Habilidades de comunicacion… de Sonia Gonzalez en un solo volumen para un liderazgo mas asertivo y de alto impacto.

      Este libro, ofrece claves practicas para eliminar los bloqueadores comunes de la expresion escrita, hablada y escuchada. Ofrece lecciones para ordenar las ideas y lograr una comunicacion hablada mas asertiva y persuasiva. Con claves sencillas y aplicables ayuda a efectuar un cambio extremo en la comunicacion escrita, y ademas expone la virtud superior de la gente inteligente: el escuchar.

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    • Learning To Succeed


      Frequent market shifts…The rapid pace of technological change…We’re all familiar with the old saying, “the only constant is change,” but this has never been as true for business as it is today–nor have the penalties for companies who fail to learn and adapt been as high. Learning to Succeed insists that an integrated model for corporate education–one that links development programs with strategic goals–is critical to building agile and resilient learning organizations that will survive in our fast-evolving business landscape. Companies need to continually assess where they need to go in relation to where they are now–and use training to bridge the gap. As these new education initiatives are designed to advance concrete corporate goals, participants become active learners. Instead of merely listening to lectures–they work on strategic plans and action projects tied to key objectives. Learning is reinforced and ROI is optimized. For companies ready to embrace what it means to be a learning organization, to welcome the CLO to the C-Suite, to tightly and continuously weave strategy and learning into the fabric of their businesses, the opportunities are limitless. Complete with practical guidelines and illuminating case studies, this pioneering book puts them on the path to long-term success.

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    • Complete 101 Collection


      Now in one paperback volume, John C. Maxwell’s best-selling 101 series of briefcase-sized leadership books that have helped more than one million people become better leaders.

      The Complete 101 Collection includes material that in true Maxwell style helps readers reach their potential at any stage in their career. It can be thought of as a crash course in leadership, a practical tool to sharpen the core fundamentals every professional needs.

      Contents include a 101 on attitude, self-improvement, leadership, relationships, success, teamwork, equipping, and mentoring. Each 101 book is an introduction to a subject, not the “advanced course.”

      This concentrated collection of books helps readers on their way to significant growth in specific areas of their lives.

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    • I Was Busy Now Im Not


      Do you know time is your life?

      When you waste your time, you waste your life.

      Does your time seem to be in short supply?

      Have you had enough of feeling overwhelmed?

      Are you ready to find time for what matters most? If so, this book will help you discover how to:

      * simplify your complicated life,

      * make time for what matters most, and

      * live your big dreams!

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    • Art Of Work


      Jeff Goins, a brilliant new voice counting Seth Godin and Jon Acuff among his fans, explains how to abandon the status quo and live a life that matters with true passion and purpose.

      The path to your life’s work is difficult and risky, even scary, which is why few finish the journey. This is a book about discovering your life’s work, that treasure of immeasurable worth we all long for. It’s about the task you were born to do. As Jeff Goins explains, the search begins with passion but does not end there. Only when our interests connect with the needs of the world do we begin living for a larger purpose. Those who experience this intersection experience something exceptional and enviable. Though it is rare, such a life is attainable by anyone brave enough to try. Through personal experience, compelling case studies, and current research on the mysteries of motivation and talent, Jeff shows readers how to find their vocation and what to expect along the way.

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    • Leadership Handbook : 26 Critical Lessons Every Leader Needs


      New York Times best-selling author and leadership expert John Maxwell offers practical insight into learning how to lead the person who matters most-yourself.

      The path to leadership begins with a question only few of us ask: How do I lead myself? John Maxwell presents twenty-six insights, not just for those who aspire to positions of leadership but also for veteran leaders who aim to build and improve upon the steps that led them to the front of the line. Sound leadership will impact any endeavor, but sound leaders are prepared for risk-and importantly, failure-just as they point the way toward achievement. With application exercises and a “Mentoring Moment” to accompany each chapter, The Leadership Handbook presents a road map for a path many may cross but few choose to follow. “A leader,” counsels Maxwell, “never has to recover from a good start.”

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